
Summary of a game lesson for young children on the topic: New Year. New Year's week of educational games for kids Lesson notes: New Year's Eve for kids

“Christmas tree” by V. Suteev.
  1. .Expand and expand children’s knowledge about the New Year holiday.
  2. .Introduce children to a new work, help them understand it.
  3. .Teach children to distinguish characteristic features objects by various analyzers.
  4. .Enrichment of the dictionary: mailer, dense.
  5. .Activate in speech: words of definition for the nouns Christmas tree, holiday.
  6. .Correct: creative imagination, tactile memory, perception, develop the ability to differentiate tactile sensations.
  7. .Create an atmosphere for children festive mood, joy.

Equipment: spruce branch, various toys, cheerful music. Postcards with the image of the Snow Maiden.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part

"Palm greeting"(they can talk by clapping). We alternately say hello and respond with palms.

1.Insert a postcard with a picture of a snowman.

  • From whom did the letter and parcel come?
  • What did the snowman send?

Children guess by smell and by touch without naming it out loud. When all the children smell and touch. They call what is in the bag.

Why did you guess that it was a spruce branch?
Children talk about their impressions.

2.D/i “Recognize the toy.”

Children with their eyes closed take out one toy at a time, feel it, and place it on a tray. Then, with their eyes open, they must find their toy and explain why they found their toy, how they remembered it (what it was like, smooth, wide, cold, slippery, etc.)

3. D/i. "The fourth odd one" (New Year's toy)

Why is she redundant? Riddle about Yolka.

4.Reading a fairy tale.

5. Vocabulary work.

6. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale: - Where did the snowman go?

  • What happened to the snowman?
  • Who helped him?
  • What kind of tree did the snowman bring?

7.D/i “Find the postal snowman.”

Why was he called that?

Fizminutka: Children - New Year's toys, hanging on the Christmas tree (hands forcefully pulling up).

Let's look at the fun below, near the Christmas tree (Hold your hands together. Press hard on them with your chin).

The toys also wanted to come to life. Clap your hands, but it doesn’t work (arms are bent at the elbows, squeezing palms with force). And finally, they come to life (shak off their hands) and dance (cheerful music).

Did you like the fairy tale?

  • Why?
  • What picture would you like to draw?

8. Summary: What holiday is coming up? What is he like?

  • What's your mood now?
  • What do you want?
  • Happy New Year and I wish you all your wishes come true. A gift from a snowman. New Year card every child.

Final part: We say goodbye in the same way as a greeting.

Riddle: I I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights

Elegant, funny

For the New Year, I'm in charge.

Learning the poem "Yolka" K. Chukovsky

Preliminary work: Preparing for the New Year, making toys: lanterns, firecrackers, flags. Introduce children to crimson and silver colored paper.


  1. Continue to introduce children to social life, one of the holidays, the New Year.
  2. Improve the grammatical structure of speech.
  3. Introduce children to a new poem, help them understand its content and remember it.
  4. Practice selecting definitions for a given word.
  5. Clarification of words: firecracker, flashlight, crimson.
  6. Correct: fine motor skills, expressiveness of speech.
  7. Make children happy about the upcoming holiday.

Equipment: a chest with toys and a Christmas tree, toys - a flashlight, a flag, a cracker, paper of different colors, including crimson and silver. D/ games “Where are their masks? Where is their shadow?

Progress of the lesson

  1. Surprise moment.

He came to visit us from the forest... A riddle about a hare. The hare brought a letter, which

got covered in snow and some words were blurred, and he asks for help to read it.

“Hello, Bunny. A brown-haired, club-footed man is writing to you....

Bunny, you'll soon be dressing up...

Choose your Christmas tree..., ...

Dress her up...

  1. Bunny's chest. D/ game “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”

The teacher opens the chest and takes out toys and a Christmas tree. Decorates the Christmas tree, accompanying the actions with the words: I’ll take a star, hang it on the Christmas tree, etc. Then the children perform the same actions and accompany them with words.

  1. Narration of a poem by a teacher. Vocabulary work

Find from these items: a flashlight, a flag, a firecracker.

cotton clap cracker

Why is it called that?

Choose from the suggested colors of crimson and silver paper. Conversation on content: What is said about the Christmas tree? How can you show your legs and heels? etc.

  1. Physical exercise: “New Year’s toys”

Children - New Year's toys. They hang on the tree / hands forcefully pull up / Look at the fun below, under the tree / hands clasped, press hard on them with the chin /

The toys also wanted to come to life and clap their hands, but they couldn’t / arms bent at the elbows, squeeze their palms with force / And finally they came to life / shake off their hands/.

They stand in a circle and dance / children show elements of New Year’s dances or clap /

  1. Repeated reading of the poem by the teacher

The teacher shows movements with his hands and fingers. Who wants to remember a poem well? Say about everyone: I want, you want...

Your hands and fingers will help you with this.

/see diagram in appendix/

  1. Children's storytelling. Now tell me, using your hands and fingers. If necessary, the teacher shows hand movements.
  2. D/ games “Where are their masks? Where is their shadow?
  3. Summary of the lesson. Children say goodbye to the hare. The hare praises the children and gives them a chest with toys for the Christmas tree.

Note: Throughout the lesson, children communicate with the Hare, all tasks are from the Bunny.


“THE TREE” K. Chukovsky

Because tonight at the gate

Irina Cherepanova
Summary of an integrated lesson with children 3–4 years old “The New Year is rushing towards us”


Integrated lesson for children 3-4 years old “The New Year is rushing towards us”

Using technologies:



Technology for the development of artistic and productive creativity;



Expand children's understanding of the traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year;

Learn to create a joyful mood and give joy to others;

Develop dialogical speech, enrich active vocabulary, develop imagination and fantasy;

Strengthen skills in working with paper and glue, cultivate neatness and aesthetic taste;

Teach children to create images in their imagination based on schematic representations of objects;

Teach children to correlate the verbal form of describing objects with the graphic form.

Material: A toy hare, colored paper, glue, waste material, a painted Christmas tree in a large format, illustrations depicting the New Year, guess cards, images of gifts in bags, tea party treats.

Progress of the lesson.

Q: - Hello guys, tell me what time of year it is outside?

Q: - What does winter have that other seasons don’t?

Q: - And when there is a lot of snow in a pile, it’s called...

D: - Snowdrift.

Q: - When a lot of snow falls, it...

D: - Snowfall.

Q: - What happens to the snow? He can …

D: - To crumble, fall, melt, spin, dance...

Q: - Tell me guys, which one is the best? main holiday in winter?

D: - New Year!

Q: - That's right, New Year.

Physical education minute

Oh, frost, frost, frost (with the index and middle fingers of both hands, lightly pinch yourself)

Pinches cheeks (cheeks,

Pinches the nose (nose,

Pinches the ears (behind the ears,

Pinches lips (lips).

Climbs under fur coats (hide hands under armpits).

To warm up, look (rubbing your palms together).

Rub everything properly:

Cheeks (rub your cheeks with your palms,

Nose (rub your nose with your palms,

Ears (rub ears,

Lips (rub lips).

Steam even came from the fur coat (they spread their arms to the sides, fold their lips into a tube, exhale through them).

Q: - Guys, look, a bunny came to visit us. Bunny, tell me where you were, who you met?

Z: - I met a beautiful Christmas tree. She went to see the kids in kindergarten. They are having a holiday soon. It's called New Year. On New Year's Day, people decorate Christmas trees with beads and garlands. Beauty!

Q: - Before the New Year, every home, every city and every family decorates a green spruce beautiful balls, toys, tinsel and garlands. That's how beautiful it can be (the teacher shows a picture with a decorated Christmas tree). Have you already helped your parents decorate the Christmas tree? And what did you put on it? (Children's answers)

They also decorate the beautiful Christmas tree on the streets of the city. People will celebrate at the largest and most beautiful Christmas trees. You can also go with your family to fun party, they say so - go to the Christmas tree. There you can listen to music, dance, eat delicious food, and, if you're lucky, meet the real Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Just before the start of the new year, your parents will cover beautiful table, which will have a lot of food. You will also choose something tasty for yourself. By the way, do you like tangerines? This fruit is found in every home. New Year. Mandarin is a delicious symbol of the New Year.

On December 31, at exactly 12 o'clock at night, the chimes will strike - this is big clock which are shown on TV every New Year. The ringing of this clock indicates the coming of the New Year. If you are still awake at this time, make a wish - it will definitely come true! (The story is accompanied by illustrations)

We, too, bunny, have a Christmas tree, look (The teacher shows a large painted Christmas tree. It is not decorated). I think something is missing?

Z: - She just needs to be dressed up. Guys, let's decorate our Christmas tree with balls and beads.

D: - Let's go!

Application “Let's decorate our Christmas tree”

The teacher lays out prepared balls and small circles for beads. Children glue multi-colored balls onto the Christmas tree and lay out small beads. You can additionally decorate with serpentine or other waste material.

Didactic game “Christmas tree with gifts”

Prepare several cut-out images of gift bags different shapes and magnitude. The shape of the bags should vaguely resemble the shape of various objects: a ball, a doll, a gun, a car, a horse, etc., but allow for multiple interpretations (for example, about the same bag you can say that there is a horse, or a dog, or a cat) . The teacher says that Santa Claus brought gifts to all the children, but what he brought for whom, the children must guess for themselves. Children answer, and the teacher helps them find various options answers.

Physical education minute.

If only we were at the Christmas tree

She would run

Along the track (easy running one after another).

She would dance

Together with us (they dance with their feet, forward one heel then the other,

She would knock

Heels (stomping feet).

Would spin around on the Christmas tree

Toys – (spinning in place)

Multi-colored lanterns,

Firecrackers (clench and unclench their fists, pretending to be lanterns).

Q: - Well done guys, we have a beautiful Christmas tree. So who brings gifts under the Christmas tree?

D: - Grandfather Frost!

B: - Correct. Santa Claus is a kind grandfather who comes from a distant land. He carries with him huge bags of gifts for children, which he prepares throughout the year.

Santa Claus comes to the children's home and gives gifts. But since there are a lot of kids, he, unfortunately, won’t have time to come to them all. But don’t worry, if Santa Claus doesn’t come to you during the day, he will definitely come at night and put gifts under the tree.

His granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, also comes with grandfather. She comes to all the holidays along with the frost and also congratulates the kids. In addition to the Snow Maiden, snowmen help grandfather. They take part in all the preparations for the holiday.

Santa Claus loves to confuse children and make riddles. Let's practice a little.

Didactic game “Riddles - guesses”

Cards with answers to the riddles that will be asked are laid out in front of the children. While reading a riddle, children look at the pictures and, if among them there is an object that is the answer, then the child must show it.

She grows upside down, They stood all summer, Grandfather visited the children

It grows not in summer, but in winter. Winter was expected. Freezing

But the sun will bake her, They waited for the time - He brought his granddaughter on a sleigh.

She will cry and die. We rushed down the mountain. Snow figurine -

Icicle Sankey will come to us...

Snow Maiden

They are running along the path A blizzard is walking around the yard, Santa Claus is rushing to the Christmas tree, Boards and legs. The Christmas tree is sparkling in the house. Pulls the sled behind him.

Skis Children dance in a circle. And the bag is heavy on them,

What kind of holiday? And in the bag they are...

New Year Gifts

In winter and summer, without boards, without axes, they rolled a lump in the yard,

One color. The bridge across the river is ready. He's wearing an old hat.

Yolka Bridge is like blue glass: The nose was attached, and instantly

Snow on the fields, Slippery, fun, light. It turned out...

Ice on the rivers, Ice Snowman

The blizzard is walking, on the trees, on the bushes. Everyone is afraid of it in winter.

When does this happen? Flowers are falling from the sky. It can hurt

In winter White, fluffy, bite

They fly in the sky. Not the fragrant ones. Hide your ears, cheeks, nose

And the snow will melt on their noses After all, on the street...

Snowflakes Frost

Q: - Today it was very interesting for you and me. Let's remember what we did?

D: - We decorated the Christmas tree, guessed riddles, ...

Q: - What did you like most?

(Children's answers)

Q: - Thank you very much everyone, Happy New Year! The bunny brought us a treat. Let's have some tea and invite the Bunny.

Tea party.


1. Gerbova V.V.

Classes on speech development in the first younger group kindergarten. Lesson plans. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2008. – 112 p.

2. Internet resources

3. Guess our name: Developmental games and exercises mental abilities in children preschool. age: Book. for kindergarten teachers kindergarten and parents / L. N. Venger, O. M. Dyachenko, R. I. Bardina, L. I. Tsekhanskaya; Comp. L. A. Wenger, O. M. Dyachenko. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 1994. – 96 p.

4. Ushakova O. S.

Introducing preschoolers to literature and speech development: Toolkit. – M.: TC Sfera, 2013. – 288 p.


Introduce children to A. Barto’s poem “It Was in January.”
Develop an understanding of the poetic text, accumulate active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Introduce children to geometric figure“triangle”, consolidate knowledge about the circle, color, shape of objects.
Continue to teach children to compare objects by size, to understand the meaning of the prepositions “on” and “under”.
Teach children to follow basic instructions.
Practice sculpting, gluing and drawing with cotton swabs.
Develop auditory and visual attention, fine and gross motor skills, thinking, tactile analyzer.


An artificial Christmas tree covered with a large scarf.
Multi-colored clothespins, silhouette images of Christmas trees made of thick cardboard.
Diagram sheets of three triangles of different sizes, green triangles of the same sizes.
Background picture with the image of a Christmas tree, colored plasticine, large beads, cotton swabs, white gouache.
A picture of a Christmas tree with large and small circles of different colors, large and small buttons of the same colors.
Counting sticks, pictures-schemes with the image of a Christmas tree.
A picture of a Christmas tree, silhouette images of hares and a wolf cut out of paper, and a glue stick.
Colored silhouette pictures of Christmas tree decorations and their shadows - black silhouette.
Audio recordings: “The Christmas tree is not cold in winter,” “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "Everyone clapped their hands"

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendship, more fun!
Our feet began to knock
Louder and faster!
We'll hit you on the knees.
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, hands up,
Higher, higher, higher!
Our hands began to spin.
They went down again.
Spun around, spin around
And they stopped.

Surprise moment “Guess what’s under the scarf?”

Can you touch what's under the scarf with your hands? What does it feel like? Prickly.
Green, prickly,
It grows in the forest.
She's on New Year's
He will come to visit us!
What do you think is under the scarf? Herringbone.

Didactic exercise “Different Christmas trees”

Christmas trees are different. Let's show what types of Christmas trees there are.
Tall - raise your arms and stand on your toes.
Low - squat down.
Wide - spread your arms to the sides.
Narrow - press your lowered arms to your body.

Construction of the “Herringbone”

This figure is called a “triangle”. Attach triangles of the appropriate size to the picture and you will get a Christmas tree. Place the largest triangle at the bottom, place a smaller triangle on top of the large triangle, and place the smallest triangle at the top. What did you get? Herringbone.

Game with clothespins “Christmas tree decorations”

Decorate the star and Christmas tree with colorful clothespins.

Modeling “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with toys”

On a colored background with a picture of a Christmas tree, children stick colored pieces of plasticine - Christmas tree decorations. You can place large beads on top of the plasticine.

Children walk along a path, bench, tunnel, etc. to the music.

Didactic game with buttons “Beauty Christmas Tree”

The Christmas tree is already decorated with circles. Show circles large, small, red, yellow, blue, green, white. Choose your buttons suitable color and size and apply it to the circles on the Christmas tree. Then the Christmas tree will become even more beautiful.

Didactic game with counting sticks “Lay out the Christmas tree”

Children place counting sticks on top of the drawn diagram.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

Name what Christmas tree decorations are in front of you. Ball, cone, icicle, house, bell. Find suitable shape shadow and place a color picture on top of it.

Drawing “Snowball falling on the Christmas tree”

Children draw snowflakes with white gouache using cotton swabs.

Dynamic pause “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Children dance around the Christmas tree. They throw “snow” on it - lumps of cotton wool or tinsel.

Reading the poem by A. Barto “It Was in January”

It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And angry wolves roamed near this tree.
Once upon a time at night, when the forest was so quiet,
A wolf and a hare meet a wolf under the mountain.
Who wants to fall into the clutches of a wolf on New Year's Day?
The little bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.
They folded their ears and hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies hang on the tree and are silent -
The wolf was deceived. It was in January -
He thought that there was a decorated Christmas tree on the mountain.

Application based on the poem “It Was in January”

Children first lay out and then stick hares on the tree, and a wolf under the tree. The teacher focuses the children's attention on the concepts of “on” and “under”.

Summary of GCD

for children 3-4 years old on the topic

"In the winter forest"

Target: development of cognitive, communicative, emotional and motor spheres.



Consolidating children's knowledge about winter;

Formation of knowledge about wild animals and their distinctive features.


Development of fine and gross motor skills;

Development of voluntary attention, thinking, memory, speech, visual and auditory perception;

Development of social interaction skills;

Development creativity.


Formation friendly attitude to others;

Instilling interest in the world around us.

Materials and equipment: computer, multimedia system, white bunny toy, squirrel, handouts (a 4-size sheet of paper with a Christmas tree on it), paints, plasticine.

Progress of the lesson

Introduction. Greetings. Establishing contact.

On the screen there is an image of a winter forest (morning).


A little white snow fell

Let's gather in a circle.

We'll stomp, we'll stomp!

Let's dance merrily

Let's warm our hands.

We'll clap, we'll clap!

And let's say hello to each other.

Main part.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an interesting walk in the forest. And we will go not on foot, but by train.

Train game.

Educator Steam locomotive, locomotive

Brand new, shiny.

He took the kids

Like real.

Children are asked to get off at the bus stop.

Educator: Our train is coming

The wheels are knocking

And on the train in this

The guys are sitting.

The locomotive is running far, far away

He took the guys far, far away.

But here's the stop

Who wants to get down?

Get up guys

Let's go for a walk.

Educator: Guys, look where we ended up? (children's answers) That's right, in the forest. It's morning, it's light. The forest is very beautiful in winter. The trees and ground are covered with a fluffy, white blanket of snow. They feel so warm and comfortable under the snow. Look at the snowdrifts (the teacher shows artificial snowdrifts located in front of the screen). And who is hiding behind this snowdrift? Yes, it's a bunny.

The teacher takes the bunny in his arms.

Educator: This is what our bunny is like: small, fluffy, white as snow. Shall we meet the bunny? (children's answers) Let's do it.

The bunny greets and gets to know each child (jumps on the children’s palms and asks to be petted).

Outdoor game: “The gray bunny is sitting.”

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this.

He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this

The bunny needs to jump.

Educator: Wait, bunny, don’t run away, but take a walk with us in the forest.

Children are walking and see a squirrel on the Christmas tree.

Educator: A squirrel is sitting on a cart

She sells nuts.

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse.

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Who cares

Who needs a scarf?

Who cares?

Educator: Children, look what kind of squirrel we have (fluffy, red, and where are her ears, paws, tail?).

Educator: Squirrel, we also suggest you go for a walk in the forest.

Oh, how cold it is. Everyone was completely frozen. Let's do some exercises to warm up.

Outdoor game “Winter exercises”.

Hands to feet and ears

On your knees and to your shoulders.

To the sides, to the waist, up,

And then a cheerful laugh.

Ha ha ha, hee hee hee

How good we are.

Once - they clapped their hands,

Two - they stamped their feet.

Three, four - pulled up,

They held hands together.

Educator: Guys, the animals in the forest never have a New Year's holiday. Let's give them some fun. But what would a holiday be without Christmas tree? Shall we decorate the Christmas tree? How will we decorate it?

Children: Balls.

Educator: But we don’t have them. But I have paints and plasticine. Let's draw and blind ourselves christmas balls.

Drawing and sculpting New Year's balls.

Each child is given a sheet of paper in A 4 format, on which a Christmas tree is depicted. Children are given a choice of paint or plasticine. The teacher shows the technique of drawing and sculpting New Year's balls. Children complete the task.

Educator: What great fellows you are. What beautiful balls you drew and sculpted. Now give me your drawings. I will cover them with a magic blanket and touch them with a magic wand. Look, our balloons have turned into real ones. Shows the real ones in the basket Christmas balls.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Children decorate the Christmas tree.

Educator: Now let’s dance a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Round dance: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Educator: Who knows poems about the New Year?

Children read poetry.

Artyom We celebrate the holiday,

Decorating the Christmas tree

Varya We hang toys,

Balls, crackers.

Vika Children dance in a circle,

They clap their hands.

Varvara Hello, hello.

New Year! You are so good!

Conclusion. Summarizing. Reflection. Parting.

Educator: Guys, we played so well that we didn’t notice how evening had come in our forest. (On the screen there is an image of an evening winter forest). Did you enjoy our walk through the forest? (children's answers) You and I had such a good time walking and playing; met the forest inhabitants (bunny, squirrel); drew and made New Year's balls. Oh, what great fellows we are. Now let’s get on our little train and go home.

The song “The locomotive hummed” sounds.

Well, who has already started preparing for the New Year? The days on the calendar are inevitably approaching the cherished night, which means it’s high time to create Christmas mood! Last year, unfortunately, I did not have time to write an article about our New Year's crafts. However, I saved everything and now, finally, I was able to put everything together

In this article you will find New Year's crafts for children 4-5 years old; some of this, with parental help, can be done at 3 years old; some will be interesting later. As usual, first of all, you should focus on the child. For me, the main criterion when choosing a craft is always its accessibility - so that my daughter can master creative work with a minimum amount of my help, and at the same time creative process it didn't turn out too long

Christmas tree toy “Snowman”

Let's start with the most important thing - with Christmas tree toys. An easy-to-make and, in general, quite impressive toy - a three-dimensional snowman. To complete this you will need 6-10 white circles, which are most conveniently drawn using a mug or glass. Also prepare additional elements: head, hat, nose.

Christmas tree toy “Angel” made of cotton pads

To make one angel you will need 1 whole cotton pad and 1 half, white plasticine, and a thread. First, together with your baby, roll the head and legs out of plasticine. Fold the thread in half and use a needle to thread the thread through the head and legs. Tie knots at the ends so that the legs do not move off the thread.

Now you can start assembling the toy. Place half a cotton pad on the table, drop a drop of PVA glue in the middle and attach a second, whole pad on top. Place a thread with a head on it, coat everything inside thoroughly with glue, then bend the disk as in the photo and secure it again with glue - you get an angel.

You can make very unusual Christmas tree decorations with your own hands if you stock up in advance beautiful napkins winter-New Year theme and plastic lids for jars.

So, first we cut out circles the size of plastic cover. At the same time, we try to get into the circle beautiful pattern, Santa Claus, for example. Note! If the napkins are double, you need to separate the bottom layer and leave only one top layer, with a pattern! Thanks to this, the design will beautifully shine through on both sides of the toy.

Next, we do everything as in the photo: put the circle with the design in the lid, put in a string and fill it with water. It is very important to use boiled (and cooled) or filtered water. This is necessary so that the ice in the toys is transparent and not cloudy. When everything is ready, carefully place the toys in the freezer.

As an option, instead of painted napkins, you can use rowan berries or dried flowers, it also turns out very beautiful.

By analogy with Christmas tree decorations, you can make a whole ice garland. To do this, first fill the ice tray with all sorts of small things: beads, sequins, sparkles, pieces of foil, small pom-poms. Then we also fill it with boiled or filtered water. If desired, you can add dye to the water. And don’t forget to put a string through all the cells of the form!

Another option for volumetric Christmas decorations, easy to perform. Here you will need to make blanks in advance - 8 multi-colored circles with equilateral triangles drawn on them. To make it easier to fit triangles into a circle, you can calculate in advance how long the side of the triangle should be; this can be done using the formula, where r is the radius of your circle. I hope I didn’t scare you too much with mathematical formulas)) In fact, you can draw triangles, of course, by eye, but then the toy runs the risk of not being completely even.

Christmas decoration “Stars”

The idea for this New Year's craft is taken from the book " New Year decoration from paper" Actually, decorative paper was also taken from it. The book is very wonderful, I already wrote about it in the collection, but this craft If you wish, you can do this without having this book, simply using any packaging or colored paper.

DIY Christmas garland

To make such a simple and at the same time very effective garland, you will need many, many colored stripes. It is advisable to use double-sided colored paper, then inner part balls will also look beautiful.

To make one ball you need four strips. Explain to your child that you first need to glue two strips crosswise, and then add two more to make something like a snowflake. At the end, we collect all the strips in a bunch into a ball. Step by step process can be seen in the photo.

Garland “Men”

I bet you made such a garland as a child, or as a teenager. So let’s not forget such good ideas.

For those who have forgotten: first we fold an accordion out of paper, draw half a man on it, and cut it out. And decorate it the way you want

DIY Christmas tree craft

Now it’s the turn of the Christmas trees. The variety of crafts in the form of Christmas trees is limitless, I’ll tell you about those that, in my opinion, are well suited for children 4-5 years old.

A Christmas tree made from several cones with homemade fringe looks very stylish. The Christmas tree, as in the photo, consists of four cones with a height of 5, 8, 11 and 14 cm. It is most convenient to make cones from a quarter of a circle.

If gluing the cones on your own will be a little difficult for your child, then he will definitely shred the fringe with pleasure. In order for the fringe on the Christmas tree to bend a little, you need to run the sharp side of the scissors along it, as gift wrappers do when curling the ribbons.

Once the cones are ready, you just need to put them on top of each other.

Postcard "Herringbone"

You've probably already come across this craft somewhere; it's quite popular on the Internet. It looks original and is easy to do. All a child needs to be able to do is cut in straight lines and fold the paper.

The Christmas tree in our card is made from one green A4 sheet. I cut the sheet crosswise into 6 strips with a thickness of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 cm. Taisiya cut them, made an accordion out of each strip and glued them with my help.

Craft lacing “Christmas tree”

For those who are tired of paper crafts and are looking for something more original, this is easy perfect solution. Tasya really liked this craft. The biggest problem for mom here is to find chenille wire(aka fluffy wire), although now it is becoming increasingly popular, you can, of course, not find it in every store. Definitely available in stores that position themselves as “everything for creativity.”

So, before class we do disposable plate use a knife to make holes in the right places. The child will need to insert the wire like a shoelace through these holes. The wire will need to be secured at the back by wrapping the wire properly. Christmas decorations Can be attached to the plate using a glue gun. It is most convenient to make the trunk and star for the Christmas tree from plasticine.

Craft “Christmas tree” from plasticine

For children 4-5 years old, drawing with plasticine is a very relevant activity. In kindergartens, children are often asked to “color” pictures with plasticine at this time. It's really very useful exercise to strengthen finger strength.

For a child who is already familiar with this type of creativity, it will not be difficult to “color” a cardboard cone with plasticine, thereby turning it into a Christmas tree. After the entire surface of the Christmas tree is covered with plasticine, it will be very convenient to attach decorations to it - sequins, beads, buttons, small pompoms.

Craft “Santa Claus” from a disposable plate

I wrote about such a craft in detail in my last year’s article “”, take a look there.

Craft “Santa Claus” from a sleeve

And here's another one interesting option Santa Claus. For it you will need a bushing from toilet paper. In principle, if you don’t have one at hand, but you really want to make a craft, you can prepare a cylinder from thick cardboard in advance.

Together with your child, cover the sleeve (or cylinder) with red paper, separately paint and glue the face of Santa Claus. Add additional cotton wool elements and a cap.

Pencil craft “Snowman”

Surprisingly, this snowman, made last year, has been serving us for a whole year now! I think the craft turned out to be so durable because it is based on a durable glass jar.

The idea was to paint the jar with white paint, and then glue cotton balls or pieces of cotton wool onto it. But my husband, who was sent to the pharmacy to buy cotton balls, bought zig-zag cotton wool, which was completely unfamiliar to me, and it turned out that it was even better suited for this craft! This type of cotton wool is a fairly dense cotton roll, which is very convenient to cover a jar with. Since in this case the can is not visible at all, we didn’t even have to paint it.

If such wonderful zig-zag cotton wool is not available at your nearest pharmacy, then paint it glass jar white acrylic (!) paint, and then stick on pieces of cotton wool or cotton balls.

Refined sugar castle

When Taisiya was younger, we built from sugar cubes, but now we can afford larger-scale construction, this time it’s a castle for the Snow Queen. In general, you can come up with any idea for building from refined sugar that matches your interests and perseverance child, fantasize!

Winter applique

When adding cotton wool, cotton balls, cotton swabs or cotton pads, it automatically takes on a winter look, so quickly run to the pharmacy, cotton wool and its derivatives will definitely come in handy for crafts this year!

Craft “Crown”

It may seem that the craft does not quite correspond to the topic of the article, but if you, like us, fell in love with the book “The Snow Queen”, then you will not think so

For this craft you will need thick yellow cardboard, sequins, and cotton wool. The great thing about this craft is that the child can cut out the crown himself, decorate it himself, there is nothing complicated.

Bird feeders

I’m also adding here our feeder from a five-liter bottle, which we already talked about. The craft is not only interesting, but also useful


And, of course, don’t forget about the good old snowflakes on the window. As practice shows, for children, cutting out snowflakes is often more interesting than any newfangled and exotic crafts that we spend hours searching for on the Internet.

I wish you a very bright New Year's Eve! Don't forget to check out other articles on New Year's themes: