
How to make a man want you madly: follow these instructions. How to force your husband to be. How to make a husband respect his wife and are afraid of losing her How to make a man, husband, work and earn money: advice from a psychologist

Many women complain that they have no luck with men! They go to various seminars and trainings where they tell how to seduce and keep a man, but in fact, men themselves do not leave good women and wives, they run away from bitches and selfish women who are used to only receiving without giving anything in return!

There is no need to restrain a man, he will not go anywhere on his own, that he is a fool to leave his wonderful wife. Oh, I don’t think that’s what they teach women at various trainings. Our dear women, read and remember these rules so that your husband will love you, they were described in one form or another in ancient times, and in my opinion nothing has changed since then!

1) Keep the secrets of your beloved man as a state secret!

2) Don't starve a man, a hungry man is an angry man!

3) Don’t demand the impossible from your husband, everything at once.

4) Treat your husband's parents with respect, no matter what they are.

5) Respect your husband's friends and do not support his enemies.

6) Don't wake up your husband unless urgently needed, let him gain strength.

7) When a man is angry and angry, do not get in the way.

8) Do not insult your husband and do not humiliate his manhood.

9) When you argue with your husband, don't tell him that his opinion doesn't matter.

10) Never deny your beloved husband sex!

11) Support and praise your husband, kind words work wonders on a man.

12) Always greet your husband at the doorstep with tenderness and a smile.

13) Create comfort, coziness, and a good atmosphere in your nest.

14) Encourage your husband in difficult moments, do not add fuel to the fire.

15) Don’t break off your husband in front of other men, it’s very humiliating.

16) Be a faithful and devoted wife, do not flirt with others in front of your husband.

17) Do not put your desires above your husband, there is full equality in marriage.

18) Do not waste family money; discuss large purchases with your husband.

19) Never humiliate your husband in front of your children, he is the father of your children.

20) Love your husband and your love will return to you tenfold!

Important addition! Beloved women, never change men and do not set conditions. You always need to start with yourself, if you change for the better for a man, you will change after a while and he will... It is important to remember, when remaking your husband for yourself, you may not like the result of the remodel!

Love, respect, appreciate your husband and he, as they say, will get you the moon from the sky, be a muse for your husband, and not a grumpy woman for whom you don’t want to lift a finger. For his beloved wife, the husband is ready to give his life and do everything to make her happy with him.

Become his beloved wife, and all that is necessary for this is to follow and adhere to these simple 20 rules, and believe me, your husband will love you and be afraid of losing you, and family life will become more wonderful than ever before!

Married life is not nearly as romantic and cloudless as young people who have just gotten married might imagine. Over time, it ceases to resemble a honeymoon and turns into a confrontation between two characters, among which the one who is stronger will win.

In most cases, the winner here is the man who proudly wins for himself the right to relax after work and evening gatherings with friends over a glass of beer. At the same time, the wife becomes defeated and, with increasing reluctance, takes on almost all the household chores and childcare. As a result, respect between two people gradually fades away, and after a few years of such inequality simply disappears.

How to restore a husband's respect for his wife?

Let's be honest and answer directly: if you have lived together for about 10 years and during this time you have become noticeably disappointed in each other, it will be very, very difficult to regain mutual respect and understanding. But if you set this goal for yourself, it is quite possible to achieve it. To do this, you need to remember five simple life principles:

  1. Start respecting yourself

As Alexandre Dumas wrote in one of his well-known works: “Show that you respect yourself, and they will respect you.” And this is the true truth. Those around you always subconsciously feel your attitude towards yourself and if it is not as good as it should be, they treat you in the same way. Therefore, if you have long ceased to respect your own principles, have given up on your dreams and given up at least some modicum of personal freedom, your husband will treat you in the same way.

Remember what you were like before. What were they aiming for? How they wanted to build their life. Well, if you have suffered from self-doubt before, now is the time to identify a new direction vector for yourself and learn to move according to its direction. Determine important life principles for yourself and do not allow anyone to violate them. Let those around you learn to take your opinion into account and respect your words.

  1. Make important family decisions

They say a man is the head of the family. But in the modern world one can seriously argue with this statement. After all, in order to build a balanced and harmonious relationship, it is important not to distinguish between who is in charge and who is the follower. It is important to learn to do everything together and support each other in any situation.

Therefore, if you have allowed your husband to make important decisions for many years in a row and agreed with everything (which is most likely), start defending your own point of view. And if it does not coincide with his view, compromise, but in no case agree to conditions that you consider impossible.

  1. Try to spend more time with your spouse

All problems in family relationships begin the moment people in love stop hearing each other. Yes, they seem to talk in the evenings after work, but all this is nothing more than an exchange of a number of standard phrases on everyday topics. If this is the case, and dinners and evenings together have long disappeared from your marriage, bring them back into your life. Sit down to eat together, putting your phones and other gadgets aside, and just talk to each other. Believe me, this way you can become closer again, and from here mutual respect will appear.

  1. Have your own space

One of the most common mistakes of all women is complete immersion in everyday problems and childcare. After a couple of years of such a life, they completely forget about their own needs, and don’t think about their own appearance at all. As a result, all their conversations come down to only discussing issues related to housekeeping, washing, ironing, and other things. And it seems that this is not bad - a woman should really be able to look after the house and keep it clean. But at the same time, such housewives lose a huge part of themselves, which once attracted their chosen one and forced him to pursue them until the wedding.

To remain an interesting person, it is important not only to keep house and worry about cleanliness in the house, but also to have some personal interests and hobbies. This can be anything, but this is what will make you a full-fledged person who cares about more than just borscht and a vacuum cleaner. And at the same time, it will be another reason for your man to show interest in you again and think about how he can surprise you with something so unusual.

  1. Be a woman

And lastly, but perhaps most importantly - at any time of the year and period of your life, never neglect your appearance. Beauty and external attractiveness are the most important weapons of any woman. So, to win back your husband's respect and make him love you deeply, throw away all your old T-shirts and dressing gowns. Start wearing cute bodycon dresses at home. And instead of the usual ponytail, do some cute hairstyles that you wear to work or on a visit.

Yes, it is difficult to comply with all these conditions. But it is very necessary in order to force your spouse to treat you with respect and awe. Perhaps not all of these tips will seem relevant to some. After all, everyone’s situations are different, as is the level of relationship with a man. In any case, if you notice a lack of respect, immediately begin to look for the reasons for such a negative attitude towards you and try to correct them.

Well, if this fails, and even despite all the tricks you have taken, your husband will continue to treat you impudently, think about whether you need such a man at all? We only live once, and life goes by too quickly to waste it on a relationship with someone who doesn’t value you and most likely hasn’t loved you for a long time. Good luck!

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In this article we will tell you how to make a man earn more or find a job if he sits at home and does nothing.

Since ancient times, the main role of men has been and remains prey. This is the breadwinner, the head of the family. But more and more often we are encountering situations where the wife has to take care of the well-being of the family on her own, and the husband takes the situation for granted. How to fix this and make a man work? Let's find out.

How to make a man or husband work and earn money: advice from a psychologist

Many women, tired of bearing the burden of being a breadwinner alone, suddenly wonder how to get a man to work? Of course, the task is not an easy one, especially if he is already used to sitting at home and doing nothing, or earning his pennies and enjoying life.

On this occasion, psychologists give some interesting tips that help make a man work:

  • Have an open conversation about your budget.. Just start with dialogue. Try to find out the reasons why your spouse does not want to move higher in his career. Be careful and don't push him. Explain that everyone has difficulties and sometimes you need to learn to “step over” yourself. At the end of the conversation, directly say that the family does not have enough money. Every adequate man will put his family above his own insecurities and become more decisive.
  • Don't be his mommy. Constantly show and tell your man that he is an adult and independent, and that you can rely on him. This kind of support is important, but be careful not to over-praise him. If you are like a mother to him, you will quickly lose respect and the man will get used to being served. Assign financial powers to him, for example, that his task is to earn money to pay for utilities.
  • Don't accept help from your parents. Yes, it may be hard for you, but you have to do it. Tell your spouse honestly why you don't want to accept help. Prohibit his relatives from giving money either. If they do this constantly, the financial problems will never end.
  • Delegate household chores. Here it is worth using cunning. Ask him to pay for utilities, go to the store. The husband will feel that there is not enough money and will think about how to earn more. It’s also worth starting to save on his entertainment.
  • Review your budget. Calculate what and how much money is spent. If most of the funds come from a man, then simply exclude such an article. Often, men like “narcissists” and “mama’s boys” do not think about personal spending and consider it obligatory.

  • Control your finances and save wisely. If you earn the bulk of the money, then calmly refuse your partner’s request for “pocket expenses”. This will force a man to change his priorities. Although, this option will not work with every man, because he may be happy on the couch at home.
  • Don't saw. There is no need to constantly scold and reproach a man if he cannot find a place. He may close himself off from you and it will be impossible to influence him. If the salary is small, don’t even think about reproaching him, especially if he has to work a lot. Praise him if he works hard. If a man has no motivation, then be more cunning.
  • Don't tell anyone about your problems. He might find out about this and things will get even worse. The wife’s task is to support, so exclude criticism. Try to inspire your partner.
  • Praise in moderation. When your spouse works, praise him for everything so that he feels supported. When a woman believes in her lover, he is capable of anything. Even a lazy person finds praise pleasant and makes him do things that are unusual for him, for example, find a more profitable job. A narcissistic man, such tactics will make him convinced that there is no decent job for him.
  • Don't take on too much. If a man does not want to be the breadwinner, and you decide to take on this role, then you should not expect quick changes. The spouse will already have time to become a housewife and get used to this state of affairs. It’s good when everything is good at home and someone is making money.
  • Don't prove that you can do more. Don't take on a side hustle and let go of the reins. Give your spouse the opportunity to express themselves.
  • . Be more often in the company of successful men who have realized themselves. Under no circumstances compare your spouse with them, so as not to underestimate his self-esteem. Just communicate. Looking at such people, a man will want to become more successful. This is inherent in him at the level of instincts. He will internally compare himself.

Be prepared for any outcome. All these tips can help if there is love in the relationship and the spouses respect each other. But it happens that it is simply difficult for a woman to admit the obvious. Some people think that everything will work out, but the man will not leave. This is a fundamentally wrong approach - trying to please a parasite. This only fuels narcissism.

It is possible that you are being used. This is not difficult to understand. Usually a man begins to whine, look for excuses, press for pity and sit further. Do you need such a man? Maybe you should think about looking for another partner?

How to make a man, husband work and earn money: conspiracy

Women often wonder how to make a man work using conspiracies? This usually happens when no methods help and the man sits further, although there are no problems with work.

And that’s the question: has he just fallen out of love or is he lazy? It’s hard to get used to work, but resting is easier than ever. If a person does not work for a long time, it is difficult for him to join the team.

In such a situation, one very good conspiracy against laziness can help. It is carried out on the waxing moon in the first three days of the cycle:

  • Place a pot of water on the stove and wait until it boils
  • Next, say the plot three times:

  • When you say the words, remove the pan from the stove and place your husband’s photo in the water
  • When the water begins to cool, take out the photograph and bury it under a tree.
  • Pour the water at the intersection with the words:

There is another version of the conspiracy to find a job. It is important to pronounce it on a thing. Take it and embroider a cross in an inconspicuous place. While you are embroidering, read the plot:

My husband will find a job soon.

Some women don’t even think about how to get their husband to work, but how to get him to work more. If you also have such thoughts, then learn some tricks.

The main rule for achieving a goal is motivation. Under no circumstances put pressure on your spouse and then you will be able to direct him in the right direction. Keep in mind that not nagging your lover and motivating him is a very difficult task. You will have to walk a fine line between coercion and motivation. Men always resist pressure, so it’s worth trying.

How to get your husband to work more?

There are several tips that will allow you to gently guide your man to big earnings:

  • You must have a common goal. Learn to set goals together and look for ways to achieve them. If you have the same goal, you can always support each other in a difficult situation. This allows you to get closer and build trust. A man must see what the result will be and begin to choose the path of development himself. Do not forget that the man should be in charge in this matter.
  • Give up the pressure. Learn to thank a man for his efforts and desire to please you. You shouldn’t overestimate your demands so that he doesn’t rebel, otherwise you won’t succeed. Let him understand that he is the breadwinner, and not the person to fulfill your desires. Always show that you are weak and you also need his help.
  • Create the right environment. Give your man the right environment that will inspire him. Meet him in a cozy environment and if he is tired, do not burden him with questions. A life filled with love is an excellent motivation and a man himself will support common goals in order to increase financial wealth.
  • Don't forget about family traditions. All families live by their own rules, so take them into account. It will be easier for you to achieve results if the man manages to find his life’s work. He will be proud of his successes and his work will be a joy to him. Show by example that development brings moral satisfaction and good money. It is important to remind you that with more opportunities you can afford more.

A woman's main weapon is motivation. The right words and actions always work flawlessly and allow you to achieve what you want.

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How to make a lazy guy, a parasite husband, work, so that he goes to work?

It also happens that a man not only earns little, but does not work at all and does not even plan to do so. He is completely satisfied with the state of affairs and is not going to change anything. Gradually, this becomes the norm and the woman eventually gets tired of carrying everything on herself and does not know how to influence her man so that he still “gets off his neck.” How to get a parasitic husband to work? Are there any ways to solve this issue?

Indeed, there are ways. Here are a few of them:

  • Deprive a man of financial support. For most people, money is a good motivation for looking for a job. Leave the lazy man without money and see how he lives. In tough situations, when money is urgently needed, the brains of every person begin to work. It is finance that makes you forget about laziness, which a man uses to hide behind. Ultimately, he will want to eat. And anyone can complain about low wages, talent and difficulties.
  • "Carrot and stick method". Perhaps the husband is not lazy, but there are some other reasons why he does not go to work? Maybe he lacks confidence, because only confidence can help a person get results and moral pleasure. Don't be sorry. It’s better to start a tough conversation first and then ask in a friendly way what’s what. A psychologically driven person will be happy with this outcome and will open up. It's tough manipulation, but it's worth it.
  • Motivation. A simple, but at the same time complex method to make a person work. It’s good, of course, if he finds the motivation within himself. Often lazy people suffer from a lack of motivation. If you yourself want to help, then start looking for meaning in work together with your husband and overcome difficulties. Show him that you can't just go with the flow.
  • Be an example. Usually adults set an example for children, but this can happen with adults too. If you have been working for a long time and have achieved certain successes in your career, then a man may be jealous and therefore not go to work. Just out of spite. You will be surprised, but this really happens. To get your husband to go to work, show all the pros and cons. Envy should turn into a desire to imitate you and conform.

How to get your husband to do men's housework and ordinary household chores?

When the entire household is on the shoulders of a woman, and the man avoids doing anything in every possible way, then one can only feel sorry for her. Of course, everyone has questions about how to get her husband to work, to do a man’s housework?

Psychologists give some advice on how to do this:

  • Be weak

Often wives begin to nag the children and demand that they do something. This is a common mistake. You can't achieve anything this way. First of all, don't forget that you are a weak woman who needs help. Show this to your husband. Only you yourself can inspire your husband to do great things.

  • Tricky requests

To make your spouse want to do work at home, give him a sense of importance and show weakness with cunning. For example, your light bulb has burned out, but your husband is in no hurry to screw it in. Only a trick will help here, for example, say that you are afraid of heights. When the job is done, praise and thank your husband.

  • Praise, but don't flatter

Be sure to praise, even if the work is not perfect. For example, he cut the potatoes incorrectly. Don't swear, just say thank you. He will be pleased that you are paying attention. But don’t go too far into flattery; men feel it and relax.

  • Give him the equipment

Everyone has technology at home today. Give it to the man. Invite him to make bread in the oven or cook stew in a slow cooker, and at this time you will do some other things. He will take it as a game and help you.

  • Avoid blackmail

Remember that blackmail is useless. This will only make things worse. When a man feels manipulated, he tries to escape it by any means necessary. It’s better to say that tomorrow you have a lot to do and you don’t have time to do anything, and therefore you need his help. In other words, come up with a reason why he should help you.

  • Don't complain or shout

Usually women complain that they are tired, and the man is so bad, he sits and does nothing, they begin to set conditions, and so on. There is no point in forcing in this matter; a man must help voluntarily.

Women also often scream. And this only breaks the marriage. If you are really tired, then lie down on the sofa and lie down. The husband will definitely notice that the dust has not been wiped off, the vacuum cleaner is standing in the middle of the room and the rag is on the bucket. Suffice it to say that you are very tired and want to get ready. In this case, the man will feel guilty and will try to correct the situation.

  • For cleaning - fishing

If a man does not want to distribute responsibilities around the house, then remember your wisdom. For example, he wants to go to football with his friends. Then agree that today you want cleaning, and tomorrow he goes to rest.

If you want to wash the windows, ask someone to sit next to you and make sure you don’t fall, otherwise it’s very scary. He will be pleased and will help. Moreover, you have a contract.

If you notice that your husband does not refuse to help you, then ask little by little. You shouldn’t ask for everything at once, otherwise you’ll scare them away. Always be correct in your expressions, respect your husband’s time and stick to agreements. And most importantly, never forget to thank.

Video: What to do if your husband doesn’t work? How to behave with a man? Psychology of relationships

Since the spouses spend a lot of time together, they get to know each other so well that there is nothing to surprise them with. This needs to be fixed. A strange trend has emerged: as soon as the honey-sweet period of marriage passes, the woman at home stops taking care of herself. This is simply justified: “let him love me for who I am.” This is true, but there is one “but” - a man loves with his eyes.

To rekindle the same sparkle in the eyes of your spouse, you need to always look good. And at home too. There is no need to give preference to old things as home clothes. Let it be a simple one, but a sundress, for example. No baggy clothes - let your spouse admire your charms that he got. In general, from the very beginning of your life together, introduce yourself to the rule of looking good at home. You don't have to be perfect when it comes to makeup. But clean hair, nails and teeth are the golden rule. Never let yourself go, no matter what happens. This fuels a man’s interest for a long time.

At the same time, do not forget that all your cosmetic procedures and other intimate matters should remain secret from your husband for as long as possible. To get him interested again, you need to look chic, but not show how exactly you do it. No masks in the evenings in front of your spouse - there is a bathroom for this, as well as for other feminine procedures. At least something should remain a mystery to a man. And save you from telling stories about childbirth (your own or someone else’s). Not every man likes such conversations. Keep these impressions to yourself. As well as about some operations or other medical interventions. The average man who is not a doctor does not like such stories.

Cook your husband his favorite foods, even if you hate them. At least a couple times a week. This will show how well you know him and appreciate his tastes. At the same time, do not forget that cooking should not take up all your free time. Don’t make a cult out of food, let it just become a pleasant addition to family life, nothing more. Try to surprise with your culinary creations, and not cook once and for the whole week. This is not only harmful to the stomach, but also gets boring quickly.

Try to surprise not only in the culinary field, but also in your intimate life. This is an important aspect. Perhaps even more important than all the others. To make your husband fall in love with you again, pay attention to your sex life. Try something new, diversify your time together in bed. And of course, do not refuse sex for various unreasonable reasons.

Don't forget to surprise your husband

In the end, to make a starting point for a new stage of family life, you can change the environment. For example, if there are always children or other relatives at home who do not put you in the right sexual mood, then just rent a hotel room and arrange romance. The best option is to go on a joint vacation. Even if it’s to the country house or to a campsite for the weekend. This will help not only relax, but also bring you closer together.

What not to do

Do not quarrel with your husband under any circumstances. During the time that you lived together, most likely, there were already a lot of quarrels. Keep them to a minimum. In many ways it depends on the woman. There are situations in which you can remain silent, laugh it off or ignore it altogether. This will also be a pleasant surprise for a husband who has done something wrong, who is subconsciously expecting a scandal and is already tuned in to it.

Even if everything in family life has not become too smooth, this is not a reason to take a step to the left. This applies to both sides. So that your husband is not even tempted to start an affair on the side, change your behavior. Be softer, more feminine, easier to communicate. Remember what you were like at the beginning of the relationship, how your spouse loved you. Try to regain that attitude towards life.

Never be offended without reason. And even if in your opinion there is a reason, don’t be offended either. At a time when you are trying to regain your former passion, it only ruins everything. If your interests do not coincide in some way, this is not a reason to be offendedly silent and sulk in corners. Just avoid conflicts on these topics. In the end, everyone has different tastes.

Don't blackmail your husband with sex or food. This will not bring anything new to the relationship except resentment and quarrels. Delicious lunch and dinner, clean clothes and bed, good sex, not through force - the key to strong family relationships, no matter what happens in the house. The same applies to order in the house. This is a woman’s direct responsibility - to preserve the family hearth; do not neglect your responsibilities, even if you are very tired at work.

To make your husband fall in love with you again, pay attention to him. You can’t change a family evening (even in front of the TV) for your interests. Even if you really want to chat with a friend, go somewhere alone or surf the Internet. Your husband needs your attention, even if it's silent, even if he doesn't say it. Just watch a movie together, lie on the couch, or play some interesting game that you both love.

Don't neglect the aspect of communication. Take an interest in your husband’s affairs, listen carefully to everything that is important to tell him. In turn, also talk about how your day went. But do not forget that dialogue is a conversation between two people, do not turn it into a monologue. Otherwise, firstly, your spouse will quickly get bored. Secondly, it will show that you are only interested in what is happening in your home. Third, it's just not polite.

Communication between spouses is an important aspect of family life.

Don't poke your husband into his shortcomings and bad habits. Most likely, he always had them, you saw them and took a man already like that, it’s difficult to change him. Don’t cause either yourself or him unnecessary problems with endless itching on the topic: “what kind of person are you?”, “why do you always do this and not that way” and others. If bad habits appeared during family life, then you are partly to blame for this. Then you can’t blame the man alone either. And there is no need to correct him with endless conversations about how he has deteriorated. Choose soft tactics - affection and care. This can move mountains, not to mention weaning your husband from smoking, for example, or throwing things around the room.

Never scold a man for doing what you do to yourself. For example, for having it in bed, if you yourself don’t mind having something tasty to eat in front of the TV from time to time. This will only lead to a new round of quarrels and resentments. And your goal is to make your husband fall in love. Act on the contrary - he likes to have dinner in bed after work - bring him dinner in bed. Firstly, it will surprise him. Secondly, you will be pleasantly surprised. Thirdly, you will show care and attention. This will once again convince your man that your feelings for him have not cooled over the years, but have remained at the same level.

Try to blame your husband less for little things

How to get your old passion back

If your husband openly told you that he is tired of family life with you, then find the strength to calmly and point by point discuss your mistakes with him. Treat criticism from him as calmly as possible. And then analyze for yourself whether you want to change and return the love of your spouse. If you have the desire and strength, then set a time period during which you will try to start everything from scratch.

First of all, work on the mistakes that your spouse doesn’t like. And only then move on to other feminine tricks to make your husband fall in love again. For example, start giving him little surprises. It doesn't have to be something big. Let these be notes with words of love or with your memories. Where to hide them is up to you. But you still need to do this at home, and not in the pockets of his jacket or trousers. It is possible that at work this will only distract him or make him look uncomfortable in front of his colleagues.

Warm up his interest by sending SMS messages of an intimate nature. But only at a time when you know that he is really not very busy. For example, at lunchtime or in the evening, when he is already heading home. You can talk about what you want him to do to you. Flirt with your man. This will remind him of that very romantic period when your relationship was just in its infancy.

Invite your husband for a romantic dinner. Let him be at home. It is important to remove all distracting elements away. This applies to animals, relatives and even children. The latter can be placed with grandma for one or two nights. Remind your husband of how passionate and amazing you can be. And to set your spouse in the right mood, you can use small tricks - perfumes with pheromones, dishes with aphrodisiacs, a sexy outfit. Not vulgar and vulgar, but with a hint of light eroticism.

A romantic dinner is relevant even after many years of marriage

Why do you need to start restoring relationships from bed? Because exactly what happens in her is most often an indicator for a man. Passionate and ardent sex is the key to feelings for the stronger sex. But lethargic and routine - a duty and nothing more. Don't let your most powerful weapon become commonplace.

And most importantly, don’t be overly persistent. Men don’t like this, in any form. If you receive a refusal for something (even a romantic dinner that you worked so hard to prepare), find the strength to accept it calmly. Perhaps the spouse is having troubles at work or had other plans initially. Just quickly reclassify a romantic dinner into an ordinary one, without any reproaches. Show concern and gently ask why the refusal was given.

Keep it in moderation. Not being too persistent does not mean that you need to be indifferent. This will once again convince the husband that the relationship has exhausted itself. Show interest, but not aggressive. And God forbid you from checking your spouse. Never and under no circumstances. Firstly, if he wants to hide something, he will hide it anyway. Secondly, value yourself and your choices. If your man is guilty of something, then he will find the strength (even over time) to admit it.

To bring back past passion into your relationship, remember more often what happened between you during your most vibrant period. How is this useful? Firstly, it refreshes your memory. Secondly, some nostalgia for earlier times sometimes pushes us to do interesting things. Both you and your spouse. Thirdly, it's just fun. And family life should not be a duty, it should also bring joy. Fourthly, this is a good topic for dialogue.

Add some fun to your relationship

What to do to make your husband always love

Treat your man like a man! Don't try to control him in everything and keep him on a short leash. First of all, no one likes it. You yourself wouldn’t like it either. Secondly, no one likes henpecked people. You yourself want a Man, with a capital M, to be nearby, and not a weak-willed creature.

Finance. Yes, yes, that same stumbling block for many families. If your spouse gives you all the money he earns, then be kind enough to ask his opinion on how best to spend it. At least draw up a rough spending plan for the current month.

Never lie. Even in such typically feminine things as the cost of a new acquisition. Either save, or have the courage to admit how much you spent. Don't lie about little things - it's low. And there’s nothing to say about major circumstances. If you have made a choice in favor of a particular man, then be honest with him.

Expand your horizons. Don't live in terms of just work and your home. Go out for a walk together. And this should not be a trip to the store or to run errands, but simply a walk together in the park, for example. If there is a dog in the house, then start a good family tradition of walking it together in the evening. Always and in any weather. This is another reason to spend time together, talk or even be silent. But together.

Create a family tradition! If it hasn’t started yet during our life together. And agree in advance to comply with it, no matter what. For example, spending weekends together in nature. Both good for your health and for your relationships. In bad weather, you can spend the weekend in entertainment places - cafes, cinemas, theaters, museums and others. As long as your interests coincide here.

Find a common hobby. For example, sign up for a pool or fitness class together. If your man is not a big fan of such outdoor activities, then look for compromises. For example, video games. Find a common interest that will unite you once again. If your spouse likes to destroy monsters in his free time, you will learn too. It's more fun together, and there will be something to talk about later.

For your husband to always love you, you also love yourself. But just know when to stop. Very few people like narcissists. If your self-esteem is incredibly low, work on yourself. A man loves a woman who loves herself. Or at least skillfully disguises his complexes. Don't moan every day about something wrong with you. Perhaps your spouse does not notice this at all, but from constant mention he will begin to pay attention to your shortcomings. And in general, let me tell you frankly, no one likes people who are always dissatisfied.

And most importantly, love your husband! Men are not as callous as they seem at first glance. They perfectly feel everything that happens. And if you sincerely love him and try to be number one for him in life, he will see and appreciate it.

To make your husband fall in love with you again and for the rest of your life, you just need to love him. Always. Even when you are tired, you have no energy to talk or anything more. Just cuddle up to him, hug him and kiss him. This will be enough to show that you are still the same woman whom he fell in love with so much earlier. Be together in any circumstances, taking your man’s side and supporting him. This is also very valuable to him. Even if he's wrong. Be his support, appreciate and love him. This is enough for harmony in the family.

Divorces are quite common these days. Moreover, a few years ago the statistics were completely disappointing: approximately 50% of couples separated. Many different reasons are to blame for this state of affairs, including a lack of respect between people. We will talk about this in this article. We are most interested in the question of how to make a husband respect his wife. The answer is below.

What does it mean to respect?

Respect presupposes that a person’s opinion is listened to, he is valued in all the diversity of existence: he is attentive to desires, needs, tastes and needs.

It must be said right away that you cannot ask the question: “How to make a husband respect his wife?” This is an incorrect, fundamentally incorrect formulation. Respect can only be earned, it cannot be obtained by force.

Why does the problem of disrespect arise?

In general, when people have already reached the registry office, it is a little late to think and analyze the relationship. The fact is that they have already taken shape, which means that a man and a woman at least built them. The white dress and the cries of “bitter” are inevitably followed, like a hangover after a party, by the usual marital routine.

80% of the time of all married couples passes in her space. People get tired at work, become inattentive to each other, and it seems that they stop respecting each other. Spouses perceive each other instrumentally: the husband's wife as a “bad or good earning machine,” and the husband as a “food processor.” Indeed, it’s time to ask yourself the question: “How to make a husband respect his wife?” We examine in detail possible solutions to this, needless to say, difficult task.

Women's illusion number one: “He will change”

Now lovely ladies will protest and say that people change, etc., that their friends had real cases (friends will always have evidence of anything).

All this concerns us, because it is very important to understand when a husband began to treat a woman without due respect. If this was still during the candy-bouquet period, then there is nothing left to do but congratulate the woman, because her husband, in principle, never respected her. This means that now asking how to force a husband to respect his wife is pointless, because it was necessary to look much earlier at whom she chooses as her life partner.

By the way, this is why the divorce rate is so high. People begin to see the light, and do not want to prolong their suffering, and break up. The psychologist here can only advise one thing (if he is honest): run without looking back. It will only get worse: assault and other “joys” of an average marriage.

If the alienation between people came along with the marital routine. What to do?

But sometimes it happens that people deteriorate over the course of their lives and become cold and indifferent. And of course, a woman in despair asks herself: “How to make a husband respect and appreciate his wife?!”

First of all, there is no need to panic.

Secondly, you should analyze the current situation and answer two questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. What happened?

Simply put, you need to understand why it used to be so good, but now it has become so bad. It is necessary to compare the situations before and after marriage, identify the causes and begin to eliminate them.

For example, a girl asks herself the question: “How to make a husband love and respect his wife?” During the simple operation that we described just above, the wife understands: she is not sinless.

The woman began to have a consumerist attitude towards her husband, as A. B. Pugacheva sang: “Instead of affection, you hear barking. Just give her the money." If this is the case, then the woman needs to be more attentive to her husband and try to somehow correct the situation. The problem is that such women do not see any flaw in themselves. To summarize, we can say this: you need to inspect your everyday life and identify weak points in it, then try to eliminate them to the best of your ability.

Talk can solve almost any problem

In addition to the previous point: a woman should not analyze and eliminate the problems of living together alone. I would not like to scare anyone, but marriage is a common matter. And if problems arise, they need to be solved together.

In this case, conversation is an indispensable tool. Simply put, it is worth discussing the current state of affairs with those who are directly interested in it. Unfortunately, most people are not used to talking to each other about their problems. They think this is a sign of decline and loss of love. But that's not true. Love is work. In automatic mode, feelings will not last long and will soon disappear.

To summarize this section, we can say the following. Of course, a soul specialist can try to solve the problem under the general title “How to make a husband respect his wife.” A psychologist's advice can be very varied, depending on the situation, but they all boil down, in essence, to one thing: people should talk to each other and discuss their problems.

By the way, for many Russian and foreign couples, a substantive conversation about the crisis of family relationships is a serious undertaking, because they are even willing to pay a psychologist to conduct family counseling with them. And only at a session, in the presence of a third person, can people express certain complaints to each other.

When everything is fine, but there is still no warmth

If you have tried all the previous methods in good faith, but the situation has changed little, then there is nothing particularly consoling here. Perhaps the love has passed, and there is hardly anything that can be done about it. Before that, the article turned out to be somewhat abstract.

It may seem a little strange to some that, answering the question of how to make a husband respect his wife, psychology can only offer conversations and conversations as a solution. But, unfortunately, this is so. We are not looking for easy ways here and do not seek to deceive the reader; our task is to honestly answer the request.

And, nevertheless, we will still try to give some specific recommendations.

A husband's respect for his wife disappears in several main cases:

  1. When a wife “goes down”, i.e. stops taking care of himself and gets outrageously fat. In short, a lot of things can happen, but the result is the same: she ceases to be attractive to her husband. The consequences are sad: sexual interest disappears, then respect, then love. What should I do? Take care of yourself, play sports and win back your husband’s affection.
  2. The wife does not work, but at the same time she gives various valuable instructions on how the husband should work, how to live, and so on. It is more difficult here than with physical defects, since this is a problem of the psychological type of a woman. Such ladies consider themselves perfect and take good and even servile attitude for granted. There is only one solution: get a job and show your husband that the woman is an independent person. We guarantee: if this is the problem, respect will return.
  3. "Sawing." The third specific reason for loss of respect is constant complaints, sometimes arising out of nowhere. We will not go into details here; the reader will probably understand what we are talking about. This group of reasons is the most complex. The phenomenon of “sawing” stems from a woman’s general dissatisfaction with life. How to deal with this? It's hard to say. There are two ways: either talk a lot with your husband, or often consult a specialist. In this case, there is no need to take your husband to see a psychologist, because these are the woman’s personal problems.

Can fortune tellers help solve the problem?

You need to understand a simple thing: fortune tellers are the same as psychologists, only they also have a selfish aspect. Their main task is to convince the client that he is deeply unhappy, and only a psychic has the keys to a better life.

When answering the question of how to force a husband to respect his wife, a conspiracy should not be considered as a possible solution. Because turning to fortune tellers perpetuates the vicious practice according to which a person is always looking for those to blame, although in search of reasons he should rather look into himself or analyze general relationship problems. Only very lazy and extremely uneducated people can believe that psychics and fortune tellers can make their lives better with the wave of a magic wand.

We hope our reader will have enough education and intelligence to take advantage of what the science of psychology offers, namely, to explore their relationships, analyze the situation and constantly discuss emerging problems with their life partner. Believe me, you simply cannot find a better solution.