Useful tips

Abstract of the GCD in the second junior group in the educational field “Cognition” on the topic: “A spring day feeds the year. Notes on the node "Spring is Coming" (junior group 2) Notes on spring, junior group

Target : Consolidating knowledge about spring using speech and artistic activities.Enrich children's vocabulary with a variety of definition words.

Tasks :

Developmental : Expansion of vocabulary on the topic “Spring”. Stimulate the thinking and speech activity of children. Develop a sense of rhythm.

Educational: cultivate emotional responsiveness, careful attitude and love for nature.

Activating the dictionary: Spring, Signs of spring: it’s getting warm, the snow is melting, there are icicles on the roofs, birds are flying in from warm countries, trees are waking up.

Health-saving technologies : development exercise speech breathing"Let's help the breeze."

Kinds activities : gaming, communicative, cognition, socialization, health, reading fiction, productive,

Preliminary Job : Observations on a walk, memorizing poems and songs about spring, conversations, drawing icicles on the roof, the sun in the clouds, applique of a birdhouse.

Equipment : model of the sun, an envelope with an illustration of a sleeping bear, a set of paintings about spring,sculpting: ½ album sheet,plasticine.

Plan GCD :

    Organizational moment: 2 min.: exercise “let’s smile at each other”, Poem by Z. Alexandrova “Sun”,

    Conversation on the paintings “Spring” 5 min.:

Examination of 4 paintings, conversation on content,

Exercise for developing speech breathing “Let’s help the breeze”

    Reading a letter from a magpie “Help wake up the bear” to motivate drawing.

    Physical education minute"Three Bears "2 minutes.

    Modeling on paper"radiant sunshine." 5 minutes.

    The result of GCD. Encouraging all children 1 min.

Move N OD:

Vosp: All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Hold your hands tightly

And smile at each other.

Let's all smile and share good mood with each other and with our guests. Say hello to them.

Laughter is heard.

Vosp: Who is that laughing outside the door? (Showing a model of the sun) Even the sun came to us to look at your dazzling smiles. Who wants to tell a poem about the sun?

Children: (optional) The cloud hid behind the forest,

The sun is looking from the sky.

And so pure

Good, radiant.

Vosp: Why do we call the sun “good”?

Children: It warms all of us, animals, the earth.

I invite the children to sit on the chairs,

I hang the model of the sun on the board.

Vosp: What time of year is it now? What time of year is shown in the pictures?

How did you guess it was spring? (we look at the illustrations one by one)

Snow is melting,appearhandyi, there are puddles all around,

There are a lot of icicles on the roofs,

The sun is brighter and warmer,

The trees are waking up

The children are dressed in light jackets,

They hang birdhouses because birds from warm countries will soon arrive.

Vosp: What kind of breeze do you think blows in the spring: warm or cold?

Of course, warm, weak. Let's help him, blow lightly on his palm.

How does the breeze make noise? (sh-sh-sh) - the children hiss quietly, loudly, quietly again.Now let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds of spring and birds.

Sound recording "Birds"

A knock is heard.

Vosp: (I take the envelope from the windowsill) Children, a magpie sent us a letter from the forest.

(I take out the picture and read) “Help wake up the bear”

The bear is sleeping and does not know that spring has already come

Let'slet's blind rays forspringthsunshineA, and we'll sendourdrawings of a bear.

Physical education lesson “Three Bears”.

Children rays sculpt .

Vosp: How bright the group became from your drawings! What wonderful suns.

Today we did a lot of useful things: we talked about spring, helped to wake up

Bear and became friends with each other. Everyone did their best today.Well done!

Program content.


  • ability to identify one or many objects
  • compare two sets using expressions “one by one, not one, as many - as, equally, equally by...”
  • ability to distinguish and name the main colors of the spectrum, the shape of a ball, a circle
  • skills of rolling plasticine into round shapes and flattening.

Continue learning:

  • distinguish and name trees and shrubs
  • the order of the seasons of winter and spring, their signs
  • forest animals.


  • fine motor skills fingers
  • sensory skills
  • the ability to name the characteristics of an object by touch.


  • with spruce and pine cones, compare by appearance.


  • form adjectives "pine" And "spruce" from nouns "pine" And "spruce" .

Materials and equipment:

  • toy sun (anti-stress emoticon with clothespins - rays), bear
  • easel
  • table screen
  • illustrations depicting early spring, forest animals: fox, wolf, hedgehog, moose, hare
  • polyethylene sheets according to the number of children
  • green clothespins according to the number of children, 5-6 pieces of other colors
  • planar tree and bush
  • yellow plasticine in pieces according to the number of children
  • dish or beautiful plate
  • a basket with pine cones according to the number of children and one spruce tree.

Preliminary work.

  • learning nursery rhymes, poems, physical education lessons with children
  • learning an outdoor game “Run to a tree or bush!”
  • conversations and viewing illustrations about the seasons, wild animals
  • didactic games for the development of sensory skills
  • modeling

Surprise moment. The sun comes to visit.

The teacher reads a nursery rhyme while slowly raising the sun from behind the screen.

The sun is shining through the window,
He looks into our room,
We will clap our hands -
Very happy about the sun!

The sun greets every child. The child takes it in his hands to answer the greeting. The teacher notes how warm and soft the sun is to the touch. (before class it is good to place the sun on the battery).

Sunny: Do you recognize me? You helped me a lot last time: you found my rays and I was able to shine and heat the earth again, so that winter would go away and come..?

Educator: Wait, wait, honey, the children know what time of year comes after winter. Tell the sun guys!

Children: Spring!

Sunny: How did you guess that spring has come?

Children: The snow has melted (illustration), turned into... water.

Sunny: The trees, bushes and other plants warmed up, drank and decided that it was time to release their buds...

Children: Leaves!

Sunny: Help me wake up my kidneys. (Hands out plastic sheets of paper into palms).

Finger exercise.

When the sun warms up, the leaves hidden in the palms are applied to

On trees, the buds are on one cheek, then on the other, gradually opening

And palms will appear from them and release leaves.

The first leaves.

The breeze is quietly waving the leaves in one direction or the other.

The leaves are swaying

We will help the breeze

And we’ll breathe on them. Blow on leaves.

Educator: What beautiful leaves! Are they soft or hard? Light or heavy? Let's blow on them!

Educator: How many leaves did we get?

Children: A lot!

Educator: How many leaves does each of you have?

Children: One!

Educator: Can we say that there are equal numbers of children and leaves?

Children: There are equal numbers of children and leaves. Separately and together.

Educator: Let's attach leaves to our plants and spring will come! Girls - on a bush, boys - on a tree. Just take clothespins the same color as the leaves. One by one. What is color?

Children: Green.

Children use clothespins to attach leaves to the cardboard outline of a tree or bush.

Sunny: Thanks guys! We helped the trees and bushes, now we need to help other forest dwellers.

Some wild animals in the forest slept all winter. I started to wake them up. The hedgehog woke up, the badger woke up, the lizards, frogs and snakes woke up, but my friend the bear cub just doesn’t wake up.

Educator: We can go into the forest and wake him up with a funny poem.

Physical education minute.

Teddy Bear

Walking through the forest. Imitation of the clubfoot gait of a bear.

Collects cones, Tilts - “they pick up the cones and put them in the basket” .

Sings a song.

The cone bounced off -

Right in the bear's forehead! Clap your hands and knees.

The bear got angry and stomped their feet.

And with your foot - stomp! They stomp with one foot.

The teacher pulls the bear out from behind the screen.

Bear: Oh, I almost overslept! Sunny, is winter already over? And it came... Oh, I forgot...

Educator: Hello, Mishka!

Bear: Oh, so many children! Hello children! Tell me please, what time of year is it?

Children: Spring!

Bear: It’s really spring! The snow has melted and the leaves on the trees and bushes have blossomed! And I'm still sleeping! Thanks for waking me up, kids! And how I want to eat!

Educator: guys, let's treat Mishka with cookies? You and I have learned how to make cookies, right?

Here we have the dough and a plate. (Hands out a piece of plasticine to the children, noting that he will give 1 piece to each, but there are a lot of pieces in total. There are as many pieces as there are children.).

Children roll the lumps into balls and flatten them into flat cakes, commenting on their actions, paying attention to the shape (ball and circle). Then he collects the cookies into one plate, again paying attention to the fact that everyone made one, and there is a lot of everything in the plate. The same number as children.

Mishka thanks the children, promises to take the cookies to the forest and treat them to his friends - the forest animals.

Do you know how many friends I have? A lot, I never counted. I do not know how!

A cookie for each - placed under each image of an animal. The conclusion is that there is enough for everyone and there will still be some left.

They also treat the sun. It notes that the cookies are similar in color and shape to it.

Mishka thanks:

Thank you children! They woke me up, fed me, and did their best for my friends! How can I thank you... Let me give you a basket of cones, the same ones that I was collecting in the forest when one bounced right on my forehead. I have a lot of them, enough for everyone.

He hands out one at a time, noting that everyone has one, but there is a lot of everything. The same number as children.

Gives the teacher one fir cone.

The teacher suggests comparing the appearance of spruce and Pine cones. Reinforces concepts "one" And "a lot of" using the example of pine and spruce cones.

The teacher invites the children to hide the cones in their palms and determine whether they are smooth or rough, hard or soft. Activates the adjective in speech "pine" . Later he promises to teach the children how to make funny animals out of cones.

Sunny: Well, bear, it’s time for us to go to the forest. We still have a lot to do. Thank you, children, for your help! Goodbye!

Educator: What great fellows! They helped the spring release the leaves from the buds, helped the sun to wake up the bear, and made cookies for him and his friends. Nice job! And now I suggest you relax - play fun game “Run to the tree - run to the bush!” .

Rules of the game: The teacher plays the tambourine - the children run freely in all directions. The music ends - the children run to the tree, then to the bush. Option: girls - to the bush, boys - to the tree, or vice versa.


On April 21, 2016, a methodological association took place teaching staff MBDOU kindergarten“Baby”, in which teacher L.S. Polyanina demonstrated an open display of the “Spring” educational activity in the younger group.

Summary of GCD "Spring" in the younger group

Goal: Development of cognitive interest in the world around us.


Consolidating ideas about spring and its signs;

Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topics “Seasons”, “Spring”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Trees”;

Improving the skill of reading familiar poems;

Consolidating the ability to identify the first sound in a word;


Development of speech communication, visual and auditory attention, verbal-logical thinking, phonemic hearing;

Development of general and fine motor skills.


Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility;

Fostering love and respect for nature.


flashlight, pictures depicting the seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Birds: starling, swallow, rook. Insects: butterfly, fly, mosquito, bee, dragonfly, mosquito, ladybug, ant, caterpillar. Finished works of children “Birdhouses”, “Sun”.

Drawn images of the sun, rays; green leaves, blue fabric for a stream, a “pebble”, a drop of water.

Musical selection.

Org. moment: The music of A. Vivaldi “Spring” sounds. Children enter.

Q - Guys, can you hear? What amazing music it sounds! (listen to music).

Look what a wonderful morning, how many guests have come to us. Let's greet each other and guests with the words:

« Good morning“Wake up quickly, smile wider at the sun!”

There is a yellow circle on the easel.

The teacher pays attention to him. Speaks on behalf of the sun.

“I am the spring sun. I sent my sunbeams to warm the earth, but they were lost. Help me please find them. And a magic light will show you the way.

Q: - Guys, what should we do? What can happen if the rays are not found?

(Children's assumptions: plants and animals will disappear, birds will die, it will be dark and cold, people will feel bad)

Q: - Do you want to help the sun?

Q: - Then let’s go on a journey for some rays of sunshine.

Magic light, help, show us the way!

Children go with a teacher in a group, teacher. shines with a small flashlight, the light falls on pictures with the seasons)

V. - Guys, look at what a magical clearing we find ourselves in! All seasons of the year have gathered here. Name them. (winter spring Summer Autumn)

V. - And this is what time of year (pointing to the picture of winter)

V. - Why did you decide that? (snow, cold, people are dressed warmly, children sled, skate, ski, play snowballs, make snowmen)

V. - What time of year is this? (pointing to a picture of spring)

D. - Spring.

V. - Why do you think so? (the snow melts, the buds on the trees swell, the sun shines brightly, birds fly in, grass and flowers appear)

V. - What time of year is this? (pointing to a picture of summer)

V. - Why did you decide that? (people are relaxing, it’s a hot season, children are swimming, a lot of flowers are appearing)

V. - What time of year is this? (pointing to a picture of autumn)

D. - Autumn.

V. - Why do you think so? (grass and leaves turn yellow, leaves begin to fall, birds fly south, animals prepare for winter, people harvest)

V. - What time of year is it now?

D. - Spring!

V. - Do you remember poems about spring? Let's read them. (mnemonic tables)

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining;

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

The starlings are returning -

Our old residents

V. - Well done, guys. So we found the first ray of light, let's move on.

Magic light, help, show us the way (shines on a drop of water)

V. - guys, guess what the next ray warmed:

"Wearing a blue shirt, he runs along the bottom of a ravine"

D. - stream.

Turn on the music trickle

V. - Give us a gentle name for our stream (stream, stream)

Look at the pebble. Shall we play?

“Tell each other a pebble, what a spring stream does, name it!”

(runs, murmurs, rings, makes noise, cheers, refreshes, waters, flows, sparkles)

We all went down to the stream,

They bent down and washed.

One two three four -

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

Q: - Well done, we’ve found another beam, let’s move on.

Magic light, help, show us the way (shines a flashlight at pictures of insects)

Q: - Who was warmed by the beam?

D: - insects. Take a picture and name your insect

Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

Look carefully and use a counter to cover what is unnecessary. Tell me what you closed and why.

Q: - guys, tell me, is it possible to touch insects and bring them home?

Q: - why?

D: - they can bite, sting. They can't live at home.

Q: - insects need to be protected. We can hurt them, you and I are so big, and they are small. They cannot be offended. You can watch them. It is very interesting to watch how insects move and live.

Guys, do you know what benefits insects bring (they decorate the world, pollinate plants, everything in nature is interconnected).

Q: - Well done, we have found another ray of light.

(V. shines on the picture of a birdhouse)

Q: Guys, what kind of houses are these? (birdhouses)

Q: What birds live in birdhouses?

D: Starlings.

Q: - Name the birds that I will show

D: - rook, swallow, swan, etc.

Q: We continue our journey.

Magic light, help, show us the way.

(V. shines on the leaves of the trees)

Q: - What did this ray fall on?

D: - Leaves are blooming on the trees.

B. Let's take a leaf and place them on the tree.

Children take a leaf and glue it to the tree.

Q: - Well done, our tree is making noise with its leaves, but how do the trees make noise?

D: - sh-sh-sh-sh-sh.

B: - Let's play. If in my words you hear the sound of a tree, then clap your hands, and if not, then stand quietly. Words (ball, chocolate, mosquito, tire, table, mom, fur coat)

Q: - Well done, we found another beam.

Q: - Guys, the light is no longer burning, which means we have found all the rays.

Did you enjoy our trip (Yes)

Let's make a sun. Children attach rays to the sun. What kind of sun we got (radiant, bright, cheerful, spring, warm, affectionate, big, beautiful).

B: - Everyone stand in a circle.

Phys. a minute - Massage “Sun”

The sun rose early in the morning. All the kids were petted.

(Raise your arms up, stretch, making “flashlights” with your hands)

Stroking his chest

(Massage the “path” on the chest from bottom to top).

Strokes the neck

(Stroke the neck thumbs top down) .

Strokes his nose

(Rub the wings of the nose with your fists).

Strokes the forehead

(Run your fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples).

Strokes the ears (rub the earlobes),

Strokes hands (rub palms)

Children are sunbathing. Here! (Raise your hands up)

Let's give the guests some sunshine - drawing "Sun"

Children give drawings.

In conclusion, the children sing the song “The Sun Has a Friend.”

Goal: Enriching children’s ecological understanding of nature"
Program content:
Cognitive tasks: to clarify children’s understanding of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the signs of spring through the theatricalization of the work “The Bear and the Sun” by N. Sladkov; consolidate the names of migratory birds in children's speech.
Developmental tasks: to activate adjectives in children’s speech that denote the properties and qualities of objects; develop fine motor skills of the hands, continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly.
Educational objectives: to cultivate a love of nature.
Material for the lesson:
— “Spring” model, pictures of migratory birds, insects;
- screen;
- bear, “stream”, “snow” - for theatricality;
— magnetic board, easel;
- colored pencils, paper.

Educator: Children, what time of year?
—What animal sleeps all winter and wakes up in the spring?
He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree,
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep
Educator: Guys, Teddy Bear came to visit us today. And you know, with him it’s very funny story happened. Do you want to listen to which one? (Staging of N. Sladkov’s story “The Bear and the Sun”).
— Funny story, guys. Who is to blame for the fact that the bear woke up? (Sun).
- What did the sun do?
(Children: the sun got hot, burned the snow, it melted and turned into water, and the water woke up the bear).
- That's right, the sun in spring is bright, radiant, warm, gentle. Guys, look what beautiful words. Who liked which sunshine?
(Children repeat).
— The sun warms the snow, the snow turns into water, and puddles appear.
—What other signs of spring do you know?
(Children: thawed patches appear, the first snowdrop flowers grow, coltsfoot; there are icicles on the roofs, the chiming of drops is heard, buds swell on the trees, streams gurgle; the sky is blue, insects appear, migratory birds fly in).
The teacher asks guiding questions:
1). What is the sun like in spring? What does it do?
2). What do birds do in spring?
(they fly in, build nests, hatch chicks)
3). What do the buds do in the spring?
(swell, tender green leaves appear from them)
4). What is the sky like in spring?
(blue, clean, bright, clear)
5). What is the grass like in the spring?
(young, green, tender, fragrant, first)
6). What can you call spring?
(warm, beautiful, cheerful, fragrant).
— In spring, migratory birds come to us from hot countries.
Now I’ll tell you a riddle about some of them:
1. All migratory birds are black,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird's name is... (rook).
- Rooks fly to us first and with their cry they tell us that spring has come.
- Who will show the rook in the pictures?
(on a magnetic board).
2. On the pole is a palace,
There is a singer in the palace,
And his name is... (starling).
- Who will show us the starling?
3. Guess what kind of bird it is
Little dark girl?
White from the belly,
The tail is spread into two tails.
— What other migratory birds do you know?
(children name and show in pictures).
— Guys, birds are our friends. They eat pests of forests, fields, and gardens. We must take care of them. Some birds make nests in trees. For example, rooks. Others make houses for themselves in hollow trees.
People also make houses for birds. What are their names?
- That's right, birdhouses. Let's now make birdhouses for the birds.
Physical education minute.
(“building a birdhouse”)
Today we went to the park (we put together boards),
We put together a birdhouse (we paint the birdhouse).
One board, two boards (climb the ladder up the tree),
It turned out to be a starling's house (we nailed the birdhouse).
The starlings will fly in soon (we get down from the tree),
And the chicks will appear (we wave to the birds).

Educator: We made birdhouses, but who will live in them? Let's draw our birds that will live in our birdhouses. We have circled your palms in advance. And now we will turn them into birds.
But first we will train our fingers (warm-up for “beak” fingers). The teacher addresses the children one by one: “I am a rook bird, and who are you?” ...
- We have trained our fingers, and now we will take a pencil correctly and will finish drawing for the bird: an eye, a beak, paws, a wing, and don’t forget to draw the grains.
“What beautiful birds they turned out to be, and they now have houses.”

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the second junior group “Spring has come and brought warmth”

Target: clarify, deepen and expand ideas about early spring.
Strengthen children's knowledge about characteristic features early spring.
To form children's ideas about spring changes in nature.
Develop speech, imagination, creative and mental capacity children.
Improve communication skills.
Cultivate a caring attitude towards living nature, a desire to carefully complete the work started.

GCD move.
- Guys, do you like to solve riddles?
The teacher reads a riddle about spring, the children answer.
-And how many of you know sayings, proverbs, poems about spring?
- Spring has come and brought warmth with it.
- What do you think, with the change of season, anything changes in nature, what changes occur?

Today I invite you to go on a trip to the forest edge and see what is happening to nature.
- Sit on the magic carpet plane, close your eyes and we'll take off.
(A picture of a forest edge appears in front of the children)
- Oh guys, look, the Christmas tree is crying, tears are falling.
The children answer that these are not tears, these are water, the snow melts from the branches and it turns out to be drops.
- Let's show on our palms how the drops drip.
- And I thought that the Christmas tree was shedding tears.
- Why does the snow melt?
The children answer that the sun is shining and the snow is melting.
- That’s right, the sun has become closer to us and warms the earth with its warm rays. Snow melts not only on tree branches but also on the ground, and what appears there?
Children answer thawed patches.
- Guys, what appears in thawed patches?
- The first flowers appear on the thawed patches - snowdrops. They even have such an interesting name, because they are the first to emerge from under the snow.
- Guys, look, what are these tubercles on the branches of the trees?
- Of course, that’s right, buds have appeared on the trees, new leaves are being born there, very soon young green leaves will appear on the branches.
- What kind of sound is that? (The sound of birds singing)
- This is bird singing. Migratory birds return from warm regions to our homeland. They make cozy nests and settle in them to raise their chicks.
- Guys, please tell me, all the birds flew to warmer climes for the winter. - What are they called? (wintering)
- That's right, what wintering birds do you know? (pigeons, bullfinches, crows)
- What kind of migratory birds are they? (starlings, rooks, swallows)
- Guys, who will be the first to come to us in the spring? (rooks)
- That's right, they are also called the harbingers of spring.
They build strong and durable nests. And these places are called “Grachevniki”
- Guys, where do starlings settle?
- What are these houses (birdhouses) called?
And who makes them?
That's right, at the beginning of spring, people make birdhouses for starlings. Starlings are also very wonderful singers. You can listen to their trill. They are caring and affectionate birds.
- Would you like to try making birdhouses?
Birdhouse applique.
Unfortunately, our journey ends, board our magic carpet airplane and we return to kindergarten.
- Guys, where were we today? -What did we do there? - Did you like it? – What did you like most? Well done.