
How to make a New Year's fairy tale with your own hands? How to arrange a New Year's fairy tale for your child How to make the New Year fabulous

New Year through the eyes of a child is a holiday that looks like a real fairy tale. Its embodiment is in our hands!

Using my family as an example, I will tell you how you can create a New Year's atmosphere. Typically, children receive the most gifts twice a year: on their birthday and under the Christmas tree. If in the first case they order them for dad and mom, and everything is simple, then in the second case difficulties begin to arise. Sometimes they are secretly sent in letters to Santa Claus or even simply wished for in a whisper while lying in the dark.

How can parents find out their children’s secret desires, and even turn it all into a wonderful fairy tale?

Around the end of November (to give time to make all children's dreams come true), I have the children write letters to Santa Claus. Of course, at the same time, you need to inspire the child, develop his interest and imagination! Let these be festive, unusual letters, colorful, figuratively cut with scissors, such as to surprise Grandfather Frost! And then these miracle letters must be sent by putting... in the freezer! At night they miraculously disappear, moving into their parents' closets.

So what's next?

Have you found out what your child wants, and that’s it, have you started shopping? But no! It is necessary to write an answer to the child.

I print out a sheet with New Year's pictures around the edges and write in handwriting with beautiful curls that I received a letter, they say, wait for me on New Year's Eve with gifts. And then I decorate the sheet with glitter with a brush, and add some confetti to the envelope. And, of course, I seal it in a real envelope and put it in the mailbox, arranging it so that we open it in front of the children, so that they can see that everything is for real! You can’t imagine what a sensation these letters created! There was so much happiness, squealing and joy! These moments alone are worth living for!

New Year's decorations created together with your child will make it unforgettable and add a festive mood. Here are some ideas:

Christmas tree toys (Christmas tree decorations).

In addition to buying regular store-bought toys, you should definitely make your own toys. This will make the tree more soulful, cozy, and homely.

For example, buy the simplest balls and offer to decorate them together. Paint with markers and paints, stick on rhinestones, beads, whatever comes to your mind! These balls are priceless.

New Year's angels.

Look what you have in your bins? I collect various nets, ribbons and packaging from bouquets and gifts - these are real treasures for children's creativity. We cut out the outlines of future angels from cardboard - a triangle at the bottom and a circle at the top, so it looks like a keyhole in shape. On this base we glue halos, clothes, wings from scrap materials. You can secure them to the tree using paper clips.

Decorations made from gingerbread and salt dough.

You can make various figures from gingerbread dough, then bake them, cover them with glaze, sprinkle them with culinary decorations and also hang them on the New Year's tree. But such decorations will definitely need to be eaten. And if you want to preserve your crafts, then salt dough comes to the rescue.

It is easy to work with, like plasticine, and holds its shape perfectly. Santa Claus, snowman, house, month - making toys is a pleasure! And don’t forget to immediately make a hole for the rope before they dry out. We make them with a cocktail straw. When the finished crafts are dry, they need to be baked in the oven and then painted. To do this, you can also use your mother’s unnecessary nail polishes; it’s especially great to cover it with glitter polish on top.

Gingerbread house and openwork decorations for the Christmas tree.

Since we started talking about the dough, I’ll tell you about another tradition of ours. On December 28-29 we bake a gingerbread house and decorate it with sweets. And on New Year's Eve, the children have a tea party under the New Year's tree and eat it. Imagine how much imagination can be realized when creating this sweet miracle!

Sometimes I decorate it with icing. Icing is quite simple.

  1. Powdered sugar is beaten with egg white and we get a mass that can be placed in a pastry bag and painted by squeezing it out of a neatly cut corner. It can also be used for other purposes - to make openwork airy decorations for the Christmas tree.
  2. To do this, we give the children sheets of paper and pencils and ask them to draw 4-6 toys on one sheet.
  3. Then we cover the sheets with cling film and draw icing on top along the contours drawn by the children.
  4. We leave it to dry, the mass hardens and becomes hard, but fragile, so be careful!


They look especially impressive on the Christmas tree. It would seem that the simplest thing is to cut them out of paper. But how much the kids like this activity! Be sure to have a “snowflake evening.” (Get scissors for each family member and hold a competition for the most beautiful winter “star.”

And here’s another piece of advice from my collection: before disassembling the tree and putting the toys away in boxes, let the child draw how his New Year’s days went. We sign the sheet, put the date and put it away along with the decorations. How interesting it is to take out these drawings next New Year, especially when a sufficient number of them have already accumulated, look at them, laugh at the uneven scribbles, and rejoice at the memories.

Happiness and creativity to your families!

Happy New Year to you!

During the Soviet shortage, all a child needed to feel fabulously happy was a round dance near the Christmas tree and a paper bag with several chocolates and a couple of tangerines. Modern children cannot be surprised by either sweets or exotic fruits. But, nevertheless, the task of turning the New Year into a fairy tale is completely solvable, you just need to stretch your own imagination a little.

Let's create a fairy tale together

A fairly common mistake is the desire of parents to protect their child from the troubles of the New Year: preparation for the holiday can be made no less interesting than the holiday itself. Decorate the Christmas tree together with your baby, and at the same time decorate the whole room, let it turn into a magical castle during the holidays.

You can purchase everything you need for this in the store, or you can use simple means that are always at hand: the effect of snow-covered windows can be achieved using small foam chips, pin snowflakes cut out of paper on the curtains, and decorate the walls with shiny tinsel. You just need to create the right atmosphere, and then the child’s imagination will come in and turn an ordinary city apartment into a piece of a fairy-tale world.

Take care of New Year's outfits, sew them with your child or buy them. When purchasing a gift from Santa Claus, remember that it must be magical: don’t give your child clothes or shoes, what magic is there in a pair of shoes, even very beautiful ones? It is advisable to find out in advance what the baby would like to receive as a gift. Invite him, for example, to write a note to Santa Claus and put it on the windowsill.

The fairy tale can begin a little earlier: celebrate St. Nicholas Day with your child. This will give you the opportunity to get comfortable with the role of a wizard, and your child will get ready for further miracles. And, of course, make sure that the child finds a sock with a gift near his crib, and in the mailbox - a letter from St. Nicholas, sent from his residence.

Things to consider

In order for the holiday to be successful, it is necessary to take into account some features of children's thinking. So, for example, having found a gift from Grandfather Frost under the Christmas tree, a child may ask you a completely logical question: where is the gift from mom and dad? Think in advance how you will answer it. Maybe it makes sense to buy two gifts that complement each other?

New Year is a time for children's holidays. When thinking about the menu for the holiday table, do not try to buy expensive exotic products - children will not be able to appreciate them. It’s better to let these be the simplest dishes, but originally decorated in accordance with the New Year’s theme. Take care of the holiday scenario: fun games and competitions, bright carnival costumes will be able to create the atmosphere of a fairy tale.

Santa Claus is the main New Year's character, loved by all children. Are you going to surprise your child and invite the “real” Santa Claus? But if your baby is still quite a baby, then a visit from a gray-bearded old man in unusual clothes with a huge staff may frighten him. Try to first introduce him to the fairy-tale grandfather in absentia: go to a children's play or a New Year's party, and then the appearance of a magical guest will become the main New Year's miracle for the child.

Children enjoy being creative - sculpting, drawing, making appliqués. In preparation for the New Year, you and your child and other family members can make beautiful decorations and garlands to transform your apartment or house. Joint creativity unites, and the winter holidays are a great occasion to get the whole family together for an interesting activity.

What can be done from improvised means

  • The simplest paper crafts, the first thing you can make for your mother from paper.

In order to make a snowflake, mom just needs to bend the paper in several layers and cut out the desired shape with scissors. Snowflakes, as a rule, delight children. With your help, a child can fold the paper, but scissors are best used by an adult. , for example, a snowy hut with Christmas trees or paper flowers.

  • A beautiful and fragrant garland can be made from orange peels.

To do this you need the peels themselves, scissors, and thread. If you get thick crusts, you can partially remove the inner white layer. Then you need to use sharp scissors to cut out different shapes, for example, stars, a crescent, flowers, snowmen or snowflakes. The next step is to dry your figures in the oven. To do this, mom needs to lay out the cut out figures on paper, press them with a press and send them to a warm oven. The last stage is stringing the figures on a thread. Here you will need a spool of thread, a needle and a little dexterity. Such an unusual garland can decorate furniture, walls or your beautiful Christmas tree.

  • A garland of pine cones will look beautiful and fabulous in winter.

It is easy to do; just tie the pine cones successively with a rope or thick thread. The cones can be additionally decorated with sparkles, tinsel, and cotton wool.

  • You can make a simple snowman figurine from soft socks.

To do this, mom just needs to take a sock, fill it with cotton wool or padding polyester up to the heel, tie it with hair bands in the center of the sock and in the upper part, conditionally forming the torso and head. You can cut off the excess from the top and sew it up. Next, the snowman should sew button eyes and make a nose from a piece of fabric. You can additionally glue a paper cap together. This snowman will serve as a wonderful gift for family and friends.

  • Salt dough is an excellent material for joint creativity with your child.

Crafts made from this material last a long time, and besides, you can color them with your child or let him use his imagination.

  • It’s no less fun to make gifts from clay or plasticine.

You can help your child make simple plasticine applications on paper, sculpt three-dimensional figures of characters from winter fairy tales - a snowman, a Christmas tree or, for example, a bunny.

  • Disposable plastic cups, thick thread and foil will help mom create beautiful New Year's bells.

To do this, you need to make a hole in the bottom of the glasses, pass a thread through it and tie a knot, and wrap the glasses themselves in foil.

  • Fir cones and acorns make funny little animals or people, as well as beautiful craft compositions. For example, you can make a hedgehog figurine from a pine cone and plasticine. To do this, just sculpt a muzzle, eyes, and nose from plasticine, and attach a bump on top.
  1. In order for creativity to be successful, the child must be in a good mood, cheerful, healthy, well-fed and cheerful. If for some reason your child does not want to participate in creating crafts, you should not force him to do so. Remember that creativity is a dialogue with the Cosmos. The child, just like you, may simply not be in the mood at this moment.
  2. Choose a comfortable place for yourself and your baby. Mom should prepare all the necessary materials in advance and place them in a place accessible to adults. All sharp and piercing objects should be placed so that the baby cannot reach them.
  3. For garlands, a thick thread or thin twine is suitable, and it is better to choose a needle with a thick eye. Cones for creativity must be intact, not very large and without flaws. The most suitable glue for children's creativity is PVA. It is safe, easy to work with and teach your child to create their own little masterpieces. If you work, for example, with shells or paper trays for storing eggs, they need to be carefully processed. Wash the shell well with soap and heat the tray in the oven for several minutes.

Joint creativity between mother and child not only entertains, but also develops the baby, teaches him patience, as well as interaction with other family members, working in a “team,” and creates a great holiday mood.

What crafts did you and your child make for the New Year?

We, parents, have long since passed the age when we believe in fairy tales and expect magic. Somewhere, even with regret, we remember that carefree time when on New Year’s Eve everything became mysterious, and the light tread of Santa Claus could be heard outside the door. And how much joy and happiness we had, running from early morning to look under the tree! Yes, of course, there, as expected, were the long-awaited gifts. There was no doubt: Santa Claus was coming.

Now we can watch with emotion the behavior of our children. We look at them, smile furtively when they listen to the steps outside the window and wonder how Santa Claus manages to get into the house: through the window or through the chimney? And how does he know all the children, not forgetting about anyone on this amazing night? We feel great satisfaction when kids jump for joy when they see bright boxes with gifts, and maybe this is our adult fairy tale - to make the New Year magical for our loved ones.


A significant component of the New Year's mood is preparation for the holiday. Remember your feelings when, as a child, you walked into a store where Christmas tree balls, garlands and tinsel were laid out on the shelves. The sight of these decorations made our souls feel warm and pleasant, because we understood that the long-awaited holiday was approaching, and everyone around us was preparing for it.

Start now to prepare for the New Year. There are a lot of different holiday decorations sold around, and they will certainly come in handy. Don’t be sad if you don’t have money for expensive things, because you can do a lot with your own hands. This will add even more pleasant pre-New Year bustle to your family. Children happily make New Year's crafts from colored paper and cardboard. In the store you can buy special “semi-finished products” - books made of paper and cardboard with wonderful Christmas tree decorations drawn in them, which need to be cut out and glued. A little imagination - and a world without borders will open up before you; every day you can make something new and interesting from eggshells, yogurt jars, salt dough and many other materials at hand.

Tell your child in advance about what awaits him in the New Year, help him learn the poem, even if he does not go to kindergarten. Invite your child to think about what gifts he can give to each family member, perhaps these are drawings or crafts that need to be made in advance. The child's involvement in preparations for the holiday will help him feel the approaching fairy tale.

Decorating the room

The first thing we do a few days (and some weeks) before the holiday is the New Year's decoration of our home. The Europeans are in many ways ahead of us in this regard, and we have a lot to learn from them. Look in magazines, on the Internet, set yourself the right mood: what to buy, where and what to hang.

To make the contrast visible, you can remove all the souvenirs, photo frames and other things that have decorated your room all year, and instead put New Year's candles, hang wreaths, hang tinsel and garlands. You can make your own wreaths from willow branches, multi-colored sparkles, bright rags and anything else you don’t mind using on the material at hand. If you have pictures from previous New Year celebrations, you don’t have to remove the photo frames, just replace the photos in them with New Year’s ones.

Try to keep your room decorated differently this year than last year. Let there be no familiar and boring details that you hang in the same places year after year. Dress up indoor flowers, make a small Christmas tree from bay leaves, green fluffy tinsel or other unusual materials. It doesn’t matter that in the hall you already have a large fir tree with lights and a star on the top, small fir trees on the windows in flower pots can make your interior stylish and unusual.

Spray cans with silver and gold paints will be a godsend for those looking for new ideas in home decoration. After all, if you hang several Christmas tree balls with red bows on an ordinary branch painted silver, you will get a very modern decoration. If you are a fan of the classics, you can do the same with a spruce branch: powdered with gold from a spray can, it will look very impressive anywhere in your home.

In addition to the visible details of the festive decoration of the home, there are also invisible ones that need to be paid attention to, because... they play a huge role in creating mood. These are smells. The right scent for New Year's Eve will help make the atmosphere in your home festive. To find something you like, look to air fresheners, scented candles and lamp oils, and other items designed to add scent to a room. There are special New Year's colors: pine needles, cinnamon, tangerine.

Outfits for New Year's Eve

What's a fairy tale without a costume? Make preparing your outfits for New Year's Eve part of a wonderful time. Let crowns, masks, wings, sparkling with multi-colored highlights, create a pre-holiday spirit in your home. Children love to try on their costumes, run around in them, spin in front of the mirror and imagine how they will come to a party where everyone will admire them.

Just a few small details will help you create an original outfit for your baby. Don’t be too lazy to embroider a girl’s ordinary dress with shiny tinsel, and the boy’s shorts and shirt with sequins in the shape of snowflakes. Make the children feel that not just another holiday is approaching, in which they need to dress neatly, but a fairy tale is coming, which wants to make the kids a part of it.

Princesses and Snowflakes, Bunnies and Pirates, Butterflies and Malvinas, Cats and Clowns - all these are the heroes of the upcoming performance. Tell children how they should behave according to their role. Princesses are well-mannered and neat, Bunnies are quiet and kind, Butterflies are graceful and smiling, Pirates are courageous and strong. Come up with a suitable character for your child’s image, remind him periodically before the holiday, tell him that the child should now learn to behave the way his hero will behave in the New Year. This can be a great incentive for your child to develop good habits.


Don't expect New Year's Eve to be wonderful if you don't prepare for it. In order for the holiday to be a success and to be remembered for a long time, you need to work hard.
Plan your evening's program. Write down all the important points that you think should be included in the celebration. Think about when and what is best to do. For example, it is best to stage a children's performance before 12 at night, while the kids have strength and enthusiasm. It is better to play more adult games as late as possible, when the children may already be asleep.

Find some original numbers, games or sweepstakes that have not yet been played in your family. To get the thrill, there should always be something fresh in your program.

If guests come to you, give them the task of preparing some kind of game or performance. Stock up on little surprises to reward children for rhymes, songs and dances.

Think about whether Santa Claus will come to you and at what time. It could be a neighbor in disguise, or even dad. Children in a storm of emotions will not notice the temporary disappearance of the head of the family. Poems and songs can be demonstrated to Santa Claus and he can give prizes. Make the entrance of the magical grandfather into your house mysterious (light tapping, quiet ringing of a bell, rustling in the hallway, etc.). If Santa Claus gives gifts to the kids, this can be the logical conclusion of the evening for the children: the performance is over, they saw Santa Claus, they received the gifts - and they can sleep.

For those who live in a private house, you can secretly decorate some part of your yard in a fabulous way, secretly from your children. Come up with your own New Year's story, build a magic cart, put a plush hare with a big shiny bow in it, act out a scene, let the hare (in your voice or the voice of a hidden participant) tell the children about some secret, maybe tell them what the Queen of the Squirrels wanted to take away gave herself one of the children’s gifts, and hid it in the yard. Let the children look for him, and the hare tell him where he might be.

Include neighbors or friends who have children in your presentation. Adults can help you arrange everything and, as if by chance, they will come to visit you with their children on a festive night. Children will be impressed by what is happening and will remember this New Year for a long time.


We all love pleasant surprises, and the more unexpected they are, the more delighted we perceive them. Think about what you can do for your family, as well as for the guests who come. Perhaps our tips will give you some ideas and help you find an idea.

Words of confession. They can be written down on a piece of paper and then read at the appropriate moment. You can confess to anyone and anything, as long as your words come from the heart and are euphonious to the recipient. Make short speeches dedicated to everyone who came to the evening. For example, highlight everyone's strengths and praise them for them.
Notes of congratulations. Prepare small leaves of congratulations in advance, perhaps personalized ones, and discreetly place them on the participants of the holiday. They can end up in the most unexpected places: in a pie, in a pocket, on a plate.

If you have prepared gifts for everyone present, do not rush to hand them over: do it in an unusual way. If you put gifts under the tree for children, discreetly do the same for adults. If Santa Claus should bring gifts to the children, let him unexpectedly bring gifts to the adults.

Dress up with your children in costumes and go to the neighbor kids with congratulations and gifts. Introduce yourself as the heroes of a fairy tale, put on a performance. The participation of your children in such a congratulation will also be part of a wonderful holiday and will bring a lot of pleasure; your children will be pleased to see surprise and admiration on the faces of the neighboring kids.

Music and video

Make a special musical selection of adult and children's New Year's songs and just music. Turn them on every day before the holiday. Winter audio tales will also come in handy. There are entire discs with such recordings. They will evoke a pleasant feeling of the approaching New Year, beloved by everyone.

Also look for good films for family viewing, cartoons and fairy tales with New Year and Christmas themes. Make it a tradition to watch just such films with your family several evenings before the holiday. They will help you not only get into the right mood, but also give you interesting ideas for New Year's home decoration.

Remember that a woman has always been the keeper of the home. And it was on her that the mood of all the relatives around her depended. Warmth, peace and comfort emanated from her.

You and I should not forget about our role in family holidays. I would like to wish us all a successfully created fairy tale, not overshadowed by vanity and fatigue. May the joy of the coming New Year give us enthusiasm in realizing our plans.

“They say that on New Year’s Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true”... Who is looking forward to the New Year the most? Of course, children! And we, parents, are ready to do anything to make the holiday unforgettable. the site invites moms and dads to briefly return to childhood and celebrate a magical New Year with their children.


We suggest starting preparations for the New Year by drawing up a holiday calendar. You will need a large sheet of paper, a ruler and colored pencils. Divide the sheet into even squares - their number depends on how many days there are in the calendar. Every day on the calendar will be filled with some important New Year's task, for example, decorating the house or buying a Christmas tree. You can create a calendar either a month or a week before the New Year. It all depends on your imagination and the number of New Year’s tasks that you come up with for yourself. Every evening, a child, satisfied with his New Year's achievements, will be able to cross out one square and wait for the next magical day.

Letter to Santa Claus

As you know, Santa Claus brings gifts only to those children who have behaved well all year. You don’t want to be left without a gift with your beloved child? Then urgently sit down with your kids at the table and write a letter to Santa Claus about how many good, important and necessary things your children have done over the past year. Let them tell you what exactly they want to find under the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve, talk about their successes and the most important events of the outgoing year. Santa Claus will be happy to read all the messages and will definitely put in his bag the very gift that the baby dreams of.

DIY magic

Things made with your own hands are especially highly valued these days. New Year is a great opportunity to show all the imagination that you are capable of. Postcards, gifts, Christmas tree decorations, garlands, New Year's home decor, fancy dress costumes - you and your children can make all this yourself. If your own imagination cannot suggest anything more original than paper snowflakes, feel free to go to thematic handmade communities on the Internet for inspiration. Now they are simply full of New Year and Christmas ideas. All you have to do is soberly assess your capabilities and plan man-made miracles in your New Year's calendar.

Musical accompaniment

Before the New Year, even listening to music and watching cartoons can become magical. Collect New Year's and Christmas songs into an original playlist and turn it on every time you start working in your creative workshop. Believe me, songs filled with the spirit of the holiday will give you a good mood and inspiration for creativity. In addition, they will help children fully prepare to meet the request of Santa Claus to sing a New Year's song. In addition to music, in accordance with the age of your children, you can also collect a collection of New Year's films and cartoons. Since children love to watch TV, let them get into a festive mood in the company of the wonderful “New Year’s Adventures of Masha and Viti”, “The Twelve Months”, “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, “The Postal Snowman” and many other films and cartoons.

New Year's master class

Whether or not to take children to Christmas trees is a purely individual matter. In any case, we advise you to leave your trips to New Year's performances for the winter holidays, and in the meantime, go together to one of the many city cafes. But not at all in order to eat deliciously, but in order to draw the most beautiful Christmas tree, bake the most delicious thing, come up with your own carnival mask, become the hero of a New Year's story, have a lot of fun and, of course, take home a delicious gift. Look for passwords and attendance for New Year's master classes on city poster sites.

Christmas tree

What is New Year without a Christmas tree? When the green beauty takes pride of place in the center of the room, the holiday is declared open. Despite the fact that Zhenya Lukashin in “The Irony of Fate” decorated the Christmas tree on December 31, we don’t have to wait that long. To create a New Year's mood, you can and should decorate the Christmas tree in advance. For example, when a Christmas tree market opens near your house. Decorating a Christmas tree is an extremely responsible task, and children are always proud when their parents entrust them with this important mission. By the way, you can introduce a tradition every year of inventing a new way to decorate the Christmas tree: as an alternative to traditional toys, you can use homemade decorations, origami paper figures, flower garlands, soft toys, candies, cookies, dried fruits... and almost anything you can get your hands on!

Santa Claus on call

How many scary stories have we heard about drunken Santa Clauses who, instead of joy, brought disappointment to the children? If you are determined to call Santa Claus, it should only be a proven Santa. Otherwise, all the magic you carefully built will crumble like a house of cards. Before inviting Santa Claus, ask him to tell you the scenario of his stay with you and think about whether it will be interesting to your children. If you do everything right, the kids will be delighted.

The main night of the year

The debate about at what age children should celebrate the New Year with the chimes ringing can continue endlessly. Each family has its own opinion and traditions. If you do decide to leave the children to have fun at night, do not forget to get a good night's sleep during the day. Better yet, put the children to bed in the evening as usual and wake them up half an hour before midnight so that the whole family can make a New Year's wish and clink glasses of champagne and juice. Immediately after the “official” part, move on to games, competitions and walks with sparklers: children, unlike adults, do not like to sit too long. Well, for those kids who sleep safely on New Year's Eve, all the main miracles will begin on the morning of January 1st. We hope you don't oversleep them!