
DIY capitoshka made from starch. We make “capitoshka” toys with our own hands. Children's craft - a helicopter made from egg trays. Master Class

Everyone knows what Kapitoshka looks like. It is sold in tents with small toy items in parks during mass children's events, in circuses, in theaters and at concert venues. Cute colorful faces attract the attention of little ones, and sellers know it. The toy got its name thanks to the charming character in Natalia Guzeeva’s book “Kapitoshka”. This is a cheerful drop of rain that changes shape and teaches the evil Wolf Cub kindness. Do you remember?

The organization of many master classes requires some special skills from the presenters, but to make Kapitoshka no special skills are required. Any animator, counselor, school teacher and parents can handle it. After the entertainment program, sit the children at the table and make a fun souvenir with them as a souvenir of your holiday. Great!

A master class for the website “Holiday Again” is conducted by Helga Masterovaya, over to her:

Making Kapitoshka is very simple. And, moreover, such a toy will bring a lot of positive emotions for a child and even an adult. It’s not for nothing that this toy is also called anti-stress. It’s very pleasant to knead it with your hands, give it various shapes, and cheerful faces will cheer up even the saddest person))).

I suggest you make your own unique Kapitoshka.

Tools and materials:

- a balloon (choose a stronger one);
- starch or flour;
— markers or felt-tip pens;
- funnel;
- threads for creating hairstyles.

As you can see, very minor costs will be required. All components are available, which pleases me immensely)))

Everything is ready, you can start!

Fill the ball with flour or starch

  • We slightly inflate and deflate the balloon several times.
  • Insert the funnel. For me, a plastic bottle turned out to be more convenient to use. In this case, we pull the ball onto the neck of the bottle.

  • Pour in the contents. It could be flour, starch or even sand. The amount of content depends on the size of the intended toy. During the filling process, we help with a pencil and compact it (remember to be careful with your hands).

  • Remove from the funnel, release the air and tie the tail. The tail can be left, or it can be cut off.

Draw a face and do a hairstyle

This is where your imagination and ideas come into play. There are many samples of all sorts of funny faces with different emotions on the Internet. Here's an example I found:


“Making an anti-stress toy – Kapitoshka”

Tikhomirova Natalya Sergeevna senior teacher of Kindergarten No. 3 in the village. Ekaterinoslavka “Thumbelina”.

Master class is designed for parents and educators, as well as children from 4 to 6 years old.

Purpose of the master class: You can do this fun activity not only in kindergarten, but also at home with the whole family.

Target : introduce the production anti-stress toy – “Kapitoshka”.


Develop creative imagination and fantasy;

Foster interest in creativity;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Relieve emotional stiffness and tension.

Materials for work:

    elastic balloons of various sizes (preferably made of thick latex);


    starch or flour;



    a thin marker or various types of decorations (threads, hats, eyes, bows, etc.);

    PVA glue;

Today I would like to invite you to make an anti-stress toy “Kapitoshka” from improvised materials. Anti-stress soft toys appeared not so long ago. In addition to bright colors and pleasant-to-touch fabric, they have another feature that distinguishes them from the plush friends of our childhood: filler. This is what makes anti-stress toys so magical. Inside the toy there are small polystyrene granules, the diameter of which is less than a millimeter. Rolling small balls in your hands will make you feel calm. A pleasant fabric will complement the relaxation effect. Typically, anti-stress toys are made from fairly elastic knitwear. Bright colors will complete the stress treatment process. Psychologists have long proven that rich colors can lift your spirits. Therefore, not only children, but also adults would like to play with this toy.

So today we will try to make Kapitoshka at home. But before you make Kapitoshka at home, think about who you are doing it for. Flour is a good filler if a small child will be playing. And even if the balloon breaks and the baby tastes the filler, nothing bad will happen. You can also use starch, then your craft, in addition to its pretty appearance, will take any shape and also “crunch.” If you want to make an anti-stress toy for yourself, you can use sand, talc, rice, millet. So, how to make Kapitoshka from a ball and starch?


1. Take a balloon. Better tighter.

2.Insert the funnel inside. If there is none, you can cut a plastic bottle and pull the tail of the ball onto the neck. Pour flour through this funnel.

3. Pack the contents of the ball tightly. This can be done with a pen, pencil, or some kind of stick. The main thing is not to tear the ball itself. Thus, we do it until the very end, until the ball is completely filled with starch. It needs to be filled tightly enough so that there is absolutely no empty space left.

4.The size of our Kapitoshka may vary. It depends on the amount of flour.

5.When the ball has become the size we need, release excess air and remove the ball from the funnel, tying the tail with a strong knot (if desired, the elastic band can be cut off with scissors).

6. It’s time to give our Kapitoshka a “face”, let’s start decorating. There are an incredible variety of options for their decorations. To do this, you can draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth with a marker. Or, using glue, you can glue running eyes, a scarf, a veil, bows to the ball, or make hair from threads and New Year's rain and tie it to the knot of the toy. In this matter, the main thing is your imagination.

Here you go! The homemade anti-stress toy is ready. And now let’s try to come up with a fairy tale together.

Thank you all for your participation.

Elena Usmanova

« Rainbow Capitoshki»

Target: dissemination of personal teaching experience (demonstration) Tasks:

Introduce teachers to a toy for developing motor skills;

Show methods and techniques for making toys « Kapitoshka» ;

Development and implementation of creative imagination and fantasy of teachers;

Relieving emotional constraint and tension.


* elastic balloons of various sizes (preferably made of thick latex);

* funnels made from plastic bottles;

* teaspoons;

* filler (starch);

* bamboo stick (pencil);

* scissors;

* felt-tip pens, permanent markers;

*different types of decorations (threads, hats, beads, buttons, eyes, etc.).

Move master class:


Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Today I want to introduce you to a toy « Kapitoshka» for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as to make it yourself.

Nowadays, not only adults are subject to emotional instability, irritation and stress, but so are our children. Unlike adults, it is more difficult for children to cope with their emotional state and here they may need help from parents and teachers. In this connection, the child can be invited to play with « Kapitoshka» .

What does it look like « Kapitoshka» , I think everyone knows. It is sold at Soyuzpechat kiosks, in parks, at children's parties and events. Cute multi-colored faces and bright colors of the toy attract the child’s attention, which is what manufacturers and sellers of the toy use, also called "anti-stress".

But it’s much easier and more enjoyable to make such a toy yourself for your child or together with him.

Make one like this « Kapitoshka» very simple. Moreover, such a toy will bring a lot of positive emotions for a child and even an adult. It will be very pleasant to crush it with your hands, giving it various shapes, and cheerful faces will cheer up a sad baby. Not only children, but also adults will not mind playing with such a toy. I suggest you do « Kapitoshek» in color rainbows.

How many colors rainbows?

What colors rainbows?

Who knows what's the easiest way to remember colors? rainbows for baby?

By interacting with this toy, children gain sensory experience, become familiar with primary colors, etc. While playing, children consolidate their knowledge of geometric shapes and the world around them in various activities. Having several « Kapitoshek» , you can show a table theater, use them when counting in mathematics, develop fine motor skills, replace the ball in some cases, circle and draw. In the game, you can come up with different stories each time, thereby promoting the development of children's creative activity. and can also become residents of a corner for logical and mathematical activities.

So today we will try to make a toy « Kapitoshka» . First you need to decide on the filler of this toy. For a child, a toy must be filled with safe materials so that if the surface is carelessly damaged, the child, putting a small amount of filler into his mouth, cannot harm his body. Therefore, toys for children are filled with flour or starch.

The toy can be made multifunctional by adding regular cereal as a filler (rice, millet, buckwheat)-which will further promote the development of fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills have one important feature - it is directly related to the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and child's perception. The development of fine motor skills and speech development are also very closely related.

Therefore, today I want to invite you to make one from starch.

First we need to take a balloon. It is better to choose denser balls so as not to damage the surface when filling it. As a last resort, you can use two balls, inserting one into the other.

We insert a funnel inside the ball. If there is no funnel, you can replace it with the cut off top of a plastic bottle. In my opinion, it will be more convenient to fill the ball through such a homemade funnel. We pull the tail of the ball onto the neck of the funnel and begin to fill it little by little, using a teaspoon. « Kapitoshka» .

Ball Contents (filler) compact tightly using a bamboo stick or pencil. It is necessary to compact it very carefully so as not to tear the ball itself. You need to fill the ball tightly enough so that there is absolutely no empty space left. In this way, we fill and advance the filler until the ball is completely filled, increasing in size by 1.5-2 times.

Stage 2:

When the ball has become the size we need, we need to release excess air and carefully remove the ball from the funnel. We tie the tail of the ball into a tight knot, which can be trimmed with scissors if desired.

Now comes the most crucial moment - shaping our future. « Kapitoshki» . First we need to make our « Kapitoshka» face. There are many options for this too. The face can be drawn with permanent markers that will not rub off or remain on your child’s fingers. Can also be used felt-tip pens - their"minus" is that they will gradually disappear from the surface of the ball, but there is also "plus"-you can draw another, more entertaining one "face" and your baby will have a different one every time « Kapitoshka» .

The face for the toy can also be printed on paper, using Internet resources.

You can also glue it to the ball using glue. "running" eyes, nose, scarf, bows and all sorts of other decorations. You can make a hairstyle out of yarn, thread, plastic bags or New Year's rain by tying them to the knot of the toy. In this matter, the most important thing is your imagination.

They revived and began to play.

During the game, the hands are massaged and tactile sensations develop. "Balls - Smeshariki" easy to change shape, pleasant to the touch.

Can be used for sensory development perception in children: fix color, shape. You can suggest rolling (give it a round shape, roll out (make it oval, flatten it. Balls, unlike plasticine and clay, have advantage: hands are always clean and dry after use. Games with "Balls - Smeshariki" bring joy to children. This has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children.

You can invite children to give the ball the shape of an apple or pear. Ask what color the ball can be taken, what color the fruit is.

Stage 3:

Our homemade toys are ready! And now, dear colleagues, to summarize master class, I want to know from you, did you like it?

I think that by making several of these funny balls, you can amuse and please several children at once! And also this funny toy will be an excellent gift not only for "bored" baby, but also for a fun company.

Thank you all for your attention and participation!

Master class for educators

« Rainbow Capitoshki»

Spent teacher:

Usmanova E. K.

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Master class for educators

How to make Kapitoshka

Parents are more familiar with this mysterious cartoon character. Kapitoshka is always in a good mood, he sings his simple songs, laughs and never loses heart. And it is never the same. It changes shape all the time, and this makes it even more interesting. You and I have a unique opportunity to make Kapitoshka with your own hands. This toy will appeal to both children and adults. It cannot be broken, it stretches in different directions, takes different shapes, does not break, and is easily washed from dirt and dust.

To work you need to prepare: starch, balloon, plastic watering can, spoon, black marker, some yarn of any color.

Let's start handicrafts.

Step 1. Take a watering can and a balloon. We put the ball on the leg of the watering can. We try not to tear the neck of the ball, we don’t need that at all.

Step 2. Spoon the starch into the funnel of the watering can. Using a pencil, push the starch through the neck of the watering can into the ball. We push vigorously so that a plug of starch does not form in the hole.

Step 3. Periodically, the ball of starch needs to be crushed and pulled out with your free hand so that the starch is compacted thoroughly.

Step 4. When the ball is densely filled with starch, remove it from the watering can and tie the end into a knot.

Step 5. Try stretching the toy in different directions. Very interesting. The starch inside makes a peculiar sound, similar to the creaking of snow underfoot. But it wouldn’t hurt to decorate the toy. Using threads we will make hair for our Kapitoshka. Let's fold a long thread of yarn several times (the more, the more voluminous the toy's hair will be) and tie it at the upper end of the toy.

Step 6. Using a black marker, draw Kapitoshka’s eyes, mouth and nose on the ball. We draw as best we can. To draw a face, it is better to use a permanent marker.

Our wonderful toy can be an excellent antidepressant because it quickly calms your nerves. You can give this toy to a friend or girlfriend. You can make several toys from multi-colored balloons.

Assigned filters

  • Imagination
  • Coordination
  • Logics
  • Fine motor skills
  • Memory
  • Spatial perception
  • Speech development
  • Lexicon
  • Fantasy
  • Sense of color

Every parent wants their child to get maximum joy and pleasure from their toys. And even more so, if the child himself participated in the process of creating the toy, then, of course, it will be very dear and desirable for the child.

And the time that will be spent with the child on making such a thing with your own hands will bring adults and children closer together; the child will not be capricious once again, but will listen to the comments and advice of adults.

One of these toys that is easy to make with your child with your own hands is the “capitoshka” toy.

To make a capitoshka, just buy a balloon. From all the variety of choices, we buy at a higher price; such a ball itself will be of higher quality and stronger. To make the capitoshka secure, you can use two balls, placing one inside the other.

Next, a kitchen funnel is inserted inside the ball. Although you can use a plastic bottle for these purposes, since a kitchen funnel is not particularly convenient to use due to its narrow neck.
In the case of using a plastic bottle, we cut the bottom, and then use the neck of the bottle, pulling the ball over it.

It is necessary to fill the capitoshka toy; the composition used for filling can be different, from flour to sand. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, because it is clear that if the capitoshka toy breaks, the child will definitely want to taste the contents of the capitoshka.

The amount of content that will be used to fill it depends on the intended size of the future capitoshka toy. It is also necessary to compact this content very carefully when filling the toy with your own hands.

After the work is completed, we tie the ball, and at our discretion either leave the excess “tail” or cut it off.

When the ball is filled, we carry out the final work, which consists of decorating the finished product. To do this, we use felt-tip pens or colored paper. If you don’t want to do all this, just choose a balloon with a drawn smiling face in the store.

We will also take care of creating the hairstyle for the future toy capitoshka. It can be successfully made from woolen threads, with a little imagination and the hairstyle will be the most unusual. The result is a capitoshka toy that delights children and lifts the spirits of adults.

But this is not the only way to create a “capitoshka” toy. In addition to balls, you can also use burlap, sewing the result into a funny buddy for your baby.

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In this article you will learn how to make an anti-stress toy capitoshka at home. We also suggest reading the article about what types

It is quite easy to make from materials that are easy to find in any store. We need several standard size balloons and any color, as well as the material you want to put in the balloons. If you want the toy to be similar to those in the store, then you will need to find a suitable case for it, or make one.

How to make an anti-stress toy (kapitoshka) at home:

  1. Take the balls. They should be the same size, shape and not inflated. If you have already inflated balloons, then it is better to take those that you have never used.
  2. Select filler. The filler comes in different types; for a standard size toy we need about two 170-230 ml. (yes, not a gram) of filler. You can use flour, soda, corn starch, if you want the anti-stress toy to be loose, then use lentils, beans, sand or rice. If you want a medium-density toy, then mix, for example, rice and mousse or rice and sand.
  3. Check if the ball is elastic, if not, then inflate it, and then knead it in an inflated form, but do not overdo it. It may burst. Most likely, for this task you will need a friend who will help, together you can make the anti-stress toy more fun and convenient.
  4. Filling. Take a funnel, if there is one; if not, then cut it out of any bottle with a standard neck. Fill the ball with filler. The main thing is not to break the neck, otherwise you will have to do everything again. If the litter gets stuck, use a pen or pencil to push it through.
  5. Release the air from the balloon, try to release all the air and pinch the neck of the balloon as close to the filler as possible. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get rid of the filler along with the air. Then, cut off the rest of the neck and put another ball on top, and then another. Then tie the ball and cut off the remaining neck of the ball.

You can use any filler: hard, solid, dense, maybe even liquid, it all depends on what effect you want to achieve. If you want the toy to be in a case, like in a store, then you can use, for example, a stocking for this purpose.

That's all. The anti-stress toy is ready, if you have any questions, write in the comments, and also write - did you manage to make an anti-stress toy at home?

So today we’ll see how to make Kapitoshka at home. Let's start with the fact that you can come up with quite a lot of such toys. And the first one is probably familiar to everyone. Of course, mischievous boys like it more, but girls, I think, are not far behind them. All over the world this summer fun is known as water bombs, but in our country they are called capitoshki. This name has already become a household name. Do you remember? When you were a child, did you also throw them out of the window at people passing by? Of course, it’s better not to do this, but on a hot summer afternoon, kids can easily play “war”, throwing improvised “grenades” at the enemy. In this case, the question of how to make capitoshka at home does not seem difficult. All you need is balloons and water. The ball in this case will be a “vessel”. Fill it with liquid and tie the tail tightly. The “shell” is ready. For smaller children, you can come up with another toy - for the development of motor skills. However, many adults will also enjoy playing with it. And all because it is real and can take any form. We will get a real Kapitoshka. Just like in the cartoon: kind, friendly, always ready to help. So, how to make Kapitoshka from a ball and flour.

  1. Let's take it better.
  2. Here you go! ready.

Tips and variations on a theme

Do you know Kapitoshka? This is a kind and cheerful drop of pure spring rain, which was invented by Natalya Guzeeva. Both children and adults liked the cartoon with this character, and many teachers often invite the hero to their classes. The kids are happy to come up with all sorts of fun, where the main character is Kapi, as his friends call him.

So today we’ll see how to make Kapitoshka at home. Let's start with the fact that you can come up with quite a lot of such toys. And the first one is probably familiar to everyone. Of course, mischievous boys like it more, but girls, I think, are not far behind them. All over the world this summer fun is known as water bombs, but in our country they are called capitoshki. This name has already become a household name. Do you remember? When you were a child, did you also throw them out of the window at people passing by? Of course, it’s better not to do this, but on a hot summer afternoon, kids can easily play “war”, throwing improvised “grenades” at the enemy. In this case, the question of how to make capitoshka at home does not seem difficult. All you need is balloons and water. The ball in this case will be a “vessel”. Fill it with liquid and tie the tail tightly. The “shell” is ready. For smaller children, you can come up with another toy - for the development of motor skills. However, many adults will also enjoy playing with it. And all because this is a real anti-stress toy that can take any form. We will get a real Kapitoshka. Just like in the cartoon: kind, friendly, always ready to help. So, how to make Kapitoshka from a ball and flour.

  1. Take a balloon. Better tighter.
  2. We insert the funnel inside. If there is none, you can cut a plastic bottle and pull the tail of the ball onto the neck. Pour flour through this funnel.
  3. Pack the contents of the ball tightly. This can be done with a pen, pencil, or some kind of stick. The main thing is not to tear the ball itself.
  4. The size of our Kapitoshka may vary. It depends on the amount of flour.
  5. When the ball has become the size we need, let out excess air and tie the tail in a knot (without using threads). The excess part can be cut off if desired.
  6. The time has come to give our Kapitoshka a “face”. To do this, use a marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. You can glue “hairs” from woolen threads.
  7. Here you go! The homemade transforming toy is ready.

Tips and variations on a theme

But this is not the last option on how to make Kapitoshka at home. This toy is still small in size. But if, for example, a teacher needs an “assistant” to teach a lesson, he must be such that all children can see him. How to make Kapitoshka like this? Very simple. The ball just needs to be inflated. Make eyes, a nose and a mouth out of colored paper, and arms, legs and a hat out of cardboard. So it turned out to be a cheerful drop, so loved by children.