
How to make cucumber face lotion at home? How to make cucumber lotion at home: recipe, composition and reviews - benefits and harms Homemade cucumber lotion and glycerin

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Several decades ago, women did not have such a range of skin care products: they were replaced by natural products. Sour cream nourished, oatmeal cleansed, and cucumber toned and eliminated acne. Homemade tonic, created on the basis of this vegetable crop, is effective and can compete with most factory-made bottles. How to cook it?

How to make cucumber lotion at home

The benefits of this vegetable crop in relation to cosmetology were discovered 4 centuries ago. In order to eliminate skin damage at home, they used ground pulp, and in the fight for a beautiful face they made masks, tinctures with alcohol or water. Cucumber mixtures and lotions helped:

  • cleanse;
  • tonify;
  • bleach;
  • relieve inflammation.

The positive qualities of cucumber appeared on any skin type: this vegetable turned out to be absolutely universal and worked equally well with oily and dry skin. It is also considered beneficial for aging skin. An effective cucumber face lotion at home can be:

  • light refreshing water;
  • alcohol product for cleansing;
  • bleaching agent;
  • squeezed cucumber juice - fresh or frozen.

Cucumber water for skin toning

The classic recipe for tonic without alcohol is a simple tincture of young, unripe cucumbers, which is especially in demand in the summer. It can replace pharmaceutical terminal water. Preparation takes a week, but direct action on your part takes 5-10 minutes of free time. The technology for working at home is as follows:

  1. Coarsely chop the washed and peeled cucumbers, run through a blender or grate (small side).
  2. Place the cucumber pulp in a deep glass container, add cold boiled water. The approximate ratio is one glass for each medium-sized cucumber (130-150 g).
  3. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator for a week, covered with film. Afterwards, strain it through cheesecloth and use the liquid for its intended purpose. The pulp can be put on the mask.
  4. For ease of use, cucumber water should be poured into any container that has a fine spray.

Cucumber juice for face every day

In this form, the product is recommended to be used to maintain youthful skin, its elasticity, and freshness. Doctors advise additionally drinking half a glass of pure cucumber juice orally every morning to enhance the effect. The use of such a product for eliminating freckles at home and reducing the brightness of age spots is considered particularly effective. It can only be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

There are several proven combinations:

  • Cucumber juice, frozen in cubes. Wipe your face in the morning after peeling or simply washing.
  • Fresh cucumber juice, whipped with heavy cream (1:1 mixture), is applied as a mask. Keep it for half an hour.
  • Juice added to any day cream (ratio 1:2 or 1:3).

Tonic for improving complexion

Experts advise using this product even for girls with healthy, young skin as a preventive measure. Cucumber tonic locks moisture in cells, affects connective tissues, moisturizes, nourishes, and eliminates flaking. The composition depends on the type of skin for which it is intended:

  • If you are hypersensitive, it is recommended to mix cucumber juice and clean water in half. Store for several days, then prepare a fresh portion.
  • For dry skin, cucumber face lotion can be made at home using mineral water. Just grate a peeled cucumber, pour in mineral water, and simmer for half an hour without boiling. Strain, cool and store refrigerated.
  • For oily skin, you can make a tonic according to the previous recipe, but cook for only 3-4 minutes and then pour in the juice of half a lemon.

Homemade cucumber lotion for acne

The recipes listed in this block are suitable not only for those who are looking for an opportunity to get rid of inflammation on the face (pimples, blackheads, etc.) as safely as possible. Cucumber tonics help remove blackheads, smooth out fine wrinkles, and regulate sebum production by the sebaceous glands. Choose a recipe for cucumber face lotion at home, which should suit your skin type, and try to prepare your own beauty elixir.

For dry skin

If, in addition to a general lack of moisture, you experience peeling, frequent irritation, and a feeling of tightness, try these options for cucumber lotion:

  • Pour half a glass of strong green tea over the chopped cucumber and wrap the bowl in a towel to keep it warm. Leave for an hour.
  • Boil a glass of fresh milk, add 3 tbsp. l. cucumber mass, remove from heat. Infuse and use as directed.

Cucumber lotion recipe for normal and combination skin

Given these data, the components of a homemade cleanser can be anything: experts allow the use of recipes for both oily and dry skin. Or consider the following options:

  • Chop a bunch of parsley, add 4 tbsp. l. grated cucumber pulp, pour 2 glasses of water. Wait half an hour, strain.
  • A universal lotion for any skin type - mix cucumber juice (from 1 vegetable) with a spoon of grated aloe and half a glass of cold water.

Cucumber juice toner for oily skin

If the sebaceous glands are too active, it is recommended to make lotions with vodka or alcohol, or add tea tree essential oil to the water mixture. Best combinations:

  • Take half a glass of cucumber pulp (grated), pour in vodka (a similar amount). Leave for 2 weeks, then dilute with a glass of cold water and use to cleanse your face.
  • Combine a tablespoon of lemon zest with half a glass of cucumber pulp. Pour in 250 ml of vodka/alcohol. After a week, strain.

How to use face lotion

The recipes listed above allow the finished product to be used daily, but alcohol tinctures are an exception. The main condition for them: use every other day (for those with oily skin) or every 3-4 days (for normal skin). You can moisturize your face with water in the morning and evening. The general conditions are as follows:

  • Cucumber tonic is used after cleansing, since it does not contain components that remove fat and dirt.
  • Lotions will not help get rid of acne caused by hormonal fluctuations - treatment must begin from the inside.
  • Every other day, make a fresh portion (if the lotion is alcohol-free).

Hello dear readers. Today's article is about homemade cucumber lotion.

Of course, you don’t have to bother and make this product at home, but buy it ready-made in the store, but homemade cucumber lotion is so healthy because it has many useful vitamins and minerals that it cannot compare with store-bought products. Often in stores they sell an unnatural product that contains chemicals and is not at all healthy.

I really love using lotions because for me they best cleanse the skin of impurities (especially alcohol ones). Milk, soap or other makeup removers cannot penetrate the cells so deeply and cleanse the face.

Chemical composition

Cucumber face lotion is an incredibly effective facial care product. Thanks to the rich chemical composition of cucumber, you will not only cleanse your skin, but also nourish it with beneficial vitamins, minerals and other substances, namely:

1. Vitamins:

  • thiamine (vitamin B1)
  • riboflavin (vit. B2)
  • choline (B4)
  • pantothenic acid (B5)
  • pyridoxine (B6)
  • folic acid (vitamin B9)
  • retinol (vitamin A)
  • tocopherol (Vit E)
  • ascorbic acid (vit. C)
  • biotin (H)
  • nicotinic acid (PP)
  • vitamin K
  • beta carotene

2. Minerals (macro- and microelements):

  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
  • sodium
  • aluminum
  • chlorine
  • iron
  • manganese
  • copper
  • cobalt
  • selenium
  • zinc
  • fluorine
  • chromium

3. Other useful elements:

  • starch
  • sucrose
  • glucose
  • fructose
  • arginine
  • phenylalanine and many other substances

It also contains 95% water.

Cucumber lotion whitens the face from freckles, gets rid of small pimples, blackheads, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, tones, gives a healthy complexion, slows down aging, and eliminates excessive oily sheen.

Benefits for the face

  • penetrates deep into cells
  • cleanses pores
  • moisturizes and tones the face
  • nourishes with nutrients
  • whitens freckles
  • lightens pigment spots
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • makes the face elastic
  • rejuvenates
  • moisturizes, nourishes, tones dry skin
  • gives a healthy complexion
  • removes oily shine
  • stabilizes increased sebum secretion

Indications for use

The lotion, with regular use, can cope with the following skin problems:

  • oily skin
  • dry
  • fading
  • problematic
  • freckles, pigmentation
  • unhealthy complexion


Lotions are made from cucumber and are generally often used in cosmetology because it is considered one of the safest vegetables used in facial care. Contraindications include individual intolerance. Make sure you are not intolerant to cucumbers. To do this, take either a slice of this vegetable or lotion and wipe your wrist with it. Wait half an hour. If you do not experience irritation, itching, or redness, then you can use the product.

If you have wounds or scratches on your face, then you should not use an alcohol-based tonic.

  1. Choose fresh, beautiful cucumbers, without any yellow or dark spots.
  2. First you need to rinse them well and be sure to remove the skin.
  3. To prepare the lotion, cucumbers are grated.
  4. For oily skin, it is best to use alcohol toners.
  5. Before use, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics.
  6. Apply the product along the massage lines using a cotton sponge.
  7. Apply 2 times a day (morning and evening).
  8. You can store alcohol tonic for no more than 2 weeks, the rest (non-alcoholic) - only 3 days.
  9. Use it for at least 1 month to achieve good results.

The best recipes for the face

Alcohol lotion is a universal remedy. It is used not only for oily skin to get rid of oily shine, but also to relieve inflammation, cure pimples, blackheads, and cleanse pores.

For oily skin

  1. Take 1-2 cucumbers. Grate it, put it in a jar, fill it with vodka or alcohol (if you use alcohol, then it needs to be diluted with water 1:1). Cover with a lid and leave for 2 weeks. Next, strain the tonic and store in the refrigerator.
  2. Chop the cucumber. Take it 4 table. spoons and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon chopped lemon zest and 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka. Let the mixture sit for 2 weeks. Next, you need to strain the tonic, add 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of honey and a little mineral water without gas.
  3. Mix cucumber juice and sour milk in equal proportions. Wipe your face with the solution twice a day.

For dry

  1. Mix cucumber juice from 1 cucumber and mix with 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply to face morning and evening.
  2. Grate 1 cucumber, put it in a jar and pour a glass of milk. Wait 30 minutes for it to brew, strain and store in the refrigerator.
  3. Brew green tea (pour 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water), cool the tea. Mix cucumber juice with tea and use tonic 2 times (morning and evening).

Whitening mask

  1. Grate 3 cucumbers and finely chop 1 lemon. Next, you need to transfer it to a jar and fill it with vodka. The tonic should be infused for 3 weeks. After this, you need to strain and add 2 teaspoons. spoons of honey. Store in the refrigerator.
  2. Mix milk, lemon juice and cucumber juice a teaspoon at a time. Apply the lotion on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.

For problematic anti-acne

Cut the cucumber into slices and add apple cider vinegar. Let it brew for 7 days, after which you need to wipe your face with slices. After 10-15 minutes, wash your face.

Ice cubes

Prepare cucumber juice, pour into molds, and place in the freezer. Wipe your face with an ice cube every morning. Ice tightens pores, tones and whitens the skin.

Best regards, Irina Pelekh!

In the midst of summer harvesting of vegetables and fruits, it is imperative to think about how to use the gifts of nature to take care of yourself all year round. And take care to preserve them for the winter. For example, make cucumber lotion at home. An excellent helper for acne, a whitening product, and is suitable for both oily and dry skin. For particularly sensitive skin, you can make the product without alcohol; it will provide gentle care, provide youth and a delightful appearance.

Of course, you can reasonably ask me: “Why? Isn’t it easier to buy in a store - it’s inexpensive, and you don’t need to bother.” I answer: it’s worth it, and how! What is being sold is... not a lotion at all, in my opinion, just a hint of cucumber tonic and a beautiful label to boot. Lightly colored water with added alcohol and cucumber flavoring. There is no benefit from such a product, but it can easily cause harm.

Homemade cucumber lotion

Let's talk in more detail about what a homemade homemade elixir will provide.

And really, why not carrot, for example, and tomato? Cucumber is perhaps the only vegetable that does not cause allergies. It is used for almost all diseases; in addition, lotion is the easiest to prepare and safest remedy. So, what will you get if you start constantly using cucumber in your face care:

  • Wonderful and natural skin whitening. Helps with pigmentation, removes small spots completely with regular use. For those with freckles, the lotion will perfectly help whiten them and make them less noticeable.
  • Acne, small pimples, and pustular rashes will go away because the product perfectly cleanses the skin. Helps cleanse pores and get rid of sebaceous plugs and...
  • It will soften, tones, gently moisturize and nourish with beneficial substances that can improve the structure of the skin, relieve fatigue and give a healthy appearance.

Making lotion with your own hands is quite simple; it is only important to maintain the proportions according to the recipe in order to obtain a high-quality product suitable for skin care. If certain rules are not followed, instead of a miracle elixir you may end up with a cloudy and dangerous liquid.

Proportions are the first condition, but the second, in my opinion, is much more important. Cucumbers must be grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without the slightest addition of various chemicals and growth stimulants.

It’s clear that any are suitable for cooking, but where is the guarantee that they are of the proper quality? Fertilizers and other additives that are used in the industrial cultivation of cucumbers tend to accumulate in the cucumber pulp. And then go into a tincture prepared in any way, with or without alcohol.

Using lotion, you can get unexpected results. And it’s good if the result of the explosive mixture does not affect the appearance. Skin rashes, peeling, dryness are not the worst. If you are allergic to nitrates, the most catastrophic consequences are possible.

Cucumber lotion with alcohol

I offer a simple recipe for making a classic cucumber lotion. Tested by more than one generation of women, the product has a truly universal effect. It will help treat acne, including. It will get rid of fine wrinkles, tidy up oily skin, and gently whiten it. It is also advisable to use it for dry skin, but in this case it is better to make lotion according to the more gentle recipe proposed below.

How to make cucumber lotion at home:

You will need:

  • Cucumbers – 3–4 pcs. medium size.
  • Alcohol, vodka of good quality.

I gave the amount of cucumbers in a half liter jar, it is more convenient to infuse the product in it.

  1. Grate the cucumbers directly with the peel, put the mixture in a jar and fill it with vodka (alcohol) to the very top. Take alcohol and first dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. I think there is no need to remind you that the quality of water must be taken seriously, at a minimum - boil it.
  2. Find the brightest and sunniest place in the apartment, usually a window sill, close the jar tightly with a nylon lid and let it brew for two weeks.
  3. Strain and pour into a bottle for permanent storage. All you have to do is put the bottle in the refrigerator and take out the lotion as needed. And the need comes twice a day. Treat your skin in the morning by wiping with a pad soaked in a small amount of product. And don’t forget in the evening - beautiful color, healthy and youthful skin is guaranteed.

Cucumber lotion for dry skin

For dehydrated skin, make cucumber tonic with alcohol yourself in the same way as the classic version. But high-quality, pure alcohol must be diluted with plenty of water, preparing a more gentle version of the lotion. For example, for 100 ml. take 150 ml of alcohol. water. Calculate the quantity for the container yourself.

Sometimes a small amount of glycerin purchased at the pharmacy is added to the lotion. For 100 ml. pour 5 ml of vodka.

Skin Whitening Lotion

In addition to the whitening effect, the elixir helps to cope with acne and small pimples, plus it perfectly nourishes the skin. You will achieve a better effect by adding a little lemon juice to the cosmetic product, and I offer a recipe for it.


  • Cucumber – 3 pcs.
  • Small lemon – 1 pc.
  1. Grind the lemon and cucumber in a blender, put it in a jar and fill it with vodka to the very top.
  2. Let the resulting mixture brew for 3 weeks, then filter and add 100 ml. camphor alcohol and 2 teaspoons of honey.
  3. Let the product stand for another day and start using it. One condition: the tonic must be stored in the dark and cool.

Lotion for aging skin

In adulthood, facial care is special, and requires not only deep hydration and nutrition, but also a tonic effect. These properties are found in a lotion with a beer additive, which is suitable for owners of any skin type.


  • Cucumbers – 2–3 pcs.
  • Beer – 1 bottle.
  • Hercules - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the cucumber, pour the resulting mass with beer and add rolled oats.
  2. Stir and let stand for a day. The elixir is stored in a cool place.

Homemade cucumber lotion without alcohol

Dry skin types sometimes require more careful care and careful attention. Adding an alcohol base often makes the skin more dry. In addition, for some reason, many people cannot use alcohol tinctures. In this case, there are other cooking recipes. I have two of them: milk and green tea.

Recipe No. 1. Cucumber milk lotion for dry and sensitive skin. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, which is incredibly important for this problem. It must be used twice a day. Start your day with skin care and end with cucumber elixir on your face. The only drawback of the product is that the lotion cannot be stored for a long time.

  • Cucumber – 1 pc. medium size.
  • Milk – 1 glass.

How to make cucumber remedy without alcohol:

  1. Grate the cucumber, put it in a jar and then fill it with warm milk.
  2. Let it sit for half an hour and then strain. Pour into a bottle and place in a cool place.

Recipe No. 2. Homemade cucumber tonic with green tea.

Perfect for any skin type. Tea is useful on its own; in a lotion it works great in tandem with cucumber. It will help cleanse the skin and get rid of small pustules and pimples, but does not dry out the skin like alcohol. Effectively tones the skin and improves its color.


  • Medium sized cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Green tea – 1 glass.

Follow this recipe:

  1. Grate the cucumber. Brew steep tea, I take 2 teaspoons per glass. Cover and leave to steep until the drink has cooled.
  2. Then strain, pour and use as needed. The need must occur in the morning and before bed, otherwise you will not achieve the desired effect.
As a bonus, I want to offer a wonderful option for effective daily washing - ice cubes, their effect is not inferior to tonic. It is advisable to make them now, before the cucumber season is over. I wrote about the benefits and proper use, be sure to read it.

Making them couldn’t be easier: squeeze the juice out of the cucumber, pour into molds and freeze. The face will have a fresh, healthy color and the oily sheen will disappear.

Despite the fairly large number of different products that can easily be purchased for too little money, I make my own homemade cucumber lotion. And I'm sure my skin will benefit much more. Be beautiful and healthy, and let your appearance bring only joy! With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Cucumber lotion is An excellent cleansing and whitening product skin.

This product can be easily purchased at any cosmetic store, but most often this lotion does not contain cucumber juice.

The composition includes only special flavoring.

The buyer pays for packaging and a beautiful label, but the contents leave much to be desired, are not useful and may harm the skin faces.

About 20-30 years ago, almost every woman had such a remedy, prepared at home.

Recipes for different skin types

How to make cucumber face lotion at home?


Ingredients– 2 medium cucumbers, 200 ml of high-quality vodka, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

How to cook? Cut the cucumbers into very thin pieces and place in a glass jar.

Pour vodka, add a spoonful of liquid honey. Place in the sun for approx. for 2 week.

After this time, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to the resulting product and mix well.

This prepared lotion should only be stored in the refrigerator.


Ingredients– 1 cucumber, 50 ml vodka, 100 ml water, 1 teaspoon.


  1. Grate the cucumber with the skin on a fine grater.
  2. Place the cucumber mixture in a small jar, add glycerin and vodka.
  3. Insist about two weeks When this time has elapsed, add boiled water and leave the lotion in a dark, cool place for another 2-3 hours.


Ingredients– 2 cucumbers, 300 ml milk, lemon juice.

Chop the cucumbers, squeeze out the juice and mix it with milk at room temperature.

Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Infuse in the refrigerator about 2 hours.

Mix the resulting mass with cucumber juice, leave the lotion on the windowsill for another hour, then put the product in the refrigerator.


Ingredients– 3 small cucumbers, a tablespoon of honey, a glass of boiling water, dill, parsley.

  1. Chop the dill and parsley leaves and pour boiling water over them.
  2. After half an hour, add cucumbers cut into small pieces and a spoonful of honey.
  3. Leave the lotion for about an hour in a cool, dark place.

With whitening effect

Ingredients– 3 medium cucumbers, a glass of dry white wine.

Peel the cucumbers and grind them in a meat grinder. Mix the crushed peel with finely chopped parsley, pour in wine. Infuse lotion about 10-15 days.

Helps lighten age spots and freckles on the face, slightly whitens the skin.

Method and frequency of use

For all the products described above, prepared at home, there is one method of use.

On pre- cleansed skin, using a cotton pad, apply a small amount of lotion.

Leave the product on the skin for half an hour for oily or combination skin, 15-20 minutes for normal skin or 10 minutes for dry skin.

Rinse off the lotion with water and apply moisturizer. On dry skin it is also necessary to apply a nourishing cream.

Those with oily or combination skin are advised to wipe their face with homemade cucumber lotion. 2 times a day.

For normal skin, it is best to use the product 4-5 times a week. But those with dry skin should be careful and use this lotion 1 per day, no more than 2 times a week.


You can use cucumber lotion both teenagers and adult girls, as well as older women.


Girls and women who used cucumber lotion prepared at home noted that in 3-4 weeks the skin became smoother and more even, the oily sheen disappeared, the number of blackheads and sebaceous plugs in the T-zone of the face decreased.

Those with dry skin noticed changes already after the second week of use facilities. They noted that the facial skin began to peel less, became smoother and fresher.

How to store?

After preparation, any cucumber lotion must be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. The product can be used within a month. Lotion containing milk good for 3-4 days.

Such a simple but quite effective remedy as cucumber lotion can perfectly replace such expensive cosmetics as alcohol lotions and tonics.

The presence of natural ingredients and the absence of artificial components makes the product environmentally friendly and safe.

Recipe for cucumber makeup remover lotion in this video: