
Makeup for deep-set eyes: step-by-step instructions, photos, videos, selection of eye shadow shades. How to do makeup for sunken eyes? What kind of makeup is needed for deep-set eyes?

Many women have deep-set eyes. It’s easy to disguise such a flaw in appearance; it’s enough to do makeup correctly. Thanks to the proper application of cosmetics, you can visually widen your eyes, make them expressive, and give an openness to your gaze. Makeup for deep-set eyes involves the use of light shadows, and it is best to use pearlescent ones. The shape of the eyebrows and other features are also important.

Secrets of choosing and applying shadows

To do makeup correctly, you should choose shadows of 3-4 shades that combine well with each other. At the same time, dark solutions - black, charcoal or blue - are contraindicated.

In this case, it is important to adhere to the rule of three tones. It consists in the fact that one shade should be light, the second should have medium saturation, and the third should have maximum saturation. To choose a color scheme, you should take into account the color type of your own appearance. The purpose of the makeup is of no small importance - whether it is evening or everyday.

So, in order to highlight your eyes, you should follow these steps:

  1. Cover the entire eyelid with the base product. In this case, it is recommended to move from the bottom up and from the corner in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose towards the outer part.
  2. Also carefully coat the inside and folds with the base product. An even lighter tone would be suitable for this purpose. Pearlescent shadows are an excellent option, especially if the skin is in good condition. If there are wrinkles or other imperfections, it is still better to use matte textures.
  3. The moving area of ​​the eyelid from the middle towards the outer edge is treated with shadows of a rich shade. In this case, all transitions should be well shaded. This will allow you to get a more natural result.
  4. Highlight the outer area with shadows of the most saturated color. This product can also be used to accentuate the lash line. They should also highlight the lower eyelid.

Makeup for deep-set eyes - video

Secrets of applying eyeliner and mascara

To make your eyes more expressive, you need to carefully make a thin line near the very roots of the eyelashes. It should be directed from the inside of the eye to the outside, rising slightly towards the eyebrows.

To determine the sequence of applying cosmetics, you should remember the purpose of makeup:

Finally, it is recommended to apply mascara to your eyelashes. For those with deep-set eyes, it is better to use a thick product that has a creamy texture and helps add volume. This will make your eyelashes appear thicker and your eyes open.

As for the color scheme, the mascara should have a dark shade - black or brown. Colored options in this situation will look out of place.

To make makeup for eyes with drooping eyelids, you should not use shadows. Makeup artists advise carefully applying the contour using eyeliner or pencil. In such a situation, gray or brown options are perfect.

Features of eyebrow makeup

When implementing any make-up option, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows. This is especially important for deep-set eyes. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right eyebrow shape and provide them with quality care.

The choice of shades depending on the color type of appearance

Of course, the choice of colors is of particular importance for achieving harmonious makeup. Conventionally, all girls can be divided into several types: autumn, winter, spring, summer. However, in reality there are much more of these species, because there are also mixed varieties. In any case, there are key rules that must be followed when choosing shades:

Spectacular types of makeup

Whatever type of makeup you choose, before you begin, you must wash your face and degrease your skin. This will ensure the most even application of cosmetics. To make a beautiful daytime makeup, you should follow these steps:

If you want, you can bring the line all the way to the bridge of your nose. In this case, you will get a rich oriental makeup. This technique of applying cosmetics is great for round and slanted eyes. If you apply brightly colored eyeshadow, you can get a rich evening look.

For those with narrow, deep-set eyes, Chicago-style makeup will suit you. To do this, it is recommended to do the following:

If you do the makeup entirely in light colors, you will be able to get a wedding or holiday composition.

Another spectacular and simple makeup look that is easy to implement on your own is nude. In this case, a minimum number of shades is used. Most often, makeup artists use only beige and brown tones, which resemble skin tones without makeup. The technology for performing such makeup step by step:

This type of makeup is great for an everyday look. You can also use it to create a delicate wedding composition. However, in this case it is still recommended to use glitter and pearlescent shadows.

Common Mistakes

Owners of deep-set eyes often make various mistakes that only aggravate this feature of their appearance. Common mistakes when doing makeup include the following.

Using a standard set of decorative cosmetics, you can easily correct some of the shortcomings of natural beauty. We offer you to consider how to do makeup for deep-set eyes, tips from world-famous stylists and makeup artists, and examples of makeup.

Possible mistakes

Many pop and theater stars have small or deep-set eyes - Keira Knightley, Kate Moss, Cate Blanche and others. But we don’t notice this; moreover, these women are the standard of beauty. All thanks to the skillful hands of stylists. What mistakes should not be made?:

  1. The line of the eyebrows is very important; the lower they are, the more noticeable the imperfections will be. You should also not get carried away with the shape of the “house”, otherwise you may end up looking like a chronically surprised girl. We recommend emphasizing the arch of the eyebrow with base shadows, which are applied first to the eyelids;
  2. The darkened eyelid pattern does not work for this eye shape. Dark shadows will only visually “press” them into the face even more;
  3. Do not darken the moving fold;
  4. The eyeliner should be as thin and natural as possible, right at the lash line, only then can you achieve the effect of a “fresh look”.

Video: makeup for girls with deep-set eyes

Basic technique

Photo - Deep-set eyes

First, let's look at the basic principles of applying shadows. For small and large eyes they are the same, but if you combine colors well so that they do not just complement each other, but play into your hands, you can achieve stunning success.

Step-by-step makeup:

This makeup is also suitable for close-spaced, deep-set eyes, but in this case you need to focus on the inner corner of the eye. Shade it with light colors, perhaps even pearlescent (if the color type allows).

Photo - The principle of applying shadows

3 types of makeup

Eyeliner is a universal technique that can be applied to all types of eyes. The technology is a little similar to coloring almond-shaped eyes with an overhanging eyelid. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your face and degrease your skin, otherwise the shadows will fall unevenly. Let's take a closer look, how to do beautiful daytime makeup:

  1. Apply moisturizer and foundation, shade, then sprinkle with powder, this will subsequently visually increase the volume of the eyelashes;
  2. Close your eye and stretch the upper eyelid; if you do not have experience with eyeliner, you can use a pencil or the Japanese “arrows with a spoon” technique;
  3. We paint the upper line of eyelashes with a thin line, it needs to be brought from corner to corner, shade it if necessary;
  4. Apply mascara, especially the corner towards the bridge of your nose.

If you wish, you can bring the arrow to the very bridge of the nose and then you will get oriental eye makeup. This technique is suitable for round and angled cuts. If desired, you can use bright shadows in the Arabic style, then light daytime makeup will turn into evening makeup.

On narrow eyes with a deep set, the so-called makeup-chicago. This is a symbiosis of “bird” and “banana”.

Photo – Makeup Chicago
  1. Apply light powder to the eyelids, perhaps even lighter than your skin tone;
  2. Now, over the entire eye area (this is the upper and lower eyelid, half of the bridge of the nose to the eye, the area under the eyebrows) we apply basic shadows;
  3. Visually imagine a loop that covers the upper eyelid, right down to the line of the bridge of the nose. This loop begins at the outer corner and is drawn above the moving line of the eyelids. Here you need to use dark shadows that will highlight the beauty of the eyes;
  4. We paint the inner corner, leaving the outer one a little freer, this can be seen schematically in the photo. The whole secret lies in how to shade the shadows;
  5. Then apply black mascara to the eyelashes.

If you do makeup in light colors, you will get a great holiday or wedding look.

Another simple makeup that you can do yourself is nude. His technique is used in almost all spring-summer 2014 fashion shows, the main feature is that with a minimum amount of colors the beauty of the eyes and face is revealed.

Proper nude uses only beige and brown colors, which are as close as possible to skin without makeup. How to do it? We offer our readers a master class in pictures:

  1. We wipe the face, degrease the skin, powder the work area;
  2. We arm ourselves with shadows of a natural color, shade them well over the entire space of the eyelid;
  3. Next you will need a brown pencil. We use it to draw a very thin line, as in the arrow technique, at the very edge of the eyelashes;
  4. Now comes the turn of the second layer of shadows. Girls with drooping eyelids will really like this technique, because it allows you to hide this small imperfection without overloading your eyes. On the moving eyelid we apply shadows a tone or two darker than the base ones, on the inner corner and under the eyebrows a tone lighter to create a highlight;
  5. If necessary, shade;
  6. We recommend painting your eyelashes with either lengthening or separating mascara.

Photo – Makeup nude

This kind of make-up can also be done for a wedding, just ask the makeup artist to play a little with pearl-colored shadows, sparkles and special decorative beads.

We select shades according to color type

Conventionally, all girls are divided into 4 color types: spring, summer, autumn, winter. In fact, there are more of them, because there are mixed types of appearance. Based on these facts, you need to know which colors can be used in makeup for deep-set blue or green eyes, and which ones cannot.

  • Spring – light peach and pink shades, light gray, natural (according to the makeup artists who created the video master class on how to perform makeup for blue eyes, light yellow or bright beige will look simply magical with this color);
  • Summer - cold shades, it can be bluish, purple, black pencils and eyeliners, mother-of-pearl;
  • Autumn – all shades of green and brown, pink, peach, purple; if your eyes are brown, then blue shadows will perfectly complement the image;
  • Winter – cold and bright – red, black, blue (don’t skip daytime makeup, without it you look bland and uninteresting, try to at least lightly line your eyes above and below your eyelids).

Light shades of beige, pinkish and peach shades are recommended. Darker tones are applied to the moving eyelids. Darker tones are also distributed on the lower eyelid and outer corner of the eyes, which will visually lengthen the eyes. In this case, very light shadows are applied to the eyebrow areas.

In order for sunken eyes to look harmonious, it is necessary to create the effect of them moving forward. In this case, the type of arrows is selected taking into account the shape of the eyes. Narrow eyes need to be made wider. Narrow the rounds a little. When creating arrows, it is better not to use liquid eyeliner.

To complement the correction effect for the lower arrow, the space between the arrow and the eyeliner can be marked with a light pencil or shadows.

Advice!You cannot use black shadows for deep-set eyes, as this will reduce the shape of the eyes and make them appear more sunken.

What should not be used in this makeup?

When doing makeup for deep-set eyes, you should consider certain prohibitions:

  • The use of too dark and dark blue shadows, as well as colored mascara or black eyeliners and pencils.
  • The moving fold of the eyelids in this type of makeup is done using light shades.

  • Do not use thick eyeliner lines. If the makeup is for daytime, then eyeliner at the outer corner is enough.

Advice!If your eyes are deep-set, then “horizontal type” makeup will not look good. In which a transition is made from a light tone near the eyelashes to a dark tone under the eyebrows.

Which shadows to choose depending on the color type?

Determining your color type of appearance and choosing the right palette will help you choose the right shades.

The most important rule when choosing the color scheme of shadows is the use of three light shades. In this case, the palette can vary from golden, light brown and beige to blue, lilac and light green.

Depending on the color type of appearance, it is worth considering the following options:

  • For the spring color type, walnut, blue, gray and peach shades are recommended. Pastel and pearlescent tones are best. Apply gloss or lipstick in a natural or coral tone to the lips.
  • The autumn color type will be decorated with a warm range of shadows: caramel, pale green, marsh. Orange, brown and beige shades are suitable for lips.

Advice! Non-makeup artists do not advise girls with autumn appearance to do smoky makeup.

Makeup for deep-set eyes: application technique

Makeup for deep-set eyes requires a special technique, which you can see in the step-by-step photo.

The rule of three tones when choosing an eyeshadow palette is based on the fact that one tone should be too light, the second a little darker, and the third even darker.

It is important to decide on the purpose of the makeup - daytime or evening. The main tone is located in the direction from bottom to top, from the corner of the bridge of the nose outward.

Light shadows with mother-of-pearl are used as a base. In this case, you should not use dark eyeliners. The best choice would be gray, chocolate or even light brown.

When applying mascara, special attention should be paid to the eyelashes on top, which are painted in several layers.

Advice!If there are minor defects or wrinkles on the skin of the face, then only matte shadows are used.

Creating makeup step by step

Before you start creating makeup, you should purchase suitable cosmetics: powder, foundation, eye shadow palette, mascara, brushes, as well as lipstick of a suitable shade and gloss.

Makeup consists of the following stages:

  • The surface of the face is cleaned. Then it is moisturized.
  • The shape of the eyebrows is corrected.

  • Then the foundation is used.
  • The eyebrow line stands out. It is recommended to use a pencil whose color is darker than your hair.
  • Lighter shades are applied to the corners of the inside of the eye.
  • Shadows are distributed along the curves of the eyelids, which should be darker than the base.
  • Shadows of darker tones are distributed in the outer corners. This will visually expand the shape of the eyes.
  • If you are using eyeliner, you will need to draw a slightly noticeable line at the base of the eyelashes.
  • The lower part of the eye is slightly colored with dark shades or a pencil.
  • The eyelashes on top are well colored with dark mascara.
  • To complete the makeup, lip gloss is used, which softens the lips and makes them larger.

Advice! Don't forget to take care of your eyes. After all, in order to slightly widen very sunken eyes, you need to get rid of bags and bruises under the eyelids.

Nuances of daytime makeup

For daytime makeup, black-haired girls can use sand or matte nude shades.

Nude makeup is performed after working on the shape of the eyebrows and the shade of the face.

The upper eyelashes can be accentuated using a coffee or steel pencil. Eyeliner is applied only along the eyelash growth lines. On the bottom of the eyelid, it is enough to put small black dots between the individual eyelashes.

Light-colored base shadows are applied to the eyelid. The inner corners need to be painted with even lighter shadows. The outer corner should only be darkened a little, using shadows slightly darker than the main tone. Mascara is distributed in one layer and only on the upper eyelashes.

Advice! If the eyes are in an unusual position, it is important to correct the shape of the eyebrows in a timely manner. They need to be smoothed with a suitable brush. A sharp eyebrow bend should be corrected by plucking.

Secrets of evening make-up

First of all, the eyelid area is powdered and the skin tone is evened out. Arrows are drawn along the contour of the eyelashes using a soft pencil or shadows. It is also necessary to make the area in the outer corner thicker and raise it towards the temporal region. The lower eyelashes are distinguished by a barely noticeable line that extends only from the middle of the eyelid. The contours are shaded. A thicker layer of shadow is distributed over the upper eyelid.

Eyes of this type can be lined after using eye shadow. In the evening version, a little light shadow is shaded under the eyebrows.

Advice! You should never frame your eyes using eyeliner around the perimeter.
This will visually reduce them. All dark tones should be located closer to the outer corners of the eyes.

Makeup for drooping eyelids

Makeup for deep-set eyes with drooping eyelids requires special knowledge and effort. It will take certain skills to disguise this defect and make the look more open.

In order not to emphasize the looming eyelid, it is worth giving not very thick eyebrows a slightly surprised shape. The area under the eyebrow can be highlighted with glitter.

A darker color is distributed from the middle part of the moving eyelids to the outer corner. Transitions are made smoother and more invisible using a soft brush. The more intense tone is distributed on the brow area, with a smooth expansion towards the outer part of the eye.

Then the lower eyelid is painted in the same tone. Closer to the inner corner, the arrow is carefully shaded.

The arrows are drawn upward at an angle. The upper lash lines are painted in several layers.

Advice! To make the eyes appear more open, thin strokes of shadow are distributed under the outer tips of the eyebrows, which contrast with the color of the eyebrows. If the eyebrows are ashen, then use pink eyeshadow, if black, then white, and if brown, then blue.

Makeup depending on eye color

When choosing the shadows you like, it is recommended to take into account the color of the iris. For example, brown eyes look good with silver tones. In most cases, brown and green eyes go well with warm colors, and gray, blue and gray-green eyes with cool colors.

When applying makeup for deep-set eyes, you need to take into account some features:

  • Shadows of bronze, purple, peach, marsh or creamy shades are great for brown eyes. Only in this case light shades are used. For daytime makeup, a light tone, peach, sand or beige, is used as a base.
  • For green eyes, shades of orange, lilac, olive, beige or chocolate are recommended. If the eye color is closer to marsh, then pale green shadows are selected.

  • Deep blue eyes look great with blue, lilac, purple and peach shades.

Advice! To prevent the eyes from appearing red and tired, a thin white line is drawn along the eyelid from below at the junction with the mucous membrane. In this case, a white pencil is used.

Tips from professional makeup artists will help you create beautiful makeup:

  • You should not use pink colors, which will make your look painful. But there are women who really like these shades.

  • Do not apply mascara to your lower eyelashes. This will give the look a sad expression.
  • Do not overuse shadows in the area under the eyebrows. Only slightly visible strokes at the outer edge are recommended.
  • If you have acne or skin defects, you should use matte shadows.
  • Do not use pencil or eyeliner in rich dark colors. This will make the eyes even smaller.

Do not overuse shadows in the area under the eyebrows. Only slightly visible strokes at the outer edge are recommended.

There are no unbreakable rules or laws in the art of makeup. Each woman has individual facial features, which provides enormous opportunities for new experiments.

A woman's appearance and the impression she makes on others largely depends on how well her makeup is applied. Properly emphasized facial features can bring any lady closer to the ideal from magazine covers. Deep-set eyes add languor and mystery to the look, but they can also add age. Therefore, it is important to learn how to place accents so that this feature becomes a woman’s adornment, her highlight.


Ideas and images

Deep-set eyes are found in the vast majority of women on the planet. This is due to the structural features of the face - with age, 90% of people become owners of this type of appearance. But even among young people, eyelids of this type are not at all uncommon. Most people are not even aware of this feature, since they never think about the peculiarities of their facial structure.

This type of eye has several distinctive features:

  • pronounced eyebrow arches;
  • visually reduced eye size compared to the real one;
  • a noticeable natural shadow on the border between a fixed and moving eyelid.

All these features can be both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the scheme for applying cosmetics. Therefore, such girls need to choose an image taking into account the structure of the eye.

The most common makeup option for deep-set eyes is considered smoky eyes. It can be done with light brown shades, colored shadows, deep matte black or using bright pigments. Any of them will help make your look languid and your eyelids more open.

Advice! Long eyelashes help to visually enlarge inward-set eyes. This effect can be achieved either by using overhead tapes or by long-term extensions.

Another popular technique for this eye structure is the shaded arrow. In this case, graphic makeup is quite difficult to perform, but rimmed eyelids look very impressive. Therefore, the tip of the line is slightly expanded, adjusting the shape of the eye. This option for creating an image is suitable for evening events and going out, while smokey eyes are easier to adapt for daily use by replacing bright colors with neutral beige and brown shades.

Video: Deep-set eye make-up option

Color solutions

To make the eyes look harmonious against the background of the face, it is also worth working on it. The foundation is selected to match the skin tone, and the concealer for the area around the eyelids should be lighter. This technique will help not only refresh your look, but also visually make it more open.

If the eyelids are close to the center, you should not weigh down your face with obvious correction. This will add shadows, which can cause a sallow complexion to appear. It is better to apply highlighter to convex areas if you need to add relief, and blush to add lightness and freshness.

Since the optimal scheme for this type of face is considered to be a smokey eye, the use of bright lipsticks in deep colors is not recommended. It is better to apply something neutral on your lips - shades of beige and pink. Transparent lip glosses are great. They can be applied over a color product or as a stand-alone product.

Attention! The use of dark and bright kajals for inward-set eyes is not recommended. This visually reduces them.

If you still want to highlight the mucous membrane, you should take a white, beige or golden pencil. This technique will make the look light and sparkling, and also visually open it up. For a daily look, it is better to leave the mucous membrane clean so as not to provoke inflammatory diseases from frequent use of kajal.

Eyebrow shaping

Eyebrows are very important in proper makeup. They frame the eye and set the expression on the face. Therefore, their design must be approached very responsibly. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the initial state:

  • thick and dark eyebrows just need to be tidied up with tweezers or thread, and then styled with a transparent gel;
  • sparse and dark eyebrows can be decorated with special mascara with fiber (artificial fibers) or fill in the gaps with pencil, eye shadow or fondant;
  • if there are a large number of light hairs, it is enough to paint them with mascara to give a more expressive shade;
  • if the eyebrows are sparse and light, you should not only style them with mascara, but also fill the gaps between the hairs with shadow, pencil, marker or fondant.

When choosing a shade to shape your eyebrows, you should pay attention to the color of the hair at the roots and along the entire length. The product needed for blondes will be 1 tone darker than the hairstyle, and for brunettes - 1 tone lighter. If the coloring was carried out quite a long time ago, the selection can be made based on the regrown color of the roots.


The most important thing for the eyes is shadows. They determine whether an image belongs to a certain occasion, they correct shortcomings and emphasize advantages, they can both decorate a person and enhance his shortcomings. Therefore, the palette should be selected especially carefully.

In makeup for deep-set eyes, you should focus on radiant shades. Due to the refraction of light, they bring forward those parts on which they are applied. This will allow you to visually expand your view. Shimmer shadows give the face a rested, healthy look. An image with a slight shine can easily hide the traces of a sleepless night.

Smokey eyes

There are two main techniques for working with deep-set eyes. The most popular and simplest is the smokey eye. Its main task is to bring the haze of the shadow slightly beyond its natural border. Then the moving part of the eyelid will become visually larger, which will make the look open. This scheme is carried out in several stages:

  1. Application of the substrate. Apply a black or brown eyeliner (less often cream shadows) to ¾ of the moving eyelid and shade it as much as possible, forming new boundaries of the eye.
  2. The resulting shape is fixed with dark shadows.
  3. A shade shade is applied along the color border (usually warm brown, terracotta or beige for a daytime look).
  4. The lower eyelid is worked out with dark shadows, and then also stretched into a haze with the color from the previous step.
  5. You can apply pigment or bright metallic shadows to the center of the moving eyelid as an accent.

This scheme does not require a palette with many shades, but it looks very flattering on deep-set eyes. Correct execution may not happen right away, but after a week of training, creating an image will take no more than 10-15 minutes.

Shaded arrow

This type of makeup requires more skill, as well as additional products to perform. In addition to shadows and a tool for applying them, you will need eyeliner and an angled brush for drawing arrows and shading. First you need to make your complexion as even as possible. A foundation is also applied to the eyelids, which also serves as a base for the shadows. Then you need to powder the skin and proceed to the design of the eyes:

  1. First, the correct tail of the arrow is built: it goes as a continuation of the line of the lower eyelid towards the temple.
  2. Then the main line is drawn connecting the tip with the middle of the moving eyelid along the ciliary edge.
  3. Only the body of the arrow is shaded with black shadows! The tail remains consistently thin.

If you want to add brightness to your makeup, before starting to work with the arrows, you can apply matte or shimmer shadows in a neutral shade. To enhance the effect, use a loose iridescent pigment. This will make the image even more winning.

Deep-set eyes and drooping eyelids

The drooping of the upper eyelid in combination with the deep placement of the eyes visually greatly reduces them. In this case, the use of artificial eyelashes greatly simplifies the situation. Gluing invoices every day is not convenient for everyone and, out of habit, takes a significant amount of time. But this method has its advantages:

  • natural eyelashes remain intact;
  • Lighter adhesive compositions are used, which reduces the risk of developing allergies;
  • opportunity to save on materials.

There are a large number of false eyelashes, and their prices vary from 50 to 1,500 rubles per pack. But there is no significant difference between them, so you can use any.

Attention! Tape false eyelashes are reusable! But they need to be thoroughly cleaned of glue and dust to prevent dirt from getting into your eyes.

You can also correct deep-set, drooping eyes using eye shadow. Shimmer luminous shades are suitable for this. It is also worth working on the orbital fold with products with shimmer. This will help open your eyes due to the refraction of light. The smoky eye technique, made in natural beige tones with glitter shadows, is especially relevant for such a face.

Video: Correct makeup for the impending eyelid

Choosing a hairstyle

The way your face looks depends largely on your hair. Their length, color and hairstyle create a certain image that can be enhanced with makeup. A correctly chosen hairstyle can correct many appearance features, bringing features closer to ideal.

It is better to keep hair away from your face. It can be a short haircut or a collected hairstyle. In this case, ponytails, braids and buns of various shapes are best suited. They will not add volume to the face, so the eyes will not look smaller than they are. In makeup, you can use bright shadows to concentrate all the attention on your eyes.

If it is not possible to remove hair from the face, makeup should be done in radiant shades. This will draw attention to the eyes and make the look as open as possible. You can use a highlighter as a highlight on the moving eyelid. It will provide an even brighter glow due to the play of light.

Makeup for different eye shades

The entire image is often built on the color of the eyes, because the first thing men notice in a woman is her gaze. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of shades of shadows. They should not drown out natural beauty, but enhance it and bring it to the fore. This can be achieved by following several rules:

  • eyes with a red base color (brown) brighten purple and its shades, and complementary green (swamp, emerald) will neutralize it, making it less bright;
  • the blue and blue iris will be emphasized by green and yellow shades, and orange will mute the natural beauty of the eyes;
  • owners of green eyes should pay attention to gold, copper and other shades that include yellow, and red, burgundy and pink should be avoided;
  • Gray eyes are quite versatile in the choice of shades of eye shadow, but you should not do too bright makeup: the color of the iris will appear pale against its background.

The makeup scheme for deep-set eyes will be the same for all shades of the iris. These are classic or light smokey eyes, as well as shaded eyeliner. Only the shades to create the image will differ. Taking into account the selection rules, you will be able to highlight your natural beauty, and your makeup will look harmonious.


Applying makeup for deep-set eyes is not difficult if you know the rules for its construction and selection of shades. But often people make several mistakes that can ruin the overall impression of the image:

  1. Using complex shadow transitions. This mistake is due to the fashion for colored makeup, which is only suitable for open eyelids.
  2. Lack of proper attention to eyelashes. This does not allow you to make your eyes wide open, which is important when planting deeply.
  3. Lack of work on the lower eyelid visually narrows the eye, and the makeup looks unfinished.

If you take into account the main points of working with deep-set eyes, and also avoid basic mistakes, you will be able to create makeup that truly beautifies a woman. He will be able to correct appearance features, but will not look foreign. After all, this is the main task of makeup - everything should be like your own, only better.

Video: Eye makeup tutorial from master Serdar Kambarov

With the help of a regular set of decorative cosmetics, you can easily correct certain nuances of your appearance and natural beauty. For example, you are worried about circles or bruises under your eyes, a pointed nose, or sunken eyes. Here we will look at how best to apply makeup for deep-set eyes, and provide recommendations from world-famous stylists and makeup artists with extensive experience.

Many popular movie stars have small or deep-set eyes (Kate Moss, Keira Knightley and others).

However, we do not notice this, even more than that, they are standards of beauty for us. And all thanks to skillful techniques.

Causes of sunken eyes: how to fix it

Why can this effect appear in people, sometimes accompanied by dark circles around the eyes? It happens that the problem is a disease.

People who smoke a lot sometimes notice changes in their appearance of this kind. This consequence is explained by the fact that due to nicotine, the blood vessels will narrow, which in turn leads to oxygen starvation. By the way, this also applies to passive smokers. Circles form in the area around the eyes. In addition to such signs, there are others, for example, tearing, discomfort, specks, specks of dust, flies.

Of course, sometimes the reasons are not very serious. When you manage to remove those, you can again admire the excellent look of your face. For example, you get very tired, sleep restlessly, don’t get enough rest, feel significant stress and anxiety.

What other reasons are there:

  • age-related changes - we are aging, and the saturation of certain tissues with oxygen will not be very complete, depressions will form;
  • taking medications for a long time;
  • inflammation in the gallbladder;
  • diagnosed trachoma;
  • difficulties with the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hormonal problems;
  • significant force loads;
  • different situations that caused dehydration.

Mistakes that should not be made

Key Technique

First, the basic principles of applying shadows. The latter for the eyes, regardless of size, will be identical, but it is important to be able to combine colors. It is important that the shadows not only complement each other, but also look advantageous; you can achieve a striking effect.

Performing makeup step by step

Select the eyelid. Apply the base shadow to the eyelid, in the crease, which will help move your eyes a little forward. Use this shade for the inner corner of your lower lash line as well.

Basic shadow. Apply shadow slightly above the crease, not in it. Let's start at the outer corner, draw the brush along the eyelid to the inner corner, just above the crease, and blend the paint towards the eyebrows. Now you need to take the main tone along the lower lash line, starting from the outer corner towards the inner.

Contour shadow. We apply the contour from the outer corner of the upper lash line, slightly moving upward onto the eyebrows, which helps to visually lighten dark areas, and this, in turn, helps to increase the size of the eyes. Next, we apply the color of the contour under the lower line of eyelashes, while starting from the outer corner, shading them along the way to the line of the eyebrows and forehead.

This makeup is also suitable for close-set and deep-set eyes, but in this situation the main emphasis should be on the inner corner of the eye. Shade it with light colors, maybe even pearlescent (if your color type allows).

3 types of makeup

Eyeliner is a great technique that you can apply to different types of eyes. It is somewhat similar to coloring almond-shaped eyes with drooping eyelids. Before applying makeup, you need to wash your face and degrease your skin, because otherwise the shadows will fall unevenly.

So, how to do good daytime makeup:

  • Apply light powder to the eyelids, maybe even lighter than your skin tone;
  • apply moisturizer, foundation, blend, and then sprinkle with powder, which will also help to visually increase the volume of eyelashes;
  • close your eye, stretch your upper eyelid; if you don’t have experience with eyeliner, you can take a pencil or use the Japanese “arrow with a spoon” technique;
  • paint the upper line of the eyelashes with a thin line, it must be brought from corner to corner, shading if necessary;
  • We apply mascara, especially painting well the corner to the bridge of the nose. If you wish, you can bring the arrow to the bridge of your nose - in this case you will get eye makeup in an oriental style. This technique is suitable for round, oblique cuts. You can use bright shadows in the Arabic style, in which case light daytime makeup turns into evening makeup.

On narrow eyes with a deep set, the so-called. Chicago makeup:

  • Apply basic shadows over the entire eye area (upper and lower eyelids, half of the bridge of the nose to the eye, area under the eyebrow);
  • Let's imagine a visual loop covering the upper eyelid, right down to the line of the bridge of the nose. This loop originates at the outer corner and then goes above the moving line of the eyelids. Here you need to use dark shadows that will enhance the charm of your eyes;
  • Let's paint the inner corner, and leave the outer one a little freer. The secret here is how to blend the shadows;
  • then apply black mascara to your eyelashes. If you apply makeup in light shades, you will get an excellent look for a holiday or wedding.