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Laser biorevitalization course, how many procedures. Laser biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid: reviews, contraindications, photos. Indications for the procedure

The cosmetic biorevitalization procedure exists in two types. The first and most effective is stimulation of regenerative processes in the skin by administering drugs through injections. But not all women are ready to get injections for the sake of beauty. Laser facial biorevitalization is more suitable for them.

Read in this article

What is the procedure

Hyaluronic acid has a miraculous effect on the skin. There are other means that can “revive” it and get rid of many shortcomings. But for this, beneficial substances must penetrate into the deep layers. If you simply apply the composition to the surface of your face, there will be no noticeable effect.

A laser can help the skin absorb a nourishing or stimulating agent. This is a special type of radiation that does not heat tissue. But it can make the skin susceptible to drugs. The device affects not only the epidermis; with the help of a beam, substances seep into the dermis, that is, they affect the condition of collagen and elastin fibers. This is the method of laser biorevitalization.

Who can and who can't pass

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin is useful under certain problems and circumstances:

  • protruding vascular network;
  • superficial wrinkles and deeper folds, including in the area around the eyes and lips;
  • after prolonged exposure to the sun, which results in loss of moisture and natural color faces;
  • irregularities and spots left after acne;
  • loss of elasticity, dehydration;
  • the presence of pronounced postoperative scars or those resulting from trauma;
  • the need for recovery after other cosmetic procedures or to enhance the effect of them;
  • as preparation for a visit to the solarium.

The procedure is used to prevent skin aging, loss of moisture and nutrients. Therefore, you can do it even without the listed defects from the age of 25 in order to delay aging.

You will have to refuse laser biorevitalization in the following cases:

  • for blood diseases when blood clotting is impaired;
  • in the presence of systemic pathologies;
  • if a malignant tumor is diagnosed;
  • for inflammatory skin diseases;
  • for viral and bacteriological infections, especially with elevated temperature;
  • if you have a serious cardiovascular disease (as well as a pacemaker);
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for epilepsy.

The procedure can aggravate all these health problems. It is undesirable, despite its apparent harmlessness, to perform laser biorevitalization during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Facial biorevitalization with laser is chosen by many women as one of the methods of care due to several advantages:

  • the procedure is not accompanied by the slightest damage to the skin;
  • there is no need for special preparation before the procedure;
  • most of the side effects (bruises, papules) and complications that occur after injection biorevitalization cannot develop in this case;
  • is painless and comfortable, without the use of anesthesia;
  • does not last long, but the results last for several months;
  • the effect is visible immediately and intensifies in the future;
  • the rehabilitation period actually consists of 1 - 2 days and does not require large costs or restrictions;
  • suitable for sensitive and thin skin;
  • can be used together with other cosmetic procedures.

Are there any complications after

The risk of complications using a laser is minimized. Some women may experience allergic manifestations if the body does not accept synthesized hyaluronic acid well. But this is rather a mistake of a specialist who was not convinced of the absence of intolerance. Ignoring contraindications can also lead to problems both with the skin and those associated with the underlying disease.

How is it carried out?

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin hyaluronic acid is done in several stages:

  • The surface is cleaned of cosmetics and natural contaminants. For this purpose, a special composition is used.
  • A gel with the main component is applied to the skin. It is gently distributed over all areas of the face, massaging for some time.
  • Special protection is placed on the eye area. It is necessary to prevent retinal burns.
  • The skin is exposed to the laser by moving the device's tube at close range. First, the tissues receive pulsed radiation, which ensures the penetration of the composition deeper than the epidermal layer. The face is then processed to consolidate the effect.
  • Remains of the main gel are removed with a napkin. A moisturizing mask is applied to the skin, which enhances the effect of hyaluronic acid.

The entire process will be completed in a maximum of 40 minutes. You can go home immediately upon completion. The next session is usually scheduled after 7 - 10 days. How many there will be in total is determined by the cosmetologist after examining the condition of the skin (maximum 10).


Special measures are not required to maintain the result and avoid complications after biorevitalization using a laser. As a result of exposure to radiation, the skin does not overheat and is not injured. It is enough to take care of her as usual, using. Decorative cosmetics It is better not to use it only on the day of the procedure, later it is possible.

To enhance the effect and allow hyaluronic acid to activate, you should:

  • drink a lot of water (up to 2 liters per day);
  • do not dry the skin by prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • do not use cosmetics that heat the skin;
  • do not visit the bathhouse or solarium.

Laser biorevitalization of the face and neck is considered by some specialists to be more effective compared to injection. In any case, the results will be noticeable and will last up to 6 months. In addition to the mentioned areas of the body, the non-injection method is also used to improve the skin of the hands and décolleté.

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I'm already 30 years old, it's time to start taking care of my skin a little more intensively than before. Certainly, salon treatments require certain expenses, so I can’t afford them as often as homemade masks and peelings. The next reason to go to a cosmetologist is my birthday. That day, I asked my cosmetologist to surprise me with some untried facial procedure. She offered to do cold laser biorevitalization.

Cold laser biorevitalization - what is it?

IN Lately In cosmetology, there is a desire for non-injection skin rejuvenation. Injections are evil, blah blah blah. Whether this is true or not - everyone decides for himself. But if there is a worthy alternative to a syringe, why not try it?

The method by which skin rejuvenation is achieved in this case is a cold laser beam, which causes the dermis to intensively transmit the auxiliary substance. In my case it was hyaluronic acid. Well, at the same time, many other useful processes take place - cleansing, renewal, regeneration, etc. But the gist is this: cold the laser effectively delivers hyaluronic acid to the deep layers of the skin.

Under the influence of laser radiation energy, hyaluronic acid from the gel penetrates deep into the skin through microchannels in the epidermis to the basement membrane (the boundary between the epidermis and dermis) and accumulates there in significant quantities.

The laser lens is designed in such a way as to ensure close contact with the skin. A gentle massage while sliding the lens over the face causes a pleasant sensation in the client, promotes relaxation, and ensures faster absorption of the cosmetic gel used for the procedure.

Over a long period of time, hyaluronic acid from the epidermis evenly enters the dermis, where it activates metabolism and cellular renewal, the production of collagen and elastin by cells, and attracts and retains water.

How does this happen?

The previously cleansed face is covered with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, after which a device with a red beam, a bit like a shower handle, is applied to it. They run it across the face for a long time. Oh yeah, before you do this they also put on safety glasses. This process is not at all painful, on the contrary, it is even pleasant. If necessary, you can use your neck, décolleté, and chest.

In my case, after finishing the main procedure, the cosmetologist applied a nourishing fruit-sea mask, with which I lay for another 20 minutes. Such procedures may vary and are done at the discretion of the specialist.

In conclusion, I was advised to make any nourishing masks at home every day to prolong the effect of skin hydration. And, of course, they advised me to return for a second course.

Feelings after

After the non-injection biorevitalization procedure with hyaluronic acid, my skin simply glowed and looked filled with moisture to the brim. Unfortunately, this effect lasted for one day, and after that the glow and hydration disappeared. What was left was just a feeling of rested and healthy skin, which gradually also faded away.

There is a photo right after, it is not of particularly good quality, because... I didn't have enough time to take photos. But it shows that the skin turned red after the procedure and directly mirrors the sun:

Although, I won’t lie, I was a little disappointed, because... I expected that small wrinkles would disappear (they promised me this)... well, not forever, but at least for a while. But no, the wrinkles all remained in place. It's a pity.

The cosmetologist, of course, told me that for 100% effectiveness and a visibly noticeable result, a course of such procedures is required, plus a facial massage.

Let's do the math: one session of laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid cost me 1,500 rubles. That is, you need to spend as much as 15 thousand for the course, not counting the massage. Someone will think that it is easier to give an injection once and forget about problems for a while. Some people will be sorry for such a sum. And someone will go and do the whole course for themselves. Still, it’s very nice to go to a cosmetologist for such relaxation.


I will not reduce the rating because the procedure did not quite live up to my expectations. Because I understand that such things are effective in the course. Yes, and I still made some contribution to the improvement of facial skin.

I can recommend the laser biorevitalization procedure to absolutely everyone, especially if unpleasant age-related processes begin. Deep moisturizing of the skin will probably not hurt any of us. But don’t forget to also drink the prescribed amount of water per day, because... external moisturizing of the skin with hyaluronic acid will not bring noticeable results as long as your cells do not receive enough water from the inside. Drinking water is everything! This became my motto after 30 years)

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Effect of the procedure

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin - main results:

  • skin lifting with visible smoothing of wrinkles;
  • smoothing skin texture and narrowing enlarged pores;
  • significant improvement in skin hydration and increased turgor;
  • visible rejuvenation and healthy glow of the skin;
  • treatment of traumatic and postoperative scars, acne, sun and chemical burns, atopic dermatitis.

The technology of laser skin biorevitalization is an original development of the Vitalaser company. It combines the effects of an athermal infrared diode laser and a unique Hyalupure gel containing the highest possible concentration of dehydrated hyaluronic acid. The procedure at the Neo Vita clinic is carried out using a Vitalaser 500 Plus, which has proven its traditional German quality.

As you know, hyaluronic acid is capable of retaining moisture in human tissues, therefore, it controls the volume and elasticity of the skin. Laser biorevitalization is a complex effect of an athermal diode laser and a HA-based drug for the purpose of active skin rejuvenation.

During the procedure, a low molecular weight hyaluronic acid preparation is applied to the skin, then the skin areas are gradually treated with a Vitalaser laser. The complex effect allows HA molecules to form long chains; it is in this state that hyaluronic acid begins to include its biologically active properties.

Laser biorevision with a “cold” Vitalaser laser is a real revolution in the beauty industry, since this procedure demonstrates excellent results from a non-invasive method. And all this without redness, peeling and rehabilitation period!

What problems does it solve?

A course of treatment

Usually this is 5-10 procedures. Frequency - 1-2 times a week.


No special preparation required.


No anesthesia is required. The procedure is painless.


Between sessions it would be good to use moisturizing creams (prescribed by your doctor). Dermatologists advise treating your face with thermal water every 2-4 hours for the first 2-4 days.

Contraindications and features of the procedure

The procedure has no contraindications and side effects.

Safety and comfort

You will not feel any pain, the procedure is as comfortable as possible.

Additional Information

The essence of the laser biorevitalization procedure.

Exposure to an athermic laser with a wavelength of 785 nm stimulates the formation of channels in the epidermis and allows the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the dermis. With repeated laser irradiation, hyaluronic acid molecules restore their original structure and ability to retain water.

7 diode laser sources ensure uniform energy distribution over a surface area of ​​7 cm². Thanks to this, Vitalaser allows you to carry out the procedure much faster than its many competitors. The energy density during laser biorevitalization of the skin of the face, neck or décolleté is 85 mW/cm², this eliminates the risk of burns and allows the laser to be called athermal.

Read more about Hyalupure hyaluronic gel.

Hyalupure Lifting Gel is a unique patented development of the Vitalaser company. It contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, obtained using original technology. Dehydrated high molecular weight hyaluronic acid is subjected to ultrasound treatment to obtain low molecular weight fragments. The difference between Hyalupure and similar drugs is that the hyaluronic acid it contains, after treatment with a “cold” laser, is capable of restoring the structure of the intercellular matrix.

Hyalupure Lifting Gel does not contain allergens or radicals and is well tolerated by allergy-prone skin without causing irritation. Containing no synthetic emulsifiers, alcohol or preservatives, Hyalupure gel is especially suitable for sensitive and tired skin.

Hyaluronic acid is a natural polymer that provides natural skin hydration. Hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel fills the space between cells, retains moisture and is used to supply cells with energy and absorb free radicals.

Before the advent of laser biorevitalization, restoration of the hyaluronic acid content in the skin was possible only through injections (mesotherapy). This method is called injection biorevitalization of the skin. Despite all its advantages (injection ensures that the drug reaches the desired layer of the skin), this procedure is quite painful and is accompanied by damage to the skin.

The invention of Vitalaser laser biorevitalization technology made it possible to eliminate these undesirable aspects and make the procedure more comfortable and often more effective. The technology of atraumatic laser biorevitalization is a unique development of Vitalaser GmbH. Go through the laser biorevitalization procedure in our clinic in Krylatskoye; reviews about the comfort and safety of the method are extremely positive.

The main areas for the laser biorevitalization procedure:

  • face,
  • Hands,
  • décolleté area,
  • any areas of the skin that need rejuvenation.

Laser phoresis results:

  • Significant improvement in skin hydration and increased turgor.
  • Rapid restoration of skin after sun and heat burns.
  • Smoothing skin texture and narrowing enlarged pores.
  • Increased lip volume.
  • Skin lifting with the effect of visible smoothing of wrinkles.
  • Treatment of traumatic and postoperative scars, acne, alopecia, eczema, atopic dermatitis.

Advantages of VITALASER technology (non-injection biorevitalization of the face, neck, décolleté), expert reviews:

  • Immediate visible results.
  • Long lasting effect.
  • No contraindications.
  • No pain and comfortable procedure.
  • With laser biorevitalization, the volumetric distribution of hyaluronic acid in the skin is much more uniform than in the case of injections of drugs used for biorevitalization.
  • 7 laser sources ensure uniform energy distribution over the skin surface, thereby reducing the procedure time.
  • The procedure can complement and prolong the effect of injectable preparations based on hyaluronic acid.
  • The procedure is absolutely comfortable and painless (since the energy density transmitted by the laser is minimal, which absolutely eliminates the risk of burns. Even with prolonged treatment, the temperature of the treatment area does not rise by more than 1°C)
  • Metabolic processes and the synthesis of collagen and elastin are stimulated in the skin.
  • The results of a course of non-invasive procedures are superior to the effect of injection biorevitalization.
  • No side effects or recovery period.
  • At the request of the client, special products for home use enhance and prolong the effect of professional procedures.

Take a rejuvenation course at Neo Vita according to the laser biorevitalization program, the prices will please you. Also in our clinic you can undergo the injection biorevitalization procedure, the reviews are the most enthusiastic. In the department aesthetic cosmetology You can undergo a whole range of injection procedures that are distinguished by their safety, comfort and high efficiency (facial contouring, correction of the nasolacrimal trough and nose shape without surgery). At the Neo Vita clinic, we are also ready to offer a whole range of hardware procedures that provide rejuvenation, treatment and lifting of the skin, and non-surgical tightening.

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin is a modern, highly effective procedure for deep hydration of skin tissue.

It is not for nothing that hyaluronic acid is used for this purpose. The thing is that it is a natural component for our skin and therefore is not rejected by tissues. In our body, hyaluronic acid is responsible for maintaining water balance. Therefore, when its synthesis decreases over time, the skin becomes dry and loses its healthy color. Moisturizing with laser biorevitalization helps maintain the natural level of hyaluronic acid, and therefore the water balance.

Indications for laser biorevitalization

    Dull complexion.

    Signs of photoaging.

    Loss of skin elasticity.

    Scars, post-acne.

    Age-related changes.

    Expression wrinkles.

    Dry skin.

In addition, laser biorevitalization of the face is ideal as a recovery after other procedures. For example, such as peeling (laser or chemical), tanning in a solarium, or even plastic surgery. Laser biorevitalization will help consolidate the results obtained, as well as soothe and moisturize the skin.

However, you need to remember that if there are any indications for laser biorevitalization, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor, and then sign up for the procedure.

The duration of the session is from 20 to 40 minutes. Moreover, the result after the procedure is immediate, and with the completion of the course it increases and becomes more pronounced. Laser biorevitalization will become a great addition to injection biorevitalization, will allow you to prolong and enhance its effect.

A fully completed course of laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, consisting of 10-15 sessions once or twice a week, will provide a lasting effect that will last about six months. At the same time, strengthening sessions performed once a month prolong the effect.

Laser or injection biorevitalization

Both procedures are equally effective in treating skin imperfections. However, they also have their own positive aspects. So, the injection has a more pronounced effect and fewer procedures in a course. But with laser, there is no rehabilitation period at all. In addition, these two techniques are ideally combined, enhancing the visible effect.

Results of laser biorevitalization:

    Alignment of color and relief skin.

    Smoothing of facial wrinkles.

    Improving the oval of the face.

    Deep skin hydration.

    Narrowing of pores.

    Getting rid of bags under the eyes.

In addition, laser biorevitalization will speed up recovery after other cosmetic procedures or sunburn.

Equipment for laser biorevitalization

Many patients are interested in which device is best for laser biorevitalization. In our clinic we use the modern Lasmik laser. The uniqueness of this device lies in its athermic effect, that is, the procedure takes place with virtually no heating of the skin surface: most people do not even notice a heating of just one degree.

Thanks to this, the procedure is as comfortable as possible and does not require a subsequent recovery period.

Hyaluronic acid is a component that is able to retain moisture in tissues and accordingly control skin elasticity.

With age, the acid concentration decreases and this affects the condition of the skin. Laser biorevitalization sessions allow you to replenish its reserves in the deep layers of the epidermis and achieve a rejuvenation effect.

A lasting result can be achieved after the first exposure to skin tissue.

Many people ask the question: what is laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, how effective is the non-injection procedure on the skin of the face and body, which rejuvenation method to choose - laser or injection? Let's try to figure it all out.

This cosmetic procedure is a non-surgical intervention performed using a laser device. Under its influence, the pores and subcutaneous transport channels expand, which promotes better absorption of the injected gel containing hyaluronic acid.

The applied drug reaches the lower layers of the epidermis, restores the structure of the tissues and improves their condition.

That is, laser biorevitalization is a rejuvenating procedure aimed at increasing the reserves of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis.

This component compensates for collagen deficiency that occurs when age-related changes, and also improves blood circulation.

Features and Benefits

In the lineups modern means skin care product contains hyaluronic acid. However, when applied to the surface of the face, it cannot penetrate deeply and lingers only in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, providing it with hydration.

Features of biorevitalization include the penetration of the drug into the deep layers of epidermal tissue. And since hyaluronic acid is a natural component produced by the body, it affects the epidermis at the cellular level:

  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  • increases nutrition and hydration of the epidermis by improving the composition of the intercellular substance.

Its advantages include quick results and a lasting long-lasting effect. The result after a non-injection biorevitalization session is noticeable after the first procedure.

The duration of the effect in some cases is measured in years. After a course of cosmetic manipulations, the following improvements are observed:

  • skin elasticity and hydration increases;
  • color improves;
  • fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out;
  • the lifting effect is noticeable.

The durability of the effect depends on the age of the person and the rate at which his body consumes hyaluronic acid. Consumption is accelerated due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, sluggish chronic diseases and smoking.

Differences between laser and injection

Laser biorevitalization is safe method effects on the skin. The energy density produced by the device is minimal and can be controlled.

Even with a long session, the temperature in the affected area does not increase by more than 1 degree, which eliminates burns.

The only means of protection used during sessions is glasses to protect the eyes from contact or reflection of the device’s rays.

The procedure has many advantages, including:

  • painlessness and comfort;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin of the treated areas of the face;
  • no rehabilitation period (no bruises or redness appear after the session);
  • Possibility of use for patients whose skin is prone to inflammatory processes (the laser acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothing element).

Cosmetic surgery is performed using a gel that contains a hyaluronidase inhibitor, which slows down the process of reducing hyaluronic acid and increases the result of its effect.

That is why the result, even after one manipulation, lasts for up to 3 weeks. After one course of cosmetic session, the effect will last up to 4 months. With regular exposure to the skin, the duration of the effect of the procedure can be increased to 8 months.

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Contraindications and possible complications

The rejuvenation procedure has two types of contraindications - for the use of hyaluronic acid and the laser itself. The following contraindications are identified for the use of HA:

  • skin diseases (fungal or viral);
  • increased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • component intolerance.

Contraindications to the use of laser are as follows:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • physical or nervous exhaustion;
  • laser intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking photosensitizing drugs;
  • cold, flu.

Laser biorevitalization does not cause any complications. It can be used for hypersensitive skin, as it does not cause allergic reactions.

How is it carried out?

Devices for laser biorevitalization can operate in two modes – pulsed and continuous, and the procedure itself is carried out in four stages:

  1. The first step is to cleanse the face, then apply a gel to the skin.
  2. Next, the device acts in a pulse mode, in which hyaluronic acid begins to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  3. After which the operation of the device goes into constant mode, forming larger areas of the injected gel in the skin, which increases the duration of the effect and ensures hydration of the epidermis from the inside.
  4. At the last stage, the remaining gel is removed.

The face looks fresh immediately after the session. There are no marks from injections, no redness or bruising.

The procedure can be done on any convenient day and after it you can continue to do your usual activities.

Compatible with other cosmetic procedures

Often, along with the laser procedure, injection biorevitalization with the introduction of hyaluronic acid is carried out. Therefore, a laser device was invented, which is equipped with a special attachment. With its help, the surface of the face is simultaneously treated with a laser and subcutaneous injections are made.

This combination allows you to concentrate the acid deep in the tissues and enhance the rejuvenation effect. It goes well with laser biorevitalization and peeling.

The laser accelerates the process of skin regeneration and reduces inflammation. A good rejuvenation effect can be achieved in combination with facial care procedures that involve the application of masks.

This leads to a more pronounced effect after visiting a cosmetologist. Can be used with microdermabrasion.

These operations are also carried out in combination with myostimulation, photorejuvenation (efficacy and results) and microcurrent therapy.

Laser biorevitalization, despite the simplicity of its implementation, is a serious procedure that must be carried out in compliance with all rules. To achieve the desired result - significant rejuvenation of facial skin, the following conditions must be met:

  • To perform this, you should choose a modern specialized clinic.
  • The specialist must have experience in carrying out such procedures. His knowledge must be confirmed by certificates, examples of work and patient reviews.
  • The injected gel should be highest quality. The gel should be purchased from leading suppliers in individual industrial packaging.
  • When choosing a salon or clinic, first of all you need to pay attention to the popularity and reputation of the institution. It is better to consider several options, compare them and only then make the final choice.

The cost depends on the affected area and will cost from 2,500 to 12,000 rubles.

There are no seasonal restrictions on the procedure.

It is even recommended to conduct two sessions before going to the sea to increase the skin's resistance to active sun rays and resist photoaging. It is recommended to do the remaining cosmetic rejuvenation procedures after the sea to restore the skin after exposure to ultraviolet rays.