
What cosmetic procedures are possible for pregnant women? What pregnant women should not do with a cosmetologist. Evgenia A., cosmetologist in a beauty salon

Pregnant women and nursing mothers often complain of a huge number of restrictions on self-care. Some of them are quite justified: hormonal changes in the body completely change the standard reaction, and not like hair dye - the usual mascara can cause. However, some restrictions are more related to beliefs or lack of truthful information.

What cosmetic procedures can be done for pregnant and nursing mothers?

What exactly are these restrictions associated with?

  • Firstly, with changes in the tissues themselves: skin, hair, nails. During pregnancy, they become looser, hypersensitive, and thinner. This is a natural process associated with gestation.
  • Secondly, the pain threshold increases and procedures that previously did not cause much discomfort - hair removal of the legs, for example, turn into extremely painful ones. Against the background of pain, inflammation easily develops, which should not be allowed. In addition, sensitivity to odors also appears, which makes many cosmetic procedures impossible.
  • Thirdly, the expansion of blood and lymphatic vessels significantly increases the risk of injury and bleeding.
  • Fourthly, many ordinary phenomena turn into threats. Vibration, electromagnetic impulses, physical activity, even music with an abundance of too low or too high frequencies can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which leads to miscarriage.

The severity of certain restrictions is related to the condition of the expectant or nursing mother, but they cannot be ignored. On the other hand, cosmetic procedures for which the listed factors are invalid are quite feasible.

Under no circumstances should you refuse to take care of yourself: a beautiful appearance is a good reason for a great mood, and the latter is more than desirable for a pregnant woman or a young mother.

The video below talks about cosmetic procedures during pregnancy:


All cosmetic procedures can be divided into acceptable, relatively acceptable and prohibited. But in any case, before going to a beauty salon, you should consult with a leading doctor, and also repeat everything. With hormonal changes, indicators can change noticeably.

Pregnant and nursing mothers are allowed to resort to the following procedures:

  • – it helps improve skin tone and, from which many expectant mothers suffer;
  • – with fruit acids, . At home, it is preferable to use scrubs with neutral abrasive particles: brewed ground coffee, salt, sugar;
  • moisturizing masks for sensitive skin– As a rule, during pregnancy the water balance of the skin is disturbed. For the same reasons, it is recommended to switch to moisturizing creams and thermal water;
  • manicure and pedicure– the procedures are completely safe. The only limitation here may be the smell of varnish or solvent. If you become sensitive to them, you should look for other means;
  • using oils as creams and masks not only allowed, but also strongly recommended. Almost inevitable during pregnancy. In order to at least to some extent prevent the appearance, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with almond, linseed, and olive oil. Moreover, this recommendation is relevant for both;
  • massage of head, back, neck, arms and legs. Low-intensity procedures are selected, aimed at relaxing muscles and relieving swelling. The massage therapist must be warned about pregnancy, since many techniques are prohibited in this state. Massage for a nursing mother has fewer restrictions.

Procedures with relative contraindications

This category includes procedures that can be performed at a certain stage of pregnancy or in the absence of one or another complication. And in such cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

These include:

  • epilation- has no restrictions as such. But it can only be performed with a low pain threshold. The point is not even that the woman herself experiences much more severe pain than she should, but that the pain syndrome increases the tone of the uterus, and this is dangerous. In addition, due to loose skin and dilation of blood vessels, the risk of injury increases;
  • depilation– salt and sugar, is not available to everyone for the same reasons. Nursing mothers can use depilation without restrictions;
  • – dilation of blood vessels and fragility of the walls increases the risk of injury. For short periods of time, this factor is not so great and the procedure is allowed;
  • hair coloring– permitted provided that an ammonia-free product is used and a pregnant or lactating woman is not allergic to its smell;
  • perm– in the first trimester it is extremely undesirable due to an unexpected reaction to the odors of the substances used. In 2 and 3 it is allowed if gentle means are used. It is worth considering that the hair at this moment is very weakened and any radical procedures affect the condition of the curls much more noticeably. If a woman is already losing her hair, she should refrain from curling and coloring. During the feeding period, the restrictions are the same;
  • nail extensions– permitted or tolerated for the same reasons. The procedure itself does not pose any danger, but chemicals with a pungent odor are used. If a woman is not sensitive to them, then it is carried out only in a well-ventilated area;
  • tattoo– the pain of the procedures increases noticeably. In addition, due to the looseness of the skin and intense lymph flow, coloring pigments are destroyed much faster, “spread”, deforming the applied pattern, so that the result is completely unattractive;
  • based– is allowed if the woman does not exhibit an excessive painful reaction. But here it is worth considering one more feature: artificially introduced substances during pregnancy and lactation are consumed much faster, so the result of mesotherapy does not last long;
  • dry air sauna– allowed according to individual indications. In any case, a bath is an excess of heat, and it is not always useful. It is not for nothing that our ancestors got rid of unwanted children by visiting a bathhouse, so this procedure is carried out only after the doctor’s permission.

This video will tell you about permitted and prohibited beauty procedures for pregnant women:


Absolute contraindications are associated with all factors that can cause myometrial activity and potentially threaten miscarriage. Of course, there are exceptions, but much less often than it seems.

Prohibited procedures include:

  • solarium– is strictly prohibited. During pregnancy, such intense radiation not only causes, but also negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. In addition, the danger increases sharply;
  • thermal procedures– this includes not only a sauna or steam bath, but also any procedures with a low or high temperature: mud, chocolate, etc. Excess heat is quite capable of causing increased activity of the myometrium, which leads to miscarriages and premature birth;
  • prohibited intensive general massage, especially stimulating. Such an effect stimulates the tone of the uterus, which is unacceptable;
  • any hardware procedures, based on the use of microfrequencies, radio frequencies, or, including laser or, are absolutely prohibited;
  • all types of medium or deep peeling impossible in this state. Mechanical ones are fraught with damage to blood vessels, bleeding, and the appearance of scars. Chemicals threaten poisoning, not only of the woman, but also of the child, since the substances used easily enter the bloodstream, and from there through the placenta to the fetus or through milk to the child. In addition, such procedures are painful even in the normal state, and even if you are sensitive to pain they become unbearable;
  • or mesotherapy using hormonal or placental drugs is strictly prohibited. The body already endures severe hormonal changes;
  • contour plastic surgery using not executed. Firstly, the reaction to the drug becomes unpredictable, and secondly, the result lasts for a very short period of time.

The only relative exception to the list is laser peeling for stretch mark removal. The latter should be eliminated within six months after birth, that is, even during feeding, otherwise it will be simply impossible to remove them.

Plastic surgery during such periods

Any surgical intervention during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Hormonal changes, dilation of blood and lymphatic vessels, increased volume of blood and lymph, displacement of organs and other factors turn the simplest operation into a procedure fraught with severe blood loss.

It poses no less danger. Acceptable operations that require local anesthesia, which is administered directly at the operated area - dental procedures, for example. Operations under general anesthesia are performed only for health reasons.

The fact is that all anesthetic drugs, without exception, penetrate the placenta, and, therefore, affect the development of the fetus. In addition, the medicine disrupts uterine and placental blood flow, which impairs fetal nutrition. In the 3rd semester, the situation becomes even worse: the abdominal organs are displaced and “squeezed”, large blood vessels are pressed, which reduces blood flow. Pressure in the peritoneum reduces the working volume of the lungs, which markedly increases the risk of hypoxia during general anesthesia. During this period, they try to postpone the operation at least until the fetus’s lungs form, and sometimes they cause premature birth.

Obviously, there can be no talk of any plastic surgery during pregnancy.

The same applies to the period of breastfeeding. The process itself becomes a contraindication - anesthetic drugs enter the milk and often lead to its disappearance, and the woman’s condition - until the volume of blood and lymph returns to previous levels, and the hormonal balance is not restored, resort to surgical intervention is prohibited.


Of all the methods of plastic surgery, only procedures performed under local anesthesia and necessary to eliminate a defect are considered acceptable. Moreover, by defect we do not mean aesthetics, but damage that reduces the functionality of the organ.

This exception most often becomes nasal surgery. An example would be if its shape does not allow the pregnant woman to breathe fully. In this case, the risk of plastic surgery is less than the benefits it will bring to the future child.

During breastfeeding, other operations are also not allowed. The formation of milk requires almost the same volume of blood and lymph as pregnancy. Until these 2 indicators return to normal, any surgical intervention is fraught with severe blood loss. So all possible types of plastic surgery to restore attractiveness are postponed for at least a year after childbirth, until the hormonal balance returns to normal.


Any plastic surgery, especially those involving the use of general anesthesia, is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After the end of the lactation period, both, and, and, and are allowed.

It is worth remembering, however, that if facial correction is carried out at any other time, then it makes sense to do abdominoplasty or mammoplasty only if the woman does not plan another pregnancy within 5 years. Otherwise, the result does not last long.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding cause changes in all tissues of the body and restructuring of all systems. This greatly limits the range of acceptable cosmetic care procedures and completely prohibits any type of surgical correction.

How long you need to wait, and where to start plastic surgery after pregnancy, this video will tell you:

Why do obstetricians and gynecologists place expectant mothers under such strict control? We asked Leonid Aleksandrov, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest medical category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Deputy Director for Scientific and Innovation Activities of the Research Institute of Women's Health of the First Moscow State Medical University, to answer these questions. I. M. Sechenov.

The main task of monitoring women during pregnancy is prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of possible complications of both pregnancy itself and childbirth, the postpartum period and diseases of newborns.

Everything is in order

The procedure for providing medical care to women during pregnancy includes two main stages.

Outpatient. It is carried out by obstetrician-gynecologists, and in case of their absence, for example in a small town or village, in the case of a normal pregnancy, by family doctors or midwives. But if the course of pregnancy becomes complicated, consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, as well as a doctor who is a specialist in the disease that led to the complicated course of pregnancy, must be provided.

Stationary. This stage is carried out in the pathology departments of pregnant women of maternal and child health institutions or specialized departments of hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, medical scientific organizations, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. It is needed to resolve more complex situations when constant monitoring of a woman is necessary. After all, pregnancy, on the one hand, is a physiological process, and nature took care of everything, but on the other hand, this nature is quite cruel and arranges natural selection, which in the vast majority of cases is no longer relevant in the modern world.

In law

Regular examinations help to understand what is starting to go wrong during pregnancy. Their number is determined by a special order of the Ministry of Health, which contains certain standards. Regardless of which corner of our vast Motherland you are expecting your baby, medical support should include this set of tests and consultations. More is possible, less is not possible, and be prepared for the fact that doctors will insist on performing all procedures prescribed by law.

After all, these standards are not random; they are based on the results of large-scale observations that were carried out in our country and abroad. So, what examinations should the expectant mother undergo during the physiological (i.e. normal) course of pregnancy:

Obstetrician-gynecologist- in all 9 months you will meet with him up to 10 times. Provided you are regularly monitored by a midwife, you can see a gynecologist 6-8 times throughout your pregnancy.

Therapist- This doctor needs to be seen at least 2 times.

Ophthalmologist- also 2 inspections. The first - at an early stage when registering at the antenatal clinic (12-14 weeks), the second - in the last trimester at 30-32 weeks. The doctor, among other parameters, evaluates the condition of the fundus. After all, changes in the vessels located there reflect the state of the entire cardiovascular system. In addition, no matter how strange it may sound, pathology of the visual organs can affect the method of delivery.

ENT and dentist— their task is to identify and eliminate foci of infection that may adversely affect the course of pregnancy. These specialists need to be visited every trimester, i.e. three times throughout the entire pregnancy. If any problems are identified, the need to eliminate them is obvious and the number of consultations will have to increase until a complete reorganization is achieved.

Examination by other specialists- according to indications, taking into account concomitant pathology.

Visit to the laboratory

If your pregnancy is progressing normally, you won't have many tests to do.

Clinical blood test(the simplest one is from a finger). It will be taken 3 times: at the first visit, at 18 and 30 weeks. An important indicator here is hemoglobin. It should be noted that during a normally developing pregnancy, most women experience a slight decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. This physiological condition must be distinguished from true anemia, in which the supply of oxygen to the fetal tissues is reduced. The development of anemia in pregnant women is most often associated with iron deficiency. Diagnosis of anemia is carried out on the basis of laboratory data, i.e. additional tests are prescribed: determination of serum iron content, color index, etc. If iron deficiency anemia is detected in a pregnant woman, a course of treatment with iron supplements is given.

Analysis of urine. This test is scheduled at every visit to the antenatal clinic. It reflects the work of the kidneys, which not only perform excretory functions, but also, for example, regulate blood pressure levels.

Vaginal smear. This study is carried out 2 times: at the first visit to the antenatal clinic and at 30 weeks. If the results reveal an infection, additional tests may be ordered.

Blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis. To monitor these diseases, blood from a vein will need to be donated 3 times: at the first consultation visit, at 30 weeks and 2-3 weeks before birth.

Determination of blood group and Rh factor. This blood test can be taken at any stage of pregnancy, but the earlier the better. If the expectant mother has blood type O (I), then the future father will also have to take the test. This is how Rhesus conflict is prevented. Its essence is that the mother’s immune system produces antibodies to the fetal red blood cells, perceiving them as harmful to itself and destroying them. Because of this, the child suffers from a lack of oxygen. In addition, bilirubin formed during the destruction of red blood cells has an adverse effect on the fetus. To prevent this situation, all Rh-negative pregnant women are given a serum at week 28 that protects the fetus from the mother’s immune system. Sometimes the injection can be re-administered at 34 weeks.

At each appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, a gravidogram is drawn up. This is a special table in which the main survey indicators are recorded. It is convenient for visual assessment of the state in dynamics. In addition to the indicators described above, it reflects the dynamics of blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, and the condition of the cervix in points.

First and second trimester screening

The so-called “first trimester screening” allows you to identify potential congenital malformations of the fetus and genetic pathologies (for example, Down syndrome). This is one of the studies that often worries expectant mothers.

This study is prescribed to all pregnant women. It is carried out for a period of 10-14 weeks. Screening includes an ultrasound combined with a blood test. To analyze the results obtained, there is a special computer program PRISCA (prenatal screening program), with which you can calculate the risks of genetic abnormalities as a percentage. At the heart of PRISCA's work is a huge statistical database of scientific research. For a long time, scientists examined pregnant women in many countries and concluded that there is a connection between the ratio of various biological characteristics of the patient and the likelihood of having a child with genetic diseases. If there is a high degree of probability, the woman is sent for further examination - amniocentesis and/or chorionic villus biopsy is performed.

In the second trimester, at 16-18 weeks, another screening is carried out. In pregnant women with normal results of the first screening, who are not included in the high-risk group for chromosomal disorders and congenital anomalies of the fetus, only an ultrasound examination is performed for this purpose. If a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities is established in the first trimester, as well as in a high-risk group, it is possible to carry out the so-called. “triple test” (determination of the concentration of free estriol, hCG and AFP in the blood).

The end of examinations - the beginning of life

When the pregnancy is 35-36 weeks, based on observations, the obstetrician-gynecologist formulates a complete clinical diagnosis and determines the place of planned birth (municipal or state maternity hospital, perinatal center, etc.). The choice of a particular place for the birth of a child is influenced by all the information collected about the course of pregnancy. According to established rules, the pregnant woman and her family members must know about the place of birth in advance. The need for prenatal hospitalization is decided individually.

If precursors of labor (contractions) occur, the pregnant woman, who is now officially becoming a woman in labor, should be hospitalized in the maternity hospital or the nearest obstetric facility on her own or through channel “03”.

The most interesting procedure for a woman is an ultrasound, when you can look at your future baby. An ultrasound specialist evaluates blood flow, fetal development and its correspondence to the gestational age - that is, to put it simply, whether the fetus is lagging behind in development. According to the standard, ultrasound is performed 3 times during pregnancy: from the 10th to the 14th week, from the 18th to the 21st and from the 32nd to the 34th.

Over the last 11 days of August, 3 “pregnant ladies” came to me for waxing and ultrasonic facial cleansing. And 1 request came by email within the framework of . In this regard, I have prepared recommendations and answers to your question “what cosmetic procedures can be done during pregnancy?”

Last week, my pregnant client wanted to undergo a “Charcot’s shower” massage course in one salon in Dnepropetrovsk; another, right now, in her 6th month, suddenly decided to urgently fight cellulite, “which began to grow.”

Both were refused. And it is right. Because there are absolutely terrible cases when pregnant girls, knowing that they may be denied a cosmetic procedure, consciously hide their position at the initial stage.

They should think about why they refuse? What businessman in his right mind would deprive himself of income? Maybe there's a reason? Maybe you should listen to the advice of professional cosmetologists and doctors?

Cosmetologist during pregnancy: when and why?

Of course, they refuse for a reason.

Why, by the way, is it during pregnancy that women suddenly begin to notice problems with their appearance? The fact is that pregnancy and breastfeeding cause hormonal changes that affect throughout the body, including on the face. This is swelling and pigmentation.

Who might like this? Of course, no one, hence the fierce desire to fight for beauty right here and now. And the desire for refusals only intensifies.

Control yourself! I’ll say right away that hardware methods are contraindicated! ANYONE! There are microcurrents, there is voltage, there is an increase and decrease in temperature. This is not necessary during the birth of a new life. At least from the position of “God protects those who are careful.”

Is it possible to visit a cosmetologist during pregnancy and what cosmetic procedures should be done?

There are options and effective options. First of all, this is the healthiest and safest procedure in cosmetology (in capable hands, of course).

With the help of facial massage, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid is removed, the face is smoothed, swelling recedes - just what pregnant women want.

The second option is various masks, for example - . With their help, you can also achieve a good effect and even during pregnancy you can remain with a smooth, fresh face.

Here you need to be careful in terms of smell and allergies. Even if you made these masks before and everything was fine, now an allergy may appear due to toxicosis. Therefore, you need to try carefully, a little at a time, and always be ready to back up in time.

Be healthy and happy. You can visit a cosmetologist during pregnancy, I have outlined the procedures for you. And remember that now you have a more important goal than fighting cellulite. And she should be in the foreground.

Very often you can hear how beautiful pregnant women look, how they become prettier and younger. Unfortunately, most often this is simple flattery and the desire to please a woman in such a joyful and difficult situation. Sudden changes in hormonal levels affect not only a woman’s mood, but also her appearance. The figure, skin, and hair undergo changes. There are a lot of changes, and often they do not improve a woman’s appearance.

Another problem for all pregnant women is the huge number of restrictions that literally prohibit normal self-care. Some people advise not to cut your hair, others strictly prohibit hair coloring and the use of modern cosmetics. This is partly justified by the possible harm from using cosmetics, but more often it is based on deep superstitions.

We will try to figure out which procedures aimed at improving appearance are allowed for women during pregnancy and which are not, whether cosmetics can be used, and how to ensure a blooming appearance during such a difficult period.

Body care during pregnancy

One of the main problems of all expectant mothers is preventing the appearance of stretch marks. But we must not forget that this problem is not the only one and care must be comprehensive. An important component of body care during pregnancy is hydration and working to prevent swelling.

The easiest way to prevent stretch marks is to use a special cream. But many women prefer. Indeed, the systematic use of various oils significantly improves the condition of the skin and to some extent prevents the appearance of stretch marks. You can buy almond oil, coconut oil, or wheat germ oil. You can also use regular olive oil. Every day, risk areas such as the abdomen, hips, chest and inner surface of the upper arms should be lubricated with oil, gently massaging. It is necessary to continue the procedure from 12 weeks of pregnancy and several more weeks or even months after birth.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse and have a massage during pregnancy?

All lovers of saunas and baths will be disappointed - you cannot visit them during pregnancy. Of course, there are women who say that they went to the bathhouse “until the last minute” and nothing happened to them, but there are only a few of them. Those to whom it “happened” prefer to remain silent about their misfortune and stupidity. You need to understand that high temperatures provoke overheating of the body, increased blood circulation, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. In addition, overheating in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to improper formation of the organs of the unborn baby.

No matter how much you want to take a steam bath, this is exactly the situation when it is better to be overprotective than underdressed, and not expose yourself to undue risk. For the same reason, many other thermal procedures, such as wraps, are contraindicated for pregnant women. But the restrictions on massage are not so strict. On the contrary, some types of massage may be beneficial during pregnancy.
Everyone knows that in the later stages of pregnancy, many women experience. Pain in the lower back and legs is also an integral part of pregnancy. A properly selected massage will help you cope with this situation. A light foot massage relieves tension and fatigue, while lymphatic drainage massage helps reduce tissue swelling.

But you need to remember that you can visit a massage therapist only after consulting with your doctor. It is imperative to warn the massage therapist about your interesting position so that he carefully avoids all possible “danger zones.”

A huge number of superstitions and prejudices are associated with hair care during pregnancy. Just look at the complete ban on cutting and coloring hair. Although in fact, hair care during pregnancy is not much different from that at any other time. Of course, hormone surges affect the condition of the hair, but in most cases these changes are positive. Many healthy pregnant women experience thicker, healthier hair, and even grow faster. Very often the hair becomes damaged, so you have to wash it more often. But dry and thin hair acquires new shine and strength.

As for cutting your hair, there are no restrictions, unless, of course, you are afraid of black cats and other signs. The situation is a little more difficult with hair coloring. Most modern hair coloring products are absolutely harmless and do not penetrate the body, so they can be used. But the hairdresser needs to be well ventilated, since the smells of paints are usually not very pleasant.

If you decide to dye your hair, be sure to tell your hairdresser about your condition, he will help you choose the most gentle coloring methods and the most harmless dyes. You can, for example, choose a tinting balm or paint with a minimal oxidant content. The same rule applies to perm. It is not contraindicated, you just need to choose the most gentle means and take into account the condition of your hair.

Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy

Many girls during pregnancy refuse to use nail polishes, believing that they can somehow harm the baby. This is a misconception, you can paint your nails, the varnish is on the surface of the nail and does not affect the health of the fetus in any way. The only caveat is that it is better to paint them in a well-ventilated area.

In general, there are no restrictions on pedicures during pregnancy; it is only advisable to avoid highly traumatic procedures, as they can bring unpleasant sensations that no pregnant woman needs. It is also worth avoiding nail extensions during this period. During this period, very often the material simply does not adhere to the nails, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Hardware cosmetology procedures

But as for hardware cosmetic procedures, most of them will have to be forgotten during pregnancy. Any procedures that may affect general blood circulation are strictly contraindicated, such as photo procedures, laser procedures, and active massage.

Massage in the neck area, collar area and back of the head is especially dangerous.

Also during pregnancy, procedures that are accompanied by severe pain are severely limited, for example, laser, photo procedures, and various injection procedures (including mesotherapy). Women with a low pain threshold are sometimes allowed mesotherapy with a vitamin cocktail and hyaluronic acid, but this is done only with the consent of the doctor. No matter how unnerving the first ones may be, Botox injections are strictly prohibited.

As for various peelings, most of them are also not welcome, as they can lead to pain, trauma, and infection. Only non-aggressive chemical peeling has no contraindications. It has no systemic effect, does not cause discomfort and practically does not injure the skin.

Almost all procedures aimed at nourishing, relaxing and moisturizing the skin are allowed. But you need to report your condition and ask whether this or that procedure is contraindicated for you.

Epilation and depilation during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the safest and most desirable method of depilation to use is a razor.

You can also use a high-quality depilatory cream; it does not remain on the skin for long and does not have a systemic effect. But removing hair from the root is a more dangerous and painful procedure, so there are some restrictions here.

You can remove hair using an electric epilator, wax or other similar methods only if you have been using this procedure for a long time and often, and the pain has already been reduced and become familiar. But even in this case, hair removal in the bikini area should be abandoned, since it is difficult to predict its consequences.

The behavior of facial skin during pregnancy is simply unpredictable. Constant fluctuations in hormonal levels lead to the fact that the skin, which was dry yesterday, today can please you with an oily sheen, and as soon as you buy a cream for oily skin, it turns out that it is no longer suitable. You need to immediately prepare for the fact that during pregnancy you will have to change more than once.

Most women experience oilier skin during pregnancy, so it's best to choose lightweight moisturizers. By the way, hydration is a very important stage of skin care, especially in the third trimester, when doctors insist on limiting fluid intake. If you are used to using rich, rich creams in winter, get ready to choose lighter products this winter.

When choosing a cosmetic product for facial skin care, it is imperative to monitor the degree of its safety for the unborn baby. Fortunately, the likelihood of purchasing a frankly dangerous product in our stores is minimal, but you need to give preference to the highest quality cosmetics that have passed all the necessary tests. The second option is homemade cosmetics. You can learn to prepare cosmetics yourself or buy ready-made ones from the manufacturer. Then you can ask to add exactly those components to the cream that you like and that definitely won’t cause trouble.

They say that a pregnant woman is always beautiful. This is of course true. Only sometimes this beauty becomes so difficult to maintain! And then there is an endless number of prohibitions, superstitions, prejudices that during pregnancy you can’t cut your hair, wear makeup, or do cosmetic procedures! But you really want to please yourself with pleasant procedures, and you just need to take care of yourself during pregnancy too! Well, let's try to figure out which cosmetic procedures can and should be done during pregnancy, and which are strictly prohibited.

About what is prohibited

First, the unpleasant stuff. Unfortunately, during pregnancy, doctors categorically do not recommend performing any active cosmetic hardware procedures that use current, ultrasound, laser, or other radiation (RF-lifting, etc.). Also, you should not do procedures that use active chemical components: deep chemical peeling, hair perm.

During some procedures, anesthesia is now used - so, during pregnancy, it is better to refuse even superficial anesthesia unless it is critically necessary (for example, during dental treatment). And, of course, you will have to postpone any injection procedures, such as biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery, etc., for several months.

Before using any cosmetic procedures, you should consult your doctor. Be sure to inform your cosmetologist about your pregnancy, even in the earliest stages!

Facial treatments

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change and therefore even the skin, which previously did not cause any problems for the owner, can suddenly become too dry, covered with acne and become very sensitive. Plus, during pregnancy the risk of edema and puffiness on the face increases greatly. Of course, for all these reasons you need to consult a cosmetologist.

Typically, experts advise during this period to carry out non-aggressive procedures that have a calming effect. Perfect for soft peeling. But you need to be careful with cleaning: ultrasonic cleaning is contraindicated during pregnancy, and manual cleaning can only be done for girls who can easily tolerate pain.

During pregnancy, it is desirable to support the skin, help it restore barrier functions, and stimulate collagen production. To do this, cosmetologists advise using special cosmetics containing phytoextracts of green tea and grapes, as well as making face masks - they have an excellent effect, which improve blood circulation and have a lymphatic drainage effect.

Body treatments

During pregnancy, the problem of preventing the appearance of stretch marks almost comes to the fore. They appear due to excessive stretching of tissues and hormonal reconfiguration of the body. Of course, trying to prevent their occurrence is easier than trying to get rid of them later. During pregnancy, it is recommended to use external means for this: creams that have a regenerating effect and stimulate improved metabolism. You can also do a gentle body exfoliation using algae and other natural ingredients.

They give a good effect: they help restore elasticity to the skin, improve blood circulation and lymph flow, and help avoid the appearance of edema. Only during pregnancy should wraps be applied carefully and only without temperature contrast. By the way, in order to avoid problems with swelling and varicose veins, in the early stages of pregnancy you can.

To remove unwanted hair during this period, you cannot use laser and photoepilation; it is better to limit yourself.

Treatments for hands and feet

Manicures during pregnancy are, of course, not contraindicated. Moreover, caring for hands and feet improves mood, and this is extremely beneficial for both mother and baby. Only when applying varnish is it advisable to sit either by an open window or by the door and make sure that the room is well ventilated.

For tired legs, relaxing baths with salts or aromatic additives are very pleasant: they relieve fatigue well and improve blood flow. After this, it is advisable to use cosmetics containing phytoenzymes, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut extract, ivy, arnica, which will help prevent the development of varicose veins.

Naturally, when choosing skin care products during pregnancy, you should give preference only to plant-based products.