Beautiful, well-groomed girls, but that's all.

Reddit A question that is relevant at all times for the fair sex: “What should a well-groomed girl be like?” This question has come to the mind of every representative of the fairer sex at least once in her life, no matter how old she is - 16, 20, 35 or 40. What are the rules that every well-groomed woman should know? In this article we will try to reveal the secrets of a successful and attractive lady. Let's consider the rules.

well-groomed woman


It is the key to not only health, but also beauty. A well-groomed girl in the eyes of a man is, first of all, a lady in clean clothes, with washed hair and a neat manicure. Ideal cleanliness should be in absolutely everything - from the top of the head to the toes, not to mention clothes and shoes. A feeling of freedom and freshness should accompany you everywhere, giving you pleasure and relaxation.

Manicure This is one of the main indicators of female grooming. The golden rules of a well-groomed woman require perfection in manicure. This is a lot important detail , creating your image. And even if men don’t kiss your hand that often (not often yet), rest assured that the cracked, rough skin hands damaged from household chores, and a stale manicure from the day before yesterday will not go unnoticed. The main thing is to remember that colors that are too reminiscent of Freddy Krueger's claws and acidic, cutting eyes have long gone out of fashion. But classics are always in fashion. A classic manicure should be done once every 10-12 days. One of important nuances

: If the coating has come off from one nail, you should remove it from all the others and do the manicure again, instead of trying to renew the polish on one nail.

Not every woman is an owner, but this is not a reason to give up. The golden rules of a well-groomed woman include cleanliness as the main point. This also applies to hair. Don’t be captivated by the myth: “We wash our hair no more than twice a week.” The head is washed as it gets dirty, and this process happens differently for everyone. As for hair coloring: choose a beautiful and natural shade for yourself. Moreover, if you start dyeing your hair, then this must be done regularly. Roots that have grown more than two centimeters look extremely sloppy. Use a spray to add shine to your hair. Now about the hairstyle: of course, this is the personal choice of each woman. But you need to remember that it should match your face shape. Based on this indicator, a well-groomed woman chooses her hairstyle. The golden rules of the British regarding hairstyle: it corresponds to lifestyle and age.


Undoubtedly, not every girl can boast of a porcelain, “doll” complexion. But not one Foundation, no earrings or pendant will ever hide skin that is not taken care of. The golden rules of a well-groomed woman require that her skin is always clean and fresh. Learn it like a mantra: the skin needs to be moisturized, cleansed and toned. A caveat: stop “flooding” your face with foundation. Believe me, your finger-thick layer of foundation (especially if you chose the wrong color) looks much worse than an uneven complexion or minor skin imperfections. Instead, it is better to lubricate your face twice a day with baby cream.


In this paragraph we will consider three positions: figure, hair removal, nutrition. All of these are important indicators of how a woman takes care of herself.

Your body should be your pride. Before you take another piece of cake, remember that you will have to spend more than one hour in the fitness center or gym to get rid of its consequences. This is in no way a call to lose weight and become a top model. However, why not think about the fact that maintaining good physical shape will have a beneficial effect not only on your health, but also on your self-esteem.

As for hair removal: remember that this is a regular procedure. After all, hair “in the wrong place” can completely destroy any charm. And under no circumstances listen to men’s assurances that they don’t care. This is absolutely not true.

Proper nutrition is the key beautiful hair, strong nails and a slender figure. This is another step towards a well-groomed appearance. The daily diet should certainly include fish, lots of vegetables and fruits, chicken, a variety of cereals and nuts. Making a plan for yourself proper nutrition, you will forever forget about fasting, diets and many health problems.

Natural beauty

This is what every man is looking for. It feels like women haven't learned to love themselves for who they are. This does not mean that you need to completely neglect yourself. You must first accept yourself and only then move towards perfection. Important note: you won't get perfect skin with cheap cosmetics. Natural facial expressions, minimal daytime makeup, regular visits to a cosmetologist - this is what will help you in the pursuit of


The right choice of perfume will make you stand out from the crowd. The main rule here is not to spare money on a good perfume. The smell of perfume is what announces a woman a second before she appears, and what lingers in the air for some time after she has left. It should be noted that the fragrance is not chosen according to the external characteristics of the lady: age, hair color or figure. It is chosen solely from personal preference. By the way, the scent needs to be changed regularly - about twice a week.


Even if you don’t have the money to update your wardrobe every month, you can still dress tastefully, according to your age. You also need to choose clothes that will flatter your figure. The golden rules of a well-groomed woman dictate that every lady should have a small black dress, black dress shirt, beige V-neck jumper, black trench coat, beige cashmere coat, tuxedo, about 3-4 pairs of shoes “for all occasions.” For the rest, rely on your imagination. Experiment with accessories: bags, scarves, hats, jewelry - they will make each of your looks individual and stylish.


The cat is a symbol of beauty and femininity. Watch her smooth movements and easy gait. The grace inherent in this animal should serve as an example to all women on the planet. One of the main weapons in a woman's arsenal is a graceful, free, flying gait from the hip. Therefore, every girl needs to learn how to walk beautifully. Don't slouch, don't shuffle your feet, and look forward, not down at your feet. And wear heels - ballet flats and sneakers, no doubt. comfortable shoes, but the heel looks much more impressive.


What else should a well-groomed woman remember? The golden rules recommend how to dress and how to look. But the most important decoration of a lady is her smile. Beautiful teeth and shiny hair are the three main components of a well-groomed woman. It is better not to hesitate to visit the dentist and brush your teeth twice a day. All this will avoid unpleasant odor and yellow plaque. Smile more often, and let your smile blind!

“I’ll start on Monday” - you vow to go on a diet, get a manicure, start running to add elasticity to your butt and... It comes, this first day of the week of “new life”, so what? The desire to turn into an ideal woman also gnaws at your subconscious, but you treacherously lack the strength to carry out your plans. Why can some always be perfect in everything, while others are only limited to promises?

According to psychologists, a person’s well-groomed and neat appearance tells about his attitude towards himself and his life. And don’t be tempted to justify yourself with the common myth that smart women more often than not, they are unkempt, and the “blondes” look like something out of a picture. If you also have this opinion, let’s look into this in detail.

Nobody canceled the woman in the woman!

Stecchetto (translated from Italian as “perch”) is how Sophia Loren was teased as a child for her high growth and a skinny figure. But this did not stop her from becoming one of the sexiest and most beautiful women in the world. And, perhaps, to the motivating advice of this gorgeous woman self-care is worth listening to. In her book Woman and Beauty, Sophia Loren wrote: “You probably think that movie stars look great on screen without making any effort? Make no mistake. It's nice to think that be at your disposal expensive clothing, and skilled cameramen, you could look just as good. Believe me, the actress on the screen or beautiful woman on the street they create their own appearance. “Specialists can improve or correct something, but they cannot depict something that does not exist.”

Yes, beauty is the work of your own hands. And only the “lazy”, in the words of the famous Italian, are unable to become irresistible. Therefore, it is surprising when women neglect their image. So, one of my friends is 45 summer age with a shapeless hairstyle, overgrown gray roots and beard hairs, she said that you need to age naturally. In principle, the concept is correct, but with only one clarification - not only natural, but also beautiful. Regardless of age, a woman should always remain feminine and attractive, and what your face “will look like at fifty depends on you” was considered by the ideal Coco Chanel in everything.

Grooming is the path to success and wealth

The truth is that women who are attentive to themselves are successful at work, clean at home and happy in love. And it is the smart representatives of the fairer sex who always look superb.

Psychologists consider the reluctance to take care of oneself as an “alarm bell” indicating the beginning. And the sooner a woman begins to treat her depressing condition, the better it will be for her. Thus, experts note the inextricable connection between uncleanliness and lack of money. Therefore, parents should teach their children to have order and cleanliness. As a child, I knew one girl who loved to eat in bed and almost never made it, and her mother never reprimanded her. She grew up, but her attitude towards cleanliness did not change. Her apartment is a constant mess, shabby wallpaper, greasy chairs, a dilapidated sofa: you want to take a broom and mop and give it a perfect shine. At the same time, she attributes the decadent state of her home to lack of money. But thanks to ordinary, inexpensive things, you can create coziness and comfort anywhere. Wherever there is dirt there is poverty, which is a unique worldview. Do you want to be happy, loved and financially independent? Start with your appearance!

Well-groomed woman: the opinion of women themselves

Irina: “A well-groomed woman is, first of all, fit and without excess weight. It is desirable that the hair be natural color, manicure and pedicure without coating, and a fresh scent.”

Svetlana: “neutral and executed neatly and beautifully. healthy, straight teeth».

Olga: “Clean face, pedicure, properly chosen haircut. It is imperative that there is no hair on the body, especially on the face (mustache, beard). Slender, fit figure."

Karina: “Healthy, shiny hair, not brittle and with split ends. Make sure your hairstyle matches your face shape.

Marina: “Leather shoes, always clean, tights, socks. Expensive perfume so that alcohol doesn’t hurt your sense of smell.”

Margarita: “Even posture, always neat clothes, tastefully chosen, manicure and pedicure, clean, well-groomed hair.”

Well-groomed woman: men's opinion

Oleg: “So that you don’t have to worry about taking care of yourself when your skin color resembles Chinese porcelain or the color of burnt sugar. When you have hair extensions rather than your own: it becomes creepy when you run your hand over your scalp and think that it has scabs. Eyebrows that are completely plucked and filled in instead are annoying. A priori ideal woman“Moderately well-groomed, attractive with its natural beauty.”

Vladislav: “Appropriate makeup, clean skin, clean hair and pretty haircut. Its smell and taste in clothes are also very important.”

Alexander: “Light, barely perceptible aroma of perfume, discreet manicure, not extended, with rhinestones and dirt from the inside. And dull makeup.”

Dmitry: “I always look at my hands. I also consider the signs of a well-groomed woman to be: correct makeup, taste in clothes and healthy hair.”

The ideal woman is easy!

So how can you force yourself to start the morning with exercise, have time to do your hair and put on lipstick? You need to set aside a day and time for each self-care task. Try making a beauty diary for a month, and leave ten niches in it to create an attractive appearance:

1. Depilation procedure.
2. Washing your hair: mandatory as your hair gets dirty, approximately once every two to three days.
3. Manicure, .
4. Visiting the hairdresser: after all, the outcome of your whole life depends on your hairstyle.
5. Care for eyebrows as they grow.
6. Exercise, visiting a fitness center, running, yoga: anything for a slim and toned figure, as well as for a great mood.
7. Shower twice a day. The smell of cleanliness is the most attractive and sexy
8. Clean, ironed clothes and light makeup.
9. Rest, healthy sleep
10. Walking on fresh air.

Surely, you also have your own secrets on how to always look like an ideal woman!

Some people are destined to be beautiful from birth. Successful genetics provided ideal facial features, a chiseled figure, and luxurious hair. And someone, despite being outwardly unsightly, has a “spark” inside that attracts others. Unfortunately, long legs or charisma are given to us only from above, but there is one thing that will make any woman, regardless of genetic data, age and even financial situation (although one can argue here), attractive - grooming. With the question of what a well-groomed woman looks like and what is needed to become one, we turned to the readers of our portal.

Natalya, 38 years old, manager

A woman’s well-groomed appearance is revealed primarily by her skin, hair and nails, everything else is secondary. If a woman has truly sleek skin, then she can afford to get by with a minimal amount of makeup, because she has nothing to hide, disguise, or draw on.

The main investments, in my opinion, should not be in decorative cosmetics, and in care products, especially after reaching a certain age. If you want to look good, then you need to cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish your skin every day.

The lady's hands also give her away. Manicure for me is not painted three-centimeter claws, but a neat shape, moisturized skin (no reddened or flaky paws) and the absence of hangnails. Whether the nails are painted with varnish or not is not so important. I really don't like peeling nail polish or overgrown false nails. It looks so disgusting that I don’t even pay attention to the rest.

A well-groomed woman should have clean hair. Always, regardless of whether she goes to the theater today or goes to the country. Personally, I don’t believe in horror stories that washing your hair often is harmful. You just need to choose a gentle shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. It’s not for nothing that the French say that a clean head is already a hairstyle.

Do I consider myself well-groomed? More likely no than yes. I’m often too lazy to take care of myself, and, to be honest, it’s a pity for me to have free time, there’s not much of it anyway. But there are things that are sacred to me: a clean head and moisturizer for the face and hands after washing.

Sergey 23 years old, student

For me, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, hair, clean, long, shiny, silky, which you just want to touch. And she is always dressed neatly and stylishly: she wears dresses, skirts, heels, leaving sneakers and jeans for a picnic and for those who don’t take care of themselves. A well-groomed beauty will never wear washed underwear, stale tights or unkempt clothes. Such a girl smells of freshness and a clean body, perhaps a light, light scent of perfume. But when she smells fragrant like a perfume shop, I personally begin to feel sick, and the question immediately arises, what kind of smell is she trying to cover up with this?

Elena, 27 years old, accountant

The real indicator of grooming is what is not immediately visible. A woman who takes care of herself does it every day, and not before a vacation, New Year, or going to the beach. It’s crazy for me to hear that some girls don’t do pedicures or waxing in winter, “because no one sees anyway.” But they see it themselves every day! A well-groomed woman always has a fresh haircut, with at least minimal styling, good clean skin, treated arms and legs, and neat eyebrows.

Another important point is teeth. For their sake, I made huge sacrifices - both aesthetic and financial - and put on braces, and have been wearing them for over a year now. If someone is luckier than me, then professional cleaning at least once a year is one of the mandatory elements of care.

Andrey, 33 years old, programmer

I don’t like overly sleek young ladies. It seems that these girls, who are like dolls with perfect manicure, makeup and hairstyle, are only busy creating their own beauty and are not interested in anything else in life. For me, grooming is identical to the concepts of health and neatness, that is, clean, shiny hair, nails without a mourning border and peeling varnish, teeth without nicotine yellowness. And also a slim and toned body. According to my observations, the first “bell” that a woman doesn’t care about herself is excessive obesity.

Angelina, 24 years old, teacher

A well-groomed woman can be seen from afar. For example, I consider myself very well-groomed, and people around me constantly remind me of this. What's the secret? I think it’s the attention I pay to my appearance. Thanks to this, I always look my best. It is simply unthinkable for me to go out in public “without a face.” Every morning I do a thorough makeup, apply moisturizer, foundation, correct minor troubles like a pimple on my nose with concealer, “sculpt” my face from 2-3 tones of foundation, a little mineral powder and “meteorites” on top for a healthy glow of the skin, blush, of course , eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and the finishing touch - lip gloss. It may sound a bit heavy, but I only use high-quality cosmetics, so my makeup looks impressive, but at the same time quite natural. Such grooming is expensive and takes a lot of time, but what a result! When I look at women on the street, those who put on makeup with one hand while putting on their boots, I can tell that the comparison is not in their favor.

Anatoly, 39 years old, businessman

I believe that a woman simply must be well-groomed, otherwise she simply ceases to be a woman and becomes something like the “middle sex”. Special claims to appearance I personally don’t have one, I like it very much different women. But neat makeup, without the putty effect, easy styling, a manicure should always be present for someone who is not ashamed to show it to either her friends or her mother. There is nothing to even talk about depilation; there is nothing more repulsive than a woman with hairy legs or armpits.

Elena, 41 years old, doctor

In my opinion, what makes a woman well-groomed is her head. Look how many women there are around with unkempt hair, burned to the point of straw, with overgrown roots and split ends. Creating the image of a lady who takes care of herself is only possible with a clean, neatly styled, timely painted head. And there can be no compromises like “comb it well, tie it in a bun and it will pass for fresh.” The most important thing in the face is good skin, no matter with or without makeup, straight teeth without dark plaque and eyebrows. The latter are the frame of the entire face; they should not be shapeless, plucked like a thread, colorless or terribly permanent. And a well-groomed woman smells good, clean and has a light, unobtrusive scent that appears a second before her and disappears a minute after her.

Yuri, 31 years old, forwarder

I appreciate grooming in women, but it should be in moderation, without fanaticism. For example, it’s beautiful when a woman has fresh color faces, light tan, but skin overcooked in a solarium or smeared with self-tanner looks repulsive. Or an abundance of cosmetics, when foundation, powder, blush lie like plaster, from under which you can’t even see your face, it’s also annoying. Don’t these girls really understand that such “grooming” is conspicuous by its unnaturalness and is repulsive.

Natalya, 34 years old, designer

Well-groomed, I believe, always presupposes a certain lifestyle and level of income. There is no grooming on the trains, in the crush of the subway, in the dirt and in difficult conditions, she cannot survive there. What makes a sleek woman is free money and time when you can get enough sleep every day, eat healthy food, play sports and walk in the fresh air, and not spin in the “children-home-work” wheel. Well, and also the work of a cosmetologist, hairdresser and dentist on it.

Who is a “well-groomed woman” and is it possible to be one with a low level of material wealth: what do you think?

The situation is familiar when, when you see some people, only one thought spins in your mind: “What an unkempt woman!” How often in our persistent desire to be closer to the concept of “standard” female beauty“Many of us forget trivial little things.

But one small flaw in the image and that’s it! – you are branded as a madam with faded makeup or a well-worn manicure. The site has compiled its own list of signs that can easily ruin your entire image.

What, exactly, is meant by the concept of unkemptness?

These are many small details that give a woman’s overall image negligence, deprive her of femininity and attractiveness, and act repulsively. So, what gives away an unkempt woman? Each of us should know these signs if we want to look spectacular and attractive to others, even in ordinary jeans. After all, you can spend half a day looking great, but you should miss one little thing regarding your clothes or face, and this little thing can form a negative opinion about you.

What's in the article:

Signs of an unkempt woman

Signs of unkempt women: careless details in clothes and shoes

Signs of unkemptness can be seen on many people and by the way they dress.

  • Cloth. An overly stretched sweater, an awkward stain on a sleeve, a crease in stockings, a carelessly ironed blouse - all this can not only repel you, but also create a lasting negative opinion about you.
  • Shoes. Flying rhinestones, untied laces, scuffs, dirt on shoes. And there is no need to make excuses that it is raining and slush outside. Every woman should have wet wipes in her purse, which can be used to clean shoes from dust or dirt at any time.

Signs of an unkempt and cheap woman

How to avoid automatically falling into the cheap category?

  1. Too much perfume. Give up the habit of drowning in a cloud of perfume, especially those that age you or have a too strong aroma. Remember, only a slight hint of your scent should flow behind you so that the interlocutor wants to come closer to you.
  2. Catchy makeup. Uneven eyeliner, crumbling mascara and rolled shadows look very untidy. But this is nothing compared to bright lipstick and eye shadow of blue color paired with turquoise mascara. A well-groomed woman differs from an unkempt woman by her ability to look beautiful and expensive even without any makeup.
  3. Blush on the apples of the cheeks. If you don’t have these same cheeks, then blush will create the effect of even greater hollowing under the cheekbones. As a result, instead of a rosy-cheeked beauty, you risk becoming a madam with an unnatural complexion and a vulgar appearance.
  4. Brown tan. It doesn’t matter whether you sunbathed under the sun or applied self-tanning all over your body - do not overdo it with the shade.

Signs of an unkempt woman through the eyes of a man

Oh, how wrong are those women who believe that men do not notice the little things in our image. They notice. And how!

What does it mean to be unkempt according to men:

  • Dirty, unstyled hair. A man should want to run his fingers through your curls, and not immediately wash or recolor them.
  • Excess makeup on the face. More naturalness when applying makeup - and a man will certainly pay attention to you.
  • Chapped lips. Use a balm to soften the skin on your lips, otherwise a man will get sandpaper instead of soft and sensual lips.
  • Damaged manicure and unkempt hand skin. Most men attach great importance to the beauty of a woman's hand. What might attract them? Soft gentle hands with a discreet, neat manicure and beautiful shape nails
  • No pedicure. The phrase “you can’t see anything there anyway” will no longer be relevant if you wear open shoes or romantic date smoothly transitions into the bedroom.
  • “Curls” on the legs and other areas. Of course, in autumn and winter our legs are mostly hidden from the public eye, but there are still ladies with growth on their legs, noticeable even through very thick tights. Probably, there is no need to talk about intimate relationships: a hairy woman in bed can excite few people...

And most importantly, being well-groomed does not mean dressing like a needle or chasing fashion trends. To always be clean, tidy, dressed in clothes of your size, to monitor the health of your skin, hair and nails - this will be quite enough to always look attractive and feminine in the eyes of others.

There is an opinion in society that men do not see changes in their significant other, supposedly, even if you change your hairstyle, or hair color, or get a manicure, your betrothed will still not appreciate it, since he simply will not see it. Many of the stronger sex may indeed not pay attention to a new pedicure, not notice how your hair has shone, or your eyelashes have lengthened, or your teeth have brightened a couple of shades, but they will definitely notice if all this does not happen. A young man will immediately notice dirt under his nails or greasy hair; acne on his face will also confuse him. So where is this one a fine line, between inattention and accurate recording of a deficiency. We conducted a survey among the male population to help women understand what grooming and beauty are through the eyes of men.

Young people's opinions on female grooming

Valery, 27 years old: “For me, a well-groomed woman means clean hair, a pleasant aroma, a skirt or dress, and light makeup. I don’t like it when a girl is too pompous and overdressed - for me she becomes funny.”

Dmitry, 34 years old: “Groomed girls are my weakness! I just can’t imagine how much effort and time it takes them to get themselves in order before meeting a guy or going on vacation. This is a whole ritual, and those who observe it evoke my admiration and sympathy. I really love it when a woman has clear skin, smooth and delicate hands with a neat manicure, for some reason hands always arouse my interest, a smile and the beauty of her teeth are also important, teeth whitening- a procedure that I myself constantly resort to; a radiant smile immediately attracts the opposite sex.”

Alexander, 39 years old: “A woman who does not take care of her appearance is immediately obvious: she has a stooped back, sloppy hair, no makeup and rarely smiles, but it is with a smile that a woman can win over a man. You can also see women who take care of themselves, they are beautiful and confident. Such representatives attract you like a magnet.”

Vitaly, 47 years old : “I will always pay attention to a woman who is cheerful, laughing, and light-hearted. Of course, clothes and gait play a big role, but if a woman laughs, it means she is happy, and accordingly she will give happiness to everyone around her, for me this is the main thing!”

Summing up the results of the survey, we can conclude that men at any age consider grooming not only their hair and manicure, but also the condition of their teeth and smile. Almost all the men who took our survey, to one degree or another, noted the importance of a smile! Every third of them carefully monitors their own smile, bringing it to a radiant state. And, oddly enough, every first person constantly visits dentistry as part of an annual examination. Thus, we can say that a healthy and beautiful smile is a Must Have not only for women, according to men, but also for men themselves. And this already says a lot... This is really a very important detail of a well-groomed person.