Useful tips

How to teach an Aries husband a lesson. Aries man, attitude towards women and sexual preferences. How does an Aries in love behave?

Communication with an Aries man does not always give only positive emotions. After all, representatives of this sign sometimes commit unexpected actions, they are characterized by sudden changes in mood. How to understand this man if he suddenly strikes with a flash of jealousy, condemns your friendship with certain people and demands complete submission? And completely innocent things can cause a storm of emotions in him. And at the same time, it’s stupid to part with him, because the Aries man is truly unique and fantastic. How to behave with him in order to maintain the relationship? Let's try to figure it out.

Characteristics of the sign

To understand how a woman should behave with an Aries man, it is first necessary to find out who you are dealing with. To do this, let's study his character.

The Aries man is quite selfish. He just loves attention. At the same time, he is very caring and kind to close people. always ready to help. He has perseverance. He will passionately defend his opinion, even a deliberately false one.

In personal relationships, this man always remains faithful to his chosen one. And he demands the same from his beloved. At the same time, accept that he is jealous. From time to time he will make a scene, trying to convict you of infidelity.

But you must know, if you want an Aries man next to you, how to behave with him. Your most important trump card is complete devotion to him. After all, it is extremely important for him to trust and not doubt his beloved.

Basic character traits

Take a closer look at him and you will understand what kind of Aries man he is. How to behave with him? Get the essence of his character.

And to do this, remember the main features inherent in this sign:

  1. Authority. He loves to dominate. He always wants to be the center of attention. The Aries man loves to be listened to attentively. Let him feel like an unconditional authority, the head of the family.
  2. Royalty, but at the same time self-doubt. Such a man places himself significantly above others. However, any criticism hurts him very deeply. Long-standing complexes immediately surface in him. Therefore, be gentle with him. Even a small remark can become a serious cause for offense.
  3. Lover of compliments. Caress your lover's ears with praise. However, remember that Aries is smart enough and is able to distinguish sincere compliments from flattery. Notice his valuable qualities and successes. This will perfectly inspire your man.
  4. Lack of communication skills. Aries does not know how to find. It is difficult for him to establish contacts. He is unable to admit that he is wrong even in a situation where it is obvious. Try to avoid the “sharp” moments. Be generous with this feature and avoid quarrels in every possible way. After all, even a simple conflict can deprive Aries of peace for a long time.
  5. Head of the family. Let him dominate. And you, as a wise woman, need to find balance in your relationships. Aries is smart and generous, he will always make concessions to his beloved. However, do not forget to always consult with him and listen carefully to his opinion. It is important to fulfill its basic requirements. In this case, the man will not interfere with your management of the household, and there will be complete harmony in the house.
  6. Demanding and strict. Do you feel like your loved one is constantly unhappy? Analyze his requirements. For Aries, comfort, positive and calm environment. He appreciates composure and neatness in a woman.
  7. Romanticism and prudence. It is impossible to conquer an Aries with a trendy hairstyle and chic makeup. This man prefers natural beauty, femininity, and the ability to present himself. He can be very romantic and please his other half with a sweet surprise.

What kind of women does Aries prefer?

What young lady might interest him?

To understand how to behave correctly with an Aries man, you just need to develop the following qualities in yourself:

  1. Self confidence. He himself constantly doubts. Therefore, Aries is drawn like a magnet to a confident woman.
  2. Femininity and vulnerability. He does not need an independent and strong nature. Especially screaming at him. Aries wants to protect a fragile, weak girl. For her, he will become strong and courageous.
  3. Charisma. A man will be attracted to a smart girl who can arouse interest in herself. But strong-willed and self-sufficient young ladies are not for him.
  4. Stylish and natural. Be bright, beautiful, but at the same time as natural as possible. Aries does not like anything unnatural.

How to make an Aries fall in love with you?

If you are firmly convinced that you need this representative of the strong half of humanity, then a few recommendations will help you understand what the Aries man expects from you. How to behave with him so that he falls in love?

Remember the following:

  1. Give the initiative to him. Let him show his leadership abilities.
  2. Be feminine, attractive and young at heart. Aries will definitely pay attention to a woman who is open to any endeavors and prefers to speak directly.
  3. Get Aries interested and let him evaluate you and see your strengths. Remember that this man must think that he chose you.
  4. Be honest with him.
  5. Constantly demonstrate your ambition and your intelligence.
  6. You will have to be ambivalent. This man sometimes wants to see a funny flirt next to him. And in another situation, he wants you to act decisively. Learn to understand him and you will always know what he wants from you.

How to make peace with him?

If so, how should I behave with him?

Be a wise woman and use the following tips:

  1. Take the first step. Even if you are sure that you are completely right. Believe me, if this were so, your man would not be offended by you. This means that you yourself injured him and did not notice it.
  2. Do not stoop to claims and reproaches. Aries, who has put on a mask of inaccessibility, has a very hard time enduring quarrels with his beloved. Therefore, do not aggravate the situation, accept everything as it is.
  3. Discuss the conflict. Have a heart-to-heart talk with him. Explain what brought you out of balance (bad day, troubles at work).


Now you understand how to behave with an Aries man. The tips given above will help you make him fall in love with you, keep him and successfully reconcile. But the most important thing is to learn to understand this demanding, jealous and very impressionable man. Appreciate his loyalty and devotion, respect him as a leader. And your union will become the strongest and most harmonious.

Communication with a powerful, impressionable and jealous Aries man does not always give positive emotions. Representatives of this sign are characterized by unexpected actions and sudden changes in mood. Aries can be seriously offended and even break off the relationship, although there are no apparent reasons for this. This man is always striving for something, he has a lot of activities and urgent matters, there is simply not enough time for conversations and communication.

How to understand an Aries man when he suddenly strikes you with a flash of jealousy or demands unquestioning submission, condemns you for being friends with people he doesn’t like, and is completely indifferent to your new image? Yes, many traditional techniques do not cause any effect when a woman communicates with Aries, while completely innocent things and actions can cause a storm of emotions and irritation in this person. Aries is a fiery sign of the zodiac; its representatives are characterized by sudden changes in mood, unstable emotional condition, the desire to dominate everything. It is important to remember the characteristics of an Aries man, to understand him correctly, and to pay attention to the traits inherent in representatives of this sign. Do not forget that you will need to better study your loved one personally, be more attentive to his words, actions, and reactions. Then it will be much easier for you to communicate, and you will be able to significantly strengthen your relationship.

Fiery Aries man: understanding a powerful and vulnerable person correctly
When communicating with an Aries man, be extremely careful. Observe your loved one, draw the right conclusions, do not try to “re-educate” him and collect the secrets of establishing a relationship with Aries into your “piggy bank.” This person is ambiguous, sometimes ambivalent, so learning to understand the Aries man is necessary. It is advisable that you grasp the essence of his words and desires instantly, without unnecessary explanations. This is exactly the kind of woman Aries will especially appreciate.

  1. Bossy. It is very important for an Aries man to dominate in the family, team, among his acquaintances, in the company of friends. Everywhere he strives to become the center of attention, wants to win respect and trust. Aries likes to be obeyed. Of course, in a pair he must also be the main one. Remember that in most cases, irritation among representatives of this zodiac sign occurs due to any manifestations of disrespect towards them. Do not under any circumstances overthrow Aries from his “throne”. He should feel like the head of the family, an unquestioning authority.
  2. Regal, but unsure of himself... At first glance, it may seem to you that this person does not need anyone's assessments or compliments. He clearly puts himself above others, knows about all his merits, and is quite pleased with himself. But in the process of communicating with Aries, you will quickly notice the inconsistency of his character. You reprimanded him, and he was so offended that he was ready not to talk to you for several days? Did you point out his mistake, managed to prove that he was wrong, and because of this your loved one is on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Be careful! The whole point is that it is necessary to correctly understand the Aries man, who, in fact, deep down in his soul, is not confident in himself. He takes criticism seriously. Literally a few words are enough for complexes to begin to torment Aries with new strength. Try not to hurt him again, be as delicate as possible.
  3. Lover of compliments. Good words, compliments, appropriate praise caress the ears of the Aries man. It is important to understand that this person is smart and practical, and evaluates himself more objectively than it might seem from the outside. Therefore, your praise must be appropriate, otherwise it may cause a backlash. But it is necessary to support Aries: if you notice his successes, valuable qualities, and talk about them, your loved one will be significantly inspired.
  4. Lack of communication skills. Understanding an Aries man is sometimes very difficult. Unfortunately, a lack of communication skills, the ability to find a common language and establish contacts often hinders representatives of this sign. Any diplomatic techniques are completely alien to many Aries. Admitting that one is wrong is an almost impossible task for this person, even when the situation is already obvious. Your loved one may realize that he was wrong, but he probably won’t say so. Try to treat his characteristics more generously, do not judge him harshly. It’s just too difficult for Aries to settle any conflict situation, and an ordinary quarrel can deprive him of peace for a long time. It’s better to take everything upon yourself: avoid “acute” moments, avoid any discussions, quarrels, and when they arise, try to gently stabilize the situation.
  5. Head of the family. The desire for dominance also manifests itself in a unique way in Aries. When a woman has already understood an Aries man, it will not be difficult for her to remain a housewife, but at the same time leave the “place of leadership” to her beloved. In fact, it is very pleasant to communicate with representatives of this sign and to live as one family. Wise women quickly find the right balance and correctly establish relationships with Aries. Aries should feel like they are in charge. You cannot openly argue with him, remind him of your independence and independence, or question his authority. At the same time, the Aries man is quite generous, reasonable, and is ready to make some concessions for the sake of the woman he loves. The main thing is not to forget to ask his opinion and fulfill his basic requirements. Then there will be complete harmony in the house, and Aries will not interfere with his wife managing the household or planning the budget.
  6. Strict and demanding. How to understand an Aries man who is almost impossible to please? Do you feel like you're doing everything right, but he's still not happy? Try to remember all the requirements of your loved one, take the time to analyze his comments, remember everything he said. Surely you are simply missing something, or you are not taking Aries’s words seriously enough. For most representatives of this sign, comfort, a calm and positive environment at home is important. Aries really appreciate neat, collected and clean women; they love order in everything.
Try to be as attentive and correct as possible when communicating with an Aries man. He gives the impression of being self-confident and indifferent to the opinions of others, but in reality it is very easy to hurt him. It is important to understand Aries, to be able to establish contact with him, to constantly maintain relationships at the proper level, otherwise mutual grievances can accumulate quite quickly.

Energetic idealist and reliable head of the family
Are you embarrassed by your loved one's jealousy? Remember his loyalty and care for you! Are you tired of maintaining perfect order at home, living with the affairs and aspirations of Aries? Think how much he does for your well-being, how calm you are with him. Most representatives of this sign captivate with their masculinity, ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations, devotion.

  • A romantic and sensible Aries man. When a woman spends money and time on going to beauty salons and buys a lot of cosmetics, it is difficult for her to understand an Aries man who remains indifferent to her efforts and the impressive results of the procedures. In fact, everything is simple. Aries can be romantic, he is even sometimes capable of unexpected actions, ready to surprise with a sweet surprise. And he also has a sense of beauty. He only values ​​natural attractiveness, femininity, and the ability to present oneself.
  • Vigorous. Aries conquers new heights with pleasure; when he moves towards a goal, he is almost unstoppable. It is important to understand an Aries man if he is too busy and unable to give the woman the attention she deserves. Human possibilities are not limitless, Aries sometimes needs to concentrate to achieve what they want.
  • Reliable. With an Aries man you can feel safe. Many Aries are distinguished by their amazing ability to quickly solve problems and find ways out of difficult situations. This person will not be confused, at the most critical moment he will retain common sense and the ability to objectively assess the situation, accept right decisions. It’s great if a woman helps him with this and supports him.
  • Loyal. Aries is usually looking for a stable relationship. It is important to demonstrate to him that you are serious. Aries are not prone to flirting; they are not interested in superficial connections. The Aries man will certainly demand devotion; many representatives of this sign are jealous. But Aries himself also captivates with his loyalty and reliability. When he loves a woman, he will not be interested in the brightest representatives of the fair sex.
Learn to understand the vulnerable, jealous and demanding Aries man. Respect the leader in him, appreciate his reliability and devotion. When you delve into the nuances of your loved one’s character and learn to behave correctly, your union will become especially strong.

Astrology studies the influence of stars and planets on human character. Noble people invited a midwife and an astrologer to the birth. The latter's duties included drawing up a detailed and accurate horoscope.

Doctors and church ministers applied the research. The zodiac sign influences the character of the person born under its auspices. Astrological brothers do similar things. And they treat their loved ones equally.

In contact with


Aries man: how to understand that he is in love? It is worth explaining from the perspective of astrology. Over the centuries, a huge amount of material has been accumulated. AND modern people It is interesting to apply knowledge in various fields.

Ram is the most aggressive of all signs. Its resistance energy is comparable to an atomic explosion. This person thinks about himself first and then about others. The fortitude and desire to overcome the difficulties of the ram are such that they can captivate the crowd.

Arguing with such a person is simply dangerous. Most likely, he will crush his opponent with arguments. If this method does not help, far from honest methods will be used.

When communicating with representatives of this astrological type, women are lost and do not know how to understand that an Aries man is in love.

What a lady should consider when communicating with a heavenly ram:

  1. You cannot openly express your dissatisfaction. After several instances of confrontation, he will get bored and leave.
  2. It is worth trying to pacify a violent friend with the calm tones of your clothes.
  3. One should not admire others in his presence. The Aries ego will not tolerate such disrespect.
  4. It is advisable to show own success in men. Aries is a fighter, capturing a prestigious trophy is the meaning of life. His vanity will be flattered by communication with such a girl.

Even an Aries in love is a difficult person to communicate with. The most suitable for him are ladies born under “air” signs. This element does not prevent the fire from raging. “Earth” gives Aries support. But after a fire, a scorched surface remains. Other signs will feel regret for wasting their time.

Interesting! Among Aries there are “high” people who recognize morality and follow it, and “low” people. These qualities are formed by environment and upbringing.

How to understand that he is in love?

Often a woman asks herself: “This person is behaving so strangely. Am I wasting my time? How to answer the question and understand that an Aries man is in love? All you have to do is watch your friend:

  1. Aries is a warrior. He will fight for his sympathy. If relationships with colleagues and acquaintances have deteriorated due to his fault, then the Aries man is in love.
  2. Aries is imprudent. He does first, thinks later. If a person begins to find himself in an awkward position more often than usual, then the man is in love.
  3. Aries has difficulty expressing his tender feelings. If he shows off in the presence of his crush, but does not compliment her, then the conclusion is clear: he is in love.
  4. Aries is not known for his eloquence. If rude compliments shock a woman and make her acquaintances smile, then the Aries man is in love and hopes for reciprocity.
  5. The Ram is used to crushing obstacles. If a woman unexpectedly receives a marriage proposal and a demand to change jobs, then the man is very much in love.

Attention! Winning the love of a passionate Aries does not mean becoming happy forever. The fire of his soul constantly requires fuel.

Features of the behavior of an Aries in love

Love in signs is ruled by Venus. Aries is ruled by Mars. Planets are constantly in conflict. Such rivalry makes the behavior of an Aries man in love unusual.

This fire sign can be passionate. But all his emotions are directed at himself. When conquering a woman, a man in love thinks only about his own comfort.

Description of the character of a man born under the sign of Aries

What should your friend expect? An Aries man in love - an emotional and passionate man - demonstrates the following behavior:

  1. The natural aggressiveness of the chosen one does not harmonize well with the sensuality of Venus. You can't expect to read romantic poems from him.
  2. Aries men are naturally very musical. They expect the same from loved ones. A possible invitation to a concert by Rachmaninoff (astrological brother) awaits his beloved.
  3. Conquering a lady, an Aries man in love is able to quarrel with all his acquaintances.
  4. If an Aries man is in love, he will demand that his chosen one fully comply with the ideal.
  5. At any moment a man can grow cold and leave. It is unlikely that it will be possible to return it.

Advice! To develop harmonious relationships, you must sincerely share the views of Aries. Frequent outbursts of anger will be extinguished long walk, sports or music.

Perhaps he is hiding his feelings?

thinks too little about others. The main thing is himself and his experiences. He does not consider it necessary to hide feelings. A person immediately communicates his emotions to all his acquaintances and the object of his passion.

Sometimes Venus retrograde may appear in a detailed horoscope. It inhibits a man’s natural aggressiveness and impulsiveness.

In this case, one can only feel sorry for the Aries in love. He has a hurricane of emotions in his soul, but he cannot express them.

  • How to understand that an Aries man is in love, but hides his feelings? It is worth paying attention to:
  • Bad mood;
  • frequent outbursts of anger for no reason;
  • unsuccessful attempts to invite the object of adoration somewhere;

clumsy attempts to attract attention.

  1. The lover's chosen one needs. How to help him:
  2. Wait for the direct movement of the planet (about a year). But then everything unsaid will spill out with triple force.
  3. Understand and accept his intangible value system. Sincerely share the man's views.

Explain that it is important to meet love with an open heart.

Interesting! This sign will never make money for the sake of money. But he won’t throw them away either. It is unlikely that a man will start pampering his chosen one with expensive gifts.

Aries men are incredible romantics and probably the most modest of all representatives of the zodiac circle.

Girls who want to become a part of the life of such a person must be patient and restrained, because It’s quite difficult to fall in love with such a man. But if you know how to win over representatives of this sign, there is a real chance of trying on an engagement ring soon.

Features and Preferences

Aries men are witty, extravagant, generous, sexy, great feeling humor, constantly strive for something new, never sit idle.

Such men are very attracted to mysterious and attractive ladies. They fall in love with the physical beauty and reputation of the potential girlfriend.

That's why, to make an Aries fall in love with you, you must have something unique, sexy. If he understands that you have a lot of common interests, goals, that you are suitable for him, he will instantly fall in love.

Moreover, he will never cheat on you, he will be a loving, attentive and devoted young man. Such men are crazy about the process of flirting, courtship, and the thrills that they often experience.

Hardly romantic relationship with an Aries man can be called simple. It is worth remembering the main thing - be feminine, but at the same time mysterious, independent. Then you will succeed!

How to get his attention

To make a man under the zodiac sign Aries fall in love with you, you must have resourcefulness, courage, sophistication.

You will need to work on yourself to constantly exude confidence, because in love Aries men are like that: self-confident, sexy as hell and incredibly charming.

How to interest these guys What do we have to do?

  • Flirt. Aries is a sexy, passionate fire sign. Therefore, if you are the “gray mouse” type with a bunch of complexes, a man will not even pay attention to you.
    Try to flirt as often as possible - this is the main source of fun and self-affirmation for this zodiac sign.
  • Use body language. It’s important not to overdo it here: just touch his back as you pass by, ruffle his hair, or swing your shoe near his foot. He'll really like it.
  • Dress feminine. Aries men love feminine girls. Take out the cutest dresses and skirts from your wardrobe and create the impression of an insecure lady in need of a strong, independent young man.
  • Show your intelligence. Aries loves to spend time with smart women. They need someone with whom there will always be something to talk about, so being smart and well-read will help you a lot.
  • Show confidence. Guys of this zodiac sign want to have a strong personality next to them, with whom they can balance their excessive drive and enthusiasm.

How to make someone fall in love with you and keep his interest

Aries men are real hunters, therefore the process of conquest is much more important and interesting for them than the result. If you want to make him fall in love with you, constantly intrigue.

The first thing to do is find common interests, regularly share your impressions of what you both like. In the near future, the guy will feel an urgent need, the need for your presence is the first step on the path to falling in love.

Don't impose if the man is busy. You shouldn’t call every ten minutes or bother about trifles. At the same time, don’t let them forget about you. By the way, immediately prepare for excessive jealousy on his part. You will often have to explain why that handsome guy was carrying your bags.

If you don't give reasons for jealousy, Aries will appreciate your loyalty, which will be the next step towards falling in love.

When you realize that Aries's eyes begin to glow when he sees you, tell him that he is the only one and main man in your life. Such words will definitely hit the target. After this, the man will passionately defend his right to you.

If the question of how to make an Aries man fall in love with you is not so difficult, then the process of “keeping” is much more difficult. So that the relationship with the guy of this zodiac sign is happy, long, try to follow the following rules:

  1. Don't lie. Remember: Aries cannot stand it when they are lied to or hypocritical.
  2. Don't argue over small things. It is advisable to try not to argue at all, but if you need to express your position on something, do it calmly and gently. After all, it’s hard to argue with Aries; you shouldn’t ruin your nerves once again.
  3. Support in everything. Such a man really appreciates your support, so approve of his endeavors as often as possible.
  4. Allow me to be the boss in the relationship. Aries need to know that you trust them and feel safe. If you managed to win and make Aries fall in love with you, then now is the time to be a feminine girl.
  5. Love him with all your heart, do not give reasons for jealousy. For this, the man will put up with all your shortcomings, he will try to do everything to make you feel like the happiest girl.

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Signs of falling in love

How to understand that an Aries man is in love with you, is he ready for a relationship? It is not difficult.

After some time, he will make a confession to her, create such a romantic atmosphere that the lady will hardly be able to refuse him.

Love for him is not an empty phrase, Aries will immediately surround you with attention, affection, and care. A man will be ready to help you at any time and solve the problem that has arisen.

What kind of man is this sign in love, how do Aries men in love behave? An Aries in love will not think about cheating for a second, even if the “potential option” is much more interesting than you. Therefore, if you see that your man is sincere and faithful to you, he has fallen in love.

But the most important thing is that the behavior of an Aries man in love characterized by readiness to make any sacrifice. And that makes it really easy to manage. Ask to fulfill any request or take on additional responsibility - you will definitely hear a positive answer. This will indicate serious intentions towards you.

What not to do so as not to “scare off” him

If you are planning a long-term romance, you are serious, long relationship, be prepared to follow some advice. If you follow them, your man’s feelings will never “cool off.”

  • Don't play the role of a man. This can greatly hurt Aries’s pride: he definitely won’t want to continue dating such a girl;
  • talk about your feelings sincerely. Even if it concerns the intimate side of your relationship, try to speak directly and not hide anything;
  • forget about rudeness. Aries hate hearing things like this, even if it is a response to counter rudeness;
  • let him be proactive. Support all his proposals, allow him to accept important decisions on one's own;
  • constantly surprise. The more often this happens, the better. The characteristics of men born under the zodiac sign Aries are emotionality and impressionability, so in love they like constant changes and surprises.

What kind of relationship to expect

If you are planning to connect your entire future life with Aries, you can be sure of the following: he will be faithful to you, he will never cheat and won't even think about her.

He will love you to bits, because he considers this feeling sublime, ideal, with a long and happy relationship.

Immediately prepare for the fact that he will be the main one in the relationship. It is important for Aries to feel like a leader and make all important decisions independently. You'll have to play the role loving girl, ready to support her man in everything.

When your children are born, this person will be an attentive and proud father, joyfully accepting the birth of his son or daughter. True, a little later he will try to control the children, even force their future on them. Remind your husband that it is important for children to feel independent.

Aries feels perfect as a father, enthusiastically spends time with the kids: plays with them, reads fairy tales, and when the child grows up, she will be happy to organize family days.

As you can see, Aries men are quite peculiar natures for whom love is the meaning of life. And if you, as a woman, do everything to make him fall in love with you, then a happy future together with a reliable person awaits you. Good luck!

Well, you've got the Aries man of your dreams, but now you probably want to know how to stay interesting to him. Given that this zodiac sign loves adventure and has a poor attention span, the task can be quite difficult, but it will be worth it if you succeed.


Part 1

Keep it fresh

    Avoid routine. Just remember, an Aries man will lose interest in you the moment the relationship becomes a chore or a burden. If you feel like you're falling into a rut with him, arrange things so that he doesn't get bored.

    • If you think realistically, you cannot make every day different from the previous one. Although, if you see each other every day, you should try to always do something new at least once or twice a week to cover all the accumulated routine.
  1. Be on the same page with him. If you haven't realized it yet, your Aries man likes dates that are full of adventure and variety. If you don't want him to lose interest, you'll have to comply. If your Aries guy asks you what you'd like to do, opt for a night out instead of spending time at home.

    • If you really need to spend an evening at home, make it as interesting as possible. Cook dinner using new and exotic ingredients, or buy a Latin dance CD.
  2. Move quickly. If your relationship is still in the early stages, you should keep things moving at a proper pace. The Aries man is not a fan of the measured flow of life. Be prepared to follow his frantic pace or not be with him at all.

    • Of course, you should also be honest with yourself about how far you're willing to take the relationship. He may already be ready to go to bed with you, but if you don't feel ready, don't let his ardor tempt you into doing something you don't want. If, however, you are ready to move on, do so with confidence and without doubt.
  3. Surprise him. Even though the Aries man usually takes the initiative, he likes a relationship with a girl who can keep him on his toes. When he least expects it, surprise him with something new and unexpected. When he gets a buzz from being around you, he will want to be around you as long as possible.

    • One weekend you might suggest something like bungee or rock climbing, especially if your loved one has shown interest in such activities in the past. You don't want to drag him there blindfolded, but even just suggesting it can be a nice surprise.
  4. Give him an unforgettable experience. When you want to give your Aries man a gift, take him on an adventure instead of buying some trinket. Believe me, he will appreciate an exciting adventure much more than some boring thing.

    • Front seats to a match of his favorite team or a weekend camping trip will often become the best gift than a banal new disc.

    Part 2

    Give him space
    1. Let him spend time on himself. An Aries man needs to feel free and independent, so he may not always invite you to join him in his adventures. Try not to pull it back. A clingy woman will, in most cases, scare away an Aries man.

      • Try not to be discouraged if he chooses to spend the evening with friends rather than with you. An Aries man won't beat around the bush and hint that it's all over; if he loses interest, he will be honest about it. And so you don’t have to worry that his sudden desire to relax with friends is a hidden hint that you have problems.
    2. Be easy going. Many Aries men can be bossy and may not like being told what to do. In other words, you will have to give him the initiative in most cases.

      • If you want to turn the relationship around in your own way, you should propose changes so that your loved one can later say that this is his merit.
    3. Suppress the desire to somehow limit it. Unfortunately, many Aries men are susceptible to temptation. They may flirt with other girls, regardless of whether you are his official significant other. Therefore, you may want to lock him in the house when you go somewhere, but this is more likely to open the way out of the relationship for him than to bring you closer.

      • If he starts staring at someone, don't make a scene with him, but rather focus on how to get him to look at you again. Try to make eyes at the other guy and make your Aries notice it. His competitive spirit will spur him on and he will pursue you again.
    4. Make him conquer you. If an Aries man is suffocating from your attention, he may soon lose interest in you. On the other hand, if you constantly encourage him to gain your interest instead of worrying about how to keep it, he will be more likely to rise to the challenge.

      • However, it is important to let him win if he accepts the challenge. Act disinterested at first, but when he starts trying to get your attention, show him that his efforts are not in vain.

    Part 3

    Stay Fit
    1. Always be active. Most Aries men will be happy to start a relationship if their partner is active both in and out of bed. Physical exercise- a great way to be closer to him, especially if it's at least a little risky.

      • Have a race, play basketball or some similar game.
      • Remember that Aries men hate routine, so your physical activity Doesn't have to follow a strict schedule. In other words, daily jogging after work - no The best way keep his attention. Vary both activities and times at least a little each time.
    2. Play with him. As for intimate activity, Aries men won’t have to be persuaded for long. Whether you've reached bedtime in your relationship or not, you should be prepared for your man to get horny in the blink of an eye and try to coax you into sex. You will have to follow his pace if you don't want him to get bored with you.

      • For your own good, you would do well to stay in shape. Otherwise, you will get tired much earlier than he does.
    3. Tease him. Unfortunately, Aries men can be a little selfish when it comes to intimacy and often insist on having their own way. If you want to have any say, you will have to pretend that you are not completely satisfied. This will encourage him very much and, as a result, he will begin to pay much more attention to you, thereby competing with himself.

      • Hint that you are not impressed by his movements. When he understands this, he will happily begin to find out what you like and will not stop trying until he achieves his goal.
    4. Don't be afraid to try something new. As in every other aspect of his life, Aries men need variety. If he has the urge to try something new in the bedroom, let him do it. If he doesn't get any bright emotions with you, he will soon get bored.

      • Although, if you are not happy with something, you should directly tell him about it. If an idea appears in his head, he will immediately begin to implement it, without even waiting for permission. Only direct disagreement can put an end to this.

    Part 4

    Be a support for him
    1. Support him in any endeavor. Since Aries men crave variety and excitement, they are always busy big amount new activities than other guys. He may or may not invite you along on the trip, but either way, you should show him that you're always rooting for him.

      • This means that you need to take an active interest in other aspects of his life, both new business projects and new hobbies.
      • If he invites you to take part in his adventure, don't hesitate to join. If not, show as much interest as possible, but don't pressure him into inviting you.
    2. Discuss. Even though your Aries man needs to feel like he is right, he needs to be given the opportunity to prove himself right in order to be completely satisfied. You can and should challenge him from time to time, but remember that you must allow him to win more than he loses.

      • Of course, if you are one hundred percent sure of something, you shouldn’t give in to it. Your shyness won't good decision, and don't let him win if it's obvious that you're right.
    3. Never criticize him. Usually the ego of an Aries man requires careful treatment. If you have a habit of correcting or embarrassing him in front of people, you are most likely hitting his sense of self-worth, and this is all leading to a decline in his feelings.