Fashion 2013

How to remove belly fat with a towel, reviews of the Japanese method. Japanese weight loss method with a towel Japanese technique with a roller under the navel

When losing weight, it often happens that even when doing large quantity exercises on the abdominal area, fat deposits from the abdomen still do not go away. For many girls and women (and even for some men), a protruding belly is a serious, sometimes insoluble problem. The Japanese method of losing weight with a towel, so popular in Asian countries, will help you easily get rid of those hated extra centimeters at the waist and tighten your stomach.

In Russia, it is just gaining popularity, but many who have lost weight with its help have already appreciated the positive results. This requires a minimal amount of time, effort and financial investment. What is the uniqueness and high effectiveness of the Japanese weight loss product? Let's try to figure it out.

Losing weight with a towel roll

The essence of gymnastics with a towel for weight loss

Peculiarity Japanese weight loss with a towel – an opportunity to “lose weight while lying down.” This technique was developed by an orthopedic doctor from Japan named Fukutsuji. His book, in which he describes the essence and principles of his method of losing weight, has sold millions of copies. He believes that the set excess weight happens for two reasons.

  1. Because our bones are constantly in an unnatural position. This happens because a person has to sit a lot. Because of this, over time, his pelvic and rib bones diverge, which leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdominal cavity.
  2. Displacement of the bones of the skeleton leads to incorrect location internal organs. When the internal organs take over correct position, they will begin to function normally, metabolism will improve, which will prevent the accumulation of excess weight and the development of obesity.

Women who have given birth are especially susceptible to displacement of joints and organs, since pregnancy and childbirth provoke hip dysplasia. If you return the bones to their original position (as Mother Nature gave us at birth), then the waist will become much narrower and your height will even increase by a couple of centimeters.

To achieve this result, the doctor considers it necessary and sufficient to perform just one exercise - lie on a rolled-up towel every day for five minutes, adhering to a certain algorithm of actions.

Rules and procedure for performing exercises according to the Japanese method

Compliance with the simple rules and principles of Dr. Fukutsuji’s gymnastics guarantees stunning results. Despite the fact that the Japanese weight loss system involves performing one single exercise at home. What needs to be done to finally get rid of drooping sides and belly?

Position the towel exactly under the navel

  • Choose the right size terry towel, so that when rolled up in the form of a roll, it is about 10 cm in diameter, and its length corresponds to the width of the back - approximately 40 cm (in no case narrower).
  • Roll the towel into a roll, securing it with tape or rope.
  • Sit on a hard surface, placing a cushion behind your lower back.
  • Next, the person losing weight should slowly lie on his back, making sure that the towel under him is exactly at the level of the navel.
  • Feet should be positioned shoulder-width apart, so that the toes touch each other and the heels are separated at a distance of approximately 20 cm.
  • Place your hands behind your head, straightening them as much as possible, place them on the surface, palms down, and connect your little fingers.
  • You need to lie in this position for at least five minutes, trying to relax your body as much as possible.
  • When finished, you need to carefully roll over onto your side, relax and slowly rise.

Start losing weight by Japanese method with a roller it is necessary gradually. For the first time, one to two minutes of time to complete the exercise will be enough. To begin training with the system, you can twist the roller with a diameter smaller than the recommended one; gradually, as you get used to it, its diameter can be increased to 20 cm.

Since the spine and back muscles will immediately begin to stretch, the appearance of painful sensations cannot be avoided, especially in the first days of using the Japanese technique. If after lying on the cushion and the next day there is no severe discomfort in the spine, you can further increase the time of performing the exercise.

Five minutes a day is the average recommended duration of exercise. If desired and the exercise is well tolerated, the time for performing it can be increased to ten minutes or you can lie down according to the Japanese method twice a day. It should be borne in mind that, despite the apparent simplicity and safety of the Japanese method of losing weight with a towel, it also has contraindications.

It allows you to return the skeleton to its natural position and change the contours of the body

Who should refrain from losing weight using Dr. Fukutsuji's method

The Japanese method of losing weight is not suitable for people with the following diseases:

  • scoliosis grade III;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs or cervical spine;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • injuries (dislocations, fractures of the spine or hip joint).

If you have these diseases, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a health examination. Only a doctor can decide whether it is advisable to apply the principles of Japanese gymnastics specifically for a given person.

Losing weight using a towel roll can lead to exacerbations of bone and joint diseases. During the exercise, it is important to monitor the sensations of your body, when discomfort or severe pain, you should stop gymnastics immediately.

The effectiveness of the Japanese weight loss system with a towel

Judging by the reviews of people who have lost weight using this technique, it really works. Many people manage to get rid of 3 to 5 cm in their waist size immediately after the first lesson. Unfortunately, this result is temporary and is caused precisely by stretching the spine and returning it to its physiologically correct shape. There is no weight loss, which is usually associated with weight loss, but only a decrease in waist size.

To achieve maximum effect from performing gymnastics with a towel, the Japanese doctor advises to adhere to the principles Japanese diet. Its essence is to limit the daily calorie intake to 1200–1400 kcal for women and 1500–1700 kcal for men. The diet includes a variety of tasty and healthy dishes, balanced in composition.

Regular classes using the Japanese method in combination with proper nutrition and an active lifestyle really work wonders. Since the essence of the method is static stretching of the spine, it is successfully used by chiropractors for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. What effect can be achieved by correctly and regularly performing the “lose weight while lying down” exercise with a roller?

  1. Reducing waist size.
  2. Increase in height by 1–2 cm.
  3. Improving blood circulation in the body.
  4. Correction of posture with minor violations.
  5. Promoting health and improving the condition of the body.
  6. Reducing pain in joints, neck and back.
  7. Getting rid of insomnia and improving sleep.

The simplicity and positive influence of Japanese gymnastics on appearance a person and his body deserve to experience its effects. Moreover, this does not require making almost any effort and spending a lot of time. The exercise is performed at home, at any convenient time and does not require special preparation. Doing the exercise in the morning will give you energy for the whole day, and doing it in the evening will help you relax before bed and fall asleep faster. By moving the roller under the lower back to different positions, you can achieve other effects from the exercise if performed regularly:

  • by placing a rolled towel under your breasts, you can significantly tighten and lift them;
  • By moving the roller to the beginning of the ribs, you can achieve an even greater effect of a narrow waist and toned stomach.

The achieved result in losing weight will be individual, since it is significantly influenced by a person’s lifestyle. You should not expect a magical transformation of the figure of a person with a high degree of obesity just from performing one exercise according to the Fukutsuji method. The Japanese method of losing weight on a roller in combination with the principles of proper nutrition - effective remedy fight against overweight and, judging by numerous reviews, very effective way getting rid of fat deposits in the abdomen and waist. Just five minutes a day of exercising with a towel will help everyone in a short time to gain a slim body, significantly improve their well-being and amaze others with a confident appearance and regal posture.

Currently, the Japanese method of correcting posture has become very popular. Correct posture can make a person’s figure beautiful and graceful. Doctors have repeatedly proven that very often health problems in people begin due to incorrect posture.

Features of Dr. Fukutsuji's method

With a constant violation in maintaining the body in a certain correct posture The following problems may occur:

  1. A person begins to get tired quite quickly and severely due to a shift in the center of gravity.
  2. Since the internal organs are constantly compressed under the weight of the entire human body, a malfunction occurs in their functioning.
  3. Incorrect posture, i.e. stooping, when there is an increase in the deflection of the back in the thoracic region, is accompanied by bending the shoulders forward, tilting the head slightly down, and also protruding the abdomen forward.
  4. Subsequently, constant presence of the body in this position will lead to pinched nerve endings, respectively, to osteochondrosis and unbearable pain in the spine.

It should be remembered that a person’s posture begins to develop from early childhood, so you should teach your children to hold their body correctly from an early age. In this state, there should be a raised head and chin, laid back shoulders, a tucked stomach and a flat back without an observable bend in the lumbar spine.

But if your posture is far from perfect, then you need to urgently correct this somehow. And this can be done by performing approximately 20 minutes of simple gymnastic exercises.

The main thing is to remember that the effect will only occur if training is carried out daily.

And here the Japanese method of correcting posture will come to the rescue.

The Japanese Fukutsuji technique is a unique method of posture correction that was developed in the early 2000s. Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. In his honor this technique and got this name. The Fukutsuji method is a system for developing posture that quickly gained popularity in its homeland and has received many positive reviews around the world. Since the exercises are quite simple and understandable to perform, they can be performed by anyone without leaving home.

Besides recovery correct form hypochondrium and hip bones, the technique provokes the production of brown fat. The latter, unlike traditional white, will not be deposited in the body, but will begin to be burned. Calories are consumed, and the energy received is spent on maintaining the required body temperature. This result is caused by the structure of brown fat cells.

How to perform Fukutsuji gymnastics exercises?

Japanese gymnastics begins with simple exercises that help warm up the back muscles to improve blood microcirculation in the body and, accordingly, achieve a better effect when performing basic elements. To do this, bend and then turn the body in different directions.

This method of body correction involves performing basic exercises using a towel roller, the approximate length of which is 40 cm. To do this, you need to make a fairly dense tube out of it, no more than 10 cm thick, which for convenience should be tied with tape, braid or thin rope.

To perform the exercise with a towel roller, it is advisable to use a gymnastic carpet, since the floor is still cold, and this task is performed lying down. The floor carpet is too soft and not suitable for gymnastics, and the mattress and bed cannot be used, since the surface must be quite hard.

  1. The person sits on the carpet, places a cushion under his back and then slowly lies down. In this case, the roller should be placed so that it is located above the umbilical region and fits exactly under the lower back. To check the correct placement of the roller, draw imaginary lines from the navel through the sides strictly vertically down to the towel itself. If the position of the roller is incorrect, it should be corrected before starting the exercises.
  2. Once you get used to this position and lie down for a couple of minutes, you can proceed directly to performing the basic exercises. To do this, a person spreads his straight legs shoulder-width apart (at least 20 cm) and tries to touch each other with the tips of his big toes, his feet pointing toward the floor as if he were clubfooted.
  3. At the same time, the person performs a similar manipulation with his hands: he stretches his arms straight above his head and pulls the little fingers of his hands towards each other, palms facing down. It should feel like your body is stretched out in a straight line. At the same time, the spine will stretch, the shoulders will straighten, and the stomach will retract, thus, the posture will take the correct position. Since the spine is accustomed to being in a bent state, this position will seem very uncomfortable and it will be very difficult to lie down for the required 5 minutes. Therefore, you should gradually begin to perform this exercise, at least 2 minutes at a time, and gradually increase this interval to the required 5 minutes.
  4. After the required time has passed, the first thing you should do is return your arms and legs to their original position, then carefully pull the roller out from under your back. In this position, you can lie down and let your muscles relax for 2-3 minutes.
  5. A little later, you can move the roller to another place to “revitalize” the remaining parts of the spine, in addition to the lumbar, thereby increasing the total training time. After finding the cushion under the lower back, you can move it under the lower ribs and repeat the exercise discussed above. Next, remove the roller and let the spine rest for 2–3 minutes. Then place the roller under the ribs and repeat the entire cycle again. By moving the roller, many parts of the spine are developed, not just the lumbar. At the same time, by placing a cushion under your shoulder blades and ribs, you can improve your chest and waist, making them more pronounced.

A visible effect on posture will occur after just a few sessions.

Indications and contraindications

Let's consider the indications and contraindications when using the Fukutsuji method. IN this exercise there is nothing complicated, nothing Negative consequences In general, it does not harm the body, so it can be easily performed by both older people and young people, and even children.

If the next day after performing exercises to correct posture, pain occurs in the muscles and joints, then you should not be alarmed, because these syndromes indicate that gymnastics works and benefits the entire body.

Despite this, this technique is undesirable in the presence of the following diseases:

  • spinal injuries;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • bleeding;
  • even slight temperature;
  • high blood pressure.

If you have these diseases and symptoms, you should first consult your doctor.

If your doctor allows you to perform this Japanese exercise using a roller and a towel, you can begin training, but their duration must be reduced. If acute pain appears during the task, you should immediately stop performing it and not return to this method, since it still does not suit you.

People who have tried this technique note a positive effect from its use. So most of them note:

  • improvement of well-being;
  • deep sleep;
  • disappearance of pain in the back;
  • restoration of correct posture.

But only a few managed to remove their belly and reduce their waist.

You should not rely only on this technique, since it is still gymnastic exercises rather than medical procedures. Therefore, if you are undergoing any treatment related to the spine, you should under no circumstances stop it. You can only supplement it with gymnastics with the permission of a doctor.

And most importantly, remember that from childhood you need to try to monitor your posture and maintain your body in the correct position.

The Fukutsuji roller is called the “magic towel” because its effect really looks like magic. The technique bears the name of its creator - Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsuji and is designed for those who dream improve the condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system, straighten posture, get beautiful breasts and a thin waist. We decided to figure out what this technique is and what results can be obtained.

Why is the method popular?

The Fukutsuji method is popular, first of all, because it is unlike any other way to quickly lose weight. He does not require strict dietary restrictions, does not involve intense sports activities.

Japanese gymnastics, developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, is rapidly spreading in many countries and helps girls achieve a thin waist. At the same time, the so-called exercise consists of just one static exercise - lying on a towel cushion for the spine for 5 minutes daily.

An exercise with a back roller works the muscles of the sides and abdomen, stretches the spine, corrects the position of the pelvic bone, and launches metabolic processes at the cellular level, resulting in fat deposits are very quickly converted into energy necessary for cells.

The description of such gymnastics for the spine causes skepticism among many, and that is why people begin to test the method. The result is not long in coming: the effect is noticeable almost immediately, so the principle of charging spreads very quickly among acquaintances, girlfriends, and colleagues.

Efficiency, simplicity and safety are what make Japanese exercises for the spine so popular.

Theoretical background

Dr. Fakutsuji's method has a solid theoretical foundation. The doctor spent more than 10 years justifying the effectiveness of the method, conducting numerous studies, which were reflected in the specialist’s monograph. The circulation of 6 million copies spread across Asian countries at lightning speed.

The doctor studied what changes occur in the spine with age and came to the conclusion that divergence of the subcostal and pelvic bones and flattening of the intervertebral discs cause an expansion of the waist and reduction in human height.

Few people wonder why people become shorter as they age. Intervertebral discs, which consist of fibrocartilaginous tissue with gelatinous contents, are subject to significant stress every day. Due to constant mechanical stress when walking and a sedentary lifestyle, they begin to lose moisture and have to shrink. With age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases, so the depreciation of the spinal structures also decreases, causing them to flatten.

The Fukutsuji roller is formed in a certain way and fixed in a certain way in the spine. Regular exercises help restore deformed intervertebral discs, stretch the spine, start the activation process in cartilage tissue, and the spine quickly returns to normal.

What does the exercise do?

Despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics is more common as a method of losing weight, initially it is still aimed at the health of the spine. Slimness, thin waist and lack of sides - this is just very pleasant " by-effect" exercises.

So, what does the technique provide?

  • The correct position of the skeletal bones is formed.
  • Posture becomes smooth and beautiful.
  • The internal organs fall into place.
  • Pain in the spine, back, and lower back disappears.
  • Digestion improves.
  • The position of the ribs and pelvic bones is normalized.
  • The muscular system becomes toned.
  • Muscle spasms and tightness in various parts of the spine are relieved.
  • Visually the chest rises.
  • Breathing is normalized, gas exchange in the lungs improves.
  • Blood circulation in the vertebral arteries improves.
  • The sides disappear, the stomach tightens, and a thin waist appears.

It is important to understand that when performing the exercise belly fat won't go away. By stretching the spine, it only distributed in such a way that the silhouette female body becomes more fit, slender and feminine. We also recommend using it for beauty and slimness.

In addition to visible and tangible effects on the physical level, one cannot help but mention a significant emotional uplift. If a person has to stand all day and subject the spine to a huge load or sit in an uncomfortable position at the computer, this greatly affects the mood, performance and psycho-emotional state. The person becomes irritable, restless, sleeps poorly, and often experiences depression and anxiety.

Making a Fukutsuji roller from a towel, photo

As for the diameter of the roller, it is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the figure and weight. For example, if a person with large dimensions and excess weight makes a roller of too large a diameter, the stretch and deflection will be stronger, and accordingly, the effect will be noticeable faster, but discomfort will also increase after exercise. It’s not worth chasing a quick result in this way - to the detriment of your own health - because sometimes the sensations can be not just unpleasant, but also painful.

The minimum diameter (about 5 cm) in the initial stages of the exercise is shown:

  • Overweight people;
  • People with a low level of physical fitness;
  • People with spinal diseases (curvatures, osteochondrosis).

No one should start exercises immediately with a wide roller to avoid discomfort after charging.

Necessary equipment

In addition to the roller, you will need a gymnastics mat to provide a flat, comfortable surface, and comfortable sportswear.

Clothing plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the exercise. You should not choose restricting, narrow, tight clothes, even despite the absence of intense physical activity. To completely relax, you need to feel freedom and spaciousness throughout your whole body., so women are advised to do the exercises without a bra, wearing a loose T-shirt over their naked body.

It is better to replace sports leggings with loose pants or shorts; you don’t need to wear socks or shoes. Experts who conduct exercises in groups say that while doing the exercise, you need to “relax and melt like ice cream.”

Execution technique

The exercise is performed at home, at any convenient time.


After the first practices, the sensations in your back will be unpleasant - this is normal. If the discomfort is very bothersome, you can reduce the time to 2-3 minutes, and increase it by 10-20 seconds each time. Gradually, you will feel much better both during and after exercise.

There are also several modifications of the exercise. For thin waist the roller needs to be raised a little higher, under the lower edge of the ribs, and lie there for another 5 minutes. To make the breasts look beautiful, the roll is placed clearly under the chest, and the exercise is also performed for 5 minutes.

  • Exercise only in the morning.
  • Try to exercise at the same time so that the body gets used to it and the risk of complications is minimal.
  • Exercise daily, without missing a single workout.

There is also a special program designed for 3 months, which is aimed specifically at for weight loss. Its essence boils down to the following: in the first month it is recommended to perform the exercise with the lumbar position of the roller. The duration of the exercise in the first week is 2 minutes, in the second - 3, in the third - 4, in the fourth - 5.

In the second month, the exercise is performed in the lumbar and subcostal position of the roller. In this case, the duration of the exercise with a roller under the lower back is always 5 minutes, and under the ribs - 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes each week, respectively.

In the third month, the sternal position of the roller is added: in the first week 2 minutes, then adding 1 minute per week. Exercise with a roller under the lower back and under the ribs is always performed for 5 minutes.

So, by the end of the third month, a person already performs all three types of exercise for 5 minutes and achieves significant success in the process of losing weight. If you believe the reviews, during this period 5 cm in the waist disappears, the sagging belly disappears and the posture is completely straightened.

During these three months, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and engage in sports from the permitted list:

  • Swimming;
  • Race walking;
  • Ski walking;
  • Eastern gymnastic practices.

These sports have a positive effect on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. But there are also sports that are not recommended:

  • Boxing, wrestling, martial arts;
  • Football, volleyball, basketball;
  • Tennis;
  • Latin American dances;
  • Skiing;
  • Horseback riding.

If a person visits the gym, you need to ask the trainer what kind of load is placed on the joints.

Safety precautions

Even such a simple exercise requires certain precautions so that a person does not harm himself. Safety regulations include the following:

  1. If a person has ever experienced problems with the spine or has a disease of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia), first consult a doctor.
  2. At the initial stage, you cannot choose a thick roller: it is better to start with a minimum diameter and gradually increase it.
  3. There is no need to strive to perform the exercise for the prescribed 5 minutes if discomfort or pain in the lower back or spine causes severe discomfort. Time is allowed to be reduced and gradually increased.
  4. Do not stand up abruptly after finishing the exercise.

What sensations does a person experience after gymnastics?

Japanese gymnastics evokes different feelings and sensations in different people. Some claim that after the first practice, the waist size decreases by 2-3 cm.

The objective results of the exercise are the following:

  • Breathing normalizes, breaths seem fuller, deeper, as if the volume of the lungs has increased.
  • In a sitting position, it seems that the back has become completely straight and instead of hunching there is a beautiful curve.
  • When moving and walking, the shoulders straighten.
  • Improves sleep
  • The chest is tightened, the waist is reduced.

At the emotional level, a person experiences a feeling of inspiration, high spirits, and a surge of strength and energy.


Since the Fukutsuji technique affects not only appearance, but also health, one cannot fail to take into account contraindications, which include:

  1. History of spinal injuries of any age.
  2. Any internal or external bleeding.
  3. Spinal diseases: spinal column hernia, disc protrusion, scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, myositis, radiculitis, spondylosis, tumors, ankylosing spondylitis.
  4. Joint diseases: coxarthrosis, periarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis.
  5. Osteopathy, chondropathy.
  6. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  7. Fever, any acute respiratory infection.
  8. Hypertension.
  9. Restless legs or arms syndrome (tingling, itching, crawling in the extremities).

Some diseases in some cases can turn from contraindications into indications, therefore the best solution There will be a trip to a neurologist or orthopedist.

Possible complications

If safety rules are neglected or contraindications are not taken into account, various complications may arise, for example:

  • Sharp acute pain in the spine due to compression of the nerve.
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting state.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • Back muscle spasm during or after exercise.
  • Headache.
  • Discomfort in the back and lower back that does not go away within several hours after the exercise.

The presence of these signs is a reason to stop doing gymnastics.

Pros and cons of the technique

The advantages of the Japanese Fukutsuji technique include:

  1. Easy to do.
  2. No physical fitness requirements.
  3. There is no need to buy special equipment and devices.
  4. Short duration (only 5 minutes daily).
  5. Fast and tangible results.
  6. The ability to lose weight without grueling workouts and strict diets.
  7. Improved figure and posture.
  8. Improving the position and, as a result, the functioning of internal organs and the digestive process.
  9. The ability to work out at home without going to the gym or having a trainer.
  10. Relief of back pain and tension.

But the technique also has disadvantages:

  1. Presence of contraindications.
  2. Possible discomfort and pain during or after exercise.
  3. Slow weight loss.

Obviously, there are much more advantages than disadvantages, which is why exercises with a roller for the spine are so popular.

Fukutsuji roller with a pattern, photo

Is it possible to lose weight while lying down and doing nothing? Fitness trainers will smile incredulously, but this method exists. The Japanese method of body shaping is ideal for anyone who wants to get rid of a bulging belly and gain a beautiful waist. And all you need is a towel, or rather, a roller made from it.

Read about how Japanese gymnastics works and who it is recommended for in today’s material. You will also get acquainted with the opinions of doctors about the miracle method, read positive and negative reviews of those losing weight, and master the technique of performing the exercise using videos.

The Japanese Fukutsuji method for weight loss is rapidly gaining popularity. And this is not surprising. Who wouldn’t want to lose weight and get a slimmer silhouette in just 5 minutes a day?! Let's try to figure out what the secret of this method is.

How did the Japanese system come about?

The know-how in the form of a towel roll for weight loss was invented by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. He decided to make every person’s dream come true - to lose weight and do practically nothing for it. Moreover, the doctor promises that in addition to reducing your waist size, you will receive as a bonus a few centimeters in height, excellent posture and lifted breasts. How is the effect of the miracle technique explained and why such impressive reviews? There's really no magic here.

Unlike most nutritionists or fitness trainers, Fukutsuji focused on the human skeleton, not fat tissue. According to the Japanese, most people have a protruding belly not because of excess weight, but because of the discrepancy between the hypochondrium and pelvic bones. That is why this figure defect occurs even in thin women and men. Among Hollywood stars There are also many such people. They bring themselves to the point of anorexia, but their stomach sticks out as before. This may be due to both body type (apple body type) and the discrepancy of the above-mentioned bones. It is by lying in the position proposed by Fukutsuji that you can tighten your abdominal muscles and make your waist thinner.

Why are overweight people more likely to lose weight than those who are thin or slightly overweight? Agree that it is much more difficult for women and men who have shouldered several dozen extra pounds to move. Under the weight of its own weight, the back bends, and there can be no talk of a beautiful gait and posture. Using the exercise, you can stretch the spine and make the abdominal and waist areas visually tighter.

How to correctly use the method for losing weight?

  1. Roll the towel into a tight roll. If you are just starting to practice this method of getting rid of belly fat, it is best to use a small towel. The roller made of it should be at least 5-7 cm and no more than 15 cm in diameter.
  2. Tie the rolled towel with a rope or thick thread.
  3. Lie down on a hard surface (preferably on the floor, you can lay a gymnastic mat).
  4. Place the roller under your lower back (ideally it should be directly under your belly button).
  5. Now you need to straighten your legs and place them shoulder-width apart, bringing your clubfoot together so that thumbs legs touched. The width between the heels should be about 20 cm.
  6. Your hands should be placed behind your head, palms down. Connect the little fingers together. If you can't straighten your arms completely, it's okay. Every day you will do better.
  7. You need to lie in this position for 5 minutes, but at the beginning of training for weight loss, listen to your feelings. Don't try to last the entire 5 minutes. Start gradually and then increase the time you spend in this pose. At the same time, make sure that your fingers and toes are connected.
  8. Try to relax your spine and feel the stretch in your back.
  9. After 5 minutes you can get up from the towel, but you need to do it correctly. Under no circumstances should you climb as usual. While in this position, the bones and joints move, so you need to stand up very carefully after completing the workout. First, turn on your side and lie in this position for a while. And only then rise slowly. It is very important that all your movements are smooth. This will help avoid dizziness, pain in the back and lower back, and arms. Try not to make sudden movements. Reviews from several women suggest that you can even dislocate your shoulder if you try to immediately take a vertical position.
  10. After the procedure with a weight loss roller, it won’t hurt to perform several static exercises (for example, “Chair”) and take several yoga poses (“Cat”, “Downward-facing Dog”).

People with significant excess weight and diseases of the musculoskeletal system should treat the Fukutsuji method with special caution. If you have a spinal hernia, you cannot use this method of losing weight!

Lose weight and grow up. Japanese technique: video

Agree that the technique of performing this static exercise is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We invite you to watch a video about the method of losing weight using the Fukutsuji method. From it you will learn not only how to correctly perform the procedure, but also get acquainted with the opinions of specialists and ordinary people about this know-how in the field of weight loss.

Reviews from doctors

According to some doctors, the Japanese method is really of interest. By regularly stretching the spine using a towel roller, you can visually reduce your belly. Please note, visually, because this figure correction system does not promote weight loss at all.

Other experts are wary of this weight loss system and say that it can even cause harm. Doctors advise that before you start practicing the Japanese method of losing weight, you should consult a specialist. First of all, this applies to people with a diseased spine. It also wouldn’t hurt to visit an orthopedist to be sure that you won’t develop health problems with this exercise.

Some nutritionists consider gymnastics with a towel absolutely useless. They argue that a person gains weight not because of bone discrepancies, but because of metabolic disorders. But massage therapists say that this figure correction method is ideal for straightening the spine, making the silhouette more toned and the waistline defined. And all this thanks to the roller. Or rather, the effect it has. The connective tissue clamps are broken, the bones return to their place, it becomes easier to move, and stooping disappears. Many massage therapists use the Japanese method in their practice and report good results.

Reviews of those losing weight

There are not many reviews on the Internet about the towel roller for weight loss. We have published some of the most interesting ones that will help you decide whether to try the miracle technique for yourself.

I have been practicing this simple exercise for more than two months. I can tell that my stomach is after caesarean section noticeably tightened up. I saw the first results after 2 weeks. I personally recommend gradually increasing the lying time using the Fukutsuji method to 7-10 minutes.
The very next day after this procedure, my back hurt as if I had been beaten. But after a couple of weeks the pain went away, and it seems to me that my posture has improved. The stomach also began to “go away”.
After giving birth, I was completely unhappy with my protruding belly. So I tried a lot of ways to remove it. When I came across Japanese gymnastics with a towel, of course, I didn’t pass it by! However, the first time I couldn’t lie on the cushion for more than 3 minutes. Then I began to increase the procedure time to 8 minutes a day. After 2 months I see good results. Minus 5 cm in the waist, straight posture and lower back pain gone.


I decided to try this method to stretch the spine. At first it was very painful to lie down. My back ached like crazy. But after a while the pain went away. I don't see that I have become taller, but it seems to me that my breasts have risen and become more beautiful line waist. By the way, I additionally used a roller specifically for the chest.
After getting married, my belly started to get bigger. About a month ago I tried to practice the Japanese method with my wife. After all, losing weight using a towel roller is very interesting. After three weeks, I noticed that my stomach had really tightened up and no longer stuck out in my clothes. Of course, this procedure does not help you lose weight, but it stretches the spine and makes the abs look flatter. Yes, and this exercise is good for the back.


Fukutsuji's method attracted me due to its apparent simplicity. The reviews from those losing weight were promising, so I decided to try to lose weight without doing anything, placing a cushion under my lower back. But in reality, these 5 minutes last forever. Initially, I wanted to improve my posture and narrow my waist, so after studying reviews on various sites, I took action. After a month of torment, I stopped lying on the towel roll. This is terribly inconvenient and ineffective. The waist remained 70 cm, and my posture did not improve.
When I first started doing this exercise, my lower back was very sore and my arms couldn’t straighten. After several procedures I also got a headache. But I persistently continued my studies. After 1-2 months, the discomfort in the lower back stopped, the headaches went away. I can lie down now as long as I want. With the help of this system, my stomach tightened up very well and my back became much straighter.
After several weeks of “lying” on the cushion, my osteochondrosis became so worse that one day I simply could not get out of bed. Then I rubbed myself and gave injections for 2 weeks to make the pain go away. Perhaps the reason is that I initially had problems with my lower back, but I would recommend not to risk it.
I lay with a towel for a week, but realized that it was all just self-hypnosis. Losing weight without sports and proper nutrition, in my opinion, is impossible! But it really helps me.

Of course, it would be great to lose 10 kg a month without doing anything and just lying on a towel. But fortunately (or unfortunately) this is impossible. Of course, the procedure with a roller deserves attention. It can help visually make your waist thinner, but only externally. The Japanese method does not burn fat. We recommend using the Fukutsuji method in combination with proper nutrition and active sports training. And then you will truly become the owner good body and graceful gait.

The towel will tighten your stomach

From this video you will learn how to properly lie with a towel under your lower back. You will also see the results real people who did the exercise for one month. The trainer repeatedly emphasizes that lying in a stretching position according to the Fukutsuji method does not contribute to the loss of extra pounds. Reducing abdominal volume can be achieved by improving posture.

Hello friends! Are you wondering how to lose weight without dieting or exercising? Imagine: you can remove your belly with a towel - the reviews are stunning! Let's figure it out together.

The Japanese are always inventing something unique. It's theirs distinguishing feature. When it comes to beauty and health, they come up with either new massage techniques or unusual diets.

One Japanese doctor, Fukutsuji, came up with a way to heal the body using a dense roller. This item is placed under the lower back while lying on your back. This improves the condition of the spine.

For a long time, this method was used to stretch and strengthen the spine. Until it turned out experimentally that in addition to straightened posture, extra centimeters in the waist gradually decrease

Reviews of the towel roll method

After looking at the reviews on this Japanese method, I decided to take a closer look. Read for yourself.

Ksyusha Boltusha : Belly fat never goes away. The spine simply stretches. That's why the stomach goes away. If you lose centimeters at the waist, it is because the organs are in the correct position and the body is working normally.

Julia : I lay down yesterday. I did not observe any painful sensations. I got up easily. I watched the video very carefully and followed the instructions. So far nothing has changed.

Anna : I'll tell you about myself. My uncle, who had been practicing professional karate all his life and often traveled to Japan, told me about this exercise (and this is precisely an exercise, not a diet). It was the old sensei who told him that this exercise helps to remove problems with the spine and strengthen the abdominal muscle. I don’t know the details of how exactly, I’m not a doctor. Yes, I did this exercise - it helps a lot when my back is tired. For the abs - the stomach immediately retracts. If you do it regularly, I think it helps a lot.

Helga : I lay there for 5 minutes, minus 2 cm. The effect did not last long - the same centimeters very soon appeared at the waist again. As I understand it, it needs to be done for a month exactly?

Cutie : I started training recently and already have results. There is nothing to say about losing weight, but the back pain has gone away. There is only one minus, which makes it very difficult to continue: the feeling of nausea. Who tried this method, tell me, did you have such sensations?

Diana : I proved to myself that it is impossible to lose weight from this. I do this sometimes as a stretch.

Lydia : I suffered from lower back pain. They were caused by a nerve that was somehow pinched in the lower back. I found out about the towel method and decided to try it. I didn’t keep track of whether the centimeters were going away or not, but it helped my back a lot, really, really. And then suddenly I noticed that my stomach was somehow shrinking, cramping, it felt like it was squeezing and nausea appeared. I immediately stopped lying on the cushion. It seems to me that my stomach has shifted somewhere. Who had this? How can there be no place to put it?

How it works

A sedentary lifestyle disrupts your posture. Our spine is often bent for long periods of time during the day while sitting at a desk. The situation is aggravated by hunched shoulders. This is a big load on the back. Thus, on bottom part The spine is constantly pressed by the diaphragm. This causes the abdominal organs to be compressed and take incorrect position. The organs are starting to really stick out.

Therefore, the problem of a bulging, saggy belly can affect even thin people. They noticed that no matter how thin you are, no matter how zealously you pump your abs, the hated tummy is still in its place.

Thanks to the Japanese method, the organs gradually take the desired position and begin to work correctly. This method normalizes body functions, metabolism improves. This is what causes weight loss

What results to expect

To see the fruits of your efforts (if resting while lying on your back can be called effort), 1 month must pass. That is, perform 1 exercise every day for 30 days and evaluate the result. During this time you can observe the following effect:

  • relaxation of back muscles;
  • stretching the spine (the spaces between the vertebrae increase and you gain height);
  • posture straightens;
  • the functioning of internal organs improves;
  • reduction of waist up to 10 cm.

It is better to do this exercise in the evening. When, after sedentary work, our spine decreases by a couple of centimeters due to gravity. The discs compress and press on each other.

How to do the exercise

This method only seems simple. It is very important to place the towel roll under your back correctly. I'll start telling you step by step. How in step by step instructions so that you do everything right. To better understand the exercise, let’s first turn to the original source - a video of the Japanese technique:

And instructions in Russian:

  1. Take a large bath towel about 150 cm in size. Roll it into a very tight roll. Tie the roller with a rope or strong thread so tightly that this structure does not unravel. The roller should be 40 cm long, 10-15 cm in diameter. If you have enough heavy weight, then the length and diameter of the roller should be larger.
  2. You need to sit on a hard surface, preferably the floor. Pre-lay a gymnastics mat under yourself. The bed definitely won’t fit – you won’t see any effect from the exercise. The surface must be smooth and hard.
  3. In a sitting position, place the roller directly behind the buttocks, press it and hold it with your hands. Bend your knees, feet pressed firmly to the floor.
  4. Slowly we lower ourselves onto our backs. Hold the roller with your hands. Lie down smoothly on the mat. The most important thing is that the roller should be located under the lower back, clearly below the navel. Check that the rolled towel is positioned correctly. Those. the center of your roller should project to the center of your navel.
  5. Next, carefully straighten your legs. We connect the big toes together. And place your heels as far as possible to the side. This “clubfooted pose” will be the position of your feet in the exercise. To completely relax and not be distracted by holding your legs in this position, you can fix them with an elastic band. Or cross one thumb hold others.

  1. Next, we place our straightened arms behind our heads. Turn your palms backside down. In this position of the hands, we connect our little fingers and place our palms on the floor. We stay in this position for 5 minutes.

That's it, you have taken the right position. The pose is quite difficult. If it’s hard to reach the floor with your hands, don’t worry and do as best you can. Gradually you will be able to complete the exercise to the end. The main thing is that your fingers and toes touch at all times.

Don't tense up. In this position, it is important to relax and feel your body.

There is also a very good Russian-language video. After watching it, the last remaining questions you may have may become clearer :)

Great? There is one caveat: if everything is done correctly, the spine will begin to align. And this process is not painless. If it is very difficult for you to endure 5 minutes, then hold out for 1 minute first. Next time it will be 2 minutes. And so you will eventually reach 5 minutes.

What does the sports medicine doctor at the Scientific Medical Center, Ph.D., say about this method? Victor Koss: " This method is very close to therapeutic medicine, it is very important to consult your doctor before using it. Otherwise, on the contrary, you can harm the body. ».

We found out that using a towel roller can improve the health of your spine and tighten your stomach. This method is therapeutic, therefore there are contraindications and a number of precautions.

  • Spinal injuries, exacerbation chronic diseases(any kind, not just the back), herniated discs.
  • You need to lie down and get up slowly and smoothly. If you cannot sit on the floor when exiting the exercise, roll to your side and lift yourself up with your arms.
  • If you have difficulty performing the exercise, reduce the size of the roller. Gradually the size of the towel can be increased.
  • Do not lie on a rolled towel for more than 5 minutes. This can harm your lower back.

But this exercise alone is not enough! Yes, by doing it, we thus stretch the spinal column. And the bolster is necessary so that the lower back is fixed and there is no excessive load on it. Only the abdominal and back muscles will not become stronger. Extra centimeters and back problems will most likely return, once completed, complete the course of exercises. Therefore, we begin to include training.

And this exercise is really effective in stretching and relaxing the back muscles. If you sit for a long time at work and move little, physical inactivity occurs. It's good to come home from work and do this exercise to stretch your back. After it, your spine will tell you “thank you.” Just feel your body and listen to how it responds to this exercise.

If you liked the information and found it useful, don't forget to blog. I am looking for everything new and effective for beauty and health! There will be many more interesting and informative articles. Be healthy and see you again!