
How to tell if an avocado is fresh. How to choose an avocado? — We are looking for ripe fruit. How to tell if an avocado is ripe

In salads, desserts, rolls or just whole - the subtle taste of avocado will be appropriate in any of these cases. In addition to gastronomic pleasure, this fruit will provide you with vitamins and minerals. But only if it is ripe and of high quality! The tropical fruit has ceased to be exotic for us. But even admirers do not always know how to choose the right avocado. In this article we will look at the criteria for a quality fruit so as not to make a mistake and not pay in vain.

What to look for when choosing?

It is much easier to find overripe or green avocados in our stores than to buy quality fruit. This is due to the conditions and duration of transportation: they can deteriorate, not be ripe, or overstayed. But it’s not easy to deceive a knowledgeable buyer. There are a number of criteria that will help determine the right fruit. So, how to choose a good avocado and not go wrong?

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Color and density

The first thing that catches your eye is the color. Avocados vary in color from light green to black. It can turn out to be good in both the first case and the second. The main condition is the combination of density and color. The first rule of purchasing: you can successfully choose a ripe avocado in a store or market only if you feel it. In supermarkets, it’s unlikely that anyone will stop you from doing this. But when shopping at the market, you should expect zealous attacks from sellers; some of them will not even allow you to touch the product. It’s definitely not worth buying “without looking”.

When you pick up an avocado, pay attention to the combination of color and hardness. If you plan to eat it the day you buy it, it should be moderately soft and dark green. And light and hard ones will last up to 5 days without loss of quality. In the table you can clearly see how to choose a delicious avocado.

Color Density Quality
Light green Solid Unripe fruit. It can be left to ripen, for example on a windowsill, for 5 days. But you shouldn’t eat it on the day of purchase; it will taste very tart.
Moderate green Solid This product needs to sit for 3 days to ripen. It tastes softer, but still has a tartness.
Deep green Soft It is better to keep the avocado for another day so that it becomes softer in consistency and taste.
Dark green Solid Rare variety "California" or "Kaas". It costs more than others, but tastes the same. To use, leave for 3-5 days until it becomes softer.
Dark green Very soft It's just an overripe avocado. You should not take it, as it has lost its useful substances and may be rotten.

By remembering these criteria, you will know exactly how to choose a ripe and tasty avocado for any culinary purpose. For sweet salads and sauces, you can use very soft ones, the main thing is without bruised or dark areas on the skin. Medium ripe fruit goes well with the rolls. Choosing an avocado for a salad is a little more difficult; it should be soft and dark green so as not to overpower the taste of other ingredients with its tartness.

Interesting fact: You can quickly and accurately determine ripeness by listening to the fruit. Shake it and listen: if the pit knocks inside, the avocado is ripe.


Individual dark or whitish spots on the peel are a reason to put the “chosen one” aside. The surface of the fruit should be uniform, without dents. But the skin will also tell us what is inside. This factor interests us more in terms of savings. If you find an avocado with a smooth, shiny surface, you will pay half the price for the seed. It has a large core inside, and the skin can only be removed with a knife along with some of the pulp.

The wrinkled surface is what you need to choose the right avocado. This shell can be easily removed even without a knife and does not catch the edible part. His bone is much smaller. In both cases, you will pay the same amount, but the avocado with “pimples” will have more pulp. Ideally, when lightly pressing on the surface, a dent remains, which slowly disappears. This is a sign that the fruit is ready to eat.


Another factor that gives away a low-quality avocado is the stalk. He will tell you if the fruit is rotten inside. If there is a stalk left on the fruit, remove it. It easily falls off if you pick it up with your finger. There will be a dent in the place of the stalk; we are interested in its color. The stalk should be light brown or light yellow. An unripe avocado will have a light green tint. Such a purchase can be postponed until it matures, but you won’t be able to enjoy it right away. If a hard avocado has a dark brown or black stem, the fruit is rotten inside. The soft fruit with a brownish or yellow stem is suitable for use on the same day.

These are simple rules on how to choose an avocado in a store or market. They will help both the beginner and the “regular” of vegetable stalls. It will remain a matter of culinary delights: sweet and meat salads, rolls, guacamole...


Wikipedia: Avocado

Sometimes it is difficult to find ripe exotic fruits on the shelves of our stores, and this is not due to the irresponsibility of sellers or administration, the difficulty lies in exporting foreign products. Especially things like avocados.

This fruit has a delicate, creamy texture that is difficult to preserve during transportation. That is why vegetables and fruits from warm countries are brought green, not ripe. During the journey, they ripen, and final ripening occurs on the shelves of the supermarket. And of course, this fact greatly influences the taste of the product: it’s one thing when fruits hang on branches under the hot sun, saturated with rays and fresh air, and quite another thing when unripe fruits are carefully packaged and processed, “floating” or “flying” around the world to eventually reach our table.

How to tell if an avocado is ripe

In any case, you always want to enjoy exotic vitamins, and in order to get maximum pleasure, you need to learn how to choose the right fruits. How to choose an avocado and not make a mistake? In the case of avocados, always pay attention to its color. The hard peel is light or dark green or brown (brown) in color, sometimes with small, light inclusions - without any dark or yellow spots or sudden changes in color. Initially, any avocado is green. As they ripen, the green variety becomes darker, and the brown variety changes color from light green to brown. Therefore, on this variety of “alligator pear”, green spots the size of a 5-kopeck coin can sometimes remain. This fruit is quite suitable for eating.

To be sure the avocado is ripe, gently press on the top (narrower) part of the fruit. The pulp should be soft, like slightly melted butter. When pressed, the peel will press down a little; there should be no dents left. If the avocado is softer, then most likely it has already gone bad.

From the moment you press hard on the fruit, it will begin to spoil. The very next day a dark spot will appear in this place, and very soon the fruit will no longer be suitable for food.

Another important point: to find out if the avocado has gone bad, you need to listen to the sound of the pit inside the fruit. Take the “alligator pear” in your hands and jog a little. You should hear a faint, dull sound of the bone hitting the walls. If there is no sound, then it is better to choose another fruit.

So, to choose a ripe avocado, pay attention to three things:

  1. fruit color
  2. pulp density
  3. bone sound

How to speed up ripening

Most often, there are no soft avocados in the vegetable departments; all the fruits are hard and not ripe. In this case, choose fruit without dents, scratches or other damage. Try to choose the softest one so that the fruit can ripen at home. Wrap the avocado in newspaper and then place it in a fabric bag (or wrap it in a piece of fabric). Place 1 dried chili pepper between the newspaper and the bag. This way the avocado will ripen much faster.

If you can't do this, store avocados at room temperature. Do not leave the fruit in the sun or put it in the refrigerator. Within 2-7 days, the alligator pear will “arrive.” At this time, try not to put pressure on the fruit, checking its ripeness, so as not to further injure the delicate pulp.

Peeling a ripe avocado is very easy! Take a non-sharp knife and cut off a small piece of peel near the stalk. Then peel off the skin as you would normally peel potatoes. Remove the peel in a circle and then remove the sides of the peel by hand.

Then cut the avocado lengthwise into two parts. A large bone will remain in one of the parts. Carefully remove the pit so that the flesh remains intact.

Now you can cut the avocado for a salad or other dish.

Avocado instead of eggs

Many people believe that ripe avocado tastes like boiled eggs. Vegetarian recipes often replace eggs with avocado slices. Yes, it’s quite an exotic option, and not a cheap one. However, the result is worth it!

A little secret: salt the avocado pulp with pink (or black) salt to make the fruit even more like chicken eggs. Now this fruit can replace eggs in classic salad recipes, for example, in Olivier salad.

What to cook with avocado

One of the simplest and most delicious “dishes” is avocado pulp with salt, black pepper and lemon juice (literally a few drops). If you are eating an avocado for the first time, then try the fruit in this form: cut the “alligator pear” into two halves without removing the peel. Remove the pit from the pulp. Salt and pepper the halves and sprinkle with lemon juice. Eat with a teaspoon.

You can also make Mexican guacamole paste from avocado, salad with spicy chips,..., from avocado pulp with garlic and spices you can make delicious.

Avocados are rarely cooked, as this causes the fruit to lose its flavor.

How to choose the right avocado is a question that many housewives have asked. What is an indicator of ripeness? How not to buy overripe fruit?

What beneficial properties does it have? We will talk about these and other questions.

So, let's go.

Overseas miracle

Have you ever wondered how to make the right choice? Yes, you are right - the question is quite complex. This is an unusual exotic that came to our stores from the tropics themselves!

The interesting thing is that all its parts, with the exception of the juicy pulp, are poisonous. It is impossible to die from such poison, but mild poisoning can be obtained in no time.

It has a special nutty, buttery flavor, which is why it is widely used in cooking.

It is used in the preparation of sauces for rolls, the rolls themselves, for making soups, salads, smoothies and cocktails, or simply spread on bread.

The assortment of these overseas “guests” in our hypermarkets is mainly represented by three varieties.

They come in brownish, dark or light green color, with a small bone and easily removable skin, or with a large bone and an incredibly pleasant taste.

If you want to buy an option with a small core and a large amount of nutritional fiber, then pay attention to the pimply varieties in a dark green shade. Such representatives have a very thick surface layer and a small core.


The pulp is incredibly healthy. Containing no cholesterol, it has a high calorie content, which is due to the indicator 160 kcal per 100 g.

Obvious advantages:

  • weight loss with a properly selected diet;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increasing the percentage of iron absorption by the body, which is due to the copper content in dietary fiber;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening the nervous system due to the content of B vitamins;
  • increased alertness and memory due to the content of saturated fatty acids;
  • the elasticity, silkiness and moisture content of the epidermis increases due to the high content of vitamins;
  • perhaps protects against cancer and some kidney diseases - these studies have yet to be conducted.

All these advantages are due to the chemical composition presented in the table:

Magnitude Quantity per 100 g.
Calorie content160 kcal
Fats14.66 g.
Squirrels2 years
Carbohydrates1.83 g.
Water72.23 g.
Alimentary fiber6.7 g.
Saturated fatty acids2.1 g.
Mono and disaccharides0.66 g.
VitaminsA, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, K, PP, Beta-carotene, Choline
MineralsPotassium (485 milligrams), Calcium (12 mg.), Magnesium (29 mg.), Sodium (7 mg.), Phosphorus (52 mg.), Iron (0.55 mg.).

If you suffer from hypertension, include avocado in your daily diet - high blood pressure will stop bothering you.


No major harm from consumption has been identified. However, if you suffer from individual intolerance to the substances contained, then it is not recommended to eat it.

If you decide that the fruit is harmless and begin to consume it in exorbitant quantities, then we warn you that this action will lead to gaining extra pounds.

In addition, despite the beneficial properties of the product, its excessive consumption will lead to an oversaturation of the body with one type of fat, which is not enough to replace the entire necessary range of fatty acids for humans.

Be sure to remember that the kernel and peel contain toxic substances, so they should not be eaten.

It is necessary to clean the product from toxic components, and only then you can enjoy the unusual taste of this “tropical pear”.

To summarize the above, we emphasize that you do not need to eat the kernel and skin, and you should not eat too much - only if you eat in moderation, it will not cause you any harm.

How to choose quality fruit in a store

Look carefully from all sides. The ripe version should not have any damage, stains, cracks, or dents on the surface.

If there are any, then most likely it is rotten or overripe.

If you managed to purchase a ripe specimen, it will have a sweetish taste and a loose, oily structure, which can be determined by easily crushing it with a fork.

If it is unripe, the taste will be bitter and the fibers will be hard. After a short time, the cut begins to darken and deteriorate.

To prevent this from happening, you can sprinkle it with a few drops of lemon or lime juice - this will preserve the original color and presentable appearance.

In the store you need to pay attention to:

  • color;
  • elasticity or softness;
  • condition of the stalk;
  • weight and sound when shaken.

It is better to determine the degree of maturity by all four criteria, and not by one of them - then the purchase will turn out to be of high quality in 90% of situations.

Choice by skin color

The peel changes its color depending on the degree of ripeness:

  • Yellow-green. Indicates immaturity. In this case, you need to keep it in a sunny place for about 5-6 days, and it will become soft and tasty.
  • Light green. It should ripen for 2-3 days until it reaches the proper degree of ripeness.
  • Rich green color. Representatives with this color can be added to various dishes, but they can also sit for several days without spoiling.
  • Brownish-green skin. Look carefully to see if the fruit is overripe. If it is still good, you can consume it immediately.
  • Brown color with spots- indicates that it is overripe and is no longer suitable for food.

If you need to immediately use it for food, then choose specimens with a rich green skin color. If time is needed for transportation or long-term storage, then it is better to choose light green with a yellowish tint.

Selection by softness

Many buyers make a big mistake when they press hard on the surface with their finger, thereby injuring it and creating favorable conditions for rotting.

The suitability of the product can be determined by lightly pressing the surface with a fingertip. If it bends a little and then immediately returns to its original position, it means it is at the best stage of maturation. This may also be indicated by the juice released when pressed.

If the peel remains in a bent state, then this indicates looseness, and, consequently, over-ripeness.

When choosing, press on the upper, narrower part - rotting begins from there, and you can more accurately determine suitability without damaging the skin.

So the surface should be:

  • elastic;
  • not rotten;
  • Some juice may be released.

If the peel does not bend when pressed and feels firm, then it still takes a few days to ripen. And, conversely, it is overripe if the peel is too soft and loose and does not return to its original position after pressing on it.

Selection by cutting

The color of the cutting is an important indicator of maturity. In a ripe specimen it will be light yellow or dark brown. Why is there such a difference in color?

The “overseas miracle” has a light cutting at the optimal stage of its maturity, and it darkens when overripe.

To be completely sure, you can tear off the stalk and look at the tone of the pulp. It happens:

  • Light pistachio color and releases a drop of aromatic juice, then you can safely take it - ripeness is at the right stage.
  • Light beige or white in color, it will take several days to fully ripen.
  • Dark brown, almost black - not suitable for food because it is overripe.

Selection by impact and weight

A big mistake buyers make is choosing the heaviest avocados. In terms of weight, ripe representatives should be heavy, but not excessively.

If you choose the heaviest and softest specimen, there is a high probability that it is already overripe. And, conversely, too light weight is an indicator that it will be immature.

As for knocking, this is also a convenient way to determine ripeness. The fact is that inside each such overseas representative there is a fairly large bone, inside of which there is a core.

This is what knocks when shaken, indicating sufficient ripeness.

In unripe ones, it is tightly attached to the walls, and overripe individuals envelop both the bone and its interior with rotten mush.

When shaking, bring the fruit to your ear, and you will clearly hear the sound of the kernel hitting the woody walls.

Also note:

What to do with unripe fruit

If you buy unripe fruits in the store, do not despair.

And, although their taste is a little like tasteless pumpkin or green pear, the matter is still fixable, and you can enjoy them in just a few days.

How to speed up the process?

1 way. Place your purchase on the window - the sun's rays will do their job in 2-3 days.
Method 2. Wrap them in a sheet of newspaper or a paper bag with bananas or apples. This will speed up ripening.
3 way. Place the paper bag with the purchase in an environment where the temperature is above 25 degrees.
Sometimes these methods don't work. This happens in cases where the shell was damaged during transportation. In this case, instead of ripening, immediate rotting occurs.

You shouldn’t keep such exotics in the refrigerator - not only will they not ripen, but they will even begin to spoil.

Avocados are brought to Russia from all over the world: the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Israel. The path is not short, so it is not surprising that the fruits are often exported unripe.

Not everyone knows how to choose an avocado and what to do if you come across unripe exotic ones.
You can calculate the degree of ripeness of the fruits when purchasing; ripen greenish ones at home.

How to choose a fruit

The most delicious exotic is the ripened one. In a supermarket or market, the ripeness of an avocado is checked by external signs.

Peel color

The color of the avocado indicates the degree of ripeness:

  • pale green peel - the avocado should ripen significantly;
  • medium green - can ripen in the room within a day;
  • dark green or yellow-green is what you need;
  • very dark, almost black – the fruit is overripe or spoiled.

There are varieties in which the ripe avocado turns almost black or black-purple. Therefore, you need to meticulously examine the peel. There should be no cracks, dents or stains. In ripe fruit of any color it is always shiny. Even a single small dark spot appears when the fruit begins to spoil.

Fruit hardness

Unripe avocados of any variety are always hard. Therefore, ripeness is determined by lightly pressing the fruit with a finger:

  • hard, does not leave a dent on the surface - the fruit is hard, this is guaranteed to be substandard; can ripen under normal conditions in a week;
  • slightly softens when pressed - can ripen in two to three days;
  • the dent remains, but then disappears - a good, ripe avocado;
  • is too soft, the pit does not disappear when pressed - the fruit is overripe.

This sign is of particular importance for completely black fruits. Despite this skin color, some avocado varieties have the most delicious ones. Their quality is determined solely by their hardness.


It is easy to check the ripeness of the fruit by looking at the cutting. If there is a tail, it needs to be torn off. A green or light brown color on the skin underneath means the fruit is ripe.
The black color of the peel under the tail helps you understand that an avocado has gone bad. It is better not to use such instances.

The tail of a ripe avocado comes off easily. If it holds tightly, the fruit needs to ripen.


Different varieties of exotic fruit have large or small seeds. In ripe specimens, it taps when the fruit is shaken and is easily removed from the pulp.
If the seed does not knock and sits firmly, the exotic needs to ripen.

A solid shiny peel, moderate hardness when pressed and an easily torn off stem - this is what a good ripe avocado should be like.

How to store the fruit

When buying exotic, you need to realize that its storage conditions depend on several factors.

Whole and cut fruits retain their condition for different times. What matters is the degree of ripeness of the fruit and where the avocados are stored.

Ripe and green

Whole ripe or unripe fruits require different storage conditions.

  • A container or compartment for vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator is suitable for ripe ones. The second option is a ziplock bag. After placing the fruit, the air is removed from it. The refrigerator will keep the ripe exotic fruit for five to six days. This solves the problem of how to preserve a ripe avocado until the New Year. The fruit may lie on the table for a day or two.
  • Unripe whole specimens are stored only at room temperature until they ripen. The refrigerator is not suitable - they will never be able to ripen there.

The fruit should not be kept open in the refrigerator: it will darken and absorb foreign odors.

With any storage method, you need to remember: the riper the exotic, the shorter its shelf life.


The cut fruits are stored as follows:

  • Sprinkle the pulp sections with lemon or lime juice to prevent them from darkening;
  • connect the halves, wrap in cling film or put in a bag;
  • place in the refrigerator (not freezer).

The exotic will retain its color and taste for three to four days. The darkened areas of the pulp are cut off to a clean layer. The product can be eaten.

Is freezing possible?

The short shelf life of ripe fruits makes the question of whether avocados can be frozen relevant.
Freezing is the only way to preserve exotics for a long time. However, this method is not for whole specimens: after defrosting, the pulp will turn into puree. It will be difficult to separate it from the peel.

Therefore proceed as follows:

  1. The washed, dried exotic fruit is peeled, cut in half, and the pit is removed.
  2. The pulp is ground in a blender or cut into very small pieces.
  3. Add lemon (or lime) juice to the puree or sprinkle the pieces with it to prevent them from darkening.
  4. Place the puree or pieces into molds. Suitable containers for making ice or small baked goods.
  5. The molds are sent to the freezer.

In such conditions, the exotic is stored for six months.

How to help ripen

Unripe exotic fruit has hard, tasteless flesh with a bitter and tart note. Reminds me of a pumpkin or pear.

If the purchased fruits are exactly like this, it is useful to know how to accelerate ripening under conditions.
You can ripen an avocado in different ways – quickly and slowly.

Warming up in the oven

The oven allows you to get ripe fruit faster:

  1. The fruits are washed and dried.
  2. Wrap in cooking foil (each separately) and place on a baking sheet.
  3. The oven is heated to 190-200°C and turned off.
  4. The baking tray with exotics is placed in the switched off oven and closed.
  5. After 9-11 minutes they pull out.

The cooled fruits are unwrapped, peeled, and pitted. Then proceed as usual.
A gas or electric oven is suitable.

High-speed in the microwave

The fastest way to ripen an avocado is in the microwave:

  1. The fruit is washed and dried.
  2. Prick with a knife in several places to the bone. This is necessary so that, due to the whole peel, the heated pulp, which has increased in volume, does not burst. You can peel it and cut it into pieces.
  3. Place in a sealable microwave-safe container.
  4. Warm up under the lid at maximum mode for 30 seconds. For “stone” specimens, the timer is set for a minute, that is, twice as long.
  5. Remove, cool, and peel.

You need to realize that this method for fruit is the same as shock therapy for a person. The whole fruit will change its taste and aroma, and lose some beneficial properties. Sliced ​​will lose a lot of juice.

Fruits ripened in this way are suitable as ingredients for dishes, but not as an independent delicacy.

If you want to experience the natural taste of avocado, do not use heat treatment (microwave or oven) to ripen the fruit.

In a paper bag

If fruits are not needed urgently, it is better to ripen them in a gentle way - in a paper bag.

Here's how to store an avocado so that it ripens:

  1. An opaque paper bag is filled with fruits and avocados.
  2. Close tightly so that light or sun does not penetrate.
  3. Storage temperature +18-23°C. A refrigerator or cool cellar is prohibited.
  4. After two or three days, check the condition of the avocado to ensure it is not overripe.

Any fruit will help as neighbors in the package: apples, pears, but the ideal companion is a banana. He and avocado are closest relatives. A prerequisite is that the fruits need to be ripe. Unripe ones do more harm than good.

If there are no other fruits, the following solutions are possible:

  • the bag of avocado is covered with flour; it should ripen in two to three days;
  • in a bag it can ripen on its own, but after five to six days.

The “batch” method is based on the fact that ripe fruit releases ethylene. This gas helps other exotic fruits, including avocados, ripen faster. A tightly sealed bag holds it in place, promoting ripening.

The method is not fast, but it allows for ripening, taste and aroma.

In the newspaper

If you don't have a paper bag, newspaper or opaque paper will do. Each fruit is wrapped and placed in a box. It is placed under a radiator, on a kitchen cabinet, in a heated oven that is turned off, or in another warm place.
After two or three days, the fruits need to be checked: they may ripen.

With any method of ripening indoors, the humidity should not be excessive. Otherwise, the fruit will begin to rot. The ideal place is a darkened mezzanine shelf.

Make alligator pear ripe in foil

Foil is used in different ways.

If the fruit needs to ripen today, use the oven (gas or electric):

  1. Turn on the oven to heat up to 200-210°C.
  2. Each exotic is wrapped in two layers of foil so that there are no uncovered areas left.
  3. The fruits are loaded into a hot oven that is turned off (!).
  4. After 9-11 minutes, take it out.
  5. Cooled fruits are peeled.

This method, like any heat treatment, changes the taste of the avocado.
If there is nowhere to rush, the avocado is wrapped in foil and left to ripen in the dark at room temperature for two to three days. All properties will be preserved.

Using boiling water

A quick way to ripen and soften an avocado is to pour boiling water over it:

  • peel the skin;
  • cut out the bone;
  • cut the pulp into slices or other pieces;
  • Place in a sieve or colander and place in boiling water for one and a half to two minutes.

The cooled pulp is used as an ingredient for other dishes.


If the cut fruit turns out to be green, it can be easily ripened in the refrigerator. But you need to act quickly before the flesh darkens:

  • Spray the cut halves with lemon or juice: this helps preserve the natural color of the pulp.
  • Connect the halves, leaving the pit.
  • Wrap the fruit in cling film (a new plastic bag will also work).
  • You can additionally place it in a plastic container with a lid.
  • Send to the fruit compartment for ripening.

The temperature is required not lower than +5°C, otherwise the ripening process will not start.
Periodically you need to check the condition of the fruit by pressing on the peel. If a dent appears, it’s ready.
It usually takes a couple of days to soften the pulp.

Leaving chopped avocado to ripen at room temperature is useless - spoilage will begin faster.

Is it possible to eat unripe

Unripe is tasteless and dangerous. The pulp of unripe exotics is stuffed with toxins, which decompose when the exotics ripen. The peel is especially poisonous.
If you want to know what it tastes like, it’s okay to try a bite or two. Severe poisoning has been reported in people who have eaten too much green fruit. This is in a favorable situation.


The abundance of exporting countries allows you to enjoy the exotic all year round. That is, the avocado season for Russia goes on non-stop: fruits from some country can always be found in the supermarket.

Knowing the signs of a ripe exotic, you can choose it right in the store.
And if you come across a green exotic, it won’t be difficult to ripen it at home. How to make avocados soft is up to everyone to decide for themselves. In a minute or a week, gentle or extreme - it depends on the circumstances.
Heat treatment helps the fruits ripen faster. But they won't taste the same. If possible, it is better not to rush. After all, fruits are brought to Russia from afar; they are not cheap.

Every year a new number of avocado fans appear. In fact, the buttery flesh with a nutty flavor is hard to resist. But, until now, few people know how to choose the right avocado so as not to waste money. After all, in our stores this exotic fruit is not cheap at all. We read so as not to make mistakes.

By hardness

Some comrades, having read ridiculous advice, the first thing they do when choosing an avocado is to press on the skin. And without sparing any effort. So what does this give them? An unripe avocado will not ripen, but an overripe one will easily fall apart in your hands. No sense. Even more harm. Because after such manipulations, the fruit begins to deteriorate within a few hours. First a dark spot appears, and then rotting is not far away. By the way, even a completely unripe avocado can begin to rot.

And yet, you can choose exotic ones based on hardness. You just need to know how to do it correctly. Press the skin lightly with the pad of your thumb. At the same time, the fruit itself should lie tightly in the palm of your hand. You shouldn’t poke an avocado with your index finger, especially when it’s on display. This could end badly. For example, broken arms or jaw. The seller will break them for you when he sees how you handle the tender avocado. Based on the results of a competent “research”, the ripeness of the fruit can be determined with an accuracy of 90%:

  1. The skin is tight, practically does not give in under the finger - the avocado is unripe. Suitable for future purchase. Moreover, in room conditions it will ripen quite quickly.
  2. The skin is soft, you feel like softened butter under your finger, but it is slightly springy - ideal for purchasing and eating immediately or the next day.
  3. The peel is very soft, it doesn’t come back, you can almost feel porridge under your finger - you should refuse the purchase. The fruit is overripe and no longer suitable for eating.

As you can see, everything is simple. And you don’t have to make titanic efforts and try to crush the avocado right on the display.

Advice. You should press on the upper, narrower part of the fruit. This way there is less chance of harming the fetus. And the damage begins here, so you can easily detect it.

By knock and weight

Take an avocado in your hand. It should be weighty and dense. Excessive heaviness indicates that the process of rotting has already begun. A fruit that is too light will be 80% unripe. Once you make a mistake when choosing an avocado, you will quickly learn by weight to determine the approximate degree of ripeness of the fruit.

Now about the knock. It would seem - dense pulp, small size of the fruit. Well, what else should be knocking there? Bone! After all, every avocado has a seed inside. In an unripe one it is tightly connected to the pulp, and in an overripe one it is already in a mushy environment. An ideal avocado for purchase should have a light tapping sound when shaken. It is enough to do this procedure near the ear, and you will understand what we are talking about.

Of course, it won't be a distinct rumble. But you won’t confuse the characteristic muffled sound with anything. Try it to remember and not make mistakes.

According to the color of the place under the stalk

Some avocados are sold with a piece of branch or stem. If the seller doesn’t notice, then carefully tear off these unnecessary “spare parts” and look at the color of the flesh underneath:

  1. The place is light, with a beige or whitish tint - the avocado is unripe, you can buy it for a future event or leave it at home to ripen in a paper bag.
  2. The area is colored in various shades of green, closer to pistachio, sometimes a drop of juice is released - the fruit is fully ripe and ready to eat.
  3. A place of dark shades, brown, brown, closer to black - the fruit is long overripe and has already begun to deteriorate. This avocado is not suitable for food.

The avocado selection method is only suitable for freshly broken off stems. For those fruits that are sold without branches or cuttings, this method is not suitable. Because the place may have been abandoned for a long time, but the pulp will still be quite decent in terms of maturity and taste.

By skin color

In general, we do not recommend relying on this method of determining the ripeness of an avocado. The fact is that in our country as many as 3 types of these fruits are sold. And each variety has its own external differences, namely in the color of the peel at different stages of ripeness. We can only say:

  1. The bright green color of the skin indicates some degree of immaturity of the avocado.
  2. A dark green, very rich shade signals the immediate purchase of fully ripe fruit.
  3. The brown, almost brown color tells how long the avocado has been living in this world. And such an overripe fruit is no longer suitable for consumption.

The only exception is the avocado variety with dark, almost black skin. It is never bright green or any shade of green at all. But you definitely won’t confuse this variety with anything else, because the peel itself is very bumpy, with large pimples. It looks like crocodile skin. By the way, this is where another exotic name comes from - alligator pear.

By time of year

Some sources recommend focusing on the date of purchase. They say that some varieties of avocados are sold only in certain months. I wonder how this affects the degree of ripeness and the correct choice of fruit for the table? No way.

Moreover, now avocados can be found in our windows all year round. Therefore, the landmark was chosen incorrectly. It's better to trust your fingers, eyes and ears than a calendar chart. Moreover, many are well aware of the possibilities of today's industry and agriculture. It’s a piece of cake for them to sell avocados from the August harvest in December and vice versa.

Advice. Try to choose an avocado with pimply, dark, thick skin. This variety has a very small seed. The smooth, light green fruits have a thin skin, but the pit inside is often enormous. As a result, very little pulp remains.

Now there is no problem for you how to choose the right avocado. You can safely go to the store for this extraordinary fruit. You certainly can't go wrong.

Video: how to choose the perfect avocado in the store