Useful tips

How to insert an orthopedic insole into shoes. Recommendations for using orthopedic insoles. Orthopedic orthoses for children

The health of our feet largely determines the well-being of the entire body. First of all, it depends on them how mobile we are, what kind of gait we have and how steadfastly we endure daily physical activity. But their area is disproportionately small compared to the entire body. It's no surprise that as you age, your feet need extra support.

Good orthopedic insoles are exactly what our little ones often lack for comfort. According to orthopedists, they minimize the shock load, unload those sections that bear excessive weight, thereby reducing pain.

However, insoles alone are not enough to make life easier for your feet. You also need comfortable shoes where these insoles can be easily inserted.

How to choose shoes for orthopedic insoles

You need to proceed from the fact that shoes should a priori be comfortable both when you stand and when you walk. Therefore, when trying on, walk around the store, do not be shy. If something is pressing or pinching somewhere, then you shouldn’t expect the shoes to break apart. Practice shows that it does not spread.

The toes should be freely positioned in the sock, not squeezing each other or resting. There should also not be excessive emptiness, otherwise the foot will always roll forward and the heel will slide in the boot or shoe. Narrow-toed shoes are not our choice.

The heel should be moderately rigid - enough to fix the position of the heel, but not rub it. In addition, the back of the shoe should fit tightly to the foot, providing stability.

The heel height recommended by orthopedists should be no lower than 2 cm and no higher than 4 cm. High and especially thin heels are taboo. The heel should have even support. As one orthopedic friend of mine said, dress shoes with stiletto heels are good only in one place - in bed, in other cases - this is beauty that comes at too high a price.

If the dress code obliges you to wear high heels (such barbarity also occurs these days), always have comfortable replacement shoes with you and change your shoes at any opportunity. But remember that ballet shoes are not the best alternative, as they put your foot in an unnatural position. There should still be a slight rise.

As for wedges and platform shoes, which were so popular in the 90s and are coming back into fashion again, their main drawback is the lack of flexibility when walking. The sole of the shoe should be such that when standing on your toes, the support of the foot falls on the entire width of the metatarsus - that is, on the pads. The optimal sole material is rubber.

The material from which shoes are made is a matter of taste. The main thing is that you don’t feel harsh. The ideal option is genuine leather. Velor, suede and nubuck are also acceptable. Cheap leatherettes in stores with Chinese goods are usually very hard and have the most simplified last, so it is almost impossible to walk normally in them.

Shoes for orthopedic insoles

We have listed the characteristics of the right shoes for foot pathologies. And what about the insoles? - you ask. And with them everything is simple. Orthopedic insoles need to be inserted into shoes already at the stage of choosing them in the store. This is how you can adequately assess whether these shoes, sneakers or moccasins are suitable for you, whether you will be comfortable in these insoles and in these shoes.

Attempts to measure by eye whether your orthotics will fit into a particular shoe rarely end in success. Often you even have to take a larger size than you usually wear. So there is no need to be embarrassed to ask the seller to pull out the original factory insole, his task is to sell the product, yours is to buy good shoes that will not make you suffer later.

As you can see, it is quite possible to insert orthopedic insoles into regular shoes if you know the basic selection rules and put health in the foreground and beauty in the background.

What shoes should not be worn with orthopedic insoles?

Theoretically, you can wear insoles with any shoe. The main thing is that it meets the principles of rationality. So, if you have foot diseases, it is not recommended to wear flat shoes, ballet flats, flat pumps, various loafers and even moccasins. In them, the arch of the foot is flattened and does not have decent support, which will only aggravate your problems and cause inconvenience.

In summer, you should avoid open shoes such as flip-flops, sandals, and clogs without heel support. An unstable foot position can cause pain.

In winter, forget about shoes such as felt boots, high boots and similar soft shoes. In it, the heel wobbles and provokes negative processes in the feet. And we don’t need this at all.

What to choose - orthopedic shoes or insoles

This issue should be resolved by a qualified orthopedist. He must assess the degree of deformation and collect a complete picture of your health. Since, for example, with the third degree of flat feet, the problems go beyond the feet, degenerative processes begin in the ankles, knees and, alas, the spine. In this case, no insoles will help cope with the pain. This situation needs to be solved comprehensively, and orthopedic shoes, taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot, are an integral part of this complex. And there is no time for beauty anymore.

If you start taking proper care of your legs and feet in particular, you can get by with orthopedic insoles and properly selected shoes. If you have such an opportunity, then of course it would be ideal to sew shoes to order, with a comfortable last and taking into account anatomical features. But unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.


So, let’s summarize which shoes are best to insert orthopedic insoles into:

  • shoes with heels within 2-4 cm
  • without narrow heels
  • with flexible sole
  • made of genuine leather
  • with a tight heel
  • Wide enough for comfortable finger position.

If after reading you are a little depressed, then I hasten to assure you that the industry of shoe production and design does not stand still. If you set a goal, it is quite possible to find beautiful and comfortable shoes for orthopedic insoles. German manufacturers are especially successful in this.

Insoles are removable shoe inserts (orthosis). Everyone knows what it is. It is uncomfortable to walk in any shoes without insoles. The insole serves as a shock absorber. and provides daily walking comfort. What if you already have problems with your legs? You can’t do without good orthopedic insoles.

Orthopedic insoles

Orthopedic insoles are necessary for all healthy people. But they are especially needed by those who have already developed functional and biomechanical disorders. After all, orthopedic insoles are designed to support the correct formation of the arch of the feet. This is the anatomical shape the foot should have.

Anatomically correct foot shape.

Unfortunately this is not always the case. Due to certain reasons, which can be congenital or acquired, various foot deformities appear. For example - turning the foot outward, or supination - turning the foot inward, flat feet.

Wrong shoes are the first reason for the development of flat feet. In confirmation of this, women suffer from flat feet 4 times more often than men. A heel higher than 4 cm is a real threat to health

Types of orthopedic insoles by purpose

Models for prevention

These are insoles models for those. who has no diseases, but their legs get tired. For example. when walking or standing for a long time. The structure of the insoles should be soft and provide comfort when walking. These models are usually made from leather, silicone, gel or foam.

Preventive insoles for every day.


  • During pregnancy.
  • For work where there is a lot of stress on the legs (salespeople, hairdressers, dentists, loaders).
  • For varicose veins.
  • Athletes.
  • With flat feet in the initial stage.
  • Fashionistas in high heels.

Silicone insoles for high-heeled shoes.

Insoles for foot comfort

Treatment models

Models for those who already have changes in the foot. Impaired blood supply to the lower extremities. When using such insoles, pain may occur. This happens because orthopedic therapeutic insoles try to return the foot to its true position. The ligaments and muscles become tense, which is what causes the pain.

Application of treatment models:

  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Clubfoot, varus deformity or plano-valgus foot in children.
In case of varus, a special pronator insole is selected, which distributes the load and helps relieve tension in the muscles and joints. For valgus, an insole with a cushion is used to correct the angle of the arch.

Properly selected medicinal products, when worn regularly, relieve inflammation, fatigue and pain in the legs. Prevent diseases of the feet, large joints and spine. An orthopedic doctor will definitely help you with the right choice.

Insole with a cushion to correct the angle of the arch of the foot. with hallux valgus deformity.

The Seitz cushion, also known as the metatarsal cushion, metatarsal pad, metatarsal pad, is a special elevation in the central part of the orthopedic insole. Sold as a separate item with insole. Most often it is recommended for the prevention or correction of transverse flatfoot. This pathology is a drop in the arch of the foot, in which the joint of the big toe and sometimes the little toe begin to protrude outward and form a so-called bunion. The pelot is positioned in such a way as to raise and support the transverse arch of the foot, remove excess load on the metatarsus.

Types of therapeutic insoles

There are several types of insoles:

  • Unloading.
  • Corrective.
  • Supporting the vault.
  • Forming the vault.

Relieving insoles are chosen when it is necessary to distribute the load from problem areas throughout the foot. For this purpose, special recesses or bulges are made in the insole. They help avoid contact of the painful area of ​​the foot with shoes. Plus materials of different densities and compositions. which relieve stress when walking or standing for long periods of time.

Corrective insoles correct the position of the foot relative to the musculoskeletal system. For this they have additional elements: pronators, supinators. pilots and high sides.

On the left is an insole for correcting varus foot. On the right is an insole for planovalgus foot.

Selected to reduce the load on the foot. The goal is to reduce foot pain and increase endurance.

Arch forming products Designed for smooth shaping of the arch of the foot. Mainly used in children's orthopedic insoles for flat feet in children.

This type of insoles supports and relieves arches and improves foot shock absorption. Thanks to this, pain is reduced and the feet become more resilient.

Selection of orthopedic insoles by marking

To avoid confusion when choosing insoles, they are marked according to their purpose.

VP-1. and VP-6. Models for the prevention of foot diseases. The VP-1 insole has an insert for the internal longitudinal arch. A cushion with a recess under the heel. The model is recommended for pregnant women and for people with initial signs of flat feet. For people with long-term, heavy load on the heel.

In the VP-6 insole, in addition to the longitudinal arch, there is also a transverse arch. Used to maintain the anatomically correct shape of the foot. Also with dropped arches.

Orthopedic insoles VP-1 and VP-6.

VP-2. and VP-5. These are already therapeutic insoles. The models are almost identical. Both are used to correct hallux valgus. The VP-2 model has a heel support and an insert for the longitudinal arch. VP-5 has an instep support for the heel and forefoot. These models are also recommended for heel spurs.

Orthopedic insoles VP-2 and VP-5.

VP-3— this model has a tab for the longitudinal arch. Heel support. Pronator under the front. toe part of the foot. Application: hallux valgus, prevention of untwisted foot.

VP-4. The insole has the same liners. as VP-3. Only a hard sticker has been added to hold the thumb in a fixed position. The model is used for hallux valgus deformity.

VP-7. The insole has a pronator along the entire outer edge of the foot and a heel pad. Designed for hallux valgus deformity.

VP-8. The model has a pronator along the outer part of the foot, plus a rigid sticker to fix the big toe in the correct position.

VP-10. This model has a recess under the heel and a tab for the longitudinal arch of the foot. Rarely used. Purpose - to remove corns from wearing the wrong shoes.

Orthopedic insoles are mainly used by people with flat feet. Therefore, only after consultation with an orthopedic doctor can you choose and buy insoles. It is possible to make insoles for individual orders, both for adults and for children. For example, in an orthopedic salon.

For longitudinal flat feet, choose insoles in which the inserts are located along the foot. For transverse flat feet, insoles with pads are chosen. For people with combined flat feet, insoles with pads and arch support are needed.

Therefore, there are models of orthopedic insoles: longitudinal. transverse, combined, half-insoles for high heels, frame and for children.

For frame insoles The base is quite rigid, but it creates reliable support for the leg. This ensures even support for your feet. For the manufacture of these insoles, latex foam is used, as well as genuine leather.

Framed foam insole.

How to choose orthopedic insoles

The use of individual insoles in children's shoes and whether orthopedic insoles for open shoes hold securely.

As we already wrote in the article " The difference between orthopedic shoes and anatomical shoes for children", orthopedic shoes in the strict sense of the word are therapeutic shoes made to order according to a prescription in an orthopedic salon, designed to treat the individual pathology of the feet of a particular patient. The production of such shoes requires time and additional costs, despite the fact that the child’s foot has time to grow significantly, and the season of the year will change.

Fortunately, for the majority of children with mild forms of flatfoot, there is no need to resort to the use of treatment methods that are so costly in terms of finances and time, and there is no need to even look for special preventive shoes (the so-called anatomical shoes or low-complex orthopedic shoes), which, although mass-produced, are much smaller in batches, and still having a significantly higher price. Parents come to the aid of good, correct children's shoes, the design, shape and properties of which allow them to additionally install individual orthopedic insoles, prescribed by a pediatric orthopedic doctor to correct a specific form of children's flat feet. A special convenience of this option is that by purchasing just one set of orthopedic insoles, you can easily rearrange them at any time of the year into any pair of children’s sandals, shoes, boots, shoe, low shoes and even felt boots with hard soles, the cost of which is significantly lower than prescription orthopedic shoes, and the appearance is not sacrificed for medical properties. That is, a child, regardless of whether he uses insoles for club feet, insoles for correcting plano-valgus foot deformity, or simply insoles, does not lose the pleasure of wearing beautiful, comfortable and fashionable shoes.

It would seem that what’s so difficult about putting orthopedic insoles in absolutely any children’s shoes? It's simple. Shoes that do not meet basic standards requirements of orthopedic doctors, neutralizes the entire effect of using orthopedic insoles. And that's the best case scenario. If the foot, placed on a corrective insole, is not held in the correct position, then instead of preventing one disease, the child can easily develop a new one. At the same time, it must be remembered that not only the foot itself suffers from improper functioning of the foot, but also the spinal column, which is forced to be in the wrong position and take on the shock load, which in healthy legs, when walking and running, is taken on by a properly springy foot. We should also not forget about elementary calluses, which cause a lot of inconvenience to an actively moving child.

Simply put, shoes in which the use of custom orthopedic insoles will bring the expected benefits must themselves have a set of certain qualities. The heel must be high and rigid in order to be able to reliably hold the heel, which bears the main load. The sole, in turn, should be rigid where the foot should not bend, and elastic where it is necessary to ensure natural mobility of the joints of the foot. And of course, the correct location and number of fasteners for the correct fit of the shoes on the foot.

We decided to make illustrations for our review using the example of Totto and Dandino open sandals, as well as ORTO-S orthopedic insoles. The choice is not random. Firstly, it is not very clear to demonstrate the installation of orthopedic insoles in boots or felt boots in photographs, due to the closed nature of such shoes. Secondly, if in children's demi-season boots the factory insole-instep support can be removed and absolutely any individual insole can be placed on the resulting flat platform, then sandals, which have the correct high hard heel, Thomas heel and sole with selective elasticity, as a rule, are immediately equipped with a built-in instep support, which cannot be removed and does not allow placing an insole made with a flat base instead.

To avoid misunderstandings, let’s immediately make a reservation that the “Pair of Heels” store sells only good children’s shoes, and orthopedic insoles, including those mentioned in this article, should be purchased as prescribed by a doctor in specialized salons or pharmacies.

As you can see, orthopedic insoles have a recess that allows you to install them either on a flat base or on a sole already equipped with an instep support.

Orthopedic or corrective insoles prescribed by a doctor are simply placed inside children's shoes.

The coincidence of the insole arch support exactly with the factory instep support guarantees strong fastening of the inserted insoles even in open-toe sandals without the use of additional fastening means. As practice shows, in the right shoes, the insoles do not move or fall out even during the most active walk. And they don’t even rub calluses.

Many parents who use inserted orthopedic insoles are faced with the problem of insufficient shoe volume for these purposes. The design of Totto and Dandino children's shoes is designed to allow the installation of an additional individual insole, even for children with full feet and high arches. You will not have to buy shoes 1-2 sizes larger, which is already incorrect for the formation of a child’s foot and uncomfortable for a child to wear every day. The high heel, in turn, ensures not only fixation of the heel, but also placement of the upper strap high enough so that the shoes are comfortably attached to the foot when using insoles, even with a No. 2 CO arch.

What is important is that insoles of this design have exactly the same zones of rigidity and flexibility as high-quality shoes that take into account the structure of the foot. Proper, rigid support for the arch of the foot does not prevent the child from standing on his tiptoes.

The front part of the insole, located under the toes, has a wide, rounded shape with a margin for cutting to fit the toe size of a specific pair of children's shoes.

The material of this part is not just flexible, but soft. And you can trim it with the most ordinary scissors.

For closed shoes, the individual insole is cut to the shape of the factory insole, and for open shoes, along the contour of the decorative edging, beyond which when

In conclusion, it remains to add that modern orthopedic insoles are produced not only in a universal all-season version, but can also immediately have a coating of flannel and natural fur for more convenient use in demi-season and winter shoes.

, (don’t worry, not for long), and we’ll talk about a topic that always arouses keen interest. And above all, not professional, but personal. After all, many of you have children, and many are planning to have them, and some have already faced the issue of choosing children’s shoes, and some will face it.

And the luckiest of all are those who are asking questions right now:

  • What should be the right children's shoes?
  • Why do children develop flat feet, and how to avoid it?
  • Is it true that a baby’s first shoes should be “orthopedic”?
  • Should a child wear shoes at home?
  • What kind of house shoes should a child have?
  • Do children's shoes have to have arch support?

The topic is a pressing one: very often very little ones are prescribed orthopedic shoes, and orthopedic doctors often contradict each other. One diagnoses a 2-year-old child with flat feet and sends him for orthopedic shoes, the other says that your baby is absolutely healthy and advises the mother to drink motherwort and the child to run, jump and enjoy a carefree childhood. One says that children's shoes must have arch support, the other categorically disagrees with this.

As you remember, I am not an orthopedic doctor, so in order to understand this issue, I suggest you, as usual, use logic.

Have you turned it on? Then let's figure it out together.

How is a child's foot formed?

We already talked about what a foot is. If you forgot, read here. Let's see how it develops.

So, the first thing you need to understand is that a child is born with a flat foot. Remember, dear mothers, what your children’s feet looked like when they didn’t even walk under the table.

As you can see, the place that will later become the longitudinal arch is now filled with fat. And it is right. After all, what is a vault? This is a spring that springs when we walk in order to absorb shock loads and not “bomb” the joints of the legs and spine. Why does such a baby need a spring? After all, he doesn't walk yet. Logical?

Let us remember another important point: the arched shape of the arches is supported by the muscles of the lower leg and foot. But the muscles are not yet developed, since our baby does not yet walk, run, or jump. And when he stands on his feet and takes his first steps, the fat pad of his feet will be very useful to him.

  • Firstly, it increases the area of ​​support and increases the stability of our hero, so that he understands that walking, it turns out, is fun! And you will see more, and you will feel more, and you don’t need to call your mother, you can stomp on her. First along the wall, then in short dashes, and now “the bull is walking, swinging.” 🙂
  • Secondly, plantar fat is needed for shock absorption, while there is no full-fledged spring yet.

Such a voluminous fat pad persists in children until the age of 3, and then begins to gradually dissolve. By the age of 5, the longitudinal arch appears, and at the age of 7-10 we already see a foot that is quite similar to an adult. And the complete formation of a person’s foot ends at about 20-21 years old, in girls - 2-3 years earlier. This means that by this age, ossification of all cartilaginous structures of the foot occurs.

But until the baby begins to walk confidently, he will go through a difficult school of balancing act. Once he is on his feet, he rests more on the outer arches of his feet. This is called "foot varus." It occurs in children up to about 1.5 years of age.

As your baby learns to walk, he tries to maintain his balance by spreading his legs wide apart. In maintaining balance, it is precisely the same fat pad that we talked about above, which he begins to rely on, that helps him. It turns out that the feet roll inward. This is called hallux valgus. This is what it looks like:

This condition is usually observed at 2-4 years of age. Further, as the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet strengthens, the shape of the legs is usually leveled: the lower leg, knees and thigh line up in one line. And if normally the angle of valgus deviation of the calcaneus at 3 years is 5-10 °, then by 7 years it is 0-2 °.

So, we draw conclusions:

  1. All children under 5 years old have flat feet.

  2. Valgus placement of feet up to 4-5 years of age is a normal option

Therefore, if your two or three year old child has been diagnosed with flat feet, know that everything is going according to plan and there is nothing to worry about. And there is absolutely no need to run for orthopedic shoes. So what did the doctor prescribe? Are you a mother or what? It’s better to concentrate your attention on strengthening the muscles of your little one’s feet and legs, and you will all be happy: the parents, the baby, and his feet. 🙂

Back to the past

In the 60s of the last century, employees of the Leningrad Institute of Prosthetics named after. Albrecht conducted a study in which about 5,000 children participated. They assessed the “maturation” of the arches of the feet.And look what happened: at 2 years old, flat feet were detected in 97.6% of children, and at 9 years old it remained in only 4% of those observed.Of course, if this study were conducted today, the figures would be more dismal.

I sometimes think: if you remove all computers, gadgets, phones now, what will the children do? What about adults?I wonder if jump ropes are on sale now, or are they already a rarity? Do modern children know the game “dodgeball”? Do they play badminton?

In my childhood I remember myself exclusively with my knees smeared with brilliant green. We didn’t sit at home, especially on the weekend. We were running and jumping all the time, so the diagnosis of “flat feet” was not left in my childhood memory.


How are the muscles of the arches of the feet trained?

Have you ever seen Adam and Eve wearing shoes in paintings? Do you think God felt sorry for them to make some boots? Or did he not have enough imagination for this?

Nothing like this!

It’s just that the foot, in order to be healthy and happy, must work. And for this you need to walk more, barefoot and on an uneven surface, so that the muscles of the foot and lower leg contract, trying to maintain balance on it, train and fulfill their great mission: to maintain the health of our spring. If you walk on a flat, hard surface all the time, and besides, put your foot in shoes, its muscles will weaken, they will no longer hold the arches, and they will begin to flatten.


It is necessary to create conditions for the child so that the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the foot works as much as possible. If possible, let the child, at least at home, walk barefoot.

True, orthopedic doctors disagree on this issue. Some say that children should wear shoes at home, others say that they should run barefoot at home whenever possible.

I am inclined to the second opinion.

  • Firstly, based on my pediatric experience. Children from large families are much less likely to have flat feet. 🙂
  • Secondly, a normal child who has a problem in his butt, he doesn’t just walk around the apartment. He sits on his knees, assembling some kind of pyramid, crawls, plays with a car, dances, squats and does a lot of other movements that help the foot form. But shoes only interfere with this.

If the floor is cold, then put warm socks on your baby. Now they even come with non-slip soles. For those children who are taking their first steps, ordinary thin booties are ideal (if for some reason they do not want to walk barefoot).

  • Thirdly, from my personal experience. Previously, our parents had never even heard of orthopedic shoes, and we walked around the house either in ordinary soft slippers or barefoot. And they were healthier.

What else is needed to train the muscles of the foot?

  1. If funds and space allow, purchase a wall bars and a soft mat nearby in case of a fall. Let the child master it from the age of 2-3 years.
  2. Buy a bicycle and let your child pedal: at home barefoot or in socks, outside in shoes with soft soles.
  3. Buy a massage mat at an orthosalon or at your pharmacy and place it in the place where the child most often runs. Something like this:

  1. There is also an economy one. option: find a piece of fabric in your “bins”, put it on the floor, scatter beads or buttons over it. You can give your baby the task of collecting beads into a box with his toes.
  2. And you can do this:

6. Find foot exercises on the Internet and do them with your child. Remember how the teacher used to say in physical education: “We walk on our toes, now on our heels, on the inside of the foot, on the outside.” And it's a great muscle workout!

Write, comment, share your experience.

By the way, I posted the correct answers to the test on drugs for. See bottom of page.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

The length of the orthopedic devices is the most important parameter. It is imperative to take this indicator into account in order to select the product that is most suitable in size.
To determine the length of orthopedic devices, you should perform the following steps:
  • Measure the length of your foot in centimeters. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and stand on it. Using a ballpoint pen, which should be held vertically, you need to trace the contour of the foot. Next, you can remove your foot from the paper and measure the length of the circled foot in the place where it is maximum. This will be the desired indicator in centimeters.
  • If you intend to use the devices only with socks, and not on bare feet, then it is advisable to measure the contour of the foot while wearing these socks.
  • It is also advisable to measure the length of the “native” insole of the shoe in which orthopedic products are supposed to be used. If the shoe insole is easily removed from the shoe, it should be measured using a ruler or measuring tape along its maximum length. In the case when it is firmly glued to the shoe, its parameters can be determined using a measuring tape or using other devices, but the measurement result may have an error of within one centimeter.

Selecting the insole size on the website

When choosing the right product size on our website, you should consider the following:
  • All orthopedic insoles are presented either by size (for example, sizes 37, 38, 39, etc.) or have a “double” size (for example, 37-38, 39-40, etc.). You need to choose the option that best suits the previously measured foot length, guided by the attached scale. It should also be taken into account that the site presents both orthopedic insoles, which have a gradation in size, and regular ones, which often have one universal size and can be trimmed if necessary.
  • There is no universal size for orthopedic insoles, since the corrective elements of the products are located in a certain way and must stimulate or relieve certain parts of the foot. Regular shoe inserts have more general uses (for example, to protect feet from cold or wet weather), so they often come in one size.
  • Products that have a “double” size can be trimmed if necessary, following the special marks on the insole itself. Typically, the permissible cutting length does not exceed 1 cm. Insoles that have one specific size (for example, 38th) can be shortened only in the toe part and by no more than 5 mm.
  • The size of the insoles is indicated on the website according to the scale familiar to the client: 37, 38, etc. This is very convenient, because every buyer probably knows the parameters of his shoes, which correspond to the size of the insoles for them. For a more thorough selection of the corrective device, it is advisable to measure in centimeters. This is due to the fact that from different manufacturers the length of orthopedic products in centimeters may differ slightly when indicating the same size.

Features of purchasing and using insoles

In the process of selecting suitable corrective products and their subsequent use, we recommend adhering to the following recommendations:
  • Our website has a convenient service - delivery of products of your choice. In addition, only we can return corrective devices that do not fit for any reason within 90 days from the date of purchase.
  • Getting used to orthopedic inserts may not occur immediately, but within 7 days. That is why you should not conclude that the products were chosen incorrectly if at first you feel a little discomfort when using them.
  • If, when placing the device in the shoe, there is a free space of up to 5 mm in the toe part, it will not be felt by the fingers. This feature is considered normal.

Features of choosing half insoles

The size of corrective half-insoles is easy to determine. In this case, you should focus on the following:
  • The length of the half-insoles is only up to the base of the toes, so when selecting them it is quite difficult not to guess the parameters.
  • Orthopedic half-insoles made of ordinary material can be characterized by a dimensional gradation in size or have double sizes.
  • Silicone half-insoles can also differ in size, double or have a universal size. This is due to the fact that half-insoles, unlike full-size devices, are shorter in length; there is no need to carefully adjust them to the contour of a person’s foot and shoe size.
When choosing orthopedic devices, the main thing is to choose the right size and type of product, taking into account existing diseases and the condition of the feet. In this case, the use of corrective insoles will be very comfortable and will only benefit your feet.