
How to make your legs thin without muscles. Basic principles of nutrition. Physical exercises for legs

Slender beautiful legs are the dream of every young lady, regardless of her age and build. But the concept of “slim and beautiful” does not always include the definition of “thin”. After all, often too thin legs become more of a complex for a girl than a reason for pride. But if desired, any woman, regardless of her initial parameters, can make her legs beautiful and attractive. True, this will require a lot of effort. We will talk about how to correct the situation in our article!

For those who want to make their legs thin and slender

There are a huge number of ways to achieve slender legs. But you should prepare in advance that working on yourself will be long and possibly difficult.

How to achieve this?

Three main ways will help the girl with this.

As a rule, you should start with it, adding sufficient physical activity to a competent diet.

It is necessary to remove from your daily menu all fatty, smoked, and too salty dishes and foods. The basis of the diet can be boiled or baked fish, meat and chicken, as well as fresh or stewed vegetables, fruits in any form, nuts, cereals, fresh dairy and dairy products.

As a snack, you need to get used to eating not the usual sandwiches, but, for example, toast made from grain bread with a piece of lightly salted fish, an oven-baked tomato, a handful of nuts, a banana, or drinking a glass of kefir. By strictly adhering to such a healthy diet, you can make your legs and thighs thin.


Special wraps help to cope not only with cellulite, but also with extra centimeters on the hips, buttocks and calves. At the same time, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon; you can do them at home. The most effective of them are hot wraps. During and for some time after such procedures, the process of fat breakdown occurs, toxins are removed from the body, and the legs become noticeably slimmer and thinner.

First option

For the first option, you will need to heat a couple of tablespoons of natural bee honey in the microwave, mix them with the yolk of one egg, and also add a few (1-3) drops of any essential citrus oil. Next, this mixture is applied to the entire surface of the legs, and covered with cling film on top. The wrap lasts about twenty minutes, after which the entire mass is washed off with warm water.

Second option

For the second option, you will need to take almond (or more budget-friendly sunflower) oil, add juniper to it, and then lubricate the legs with the resulting oil mixture and wrap in cling film. This wrap also lasts about twenty minutes, after which the entire mass is washed off in the shower.

By the way, after the mixture is applied during each wrap, it is recommended to move thoroughly and warm up. You can also wear warm pants over the film.


And, of course, you can’t do without physical activity. The following is an example of a fairly simple and yet effective set of exercises. It needs to be done every other day.

This complex primarily includes squats. For example, you can squat on one leg, extending the other forward and leaning sideways against the wall. There are a huge number of options. Repeat - 15 times. The complex should include at least two variations of squats.

It is also helpful to raise your legs 90 degrees while lying on the floor and extending your arms along your body. Repeat - 30 times.
This also includes the well-known “bicycle”, when lying on the floor you need to turn imaginary “pedals” with your feet. Repeat - within 10 minutes.

And finally, swings. To do this, you need to lie on your side with your legs extended. And then raise your upper leg as far as possible. Repeat - 20 times with each leg.

How to make toned legs look thin

If, as a result of regular physical activity, your legs become pumped up rather than thin, then this problem can be quickly corrected by changing your training system. Firstly, the loads should be reduced, but made more frequent. Secondly, there should not be long pauses between them, and the same pace should be maintained for at least 15-20 minutes. And thirdly, the weight on the simulators should be small.

You can also “dry out” with a special diet, eliminating flour, sweets and any foods that contain starch.

For those who see thin legs as a problem

But thin legs do not always please their owner. Sometimes they become the reason for the most real experiences. Especially if the thinness is too obvious. But this problem can be dealt with in a variety of ways.

As a rule, excessive thinness of the legs is either an individual feature of a person’s figure, or a consequence of a long-term strict diet.

In some cases, the legs become too thin due to anemia or a serious lack of vitamins in the body. Only a specialist can determine the main reason.

What to do?

First of all, you should review your diet and, if necessary, make it more nutritious. If the cause is a lack of vitamins, then you need to introduce as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible, or even purchase a special vitamin complex at the pharmacy.

And, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without appropriate exercises. More about them below.

How to pump up very thin legs and make them beautiful

There are a huge number of exercises that will help improve the shape of your legs and make them more sculpted and slender. It is important to remember the basic rules for their implementation. To tone up your legs, exercises should be performed at a slow pace and long, exhausting workouts should be avoided.

For example, you need to squat at least 15 times in one approach. In this case, the back should be perfectly straight.

  1. You will need to stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a small rubber ball between your knees. Next, you need to alternately squeeze it with your legs for five seconds, then relax your legs for one second. Repeat - 20 times.
  2. You need to sit on a chair, facing the back. Holding onto it with both hands - then rise, then fall back. The feet should not leave the ground during the process. Repeat - 30 times.
  3. Pose - straight back, feet shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to slowly rise on your toes, and then squat slightly, spreading your knees in different directions. Repeat - 20 times.
  4. In the case under discussion, walking on your toes (repeat - at least 80 steps), as well as exercising on a special exercise bike, will be very useful. If you don’t have access to such a device or a regular bicycle, you can simply replace them with an exercise called “bicycle”. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs up and spin imaginary “pedals”. This exercise is performed for at least 15 minutes. The same time is recommended for training on the appropriate simulator.

For those girls who do not have time to play sports, you can, for example, simply switch from public transport or a car to a bicycle. The effect will be simply amazing. After just a couple of weeks of such trips, a clear relief will begin to appear on your legs.

Special exercises for thin calves

To make your calves more voluminous and expressive, you should also perform special effective exercises.

The most effective thing in this case is raising on your toes. To do this, stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, rise on your toes for the count of “one”, and then lower back onto your heels on the count of “two”. Repeat - 30 times. To enhance the effect, you can pick up dumbbells.

Walking on toes, which was mentioned above, also falls into this list.

To vary your exercises, you can also raise and lower your feet from toe to heel, sitting on a fitball, standing at the edge of a step platform, or doing it at a slow pace with weights. The number of repetitions can be increased each time. Professionals recommend training every other day to achieve the desired effect.
Of course, it is best to do this under the close supervision of an experienced professional trainer. In this case, he will be able to warn the student against a variety of possible mistakes and correct his exercise technique in a timely manner. Otherwise you will have to do it yourself. But, if it is not possible to visit the gym, then you can exercise on your own at home. It is best to do this near a mirror so that you can observe yourself from the outside during the entire process.

Video: Exercises to create perfect legs

Slender female legs are a subject of admiration for the male part of the population and the pride of the happy owners of such beauty. But not everyone's legs are as attractive as we would like. What to do if your legs are very thin? How to fix this shortcoming?

What to do if your legs are very thin?

First you need to make sure that your legs are really very thin and require adjustment. Many girls are biased in assessing their appearance. To avoid this, calculate the minimum volume of legs allowed for your height. To do this, height in centimeters must be multiplied by a coefficient, for calves it is 0.21, for thighs it is 0.32. If the resulting volumes are smaller than your actual sizes, stop harassing yourself “I have skinny legs, what should I do?” everything is fine with your legs.

But if the actual volumes of the legs are less than the resulting figures, then the situation needs to be corrected. First of all, pay attention to your diet; of course, you shouldn’t overeat, but you can add a few calories to your daily intake. Very thin legs may indicate vitamin deficiency or anemia. So you also need fruits (for anemia, apples are a must) or vitamin complexes.

Exercises for thin legs

It is clear that the problem of thin legs cannot be corrected by increased nutrition alone. If you want to make thin legs slender, then, whatever one may say, you cannot do without physical activity. All exercises for thin legs should be performed slowly, and exhausting workouts such as long-distance running are contraindicated for you.

  1. Perform squats at least 12 times in a row. Your back should be straight and you can lean on the back of the chair with one hand.
  2. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a small ball between your knees and squeeze it - 4 seconds to compress, 1 to relax. There must be at least 20 repetitions.
  3. Sit on a chair, facing the back. Holding your back with your hands, lift yourself up and lower yourself back down. Do 30 repetitions. When performing this exercise, the feet should not leave the floor, the legs should be fully straightened as they rise.
  4. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Rise up on your toes, and then squat slightly, spreading your knees out to the sides. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  5. Walking on your toes will also help add volume to your legs. You need to walk with a straight back and legs, and take at least 70 steps.
  6. Exercise on an exercise bike can give your legs a beautiful shape. If it is not yet available, then perform the “bicycle” exercise while lying on your back for at least 10-15 minutes every day.

How to dress if your legs are thin?

Almost all figure defects can be hidden with the right clothes. There are also certain rules for thin legs.

Frustration of plump girls due to too rounded buttocks or curvy hips is a common problem. However, slender girls are no less upset because their legs are too thin and skinny. But losing weight is often much easier than gaining weight, especially in the calves and thighs.

Often thin girls make a lot of effort to improve their appearance - due to excessive thinness of their legs, they cannot afford to wear tight trousers or short skirts. The best way to correct this without gaining fat in unnecessary places is to build up the muscles in your buttocks, thighs and legs.

Due to a lack of muscle, thin legs often look crooked - after all, the bones have natural curves. Increasing the volume of the muscles results in getting rid of this curvature, so that the legs become visually straight and more attractive. Also, pumped up legs have another advantage - they hurt and get tired much less, allowing you to feel comfortable.

Pumped up muscles can be acquired by doing a series of exercises every day, gradually making them more difficult. Experienced trainers say that it is better to start classes with ten repetitions of each exercise, doing them every other day first - otherwise the muscles will hurt very much. Gradually, you can accustom yourself to an increased load by exercising every day or even twice a day: morning and evening.

Training technique

Before each lesson, you should definitely warm up - first it will be useful to shake your legs, sit down a couple of times or walk in a circle. This will increase blood circulation and improve muscle condition. In addition, muscles that are not properly warmed up after a workout will hurt more, and the likelihood of getting a muscle or ligament injury will be much higher.

Exercises should be done at an average pace. If you do them too quickly, you can get injured, and if you do them slowly, you will lengthen the workout, which will be very tiring. After each exercise, you should shake your legs to relax the muscles a little.

If you feel tired, you can relax your legs. To do this, you need to lie on your back, slowly raise your legs up, and then shake them slightly, relaxing your muscles and improving blood circulation. A light massage will also be helpful.


Exercise one

Toe raise. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned slightly outward. From this position you need to smoothly rise onto your toes - the front of your foot. You need to rise by inhaling, then fixate on the highest position and slowly lower yourself to the exit.

Exercise two

Walking on your toes. Having risen in the same way as in the previous exercise, you need to walk around the room for about 60-100 steps without bending your knees. You need to breathe evenly and smoothly.

Exercise three

Squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Then slowly squat down, stopping your buttocks at approximately knee level, slightly fixing in the lowest position and inhaling. After this, straighten up to the starting position, exhaling. The exercise can be complicated by picking up dumbbells weighing 1.5-2 kilograms or plastic containers of one and a half liters. You need to do three approaches of ten squats, gradually the number of squats in the approaches can be increased.

Exercise four

Detention in a half-squat. Starting position – feet approximately shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Bend your knees approximately 45 degrees, fixing this position. The back should be perfectly straight. Slowly count to twenty, then straighten your legs. You can gradually increase the duration of the exercise up to a count of 50.

Exercise five

Frog jumps. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. Squat down, lowering your pelvis almost to the floor. From this position, jump as far forward and up as possible. Repeat first ten times, gradually increase the number of jumps to thirty.

Exercise six

Wall shift. Starting position - lying on your back, torso perpendicular to the free wall. Place your feet against the wall, as if trying to move it. The pressure is maximum, breathing is deep and free. Hold the emphasis for 15-30 seconds, then relax the muscles. Repeat ten times.

Exercise seven

Moving a wall with one foot. Lie on your back again and repeat the previous exercise, but instead of using both legs, use only one leg alternately, that is, try to “move the wall” with your right and left legs in turn. Breathe as freely and deeply as possible. You need to do at least ten repetitions for each leg.

Exercise eight

Weighted scissors. Wear heavy boots or ankle weights. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Raise your legs about 50 degrees from the floor and move your legs up and down or left and right, crossing them and imitating scissors. You should try to keep your legs suspended for as long as possible, while moving them intensively. If you pull your toe forward, not only your hips are involved, but also your shins.

Exercise nine

Horse riding game. Sit on a chair facing the back, feet on the floor. Now you need to try to raise your lower leg and feet as high as possible, while using the back of the chair as support. Raise your legs as you inhale, hold them as you exhale. Inhale and try to keep your legs elevated for as long as possible. As you exhale, lower it.

Exercise ten

This is an exercise with a fitball - a gymnastic ball. You need to try to squeeze it between your legs, as if trying to burst, while making every effort. With the ball sandwiched between your legs, you need to walk around the room, sliding your feet along the floor. You can try to hold the ball with your knees while lying down, while raising your legs with the ball up. In general, a fitball is a very good exercise machine for the legs and there are many special exercises for it.

Exercise eleven

The twist is a special dance that needs to be danced without lifting the front of the foot off the floor, while raising the heel. Turn on the music and start dancing, moving your feet on the floor. It is better that the exercise is no shorter than one song.

In addition to these exercises, cycling or training on an exercise bike, as well as simple heel-to-toe walking and high hip lifting, will help train thin legs. By performing these not very difficult exercises, you can get beautiful, sculpted muscles and get rid of the problem of too thin legs.

Most modern girls watch their figure very carefully, since extra pounds, of course, do not make anyone look good. However, there are also those who, on the contrary, are worried about being too thin, for example, too thin. What should you do in this case, and is it possible to give them a more seductive shape?

Special diet

Many people believe that excessive thinness cannot be a disadvantage, and even strive for it. However, it can bring no less problems than being overweight. Most girls are upset by too thin legs. What to do about this problem? Firstly, it is necessary to completely review the diet and, most likely, change it radically. You should not assume that in order for very thin legs to increase in volume, you just need to eat a lot. The quality of the food consumed plays an important role. Legs should increase due to muscle mass, not fat, since in the latter case there is a risk of cellulite, sagging and unsightly appearance. Increasing muscle volume for girls is not an easy task. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without special nutrition. How to create a menu in this case? The basis of the diet should be low-fat protein products: chicken breasts, cottage cheese, fish, seafood, eggs. Fiber: vegetables, bread. rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Sometimes it can be consumed in the form of fruits or harmless sweets. You should definitely eat small meals (every 3 - 4 hours) in order to speed up your metabolism as much as possible.


Of course, nutrition alone will not help solve the problem of thin legs. It is imperative to include physical activity, and with weights. This is the kind of sport that will help radically transform thin legs. What should girls do who have always been far from sports and don’t know where to start? Of course, the best solution would be to contact a trainer who will definitely suggest options on how to pump up thin legs. But if this is not possible, you can choose the exercises yourself. Why are they needed? The answer is simple: they are the ones who build muscles. Cardio exercises such as running and cycling are aimed at burning fat. They will make your legs look slimmer! Therefore, the emphasis is on weight training. Many girls are afraid to “pump up” when working out with dumbbells and barbells. They have absolutely nothing to fear, since women are designed in such a way that muscle mass is very difficult to increase, so they are not in danger of becoming a mountain of muscles, especially if they have extremely thin legs. What to do with sports equipment and where to start training?

Various lunges and squats are suitable for increasing. You can do them with both dumbbells and a barbell. You should start with the weight at which you are comfortable doing approaches, gradually increasing. The most important thing is to do the technique exercises, otherwise they will not be beneficial. To learn how to squat correctly technically, you can first practice doing it without weights. Basic principles: when squatting, your knees should not go beyond your toes, and your back should always be straight. These exercises will not only help increase the volume of your hips, but will also work your gluteal muscles, which is also important for a beautiful and toned body.

The long-legged “slender woman” is the standard of beauty of our time. It is not surprising that many girls are trying their best to bring themselves into line with magazine images, and to do this they are looking for ways to make their legs slender and thin. However, this issue is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

How to make your legs thin?

First, pay attention to your body type. If you naturally have wide bones, you are unlikely to be able to achieve model slender legs. However, you can always improve the condition of your legs by normalizing your weight and doing exercises. If nature was favorable and you simply gained too much weight, it will be quite easy to fight for beauty. The main thing to accept is that no amount of exercise will change your natural constitution.

How to make your legs thin at home?

Today, experts confidently agree that it is impossible to act locally on fat deposits. You can't decide whether to gain weight in your breasts or your hips, nor can you choose where to start losing weight. This determines your body type and innate predisposition. Thus, no matter what part of the body you want to lose weight, the method will be the same - physical activity.

You won't be able to get lean legs with exercise alone because reducing body fat always starts with you eating fewer calories per day than usual.

Building a diet for weight loss is quite simple:

  1. Be sure to have breakfast - this meal should be one of the densest. It needs to include proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates, so the best option is a small portion of porridge, an egg and a vegetable salad with a spoon of butter.
  2. Before lunch, it is advisable to have a snack - for example, a glass of kefir and an apple.
  3. Lunch should be complete, as should breakfast. Include a serving of meat or fish, a side dish of cereal and a vegetable salad.
  4. For an afternoon snack, it is best to drink a glass of unsweetened tea with a slice of cheese.
  5. For dinner, choose lean meat and vegetables, such as stew or salad.

By eating this way, you will begin to lose weight from the very first week. The most important thing is to stick to this diet constantly, without allowing yourself to relax and snack on cake. In a couple of weeks you will get used to this schedule and will be able to easily control your weight. You can eat this way for as long as you like until you get the desired result, since such a diet meets the principles of proper nutrition.

How to get skinny legs in a week?

The body very slowly adapts to a new way, and in a week, even the most proper nutrition and regular exercise, you are unlikely to achieve noticeable results. Keep things realistic: getting a truly beautiful body takes weeks and months, not just days.

By eating according to the proposed plan and regularly doing it, you can lose weight by 3-5 kg ​​per month, and reduce body volume by 5-10 cm over the same period.

How to make your legs thin - exercises for slimness

In the question of how to quickly make your legs thin, the impact of diet comes first, however It’s also not worth neglecting the loads. Let's consider what measures will be most effective for getting slender legs.