New Year's crafts

How to choose a clothing style for a man. Options for stylish clothing combinations for men. How to determine your own clothing style

With today's post I want to start new topic on the blog - men's fashion. Let's figure out what it is, for whom, for what!

It's no secret that men, just like women, sometimes like to gossip and discuss feminine beauty. They are happy to criticize women, despite the fact that they themselves are far from perfect.

Only their pride does not allow them to open a glossy magazine in which they could find out about current trends in men's fashion and what kind of men women like.

Many young guys consider tight jeans or unisex trousers stylish clothing. Such clothes look good at fashion shows, but not in real life. A man in this style is unlikely to interest a real woman.

Fitted shirts or trousers that highlight the butt look good on almost perfect body. The classic cut of clothing is suitable for those whose body proportions are far from normal.

There is another extreme. Some men are afraid of looking feminine or gay and completely forget about stylish clothing.

In addition to this, they also refuse to take care of themselves, arguing that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Of course, male beauty is not about long eyelashes or curls, but still well-groomed man, with clean shoes, pleasant perfume and good clothes, even if he is not very handsome in appearance, he is able to charm a woman with his charm.

If a man does not have a chic appearance or a toned body, the only way to attract the attention of the opposite sex is stylish clothing.

Women always take care of themselves, wash their hair every day, different procedures manicure-pedicure, adhere to the latest fashion innovations. Men are far from this. But here it is important to know the line between effeminacy and proper grooming. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and choose the right clothes so as not to look funny and ridiculous in the eyes of a woman.

Unsuccessful male images

It wouldn’t hurt to find out what other clothes, besides tight unisex trousers, look stupid and scare women away. Here are some examples of such clothing combinations. Such a seemingly insignificant element of clothing as socks is actually very important. Fortunately, many men already know that socks white should be worn under a clean white suit or sneakers. Of great importance correct selection socks under clothes, shoes and trousers must be of a certain length and darker or lighter in tone.

Also, you should not mix the concepts: sportswear and style. Sportswear famous brands- bright and shocking, striking with the combination of sneakers and business trousers. It looks impressive, however, ordinary people cannot afford it because of the astronomical prices.

Therefore, it is better not to use sneakers and sports style in ordinary life, but only for going to the gym or going out into nature, to the mountains. An inappropriate combination of trousers and a sports jacket is also an option: shoes with sweatpants; the appearance of such a sporty businessman causes bewilderment and laughter, even despite the fact that he has a luxury car.

You need to be careful when choosing outerwear. It is strictly forbidden to wear a down jacket over a business suit or a classic formal coat with a backpack on the back. Seeing men who resort to such combinations, one gets the impression that they either have no taste at all or don’t have enough money to afford to have a coat, a down jacket, a briefcase and a backpack in their wardrobe at once.

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In choosing the ideal men's wardrobe - no less difficult task than choice women's clothing. There are many factors to consider, including height, weight, industry, current fashion, and so on. In order not to spend many hours in the store, wondering why something that fits perfectly on a mannequin doesn’t look good on you, you need to decide in advance on the parameters of wardrobe items that are preferable to your type.

– what to wear for thin men?

– what to wear for overweight men?

– what should tall men wear?

– what should short men wear?

How to choose clothes for a man according to his body type?

It’s not difficult to guess that a lot depends on whether a man is tall or short, plump or slender. A person tries to hide any flaws in his figure (even if only he himself considers them flaws), and emphasize his advantages. This is a completely logical desire, however, it is important to approach the issue wisely and not overdo it.

What to wear for thin men?

The slightest deviation from standard sizes, and the choice of clothing becomes much more complicated. For some reasons, today it is much easier to buy the necessary things for overweight men than for thin men, however, guided by some rules, you can choose the optimal wardrobe for them, which does not make its owners a “hanger”.

When choosing trousers, thin men should pay attention to classic straight models or equally straight jeans. Folds, patch pockets and decor that visually add volume are allowed. The main thing is not to combine everything at once, otherwise trying to hide thinness will be too noticeable and ridiculous.

Jackets will suit almost any style as long as their length reaches mid-thigh. If the model is shortened, then it visually lengthens the arms and legs, while narrowing the waist. To visually “get better” a little, you can choose a double-breasted jacket with fairly noticeable buttons. In addition, blazers with a little padding under the shoulders will look great. At the same time, under no circumstances should you use linings together with a regular jacket - you will get the image of a teenager who was bought clothes for growing up.

You should be very careful when choosing a shirt. It should fit strictly according to your figure, without hanging like a shapeless bag and not tightly fitting your torso. Pay special attention to the collar: wide models are more suitable for thin men. Neat stylish shirt, corresponding to the size and style, will decorate a man with any figure, so you definitely shouldn’t refuse it. In contrast, a T-shirt can be chosen a little more loosely, however, it is still not a model that will inflate like a sail at the slightest breath of wind.

Chunky knit sweaters can add significant visual weight, but again, they should be strictly true to your size. Avoid models with a V-neck; it is better to buy a sweater or any other knitwear item with a closed collar.

As for colors, there are special restrictions for thin men No. The only thing to remember is that black is a slimming color, so you should use it minimally. Vertical stripes have an even greater similar effect - it is advisable to exclude them from the wardrobe altogether. But any choice of prints and designs is available, you can choose any option that you like.

What to wear for overweight men?

Being overweight is by no means always a disadvantage for a person, but if you don’t choose the right wardrobe, then that’s exactly what she will look like. On modern market There are many products for overweight men, but not all of them are worth purchasing. Let's take a closer look at which styles and colors are suitable for those who want to appear slimmer.

As in the previous case, it is better to choose straight trousers and jeans, but without folds. Special attention paid attention to their landing, which should not be too high or too low, since both options will only emphasize the presence of a protruding belly, making it visually even larger. It is advisable to avoid dense fabrics like corduroy - they add extra centimeters with their texture. The same applies to patch pockets, especially free pockets. It is worth adding that it is generally advisable for overweight men to keep their pockets empty, so as not to aggravate the situation.

A triangular neckline on sweaters and jumpers will visually make the torso slimmer and longer - this is a good choice for those who are overweight. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid models that are too loose or tight-fitting, as well as clothes made from bulky materials.

Among jackets, choose single-breasted models, strictly in your size. You shouldn’t try to hide behind clothes one size too big – this is an extremely bad decision for men of any build.

Vertical striped shirts can save the day and minimize, and in some cases completely hide, excess fat. In contrast, a horizontal stripe will make the volumes even more noticeable, just like a classic check.

As for T-shirts, non-patterned options are preferable. If you cannot do without a print, then make sure that it is located in the chest area, is not too bright and does not have large round shapes.

Accessories are an important element: you will have to avoid belts with large and shiny buckles, as well as any decor in the most problematic areas. A tie, on the contrary, suits overweight men very well. Models of medium width will be the optimal solution, while those that are too wide will add unwanted volume, and those that are too narrow will simply look ridiculous and get lost against the general background.

What to wear for tall men?

Tall height for a man is undoubtedly an advantage. To emphasize it, and not make it comical, it is also necessary to carefully select each item of clothing.

The first thing tall men need to remember is that clothes should perfectly fit their figure. Standard models, unfortunately, are often sewn in such a way that they are either too wide or too short. Neither one nor the other option should be allowed; it will spoil the entire impression made by a person’s growth. If the bazaar and shops cannot offer suitable options, you can look for specialized online stores or contact a tailor: it’s better to have fewer things in your wardrobe, but they are ideal for you, rather than fill it with useless junk.

Most clothing models suit tall men, but there are still some that should be avoided. For example, cropped trousers or jeans that are slightly rolled up will look more like a mismatch than a fashion statement. There is also no need to wear clothes that clearly elongate your figure, such as striped shirts. Of course, it is not necessary to completely abandon them.

What to wear for short men

Men whose height is below average often try to look a little taller through their clothes. This is not difficult to achieve if you choose the right wardrobe items. In many ways, you can follow tips for overweight people who want to appear slimmer.

In particular, vertical stripes and upward-moving patterns or ornaments will be a successful addition to the image. In this case, you should avoid clearly dividing the figure in half (black bottom, white top), as this will take away several desired centimeters. It is better to choose softly combined tones that are not very different from each other.

When choosing trousers, you will have to avoid models that are too wide, but straight and slightly tapered ones will look very good. The same should be said about jackets: voluminous, bulky types will seem simply large in size, and this, again, will give rise to associations with a schoolboy.

Choosing demi-season or winter clothes, you'll have to forget about long models: neither raincoats nor coats below the knee are suitable for short men. At the same time, clothes to mid-thigh or just below it will perfectly complement a stylish look.

As always, accessories decide a lot. For short men great solution will be a stylish tie. However, it is important to choose one that is not too long so that it does not seem like it is too big.

A very important issue is the choice of shoes. Many people, in order to be at least a few centimeters taller, buy all their shoes with massive soles, which actually add the desired centimeters. But you should understand that it looks appropriate only in autumn and spring, during slush, when it naturally helps not to get your feet wet and not get dirty. Winter boots with a small wedge heel may also look tolerable (here everything depends on the model), but not Summer shoes. It will not only be ridiculous, but it will also clearly make it clear to others that you have a complex about your height.

To summarize, it is worth adding that even if you have an impeccable athletic body, you should not demonstrate it too openly. For example, narrow, tight-fitting trousers and an equally tight T-shirt are far from best combination for men of any age and with any figure.

How to choose a man's clothes by color?

The correct combination of colors in clothes is one of the most important aspects in creating stylish bow. It is the harmony or obvious inconsistency of tones and shades that initially attracts attention, and only then does attention turn to style and general form clothes.

It’s worth starting with the fact that men’s clothing should in no case be colorful and consist of things of all colors of the rainbow. The only style that allows this is Hawaiian, but you can’t call it everyday, so we won’t focus on it. The opposite combination - all clothes of the same color - is, in principle, acceptable, but it will rarely look good. So, in particular, no matter how stylish a black suit and an elegant black shirt are, the look, as a rule, will seem somewhat mournful.

The optimal solution for those who have no time to bother choosing the right shades can be achromatic ensembles, including colors that do not differ in tone, but only vary from light to dark.

But true connoisseurs of style and beauty will have to dive into the world of colors in more detail in order to understand what and how to wear correctly. In particular, there are 5 primary colors that are most often used in men's clothing - red, blue, yellow, green and brown and their shades. Black, white and gray need not be mentioned, as they are by default considered the basis of every man's wardrobe. Let's look at the classic combinations of each of them.


Vibrant in its own right, red is an eye-catching color that draws the eye to a particular piece of clothing. Therefore, you should not wear a red shirt on a bulging belly or trousers on short legs, unless you want to emphasize the presence of your shortcomings.

As a rule, red is not the dominant color in a look; it can occupy a maximum of half the space, for example, red trousers and a tie or a red shirt and shoes. But a scarlet-colored suit is an extremely rare occurrence and even less successful. The most optimal complement to red is white, gray and blue.


Blue is the most common color in men's clothing. The reason for this is blue jeans and blue shirts. Its different shades combine perfectly with each other and are suitable for both formal and festive wear, as well as everyday wear. White, beige and red colors look most successful with blue, however, other combinations are quite possible. You should only be careful when choosing a blue-yellow or blue-green ensemble.


Green color has many options and shades, but not all of them look harmonious in a men's wardrobe. In particular, bright grassy or, especially, light green is allowed only for summer T-shirts, but in a classic ensemble it looks like an illogical spot of color.

At the same time, darker and desaturated shades of green can be an excellent solution, adding a little freedom to the image, since they are associated with the military style, although they are used in many others. Along with green, they wear white, beige, brown and gray, as well as blue if these are traditional blue jeans.


Bright yellow is considered a provocative color in a man's wardrobe, so wearing such things is recommended only for those who are not afraid to attract the gaze of others. Its brightness can be slightly reduced by harmoniously combining it with a gray or dark blue tint.

Beige and brown

All shades of beige and Brown rightfully occupy a lot of space in any man’s wardrobe. They are considered the most natural and natural, and therefore always remain in trend. Beige and brown can be combined either with each other or with other colors: blue, burgundy, gray and dark green. There can be many options, and choosing the best one from them will not be difficult.

How to choose a man's clothes according to his style?

There are not much fewer styles in men's clothing than in women's clothing. However, for most, the wardrobe is divided only into everyday and “going out”.

Most popular today casual style clothing for men is casual. It includes elegant combinations of quite familiar clothes, for example, jeans and a jacket or chinos and a cardigan. Casual is ideal for both work (if it does not require a special dress code) and any free time.

Style implies a fairly large number of varieties of models, but let’s look at the most characteristic of them. Shoes must be elegant - loafers, brogues, deserts, and in some cases sneakers are also quite acceptable, the main thing is that they are clean and intact.

Casual trousers are usually jeans and chinos; cargo is less common. A classic jacket is not very suitable for creating a stylish ensemble, but a blazer, cardigan or tweed jacket is exactly what you need. You can also complete the look with a V-neck sweater and various accessories that harmonize with each other - a belt that matches your shoes, a stylish watch and an elegant (but not necessarily too formal) tie.

As for outerwear, there is plenty to choose from - coats, Leather Jacket, parka or even a sheepskin coat, the main thing is that it matches with other items of clothing.

When choosing strict business or festive clothes, a traditional classic suit will come to the aid of men, and the main rule here is that it is exactly the right size and fit. Colored shirts, ties or bow ties are not always allowed; you should familiarize yourself with the dress code of the planned event in advance.

You will need:

Firstly, you must choose clothes that not only fit you perfectly, but also fit the required sizes, and also have a match and similarity in color.

For example, let’s take the most basic combination: the top is light, and the bottom is classic. dark shades.

Avoid sail shirts and, of course, untucked shirts. After all, a beautifully tucked shirt harmoniously “cuts” your body in half. In this case, a certain line of trousers appears that emphasizes your sexy torso, the slimness of your legs and your figure in general.

As a rule, it is very simple to determine it - you measure 10-15 cm from your navel and, accordingly, at this place, your trousers or jeans should fit you well.

  • You should feel comfortable and confident in these clothes. This doesn't mean it shouldn't be a size or two larger and fill you up accordingly.
  • Try to choose convenient and comfortable things in which you can easily make new acquaintances at work or just in a cafe or on the street. Then yours business style will definitely appreciate it.
  • If you use accessories, then make sure that the watch is expensive and stylish.

Cost of things

This difficult question, both for amateur buyers and professional designers and stylists. The problem is that today, high-quality and modern clothes can be bought for literally pennies.

All you need to do is know good and trusted places.

As a rule, people do not want to buy ordinary and uninteresting clothes, but want things that correspond to their status, or, more often, they set the bar much higher.

If you take into account a suit or shoes, then these should be natural materials, and at the same time made with high quality.

Nowadays, technology has made such progress that factories do not have to spend large sums on the production of their products. For example, you can buy a classic shirt for 3,000 rubles. At the same time, you will not have to hem it, and it will clearly emphasize your figure. Well-fitting trousers can be bought for 2,000 – 3,000 rubles. Simple jeans can be purchased for 3,000 rubles. If you take into account ultra-fashionable designer jeans, their prices will sometimes reach 15,000, or even 20,000 rubles.

Again, if you are wearing a cheap shirt on top and luxury jeans on the bottom at the same time, you will get some kind of imbalance.

Therefore, try to buy clothes that will match in price and visually.

Discounts and promotions

Boutiques and shops in any city hold various sales approximately 4-5 times a year, where you can buy many goods at a significantly reduced price - two or even five times cheaper!

As soon as sales and promotions start, go shopping and try to buy yourself something at a discount.

At sales you can buy better quality items.

It is possible to choose original and interesting models, while spending a much smaller amount than the initial budget that you allocated for clothes.

One good advice– go to a luxury boutique and just try on something expensive to find out how it fits and looks on you.

After this, you will at least have a rough idea of ​​what you need and compare the quality of certain things. It's a rewarding experience.

There are also many websites on the Internet that sell things at big discounts. And you don’t have to wait long at all - they are here literally every day. The only problem is that you cannot try on a thing and know how it will look on you. But you always have a way out - you can return it and get your money back.

However, if you eventually learn to choose the right suitable clothing via the Internet – you won’t need any stores!

Sit in your home or office and order any clothes at affordable prices. You will save your time and money!

Men's fashion is not as diverse and rich as women's. Men cannot alternate trousers with dresses, or shorts with skirts. And since the number of wardrobe items for men is initially smaller, they should approach the choice of clothing with special care. Many men have long ago found their own style and know well what they need, but some need female hand help. Correctly selected clothing style is one of the important components of the image. We studied the trends men's fashion and prepared 20 tips on how to help a man choose a clothing style

Go shopping together

A man may need your advice and outside perspective. Think over the list of what you need in advance and don’t waste time on random purchases - purposefully go to the men’s departments.

Business style and choice of suit

There are many styles men's clothing, and your partner may prefer any of them, but every man should have at least one business suit in his wardrobe. As a rule, business style in clothing is followed office employees, employees of banks, legal and consulting companies. This style implies adherence to strict requirements business etiquette. Such a wardrobe should include such elements as a suit, shirts, tie, appropriate shoes and accessories. Strict style regulates the rules for wearing clothes, but leaves the right to choose styles, materials and color solutions. Returning to the choice of a suit: a basic business suit should be well made from quality material - this is one of those things on which it is better not to skimp.

Clothes by size

Women are better at choosing clothes to fit their figure, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages. Men often don’t even really know their size. Jackets and shirts should not have unnecessary folds, and sleeves should not extend beyond the line of the beginning of the palm and protrude 1-2 cm from under the jacket.

Shirt selection

To choose a shirt correct size, you need to measure the circumference of your neck, leaving a space about the thickness of your finger.

Classic style and choice of jacket

Man dressing in classic style, selects time-tested styles and wardrobe elements. Classic is not only an office suit, but also clothes in which it is appropriate to come to important meeting, to the theater or conservatory. As a rule, for classic items of clothing they go to stores “with history.” Their main characteristic advantages are expensive fabrics, precise cut and successful, non-flashy models. A properly chosen jacket hides figure flaws and makes a man more elegant. It is important that the model exactly matches the width of the shoulders, and that folds do not form on the back. It is convenient to have a jacket in your wardrobe that can be worn not only with trousers and a shirt, but also with jeans and a T-shirt.

Tie of the required length

Classic business style suggests that the tie extends to the waistline of the trousers.

Stylish sunglasses

Beautiful sunglasses have long ceased to be just protection from the sun and have become a fashion accessory.

Swimming shorts

For relaxation, it is best to buy long swimming shorts. As a rule, they have a pocket where you can put a hotel key and other small items.

Open T-shirts

Open T-shirts can only be worn on vacation or in the gym.

Shoes with comfortable soles and military style

If we choose women's shoes based on the convenience of the lasts, men's shoes You should pay attention to the sole. Shoes with thin soles are suitable for the office; boots with thick soles are suitable for country trips. If a man prefers a military style in clothing, there will be special requirements for the choice of shoes. Military style involves the use of camouflage colors: dark green, marsh, beige, brown. Things of this style are sewn from coarse, dense fabrics, and the decoration uses buttons, double stitching, patch pockets and wide belts. In this case, shoes should be high, massive and, of course, comfortable.

Casual style and sports shoes: trends

It is generally accepted that sneakers are only suitable for sports in combination with appropriate clothing. Of course, you shouldn’t wear them with classic trousers, but the trends of recent years dictate their own rules. Gradually, sneakers and sneakers migrated to the casual style, where they are considered absolutely appropriate. Comfortable, stylish, practical, but not entirely utilitarian, usually monochromatic and discreet things go well with sports shoes certain styles.

Comfortable underwear

Men's underwear should above all be comfortable. Give preference to natural materials and classic cut.

Minimum decorations

If a man is not a rock musician or a fashion model or a football player, he should not wear too much jewelry. For office work, a watch and a wedding ring are enough.

Perfect hairstyle

Baldness as a reason to change your image

Baldness is one of the main problems for men. But don’t despair and try to disguise it; it’s better to follow the example of famous brutal men and change your image by shaving your head.

To shave or not to shave?

For some, two-day stubble adds charm and charm, but for others it makes them look sloppy and unkempt. If your beard grows unevenly, it is best to shave regularly using Gillette shaving foam or gel.

Subtle aroma

A well-chosen perfume greatly adorns men. And, of course, we can’t forget about deodorant. In the Old Spice line of effective deodorants, you can choose one of the forms (roller, gel or stick) with any of the presented scents.

Clean skin

Men, unlike women, cannot hide minor skin imperfections decorative cosmetics. Therefore, they should take special care of their skin and use cleansing lotions and creams.

Replacement for heels

To make a woman appear taller and slimmer, it is enough to wear high-heeled shoes. Men can resort to another trick: wear dark-colored clothes and don't slouch.

Change of image

Just like women, men need to change their style sometimes, try new clothing styles and change their hairstyle.

That's all. And don’t forget that attention and sensitive care will turn your man into the most beautiful prince!

How do you take care of your man's style? Share your secrets in the comments!

1. Pants
2. Jacket
3. Shirt
4. Turtleneck and T-shirt
5. Jeans
6. Raincoat or coat
7. Jacket
8. Jumper or sweater
9. Tie and belt
10. Socks and underwear
11. Shoes

1. Pants
There should be more of them in a man's wardrobe than jackets - trousers wear out faster and lose their appearance. Therefore, as the old tailors aptly put it, “trousers should rest: put them on one day, hang them up another day, and play around in others!”

The colors depend on your age and taste, as well as where and with what you will wear them. In any case, it is better to have at least a couple of dark trousers in your wardrobe: black, dark gray or dark blue, perhaps with a thin light stripe.

Classic men's trousers the back should reach the middle of the heel, and the front should fit on the shoes with one small crease on the arrow. That's why nice pants They are always hemmed with a slant to the heel - they are 1-2 cm shorter in front than in the back. It is best to buy trousers unhemmed and take them to a tailor. Go to the fitting in the shoes you plan to wear them with - then the tailor will be able to measure the ideal length and properly hem your trousers.

Cuffs on trouser legs are a matter of taste. On classic cut models it should be 3.5 cm wide. On tapered sports trousers it can be wider. Just keep in mind that cuffs on trousers of any cut visually shorten your legs.

2. Jacket
Man's jacket should fit perfectly in the shoulders. Sleeves should under no circumstances be short - there is no more wretched sight than a bird's foot sticking out of a jacket. The sleeve should completely cover the wrist when the elbow is bent.

In a single-breasted jacket, a person appears slimmer and taller; in a double-breasted jacket, on the contrary, he looks squat and stockier.

The jacket and trousers can either match in color or “work” in contrast. The first clothing option is more formal, the second is acceptable in everyday life. For formal meetings and important events, you need to have a gray or blue suit in your wardrobe.

3. Shirt
For every day - buy everything you like and combines with at least one item of clothing from your wardrobe. For official events- you will have to give up flashy colors and pick up several classic-cut shirts in white or any pastel color that matches the jackets from your wardrobe.

Shirt size is determined by the collar. A thin neck made from an excessively large collar looks touching on teenagers, but does not adorn an adult man. The correct gap between the collar and neck is no more than 1.5 cm. The shirt sleeve should protrude 1-1.5 cm from under the jacket sleeve.

Men's synthetic shirts are in bad taste. Natural ones - made of cotton or linen - wrinkle too quickly. The truth, as always, is in the middle - mixed fabrics (no more than 20% synthetics) both “breathe” and keep their shape.

4. Turtleneck and T-shirt
On informal occasions, it is acceptable to wear it under a jacket or jumper instead of a shirt. A turtleneck can be either with a high stand-up collar or with a low one, running along the line of the collarbones.

Colors - any that match the trousers, jacket or jumper from your wardrobe. Drawing is only possible for very creative individuals or for weekend walks.

Unlike men's shirts, the sleeves of a turtleneck should under no circumstances peek out from under the sleeves of a jacket or jumper. If you only see abs on your abs in your dreams, the turtleneck should be securely covered around the waist with outerwear - do not unbutton your jacket!

It is permissible to wear a T-shirt under a jacket only in a single color, only with jeans, and only in an informal setting. We reserve T-shirts with funny (and not so funny) designs for communicating with friends, picnics and weekend walks.

5. Jeans
There can be a lot of jeans in a man's wardrobe. For relaxation - any colors, styles and colors depending on personal preferences. For work - if the dress code allows - classic cut black, blue, gray in winter, light blue and beige in summer. Leave low-waist jeans to teenagers.

6. Raincoat or coat
The color of outerwear is not too light and not acidic. The cut is straight or slightly flared at the bottom, possibly with a belt. The length is just below the knee. The main thing when choosing a style is moderation. Too long and you risk looking like a gangster, too wide - like Zorro.

It is better to measure a man's coat or raincoat for a jacket. Wrap your arms around your shoulders - if your back feels tight, you need to take a size larger.

Buying outerwear, immediately select accessories - mufflers and gloves.

7. Jacket
Jeans, leather, cashmere, suede, down jacket - the choice is unlimited. A jacket is informal clothing, so the colors may be less restrained than those of a coat or raincoat.

“Moderately well-fed men” should add a straight jacket to the middle of the thigh - like “Alaska” - to their wardrobe. Short puffy down jackets can only be afforded by slender, tall men. A hood is desirable, it will eliminate the painful need to select a decent men's hat.

Only high school students wear a jacket over a jacket. Looks terrible. Therefore, you need to measure the coat for a sweater. Wear it with it.

8. Jumper or sweater
For an informal setting, with jeans, rough knit sweaters are ideal. This wardrobe item looks very masculine. You can wear a sweater over a turtleneck, but not over a shirt - this is a clear incompatibility of styles.

Under a jacket or instead of a jacket - men's jumpers made of soft knitwear, with a V-neck. An imperishable classic - diamond pattern.

Sleeves - cover the wrist when the arm is bent. In an informal setting, the sleeves can be worn slightly raised.

9. Tie and belt
The most distinctive item in a man's wardrobe and an opportunity for self-expression. The tie combines the suit and shirt into a single ensemble. Patterned ties are worn with plain shirts. For striped or checkered shirts, plain ties are preferable. A black plain tie is an element of mourning.

The width of the tie depends on fashion and the width of the jacket lapels. The wider they are, the wider the tie. Classic - 9 cm at the widest point. The length is more conservative - up to the trouser belt buckle.

The belt for formal occasions is expensive leather, matching the trousers and with a classic buckle. The width of the belt should match the width of the belt loops on the trousers.

10. Socks and underwear
Underwear should not be visible. We leave the men's T-shirt, which is visible under the shirt, to kindergarteners and pensioners.

The socks match the color of the trousers. They should be long enough so that when crossing legs, the limb is not exposed. And high enough quality not to slip. Mickey Mouse, ducklings and elephants are a great idea for those under 15 years old.

11. Shoes
The most expensive item in a man's wardrobe. This is not only status, but also profitable: expensive shoes will last longer, they are easier to care for, and they are incomparably more comfortable to wear. The shoes match the style and tone of the clothing and are appropriate for the season.

Suede shoes are not suitable for very formal events - they are considered informal. Rough boots with high soles are good for slush. But in this case, you need replacement shoes, because such shoes look strange with a suit.

One of the most terrible sights in the world is men's sandals with open toes worn on socks!!! We wear sandals only on bare feet, and only on the beach. For the heat in the city, it is better to buy light moccasins with a small hole.

On a note
If the clothes you bought in the store, after a detailed examination at home, did not suit you or you simply didn’t like them, you have every right to change them or return them within two weeks. The exception is underwear and socks. They can only be changed if a defect is detected. This is evidenced by the “Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods, a list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer’s requirement to provide them free of charge for the period of repair or replacement of a similar product, and a list of non-food products of proper quality, which cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration.”

If you are refused an exchange or return of other goods, please contact Rospotrebnadzor, the Moscow Department of Trade and Services or the Hotline for operational communication with consumers and entrepreneurs.

Men's wardrobe mistakes. Stylist tips.

First, test yourself. Look at the picture above and tell me: do the clothing items in the presented sets fit together normally? About typical mistakes in men's wardrobe, fashion trends season and the fatal relationship between clothing and personal life will be told by our professional stylist. Take notes! :)

It is believed that taking care of appearance and style is not a man’s business. Many people think that this is the lot of gay people and metrosexuals, who are not very respected in Russia. That’s why we don’t sell men’s cosmetics in the same volume as in Europe. Only those who are more advanced, travel or come from abroad, take care of themselves. They impress their friends, and they want to look better.

Who will turn to our stylists? Firstly, as strange as it may sound, men whose wife left them. In such a situation, a person understands that something needs to change: he goes to courses personal growth, to the gym, for the first time he realizes that he did all the shopping together with his wife, and she chose what she liked and what made him as unattractive as possible to other women.

Secondly, those who are over 30–35 and who are looking for a life partner. Thirdly, those who are interested in moving up the career ladder: for example, a person has become a director, received a new position, they need to comply. And the fourth category are people who occupy high positions and have realized over time that clothes matter.

The most popular among Russian men is the casual (everyday) European and American style, the basic set is a jacket, shirt, jeans.

Another current style is smart casual, these are the same jacket and trousers, but in brighter colors: for example, yellow T-shirts, bright accents in the form of scarves and ties, play of colors, more imagination. And naturally, the classics are always in demand. For men whose wife has left and who want to meet someone, I offer a magnetic style...

The seducer of women needs to emphasize the male silhouette. The style is based on an inverted triangle. This means: fitted shirts, more aggressive colors, bright but not flashy colors (bardot, red, black, etc.) plus a minimum of accessories: a pendant or jewelry.

And it works! Men make an impression primarily on themselves, they see themselves as attractive in the mirror, are charged with psychological energy and understand that everything is great with them. Under the influence of this wave, they behave more confidently in cafes, restaurants, and clubs when meeting girls.

One client, whom no one called, began to call girls and confess their sympathy: they say, we didn’t know that you were so cute! Another found a wife more high level what it was. By the way, men are often brought to stylists by their women: they give Gift certificates or come along out of desperation to change his style on their own.

Here typical mistakes that Russian men commit:

The first is the size; usually men choose clothes that are too loose.
- Secondly, bright colors and prints, I would call it market design.
- The third is an unsuccessful combination of styles, a kind of imitation of TV: they saw a beautifully dressed person on TV or in a magazine and tried to portray the same thing with their things. But in fact, something incompatible happened.

Long T-shirts, long polos and an untucked, straight-cut shirt that looks like a sail look especially terrible. Another type of bad taste is when men wear colored shorts in the city, and even with flip-flops. In shorts, if you are not on the beach, there should be a sense of conservatism. Shorts should be as classic as possible, like analog classic trousers.

Here's my advice: to become this season's biggest fashionista, a man needs to buy brown shoes and a brown belt, a scarf and a bright tie, a jacket. Plus have all your clothes tailored to your figure. This is kind of the trend of the season. Or take a look at the photo just above: I conventionally call this style “urban cowboy”. Isn't it simple and stylish?

So don’t be shy to be stylish, and girls will be drawn to you :)

Finally 4 sets. Four styles of men's wardrobe, made up of items that are intelligently combined with each other. Moreover, for each style, 8 different options are offered.

"Body Man"

"Country Man"

"Retro Man"

Style "Dark poetry" Next time I will tell you about wardrobes for different age groups.