Dream interpretation

How to make a paper boat with your own hands step by step. How to make a paper boat with your own hands: diagrams of a simple ship, steamship and sailboat. A boat made of colored paper

Many people remember that glorious time when we didn’t need a brand new smartphone or a modern laptop to be entertained. Snowballs, tag, Cossack robbers, tag are the childhood games of most modern parents that they will never be able to forget. One of these many fun things is to launch homemade boats along streams of water during rain or spring thaw.

Sometimes whole hordes of children gathered over the puddles to make a boat out of paper or other improvised materials and send it to compete with others. The winner usually received the glory of the coolest shipbuilder in the yard! So how to make a boat out of paper? You will read about this in our article.

Are there puddles outside after the rain? It's time to remember your fun childhood and launch a boat you made yourself or teach your own children this activity! Get away from the TV and computer! For such a thing you don’t need much, just have a sheet of paper torn from a notebook on hand, and you can make a boat out of paper.

If your miracle is not satisfied with a ship that is the same as everyone else’s, then invite him to make his own galleon from any other material. Most materials that do not sink in water are suitable for this.

Previously, children could use for this purpose:

  • Styrofoam;
  • Plastic bottles;
  • Plasticine;
  • Tree.

This can make incredibly beautiful products, but don't limit yourself to them! Maybe you can make something amazing from a walnut shell or a wine cork. Don’t force yourself and your children into any limits and don’t be afraid to fantasize! In this article we will tell you in more detail how to make a paper ship step by step.

Methods for making paper ships

If a child comes up to you and asks you to teach how to do paper boat with your own hands, and you have long forgotten about such games, our article will help you remember forgotten knowledge. Read it a couple of times, practice, and you can show off to your child different variations of your paper destroyer - from ordinary notebook paper, cardboard, milk cartons or matchboxes.

Classic of the genre - origami

This is a classic version of a paper ship. Most kids made toys like this during boring school hours. If you have forgotten some points, look at the drawing, this is a diagram of a paper boat. Remember!

Manufacturing plan:

  1. You will need a rectangular piece of paper. Both an ordinary sheet from a notebook and printer paper will do.
  2. It needs to be folded in half and the tops bent towards the center at a right angle.
  3. Fold the remaining edges of the sheet up (on both sides).
  4. We wrap the free corners inward. The result should be a triangle.
  5. We bring the corners of the base of the triangle together so that we get a square.
  6. Bend the bottom corners upward (both sides). Now you should have a triangle again.
  7. Bring the corners of the triangle's base together. You have a square again, take it by the corners and stretch it to the sides.
  8. Pull until you get the ship shown in the last picture. Smooth out the sides, this will make it more stable.

Happened? Now you know how to do simple origami paper boat for children. Repeat the experiment a few more times and you can safely teach your baby! At the end, the finished product can be decorated and, depending on the child’s wishes, floated on water or placed in a visible place at home - a shelf in the nursery or a sideboard in the living room are perfect for this role.

Two-pipe paper boat (motor ship)

Let’s say you and your children can already make a paper boat yourself. If you are no longer satisfied with such a primitive vessel, it’s time to start exploring new options. This article presents several ways to fold the original boat. Below are step-by-step instructions for a paper boat. It differs significantly from the previous one in its appearance, and if the children liked it, hurry up and start studying!

The procedure for assembling a two-pipe paper boat:

Now you know the second way to make an origami boat out of paper. If this item is going to be used for swimming, try dipping it in beeswax or paraffin to make it waterproof. You can also use paper that does not absorb water so quickly, so that the ship remains afloat as long as possible. For this purpose, cardboard, for example, will do. Ready? Launch your frigate!

The third version of a beautiful paper boat for children and adults. Why for adults? He's very attractive! Such a ship can be made of any size, and it will become the highlight of your interior.

However, unlike the two previous options, you should not send it sailing. When it hits the water, the boat falls on its side, which reduces the chances of its further use as a toy.

After all, what child wants to watch his ship sink? If you decide to make a sailboat as an interior element or a land toy, we will help you!

The procedure for assembling a sailing boat from paper with your own hands:

  1. Need a square sheet. You can take a regular A4, fold it in half and cut off the extra strip.
  2. Fold the leaf diagonally twice. Now in front of you is a square with clearly defined lines and a center.
  3. Bend the top of the sheet at an angle towards the middle.
  4. Repeat this with two more tops to create an envelope.
  5. Bend the bottom corner in the other direction, retreating about 1 cm.
  6. Fold the workpiece in half so as to break the middle diagonal in the opposite direction.
  7. Now the most difficult part: you need to fold the product so that the center is inside.
  8. All that remains is to tuck the lower edge of the sailboat so that it can stand.
  9. Decorate the craft as you wish.

So you have learned another diagram of a paper boat. If your child likes origami, then several hours of pleasant pastime are guaranteed!

We present to your attention another way to make a paper boat for children, in which we will need: matchboxes, cardboard, PVA glue. This option is more labor-intensive, but the result is appropriate!

Schematic of a matchbox boat:

  1. You will need three boxes. Glue them together - two together, one on top. You can use almost any glue, but it is better to use regular PVA.
  2. Now take an A4 piece of paper and cut a strip the width of the box along the long side of the sheet.
  3. We paste over our blank with a cut strip.
  4. Take a sheet of cardboard and cut a strip a little more than 1 cm wide along the long side.
  5. We bend this strip in half and glue it to the boxes, forming the bow of the ship.
  6. Place the ship on the cardboard and draw an outline. This is the bottom of our vessel - cut it out.
  7. Glue the bottom to the ship.
  8. Almost everything, but the ship needs a mast! Take an A4 sheet of paper and roll it tightly diagonally.
  9. You need to make a hole in the top box, coat the mast with glue and put it in place. Let it sit for one minute until it sticks.
  10. Sail. To make them beautiful, use a piece of colored paper. Make two holes at a time (you can use a hole punch or a stationery knife) and let your child decorate the sails as he wishes.
  11. Put on the sails and glue the flag, it will prevent them from slipping out.

And one more ship in your harbor. Decide for yourself what to do with them, and in the meantime we will share several more options for such ships.

Cardboard ship

A cardboard ship can come in a variety of sizes. You can make it miniature for spring fun, or you can make it huge for any other purpose. Such a boat turns out to be incredibly beautiful, and its creation requires a minimum of consumables.

Pirate ship

So, here's a list of everything you need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • Glue;
  • Paper;
  • Two thin sticks;
  • Water;
  • Coarse thread;
  • Fabric and scissors;
  • Brush and paints.

You can safely get to work!

It is not necessary to strictly follow the instructions, repeating the design one to one! Create as your imagination allows you.

Cute sailboat

Ships can be very different. For example, here's another idea for inspiration!

To make it you will even need less materials than in the previous variation. You only need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored paper;
  • Pencils;
  • Scotch;
  • Ruler.

Execution order:

The simplest option. All you need is an empty milk carton, colored paper, thread, stick, fabric, thread.

Execution order:

  1. Buy milk at cardboard box, drink it.
  2. Trim the box so that the remainder resembles a boat.
  3. Cover it with colored paper.
  4. Attach the stick (mast) to the middle of the vessel.
  5. Hook the sail onto the mast and tie it to the bow with a thread.

As a result, you might end up with something like this:

You already know how to make a paper boat, but how to decorate it? This is especially true for origami boats, because without decoration they look quite simple. As an option, let your child paint the craft with colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.

Otherwise, you can try using professional origami paper (patterned, foil, decorated, etc.) or improvised materials.

On a note! When choosing a material, take into account its weight, otherwise your vessel will simply lose balance. In this case, not only will you not let it float on water, it will not even be able to stand upright.

Another idea is to decorate origami in the following ways:

  • Textiles;
  • Painted paper;
  • Colored napkins;
  • Tree leaves.

It might look something like this:

Perhaps you will come up with something more interesting, it all depends on your mood and flight of fancy. Good luck with your creativity!

All children love to launch boats on the water. If you don’t know how to make a paper boat for a child or want to make a paper boat with him, our article will help you with this.

We will look at the most interesting and simple options that can be made only with paper using the origami method, using diagrams and step by step instructions.

In order to make a simple paper boat with your own hands, you will need the minimum amount of available materials. Or rather, just paper. This can be either colored paper or a regular piece of paper from a school notebook.

Simple paper boat

Prepare a sheet of paper. It’s very good if it’s a sheet of A4 size - then the boat will turn out to be large, dense, and, of course, stable. Which means for a long time will stay afloat and still defeat the opponent.

The steps for creating a paper boat are as follows::

Fold a sheet of paper prepared in advance in half. Place the folded side up and fold it in half again.

  1. Bend the upper corners at right angles towards the center.
  2. Fold all free edges of the sheet up on both sides.
  3. Carefully tuck all free corners inward. You will get a triangle.
  4. Bring the corners at the base of the shape together. This should create a square.
  5. Fold the bottom corners of the square on both sides so that you again form a triangle.
  6. Bring the corners at its base together - you get a square. Take it by the upper corners and gently pull it to the sides until the figure is completely revealed and the boat is formed.
  7. Smooth out the sides of the boat to give it maximum stability.

It’s better to figure out how to make this boat, a visual diagram will help you:

Congratulations, your simple paper boat is ready! If you wish, you can paint it with pencils, felt-tip pens and paints and even make additional applications on the walls. And small handmade masts, sails and flags, carefully placed on board, will certainly delight children and make the boat even better. Playing with such a paper friend is a pleasure!

For greater clarity, we invite you to watch a short video that shows in detail the process of creating a paper boat with your own hands

The process of creating a two-pipe boat is not as complicated as it might seem. You will again need a familiar sheet of paper and an additional tool - scissors.

So, in order to make a two-pipe boat, you will need:

    1. Fold the bottom left corner of the sheet of paper so that its top side lies completely on the right side. Cut off the resulting excess part. Having completely unfolded the sheet, you will see a square in front of you.
    2. Since there is already one fold line on it, it is necessary to make a second one intersecting with it. To do this, the square should be bent diagonally.
    3. Fold all four corners towards the center to form a small square.
    4. Turn the resulting figure over with the bent corners facing down. Next, repeat the third point - bend all corners towards the center.

  1. A square sheet of paper (it can be easily made from a rectangular one by folding one of the corners and cutting off the excess) needs to be folded along the central axis and diagonals in such a way as to obtain 16 small squares.
  2. Bend all four corners of the square towards the center, and then align the two edges of the workpiece with each other and with the center.
  3. Do a similar procedure with all corners. Turn the workpiece over and bend it in half diagonally.
  4. Connect the small triangles on the right side of the figure to each other. They will appear in the form of a sail.

Second way

This method is traditional for the Japanese. To implement it you will need:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and bend it diagonally.
  2. Also carefully bend two corners along the center line.
  3. Next, you need to bend the bottom corner and align it with the top, thus forming a horizontal line.
  4. Also bend the two sides along the axial vertical line.
  5. Carefully bend the side with an obtuse angle and bend it at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizontal sheet.
  6. For greater persuasiveness, bend the vertical sheet slightly on the sides.

Japanese ship - the sailboat is ready!

Usually it is recommended to make a sailboat from colored paper, because it is much brighter and more beautiful this way. Don't forget to paint and decorate it as you wish, and also make several more similar products. After all, the more of them, the more interesting.

The process of creating a paper boat - a sailboat - is shown in the following video

Paper boat

The boat creation scheme is also simple and will only take a few minutes. All you need is patience, accuracy and attentiveness.

In order to create a paper boat, you need very little time and effort. Fold the A4 sheet in half, first lengthwise and then crosswise. Pay close attention that the closed edges should be on top.

The next step involves working with the corners - the top ones need to be folded towards the center line, and the top and bottom edges, which are currently open, need to be folded up.

Then you need to bend the triangle. Once you do this, you will have a square in front of you, the bottom corners of which are open. Now fold the front and back corners up.

From the resulting triangle, make a square again. Now slowly pull the ends of the upper corners of the square in different directions, and a real paper boat will appear in front of you.

Paper crafts are exciting activity. A simple white or colored sheet can make an interesting creation.

At first glance, folding figures looks like a child's game. But this is a real art with its own techniques and methods of work, which, nevertheless, every person can master.

Paper boat from childhood

Every child has folded paper figures at least once. The most familiar and beloved are paper airplanes and boats.

As a child, paper boats were set sail and simply used for games. This simple toy gives room for the child's imagination.

Some were fond of making complex and large models with many small elements.

Anyone can create such a figurine from paper. It is enough to know simple instructions.

Instructions for folding a durable boat

In order to fold the craft, you need paper sheet. Nothing more is required. And the scheme itself is quite simple. It is enough to carefully understand it and fold the product several times.

In the future, you can do without the hint.

  1. You need to prepare a rectangular sheet of paper. The final size of the boat will depend on its size.

The sheet can be white or colored, depending on your wishes. If you are using paper that has color on only one side, it is advisable to fold it with the color on the inside. The finished figurine will look more beautiful.

  1. You need to fold it in half crosswise.
  2. Place it in front of you with the fold up and find the middle of the sheet. To do this, you need to fold it again, but not completely. As soon as the middle is identified, you can make a light crease.
  3. At this stage there is a sheet folded in half, with the middle marked. Next, you need to fold both corners towards the center, focusing on the mark.
  4. Holding the corners, you need to run your finger along all the fold lines. They should become fixed and thin.
  5. Next, you need to tuck in the free edges of the sheet that remain under the formed triangle. One edge is on one side, and the other on the other.
  6. Now the corners of the folded edges need to be folded, repeating the shape of the triangle and again fix the fold with your finger. Do this on both sides.
  7. Now you have a blank in the form of a triangle. If you move the edges of its base apart, a pocket will form inside.
  8. Next, you need to bring the corners of the base of the triangle together and fold its opposite sides. Now the workpiece has become square shape.
  9. It is necessary to grab the upper corners of the square and stretch them in different directions.
  10. The product is ready.

How to make a paper boat with a child

The folding process may seem long and complicated. But in practice everything is much simpler and more interesting. In order to interest a child in such an activity, it is necessary to take part in the process. At least at the initial stage.

Folding figures will not only captivate your baby, but will benefit his development:

  • the process helps develop fine motor skills;
  • perseverance and patience are formed;
  • imagination develops.

There are a huge variety of diagrams and figures. They vary in degree of complexity, and you can choose suitable option for a child of any age.

In order to assemble a craft with your child, you need to:

  1. Think in advance about which model you plan to fold. Prepare its diagram and understand it before starting the process.
  2. Prepare a suitable work surface and several sheets of paper (in case something doesn’t work out the first time).
  3. You can also prepare colored pencils, markers or paints. When the ship is ready, you can decorate it: come up with a name, draw holds, or simply paint it.
  4. When everything is ready, you can start working. It is necessary to fold the paper, showing the child the sequence of actions and technique. At the same time, the child must do his own crafts on his own.
  5. The finished figurine can be decorated to suit the child’s taste. Then put the “ship” on the water (even at home).
  6. It is necessary to be patient and not rush the child so that he can calmly figure out a new activity for himself.

Paper origami in the shape of a boat

Origami is the art of folding various paper figures. The classic version involves using only one sheet of paper, without using scissors.

Origami in the form of a boat with a sail can be assembled as follows:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper along both diagonals alternately, straighten it and turn it over.
  2. Now make folds in all corners and turn over again. The resulting folds make folding the figure easier.
  3. A piece of paper must be folded in half and then unfolded back.
  4. Now you need to fold the edges of the sheet to the central fold and press them.
  5. The result is a rectangular blank. The top and bottom edges need to be folded towards the center. Now it turns out to be a square.
  6. Next, the top and bottom need to be bent back.
  7. The lower corners need to be raised up and their corners turned outward to form a trapezoid.
  8. Do the same with the top part.
  9. Next, you need to grab the upper trapezoid by the central part and pull it up.
  10. Turn the workpiece over. It turns out to be a square in the center. The entire figure needs to be folded in half along the diagonal of this square.
  11. All that remains is to raise the bottom corner and the craft is ready.

Another model in the form of a boat:

  1. The sheet must be folded in half horizontally.
  2. Then make one horizontal bend in the center of the sheet.
  3. Next, you need to bend the top corners outward on both sides towards the center line.
  4. Also bend the bottom corners towards the center.
  5. Now you need to bend the top layer forward and the bottom layer back.
  6. Next, fold the workpiece inward and straighten it.
  7. Bend the corners back and level the boat.

Ship made from A4 sheet

Most often, A4 (or landscape) sheet is used to make figurines. Its parameters allow you to create a ship of medium size and good shape.

It is preferable to use A4 with a density of 80 to 160 g.

Often the product requires a rectangular sheet (like for a classic boat). In this case, even scissors are not required.

If you need a square sheet, then it can be easily made from A4 using scissors (for example, as for a two-pipe boat).

Making a big boat out of cardboard

For making a ship big size you can use the same patterns as for regular crafts.

But ordinary paper will no longer work here, since such a blank will not hold well.

  1. Sometimes large figures are made from newspaper sheets in two or three layers. But even such tricks don’t really help. As a result, the craft does not hold its shape and has no appearance.
  2. For such a product, very thick paper or cardboard is suitable. This material will give rigidity and keep its shape.
  3. It should be noted that working with cardboard is more difficult than working with paper.
  4. First you need to take measurements, and then make bends in the right places.
  5. Fixing the bends will require some physical strength. Therefore, the child will need adult help.
  6. Sometimes a model of a large ship is made from thinner paper, and then reinforced with cardboard figures the desired shape. They are glued to the ship and it becomes stable. But it is not recommended to place such a product on water, since the folds will quickly become saturated with water.
  7. Large ships often perform a decorative function and are a decoration or addition to the interior.

Beautiful sail for a paper boat

A sail is one of the ways to decorate paper crafts. With such a detail, the product takes on a finished look.

In this case, the sail does not functionally help you swim faster. Therefore, you only need to take care of its beauty and originality. It does not matter in which part of the ship it will be attached.

  1. First you need to prepare the base for the sail. If the figure is small, then a toothpick will do. For a large model you can use any wooden stick. Or another material is not too heavy for the product.
  2. The base is attached with glue or mechanically (for example, with threads).
  3. The sail itself is attached to the top of the base. It can be of any shape and color, from any material: colored paper, material, shiny foil.
  4. For convenience, it is better to first attach the sail to the base, and then this structure to the craft.
  5. It is necessary to ensure that the sail does not overweight and the boat does not fall on its side.

Double-pipe boat for interior decoration

A two-pipe boat (or steamship) is just as easy to make as the classic version. It can become not only a toy, but also a worthy addition and decoration in the interior.

In order for the boat to look presentable, you can make it from beautiful, unusual paper. Or decorate the already prepared figurine so that it fits harmoniously into the interior.

The manufacturing process of a two-pipe boat:

  1. For this model you will need a square sheet of paper. If the shape is rectangular, then you also need scissors.
  2. The rectangular sheet must be folded, bending one corner diagonally to the opposite edge. Thus, you get a square folded in half and the remaining strip of paper that needs to be cut.
  3. The resulting square must be folded first along one diagonal, and then along the second. Thanks to this, the center of the sheet will stand out.
  4. Next, you need to bend all four corners to the center. You also get a square figure, but smaller in size.
  5. The workpiece must be turned over with its bent corners onto the table. And on the resulting surface, repeat the operation again - bend the corners to the center.
  6. We turn the workpiece over again and bend the corners to the center for the third time.
  7. Now you need to turn the figure over again. The top and bottom corners need to be straightened. They will serve as pipes for the boat.
  8. The other two corners (left and right) need to be pulled to the sides and the craft is ready.

Another simple instruction and the result is a new boat model with two pipes in the center.

How to properly launch ordinary boats on the water

To launch a finished paper boat on the water, you must first prepare.

Of course, you can do this without preparation. But such a figurine will quickly become saturated with water, lose its shape and drown.

To prevent the product from becoming disposable, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • use thick paper for production, which does not absorb water well;
  • You can melt paraffin or wax and dip the figurine in it. When everything dries, a layer forms on the paper that will serve as protection against water;
  • do not overload the ship with additional cargo. Sometimes during the game you can place a figurine (captain) or cargo on the boat that needs to be transported. If all these items are too heavy, then some of them must be put aside for the duration of the voyage.

Any of the boat creation schemes is feasible for both adults and children. This is a fun and interesting activity for everyone.

You can make such a craft in any conditions. This does not require any special skills or special materials.

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.

If you don’t know what to do with your child, then make him a craft in the shape of a boat. You can create a toy like in childhood overnight, and the baby will get great pleasure. To make a vessel, you only need a sheet of paper and dexterity of your hands. A little effort and a new fun for the child will be ready.

How to make a paper boat with your own hands

There are several options for how to make a ship out of paper. The manufacturing process will take no more than two to three minutes. To create a toy you will need a sheet of plain A4 paper or cardboard of the same size. Glue, scissors and other additional tools are not needed, because the origami technique will be used for the ship craft. A paper boat can be made by yourself easy pattern or try to make a steamboat, guided by a photo or video.

Simple DIY paper boat

Even a child can master a diagram of how to make a paper boat of the simplest variation. To build a toy water transport, you will need a minimum of available materials: instructions and a landscape sheet to make the product large, durable and stable. Such a vessel will last a long time on the water, delighting its owner. The paper can be either white or colored - each option is good in its own way.

You need to fold the craft according to the step-by-step instructions:

  • Fold the prepared paper sheet in half.
  • The folded side should be folded in half again upward.
  • Bend the corners at right angles to the central part.
  • Bend each free edge upward on both sides, and tuck the free corners into inner part, forming a triangle.
  • Then bring the corners at the base of the figure together, getting a square.
  • Fold the corners of the square from below to again make a triangular shape.
  • Bring the corners at the base of the triangle towards each other, forming a square.
  • Take the resulting figure by the upper corners and slowly pull it to the sides until the product opens, turning into a boat.

How to make a paper boat using origami technique

Using the origami technique, you can create any existing object. How to make a paper boat from a single sheet, giving birth to ships, boats, twin-tube steamers, the Titanic and other vessels? It’s very simple, for example, a great idea for launching would be a miniature yacht, created step by step with your own hands. You can take a sheet of one-sided colored paper so that the boat itself is brightly colored and the sail is white.

Following the steps step by step, you will learn how to make an origami boat:

  • Roll an arrow from a square sheet, bending it towards the opposite edge.
  • Fold the resulting figure in half.
  • Bend the hull of the vessel, forming a right angle of ninety degrees between it and the sail. Unbend the created figure.
  • Press the fold lines on both sides inward and make the front part of the boat sharp.
  • Bend the pointed bottom inward for balance.

How to make a paper boat with a sail

If you are interested in how to assemble a paper boat, then its diagram will not seem complicated if you have mastered the technique simple master class How to make a craft step by step. A spectacular vessel can serve an original gift not only for a child, but also for an adult who is attracted by the sea and everything connected with it. There are several ways to make a ship with a sail, here is how one of them is done step by step:

  • We make a square from an A4 sheet, cutting off the extra piece.
  • Bend the resulting paper figure in the center and diagonally to form sixteen small squares.
  • Bend the sheet at the four corners in the central part and connect the two edges to each other and to the center. Do this action for all corners.
  • Turn the figure over and bend it in half diagonally.
  • Connect the triangles that are with each other right side products. They will be the sails.

How to fold a paper boat into a checkered pattern

It is easy to make a boat not only from a landscape sheet, but also from thinner notebook paper or newspaper. Such a product will be less durable, but you can play with it for a while. The ease of making a boat allows you to make such crafts in any free moment, for example, during a break at school, to pass the time in a fun way. free time designed for relaxation.

How can you make a paper boat? Everything needs to be done step by step:

  • Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half.
  • Mark a line and bend the piece in half again.
  • Bend the corners, but only of the layer that is on top, bringing it closer to the intended line. Perform similar actions on the other side.
  • Bend the lower corners towards you, going inward.
  • Fold the top layer in half.
  • Place the product in the middle, creating two folds.
  • Unscrew the two corners and unfold the created blank.

How to make a steamboat out of paper - step-by-step instructions

A paper steamer can be an excellent alternative to a traditional ship. It’s not very difficult to make, so you can try creative work on making a boat with your child. Yes, such a steamship is not capable of sailing on the water for a long time, but it can perfectly navigate the fictional sea, competing with ordinary boats. Beautiful craft It will definitely interest the child with its original appearance.

Step by step the steamboat is made like this:

  • You need to take a square-shaped leaf.
  • Fold each of the four corners towards the central part.
  • Then you should turn the resulting workpiece over in the shape of a square and again bend all the corners to the center.
  • Turn the resulting figure over again and bend all four corners to the center again.
  • Turn the square over again and fold the corners to the central part of the product again.
  • Turn the workpiece over again, but begin to gradually bend and open two opposite squares.
  • The remaining couple of squares need to be pulled little by little by the corners in different directions.

Check out other DIY paper crafts like:

A boat made of paper is very attractive to children, because its production is very simple and at the same time exciting. And how many games can you come up with using such boats: floating along streams in the spring, splashing in the bathtub, and maybe even playing sea ​​battle. There is a lot of entertainment for children, but adults also have a lot to learn, for example, how to build a huge ship with your own hands, which will become your pride and become a decorative item.

Let's start looking at paper crafts - boats!

Paper boat for beginners with instructions

The simplest boat on A4 paper, this instruction is intended for beginner origami lovers. All you need is paper. Most of us are probably familiar with this folding method.

Origami boat with step-by-step folding photos

Paper ship for children

This is an easy-to-make boat that kids will surely love. It is good because it is convenient to color and fantasize about the seas.

You will need a square piece of paper and glue. Follow the instructions and delight your children with wonderful boats.

How to make a ship out of paper

This is no longer a boat, but a whole ship on which you can depict many cabins and play out interesting scenes with your child. Follow the diagram and you will get the same wonderful ship.