
Carbonate peeling. Laser carbon facial peeling: effect of the procedure, prices, reviews and photos of the face before and after carbon peeling. Contraindications and rules for skin care after carbon peeling. Skin care after the procedure

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Aesthetic cosmetology does not stand still. Every day, the latest discoveries and developments in medicine replenish the catalogs of procedures of numerous beauty salons.

The laser, as a unique medical instrument, is firmly on the list of the most popular and effective means in the struggle for youth and beauty.

Carbon peeling: the essence and features of the procedure

Carbon peeling is a presentation of a new direction in medical cosmetology. During a carbon peeling session, under the influence of a precise laser beam and carbon nanogel applied to problem areas, pronounced photorejuvenation of the skin occurs.

It is worth listing other advantages of carbon peeling as a natural enhancer:

  • promotes effective cleansing of the epidermis from the stratum corneum at a significant depth;
  • has a painless effect and gives a feeling of warmth;
  • carbon peeling procedure is indicated for both adult clients and teenagers;
  • increases the level of elastin and collagen in skin cells;
  • does not cause irritation or redness;
  • does not require a long recovery period.

Carbon peeling after acne is successfully carried out in the presence of two components:

  • the use of carbon nanogel allows for radical carbon cleaning of the upper layer of the epidermis from the accumulated ballast of dead cells. The product is distributed evenly over the face in a thin layer. To increase the effectiveness of exfoliation, laser treatment is performed;
  • with the participation of precisely directed hardware pulses, photothermolysis occurs (the necessary fragmentary heating of the integumentary tissue). The use of this development helps restore the process of production of collagen and elastin in skin cells, which are responsible for maintaining youth and radiance of the integumentary tissues.

Laser carbon peeling is an innovative procedure that can give women a “second youth”. Modern hardware cosmetology, together with the “magic” hands of trained specialists, is designed to help the fair half of humanity in solving many aesthetic problems.

Application of laser-carbon technique deep cleansing And effective rejuvenation skin treatment is recommended after receiving professional advice from a cosmetologist.

Indications and contraindications for laser carbon peeling

The following facts can serve as serious indications for conducting a laser facial cleansing session using a special exfoliating gel:

  • fading dull loose skin;
  • the presence of a constant oily sheen on the skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • large areas of the face prone to acne;
  • the presence of deep and facial wrinkles;
  • significant amount age spots;
  • saggy facial contour.

The skin creates an insurmountable barrier to the harmful effects of the external environment. Timely cleansing of the surface layer of the epithelium using carbon peeling, its support and stimulation of metabolic and regenerative processes will allow every woman to look young and attractive.

A great desire to have an irresistible fresh face unites all women. To achieve this goal, enormous amounts of money and effort are spent. But in everything you need to know when to stop. Sometimes excess can be harmful.

Before purchasing a certificate for a series of cleansing carbon peelings, it is necessary to study the existing contraindications to the laser carbon peeling procedure:

  • skin injury;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • infectious diseases;
  • presence of piercings or implants;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic manifestations to peeling components;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • significant colloidal scars.

When choosing a carbon procedure for resurfacing and significantly renewing the surface layer of the skin, you must carefully read the recommendations and warnings professional staff beauty salons and related clinics. Do not neglect their experience and qualifications.

Video, results before and after the procedure, reviews of carbon peeling

Thanks to carbon gel, during a laser carbon peeling session it is possible to achieve maximum anti-inflammatory and lasting bactericidal effect. It promotes intense, painless exfoliation and visibly evens out skin tone.

Having analyzed the numerous positive results after using carbon peeling, we can confidently say that every patient, using this innovative type of peeling, can count on the following:

  • restoration of optimal intercellular metabolism;
  • narrowing of the sebaceous gland channels;
  • exfoliation of a significant layer of dead skin cells;
  • reduction or elimination of pigmentation;
  • significant rejuvenation due to the reproduction of collagen and elastin;
  • obvious elimination of small facial wrinkles;
  • correction of the profile of deep wrinkles;
  • elimination of inflammatory manifestations;
  • getting rid of acne and pimples
  • restoration of a fresh and healthy complexion.

True reviews about carbon facial peeling will help potential clients make the right one conscious choice from a wide range of cosmetic cleansing procedures.

Facial care after the laser carbon peeling procedure does not include additional therapeutic measures. Considering individual characteristics skin, it is possible to apply a moisturizer to relieve slight redness. But all patients, without exception, are prescribed daily application sunscreen on unprotected, cleansed facial skin for 2 months.

It is considered justified to take a complex of specialized therapeutic carbon procedures from 3-5 sessions. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews about laser-carbon peeling. The first visible result will become noticeable after the second procedure of professional carbon peeling.

Beauty and self-confidence are worth the money you are willing to invest in it.

Every woman knows that facial skin needs special cleansing. Long gone are the days when regular washing was considered enough to solve cosmetic problems. On guard today female beauty and youth there are other, ultra-modern means. What do cosmetologists have in their arsenal? For example, such a miracle remedy as carbon peeling. Reviews from many women confirm the effectiveness of this procedure.

Let's talk about peeling

What is a foreign word for a procedure through which the upper stratum corneum of the skin is removed. The place of dead cells is taken by new ones, thereby the complexion improves, blackheads become less noticeable, and the first wrinkles do not frighten with their depth and are slightly smoothed out.

Types of peeling

To date this procedure presented in several varieties.

  1. Mechanical peeling. He was one of the first to appear. The essence of this procedure is that the skin is cleansed due to mechanical action. It can be polished with a diamond nozzle or aluminum sand. The most popular He has and therapeutic effect, since Brazilian herbs are used during it, sea ​​salts and other useful substances.
  2. Chemical peeling. The skin is exposed to chemicals. Glycolic cleansing methods are highlighted. Many women prefer milk peeling, which can be classified as this type.
  3. Laser carbon peeling. It is performed using a special nanogel and laser. The top layer of the epidermis seems to evaporate, and young, healthy skin appears in its place.

Milk peeling: secrets of popularity

This procedure is often associated with milk masks. However, it is worth noting that it has nothing to do with fermented milk products. Skin cleansing occurs through application to it. Experts consider this procedure to be quite gentle. But do not forget that when using milk peeling, you must avoid sunlight and do not use creams during the first day after cleansing the skin in this way. Otherwise you may get burned.

Don’t believe in the magical transformation that this method of cleansing gives to the skin? Compare the results of a procedure such as peeling before and after. Photos of women clearly demonstrate the result.

Features of carbon peeling

The beauty industry does not stand still. On the contrary, it is developing by leaps and bounds, allowing us to maintain youth and beauty for a longer time than our ancestors managed. One of latest technologies can be called carbon peeling. Reviews from satisfied patients convince us that this procedure can solve many problems. This method is considered one of the most delicate ways deep cleansing of the skin.

Most likely, this is the secret of the popularity enjoyed by carbon fiber. It was one of the first Russian cities where they began to master this procedure. Today, such peeling, performed with a laser, proudly strides across all regions of Russia, receiving rave reviews from those women who have already tried it.

Features of the procedure

The uniqueness of the new method lies in the use of special equipment. Carbon facial peeling is performed using a laser, which has short pulses but high power. Thanks to this, the effect on our skin lasts only a few seconds. This short duration means that only dead cells are removed. In this case, the living are not affected at all.

But there is one more nuance. In order for the laser to recognize which cells need to be removed, a special carbon gel is applied to the skin.

As a result, blackheads, enlarged pores, and acne become clearly visible under the influence of the laser. The gel turns into water and carbon dioxide and evaporates from the surface of the face, eliminating skin imperfections.

Stages of the procedure

Do you know why many people are so attracted to carbon peeling? Feedback from experts is almost unanimous. The thing is that it is able to act not only on dead cells, removing them, but also on living ones, promoting rapid skin regeneration.

This procedure includes 2 stages.

Variety of techniques and methods

Modern ones offer a choice of several methods according to which the carbon peeling procedure is carried out.

  • Brossage. This variety helps improve metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on our skin.
  • Ultrasound. Copes well with skin rejuvenation, accelerating regeneration.
  • Laser resurfacing. Perfectly eliminates skin unevenness, the appearance of which is usually explained by post-acne.

Indications for use

In what cases should you choose carbon peeling? Reviews from cosmetologists claim that this procedure will be a lifesaver for you if:

  • the first signs of aging appear more and more clearly on your face;
  • you are haunted by acne, which causes considerable discomfort;
  • comedones spoil your appearance;
  • you have oily skin and clearly visible large pores;
  • you have long wanted to get rid of age spots or freckles;
  • you don't like your uneven complexion and lumpy skin.

If at least one of the listed factors applies to you, feel free to choose carbon peeling. The price for this procedure ranges around 3,000 rubles. Would you say it's expensive? It has long been known that beauty requires sacrifice. Let it be a better financial investment than the physical and moral discomfort associated with problem skin.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the magical properties that this procedure has, in some cases it is better to refrain from it.

You should not resort to carbon peeling:

  1. During pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  2. In the presence of cancer.
  3. During exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. In cases where you have keloid scars.

Inflammation of the skin in the peeling area may also be a contraindication.

Benefits of the procedure

Many women choose this method of cleansing their skin because it has undeniable advantages:

  • Painless. During the procedure, you will feel nothing but pleasant warmth.
  • Atraumatic. It is almost impossible to damage healthy cells with such peeling, because the laser removes only unnecessary cells, highlighted by carbon gel.
  • Instant effect. You will notice the result after the first procedure.
  • Lack of rehabilitation period. There is nothing stopping you from returning to your daily activities immediately after the peeling.
  • Versatility. This procedure is suitable for people of any age; it is non-seasonal. It can be done both in summer and winter.

Effectiveness of carbon peeling

This cleaning method is extremely effective. Its effect on our skin is diverse:

  1. It has a bactericidal effect, destroys harmful microflora, thereby saving us from acne, inflammation and other troubles.
  2. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, the skin is renewed before the eyes and acquires healthy looking and normal color.
  3. The regenerating effect consists of increased production of collagen and elastin, substances that are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

Do you want to make sure the procedure is effective?

See for yourself the results that peeling gives (before and after). Photos of women will help you form your own idea of ​​this method.

Carbon peeling has practically no restrictions. After it you can apply cosmetics. The main thing is to be careful with ultraviolet radiation. Choose products with a protective factor of at least 20 SPF.

In general, 3 to 5 procedures at intervals of a week or 10 days are usually sufficient. However, it all depends on your skin. In some cases, the doctor extends the course of treatment to 7-8 sessions.

If you are concerned about the health of your own skin, try a fashionable new product called “carbon peeling”. This procedure will definitely not harm you, but the magical transformation will not keep you waiting.

The first thing we pay attention to when we meet is a person’s face. Looking at him, you can learn a lot, from his mood to his age. And if the first is very difficult to hide from others, then the second is very possible.

First of all, in order to preserve natural youth for as long as possible and resort to various procedures less often, you should treat your skin with care and attention.

Recipe eternal youth has not yet been invented, but many cosmetic brands are trying to prove that they have found their unique recipe anti-aging. Only now, these recipes are overloaded with various chemical additives, silicones and parabens, which not only poorly protect the skin, but also often harm it. When choosing cosmetic products Be careful and read the ingredients more carefully.

Women put a lot of effort into looking young and attractive. A modern cosmetology does not stand still. Every year more and more new methods of returning lost beauty appear. One of these is carbon facial peeling.

The essence of the method

This procedure combines laser cleaning and... A special carbon amplifier called nanogel helps in this matter. The carbon peeling procedure cleanses the epithelium of dead cells and tightens it.

The operation helps to narrow and cleanse the pores. The end result is that the face looks fresh and youthful, and its color improves. Method shows good results to get rid of pimples, acne and other skin diseases.

Emergency help when a pimple appears.

Peeling benefits:

  • A painless procedure that does not cause any unpleasant impressions.
  • No side effects or recovery period.
  • Achieving results quickly.
  • Multifunctional method (cleansing and face lifting at the same time).
  • The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

No significant disadvantages have been found in carbon peeling yet. The only inconvenience for a woman may be the repeated procedure. The desired result cannot always be achieved the first time.

Indications and contraindications

Like all cosmetic surgeries, peeling with a carbon enhancer has its own indications and contraindications. Let's start with the good.

  • People with problematic facial skin (pimples, acne, comedones, clogged pores), including teenagers.
  • Women with oily skin, which has lost its elasticity.
  • Ladies with .
  • People with dull complexion and uneven skin.
  • Women with the first appearance of wrinkles.

For whom the procedure is contraindicated:

  • Ladies preparing to become mothers and during breastfeeding.
  • To people suffering chronic diseases internal organs and oncology.
  • Women with inflamed facial skin.
  • People with colloid scars.
  • Ladies with allergies to nanogel components.


The operation takes place in two stages and takes about 20 minutes:

  • Nanogel is applied to a cleansed face, which eliminates inflammation and cleanses pores.
  • Using a laser, the skin is heated to produce collagen and elastin. This helps restore elasticity to the skin.

Rehabilitation and skin care

Another advantage of carbon peeling is the absence of a rehabilitation period. After the procedure, there are no bruises, swelling or marks from injections left on the face, as when using other methods of exposure.

The worst thing that can happen is slight redness. It stays on the face for no more than two days. Typically, cosmetic surgery is performed before the weekend so that your face looks perfect by Monday.

Cost of carbon peeling

Usually, to get the maximum effect from peeling, several operations are performed. The course is approximately 4-5 procedures. Subsequent cleaning can be repeated no earlier than after a week.

Its cost depends on the clinic you choose, the number of sessions and the area of ​​cleaning.

  • Partial facial peeling can be done for about 1500–2500 rubles.
  • Carbon cleansing of the entire face costs about 4000–4500 rubles.
  • Peeling the face and décolleté will cost approximately 7,000–8,000 rubles.

Reviews from experts

Irina Ivanovna, cosmetologist:“I have been performing carbon peeling procedures on patients for several years now. I, like the ladies, really like the result. This is a gentle cosmetic surgery to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin. She copes very well with acne, comedones, age spots, peeling and other problems. This is an opportunity to get rid of the first wrinkles and rejuvenate your face in a few sessions.”

Kirill Timofeevich, cosmetologist:“I have only good things to say about the carbon facial cleansing method. I have been doing various peelings and rejuvenations for several years, and this method is more effective for me. Older women are satisfied with the effect toned face. And the young ladies have finally found a way to get rid of problem skin in adolescence."

Patient reviews

Kira, 32 years old:“Not long ago I visited a cosmetologist to improve the condition of my facial skin. She's fat and wide open pores. The specialist recommended carbon peeling to me. I was glad that the procedure also rejuvenates the face.

As a result, I got out greasy shine and the fat content decreased slightly. But after a few days everything returned to normal. I absolutely did not like either the procedure or the effect. And also the high cost. I won’t go for carbon cleaning again.”

Olga, 26 years old:“Due to my age, I often spend various cosmetic surgeries for facial cleansing and rejuvenation. Moreover, I have skin with wide and often clogged pores. This time I decided to try carbon peeling on myself. He promised cleansing and rejuvenation: two in one.

The result pleased me. Within 15 minutes of a painless procedure, my pores became much cleaner and slightly narrower. A reddish mark remained on the face, by which one can determine the operation of the laser. But all this passed in 2 days. After several courses, my face began to look noticeably better. And although the procedure is not cheap, it is worth it.”

I chose a good and expensive clinic. The procedure was almost painless. But it was unpleasant, it smelled like carbon, and the skin was sticky all the time. After 20 minutes my face felt a little pinkish but matte and clear. The pores are noticeably narrowed and cleaned. I was pleased with the result until the oily shine and dirty pores returned again after 2 days.

In my opinion, carbon peeling is an unjustified waste of money.”

Irina, 26 years old:“Since the transition period, I have been tormented by problematic facial skin. I tried everything, but, unfortunately, at the age of 26 I couldn’t improve it. A friend recommended me a new carbon peeling procedure. At first I was skeptical, but then I decided to do it.

I can say that after just two sessions, my face became noticeably cleaner. The pores did not shrink, but were cleansed. The oily sheen is gone. The skin itself has become more elastic. I'm happy with the result so far, but there are still 2 sessions ahead. I hope I found a way to get rid of acne!”

Evgeniya, 20 years old:“In an attempt to get rid of problem skin, I made an appointment with a cosmetologist for carbon peeling. Within 20 minutes I felt a slightly painful tingling sensation and discomfort. Then my skin turned red. The pores seemed to be cleared, but they weren’t any longer. The redness went away the next day, and the oily sheen reappeared. And after a few days the pores became clogged again.

I didn't like the procedure. Maybe it's just not for my skin. I won’t repeat it again.”

Ivanna, 21 years old:“I cleaned my face with carbon nanogel 2 times. I like the effect. The skin does not suffer after the operation, only slightly reddens for several hours. But it becomes much cleaner and fitter. The good effect lasts for several months after completing the course. Then it goes away slowly. But nothing lasts forever, but the acne marks quickly disappeared.”

Anna Petrovna, 45 years old:“My daughter signed me up for carbon peeling, she wanted to do something nice before March 8th. I don’t do such procedures, so I was afraid. As it turns out, it doesn't hurt at all. After the operation, the face looks several years younger! My husband was delighted. I’ll definitely go back later in a while.”

Diana, 32 years old:“I did a carbon peel to tame my thick skin with large pores and perpetual shine. After 3 procedures, my face became noticeably better. The pores narrowed a little and became clean. The shine disappeared, but not for long. This is a good procedure, but it will need to be repeated often. The effect does not last long. And it’s not cheap.”

Natalya, 44 years old:“I took my 14-year-old daughter to get her skin cleaned with carbon. She had a terrible complex about acne on her face. Within a few sessions, the skin became a little clearer. But the acne didn't go away completely. But. I think this is due to age. My daughter is even happy with this. Let's see what happens next. Maybe after a second course it will get better.”

Marina, 40 years old:“I did facial cleansing using a newfangled method with carbon oxidizer. I can say one thing - it’s just terrible. Not only did I not notice any special effect, but now every summer my face tans exactly along the line of the laser! Previously, the tan lay evenly and had a golden color. And now the skin of the face is immediately darker and a transition is visible to the cervical area, which does not tan so sharply.

In general, I do not recommend this method to anyone!”

Carbon facial peeling is an innovative cosmetic procedure. It is actively used at any age, solving certain problems. It is performed with a laser, but with the use of nanogel - a carbon amplifier, which provides excellent results.

Carbon facial peeling – what is it, the essence of the procedure and how often can it be done

What is carbon peeling? The name of the procedure comes from the word carbon - carbon. Its essence lies in complex impact laser and photorejuvenation on the epidermis. This is achieved by applying a mask with carbon dioxide nanoparticles to the skin of the face. The gel has the ability to penetrate not only the superficial, but also the deep layers of the epidermis and draw out various contaminants.

The subsequent use of laser beams ensures the removal of dead cells and effective cleansing skin. It has a stimulating effect on the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis. Thanks to this, the surface of the dermis is leveled and its color improves.

Carbon peeling has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. In addition, it is used in the treatment of certain skin conditions such as rosacea, acne and pimples.

A characteristic feature of this procedure is that the pronounced positive effect is clearly visible even after the first session. In addition, after carbon peeling there are no distinctive signs of other types of chemical effects on the skin - redness and irritation. The second name for this procedure is “Hollywood cleansing”, since it can provide emergency assistance in achieving an ideal facial condition in a short period of time.

Carbon peeling has a striking effect on the condition of the epidermis:

  • opens pores and effectively tightens them;
  • exfoliates dead skin particles and removes them;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers;
  • promotes the production hyaluronic acid;
  • activates regenerative processes;
  • normalizes lipid metabolism in the epidermis;
  • has a detrimental effect on opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • eliminates the first signs of aging - smoothes out fine wrinkles, makes the skin smoother, firmer and more elastic;
  • evens out tone, has a whitening effect, and removes pigmentation.

Here's a video of how carbon peeling is done:

This procedure is irreplaceable at any age. In youth - it will help get rid of acne, effectively relieve unsightly spots and inflamed pimples. At an older age, it will help get rid of traces of acne, even out the skin and remove the first wrinkles. And in case of pronounced processes of withering of the epidermis, it will improve turgor and elasticity, restore youth, smoothness and silkiness.

Benefits and indications

Contraindications to laser use

Carbon peeling has certain contraindications for use. This is due to the fact that it belongs to a group of chemical peels, which under certain circumstances can have very adverse effects on human health.

Therefore, before you sign up for the procedure, you should consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist who can adequately assess your health status, indications and contraindications. Indeed, in some situations, peeling can lead to activation of the inflammatory process or provoke hormonal imbalance.

Contraindications include:

  • infectious and inflammatory skin diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin - wounds, cuts;
  • acute respiratory viral infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • severe chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation and decompensation;
  • the occurrence of neoplasms;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to carbon dioxide - the main active substance peeling;
  • vitiligo;
  • disorders of melanin metabolism;
  • scarring of the skin.

Facial procedure with fruit acids described by .

How is laser cleaning performed?

Carbon peeling is done only in a beauty salon. Therefore, first of all, you should choose a master and a venue. Even during the preliminary consultation, the doctor will definitely do a carboxylic acid tolerance test. To do this, apply 1-2 strokes of the finished mixture to the back surface of the brush. The result is assessed in 5-10 minutes. In the absence of redness, itching, swelling, burning and other signs of an allergic reaction, the product can be safely applied to the face.

The procedure itself is carried out in 2 stages - applying a mask and using a laser. However, first of all, you should cleanse your face of cosmetics and other contaminants. To do this, the skin is treated with an antiseptic gel, which helps eliminate microorganisms and prevents inflammation.

Only after this, a thin layer of a mask with carbon dioxide nanoparticles is applied to the face.

It is a mixture of fine coal with mineral oils. This period is only 5-8 minutes. During this time, the nanoparticles will penetrate deep into the epidermis and “prepare” the site for further laser use. Once the mask is dry, you can proceed to the second stage - laser treatment.

The client's eyes are protected with special glasses and only after that they begin to treat the face with laser beams, covering every millimeter of the skin. In this case, deep heating of all layers of the epidermis occurs. As a result, the pores are actively cleansed, dead particles are rejected and the production of collagen, elastane and hyaluronic acid is stimulated.

Video of carbon peeling before and after:

The total time of the procedure is 25-30 minutes, while the client feels only pleasant warmth.

At the end of the carbon peeling, the mask should be washed off with warm water and a special mixture should be applied, aimed not only at soothing the skin, but also at protecting it. The procedure is carried out repeatedly, and in a course of 3-7 sessions. The intervals between them must be at least 5 days. The duration of the course depends on the initial condition of the skin and the desired result.

Skin care after the procedure

On the day of carbon peeling, you should not wash your face. If you need to cleanse your skin, you should use micellar water or soft foam. For the first few days it is advisable to avoid using decorative cosmetics. The face can be wiped with an antiseptic - an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine. Cannot be used in the first week cosmetical tools alcohol based.

Since peeling may occur after peeling, the epidermis must be actively moisturized. You can use special creams for this.

Possible complications

Carbon peeling is an absolutely safe procedure, since there is no damage to the skin during the session. However, in some cases complications may occur. Most often they are caused by violation of skin care rules after the procedure or neglect of contraindications.

In some cases, purulent processes may develop. This only happens when there was a wound or microcrack on the skin during the procedure.

Therefore, if such a situation arises, you should postpone the peeling to another day, even if you are determined to do it today. If the depth of exposure to laser beams is incorrectly selected, tissue swelling and redness may occur. For several days you should completely stop using decorative cosmetics, soap, gel for washing and alcohol lotions. The skin needs to be actively moisturized, if possible, do not go outside, especially in unfavorable weather conditions - severe frost

If you peel if there are contraindications - during pregnancy or with vitiligo - pigmentation may appear. It is impossible to get rid of this effect. The only thing you can do is spend less time in the sun, and over time the spots will gradually decrease or disappear.

Exposing keloid scars to laser beams can lead to renewed inflammation, causing them to grow even larger.

Carbon peeling is one of the types of skin rejuvenation and tightening procedures.

The development has gained great popularity and is now used by cosmetologists all over the world. Let's look at what this is in more detail below.

What is carbon peeling?

Laser carbon peeling is a type of peeling, which consists in the fact that with the help of a laser and carbon peeling nanogel, the upper part of the damaged skin is removed so that new, young skin is formed in its place.

Carbon peeling - what is it: it gives the effect of tightening the skin thanks to laser heating and cleanses it of dead cells using a carbon mask.

The process of carbon peeling is quite unusual. Therefore, before doing carbon rejuvenation, you need to consult a specialist.

Carbon face masks are part of carboxytherapy. Their essence is that carbon dioxide stimulates the production of oxygen and nutrients. Thus, increased collagen production occurs, as a result of which the skin itself begins to tighten.

List of carbon peeling effects


  1. People with noticeable signs of aging facial skin.
  2. Patients with acne and pimples.
  3. Numerous comedones.
  4. If you have oily skin.
  5. To eliminate age spots (one of these spots are freckles).

Laser carbon peeling is performed for those people who have at least one of the above problems.


There are a number of contraindications for those who decide to undergo carbon peeling. If you have any skin-related disorders, then this procedure is contraindicated.

This type of peeling should not be done under the following conditions:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Carbon peeling is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Carbon dioxide intolerance. The chemical element may cause allergies.
  • Pigmentation disorder, when pigment begins to disappear in certain areas of the skin. The color becomes light and the hair begins to turn grey. This type of disease is called "Vitiligo".

If there are scars or tumor-like growths on the skin, the laser can provoke an inflammatory process and after surgery, unformed scars can become larger and cause acute pain in this area of ​​the skin.

Photo: before and after

If you look at the photos before and after laser carbon peeling, you can judge how effective the procedure is.

How is carbon peeling done?

Carbon rejuvenation is performed if, before the start of the session, the patient has had a consultation with a cosmetologist and dermatologist, and has passed all necessary tests, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

The stages of the procedure are demonstrated in pictures.

The carbon peeling process goes something like this:

  1. The skin is cleansed of accumulated dust and cosmetics. A layer of antiseptic is applied to the selected area, which kills germs and eliminates all inflammatory processes. Open wounds and pimples can cause severe pain.
  2. The patient is checked for an allergic reaction to the nanogel. If there is no rash, itching, change in skin color, or various swelling, then you can proceed with the operation.
  3. The antiseptic gel is washed off and the nanogel is evenly distributed. The result is a carbon mask. At this time, the equipment is being configured. The laser device must sufficiently heat the mask to remove dead or diseased skin, and also prevent the laser from burning out the cells themselves. At this stage, clogged glands, acne, etc. are removed.
  4. At the fourth stage of carbon peeling, the intensity of cleaning increases. Under the influence of the laser, two proteins begin to be actively produced - elastin and collagen. In addition, the beam provokes the active production of hyaluronic acid, which fills the voids in the folds and thereby smoothes the skin. At this stage, pigmentation problems are solved, deep wrinkles are leveled, and the appearance of the skin improves.
  5. Then the nel is washed off the face and a protective (relaxation) mixture is applied.

The entire carbon peeling session takes a total of half an hour and can be carried out in any season.


Cosmetologists assure that pain could occur either because the patient or doctor did not see scars or scars, or pain could arise due to incorrect beam settings.

During the operation, only warmth should be felt.

What to do after carbon peeling?

When carbon facial cleansing is completed, some patients begin to neglect the basic rules of rehabilitation. And the effects of laser and carbon can cause complications in the future if you do not follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

Since everyone’s body is different, they can also react differently to the carbon rejuvenation procedure. Therefore, the rehabilitation course below is only recommendations.

Rehabilitation rules

After the procedure, the skin in the peeling areas may blush. This normal process and there is no need to be afraid.

  1. The main thing is to limit yourself from being in the sun after 11-00 for two weeks. And also avoid exposure to heat rays (for example, visiting a solarium).
  2. After peeling, the skin is cleansed with soft, gentle products for 24 hours.
  3. The skin should always be moist, do not let it dry out.
  4. No cosmetics for 7 days, because they cause skin infection.
  5. After peeling, it is allowed to go to mesotherapy sessions and make masks, but it is forbidden to do grinding and various types peeling

Complications and consequences

Complications may arise if the patient does not comply with all the requirements of the cosmetologist. For example, I came to the procedure with an invisible wound on my face.

You cannot hide the timing of pregnancy from the doctor, or the fact that a woman is breastfeeding at this time.

The consequences may be:

  1. Purulent complications on the skin. If the patient hid or did not notice open wounds at the peeling site. In this case, you should immediately consult a cosmetologist and treat the wound with an antiseptic.
  2. Increase in pigment. This may occur if the patient hides her pregnancy. Also this one by-effect appears if you perform the procedure in adolescence, or the patient has problems with pigmentation. Effective way To avoid problems is to reduce your time in the sun.

A small “stone in the garden” for doctors who do peeling:

If the specialist has chosen the wrong depth of laser exposure, or has overheated the device, unpleasant sensations may occur on the skin. It will begin to peel off, and swelling may appear in the treated areas.

Execution frequency

  • Experts advise doing carbon rejuvenation in courses.
  • For minor skin problems, everything is enough 3-5 sessions laser cleaning.
  • For mature skin with pronounced signs of aging, it is better to increase the course up to 8 procedures.
  • Between peels carbon must be made a break of 5-6 days in order to skin covering managed to recover.

Compatible with other procedures

Laser carbon peeling can be performed in conjunction with the following cosmetic procedures:

  • Fractional thermolysis (better known as Fraxel, the benefits of which we discussed in).
  • Laser.
  • RF lifting - see thermolifting review.

Any of these procedures in combination with carbon cleansing gives a more pronounced effect of rejuvenation and face lifting.

Carbon peeling at home

Sometimes on forums you can find a question about whether it is possible to carry out carbon peeling at home.

Based on the above information and the recommendations of doctors, we can come to the conclusion that this cannot be done.

Even if you have the funds to buy carbon peeling nanogel and laser equipment, the procedure should be carried out under the strict guidance of a cosmetologist.

If you set up the equipment incorrectly, you can harm your own skin.

Service price

This table shows the average price of carbon peeling in Russia. The cost of services may vary depending on the region, beauty salon and dollar exchange rate.

If you want to undergo comprehensive rejuvenation, then SPA centers may have their own bonuses and discounts.

For a complex procedure, prices must be obtained separately from each beauty salon.

There is a lot of information about carbon peeling now. It can be found on the websites of professional beauty salons. This is a truly unique procedure that combines all the delights of mesotherapy and laser removal of old skin.

This is a painless process that does not take too much time, without injections or surgery.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Laser-carbon peeling has generated a lot of controversy.