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How to develop psychic abilities - energy management. Develop your psychic abilities. Increased sense of touch. Basic psychic level

Modern television is filled with many programs related to supernatural people, and this is what gives rise to questions among many viewers - is it possible to develop a sixth sense in oneself, or is the gift given from above? Are there exercises to develop psychic abilities? How to spot a psychic in yourself? How to determine Let's try to understand such complex issues.

A psychic is a person who has hypersensitivity. All people receive information from the world around them using logical reasoning and, of course, for some people, information itself appears in their heads. Almost every person can call these people, you just have to put maximum effort into your desire.
In the modern world, there are many different books and teaching aids aimed at developing psychic abilities. What exactly needs to be done in order to learn extrasensory perception and develop unusual abilities?

First, you need to figure out what exactly the nature of the information that appears in the brain may be. It can be in the nature of pictures, all kinds of visions, some claim that they hear otherworldly voices, and even smell it. And sometimes it happens that a person is simply sure that this is exactly the case; this phenomenon can be called self-awareness.

Extrasensory perception should be clearly distinguished and not confused with hallucinations or wild imagination. Any information that appears in your brain should not be fictitious, but only reliable. All people have extrasensory sense from birth, but it should be developed. If this is not done, the abilities will gradually disappear under the influence of others, for example, logical abilities. In order to develop your abilities and explore your super senses, below are some tips and recommendations that will undoubtedly help you recognize the psychic in yourself!

Development of extrasensory abilities: boost of energy

In order to reveal psychic abilities in yourself, you need to learn to relax and also recharge your energy to the maximum. Yoga can be a great place to start; it is great for helping you get rid of negative emotions and thoughts. It is best to receive a charge of energy from the Earth and the Sun. When receiving their energy, you need to clearly imagine how this is done, feel how it spreads throughout the body.

Development of extrasensory abilities: filling the vessel of desires

It is possible to manage your life and fulfill it. To do this, you need to draw a circle and divide it into 8 equal parts. In each of these parts you should write one wish, sign on top your name, date and 2 phrases: “Without harming anyone” and “From a higher source.” Closing your eyes, say out loud your desires that you wrote down in your desire vessel. At the end of the ritual, ask the Higher Consciousness to help you and push you to fulfill your desires.

Having hidden your vessel of desires, do not forget to read out loud everything that you wrote in it as often as possible. You will soon notice that your Higher Consciousness helps and prompts you to make the right decisions in certain matters, thanks to which your desires begin to slowly come true.

Development of psychic abilities: dream diary

Developing ESP takes effort and practice. You shouldn’t think about the meaning of your dream, you shouldn’t analyze it either. Just describe. Place a piece of paper and a pencil near your bed so that you can always write down your dream, because you can forget it in the morning. It is in dreams that many people discover their psychic abilities.

To learn extrasensory perception, you undoubtedly need to read a lot of specific literature and, if possible, pass some tests in order to identify your extrasensory profile. But still, when you feel that your thoughts are capable of materializing, that you can predict a lot, you should think about what direction to direct your extrasensory abilities. You should be careful, listening to your sixth sense, and having new opportunities, do not forget about morals, manners, values ​​and honesty.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming a psychic: foreseeing the future, reading the thoughts of other people and transmitting them at a distance? Everyone would probably like to be able to do this at least once. Is this possible and how to develop psychic abilities? - questions to which we want to find answers.

Attitude towards psychics

A psychic is a person, according to his owls, who has paranormal extrasensory abilities:

  • Telepathy;
  • Clairvoyance;
  • Dowsing (detecting hidden objects, such as water underground);
  • Proscopy (obtaining information about the future thoughts of another person).

Since there are no scientifically substantiated registered cases of the existence of such people, the concept of “psychic” refers to those who themselves declare such abilities.

Attitudes in society towards psychics vary, but most of them perceive this fact as fraud. Such magicians and wizards provide various services to the population: they predict the future, diagnose diseases, search for missing people and generally do everything that is necessary, charging a considerable fee for it. But, despite the absurdity of the statement, queues line up to see them, and advertisements for special salons do not go away from the pages of magazines and the Internet.

Is it possible to develop psychic abilities?

Despite all the anti-science, some people still believe that it is possible, for example, to learn to read who is thinking about what. And they wonder how to do it.

Here's what advice experienced psychics give to beginners:

  1. It is believed that all of us have unusual abilities, only they manifest themselves at different ages or under specific circumstances. And if you haven’t noticed any of these, perhaps they are simply hidden for now;
  2. To check how ready you are to use your phenomenal talent, take the tests. They are also available online on the Internet. Or just try to remember:
  • How often do you experience déjà vu? That same feeling of the past in the present;
  • How often do you, after thinking about a person, meet him: “Hello, I was just thinking about you”;
  • Does it happen that you look at an object just like that, without meaning. Especially being in someone else's house?
  • Do your dreams ever come true?

The more often you answer “yes” and “very often” to these questions, the more likely you are to become a psychic. If all the questions are confusing, put them aside for a while.

How to develop your psychic abilities?

There are special training exercises, providing an opportunity to discover and develop phenomenal talents:

  1. To learn to understand your intuition or, as psychics say, to gain the gift of clairvoyance, train yourself like this: take a deck of cards, pull one out one at a time, face down, and try to guess what it is. If it works, listen to yourself, at what moment you understood it, what helped you with this. The more often you do this, the sooner you will begin to control yourself;
  2. Learn to turn off your consciousness from real events in order to be able to mentally transport yourself to other places or read other people's thoughts. Take any object or draw a black dot on a white sheet. Set it in front of yourself and try to think only about the subject, learn to control your consciousness and remove it from it.

Agree, it turns out that it is not at all difficult to develop the phenomenon of a psychic. The only surprising thing is why we haven’t all learned to read other people’s thoughts and heal the sick with the power of thought.

Reading the thoughts of others is the dream of many. But if you think about it, is it really impossible? After all, what we say out loud, we first say to ourselves. And if we can hear ordinary speech, then why can’t we hear internal speech?

For this there is a concept “ alternative hearing" When a person thinks, all his thoughts are reflected outside: facial expressions, gestures, eyes. You just need to learn to understand and feel it. Practice like this:

  • Ask a friend to think about an event. Your task is to free yourself from extraneous thoughts and try to catch the pictures that arise in your head. But you need to learn to weed out unnecessary ones and leave his thoughts. Take a closer look at your assistant, sometimes a face can say everything. If you superimpose facial expressions on the images, it is quite possible that you will guess;
  • Public places are great places to learn telepathy. Sit on a bench and try to guess where the child will run, what his mother will now shout to him, which direction the one walking in front will turn.

You can arrange a competition with a friend to see who can read more thoughts and guess other people's gestures. Have fun and exercise.

How to develop extrasensory senses?

How else can you train your telepathic sensitivity:

  1. When you go to bed, set yourself what kind of dream you want to have. Maybe a specific person or some event;
  2. Make forecasts for the coming day. You know roughly what you will do today. Now try to scroll through in more detail in your head what will happen. To track your progress, write down matches in your notebook;
  3. Get special stones. Some of them, according to experienced psychics, help work with consciousness. For example: heliotrope, sardonyx, azurite;

Be in nature more. It’s almost impossible to concentrate in the city, but it’s better to train away from the hustle and bustle. Only experienced psychics know how not to be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Journey into the past

Most people want to know the future, but there are times when it is really necessary look into the past person.

You can do it something like this:

  • First you need to stop thinking about everything. We have already talked about black dot training exercises that will help you learn this;
  • Next, learn to control your attention. Hold it on only one object, and only on it, for as long as possible;
  • Now you are ready to work with a person. Invite a friend who is willing to help. Sit opposite him, close your eyes, free your mind and concentrate your attention on him. Mentally rewind the calendar back to the right moment. It just has to be this his calendar. Visualize your assistant and how his days are running back. Pictures will gradually begin to appear before your eyes. If not, try again in a couple of days.

It seems that everything is simple. But in reality it will turn out differently. Or maybe this is not true at all. And if another psychic begins to tell you some similar events from your life, do not rush to believe. There are general phrases that can be applied to any person.

We have collected advice that professionals give in their books and websites to those who want to know how to develop psychic abilities. But we remind you that this phenomenon has not yet been scientifically substantiated or confirmed.

Video lesson on the development of extrasensory perception

In this video, parapsychologist and psychic Natalya Banina will tell you what exercises you can use to develop your psychic abilities:

Every person has extrasensory abilities, but for many they are hidden in the depths of their souls. Remember unique incidents from your life. You were able to guess when the bus would arrive or found the desired object in an unknown city. Develop these abilities, be patient, train and become a real psychic.

Developing psychic abilities - general rules

In order to become a psychic, consider the following nuances:

  • do not tell anyone about training and your desire;
  • cleanse your internal energy. Get rid of negative thoughts, achieve harmony through meditation;
  • do the exercises below every day. If you get sick, stop exercising. Working with energy can have a negative effect on recovery;
  • use psychic abilities only for the benefit of people or they will disappear;
  • read a lot of thematic literature, gain knowledge.

Developing extrasensory abilities - learning to feel your aura

All people are surrounded by an energy field. Learn to sense your aura to become a psychic. To do this, do the following exercise daily:

  • sit in the middle of the room on a chair. Keep your back straight;
  • relax and don’t think about anything for five minutes;
  • raise your arms forward and spread them to the sides as far as possible, palms up;
  • slowly bring your hands together. Bring your palms closer to each other until they touch.

Your task is to learn to sense the boundaries of your biofield. If you perform the exercise every day, you will feel a feeling of warmth, elasticity and energy. If you learn to clearly sense your aura, you will be able to see the biofield of other people. Use the exercise mentally while communicating with another person. Try to tune into the wavelength of your interlocutor, feel his mood.

We develop extrasensory abilities - we learn to influence with our gaze

Master this amazing extrasensory ability and you will be able to influence a person with your gaze. This exercise will help you:

  • draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm on paper and color it in with a dark felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • hang the drawing on the wall in the room at a distance of about 90 cm from you;
  • look carefully at the drawing for a minute and move it to the left side on the wall. Keep your eyes on the filled circle;
  • Move the drawing to the right side and look closely at the circle for another minute.

Keep your gaze on the drawing longer every day and increase this time to 5 minutes. Achieve a positive result - you will be able to influence people with your gaze.

Developing psychic abilities - useful exercises

There are other exercises that will help develop psychic abilities:

  • exercises for intuition. Constantly write down your expectations and thoughts and then check whether they coincide with reality. Try to look at the world through the eyes of another person, without mixing in your thoughts. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for intuition. If you are right-handed, develop your left hemisphere, and if you are left-handed, vice versa. Your task is to learn to write with the hand that is uncomfortable to write with;
  • exercise with photographs. Take two photos. One with a living person, and the other with a deceased person. Close your eyes and concentrate on the photo. Place your palm on one of the photographs and feel the energy emanating from it. Repeat with another photo. The sensations of living and dead energy should be different;
  • pay attention to your dreams. If you often have dreams that come true in reality, you have psychic abilities;
  • exercises with a vessel. Take any transparent vessel without patterns. Place it on the table and sit in front of it in silence. Look at the vessel and think about a problem that worries you or mentally ask a question. Concentrate your attention on the subject, do not be distracted, and after a while you may see some kind of image. It will become an answer or a prediction. Nothing will come of it right away; you need constant training.

Keep a diary and record your achievements. If all else fails, sign up for extrasensory perception courses. But don't run into charlatans. Believe in your capabilities, drive away your fears and everything will definitely work out.

Psychics are people who have superpowers and can perceive the supernatural. The word “psychic” is translated from Latin as “supersensitive.” It is believed that extrasensory perception is a gift that a person is endowed with from birth. But in fact, every person has similar abilities, but they are at different levels of development. This is the so-called “sixth sense”, intuition, which in many cases our mind suppresses. People have different attitudes towards extrasensory perception: from God’s blessing to the machinations of dark forces. But this is just the ability to capture vibrations of the bioenergy field in a range inaccessible to most people.

This gift often manifests itself in childhood, when children begin to tell their parents things that they cannot know about. Any person who wants to discover psychic abilities in themselves can try to do this with the help of special training and exercises.

Perception of aura using hands.

You need to sit on a chair, your back remains straight. Completely relax and remove all thoughts. After a few minutes, spread your palms to the sides at a distance of 30 cm and begin to slowly bring them closer together until they touch. Then return to the starting position. After a certain amount of training, you may experience a feeling of warmth or firmness between your palms. This is how the boundaries of the biofield are captured.

Developing the power of gaze.

The task is to learn to concentrate your gaze. A black circle with a diameter of 3 cm is drawn on a sheet of paper. It is fixed on the wall 90 cm from the eyes. First, we look at the circle without looking away for a minute, then we move it 90 cm to the left and right and repeat the procedure. With daily training we increase the fixation time to 5 minutes. Having achieved this result, you can influence others with your gaze. In order to completely subjugate a person’s will, you will need the ability to fix your gaze for 15 minutes.

3. See the future in a dream.

The essence of this method is to go to bed and set yourself to see tomorrow. This means trying to fall asleep with one thought - about what you want to know. In order for this to happen, it must take quite a long time - 1-2 months. Seeing the future is the most incredible thing!

4. Development of intuition.

The exercise will teach you to recognize the emotions of other people. To do this, you need to kind of reincarnate into him, become imbued with the consciousness that you are this person, turning off all your internal judgments. So over time it will be possible to look at the world through his eyes.

5. See the aura.

To do this you need to go through two stages. The first is to lie with your eyes closed before going to bed and look at the small lines inside your eyelids. The second is to put some object in the twilight on a neutral background that does not distract attention, and look at it as if casually. After some time, you can see a whitish haze along the contour of the object. Over time, it will acquire a color that depends on the color of the object itself. This is the aura.

In conclusion, I can give one more piece of advice. People who want to discover their psychic abilities should spend more time in nature - walking, meditating, looking inside themselves.

Sharpening of vision

1. At night, in the dark, look carefully around and try to determine the outlines of the objects around you. Try to do it while lying in bed or in the yard of your house, walking down the street, etc.

2. Having determined the outline of the object, say (to yourself or out loud - whichever is more convenient for you):

“The outline of this object in the dark reminds me of (name of the object). I am developing my ability to recognize objects in any light.”

3. During the day, anywhere and at any time, take a few seconds to carefully examine the objects around you.

4. Mentally list all the objects you saw and say:

« I train my mind to constantly see everything that happens around me«.

5. Say:

« I command my subconscious mind to be alert at all times and inform me of anything that may be useful for the development of my consciousness and psychic abilities«.

The exercises described are just an example. You can use them, you can come up with your own. The main thing is that your consciousness is attentive to everything you see. It is advisable that you practice these exercises, even for a few seconds, but daily. They perfectly increase the sharpness and accuracy of perception. You will be surprised to discover a huge number of things and objects that you simply did not notice before. Attentiveness is the key to success in any business.

Hearing enhancement

1. Usually, before going to bed, people try to tune out all sounds. You, on the contrary, try to concentrate all your attention on them for several minutes and try to determine the source of each sound.

2. Listen. You may hear the refrigerator turning on and off, or the ice being unloaded from the ice cream maker across the street.

3. You heard the sound of a motor. What is this? Car, truck or motorcycle?

4. The rumble of a flying plane can be heard. Listen: maybe it's a helicopter?

Learn to identify any sounds, hear your breathing and heartbeats, the slightest rustle in the room, don’t miss anything.

Train your hearing to distinguish subtle sounds, because the Higher Consciousness often addresses a person in a quiet, soft voice, which may not be heard in the noise of the day.

1. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to do these exercises. Listen to the sounds of the morning.
2. Do you hear the cries of newsmen, birds singing, distant beeps?
3. During the day, try to listen briefly to the sounds around you: to televisions and radios turned on somewhere, to ringing phones, to the noise of passing trains and barking dogs.
4. Try to be alert all the time, keep background noise under control, wherever you are.

Literally after the very first exercises, your hearing will become very sharp. You will be surprised to discover how many sounds surround you, but they will not disturb you. You will be on your guard all the time and will not miss anything that may be useful to you.

Increased sense of smell

1. Take a few seconds, relax, take a deep breath and try to determine what smells surround you.

2. Combine business with pleasure: do these exercises in a restaurant or in the kitchen.
Open the boxes of seasonings often and inhale their aroma. Try to sniff every piece of food you are about to put in your mouth without anyone noticing.
Look into the refrigerator often and explore its contents using your sense of smell.

3. Sniff the air inside your car when you press the accelerator. Try to learn how to determine how the air changes depending on engine speed.

4. When identifying sources of odors, mentally name them. Tell yourself: “I am enhancing my sense of smell to develop psychic abilities. Now I smell…” (listing of odors and their sources).

Increased sense of touch. Basic psychic level

5. Close your eyes and plug your ears.
Touch the skin on your cheek, then on your wrist, on your heel.
Try to define your sensation of touch in one word, for example: smooth, silky, ribbed.
Take a piece of ice from the refrigerator in your hands, hold your hand near the candle flame. Name your feelings.

6. Take a shoebox and make a hole in it large enough for your hand to fit through.
Place small objects of different textures in the box (scraps of various fabrics, small toys made from various materials).
Close the lid of the box, try, by touching the objects, to determine by touch what you are holding in your hands.
Gradually complicate the task by placing objects of increasingly uniform texture into the box.

7. Put the change they give you for change not in your wallet, but in your pockets. Practice in your spare time

Charging your hands

The body position and landing are the same as in the second exercise.
The hands are cupped and the fingertips are touching, the legs are touching with the feet.
It is necessary to open and close your hands, leaving contact with the pillows, for several minutes until a pulsation appears in each finger.
Then, without unclenching your hands, it is necessary to carry out pendulum movements along the body so that this pulsation intensifies.
After this, you need to feel the warmth that comes from your hands and spreads throughout your body.
Warmth, and then an overflow of power from the received energy and charging. This Image of power and warmth must be held for 20 minutes.

This training is aimed at developing extrasensory sensory abilities in the hands.
It is carried out at the initial stage once a week, and after 1-2 months - as needed.

Renewal (Development of internal sensitivity)

One of the options for Spiritual Practice, preventing tension and internal stagnation, promoting the achievement of dynamics and inner sensitivity.

The exercise is not a one-time exercise, so it needs to be performed regularly, for several minutes a day.
- Before moving directly to Practice, observe yourself for some time in certain life situations.
You need to remember two sensations well:

1. feeling of waiting - at the moment when you are waiting for someone/something, just focus on the internal sensations and remember them.

2. sense of achievement - remember the feelings and sensations that accompany you at the moment when you waited for someone/something.

These two sensations are your Tool when performing the indicated practice.

Take a body position that is comfortable for you, and focus on the feeling of anticipation.
Be aware that something is about to happen. Your state should be completely identical to the real one.
Imagine, for example, that now the doorbell should ring (on the phone), any change in the environment should occur - for example, it should rain, a strong wind should blow, etc.
At the moment when the tension of expectation reaches its maximum point, switch your attention to the feeling of achievement, which is accompanied by satisfaction and some relaxation. Realize that what you expected has already happened.
Focus on the feeling of what has happened: what you expected has happened, at the same time changes have occurred within you (this is exactly how it happens in reality), you have realized a part of yourself, freed yourself from one of the smallest forms of involvement.