
How a wife can take revenge for her husband’s betrayal and punish him: practical advice from a psychologist. How to take practical revenge on your husband for betrayal - advice from a psychologist (video) How to beautifully take revenge on your husband for betrayal

You do everything for him, and they respond with betrayal. Your man is a lover of forbidden fruit or simply belongs to one of the types that cheat most often. It doesn’t matter what the reason is, the important thing is that you are offended and hurt, you want to take revenge and make him suffer. Of course, you can throw away his things, post some incriminating evidence on the Internet, cheat on him with his best friend, or paint his car, but we offer you several non-standard and safe ways to take revenge. Familiarize yourself with them, and then decide how to take revenge on your once loved one.

Befriend his lover

In the film “The Other Woman,” the wife and her husband’s mistresses united against the traitor, playing dirty tricks on him on different fronts. Why don't you do the same? Make friends with his mistress!

Most often, men are in no hurry to announce to their “backup options” that they have someone else, and certainly do not introduce them to their main passions. Taking this opportunity, you can make friends with his mistress without revealing who you are in order to scout out the situation: an ally in front of you or a homewrecker. You will definitely be able to find common topics of conversation - for example, the type of men you like.

The traitor will be unpleasantly surprised to see you next to his new passion. You will definitely give him several unpleasant hours: he will not know that you managed to tell your friend about him. new friend, and what we didn’t have time to do. Either way, revenge is a dish best served cold, so if you really want something big, take your time. An ally will also not hurt you: two heads in terms of thinking through revenge for deception and betrayal are better than one. In a war against a traitor, all means are good.

Forgive him

For some people, the best punishment is forgiveness for their actions. If your man is one of those people and sincerely regrets his mistake, forgive him and show him that you don’t hold a grudge against him. Let him punish himself on his own. Let him duly realize that you are practically a saint, capable of forgiveness, and he is a man who offended such a wonderful woman and therefore does not deserve her attention. Shame is one of the most painful emotions, so you don't have to do anything. Just enjoy his suffering, but remember that this type of punishment is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who truly love you and regret the betrayal that occurred. If you want to save your family after betrayal, such revenge is ideal for you - a repentant man will not only torment himself, but will also conclude that he cannot find another woman like him, which means he needs to take care of you.

Just be happy

The most unconventional way to take revenge, which for some reason all women forget about, is to simply forget your ex, move on and become happy. Even if you never see him again, you will still be the winner in the situation, not him. You will again be able to find a man for a serious relationship, overcome the unpleasant experience and become happy. This is the best thing you can do in case of betrayal. Just forget it like a bad dream and don’t waste time on it. If you meet him again, you yourself will be pleased to realize that he no longer means anything to you, and he can see you as you are - beautiful, satisfied with life and indifferent to him, and not the embittered and unhappy woman you are. he tried to make you.

Try to be distracted by something for which you previously did not have enough time, or to do something that your man did not allow you to do. Do something for yourself: for example, go shopping with your friends, buy a dance membership, go to a club to dance, go on a trip. In short, do something that brings you joy. You won’t even notice how you stop thinking about your ex.

In some cases, revenge is useful as a cure for resentment towards your chosen one, but it is good only in moderate doses and when served correctly, otherwise you yourself may be poisoned by it. Take care of yourself and your relationships, anddon't forget to press the buttons and

A man is monogamous by nature, that is, he is quite capable of cheating even on his beloved wife, for which a deceived woman can and sometimes needs take revenge - to avoid repetition!

First, let's establish the reason for the betrayal and talk to the husband

Revenge should not be in vain, so you should not indulge in it under the influence of feelings. The best option - think carefully about your claims and understand whether they are really justified. Often the reasons for betrayal lie not just in a man’s desire to conquer another lady, but in an imminent crisis family relations.

The roots of the problem may be:

  • , boredom, which on the part of a woman is expressed in indifference to her husband, care in raising a child and everyday problems, reluctance to show imagination and revitalize relationships;
  • constant jealousy of the wife;
  • the wife’s too critical attitude towards her husband - nagging, jokes, accusations;
  • cheating wife.

So first you need to understand the correctness of your behavior and voice your speculations to your spouse. It is possible that with a calm conversation the real reason for the betrayal will actually be clarified - and subsequently eliminated.

How to take revenge on your husband for cheating: we apply moral pressure

There is another option for communicating with your husband - for those women who are confident in the correctness of their behavior and know their man’s sin of pursuing other people’s skirts. This is an inadequate reaction. You should say “no” to showdowns: on the contrary, the spouse should be calm, a little sarcastic. That is, to show that there is no problem, betrayal does not deserve attention, and she has other interests... This will alert a man, he will begin to look for what his wife is now interested in - what if it is a rival?

And he will think about it constantly, even when dating his mistress (who will also not like it). The denouement is an abandoned passion and a conversation with his wife, a “return” to the family.

Moral pressure can be different if it is supported by actions - or rather, the lack of them. The beloved spouse has long been accustomed to the fact that the other half does the lion's share of the housework. The mistress may also show him signs of attention, but the wife does the washing of clothes, cooking, and cleaning his favorite sofa.

The injustice of the situation is obvious. This means that it needs to be changed: He is quite capable of serving himself by frying eggs for breakfast or washing a shirt in the machine. Or let a new passion do it (you can tell him about this in the most friendly form).

Understanding that a woman’s value is not only in bedtime fun, actually plays a huge role in strengthening family relationships.

You can provoke a man to leave his mistress by stimulating his feelings. The option when a lady starts to look more interesting - with a new hairstyle, wearing beautiful things she just bought - forces the man to take a closer look at his other half. You can change your interests a little: for example, start a business for a housewife, go to the gym to improve your figure, sign up for a dance class. All this will help add color to your own world, and male representatives like an energetic, well-groomed, renewed woman much more than a dear, but boring wife.

Competently taking revenge on my husband for betrayal with words

The methods described are the most effective, but there are others that can only worsen the situation. One of them is the incorrect structure of conversations with your husband, the use of “forbidden” phrases like “go to your ... what’s her name,” “you don’t love me,” “it’s your fault.”

Proper handling of words will allow you to achieve the desired result:

  1. return your spouse to your family's hands;
  2. force him to leave completely;
  3. break up peacefully (even remain friends, which is important if you have a common child).

For the first option, you can follow the path described above - play indifference, refuse homework, tease your husband without criticism, while simultaneously looking good in front of your eyes and expanding your area of ​​interests. It is also possible to ignore signs of attention for a while if the spouse tries to show them, feeling guilty. Then you should definitely meet halfway and conclude a truce.

The second option can be achieved by creating constant tension: offensive remarks - with or without reason, nitpicking about any action (best of all - about his ability to earn money or masculine strength). Interestingly, depriving a person of his favorite activity (for example, computer games) or periodically reproaching him for it, you can achieve a break even in prosperous family. There is also a constant reminder of the spouse’s guilt - betrayal.

For the third option, a woman must correctly assess her feelings: whether she wants to continue the relationship with this man. If not, then you can choose adultery as a reason for divorce and be happy about it.

How to take revenge on your cheating spouse using magic

Witchcraft in the matter of revenge is used by the most angry deceived wives who want to make both their legitimate soul mate and his mistress suffer.

There are two possible ways here:

  1. if you want to return a man: use a love spell, destroying a rival’s love spell (magicians often claim that there is one), casting a spell on a new passion;
  2. if you want to harm your husband: damaging your husband - from minor to very strong.

The moral side of the issue falls entirely on the woman, and the reality of the impact of the magical work of a specialist depends on faith in them.

An unexpected move on the part of the spouse is an open warning that there will be damage or other impact. This can scare a person, but not everyone - only the superstitious and not determined to break off the relationship.

Psychologically, going to a witch provides good help to a woman, so in an extreme situation it is permissible to do this. Although you can get the same thing from a good friend.

Psychologists generally do not approve revenge on husband for infidelity, but if a woman cannot forgive him without this, they give some advice:

  • cannot be chosen as revenge expulsion of a man from home(he may even be glad about this, then there will be difficulties with returning);
  • wife leaving also not recommended - only when she has somewhere to go (her own housing, financial support, etc.);
  • cheating on my husband only helps to come to a final break;
  • sort things out with your mistress it is recommended only through peaceful means or a competent ultimatum - if you make threats, you need to be sure of their implementation;
  • if you need to preserve the marital union, no need to make scandals and constantly blame your husband - it’s better to talk calmly and outline changes in life together;
  • informed decisions, which are adopted under the influence of the mind, and not emotions, will help to develop an effective plan of revenge - to achieve the desired result.

Main - understand the reasons for betrayal and more or less clearly outline a plan of action, presenting the goal - connection or disconnection. A little understanding on the part of the wife, a sense of guilt on the part of the husband - and the union is saved. And a little tension, a feeling of satisfaction from a little revenge will add spice to the relationship and renew it.

Betrayal loved one causes burning anger and a desire to restore justice. Strike back with such force as to cause mirror pain to the unfaithful spouse. But, succumbing to an instant impulse, accumulated resentment, we sometimes make serious mistakes, presenting ourselves in an ugly light. How to avoid such a situation, how to take revenge on your husband for cheating and not lose your dignity?

Women's forums are replete with many options for how to teach a husband a lesson for cheating, starting with meanness, in the style of grated pepper in the underpants of an unfaithful spouse, releasing a mustachioed army of cockroaches bought earlier in a pet store into his apartment, and ending with completely exotic ideas: turning his mistress into best friend, post advertisements for the search for a man - a sexual partner for variety and experimentation, and below - the phone number and coordinates of the scoundrel husband...

A woman who knows her worth will perceive most of the “punishments” discussed solely as fantasies of offended pride, but not as practical advice and a guide to action. Most likely, heroic stories about how a wife took revenge on her husband for violating the oath of fidelity remained unrealized fantasies, and such “advisers” are simply notorious, offended girls.

Does not exist universal recipe, called “the perfect revenge for your husband’s betrayal.” Each case is individual and requires a special approach. No wonder people say “an eye for an eye - and soon the whole world will go blind.” If a wife took revenge on her husband for cheating by sleeping with him best friend, boss, or even “the first handsome young guy she meets,” this may be an acceptable option for her. But for a sensitive, receptive woman, this method is fraught with a feeling of guilt and low self-esteem.

Before deciding how to punish your husband for cheating, it is worth realizing that often attempts to strike back at a man can cause harm to you. The reason for such an impulse is a state of passion under the weight of traumatic circumstances. This is a short-term intense impulse that, unlike emotions, cannot be controlled. Advice from psychologist Yulia Shteger for emotional women - at the peak of the “surging” experience, switch to activities unrelated to the cause of mental trauma. It is necessary to give the psyche time to adapt to new conditions.

A recipe for beautiful revenge

Now let’s learn more about how to take revenge on your husband for cheating and maintain your self-esteem. The perfect plan it is possible to create only with cold calculation. In this case, seething emotions resemble a stubborn, annoying cat that gets under your feet when you are in a hurry to do urgent business.

Psychologists say that the desire to immediately punish the offender is associated with the attitudes received by a person in childhood. This is due to the parents’ attitude towards the child and the world around them. The ideal option for self-respecting ladies is to express an indifferent attitude towards what happened. This is very difficult to do, because your soul is painful and bitter. But practice shows that hysterics and negativity deplete a woman’s energy potential, and allow a man to be convinced of the correctness of the action. A thinking pattern is formed: “bad wife - I did the right thing by breaking up.”

By not giving your husband a reason to accuse you of being unbalanced, you not only save your resources, but also force your unfaithful spouse to take full responsibility for his actions. A man may unconsciously provoke you into negative, reckless actions in order to justify himself.

Don't forget, it is very important for him to feel valuable to a woman. By offending you, he seeks to prove his own necessity and importance. He expects that the situation will make you angry, because you have lost him - important and unique. When a woman makes it clear that she feels happy regardless of the presence of a “priceless spouse” in her life, she automatically wins.

The most offensive kind of revenge is to recognize the offender as unworthy of our attention. — Seneca

In any case, negative emotions need to be given vent, but not to the detriment of one’s own reputation. The recommendations of the author of best-selling books on the topic of family relationships, Evgenia Shatskaya, are perfect for this. Just change the locks while your spouse is away and walk away with your head held high. It is quite acceptable to spend a significant part of his finances on his beloved before this. You can make your husband jealous without going beyond innocent flirting.

To free yourself from negative emotions, you can use proven methods: break a couple of plates, tear up photos together, throw darts at his portrait on the wall, engage in sports strength exercises. Don't be shy, throw out all the negativity. Laugh, cry, scream. You need to release negative emotions alone, let it remain your little secret.

A useful exercise is the practice of NLP - affirmations, self-hypnosis. Give yourself a mental attitude, repeat it as often as possible: “I want and will be happy. I believe in myself and my own strengths! I am beautiful, feminine. I am a magnet for great relationships! My heart is open to love!” These statements form positive influence on a person’s subconscious, contribute to the development of confidence and are very effective. Choose the most appropriate wording. You can create “reminders” for yourself by attaching stickers with “ magic words"on your desktop, phone case, wallet.

The main thing is to value yourself, develop and be promising and confident. This is the best revenge on the offender and a great solution for your happy future.

Now you no longer remember all those kind words, which your beloved spouse whispered to you - you are driven by only one desire: to quickly and powerfully take revenge on your husband for the insult.

What dish is revenge associated with? With fried cutlets or shish kebab? Because you want to roast the culprit of your troubles in a hot frying pan or on a spit, like a lamb. Or maybe with cake? Because revenge is sweet and beautiful, it’s nice to try it little by little, enjoying every piece and the airy cream in the form of torment of the object that deserved it, arising as a bonus for all your suffering.

Maybe revenge can be compared to a salad? Prepared with the care and skill of an experienced chef, this salad adds flavor to every action you take to implement your revenge plan. The sages said that three people should prepare a salad: a spendthrift, a stingy one and an artist. The spendthrift must season the salad, the stingy one must add salt, and the artist, of course, must mix it. Without fail, thinking about a plan for revenge, a stingy person, a spendthrift and an artist are born in you, each of whom whispers to you his own plan for the development of events. They sing to you how sweet the hour of reckoning will be. And you, driven by the need for revenge, follow their lead...

Every person in life has had situations when they wanted to scream out of resentment and be sure to punish the offender.

No doubt this has happened to you too. You made grandiose plans, prepared a speech that was supposed to make it clear to your offender that he was wrong and finally bring the scoundrel to reason. But often such plans do not have a logical conclusion, do not bring anything good and spoil the offended person’s reputation. Let's figure it out in order, what's what. Where to start, what to continue, and what should all this lead to as a result.

IN family life There are all sorts of situations that either bring spouses closer together or alienate them from each other. That's not news. Any person who has at least once experienced the burden of marriage can confirm this. To be fair, it is worth noting that there are lucky people who will refute this statement. But there are very few of them. And yet they exist. They need to be given credit. They are happy not because they are lucky, but because they want to be happy, they try, they work on themselves, on relationships, learn to trust each other, give in, and even turn a blind eye to something. That's why they are happy.

However, let’s return to those who consider marriage to be a routine, a habit and an entirely ordinary matter. It is precisely because of this attitude towards marriage that there are severe cases, after which you want to take revenge on your husband, make him crawl on his knees and ask for forgiveness.

How to decide on revenge?

After some event occurs, you need to analyze the current situation. Weigh everything on the scales of justice, put yourself in your husband’s place, try to understand him, think about what you would do in his place, what would you do? Maybe then you you'll understand the reason outcome of the situation. You need to understand yourself too. You need to be aware that both are to blame for the current situation.

Revenge without regard to the past, of course It's not a rewarding job. In addition to shared emotions, you and your husband are connected by mutual friends, acquaintances, children together, or maybe work.

If you decide to take revenge on your husband, think:

  • Will this revenge affect your career and communication with friends?
  • Will it cause a psychological disorder for your child?
  • Think about yourself first. How will this type of behavior affect you?
  • Won't this make your own worse? mental condition. Before you decide to take such a step, think about all the consequences, weigh the pros and cons.

You may mistakenly think that you will feel relief as soon as you take revenge on your husband. But that's not true. The human body is designed in such a way that not only good health can add strength to it, healthy eating and sound sleep. A person can also be fueled by anger, bitterness, and the desire for revenge. In such cases, a person receiving a surge of energy, supported by a “thirst for blood,” does himself a “disservice.”

Feeling collected and grouped during the execution of the sentence, you will be broken and depressed after it is over. You will not get the relief you expected. The state of loss, doom and negativity will cover you more and more often. These are the consequences of the revenge plan. They are waiting for everyone for a long time keeps anger in his heart.

Do we take revenge on our husband for infidelity and betrayal?

Understanding that your husband has betrayed you leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul, with a heavy aftertaste of bitterness. I want to take revenge on my husband for cheating. You may feel that if you don't do this, you will go crazy or have no respect for yourself.

Such thoughts will lead you to only one conclusion: revenge is inevitable.

Of course, you can do the same as him. Using the proven old-fashioned method: like like.

You probably have a couple of acquaintances among your friends who have been paying attention to you for a long time, and wouldn’t mind spending a languid evening with you. You can take advantage of this opportunity and take revenge on your loved one in such a primitive way. There’s just one point: can you do it? Will your conscience allow you to do this? And not because you are ashamed of your husband, but because you cannot afford it yourself. Wouldn't such an act be beneath your dignity? Will your pride let you? It's up to you.

Another option for so-called revenge is to have a real affair on the side, with all the ensuing consequences. How might revenge be suitable for a husband, but for you?

There are two options:

  • First option: you decided to leave your husband, then this is a completely acceptable development of events. Who knows, maybe this person is more worthy than your husband. Then you will be a double winner: you will take revenge on your husband; when he finds out, he will be terribly furious, and you yourself will be in the black - good man in such a situation, this is support, support, in a word, everything that both body and soul need at such a moment.
  • Second option: you decided that you would not leave him, but would simply take revenge in this way. Here the situation is completely different. You risk harming your novel's hero. He could easily get it from his husband and get hit in the ribs. And the husband will still feel like a hero. Maybe there is another “punishment” for him: your “supporting actor” will want to be the main character. He will demand that you divorce your husband and become his wife. He may fall in love with you, thereby destroying your marriage and hurting his heart. You need to be careful when making a move like this.

Most the best revenge husband for his betrayal will become his own “cure” from depression and blues. Become happy.

Yes it difficult task, but it is happy, self-sufficient, beautiful women who attract men. Become like this without betrayal and romance. Take care of yourself, you have every right to do so.

Be an internally independent woman. Decide exactly what you want and how to achieve it. And most importantly, decide for yourself whether you need a person who cannot be trusted. Although here you also need to take into account the husband’s behavior: he repents of what he did, or wants it to become a system and does not see anything wrong with betrayal. If this is just a mistake on his part, he asks for forgiveness and sincerely repents, maybe he should change his anger to mercy? Let your heart tell you the answer to this question.

Are there any ways to take revenge on your husband for drinking?

Alcoholism is a very serious disease that needs to be treated. It is worth making every effort to pull a person out of the black abyss of drunkenness. If things don’t “smell” like chronicle, but your husband just decided that he can relax with the help of alcohol whenever he wants, then he needs to be taught a lesson, made to think, and shown that alcoholism is not far off.

A good way to take revenge on your husband for being friends with “hot” friends is shame him in a special way.

One day a funny incident happened to a friend of mine. Her husband became interested in drinking alcohol after work, which gradually developed into drinking everything that “burns.” He worked at a factory as a shop floor worker. Before starting a shift, he always changed into overalls in the locker room, where other men also changed.

One day, having gotten drunk again, my friend’s husband literally crawled home and fell to sleep on the sofa. My friend was simply furious with frustration. She called him all evening, he didn’t answer, she ran around looking for him, but couldn’t find him. Already all sorts of thoughts were swarming in his head, what if something happened, and he just got drunk. Then, in anger, she grabbed the scissors, ran up to her sleeping husband, and cut his panties, and he wore his family ones, with ribbons right up to the elastic band. The drunk man didn’t even notice anything and continued to sleep peacefully. In the morning the alarm clock rang, signaling that it was time to get ready for work.

My friend’s husband jumped to his feet, not even sober yet, quickly pulled on the first pair of pants he came across, without looking at his underpants, and rushed off to work. Arriving at the workshop, he, as usual, went into the locker room, took off his clothes, and measured himself. The whole workshop was already laughing at him. Even some brave ladies from the women's locker room decided to stop by and look at the miracle suit. After this incident, my friend’s husband stopped drinking, and at the same time quit smoking.

You can too come up with a test for your husband, just don’t overdo it, otherwise your husband’s sense of humor will be worse than the hero of this story.

How to take revenge on your husband for insults?

You can often meet a couple on the street whose communication involves using profanity in their speech. They just walk in the evening and discuss what happened during the day, while these “funny inclusions” are considered the norm. Neither the girl nor the guy attaches importance to them, but, on the contrary, “strong words” are often used to strengthen the metaphorical series.

If you are not one of those who like such communication, but no need to give permission to anyone talk to yourself like that.

If a stranger approached you on the street in such a form, or even a housemate could not restrain himself in his expressions, then you can afford the luxury of not communicating with them. A completely different situation arises if your husband allows himself to insult you.

How can you painlessly take revenge on your husband for insults? First of all, you should try to explain that you do not want to be talked to in this way. I think it won’t be difficult for you to give reasonable arguments. If this does not help, and your husband continues to insult you, pull out a trump card from your sleeve and ask his mother to influence him. For such men, their mother is often an authority figure, so with her help you can influence him a little.

The most important thing in such a situation is that you she herself was not like her husband, did not stoop to insults.

Is it possible to take revenge on my husband for beating him?

It is terrible if a husband raises his hand against his wife. A man who has done this is not worthy to bear the noble title of “Man”. To take revenge on my husband for beatings It's a risky business. If he raised his hand to you, it means he is not afraid to repeat it again. We are no longer talking about any love; you need to protect your life and the lives of your children.

The best way out would be statement to law enforcement agencies. Even if you do not divorce your husband, he should know that you are able to protect yourself from him, although it is he, as the head of the family, who must protect his family.

How to take revenge on your husband for betrayal with the help of a conspiracy and magic?

There is a long-standing conspiracy in the world that helps drive a man away from a woman. You need to take two glasses of cold, clean water. They should be half filled. Early in the morning, preferably before sunrise, you need to place them on the windowsill in front of your husband’s photograph. And then slowly pour water from one glass to another, you need to do this as many times as your husband is old. At the same time, saying: “I take (Name)’s flesh and soul away from women. For a long time, or not, it is known to the white light, the clear sky, the healing water.” Repeat three times. Then sprinkle this water on your husband’s prepared clothes that he is going to wear.

This method doesn't last long but effective. Your husband will have time to get scared. Exactly in a month, if you have forgiven him, give him a hug and a kiss, he will feel that his strength is returning to him, and he will consider you his healer. This method can only be used once. Be careful.

How to take revenge on your ex-husband?

Your husband has become an ex. This means he is already worse off without you than he was with you. He was left without a wonderful girl - without you. He has already been punished. Do you want to take even more revenge on him? Show him that you can live without him. Let him want to return to you, but you don’t allow it. Send him an email with photos of you relaxing in the company of your friends, let him see that you are living without him and not suffering.

Find a part-time job and earn some extra money. Buy the Yorkie that your husband wanted so much, and demonstratively walk him in front of the windows of your husband’s office, let him bite his elbows. You can fantasize about the topic of “shaking your nerves.”

Video: Live healthy! Topic – Husband Cheating

Having decided to take revenge, think about whether the game is worth the candle? Are such sacrifices necessary, maybe you should just let go of the situation and move on with your life...

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Not all husbands are faithful to their wives. This happens for various reasons. Many men consider it normal to have mistresses. Revenge on your husband for betrayal can be different. The punishment option is chosen depending on several factors. Often it is not necessary. After all, there are psychological methods, allowing you to resolve such a situation so that the man feels shame and does not cheat again.

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General principles when choosing punishment In order not to cause irreparable harm to a man and to yourself, to try to save relationships and marriage, you need to follow the following principles:

  1. 1. First you need to calm down and pull yourself together. After all, in an outburst of emotions, they often take actions that change the future life of the couple for the worse. And this applies not only to marriage, but also to each individual individually. You need to understand the reason for your spouse’s betrayal. Only after this should the punishment be chosen.
  2. 2. Decide on your future relationship with the traitor. Try to save the marriage or get a divorce. Based on this, you should choose a method of revenge if there is a need for it.
  3. 3. Do not use physical force. If non-violent methods do not work, a slap to the face may be used. It should cause not a physical, but a moral blow.
  4. 4. Act only within the law.
  5. 5. Make decisions and apply punishment while sober.
  6. 6. It is advisable to observe the limits of decency.
  7. 7. Get practical advice from a good psychologist.

When a wife takes revenge, subjected to a storm of emotions, it rarely works out good result. After all logical thinking decreases, and this usually leads to dire consequences. There remains a high probability that a man will not stop cheating after a woman has a nervous breakdown.

The best ways to take revenge

After finding out the reason for the betrayal, you need to choose The best way punishments. You should choose it based on logic and intuition. There are many options for revenge.

The most humane ways

The most humane punishments include the following:

  • Show indifference, refuse sex and sleep together. For many, indifference is worse than anger. This method is good if you have it common child and the desire to save the marriage.
  • Tell your husband that one of the main virtues is devotion. This will most likely shame him. This applies to men who have a conscience. Having cheated on her with a woman of any social status and even having feelings for her, he will stop doing this.
  • Tell him directly that you are aware of his love affairs. This will surprise him and touch his conscience.
  • If your plans were to travel together or go to an event, it’s time to cancel it.
  • Stopping communication, long absence from home. This behavior must be observed until a direct conversation takes place.

Relatively harsh and extreme measures

If mild punishment options do not help, you will have to take revenge with harsher ones:

  • Change him back. Or pretend. But there is a possibility that this method will have the opposite effect - he will continue to behave the same way and consider infidelity to be in the order of things. Having cheated on him with any person, a woman will lose her conscience. Therefore, this option is only suitable as a last resort.
  • If you intend to get a divorce, a good option would be to spread rumors about his behavior. But this may also affect social status the woman herself.
  • Destroy the gifts that brought back pleasant memories of their life together. This will transfer the anger to things without causing physical harm to the cheater.
  • It is possible to punish with the help of various gadgets, programs, viruses. For example, there is a program that allows you to automatically send messages to your phone frequently or make calls. Using a virus, you can erase files stored on your computer.

By throwing out aggression on an object, a person saves himself from many potential problems. The man will understand what pain he caused his chosen one. If he has a conscience, he will change his behavior and remain faithful.