
How to make a clock from spoons with your own hands. Original DIY crafts from plastic spoons - step-by-step instructions, interesting ideas and unique photo examples. What can be made from spoons: the maracas musical instrument

Creativity is a delicate matter. And in Lately people's creativity is developing at a rapid pace, and as a result, to create various crafts things are used that previously simply would not have been thought of being used in this context. But everything is subject to development, and creative activities, including with children, are no exception.

Many different master classes can be found on the Internet. Below we will talk about some interesting methods making crafts.

Disposable spoons in the creative process

So, we will talk about what crafts can be made from disposable spoons. It's such a simple and versatile tool that it can be useful for many different creative ideas.

Do you have any plastic spoons left over from your last trip? Don’t throw them away, but use them to create beautiful and original things that can decorate your home interior and create an atmosphere of beauty and order.

So, let's look at the master class "How to make a craft from disposable spoons." In this case it will be beautiful tulips.

You will need:

  • disposable spoons red or white, painted red yourself;
  • green napkins;
  • clear or green tape.

How to make tulips from disposable spoons

Let's get to work.

A tulip is a very simple and at the same time cute craft made from disposable spoons. You can make a bouquet of several flowers and decorate an empty vase on the table.

Materials for roses

Using spoons you can make almost any flower. Here, for example, is a rose. True, for this you will have to work with fire. Therefore, this method is not suitable for small children. But for everyone else it’s easy.

So that you can succeed beautiful rose- crafts made from disposable spoons, stock up on the following tools and materials.

  1. 13 plastic spoons in the color you want your rose to be. You can take the white ones and paint them, but only at the end, when the rose is formed.
  2. Pliers or wide tongs.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Candle or lighter.
  5. Glue gun.

Let's make a rose together

Now we can begin. Work in a ventilated area.

Your rose is ready. You can paint it any color you like or leave it white.

Materials for the pineapple lamp

It is very easy to decorate the interior of your home using bright and beautiful crafts made from disposable spoons. Making something attractive with your own hands is not a problem. The following is an example of how to make a lamp in the shape of a pineapple.

You will need:

  • small lamp;
  • wide bottle;
  • disposable spoons (125 pieces);
  • yellow paint;
  • green cardboard;
  • glue gun;

Let's make a pineapple lamp together

By the way, these crafts are also suitable for children. They will be interested in making the shape of an exotic fruit using disposable spoons.

The pineapple lamp is ready. This is how a craft made from disposable spoons turned out. You can check the photo as you work. The work will not take you much time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you. After all, such a lamp is a unique and inimitable craft.

Peacock made from spoons

So, we present to your attention the master class “Craft from disposable spoons - peacock”.

In order for us to get a beautiful and bright bird, we need to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • disposable spoons (from 10 to 15);
  • cotton swabs for ears;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • rhinestones.

Let's make a peacock together

We can start.

The peacock is ready. As you can see, everything is very simple and interesting. You can make this peacock with your children; they will really enjoy coloring all the components of this spectacular bird.

Spoons can be used in many crafts. Rely on your imagination and immerse yourself in a world of creativity and bright colors.

Crafts made from disposable spoons always turn out beautiful and unusual; there are no standards or general requirements - just take it and do it.

Handicraftsmen all over the world can make a unique masterpiece even from the cheapest material. Indeed, many people today are keen on creating crafts from handy materials. In addition, even cheap materials can be used for crafts. Therefore, in this article we will try to find out what crafts from plastic spoons you can make at home. It is worth saying that crafts made from plastic spoons look very interesting. And plastic spoons are best suited for creating fans and flowers. Crafts from plastic spoons should not be done alone. And if you have children, then involve them in this exciting activity.

What crafts to make from plastic spoons

Flowers made from plastic spoons.

Crafts can be very diverse. But in this case we will use plastic spoons. And now we will give a master class on creating beautiful bouquet tulips. To make tulips from plastic spoons you should prepare:

  • green and red corrugated paper;
  • brush and PVA glue;
  • green electrical tape;
  • plastic spoons, and for each flower you will need 5 spoons.


  1. First of all, you should cut the red paper into squares. Then you should wrap spoons in each square. After that, everything needs to be fixed using PVA glue.
  2. You should end up with blanks like those in the second photo.
  3. Next, it’s worth collecting tulips. In this case, 2 spoons are first fastened, and then 3 more are added to them. The flowers must be secured with green electrical tape.
  4. Now you must cut out leaves from green paper.
  5. The leaves should be attached to the stem of the flower and tied with a ribbon.

And here is the finished craft.

Water lily made from plastic spoons.

From this article you can learn about what crafts you can make from plastic spoons. And in addition to the description, in this article you can see photos of these crafts.

In order to make a water lily from disposable spoons, you need to purchase plastic spoons that will be of different sizes. This quantity should also include small spoons, which will be located in the middle of the water lily.

  • The handles of all spoons should be cut off.
  • After which they must be fastened together using a glue gun.
  • You should secure the second row of spoons in the same way.
  • For the middle you should use a plastic bottle. You must cut a strip from the bottle that will measure 12x3cm. You should make a fringe on one edge of the strip. Next, you must roll the strip and secure it with glue. You should paint the fringe with yellow paints. Then leave the strip and let it dry.
  • If the center is dry, then it should be attached to the petals.
  • The next step is to make the leaves. And for this case we use a green bottle.

And here are the finished water lilies. Agree, they look very beautiful.

Ladybugs made from plastic spoons.

In addition to cute flowers from plastic spoons, you can make cute and bright ladybugs. Making such insects is easy.

To do this, you must take plastic spoons, cut off their handles, and paint the spoons themselves. After which they can be attached to each other using glue. And to create a head, you can use a voluminous button.

We decorate the mirror using plastic spoons.

Plastic spoons are a material that you can use not only for creating crafts. It turns out that this material is suitable for decorating home interior items. For example, at home you can make a nice frame that will become a wonderful decoration for a mirror. To create such beauty you must prepare:

  • many plastic spoons,
  • a piece of thick cardboard,
  • brush and paints,
  • scissors and glue.


  1. First you must take measurements of the mirror, then all dimensions should be transferred to cardboard.
  2. After that, a hole is cut out in the cardboard and a circle remains, which you will use in the future.
  3. Now let's start working on plastic spoons. For decoration we only need the spoons themselves. You must glue these spoons along the edge with the concave side to the top using glue. This is how you should fill the entire space of the cardboard.
  4. At the end, the craft should be painted. The craft can have a single color or be two-color. It is recommended to use spray paint to paint the craft.

Candlestick made of plastic spoons.

Here we have listed only some crafts made from plastic spoons with photos and step by step instructions. And to the number of these crafts it is worth adding one more original thing, which you can also make with your own hands. So, you can make an original candlestick from spoons. In this case, you should also use only the spoons themselves, which you should glue together with glue. Finally, you should attach the candle itself to the top. These candlesticks will be a wonderful decorative element for absolutely any occasion.


This article helped you learn how to make crafts from plastic spoons. And here we have provided several creative options. You will probably like them and will be very happy to make them at home. In general, start right now creating uniquely beautiful crafts and getting only positive emotions from it.

It's amazing what interesting things you can create from old spoons and forks. Don't rush to throw away boring cutlery. They can easily turn into decorations, useful items for the home and stylish accessories that make the interior more interesting.

Photo stand

An original photo stand will be made from a fork with curved tines. The only tool you need for this is pliers.

Cabinet handles

Unusual fittings are the key to making the furniture look original. Handles made from teaspoons are perfect for kitchen cabinets. If desired, they can be engraved with a hint of what is hidden behind each door.

Buffet equipment

Excellent utensils for a buffet table can be made from forks with cut off stems.

Bright accents for the kitchen

To revive an old cutlery set, you can use non-toxic paint that is suitable for use on utensils. Multi-colored handles will transform your appliances and hide scuffs and scratches.

Plates for flower pots

Old spoons and forks will make unusual signs for seedlings.

Egg cup

An impressive egg cup can be easily made from an ordinary fork. To do this, you will need pliers and a little time to create a stable object.

Pendants and keychains

Using a hammer can easily make the cut spoons flat. And this is a ready-made basis for a keychain or pendant.

Wall decoration

It's amazing how elegant spoons can look when attached to canvas and framed. Before this, the devices need to be coated with matte paint to match the frame.

DIY panels

For modern interior A more playful option would be suitable - cutlery painted in bright colors and placed on a multi-colored fabric background.

Original chandelier

A truly grandiose accessory is a multi-tiered chandelier made up of many cutlery. Another similar implementation of this idea can be found in.

Jingling pendant

A more miniature option for small rooms is a pendant made of two rows of threads with forks and spoons. In the wind it will make a pleasant melodic chime.

Spectacular pendants

Fans of unusual jewelry can experiment with pliers and fork teeth - this way you can create many fun pendants.

Elegant forks

Creating such beautiful buffet forks will require considerable skill. But if you manage to twist the side teeth so elegantly, the admiration of your guests is guaranteed.

Sign stand

And it is convenient to fix plates with the names of guests directly in the teeth of the fork.

Note holders

Forks can act as holders for notes, instead of annoying buttons.

Curtain tieback

An ordinary bent fork will become an original curtain tie. The main thing is to properly blunt the teeth so as not to get hurt.


A stylish lampshade can be made from dessert knives, spoons and forks. To do this, you need to remove the old lampshade from the fabric and hang the devices on thin chains.

Baskets for small items

Very original baskets for small items can be made from spoons with curved handles nailed to the wall.

Napkin clip

If you wrap the handle of a spoon in a loop, you will get an excellent holder for fabric napkins.

Useful tips

Often, when we go outdoors and have a picnic, we take plastic spoons with us.

After this, as a rule, there are still many of these spoons left, and they are stored in the cabinet for a long time.

Don't throw away plastic spoons. Even more than that, buy a few more spoons so you can make beautiful craft or even a few crafts.

Here are some interesting crafts that can be easily made using plastic spoons:

1. Plastic spoon crafts: decorate your kitchen wall

You can use both plastic spoons and stainless steel spoons (as in this example), but it is much cheaper and more logical to use plastic ones.

You will need:


Acrylic paint


Glue (superglue)

Wooden tablet.

2. Create a beautiful DIY flower vase using plastic spoons.

You will need:


Plastic spoons


Acrylic or spray paint (if desired)


1. Prepare tin can. You can paint it.

2. Use scissors to cut off the top of each plastic spoon.

* It is advisable to first decide how many rows of spoons will cover the jar and how many spoons are in each row. In this example there are 8 rows of 15 spoons.

* If you want to paint spoons, then place them on a flat surface, prepare the paint and come up with the color you want for the future vase.

* If you use spray paint, you should paint only outdoors and preferably wearing a protective mask.

* You can combine paints - one row of one color, the other of another.

3. When the spoons are ready, think about which direction they will face and start gluing them to the jar.

Here's what you should end up with:

3. Crafts from disposable spoons: sun-shaped clock

You will need:

Plastic spoons (in this example there are 250 of them)


Superglue or hot glue gun


A watch, photograph, small mirror or other interesting item

Bolts and screwdriver

Stationery knife.

1. Cut a circle from foam plastic. In this example the diameter of the circle is 45 cm, but you can make a circle of any size.

You can cut using a stationery knife.

2. Find the center of the circle and mark it to attach a photo, mirror or other object. You need to cut a hole for the clock the right size to change batteries, wind watches, etc.

3. Cut off the tops of the spoons using scissors.

4. Begin to carefully glue the spoons in a circle, completely covering the foam. You should start from the edge of the circle and, gluing in rows, move towards the center of the circle.

*If you wish, you can paint the spoons. Use spray paint, but you need to paint outdoors or in a well-ventilated area (garage, open balcony).

*In this example, I had to add a couple of squares of foam to attach the clock to the foam.

* Instead of a clock, you can glue any photograph, picture or small mirror.

4. How to make a Christmas tree from plastic spoons

You will need:

Plastic spoons (in this example there are 100 of them)

Superglue or hot glue


Acrylic or spray paint


1. Use scissors to cut off the top of the spoons.

2. Start gluing the spoons to the cone, starting from the bottom. Glue in a checkerboard pattern and continue all the way to the top of the head.

3. Paint the Christmas tree any color. You can use acrylic or spray paint. You can also leave a Christmas tree white or use spoons that were already painted when you bought them.

5. Crafts from spoons: tags for the garden

You will need:

Plastic spoons (in this example there are 4 pieces)

Acrylic paint




Toothpick (if desired)

Black marker

1. Sand each spoon to remove shine.

2. Paint each spoon a certain color, leaving 4-5 cm at the bottom unpainted, because the spoons will be in the ground.

3. When the paint has dried, write the name of the plant, flower, etc., on each spoon with a marker.

3. Using a toothpick and paint, you can make dotted patterns on the spoon - if desired.

4. Let the paint dry before using your tags.

6. Garland of spring flowers and other flowers made from plastic spoons.

You will need:

Multi-colored plastic spoons (in this example, pink and blue)

Thick cardboard or fiberboard

Acrylic or spray paint


Pom-poms (you can buy them or make them yourself)

Super glue or hot glue gun

Thick thread.

1. Prepare cardboard or fiberboard and cut out three identical triangles. If you wish, you can color each triangle.

2. Cut off the top part of each spoon - these are the future petals of your flower. This can be done with scissors or by heating a knife so that it smoothly cuts the plastic - this method is dangerous, so it is better that an adult handle this step.

3. For one flower you will need 6 spoons, and there are 3 flowers in total in the garland. Mark the middle of each triangle and begin gluing plastic petals in a circle.

4. Glue one pompom into the center of each flower.

5. Make two holes in each triangle and thread a thick thread through them to create a garland.

7. What can be made from spoons: the maracas musical instrument

You will need:

Plastic egg or box that was inside a chocolate egg

2 plastic spoons

Scotch tape or washi tape

1. Fill a plastic egg with a small amount of rice and close it. You can add different amounts of rice for different sounds.

Vera Samoilova

Plastic bottles, disposable spoons and glasses - all of this can be given a second life by turning it into decorations for a summer cottage, garden or patio. You just need a little imagination and patience.

Plastic bottles, disposable spoons and glasses - all of this can be given a second life by turning it into decorations for a summer cottage, garden or patio. You just need a little imagination and patience.

For work we need:

-disposable spoons;

Cardboard or disposable plate for the base;

Glue moment or glue gun;

Paints, colored paper and other little things for decoration.

We cut out a base from cardboard onto which we glue the spoons. We cut off the unnecessary part of the base.

We paint the spoons with paints and sprinkle a little glitter.

Cut out the feathers from corrugated paper and glue them onto the cuttings spoons. Glue a cardboard blank in the shape of a bird's body on top. It turned out to be a beautiful peacock.

You can glue the spoons on the other side. Also color, decorate corrugated paper, bow and you get a bouquet of tulips.

Separating the deep part spoons from cuttings. We glue them onto a cardboard blank in a checkerboard pattern, starting from the edges to the middle.

Glue the resulting flower onto a piece of green cardboard in the form of a leaf. The result is a water lily.

A little imagination, patience and desire - and with your own hands you can make interesting crafts from, it would seem, no longer necessary things.

Thank you for your attention!

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