Dream interpretation

Brief congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to a man. Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to a man, a guy. The best, our dear men

May fate smile on you
Let there be no need to fight,
Peace will warm your souls,
Life is getting better and better.

2 SMS - 105 characters

The country knows its heroes
And he doesn’t forget on holidays.
And I congratulate you too,
I wish you good health.
Decent friends, respect
And career advancement!

3 SMS - 155 characters

Our dexterous, rebellious,
Honest, brave, unyielding
Happy Defender's Day
And with all our hearts we praise:
You are heroes no matter what.
May trouble pass you by!

3 SMS - 151 characters

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you peace, goodness, good health and reliable people nearby! Don’t change yourself, change the world, and then everything will be fine.

3 SMS - 144 characters

Congratulations to all men on February 23! I wish you health, strength, energy, joy and happiness. May there always be peace and tranquility in your life.

3 SMS - 140 characters

We want to wish men
Courage and kindness!
Let your wishes come true
Dreams come true!
Let there be no obstacles for you,
Lots of fame and awards!

3 SMS - 137 characters

Defender of the Fatherland
We wish you strength and joy,
Health, a lot of wisdom,
And courage and bravery.

2 SMS - 92 characters

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, fiery love in your heart, peace and tranquility in your soul!

2 SMS - 117 characters

Congratulations on February 23 and I want to wish you to always and everywhere remain a real, fair, honest, self-confident, respected and brave man!

3 SMS - 148 characters

I wish you not to lose your form,
To be on time everywhere and everywhere,
Roll one hundred grams for the holiday
And serve the Motherland with honor!

2 SMS - 104 characters

Congratulations on the holiday of strength and courage. I wish you to always be a brave defender, a real man. Health, love, luck and steep climbs in life.

3 SMS - 147 characters

May strength, courage and honor
They will only be useful in peaceful life.
And may all evil enemies
From afar they are afraid of you.

2 SMS - 108 characters

May luck not fail you
Follows you
Don't lose the fire in your eyes!
Happy February 23rd!

2 SMS - 85 characters

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Have a good mood on the holiday and on all subsequent days, and good luck in everything.

2 SMS - 107 characters

Happy Day of Courage, Honor, Glory!
Happy February 23rd!
Be healthy, honest, brave,
Make the whole family proud!

2 SMS - 100 characters

IN February holiday We wish you the best in everything, stability and confidence in the future, be a strong support for your family and friends!

2 SMS - 132 characters

2 SMS - 71 characters

Dear men, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Be brave, courageous, strong, worthy in all life situations! I wish you valor, heroism, strength and inspiration!

3 SMS - 169 characters

2 SMS - 78 characters

Congratulations on February 23 and I sincerely wish you health, good luck, love and luck, good spirits, optimism of the soul and inspiration in life.

2 SMS - 129 characters

Winter has its final holiday, the day of the strong half - honest and brave, courageous and reliable, the most real Men, whose words you can trust on your shoulder - you can lean on, on whose protection you can always count. Who won't be scared very coldy or women's weaknesses - from February 23!

Valor and honor, courage and intelligence - these are precisely the components that are completely inherent in you. Attention, tenderness, love and affection - this is what you give me. Therefore, I hasten to congratulate you on this truly men's holiday and wish you continued health and good luck.

The Fatherland is a mother, a wife, children, a peaceful sky above your head, a homeland... Being a defender of the Fatherland means so much! Congratulations on this great holiday. On behalf of everyone you protect - a big thank you. May your wide, strong back never tire of being a stone wall for those you love!

February is raging outside. An evil wind throws armfuls of prickly snowflakes at people. The blizzard has covered snow-covered parks, and huge piles of snow rise near houses. But this is not a reason for us not to feel the warmth in our souls on February 23! Happy holiday to all defenders of our Motherland! Happiness and longevity to you!

February 23 will rightfully always be considered a men's holiday, however, just like March 8 - a real women's holiday! Congratulations to all men on this men's day! Happiness and health to you, dear men and young men, boys and grandfathers! Longevity, Have a good mood, peaceful skies above your head and joy! Happy holiday!

We congratulate the faithful sons and daughters of the Fatherland on February 23 - the holiday of brave, courageous and devoted defenders of the homeland. May your nights not begin with a military alarm, may your worries be only peaceful and pleasant. Smile at the world - it will answer you in kind. Reach out your hand and the strong hand of a friend will squeeze it!

Pleasant and original congratulations in poetry, prose and postcards for February 23. Perky, touching, heart-tugging wishes to your men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day in the form that has now become familiar to us appeared in 2002. From that moment on, February 23rd received the status of a “legal” day off for all people of our country and became not only the professional day of military personnel directly related to the Russian troops, but also all those citizens of the Russian Federation who defended, are defending, or are just about to defend our fatherland from adversaries!

I hasten to congratulate you on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you clear skies above your head and peace in your soul, and love in your heart! Let joy, fun and happiness surround you! May good luck and faithful comrades accompany you, and may a large loving family always be waiting for you at home! I wish you success in any endeavors, career advancement, original ideas and always in a good mood!

Congratulations to my personal defender, and a little bit to the Fatherland, on the holiday of strength, valor, and courage! Remain as brave, daring and valiant, but at the same time gentle, charming and romantic!

Be a brave defender
Conquer with willpower.
Even what is unreal
You thought, do it.

Be loyal and uninhibited
Choose only the right path.
And out of a couple billion hundred
Be the best, be exemplary.

With all sincerity and with all my heart, I congratulate you on February 23, the holiday of real men - Defenders of the Fatherland. I wish you unshakable self-confidence and good health, iron endurance and an exorbitant sense of justice. Let your character allow you to show firmness and courage in any battle, but at the same time be soft and tender towards your family, let your soul be filled with goodness, and your heart filled with love.

Happy February 23rd! I wish you continued health, happiness, peace in your soul and calm at work! Lots and lots of joy, smiles, prosperity and the realization of all your most cherished desires!

I wish you success, more bright and memorable moments, health! Let everything be nothing to you! I wish that nothing and no one separates us! Good luck in business, character and strength - and may you love me all your life as I love you!

Joy, goodness, honor and health,
Days of clear, warm, without bad weather,
Mutual and great love,
Always be flattered by fate!

So that everything is fulfilled, embodied,
Only happiness happened in life.
Fun, dancing and smiles endlessly
On the day of February 23!

The holiday of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day - personifies all the most important virtues of a real man: character, justice, courage, honor, wisdom and courage! All this is about you, which means you have every right to have a blast! Have a great mood every day, not just today! Lots and lots of love, pleasant company, loyal comrades! Travel, new emotions, impressions, joy of life!

Who is a skilled fighter and a competent tactician - you were able to conquer me with just one glance! I congratulate you today, I wish you strength, patience, courage, happy love my! May our lives be filled with exclusively positive and joyful events!

Remember, my friend, that in life you are not alone at all! With all my sincerity, I sincerely wish that on February 23 your most cherished dream will come true! Have a great rest, live, know no troubles and sorrows! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate the men.
Endless happiness to all of you,
Let troubles go away like smoke.

Be cheerful, healthy,
May luck find you.
And keep it above your head
Only joy awaits ahead.

All congratulations to you, heroes,
Defenders of the Fatherland are dashing!
Nice for the ladies, no matter what you say,
That there are such knights nearby!

You are like eagles, and under your wings
We feel so safe
We are very sincerely proud now
And we wish to be invincible!

Defender's Day today
All Russia celebrates
We congratulate all men,
Strong, brave and beautiful,
We wish them to live in abundance,
Smile, don't be sad,
Win and don't give up
Love your wives deeply!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
It's time to congratulate.
To you, strong and valiant men, -
Three times “Hurray!”

Thank you for your protection
We are the borders of our native country.
We are safe behind you,
Like behind a stone wall.

Good health, happiness to you
We wish and let
Optimism, enthusiasm, energy
They pour right over the edge.

Your wives are faithful, smart, devoted,
True friends to you,
Career advancement,
Larger bank accounts.

Congratulations to the men of all Russia,
All defenders of our country.
Be brave, healthy, beautiful,
Noble, brave, strong.

Let the wing of the black bird fight
Will not touch your native shoulder,
May you not have any sorrows
And the candle of love will not go out!

All brothers, fathers, husbands and grandfathers
We congratulate you on Men's Day.
We wish you victory in everything
And a lot of happiness day after day!

May there be peace, kindness and joy,
Let love surround you
And happy Defender's Day today
We sincerely congratulate you!

You are our strong support,
Our hope and dream.
May it help you and bring you joy
Our love and beauty!

On Defender's Day I want to wish,
May you always be strong and healthy,
So that if you have to defend your homeland,
You were ready for this every moment!

May your career only go up,
I only wish you to live in abundance,
So that you become a rich millionaire
And I was able to fulfill my dreams!

Happy Twenty-third of February, cordially
I congratulate you at this hour!
Let life become flawless,
For chic, for shine, for class!

May your wishes come true soon
And let your health become stronger.
I also wish you peace, understanding,
Don't worry about sadness.

Happy holiday, dear men!
Let there be enough strength for everything:
On loved ones, on friends,
Be more cheerful to all your peers!

So that you go to work like a formidable infantry,
So that the family is a reliable rear,
And so that every new day
It was better than yesterday!

From February 23, men,
Smile more often for no reason
Be our support and protection,
And always gallant and shaved,
Pamper women with flowers more often,
Warm up with kind words,
Lend a strong shoulder
And love with your heart!


Dear Valery Vitalievich!

On this day, which has rightfully become Men's Day in the Russian calendar, we honor Patience, Courage, Fortitude and Love for the Fatherland. But you can defend and strengthen your country not only with weapons in your hands. The state will not become strong without a healthy economy and developed industry, so this holiday unites everyone who honestly serves the Motherland through military and peaceful labor, cares about the protection of its national interests and the safety of people.

I wish you health and longevity, happiness and goodness, peace and prosperity, love of family and friends.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers

Chuvash Republic - Minister of Finance of the Chuvash Republic M.G. Nozdryakov

On behalf of the staff of the prosecutor's office of the Chuvash Republic, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! February 23 is the day of military valor, glory and pride of Russia. On this day, we pay tribute and gratitude to those who selflessly and courageously defended their native land from invaders, as well as to those who, in peacetime, carry out difficult and responsible service in the Armed Forces of our country. Russian army unites people distinguished by fortitude, will, determination, high discipline, and special moral and fighting qualities. This is a holiday for those who served or are serving in the Armed Forces, all who are selflessly devoted to their Fatherland, who protect the security of the state and each of its residents.

Take this holiday sincere wishes good health, happiness, prosperity. Peace to you and your families!

Prosecutor of the Chuvash Republic V.G. Metelin

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

Congratulations to you and your team on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

For our country, February 23 is a holiday of courage, fortitude, military valor and dedicated service to the interests of Russia. He has firmly entered our lives as the personification of patriotism, nobility and courage, the inextricable connection of generations, the continuity of traditions

The Defender of the Fatherland Holiday is a sign of deep gratitude to all men who are selflessly devoted to their Motherland, who guard its security, whose perseverance, courage and high professionalism are an example for all residents of the country.

Today, a defender of the Fatherland is everyone who considers it their duty to protect their native land, to protect its interests, whose life and work are subordinated to a single goal - the well-being and prosperity of our country.

Let this holiday be a symbol of peace, justice and love for the Motherland.

I wish you good health, warmth, happiness, prosperity, good luck in all your endeavors!

Sincerely, Minister of Justice of the Chuvash Republic N.V. Prokopieva

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

On behalf of the staff of the Chuvash State University and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a national holiday symbolizing the best traditions of military glory, honor and valor of Russia.

With all my heart I wish you and your loved ones peace, goodness, good health, happiness, inspiration and fruitful professional activity!

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Chuvash Republic,

Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov",

Professor V.G. Agakov

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

Please accept sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

February 23 is the Day of Courage and Valor of many generations; it personifies honor and courage, loyalty to military duty. This is a holiday of different generations, people of strong, courageous, true patriots. It is a tribute of deep respect to all who served the Motherland.

With all my heart I wish you the achievement of your goals, courage, fortitude, professional success, health and happiness.

Let peace and understanding reign in the house where you are loved and expected.

Head of Administration of Tsivilsky District

S.G. Artamonov

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

The team of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Chechen Republic "Tsivilsky Publishing House" warmly

and cordially congratulates you and your employees on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you good health and good moodand success in your work! I wish you happiness, peaceful skies above your head and prosperity!

Sincerely, Director V.P. Nikolaev

The Council of the Kirov Regional Consumer Union cordially congratulates all men on the holiday of courage, courage and honor - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! May the difficulties encountered on your path always be easily overcome. Good health, good spirits, warmth and festive mood!

On this noble holiday,

Day of Defenders of the Fatherland,

We wish you a lot of happiness

And great success in life!

Chairman of the Council of the Kirov Regional Consumer Union V.M. Bushkova

We wish you courage, good luck,

And may everything be fine in life,

Let the tasks be solved successfully!

So that dreams come true again and again,

And the circle of friends became wider and wider,

There was good health and love,

Good luck to you and peace in the whole world!


director and staff of the Cheboksary branch of the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhova

Dear Colleagues! The team of the autonomous institution of the Chuvash Republic “Cheboksary College of Transport and Construction Technologies” congratulates you on the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day! I sincerely wish you success in your work, good health, love from loved ones, true true friends and all the best. Happy holiday!

Director of the Autonomous Educational Institution Cheboksary Technical School TransStroyTech Ministry of Education of Chuvashia L.V. Belov

Dear Colleagues!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! You are our pride, our support. You provide support and come to the rescue in difficult times. We love, appreciate and respect you. We wish you optimism, cheerfulness, good mood. Good luck and success to you.


Rector of the Chuvash Republican Institute of Education E.A. Kazakova

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

On behalf of the staff of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland! This holiday personifies military valor, patriotism, loyalty and love for the Motherland. It is dedicated to those who defended the freedom and independence of Russia, who today ensure its security and care about the protection of state interests.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, peace, courage, and success in your responsible work!

Sincerely, Head of Department V.P. Petrov

On Defender of the Fatherland Day

Allow me to wish

To all the men of humanity

Live, create, love, dream.

We wish you strength of spirit,

While the Earth is spinning.

Congratulations to you men


college dean's team

Good afternoon, Valery Vitalievich! Congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good health, good luck in all your endeavors, success in teaching and educating students, harmony in the family, life and team.


Arkhipov Grigory Vasilievich,

Head of the Loss Settlement Department of the Chuvash Branch of OJSC SOGAZ

Dear Colleagues! We cordially congratulate Vass on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Let your hands be strong

And the soul is even stronger!

Let there be no room for boredom

Not on any of the long days!

Let your goals be big

Let the takeoff be mighty

Let the shallows not stop

And no one will let you down!

Let the feelings be bright,

Faithful and big - love!

The mind is sharp, not a burden,

Ardent and hot - blood!


team of the Ivanovo branch of the Russian University of Cooperation

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

Public organization - Chuvash Republican Association of Trade Union Organizations"Chuvashressovprof" congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Daya holiday of courage, military valor and glory, loyalty to the Motherland!

On this day we pay tribute great respect to all the soldiers who guard peace, freedom and happiness, and with gratitude we remember those who gave their lives for our Fatherland.

With all our hearts we wish you and your loved ones inexhaustible health, prosperity, strength of spirit, a peaceful and happy life!


P Chairman of Chuvashressovprof A.V. Korshunov

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

The Council and Board of the Sverdlovsk Regional Consumer Union congratulates youHappy Defender of the Fatherland -a holiday of courage, nobility and honor! We sincerely wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! May the difficulties encountered on your path always be easily overcome. Good health, warmth and festive mood!

Chairman of the Council of the Sverdlovsk Regional Consumer Union

V.A. Petrovichev

Chairman of the Board of the Sverdlovsk Regional Consumer Union

IN AND. Volyansky

Advered Valery Vitalievich!

On behalf of the staff of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Agricultural Center" for Chuvash To the Republic and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you and your teamHappy Defender of the Fatherland!

For many generations of Russians, this holiday symbolizes the strength and power of the Armed Forces of the Russian state, love and devotion to their Fatherland, and the ability to defend their Motherland from external attacks.

With all our hearts we wish you good health, fortitude, peaceful skies above your head, goodness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.


supervisor branch of FTBU "Rosselkhoztsentr" in Chuvashia Republic

N.P. Malov

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

The branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Chuvash Republic congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

In every Russian family there are real men who defended their Motherland during the war or paid off their army duty. We are all proud of them and understand how important it is to live in peace and freedom. On this national holiday we wish you good spirits, success, prosperity and all the best!

R.A. Kondratieva

Dear Valery Vitalievich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations Happy Defender's Day ABOUTcurrent - a holiday of military honor, courage and nobility!

May every day bring

Victory and recognition for you!

I wish you happiness, prosperity,

Good health, warmth and peace!


director CU Central Employment Center of the city of Cheboksary State Employment Service of Chuvashia

A.B. Few in

Dear Colleagues!

February 23 is a day of victories and courage, a day of firmness and strength. It is on this day that our dear men bathe in the rays of care, attention and love. Let our defenders never have to fight for real, and their brave warlike battle cry is heard only on the battlefield for financial well-being. IN family life May warmth, comfort and mutual understanding always reign. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!



Dear Colleagues!

Happy holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, one of the most important holidays in the Russian calendar!

We congratulate the soldiers and fighters who served and defended the country during war and adversity!

We congratulate those who are currently serving in the military!

We also congratulate those men who did not serve in the military, it doesn’t matter, because a man is a protector!

The holiday has no age restrictions; congratulations to both old and young, children and adults. After all, children grow up so quickly - you see, he really is already the most protection there is.

Health, success, good luck!!!

Center for Innovative Development of Cluster Initiatives and the Volga Region Quality Club

Dear Colleagues!

The Khimki branch of the Russian University of Cooperation congratulates you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

The most valuable thing in our lives is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. Whatever this holiday is called, it has always been a symbol of courage, dedication, dignity and honor. Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, peace and prosperity!


Director of the Khimki branch I.Z. Karayakov

The staff of the Bashkir Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation congratulates the entire male team

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

February 23 is rightfully considered a holiday of courageous, courageous and strong-willed people who have something and someone to protect: their business, their home, their loved ones, their future.

We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, vigor and optimism, the joy of creative work under the peaceful sky of our great Fatherland!


rector of Bashkir

Cooperative Institute (branch) F.F. Mazitov

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on your big holiday Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you creative success, health, long life, to remain as young, active, cheerful and faithful to your Fatherland - the university!

Sincerely, Head of the Department of Commerce and Trade Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor D.I. Valigursky


The team of the Bryansk branch of the Russian University of Cooperation wholeheartedly congratulates you on DEFENDER OF THE FATHERLAND DAY!We wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, fortitude,family well-being, good luck and success in all your endeavors!

Let there be congratulations and toasts,

Order at work and in the family!

Let everything in life be easy and simple!

May there be peace and happiness on Earth!

On behalf of the team,

Director of the Charitable Foundation RUKV.A. Naperov

Congratulations to your team on the Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23! We wishgreat success, good health and prosperity!

Sincerely, the team of the Novocheboksarsk branch of the Russian State University of Physical Education and Technology

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept from the staff of the Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

On February 23, we pay tribute to deep respect to the memory of many generations of defenders of Russia. The history of our great power is inextricably linked with the history of the military, which has always been the best part of the Russian people and an example of patriotism, devotion to duty, personal honor and dignity. This truly national holiday personifies the inextricable connection of generations and the continuity of military traditions, embodies selfless devotion to the Fatherland and recognition of the great merits of the Russian military!

We wish you health and prosperity, vigor and optimism, success in the noble cause of educating students in the best traditions of faithful service to the Fatherland!


I.B. Borodin,

Rector of the Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation