
Master class "amulet rag doll grace". Slavic amulet dolls DIY grace doll step by step instructions

The Radosteya doll belongs to the ritual Slavic motanka dolls. This is a talisman that symbolized a joyful greeting, attracted good mood, luck, happiness and positive energy.

In the article:

Radostey doll - history

The history of this doll goes back to ancient times. Our ancestors, the Slavs, worshiped many gods. Therefore, each deity had its own symbol, its own doll, which denoted the connection with this deity. Also, the Slavs made most of the ritual dolls in order to attract good luck, prosperity, and created little helpers for themselves.

It was believed that each doll retains the energy of the person who made it. Therefore, when creating such reels, people put into them as much love, warmth, tenderness as possible, so that all these positive emotions passed on to the whole family or to the person for whom the amulet was made.

The Radostey doll in this case was no exception. She was a symbol of a woman who, with her hands raised, joyfully greets everyone who enters the house. It was believed that this little bereginya attracts people into the house positive energy. At the same time, such a talisman did not allow evil people into the home, negative programs, evil and adversity. Quite often these .

The Radostey doll was an integral part of the life of our ancestors, as well as other common ritual dolls.

It was believed that if there is such a guardian in the house, then misfortunes will bypass you. Often such talismans were passed down through generations. The doll was made by the eldest woman in the family and passed on to the children's families.

The nuances of making a doll

Since Radosteya is a real ritual doll, it must be made according to all the rules. If you violate the basic canons according to which our ancestors made such amulets, then the resulting product will be an ordinary toy, and not a magical bereginya. Therefore, if you decide to start creating Joy, then follow all the established rules.

Prepare in advance all the scraps of fabric from which the doll will be made. It is advisable not to cut the material with scissors, but to tear it with your hands. Our ancestors were sure that the sound of tearing material scared away evil spirits. The reel should not only be uncut, but not split.

If you come across master classes in which a doll's outfit or body parts are sewn to each other, then you know that a keeper prepared in this way will be a simple souvenir. The use of needles is strictly prohibited. When creating a beregin, it is advisable to use only one very long and strong thread.

Almost always, our ancestors focused attention on the fact that knots can only be on the doll’s navel and on her arms. Therefore, refrain from using different short threads and tying them in different places. Under no circumstances should Radostey's eyes, nose or mouth be depicted on her face. Ritual Slavic dolls cannot have a face.

To many modern people I don’t understand this belief. But in fact it is very simple to explain. The Slavs believed that if a ritual symbol has eyes, then through them any evil spirits can inhabit this object. The absence of eyes was a guarantee that evil spirit will not be able to take possession of the doll and harm the residents of the house.

To make motanka, use new material or pieces of old “lucky” clothes of family members. It is prohibited to use clothing that belongs to sick or dead people.

Don’t interrupt your work and don’t leave an unfinished product “for later.”

During this time, put the purest, brightest and warmest feelings into it.

Doll Radosteya - master class


If you decide to make a bereginya with your own hands, then prepare all the necessary attributes in advance:

  • cotton wool or padding polyester;
  • a piece of white cloth 10x10 cm;
  • white stripes for handles 2x8 cm;
  • a piece of fabric for a skirt 12x4 cm;
  • two multi-colored 4x4 chest patches;
  • scarf 3x8;
  • strong red thread;
  • lace, a piece of fabric for an apron, beads, any decorations you like.

Take a prepared large piece of white fabric, place a small piece of cotton wool or padding polyester in the center, gather the fabric so that the filler is in the bag, and wrap it with thread. Turn the product over and form a neck.

The edge of the skirt will be uneven, but under no circumstances should you trim it. If you want the skirt to be shorter, you can carefully tear off the excess pieces of material with your hands. Using the same principle, make two breasts for the future guardian.

2 3

6 7 8

Now take the strips of fabric that were intended for the handles. Place a strip of fabric in front of you and carefully roll a tight tube diagonally. To prevent the handles from falling apart, you can secure them with thread.

You need to assemble the product from the scarf. You need to wrap it around your head and secure it at neck level with a thread. Do not tear off the thread; use it to tie your chest to your body. Using the same thread, attach the arms to the body so that they are raised clearly upward.

Lastly, put a skirt on the doll. You can put an apron on top of it. The last elements are also attached using thread.


1. From one piece square shape we make the head, out of the two we make the chest. Because the doll is protective, then we secure everything with a red thread (iris, for example).

2. We attach the chest to the neck with a red thread in a cross pattern.

3. We put on the doll's lower and upper skirts. Because the doll was given to I.V. Agayeva, I think many people know how we put them on. We take a rectangle of white earth fabric, bend the edge and wrap it to the body in a non-reversible manner. If it’s not clear to anyone, then look at page 12 of my master class on the Nurse (sections 8-11).

4. You don’t have to make skirts. For example, I like her without skirts, then her outfit seems more magnificent and elegant.

5. Take thin branches (preferably birch). We bend one corner of the square inward, then place a twig on top of the square so that approximately half of the twig is on the fabric and half is on the table.

6. Then we begin to bend the edges of the sleeve towards the middle, overlapping the handle stick, until the edges of the sleeve meet. (I put the camera on charge. I’ll try to post a sample in the evening to make it clearer).

7. Secure the edges of the sleeves with thread. We place the arms on the sides of the body and wrap them with thread.

8. We put on a red apron on top, fold the edge of the apron and wrap it in a non-reversible manner.

9. Make horns and put on a red scarf, tying it at the back. The horns are made very easily: we take a long strip of fabric and tie two knots on it so that they end up at the temples of the doll’s head. If suddenly it seems that the knots are too small, then you can tie 1-2 more knots in the same place. After this we tie the strip at the back.

The doll is ready!


Text - from Sweetie, see photo below at the end of the page.

Below is Ganna's text (and photo on the left):

The “Grace” doll was made for Christmas and given as a gift with the words: “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.” Doll for the blues; wishes for prosperity, well-being, satiety and healthy children - this is indicated big breasts. An American maple branch is well suited for such a doll, because... their branch fork is quite symmetrical. I begin to wind the red thread (turn to turn, without gaps) from the fork to the end of the branch and back down to the fork, go to another twig, wind it up again and return down to the fork. I make a head from a square of fabric, tie it into a fork, then attach the breasts, the paneva and the apron inside out. Tie a scarf on your head. This doll is from Valyuni (Saransk, Mordovia).

Rag fatties - game, ritual and amulets.

Fatty Kostromushka

Fatty Kostromushka was called Feminine essence , she is a talisman against loneliness, her task is to restore fertility to a woman, to accept the soul of a child. If a woman did not become pregnant within a year after marriage, they made a doll and put it in a visible place, near the door. Her female relative sewed: sister, godmother, mother or grandmother. When a child appeared in the house, the doll was taken to the women's quarters and hidden.

Herbal egg capsule

This doll is filled with fragrant medicinal herb. You need to crush the doll in your hands, move it, and the herbal spirit will spread throughout the room, which will drive away the spirits of illness. The Pot-Herbalist makes sure that the disease does not enter the house. Warmth emanates from her, like from a caring housewife. She is both a protector from the evil spirits of illness and a kind comforter. It was hung in the house above the baby's cradle. The doll was given to children to play with. It was also placed near the patient’s bed. After 2 years, the grass in the pupa needs to be changed. This is exactly what our ancestors did.

Desire doll

Every girl in the village had such a friend. It shouldn't have been shown to anyone. You used to make a wish, sew a bead on a doll’s dress as a gift, for example, and hold a mirror to her face: “Look how beautiful you are. And for the gift, make my wish come true.” And then you hide your girlfriend in a secluded place for the time being...

Feeder, Cabbage or Pulp

It was made from mother's old things, and without the use of scissors and needles. Why is that? So that the child’s life is not “cut and stabbed.” Before the baby was born, this doll was placed in it to warm the cradle. And after birth, the doll hung over the cradle and protected the baby from damage. When the child grew up, he played with her.
This doll was made by a girl when she gained the desire and strength to get married, continue the family line, and give birth to children. I put it on the window, and the guys knew that they could send matchmakers.
Such a doll was made in different places in Russia. Among the Vepsians living on the Volga, it is called Kormilka, Kapustka, and here in Siberia it is called Rozhanitsa. She carries within herself the image of a mother-nurse. Her big breasts symbolizes the ability to feed everyone.

Vepsian doll

Karelian jerky It is performed similarly to Vepska, but with different handles, otherwise a skirt and apron are called up.

Doll Grace. It looks the same as Vepska, only the handles are made of sticks. “Grace” - the doll’s raised stick hands symbolized a plea for grace, for a happy woman’s lot.

Ukrainian doll Motanka.


Feeder. Lots of breasts - for every day of the week.

Zernushka (Krupenichka)

Simple by appearance The doll is a grain, but made with great love, it has a deep symbolic meaning. It was usually given as a gift for Kolyada, Christmas and sometimes on holidays associated with the harvest. The doll was necessarily filled with grain, preferably wheat or grain of all sorts at the same time, so that the harvest would be rich in all types of grain crops. In Rus' there is porridge for a long time was the main type of food, since grain has a powerful vitality, easily digestible, available for cultivation on the territory of the Slavs. If it is the earth that gives a harvest, it means it will give birth, then the image that gives this harvest is female.

Moscow doll.

Another name for the doll is “Seventh Me” (family). The doll has six children tied to a belt or fastened with a belt. The function of successful motherhood was also in charge of the “Fertility” doll, consisting of several images. Many small “children” were tied to the main doll with a belt. The composition was kept away from prying eyes, hidden in a closet or on a shelf.

Doll Verbnaya (Verbnitsa)

Doll for Snatch (Satiety)

In such dolls, the face was embroidered or drawn with a pencil, and in earlier dolls - with charcoal. They had to attach a braid and weave a ribbon into it if they were sewing a “girl”, and if they were sewing a “woman”, then the hairstyle was really taken apart. They dressed up beautifully, knitted an apron and a belt over the shirt. The girls wore scarves, the women wore a borushka. Game sewing traditional doll“to be scolded” - i.e. in order to boast about it. The tradition of praising dolls existed among Russian girls, who sewed them themselves. The girls sewed the first doll - a “bare-haired girl” at 7-8 years old, the second - a “girl with a braid” - at 9-10 years old, the third - a “young woman” - at 11-12 years old (the doll had a young woman’s clothes, a headdress sewn , 9 types of embroidery were shown on the apron). At the age of 13-14, girls sewed their 4th doll - “an elegant bride”, dressed in wedding clothes and a headdress. The size of the doll was determined by the size of the girl’s palm.

Doll Bell
The bell is a doll of good news.

The birthplace of this doll is Valdai. This is where the Valdai bells came from. The ringing of the bell protected people from the plague and other terrible diseases. The bell rang under the arc at all the festive troikas. The bell is dome-shaped and resembles a sun on top.
The doll has three skirts. Man also has three kingdoms. Copper, silver, gold. And happiness also consists of three parts. If the body feels good, the soul is happy, the spirit is calm, then the person is completely happy.
This doll is cheerful, playful, and brings joy and fun to the house. This is a talisman Have a good mood. By giving a Bell, a person wishes his friend to receive only good news and maintains a joyful and cheerful mood in him


The doll is a reflection of the concept of “slavutnost” (glory, glory). In order to get married, it was necessary to have a large amount of girlish attractiveness and attractiveness, the so-called “fame”. The rituals and fortune-telling of the period of girlhood were precisely aimed at raising the “price” of the girl, her “glory,” and to find out whether the long-awaited wedding would soon take place.
“Slavutnitsa” - ritual doll
This doll was taken out at the wedding and shown to the guests, thereby glorifying the girl’s beauty and skill.
If the doll's hair was made from the bride's hair, and not from fabric or other material, then it was shown for no more than two hours, so as not to harm the bride, because According to legend, hair could absorb negativity.

Twist doll Mom

Do-it-yourself Desire doll. Contest. Create with a spring mood! Easter competition with the book publishing house "Eksmo"! Do you want to remember the Russians? folk traditions? Amazing protective fabric dolls give an unforgettable atmosphere of old Russian life and mysterious beliefs. You can create such a doll with your own hands by repeating the master class from Yulia Morgunovskaya’s book “Russian Protective Dolls.

How to make a Boy ( step-by-step instruction) (not sex). 5 The arms for this doll need to be made a little longer, for her. If we clearly understand why, why and why (in accordance with our ideas), . How to make a grace amulet doll. How to MAKE A SLAVIC AMULET DOLL with your own hands - Duration: 10:52.

Family Encyclopedia! To participate in the competition you need to: - repeat this master class on creating a “Wisher” doll from a book with your own hands; – take a photo of your work and send it here; – creativity and additional ideas of your own are encouraged! Time spending. The competition and acceptance of applications starts on 1. Summing up - 3. 1 photo from each participant takes part in the competition. Applications with photo effects/photomontage will not be accepted.

Doll Zhelannitsa from the publishing house "Eksmo">>. Handicraft workshops, step-by-step manufacturing instructions.

Based on the results of the competition, we will select 3 winners who will receive a set of two books as a gift: Yulia Morgunovskaya “Russian protective dolls. Family Encyclopedia "This amazing book will bring the age-old wisdom and traditions of our ancestors into your home. Simple, naive, but possessing enormous power that has passed through the centuries, protective dolls will certainly settle in your family, protecting the family from harm, attracting grace and prosperity. These dolls are easy and simple to make! Lydia Mudragel "Russian" folk clothing in the images of designer dolls. Encyclopedia of Fashion "With this book you will discover the wonderful world of Russian folk culture, look at all the details of Russian costume on the amazing designer dolls of the best Russian puppeteers, and you can create simple textile dolls in authentic outfits with your own hands, following detailed master classes.

The book also contains life-size patterns and detailed description models of historical clothing of varying levels of complexity - from kokoshnik to caftan and even boots. Delivery of prizes is carried out at the expense of the publisher, both in Russia and in foreign regions. Participate and win! Doll “Wisher”. Master Class. It is believed that this doll makes wishes come true.

You can choose a different base for it; in our example, it is made on the basis of a reel. This doll has a protective cross on her face, lined with colored threads. The desired woman was kept in a secret place, for example, in a chest, and was not shown to anyone. But in exchange for fulfilling her wishes, they tried to pamper her with gifts - ribbons or beads. We propose to make the doll elegant, in lilac yellow shades. The height of the doll is 1.2 cm. For the Zhelanninitsa you will need: a piece of white fabric (1.

Place a lump of cotton wool or padding polyester in the center of the white flap. We form the head and tie it tightly, smoothing out the wrinkles on the face.

We wrap a cross around the face with a purple thread. Then we lay a yellow thread on both sides of the purple one. Next, we pass a purple thread on both sides of the yellow threads. We complete the cross with yellow threads. We put on the sundress using the reverse method. We roll up a tube from a yellow piece of paper, secure its ends with purple thread and attach the resulting hands to the doll.

We secure the structure with a yellow thread, similar to a protective cross. We put on two aprons and two scarves using the reverse method.

Now you can make a wish, the main thing is not to forget about the gifts for their performer! Share with your friends: Submission of works for the competition has closed!

The results are at the bottom of the page. Your dolls: 1. Tatyana. I love to do handicrafts, I try a lot, but Motanki dolls are one of my favorite activities. Alla Tsygankova. 4. Valentina Safonova. Galina. Desire is a new doll for me.

I was happy to make it for myself and my daughter. Kudryashova Elena. On the eve of the Easter holiday, I wanted to make an Easter Wishes doll so that it would fulfill wishes associated with the holiday and cherish the bright memories of the holiday throughout the year! Garkushina Oksana. Nina: This is my Desire. The doll is created to fulfill the most cherished desires of the mistress. Tatyana Khlamova. Let your wishes come true! Tatiana. I decided to do it according to the description, since I had never done it before.

Anna's wisher: 1. Tatiana's wisher: 1. Svetlana Kopytina. In exchange for the fulfillment of my cherished desires, I decided to appease my doll with satin ribbons, flowers, beads and a new teapot. Let my beauty treat herself to freshly brewed aromatic mint tea. I hope that she will like my gifts, she will be satisfied and fulfill all my desires. The height of the doll is 1.5 cm.

Ulyana Matsola. 2. Margarita Butorina. Khryapkina Irina Vitalievna. I do handicrafts with children at the Rural Palace of Culture. These are the Desire dolls we got. We don’t have such a book, we made it using MK from the Internet. Protective cross on the chest.

Batueva Anastasia. I liked making the doll. On the same day, snowdrops appeared. I hope I will have a lot of dolls. Like flowers! 2. 4. Alexandra Tsapenko. And I decided to make a Zhelannitsa doll from yarn.

Galina Egorova. For the work I needed the following materials: A stick from a branch 1 long. Cotton fabric for wrapping the stick - the body of the doll. Medical cotton wool for the future head.

White cotton fabric - for wrapping the head. Colored cotton fabric is bright for a skirt. Red cotton threads, scissors. Multi-colored narrow satin ribbons - for decoration. Fabric in 3 colors for an apron.

Wool for felting, from which a braid was woven. Decorative decorations. Elena Vasilievna Sedelnikova. This is a doll my daughter and I shared. I once gave my daughter a book on protective dolls, and since then she has asked me to start making them.

My daughter is 8 years old, we started with simple ones, this is the first such large and complex doll. And they also made a wish. Thank you for the competition, we wouldn’t have decided to do something this big soon.

Lyubov Kiseleva. The doll was made in accordance with the proposed master class from the book. Natalya Shcheblykina. “Sunny Desire.” To make my doll, I used fabrics in the colors of the sun - yellow and red.

On the apron I embroidered “kolovrat” - a symbol of the movement of the sun, so that wishes come true throughout the year. The sleeves were also decorated with embroidery.

In addition to ribbons and beads, I gave my doll a copper key so that she could easily find solutions to fulfill her wishes. Creating protective dolls is very exciting and creative process. I wish everyone fulfillment of their cherished desires! Smarygina Natalya.

The work was completed by a student of the creative association “Fantasy”. Tatiana Klimova. Results of the competition. So many good work in this competition, therefore the organizer - the book publishing house "Eksmo" chose not three, but five best: Kudryashova Elena (6) Garkushina Oksana (7) Nina (9) Tatyana (1. Natalya Shcheblykina (2. Congratulations to the winners! We thank all participants! Let your dolls fulfill their most cherished and bright desires!

If you like to crochet, check it out. master classes with patterns for knitting dolls using the amigurumi technique. A new competition from the Eksmo publishing house - “Crafts from jeans”. We are waiting for your work :) If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.

Slavic amulet doll Grace.

The “Grace” doll was made and given as a gift with the words: “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.” Doll for the blues; a wish for prosperity, well-being, satiety and healthy children - this is indicated by large breasts. This doll is made for well-being and people ask it for as many benefits as they need. “The Giver of Good” never gives up on doing good deeds; she helps us understand what is good for us and see it for ourselves in a changing world.

The “Grace” doll is traditionally created on the day of the Annunciation (April 7), so that prosperity and abundance will enter the home along with the good news. This doll has twig-like arms raised up. This is a symbol of the fact that for well-being it is necessary to be ready for the flow of abundance, to be a BLESS-giver, which a woman is by nature. This is a symbol of openness to heaven, God and the world around us.
By creating this doll, we will be able to realize the obstacles and limitations that in our subconscious do not allow the flow of ABUNDANCE into our lives. Let us understand what qualities of our souls bring GRACE to loved ones.

Creating your own space of well-being and wealth is a subtle, intimate and individual process, it is beyond any technology and algorithms, it is difficult to describe and diagnose. He is experience, mental movement and inner exploration. Grace is a doll that will help us understand the harmonious structure of the world and ourselves, thereby creating a special creative state of “grace” around our lives.

The protective doll Grace is made on a horned branch - a symbol of the World Tree. Anyone who has practiced Yoga will immediately remember this exercise, when outstretched arms should be held up with palms facing the sun; this exercise, in my opinion, is called “Worship of the Sun.” It is interesting because while it is being done, a person’s time is spinning in the opposite direction. Did 10 minutes, became 10 minutes younger. The exercise, I’ll tell you right away, is not easy! :-))))))

Master Class

An American maple branch is well suited for such a doll, because... their branch fork is quite symmetrical.

I begin to wind the red thread (turn to turn, without gaps) from the fork to the end of the branch and back down to the fork, go to another twig, wind it up again and return down to the fork.

I make a head from a square of fabric, tie it into a fork, then attach the breasts, the paneva and the apron inside out.

Tie a scarf on your head. This doll is from Valyuni (Saransk, Mordovia).