
Egg white masks for acne. Egg white face mask: recipes for wrinkles, acne, whitening, cleansing. Egg white and its features

Home cosmetology is becoming more and more firmly established in the lives of our women. Availability of products, ease of use and effectiveness (with regular use). One of the most beneficial ingredients used in most masks is egg. An ancient component that has been helping women find beauty for centuries. The white, yolk and shell are used successfully. Today we will talk about protein.

Miracles of protein mass

Having a delicate, light consistency, the protein is able to penetrate into the deepest epidermal tissues and literally revive cell functions. An egg white face mask will show its results immediately after the first procedure. This unique gift nature is ideal for:

  • Oily skin. Protein will perfectly narrow pores, cleanse them, and rid your face of blackheads (it will help for a stronger effect). It will eliminate excess shine and pigmentation, restore lipid metabolism and dry out the epidermis.
  • Problematic dermis. Good remedy to combat acne, its consequences (post-acne), inflammation and redness. Eliminates excess fat and moisture deposits.

A face mask made from egg white will require only 10-15 minutes of time in exchange for youth, purity and splendor of the skin. This is exactly how much protein mass should affect the skin. According to leading cosmetologists, a course of protein products consists of 10 procedures. After which the dermis needs a break (3-4 weeks) to rehabilitate the renewed sebaceous glands.

Every problem has its own solution

Protein masks are strictly contraindicated for dry skin! The protein substance effectively tightens the epidermis and works to remove excess fat. This is absolutely not necessary for a parched face. In other cases, the regularity of protein care depends on the problems of the epidermis:

  1. excessive oiliness and shine: twice weekly;
  2. excessive activity of the sebaceous glands: once a week (applied only to problem areas: chin, forehead and nasolabial area);
  3. presence of acne, pimples, inflammation: every 3-4 days;
  4. age-related changes, small wrinkles, loss of elasticity: once every 7 days;
  5. if pigmented areas or abundant freckles appear: once every 7-10 days.

When you perform the procedure, do not apply the mixture to the delicate areas around the eyes (you can injure the skin by excessive tightening). After application, the face mask with protein dries and turns into a crust. When removing it, be very careful. The protein mass must be removed warm or mineral water gentle movements. Or carefully rolling the dried film off your face.

The best of folk recipes

When making protein mass, the protein is whipped into a stiff foam, after adding the remaining ingredients, the mass is whipped again (lumps make it difficult to spread the mixture). A blender is suitable for these purposes.

With fruits and berries

A fruit and berry protein mask for the face with the addition of freshly squeezed juices perfectly removes the oiliness of the dermis, while significantly brightening it. When adding pulp from berries and fruits, the protein product completely saturates the epidermis with vitamins (this is especially important during the period of vitamin deficiency).

  • From juice. Mix the protein foam with lemon juice (5 ml). Instead of lemon, you can take juice from sour apples, red currants or grapes (16 ml).
  • From pulp. Add sweet fruit or berry puree (17 grams) to the whipped egg whites. You can take strawberries, raspberries or strawberries.

With honey

A face mask made from egg whites and honey will relieve you of acne, comedones and enlarged pores. This is an excellent tonic that softens and heals the dermis.

  • Oatmeal. We make a mixture of protein foam, liquid honey (24 g), olive oil (5 ml) and ground oatmeal. Add the flakes until the mixture thickens.
  • With tocopherol. Carefully add melted honey (10 g), an oil solution of vitamin E (5 drops) and lemon juice (6 drops) into the whipped egg whites.

The honey-protein mask is contraindicated if you are allergic to honey, rosacea (we recommend reading the article about) and the presence diabetes mellitus.

With starch

A face mask made of protein and starch is aimed at rejuvenating the epidermis. Starch effectively supplies epidermal cells with oxygen and restores blood circulation. In combination with protein, it improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps against wrinkles and restores lost elasticity.

  • Oily. One of the most effective remedies is a face mask made from protein, tea tree oil and starch. It is prepared from a mixture of potato starch (15 g), tea tree oil (5 drops) and protein foam.
  • Deep cleansing . Crush activated carbon (5 tablets) and mix it with protein foam. Apply to the face, especially carefully to areas of contaminated pores. As it were, “drive” the mass into these zones. After drying, the mask can be easily removed from the skin along with the contents of dirty pores.

Universal option

  • Combination skin . For mixed epidermis kind of suitable face mask made from egg white and yolk. Mix a raw egg, melted honey (6 ml), mayonnaise (10 g) and fruit pulp from kiwi, peach or cherry (18 ml).
  • Protein dough. This product is aimed at improving the health of oily, problematic epidermis. Stir cereal flour into the protein foam (you can use wheat, oatmeal or rice). Flour is added until the mass thickens.

Homemade cosmetic products often contain chicken eggs. Hair and face care products are prepared on their basis. To prepare an egg composition for the care of the epidermis, the whole egg, or the yolk or white, can be used, depending on the skin type.

What are the benefits of eggs?

In order to achieve maximum effectiveness from the procedure, you need to know that yolk and white act on facial skin differently. Egg white gets rid of acne, dries it out, tightens pores, and eliminates unpleasant greasy shine. The effect of the yolk is the opposite - it moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis, therefore it is suitable for dry skin.

Egg white has a positive effect on facial skin, as it contains a large number of amino acids and B vitamins.

In addition, he:

  • Tightens the epidermis, smoothing out facial and age wrinkles;
  • Has disinfecting properties, cleanses the face from irritation and redness;
  • When added citrus juice is a good bleaching agent.

Indications for the use of protein masks:

  • Increased oiliness of the skin;
  • Problematic facial skin with inflammation, pimples, acne;
  • Availability age spots, marks after removal of acne, freckles;
  • Age-related changes, wrinkles;
  • The need for cleansing and additional nutrition for combination skin types.

Beneficial properties of chicken yolk for the face

Yolk is often the main ingredient in facial products. This is due to its rich composition. It contains macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins B, A, E, D, which have a positive effect on facial skin.

There are other healing qualities:

  • Moisturizes the skin;
  • Has a calming and antioxidant effect;
  • Promotes the penetration of vitamins and nutrients to the inner layers of the dermis;
  • Contains phospholipids that renew damaged cells;
  • With regular use, it increases the tone of the skin;
  • Restores the protective properties of the epidermis;
  • Improves the general condition of the dermis, returns natural color and shine.

Indications for the use of masks with yolk:

  • Very dry skin, especially flaky skin;
  • Fading and flabby dermis;
  • Cracks on the face;
  • Loss natural color faces as a result of age-related changes.

How to use egg masks correctly?

In order to get the maximum effect from the procedure at home, it is not enough to know about the benefits of the main component.

Proper preparation of the face is an important step, therefore, before applying the cosmetic mixture, you need to cleanse the skin of dust and sebum. Also, cleansed skin should be steamed before the procedure. To do this, you can make a steam bath or a hot compress.

Apply the composition with light movements along the massage lines.

To make the protein mixture easier to apply, it is recommended to beat the main ingredient a little.

Hold remedy should not last more than 18-20 minutes. When applying, you should leave the eyelids and the area around them free. When washing off the product, do not use hot water, as the protein may coagulate. Therefore, it is advisable to wash your face with warm water and then rinse your face with cool water.

To prepare the mask, you can use not only chicken eggs, but also quail eggs. They contain the same nutrients, only in larger quantities.

In order to egg mask against acne for the face was effective, it should be prepared immediately before use. During the procedure, the facial muscles should be relaxed. It is advisable to make masks in the afternoon, a few hours before bedtime. After the procedure, the facial skin should rest, so you should not apply it for several hours. decorative cosmetics or use cream. An egg mask is made no more than once every 3 days.

Recipe No. 1 for oily skin

Anti acne

A protein mask with blue clay helps to get rid of acne. To do this, you need to dilute 15 grams of the mineral in chamomile decoction to form a thick mixture. In a separate bowl, beat the egg white until foamy, then combine all the ingredients. It is convenient to apply this composition with a cosmetic spatula.

The clay included in the composition cleanses and disinfects the skin, and chamomile decoction has an antiseptic effect. With regular use of this procedure, you can get rid of inflammatory processes and acne for a long time.

Cleansing mask

Those with oily dermis often face problems with rashes on their face, as the pores become clogged. sebum. The skin does not breathe well, which leads to acne.

In order to dry out the epidermis a little, you can use an anti-acne mask made from egg whites and oatmeal. Grind a small amount of oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Mix 10 grams of the resulting flour with whipped egg white, grease your face with the prepared mixture.

Recipe No. 2 for dry skin

For acne

Acne is a rather unpleasant phenomenon. To get rid of them, you can use egg yolk V pure form. To do this, cut a napkin or paper towel into small pieces. Beat the egg white into a foam, apply it to problem areas, and place the paper blanks on top in one layer. After a few minutes, make several more layers of egg white and paper. The result should be 5-6 layers.

After the paper “sticker” has dried and hardened, you need to remove it from your face with sharp movements. It is worth noting that this moment is not the most pleasant, but the result of such a procedure is immediately visible.

For acne

To get rid of inflammatory processes and acne on the face, you can use honey mask, which has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.

To prepare it you need 15 grams of natural melted honey, 3-4 drops of fresh lemon juice, beaten egg yolk. After mixing, you can use the composition.

Recipe No. 3 for all skin types

Green clay tones the skin, stabilizes the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and cleanses the skin. When combined with protein, you get a medicinal product that can quickly get rid of acne.

Egg white has drying and tightening properties. The product reduces pores, degreases and cleanses the skin. A protein face mask is an excellent remedy for women suffering from increased activity of the sebaceous glands, acne and pimples.

A protein mask cleanses the skin and tightens pores.

Purifying and mattifying mask

Oatmeal - not only useful product for digestion, but also valuable cosmetic product For oily skin. The flakes deeply cleanse clogged pores and, in combination with protein, produce an effect comparable to cosmetic procedures.


· a tablespoon of oatmeal;

· egg white.

How to prepare a mask?

1. Grind the flakes using a blender or coffee grinder.

2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, gradually adding oatmeal.

3. Apply the composition to the face.

4. After drying the mask, apply another layer (repeat two or three times).

5. Leave for half an hour.

Chopped oatmeal acts as a scrub, so it is better to wash off the mixture in a circular motion, delicately cleansing the skin and removing dead cells.

Brightening egg white mask

Uneven complexion, post-acne marks and blackheads are lightened after the first procedure. With regular use of the recipe (two to three times a week), the defects become less noticeable.

To prepare the mask you will need:

· egg white;

· a teaspoon of sugar and honey.

What to do?

1. Squeeze out a tablespoon lemon juice.

2. Beat the egg whites until stiff foam (like for a meringue cake, for example).

3. Lightly heat the honey, add sugar and lemon juice.

4. Gently fold the whipped egg white into the mixture.

5. Apply the mask to previously cleansed skin.

6. Wash off the mixture after 20 minutes, apply a moisturizer for oily skin to your face.

Lemon, which is part of this mask, has a pronounced brightening effect, but often causes irritation. If you have individual sensitivity, you can replace the product with fresh cucumber, which is less likely to provoke allergies and is also endowed with whitening properties.

Protein mask for acne

Cosmetic clay has powerful anti-inflammatory and drying properties. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, mattifies, cleanses and smoothes skin. Tandem of two effective products– protein and clay form an excellent mask against acne and pimples.

· a tablespoon of dry clay;

· 10 g bodyagi (in powder form).

How to use?

1. Mix clay and bodyaga, add egg white (unwhipped).

2. Mix the products thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained (you can use a mixer).

3. Apply the composition to the face with whisking movements, leave for 5-10 minutes. The exposure time depends on the sensations: if there is strong tingling and burning of the skin, the mask will have to be washed off (this reaction is provoked by the bodyaga).

4. The mixture should not dry out, so if necessary, you should spray your face with water.

5. Rinse off the composition and apply your usual cream.

After the procedure, it is better not to plan important events: the skin will turn red and may remain this color for 24 hours. During this time, inflammation will decrease and dry out, and post-acne marks will lighten.

Important: this mask is contraindicated for women with thin, sensitive and dry skin - the body irritates the face and can lead to burns.

Every lady is especially meticulous about her facial skin, trying to ensure that the tone is even, there is a vibrant shine and there are no pimples and blackheads. A woman tries to make every effort to look young and beautiful. In order for facial skin to meet these requirements, regular care is necessary, including nutrients and vitamin complexes contained in useful masks. The most famous and accessible ingredient is a simple chicken egg. This is a universal product that can be used both raw and cooked. An egg face mask can work wonders on your skin; tangible results are visible after just a few uses.

Pros and cons of masks based on chicken eggs

Before performing this or that mask, it is worth considering the pros and cons of using an egg-based product. The mask has a different effect on each face type.

  1. For oily skin types. Obvious strong shine, the presence of blackheads, pimples. For this type, a mask prepared with protein is suitable.
  2. For normal skin type. Using egg mask recipes with the addition of various components. This component has no special contraindications, only if it is incompatible with other ingredients present in the recipe.
  3. For dry skin types. If the face has a fading appearance, becomes tight, and peels off in some areas, then a mask with yolk will do.
  4. For signs of skin aging. To cope with the appearance of facial wrinkles, as well as to give your face its former freshness, you can prepare tightening masks at home from all the components included in the egg (white and yolk).

Despite all beneficial features eggs, in some situations it is not recommended to use such masks.

  • for fresh scars and wounds;
  • the skin is inflamed and there is redness in places;
  • with vasodilation;
  • when the face seems swollen;
  • if there is an abundance of hair on the face;

Therefore, you should be careful and, despite all the beneficial properties, when applying the product to injured skin, the mask will lead to problems and negatively affect your health.

Healthy recipes for egg-based masks

Fruit and egg

This egg face mask has a multi-ingredient composition, please do a compatibility test before using it. To do this, apply the prepared mixture to your wrist and rinse after 15 minutes. If the skin remains the same and no allergic reaction appears, then feel free to proceed with the procedure on the face. To prepare the mask you will need:

  • liquid honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • egg;
  • sour cream – 1 teaspoon;
  • watermelon;
  • grape;
  • gooseberry;
  • cherries;
  • cherry;
  • kiwi;
  • peach;
  • apple;
  • oat flour.

Honey, sour cream and eggs are mixed in one bowl, and a fruit mixture is prepared in another. You will need a berry or a small slice of fruit. The fruit is pureed and one tablespoon of this mixture is added to the first bowl. At the end, oatmeal is added until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

With gelatin

This homemade mask is suitable for normal face types; it perfectly cleanses pores and nourishes the skin at the cellular level. After using the product, you feel relief, the skin breathes and glows with health. Gelatin is diluted with warm water in proportions 1:8. Mix the gelatin well with water, then add the yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil. Before using the mask, hold your face over a hot potato, thereby steaming and opening the pores. After applying the mask, leave it on the skin for half an hour; it is more convenient to remove the product with cotton pads moistened with warm water.

Classic recipe

Mask composition:

  • olive oil– 1 teaspoon;
  • egg;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 2 teaspoons.

Beat the ingredients with a blender or mixer. Keep the mask on for no longer than 15 minutes, then rinse off.

With egg yolk

Beat the yolk with a fork and cover your face evenly with a brush or cotton pad. Leave the mask on the skin for 30 minutes, then wash off.


This tightening mask is very nourishing and rich in vitamins. Suitable for dry and problem skin. For preparation you will need one teaspoon of honey and one yolk. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water. This firming product not only nourishes the skin, but also helps smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.


The yolk is an excellent component that is diluted with fruit or vegetable purees. You can add to this mask:

  • persimmon;
  • melon;
  • banana;
  • avocado;
  • apricot;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • cabbage

To make a mask, select one vegetable or fruit, make a homogeneous mass and mix with the yolk. Apply the product to your face with a cotton pad for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.

With the addition of cognac

This mixture increases blood circulation, the skin becomes smooth and beautiful. Take the egg white and beat it well until foamy. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of cognac and cucumber juice - 4 teaspoons. Before applying, cleanse the skin of cosmetics. Keep the tightening mask on your face until completely absorbed, then rinse off.

Protein for oily skin

Foam made from two egg whites is, according to reviews, effective remedy against oily skin. The product is applied to the face and left until completely dry, then washed off.


A product made from egg whites with the addition of honey will help neutralize emerging acne, as well as cleanse pores of dirt and blackheads.

  1. Prepare foam from protein, add honey - 24 g, olive oil - 5 ml, oatmeal - 10 g, vitamin E - 5 drops. Mix all ingredients well until smooth.
  2. Add whipped egg white to liquid honey – 10 g, vitamin E – 5 ml and lemon juice – 6 ml.

Contraindications: if you are allergic to honey, you should not use it if you have rosacea or diabetes.

Protein and starch

A cosmetic product prepared at home using these ingredients cleanses the skin and clogged pores, freeing them from dirt and blackheads. Starch, together with protein, helps smooth out fine wrinkles and also improves blood circulation. After use, the skin becomes clean and elastic.

  1. With the addition of tea tree oil. To prepare a nourishing facial product you will need 5 g of starch (potato), oil - 5 mg, protein foam.
  2. An excellent cleanser. Of five tablets of black activated carbon We prepare the powder, which we mix with protein foam. Apply the resulting product to problem areas (blackheads) and rub in slowly. After drying, the mask is easily removed along with the dirt that clogs the pores. After the procedure, the skin is saturated with oxygen, becomes clean and elastic, the sebaceous glands stabilize their work.

An egg face mask should not be used if the skin has damaged areas, wounds, inflamed acne or herpes.

Protein and flour - a remedy for acne

This mask will help heal and dry aggravated and inflamed skin areas and pimples. You can use either plain flour or oatmeal, rye, or simple starch. You need to add a tablespoon of flour or starch to the protein foam. Mix the product well, the result should be a paste. When applying the mixture to the face, avoid the eye sockets. The mask is kept on the face for 10–15 minutes, after which it is washed off.

Aloe juice and protein

An effective acne remedy has the following composition:

  • protein foam;
  • aloe juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • salicylic alcohol - half a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

Mix the ingredients well and apply a thin, even layer to the skin. As soon as the mask dries, apply another layer and leave it on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Eggs are often used not for their intended purpose - but as an excellent beauty product. In particular, egg white is used as a nutritional component that works real miracles for the skin, of course, subject to certain rules of application. Many cosmetic companies are beginning to actively use this ingredient, creating cosmetic creams and lotions.

Protein mask for acne

In order to get rid of unwanted pimples on your face, you can use protein masks. Due to its drying effect, this ingredient does an excellent job of reducing subcutaneous fat and narrowing pores. In addition, egg whites do an excellent job of destroying various infections and relieving inflammatory effects.

To prepare a truly effective face mask that will rid your skin of pimples:

  1. First you need to break the egg and carefully separate the yolk from the white;
  2. Then the protein must be thoroughly beaten until foam forms;
  3. The next step is to add a few drops of fresh lemon juice or one teaspoon of fresh, uncandied honey to the protein, which are also great for fighting acne.

Before applying the resulting mass to your face, you should thoroughly cleanse your face of all impurities using your usual cleanser. Next, use gentle massage movements to apply the resulting mass to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

This mask must be kept on your facial skin for twenty minutes in order to useful components managed to penetrate into the pores in sufficient quantities. It is necessary to wash off the mask after the skin on the face has become tense and stiff. You need to wash off the mask without using any products, and then let the skin dry naturally.

In addition, you should also eat a small amount of boiled egg white so that it begins to affect the condition of the skin not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Thus, you can make your skin not only beautiful, but also completely healthy.

Egg whites have such an effect on the condition of the skin due to the high content of various vitamins in them. For example, thanks to vitamin B2, which is found in protein in huge quantities, acne stops appearing on the skin. In addition, it contains vitamin B3, which also increases blood flow throughout the body. Egg whites are also rich in zinc, which promotes wound healing and strengthens the human immune system.

Egg white for dry face

Many owners of dry skin face a constant feeling of dryness on their face, which cannot be called pleasant. In order to get rid of this, many of them begin to regularly use egg white as a mask.

To prepare this mask, you will need:

  • one protein;
  • one teaspoon of any oil (olive, flaxseed, vegetable);
  • a little bit of any berry juice.

Before applying this mask to your skin, you must wash your face thoroughly using your usual skin product. The mask is applied to the skin with gentle tapping movements, as if rubbing it into the skin. It must be kept on the skin for half an hour so that all the ingredients have time to be thoroughly absorbed into the skin of the face. At the end of this time, there is no need to wash off the mask; you just need to remove the residue using a towel or paper napkin.

You can use the second recipe for a protein face mask, which will relieve your skin from feeling dry.

To create it you will need:

  • 5 grams boric acid, which can be easily found at the pharmacy;
  • two full teaspoons of cream;
  • gram of crushed alum;
  • one protein.

In order to prepare this mask, you need to thoroughly mix all the components that need to be applied with massage movements to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The entire mask must be kept in this state for about fifteen minutes. After the specified time has passed, you can wash it off with plain warm water, without using any products.

This mask is very useful for all people whose skin is prone not only to dryness, but also to the constant appearance of wrinkles.

Egg white masks to get rid of wrinkles

Masks made from egg whites can be used regularly as an excellent lifting product. Moreover, every housewife always has this product in the refrigerator, which means you won’t have any problems finding the ingredient.

In order to prepare such a mask, you will need to take one egg and carefully separate the white from the yolk. The protein will need to be mixed thoroughly and then applied to facial skin that has been cleansed with a special product. This mask must be kept on your face for fifteen minutes, trying not to smile or talk during this entire time. Gradually, you will have a stronger feeling that your skin is starting to tighten. After the specified time has elapsed, the remaining protein must be washed off the face using plain warm water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Express mask

You can also use egg white, in order to create an express mask that will almost instantly tighten your facial skin. You may need such a mask if you have unexpected guests and you want to get yourself in order, but there is absolutely no time for it. Thanks to its use, the complexion is instantly evened out, and the skin itself becomes more toned and beautiful.

In order to prepare such a mask, you will need to beat one egg white, add to it three teaspoons of kefir, one spoon of potato starch, and also some thoroughly ground oatmeal. When adding the last ingredient, you should make sure that the mass is not too thick and at the same time, not very liquid. By adding and adding oatmeal, you can easily adjust the thickness of the mass.

This mask must be applied to the skin for fifteen minutes, then carefully rinsed off with regular warm water.

Protein with supplements

In order to not only tighten your facial skin, but also refresh it, you can add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to regular protein. As the mask dries, it is necessary to apply several more layers. When twenty minutes have passed, the mask can be washed off with plain warm water.

In order to rid your skin of various age spots, you can add half a chopped cucumber to the protein mask. The resulting mass must be applied to the skin of the face and left for twenty minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the remaining mass with warm water.

To add a cleansing effect to the tightening effect, you can add a couple of teaspoons of sugar to the egg white.

Such a mask should be divided into three equal parts, one of which should be applied to the skin and wait until it dries, and then the rest of the mass should be rubbed into the skin with patting movements, performing a kind of massage. This massage must be done until you feel that your hands no longer stick to the skin.

The mask must be washed off with lukewarm water.