New Year's crafts

Summary of the thematic conversation “How we celebrate the New Year.” GCD summary for the senior group “What is New Year? Conversations in the dhow about the New Year

Subject: New Year and its features.

Lesson objectives: introduce children to the history and traditions of the New Year holiday in different countries; learn the names of Santa Clauses in different countries of the world; develop clear and well-spoken speech; cultivate love for the traditions of your people.

Planned results: learn the history and traditions of the holiday, remember the names of Santa Clauses in different countries; give competent and complete answers.

Equipment: multi-colored crayons, cards with tasks on the material covered.

Preliminary work: decorate the classroom in New Year's style, prepare task cards.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational part.

II. Consolidation of the previous topic. Checking homework.

III. Notification of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. New material.

V. Physical education minute.

VI. Consolidation.

VII. Lesson summary.

VIII. House. exercise.

During the classes

I. Organization of the class, checking readiness for the lesson. The children read the quatrain in chorus.

The lesson begins
It will be useful for the guys.
I'll try to understand everything
Interesting to know.

II. Reinforce students' knowledge of the previous topic. Check your homework.

III. Announce the topic and goals of the lesson. Today we will conduct an unusual lesson (if possible, decorate the class in a New Year's theme). Look around. Do you like how our classroom is decorated? What holiday do you think we’ll talk about today? That's right, the topic of today's lesson is “New Year and its features.” We will talk about this long-awaited holiday, which is loved by both adults and children. Let's find out his story, where he came to us from. Let's remember New Year's traditions and many more interesting things.

IV. Learning new material. The teacher reads the poem "New Year" by N. Naydenova.

Through the dense forest,
Blizzard field
Winter holiday coming towards us.
So let's say it together:
"Hello, hello, New Year!"
It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!

Guys, who came up with this? fun party and where did he come to us from? In ancient times, our ancestors celebrated it on March 1st. People lit lights on Christmas trees in the form of candles, with the hope of a good harvest in the new year. When the people accepted the Christian faith, the holiday was moved to the first day of autumn - September. And only in 1700, by decree of Tsar Peter I, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on January 1.

About which New Year's traditions do you know our people? The main tradition is decorating the Christmas tree. This green beauty is decorated with balls, garlands, glowing lanterns, pine cones, sweets, and toys. The Christmas tree is a symbol New Year's holiday. Another tradition is to set off fireworks at 12 o'clock at night, it is at this time that everyone wishes each other happiness in the coming new year. It is also customary to celebrate this holiday with your family. Adults and children wear beautiful clothes And Carnival masks and have fun near the decorated Christmas tree. They sing songs, dance, play games and eat delicious food at the table.

Who can tell you how New Year is celebrated in other countries?

In England, when the clock strikes, people open the back door so that all bad weather will leave the house, and with the last blow they open the front doors and allow luck, prosperity, and health to enter.

The Hungarian people play loudly on pipes, whistles, and horns at midnight. They believe that this helps drive out evil spirits from the house.

Germans of all ages climb onto chairs, sofas, armchairs and jump onto the floor with the onset of the holiday. They say it helps you jump into New Year pure and sinless.

At the last minute of the old year, Italians throw unnecessary dishes, things, and furniture into the street. This allows them to get rid of bad energy.

In Spain, it is customary to eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes.

In Scandinavia, there is a tradition of grunting under the table; Scandinavians claim that it helps them get rid of illness and bad luck.

But in China, the New Year is not celebrated on the first of January; the celebration is scheduled on different days. The main feature of Chinese New Year is the decoration of houses and streets with small lanterns. And the children draw their sword on a piece of paper and before going to bed, put it under the pillow.

In India, New Year is called Gudi Padwa, on this day Indians must eat the leaves of the neem neem tree.

Bulgaria is a country where the smallest member of the family reads poems to guests, sings songs, and gives souvenirs that he removes from the Christmas tree.

To relax, children are invited to play the game “Who is the Biggest?” Divide students into two teams, and take turns naming words that can be attributed to the New Year. The team that stops last wins.

Children, without whom is there no New Year's holiday? What does he look like? Who is his assistant? What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?

In the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain - this is Santa Claus. He differs from ours in his clothes; he always wears a red jacket with white fur and trousers.

In Sweden there are actually two of them: Yultomten and Julnissaar, they reward obedient children and leave them gifts under the window.

And in France there are also two Santa Clauses: Père-Noël and Chalande. To the Italian children New Year's Eve Fairy Befana arrives.

In Romania - Mos Kreciun. Finland is famous for Joulupukki, he is always in the retinue of the gnomes. In Estonia - Jiuluvana.

And the guys from Uzbekistan are looking forward to Corbobo, who arrives on a donkey.

All Santa Clauses are different appearance, but they all give Christmas mood, joy, fun and long-awaited gifts.

Game "Let's draw a Christmas tree." Children are divided into two teams and take turns going to the board to draw one element of the Christmas tree. The team with the most elegant New Year's beauty wins.

V. Physical exercise. Children are invited to play the game “Mother Winter”. The teacher reads and shows what to do.
Mother winter has come,
Everything was covered in a snowstorm.
(wave-like movements of the hands in front of you)

We'll walk through the snowdrifts,
Right through to the dense forest.
(walking with high knees)

Suddenly we saw titmice,
We waved to them ( wave your hand)

And the titmice blinked at us,
And they fled behind the pines
(swing with both hands)

Suddenly snowflakes came,
Like light feathers
(imitate falling snowflakes with your fingers)

Spun with us,
They started dancing with us
(spin around in place)

Hands clapped
(clap 4 times)
Foot stomped
(stomp 4 times)

They ran up to the tree together
And HURRAY!!! They shouted at her.
(We approach the Christmas tree - hurray!!!)

And now we are all people,
Let's say together...

Fomichenko Olga
Summary of GCD for senior group“What is New Year?”

Subject: What is New Year?

Target: form ideas about the holiday New Year,


To form children’s ideas about the celebration of the New Year in our country and other countries, about the symbols, traditions and customs of the holiday;

Continue teaching how to solve riddles;

Develop children's speech: learn to give complete and detailed answers;

Develop interest in the New Year holiday.

Develop play activity children.

Types of children's activities: social - communicative activity, cognitive activity, reading fiction, musical activity.

Materials and equipment: presentation "What is New Year» , pictures with images Christmas decorations and items not related to them (for the game “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”, photographs of children at a holiday with their families, photographs depicting the capitals of different countries (England, Germany, France, Japan, Russia).


1. Organizational moment.

3. Physical exercise « New Year» .

New year in different countries.

6. Game “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”.

7. Guessing riddles.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, guess my riddle, and when you guess it, you and I will go on an interesting journey.

“What kind of holiday is it outside?

Coming in December?

At this time, everyone is suddenly happy,

Kids are waiting for gifts

For a few minutes

Family gathering:

Mothers, grandmothers, relatives.

And holding glasses in my hands,

Counting the strokes of the clock,

Everyone is screaming with joy

They joke, jump, play pranks.

Away from nightmares and bad weather,

Only happiness is expected this night,

This is a holiday without hassle,

This is a holiday -. !

(New Year)

Educator: That's right guys, this is New Year. And what is New Year?

Educator: New Year is a holiday. It's hard to find a person who wouldn't love New Year. Since the early childhood New The year is the most beloved, homely and warm holiday for each of us. Are you all waiting for him? Why are you waiting for this holiday?

Children's answers.

Educator: Now let's listen to the song "He's coming to us New Year» . (music and lyrics by E. I. Morozova)

Listening to an audio recording

2. Conversation about the advent of the New Year.

Educator: What do you guys think, where did this holiday come to us from?

children's answers.

Educator: Tradition to celebrate New year January 1st appeared in Russia only three hundred years ago. Peter I issued a decree stating that New The year must be celebrated on January 1st.

By order of the Tsar, Muscovites for the first time decorated their houses with New Year with pine branches, juniper and spruce.

Originally on New the trees were decorated with candies, cookies,

fruits, nuts and even vegetables.

But Father Frost and Snow Maiden did not exist at that time. There was Frost - old man with white beard, who commanded the winter cold. It was this character that became the basis for the birth of the fairy tale about New Year's Santa Claus, who brings gifts.

The traditional Santa Claus costume also did not appear immediately. At first he was depicted wearing a cloak. Santa Claus skillfully cleaned chimneys through which he threw gifts to children. The Snow Maiden also appeared a little later. We first learned about her from a fairy tale "Snow Maiden", but there she was simply sculpted from snow. Everyone remembers the moment in the fairy tale when she jumps over the fire and melts.

Everyone loved the character so much that gradually the Snow Maiden became an invariable symbol of New Year's celebrations.

This is how he appeared New Year, which we are accustomed to meeting since childhood.

Educator: Now guys, let's relax and play a little.

3. Physical exercise « New Year»

Everyone has New Year,

And with us New Year. (They take a step with a stomp and at the same time clap their hands, turning in right side and to the left.)

Near the Christmas tree there is a green round dance.

Santa Claus came to us. (They make slight tilts of their heads in different directions, as if telling each other this news.)

He has toys and firecrackers,

And he brought us candy! (They spin around in place, raising their arms and rotating their hands.)

He's kind to us

He is cheerful with us, - (They take a stomping step and clap at the same time)

Near the green Christmas tree

He himself went to dance with us. (We walk in place)

4. Conversation about how to celebrate New year in different countries.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, is it everywhere? New Is the year celebrated the same way?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's go on a journey with you and find out how they celebrate New year in other countries.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting the capital of England - London.

Educator: This is London - the capital of England.

Here on New Every year, the English Santa Claus comes to children, he travels on a sleigh pulled by six reindeer.

Children hang a stocking on the edge of their bed, into which a gift should fall through the chimney.

The teacher shows an image of Berlin, the capital of Germany.

Educator: And these guys are Berlin - the capital of Germany.

Father Frost named Vainakhtsman lives here. German Santa Claus likes to appear on a donkey. When he arrives, he holds gifts in one hand and rods in the other. Those who behaved well receive a gift, but those who behaved badly during the year and played a lot of pranks will not receive a gift. Children in Germany, before going to bed, place plates for gifts on tables and windowsills. And they put hay in their own shoes so that Vainakhtsman’s donkey can eat before the long journey.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting Paris, the capital of France.

Educator: And this is Paris - the capital of France.

The French Santa Claus's name is Père Noel. Like all Klaus, he began to climb pipes and place gifts on his toes with his own hands. He divides gifts for children into two parts: he leaves some gifts on New Year’s Eve, and puts more valuable ones in prepared shoes (children hang them in the house in the evening) At Christmas.

The teacher shows a photo of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

Educator: And this, guys. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Japanese Santa Claus's name is Segatsu - san - Mister New Year.

Girls' favorite New Year's entertainment is playing shuttlecock, and boys throw kite. Japanese children meet New Year in new clothes. Adults also prefer to wear something new, as it is believed to bring health and good luck in the new year. On New Year's Eve, children put under their pillow a picture depicting 7 fairy-tale wizards - patrons of happiness.

The teacher shows a photograph depicting Moscow, the capital of Russia.

Educator: You and I have returned home. This is Moscow - the capital of our country Russia.

In Russia New The year always means a decorated Christmas tree, a festive dinner, the chiming clock, the Snow Maiden and, of course, Father Frost, who puts gifts for children under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve.

What gifts to give to children on new Santa Claus learns from the letters he receives from children just before the holiday.

Educator: Coming soon New Year in our country. How do you guys usually celebrate? New Year?

Children show their family photos and talk about how they celebrate the holiday at home.

5. Conversation with children about the New Year tree.

Educator: Guys, who already has a decorated Christmas tree at home?

children's answers.

Educator: Tell me, how can I decorate the Christmas tree? What toys and decorations?

children's answers.

6. Game “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday”.

Educator: Tell me, guys, who helps decorate the Christmas tree at home?

Children's answers.

Educator: Well done. Then you and I will now play a game "Let's decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday". Children are divided into two teams. In front of them are pictures depicting Christmas tree decorations and objects not related to them (balls, stars, icicles, a fox, a bunny, a stool, a nail, skates, Santa Claus, a Snow Maiden, candy, a hammer, a plate, trousers.)

The children start decorating the Christmas trees. The winner is the team that not only decorates the Christmas tree quickly, but also correctly. The children sum up the results of the game themselves.

7. Guessing riddles.

Educator: Well done guys, you all did a good job. Now let's see if you are also good at solving riddles? For every correct answer you receive a snowflake.

The teacher makes a wish puzzles:

She comes all dressed in white,

She covers it with snow

All the trees and houses

It's called... (winter)

On the trees, on the paths,

on children's boots.

It lies on everyone in winter

Well of course it is... (snow).

All carved, lace -

light fluff

They flew to us from the sky

White... (Snowflakes)

His children made him out of snow

A nose was made from a carrot

They even gave him a scarf

To severe frost not frozen

Who does every child know?

In the yard behind the window stands

Boys' friend and girls' friend

Good plump friend... (snowman)

“Name it, guys,

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are meeting New Year».

(month of December))

All dressed up in toys

All covered in garlands and firecrackers

Not prickly at all

Well of course it is... (Christmas tree)

We are not afraid to freeze

We dance and sing

We laugh and have fun

And we are waiting for gifts

And around the decorated Christmas tree

We dance in a circle

We are not afraid to freeze

We are meeting … (New Year)

Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree,

Pulls the sled behind him.

And the bag is heavy on them,

And in the bag they are... (present)

With a bag of gifts, with a beard,

Cheerful look and red nose.

He comes to us in winter

Good grandfather... (Freezing)

"One two Three! - The command sounds, -

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Lights the lanterns

New Year's... (garland)

Everything you want on the tree There is:

There are countless toys there.

Candy, rain and firecrackers,

Garlands, stars and top.

Among the glittering tinsel

Round sparkles..." (balls).

With frost, blizzard and snow

The magical winter will come.

And all the rivers and lakes

Will cover slippery thick... (ice)

We fly across the ice like the wind.

There are sparkles of joy in the eyes.

We put on our boots, walkers,

They're called … (skates)

Rolling down a snowy hill

Vadik and Oksanka.

Like the wind they rush

Their new ones... (sled).

We put shoes on their feet

We are quickly moving down the mountain

Why don't I hear the answer?

Well of course it is... (skis)

Clinging to the cornice

Droplets are thrown down

Not a toy, not a whistle,

And transparent... (icicle)

Educator: What great guys you are, and you are also very good at solving riddles.

Educator: Guys, what interesting things did you learn today? What did you like most?

children's answers.

Educator: Our journey has come to an end. Happy upcoming year everyone New Year!

Summary of the conversation “Soon, soon New Year”!

" Soon, New Years is soon,

He's in a hurry, he's walking

knocking on our doors,

Children, hello, I’m coming to see you!”

Guys, do you know that you should hurry to visit us? main holiday, which has been awaited almost all year? Children's answers. Please tell us what you know about the New Year holiday, how is it celebrated, why is it loved so much and is there something magical about it? Children's answers. Guys, at what time of year does Grandfather Frost come to us? Children's answers(winter) . Let's remember how winter differs from summer, I will start the sentence, and you will finish it. And be careful, do not forget that our eyes are watching, our ears are listening, and our hands do not interfere, but help.

In summer the sky is bright and in winter. ?

The sun is bright in summer and in winter. ?

It's warm in summer and warm in winter. ?

In summer the bunny has a gray fur coat, and in winter. ?

In the summer the bear is awake, and in the winter. ?

In the summer we ride a bike, and in the winter. ?

After summer comes autumn, and after autumn. ?

In summer the ground is covered with grass, and in winter. ?

There are many birds in summer and in winter. ?

Flowers grow in summer and in winter. ?

Well done guys, you did a great job! Tell me, what falls from the sky in winter? Children's answers(snowflakes) . Since there is nowhere in winter without snow, the teacher invites the children to draw snowflakes using colored pencils and a sheet of paper, and then decorate the group with them. How unusual your snowflakes turned out, both big and small, and with a magnificent pattern, like in a fairy tale.

The teacher reveals to the children a little secret, that both adults and children are eagerly awaiting Santa Claus, then invites them to write him a letter and tell him about their actions in the past year and explain why they want to meet him so much. The letter is sealed together and given to the postman.(the role of the postman can be played by both a child and an adult) The teacher offers the children the game “What grows on our Christmas tree”? The rules are very simple, the guys sit in a circle, if the statement is true, then they clap their hands, if not, then they stomp their feet.

What grows on our Christmas tree?

Tangerines and crackers?

Candy and toys?

Glass balls?

Wooden briefcases?

Are tigers real?

Are the garlands shiny?

Only she, the five-winged star, shines at the top!

The teacher turns to the children and says that an unusual chest was left at the door, and in ita note :"Go through the maze and open the magic chest."

Children are given the task of going through a maze from the star to the gifts, after which the teacher pronounces magicwords : “Here we salabim the maraban drum, open the chest to us!”

The children open the chest and find candy there.(surprise moment)

During joint activities on the theme “New Year is coming” - problematic situation“When is New Year celebrated”, “What gifts to give for the holiday”, conversation “Who is Santa Claus”, “What traditions of the New Year holiday do you know?” - revealed the problem that children have no idea about the New Year. Children have superficial knowledge, they are not familiar with the history of the holiday, they do not know about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia, where Santa Claus came from. There was a need to develop and implement a system of events within the framework of the project “Soon, New Year is coming!”


In the course of activities to familiarize children with the history of the holiday in Russia, with its traditions, their level of awareness in these matters will increase. During the development of this project it is planned Team work teachers, children, parents for closer contact, so that parents take an active part in the development of their child.


Familiarize children with the history of the holiday in Russia and its traditions.


  1. Expand children's ideas about the New Year holiday, highlight it characteristics: attributes, attitude and mood of people, rules of behavior, traditions.
  2. Create a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating the group, making crafts, memorizing poems, songs, dances).
  3. Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in preparation for the New Year holiday.


teachers, parents, children

Project implementation period: 10.12.2014 – 25.12.2014.

Project type: informational and creative.

Distribution of duties:


The selection is clear - didactic material on the theme of New Year. A selection of fiction - stories, poems, Russian folk tales. A selection of New Year's songs. Selection various materials For productive activity children. Conducts discussions: “New Year”, “Who is Santa Claus”, “Why I love the New Year”, organizes viewing of the presentation “Visiting Santa Claus”. Develops a holiday script. Manufactures didactic games“Collect a picture”, “Find a pair”. Organizes an exhibition of children's works on a New Year theme. Involves parents in preparing for the New Year holiday.


Participate in preparations for the New Year holiday and decorating the group. They will organize an exhibition of fiction on a New Year's theme. Making crafts with children New Year's theme- Christmas trees, snowmen, boots.

Children: participate in events within the framework of the “New Year is coming soon!” project.

Stage 1: Preparatory - 10.12. – 12.12.

  • Determining the theme of the project.
  • Formulation of the goals and objectives of the project.
  • Drawing up an event plan, preparing for events.
  • Individual meetings with parents.

Stage 2: Main – 15.12. – 24.12.

Joint and independent activities of children and adults:

  • Conversations with children:
  • What is New Year?
  • What is the history of the holiday?
  • Where does Santa Claus live?
  • Why do they decorate the Christmas tree for New Year?
  • Who should I give gifts to?
  • Reading fiction:
  • Russians folk tales“Snow Maiden”, “Morozko”;
  • Tokmakova I. “Live, Christmas tree!”;
  • L. Voronkova “How the Christmas tree was decorated”;
  • r.n.s. "Frost and the Hare."
  • Drawing “Christmas tree”;
  • Modeling "Snowman";
  • Application “Decorating the Christmas tree”;
  • Group decoration for the New Year;
  • Creation greeting cards and invitations;
  • Learning dances and songs;
  • Didactic games “Collect a picture”, “Find a pair”, “Cut pictures”;
  • Watching cartoons;
  • Viewing the presentation “Visiting Grandfather Frost”;
  • Final – diagnostic conversation “New Year – a holiday of magic”

and joy."

Stage 3: Final – 12/25/2014.

New Year's party "Visiting the Christmas tree."

Methodological support for project activities:

Comprehensively – thematic planning according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva – middle group.

Expected Result:


  • Children have increased their level of knowledge about the history of the holiday and its traditions
  • Children eagerly participate in decorating the group, making crafts with their parents, and in preparing for the matinee - learning songs and dances.
  • The majority of parents (80%) took part in organizing the New Year's party in kindergarten, in decorating the group.

An exhibition of creative works on New Year's themes has been created - Christmas trees, snowmen, boots.

Broadcast of the project:

  • performance at the Moscow Region.

Project prospects:

Replenishing the equipment of the method room - the portfolio of the project “Soon, New Year is coming!”

Elena Ivanovna Chernenko
Summary of the thematic conversation “How we celebrate the New Year.”

Target: To introduce children to the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and other countries of the world. Systematize children's knowledge about the celebration New Year in different countries, to form educational interest.

Progress of the conversation.

Educator. Hello children. I'm glad to see you. Guys, look how beautiful and elegant our group is.

Can you guess why? Which soon we will have a holiday? (New Year)

That's right, well done. Children, what do you think, why do groups decorate? holiday?

(To make it beautiful, festively, elegant, joyful, fun, magical)

Educator. Today we will talk about New Year celebration.

I think it's ours the conversation will be interesting. After all, the New Year's Eve -

an ancient tradition that exists among all peoples of the world. And although this the holiday is celebrated in different ways,its main decoration is that (Christmas tree)

Who decorated the Christmas tree at home?

What was your Christmas tree like?

What toys did you decorate it with?

(Children's answers)

Educator. Children, look, I have a Christmas tree. But is there something missing from it? (Jewelry). Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Exercise "Let's decorate our Christmas tree"

Educator. Our Christmas tree turned out beautiful and elegant.

Many stories, fairy tales, and poems have been written about the beautiful New Year tree.

How many of you know poems about the Christmas tree? Let him tell them to us.

1. Herringbone, herringbone

Bright lights!

Beads, beads

The Christmas tree is ringing!

2. Before winter holiday

For a green Christmas tree

White dress herself

I sewed it without a needle.

3. Shaked off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And stands more beautiful than everyone else

In a green dress.

4. To her green color to your face

Elka knows this

How is she under New Year

Well dressed!

Educator. Well done, the guys told wonderful poems!

Now listen to me.

New year is a holiday the most loved by both adults and children. Earlier New Year was celebrated in March. It was at this time that field work began, and March was considered the first month of the year. For example, far away in Asia New Year is celebrated in the heat, so when people meet, they pour water on each other. And in Bulgaria, when they gather for New Year's celebration, turn off the lights for two or three minutes. And in Italy before new every year people throw away old, unnecessary things and replace them with new.

Almost everywhere today New The year is celebrated on the night from the thirty-first of December to the first of January.

Educator. Children, who is the main character of the New Year? holiday? Guess the riddle.

This grandfather has many grandchildren

The grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather

On the street, grandfather pesters them,

He grabs your fingers and pulls your ears. (Father Frost)

Physical education is being held" New Year"

Educator. Guys, let's draw now New Year's card and give it to our friends so they know how we celebrate New Year.

(Children complete the task)

Educator. Well, our time with you has come to an end conversation. We found it interesting. Today you have learned a lot and will be able to tell your friends and acquaintances at home. Thank you!

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