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How to get used to a new job without experiencing severe stress? Consolidation in the team

To fully adapt to a new workplace, a specialist needs from one and a half months to a year (for those for whom this is their first job, the period can last from a year to a year and a half).

Of course, if you start working in a large corporation with a competent HR department and a mentoring system, then the adaptation period will take less time. Unfortunately, not all companies can boast such ideal conditions for new employees, so be prepared for anything.

There are two types of adaptation ahead of you: professional and socio-psychological.

Both have their own stages, through which a specialist goes through, getting used to a new team.

First- familiarization. A person receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, and norms of behavior.

Second- device. At this stage, the employee reorients, recognizing the main elements of the new value system, but for now continues to retain many of his attitudes.

Third stage is assimilation. The time when complete adaptation to the environment occurs is when you begin to identify with the new group.

Final stage- identification, when your personal goals are identified with the goals of the enterprise.

The following indicates that you are successfully undergoing professional adaptation:

  • The work you perform does not cause you feelings of tension, fear, or uncertainty if it has become habitual.
  • You have mastered the necessary amount of knowledge and skills required for work and use them.
  • What you do suits your immediate superiors.
  • You have a desire to improve in your profession, you connect your future with this job.

And now directly advice from a business coach for speedy adaptation:

  • Before you start work, ask your co-workers and your manager about whether there was someone in this position before you, how long he worked, why he left, what he didn’t like, what the manager and co-workers liked about the previous employee.
  • Look at the documentation kept by the previous employee, try to understand its logic. When the records stopped, how regularly the reports were compiled, is it convenient for the company, is the documentation related to the documents of other departments. If you are ready to make reporting more convenient, suggest discussing this with your manager.
  • If, when trying to find out the specifics of your work from your colleagues, you encounter reluctance to help you, contact your manager. Perhaps this is a feature of the local corporate culture - management does not delegate any authority to subordinates.

Reducing the impact of stress

Adaptation stress can play a cruel joke on a person. In this state, you begin to behave differently than usual. You seem to be regressing into childish behavior: you joke inappropriately or inappropriately, you are embarrassed to ask a question, you use inappropriate facial expressions and gestures, you become silent when there is a general conversation. You can try to reduce the impact of stress in the following ways:

  • Arrange your workplace so that it is convenient for you to work (and does not contradict the requirements of the company). Throw away unnecessary items left over from the previous employee. Bring a mug from home for coffee breaks, a favorite souvenir, a picture, a photo of your family.
  • Choose clothes that are similar to those worn by others, but that are comfortable for you.
  • Bring snacks from home and invite not only those you like to coffee breaks, but also other colleagues - expand your social circle.
  • Be interested in hobbies that others are interested in, talk about your interests.
  • Take a minute to look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Sometimes your manager forgets that you are a newbie and are just getting used to it, and may accidentally make complaints. Listen to them carefully. Say that you are sorry that this happened - there was an error in the report, deadlines were not met, the plan was not fulfilled. Ask how to avoid this next time. And politely remind that the adaptation you are currently going through is a process that requires some time and the help of more experienced colleagues.
  • After work, find an opportunity to tell someone who is willing to listen to you and whose opinion you respect, what worries, annoys, or makes you laugh at work. If this is not possible, then start a diary: write down something similar to short office stories there.
  • Be sure to pamper yourself in your free time - “take” you to the cinema, go to a cafe, to the park. Get plenty of rest, eat tasty treats, and even play games or hang out on social networks.
  • Be sure to let yourself get some sleep.

Today there are many mobile and energetic job seekers in the labor market. If just recently it was an honor to work in one place for a long time, today such a desire for stability looks strange. To improve your material and career level in the modern world, you need to be able to easily adapt to new working conditions and surroundings. How to get used to a new job? Some tips can be found in this article.

Mobility is the norm

As already mentioned, the labor market has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. Moving from one job to another every two or three years is becoming a normal practice. For various reasons, this approach is good for both those changing jobs and employers. But those who can easily adapt to an unfamiliar situation with an unknown environment can take full advantage of regularly changing places of employment. You have to learn this.

Where to begin?

When choosing a place to work, you should carefully study information about the company you are interested in on the Internet. It's great if people you know work there. Then you need to ask them in detail.

You should ask more questions during the interview. It is necessary to think in advance about a list of points that should be clarified about the position you intend to occupy. The more details you can find out, the easier it will be to avoid mistakes at first.

If the opportunity arises, you can walk through the workspace, watch how people work, assess the situation and mood.

First weeks in a new place

For about the first two months, a newly hired person goes through a period of tough adaptation. Usually that period of time is comparable to the probationary period. Despite the fact that the newcomer tries very hard, his performance is half as good as it could be. This happens because it takes a lot of effort to get used to it.

What advice can you give to the applicant? To present yourself correctly, you must first carefully study the situation. Do you need to find out what management and communication features the company has, what values ​​the team adheres to? At first, you should talk less about yourself or how things worked at your previous place of work. We need to listen more to new colleagues.

First, you need to find out how communication is structured in the new team. Find out about the traditions that have already formed in the organization. We must try to observe more, participate in various events, and dine with colleagues. Sharing free time with the team will contribute to faster adaptation.

During the first weeks in a new place, you should not enter into conflicts. In addition, every effort must be made to achieve the best results in work activities. The probationary period is those days when all completed tasks will be accepted especially meticulously.

The applicant's behavior in the first months of work must be verified. There is no need to immediately express criticism; first you need to find positive aspects. If a position implies the opportunity to change something at a new place of work, then this should not be done “right off the bat.” First you need to take a closer look, praise worthy initiatives, and only then little by little propose and introduce changes.

There are newcomers who try not to show themselves at all. This is also incorrect behavior. We must try to get used to the new organization. Learn about career opportunities. Take some initiative.

In three to four months

The second stage of adaptation is called optimistic. By this time, the newcomer had already gotten used to it. Now he knows his colleagues quite closely and is well versed in the organization. The former applicant knows his responsibilities and fulfills them decently.

But the team has not yet allowed the new employee close enough to forgive him for mistakes in the peculiarities of corporate communication. At this time, it is very important not to forget, so as not to do something stupid and lose your job.

Getting used to a new person takes different times in different types of organizations. The fastest way to become one is in business. In some bureaucratic structures, getting used to it can take six months or a year.

Consolidation in the team

On average, six months (rarely a year) after the date of employment, a person enters the period of final adaptation. Now all the traditions, rules and internal etiquette adopted in the company are clear to the employee. He already feels confident when performing his duties. He understands his place in the team and has developed his own style of communicating with people.

To summarize everything that has been said, from the first arrival at the workplace to the last stage of adaptation, a person perceives very differently what is happening in the new team. In the first months of work, he may like someone and annoy someone. Then the attitude can change completely. But after six months everything is perceived adequately.

Interesting video on the topic of the article:

Changing jobs: how to join a new team?

When changing jobs, a very important point is the employee’s adaptation to the new place - not only to new responsibilities, but also to people. Psychological adaptation in a team is the most important thing, since the effectiveness of his work in the future depends on how a person feels in a new place at first. Below are recommendations that will help you quickly adapt to a new team:

1. You can't make a first impression twice. When joining a new team, remember that 50% of a stable opinion about a person is formed during the first minute and a half of communication; in this regard, everything matters: your appearance, how and what you say, and your inner mood.

  • Be on time. If it is still difficult to adapt to the route to work, it is better to have some extra time at first.
  • Dress appropriately the position and organization in which you ALREADY work. You ALREADY correspond to this organization, since the employer has chosen you, so preserve and maintain this image.
  • Listen more. This will allow you to quickly understand how the internal “kitchen” of the company works - any information you receive will help you to one degree or another.
  • Be confident and calm. You have ALREADY been accepted into this organization, now your task is to study the internal structure in order to adapt faster; remember those moments when you felt calm, imagine some pleasant image for you and periodically restore it in your imagination - this will help you cope with difficulties at the beginning.
  • Gather information about traditions. If it is customary in a given organization to celebrate the arrival of a new employee, this cannot be ignored. In addition, in an informal setting, communication will be more comfortable.

2. Applicants, remember: we cannot please everyone. This is the norm. Despite the fact that we really want to please the employer even during the interview, and especially in the first days of work, remember that you are still an individual, and trying to please everyone with your behavior is not only utopian, but also stupid. Such behavior may even alienate the employer.

  • Be friendly and open, smile.
  • Be natural (both your excitement and “special observation” towards you on the part of new colleagues will be natural).
  • Learn the “rules of the game.” What was acceptable in the previous organization may not be suitable in the new one. You need to earn the authority and attention of your colleagues, and this requires both effort and time. Avoid evaluating the performance of new colleagues.
  • Choose an appropriate communication style. Speak to colleagues in their language. Use the words and expressions of your new colleagues, subconsciously they will perceive you “as one of their own.” · Ask questions. The support of a new employee from experienced colleagues in solving work issues shows that you are a good employee who is focused on the work process.
  • Find your “adviser”. This could be a person who is authoritative and experienced in the company. Having his support, you will feel more confident.

3. In order to adapt to something new, it takes time, and it is different for everyone. It is absolutely certain that one person can join the team in a week, another will need a month. On average, one month is enough for both the employer and the applicant to understand whether they are suitable for each other or not.

Give yourself time to look around. This applies not just to job responsibilities, but also to the general environment, people, and company rules and regulations. Excessive zeal can play a cruel joke on you. Thus, dear applicants, remember the most important thing:


Any person who has changed jobs at least once knows that settling into a new team and environment is quite difficult. But getting used to the conditions turns out to be much easier than many people think. Looking for a job is difficult, but for many it is much more difficult to join the team and get used to new conditions.

Some employees, getting nervous, simply begin to irritate management and other people. Everything goes wrong, and in the end the probationary period is not completed and the person is fired.

Every specialist must understand that he is not unique. Even if he has several higher educations and extensive work experience, it will be quite difficult to join a new team. Yes, he will quickly find a common language with the company’s management, but with his colleagues. If he is too ambitious, he may constantly get into trouble from new colleagues in the form of “set-ups.” You need to carefully approach the issue of adaptation. Not everyone can adapt to new working conditions, but we will teach you how to do it.

Have information and peace of mind

Personal qualities are the key to success. You need to have qualities such as self-control, stress resistance, and coping with inconvenience (getting out of an uncomfortable situation). An active position, high motivation, this is a person who can overcome the fear of new conditions.

You will be able to get used to the conditions in a short time. The large flow of information that will pour into the employee in the first days must be properly distributed. It's best to write everything down and also write down the names of your colleagues and address them by their first names in the future. If necessary, by name and patronymic.

During employment, the employer will of course tell the situation to the employee. Will notify you of all the nuances. But in most cases in large organizations, the managers themselves do not know what exactly is going on in the team, how people contact each other. And this information is quite difficult to find out, since no one washes their dirty laundry in public. People are adults and do not intend to complain about each other. So after having to join the team, the specialist will see that the words of management are very superficial. And what’s going on inside the team is simply “hell.” These are words, well, it happens.

An employee can independently walk around and get to know each individual employee. Understand who and how treats newcomers at the enterprise. If someone does not want to communicate, there is no need to force them to do so. Over time, take a closer look and understand what exactly you lack in order to find an approach to an unattainable person. Be sure to be with the team the first time.

People work until 10 pm, but this is not a mandatory procedure, the team just decided so for themselves. If a white crow appears, it is unlikely that it will ever be accepted. But you can agree, for example, if you have small children, then everyone will probably understand your situation and will not insist.

During the interview, try not to tell your manager everything in graphic detail. Leave out some details about your success. For example, you know how to do something perfectly, you should not embellish it, but mention it in passing.

As a result, when the time comes to work, you will show all your talent and the manager will certainly like it. He will praise you in front of other colleagues. And they, in turn, will take a closer look at you and understand that you are the person who can help if necessary.

To know everything in the enterprise, you need to make a friend and do it again unobtrusively. Show small signs of attention to the person you like, no matter if it is a man or a woman. You can simply approach an employee you like and offer to briefly explain the internal regulations of the organization. As a result, you will be able to get used to the conditions of your new job.

Well, when the first working days are over, you will already be completely at home. Also, try not to argue or take sides with anyone. It’s better to stay on the sidelines for the first few days and just observe how someone behaves in an argument. This knowledge will be useful to you in the future. You will be able to deal with difficult situations.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, seek quick help:

Finding yourself in a new place, a person begins to feel as if out of place. He is haunted by fear, anxiety, embarrassment and discomfort. In the new team, we all feel like the “black sheep”. This period in our lives is called “adaptation”. How to reduce discomfort when in a new place? How to adapt to a new team?

How to find your place in a new team?

During such a period, you need to give yourself and the new team time to get used to each other. Don't be afraid to make contact. You need to show friendliness and try to establish relationships with new colleagues. Openness and a good mood help to adapt quickly. It is worth hiding all negative emotions within yourself: aggression, anger and irritation. Now is not the best time to show “character” to a new team. If you are invited to go somewhere with your colleagues, agree without hesitation. If there are no such invitations, then you can become an initiator. Try inviting new employees to go for a walk together. This will benefit your relationship.

In no case should you allow yourself to be too frank and gossip during such a period. Such behavior will not help the team form a good opinion of you. Also, you should not join any conflicts that existed before you, much less incite new conflicts.

Try to establish contact with one or more people first. Find out how relationships develop in a team, what common traditions are characteristic of it, and whether there are unspoken rules of communication. This will help you avoid awkward situations. For example, in a new team there may be some pressing issue that has become the cause of discord between departments. Without knowing it, you may accidentally take sides in a conflict and find yourself out of favor with other colleagues. Not the best start to a new job.

Mobbing: leave or stay?

The difficulty of adapting to a new team is often determined by the internal discomfort of the new person; in this case, it is enough to give yourself time to get used to the new environment. But, unfortunately, there are other situations. There are known cases of special bullying of new employees in the company. This phenomenon is called mobbing.

Typically, the team does not pursue any specific goals when bullying a new colleague. Most often this is done for fun or to test something new. Mobbing can manifest itself in different ways. The victim may be ignored, not greeted, and not invited to dinners or social events. Also, employees may hide important official information from the victim, as if forgetting to tell them. For example, do not tell about an important meeting, about changing the start time of the meeting, etc. Often employees try to ruin the victim’s reputation, spread gossip and misinform management. There are cases when mobbing becomes so escalated that it leads to insults, quarrels and even fights.

If you find yourself in such a situation, under no circumstances should you allow the new team to lower your self-esteem. After all, most often it is because of self-doubt that victims of mobbing cannot take the risky step of changing jobs. You should monitor the situation; if it only gets worse day by day, then it is better to find a new place of work, otherwise everyday stress will simply not allow you to work normally.

The first days in a new team are the most difficult time. It is important to accept this and give yourself time to adapt. Psychologists say that the optimal time for complete adaptation to a new team is three months. The most important thing in such a period is to be friendly and open, then you can find your place in any team.