New Year's crafts

How to get orthopedic shoes for a disabled person. Free shoes for children with hallux valgus. How much do orthopedic shoes cost and how can I get them for free?

How did you hear this news?

Hello! I learned the news, of course, not from doctors or social workers, and from her neighbor - a smart and punchy girl.

It turned out like this: Looking at my baby, I noticed that his legs were slightly curved, his knees were pointing inward - people say: X-shaped legs - that’s about us. I got upset and ran to the orthopedist. The doctor examined him and told him to bathe the baby in a salt bath and warm his knees for 20 minutes a day, wrapping him in a blanket with a heating pad. In addition, you need to wear orthopedic shoes.

And although I was still able to arrange a bath in a salt bath, my Timosha did not allow me to warm it for 20 minutes. I went to the factory and ordered shoes - 4 pairs. Each costs 3-4 thousand rubles. Well, what won't you do for your child? And when the shoes were ready, on the way from the factory I met my friend, we got to talking, and she told me that children were entitled to free orthopedic shoes.

You will also most likely be interested in reading about the discounts that you can simply get.

This surprised me. I decided to go again to the orthopedist and ask if this was true. To which she said yes, and wrote out a prescription for two pairs of shoes.

Can any mother take advantage of this opportunity?

Yes, any mother living in Russia can get her baby for free orthopedic shoes, if indicated. I can’t say about other countries - I don’t know.

Did you take advantage of this opportunity?

Yes, I have already received two pairs of shoes and have written out a prescription for two more. I'll order it by September, before kindergarten.

How to do this?

The procedure for obtaining it is as follows: an orthopedist writes out a prescription for you, you get it certified by the medical director at your clinic, take Form 9, where the small one is registered, and go to social security. Social security gives you another direction with which you go to an ortho shoe salon and buy shoes with your own money. After the purchase, bring the receipt again to social security. And within a month the money is returned to your savings book.


The issue of the need to provide citizens with orthopedic shoes and orthopedic shoe products is decided by doctors of medical and preventive institutions and medical and social examination institutions (MSE), they also draw up an individual rehabilitation program (IRP), and specialists from the medical departments of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises (etc.) including factories) determine the type of orthopedic footwear or shoe device, its design features.

Citizens, who are disabled To order complex orthopedic shoes for free, you must provide the following documents:

  • direction of the Social Insurance Fund (St. Petersburg or Leningrad regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation),
  • passport,
  • an individual rehabilitation program (IPR), where complex orthopedic shoes are prescribed,
  • certificate of disability,

Citizens, notwho are disabled , living in St. Petersburg,those with disabilities and those in need of TSR for medical reasons,To order complex orthopedic shoes (catalog) for free, you must submit the following documents:

  • direction for the production of complex orthopedic shoes,
  • passport,
  • for children: birth certificate, passport of the parent with whom the child is registered,
  • conclusion of a medical commission containing information on medical indications for providing appropriate TSR
  • for patients with diabetes - a certificate from an endocrinologist or podiatrist.

I will answer this question with extracts from regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 11.1. Technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on June 28, 2014)
“On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” I will quote: “The decision to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation is made when medical indications and contraindications are established.” That is, if there are medical indications for the use of technical means of rehabilitation, which include orthopedic shoes, then these costs are financed from both the federal budget and the budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Now let's move on to the list of medical indications for the use of orthopedic shoes.
Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 65n “On approval of the list of indications and contraindications for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation” lists specific diseases by type of orthopedic shoes.
1) Low-complexity orthopedic shoes without (on) insulated lining - Slightly expressed static-dynamic disturbances due to functional insufficiency of the feet or flat feet.

2) Complex orthopedic shoes without (on) insulated lining - the list here is very extensive, so I will provide a link where you can download this order in its entirety from the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

www rosmintrud ru

You can also read about the terms for using rehabilitation means in Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 24, 2013 N 215n (as amended on September 13, 2013)
"On approval of the terms of use of technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products before their replacement."

This order can be downloaded from the following link:
www rg ru


What indications qualify for free orthopedic shoes?

Low-complexity orthopedic shoes are necessary for children with moderately severe deformities and defects of the foot. If you have the slightest suspicion of flat-valgus feet or varus deformity of the foot in a child, you should contact an orthopedist at a specialized clinic. For example, in the orthopedic department of St. Vladimir Hospital, several years ago, we received a prescription for free orthopedic shoes for a child from an orthopedist from this clinic. Please consult a qualified orthopedic specialist for further information. Although the opinions of specialists may differ, we recently had a consultation with a doctor at a district clinic, in his opinion, there is no need to wear orthopedic shoes for flat-valgus installation; orthopedic insoles are sufficient.

You can consult about obtaining free, low-complexity orthopedic shoes for your child at an orthopedic clinic.

Documents for compensation of IPR FSS are issued (certificate with a seal, cash receipt, sales receipt with a stamp, receipt with a stamp)

  • at the point of purchase in ORTOMINI retail stores
  • included in the parcel when sent
  • sent by registered mail

Formulations for FSS compensation are filled out according to the IPR card

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation all categories of disabled people, subject to an Individual Rehabilitation Program (IPR card), have the right to free provision of technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products that meet their special needs and increase their level of independence in everyday life.

What products can I receive compensation for?

  • Canes, crutches, walkers
  • Wheelchairs
  • Orthopedic children's shoes
  • Adult orthopedic shoes
  • Orthopedic products for joints (Bandages, orthoses, splints)
  • Orthopedic products for the spine (posture corrector, corsets, Shants collar)
  • Anti-hernia and post-operative bandages
  • Orthopedic insoles and foot devices

What needs to be done to receive compensation from government agencies for IPR?

1. Contact the medical institution at your place of residence to fill out the form

088u-06 “Referral for medical and social examination by an organization providing medical and preventive care.”

Form 088у-06 is valid for 1 month from the date of registration.

2. Contact the medical and social examination service at your place of residence to establish the disability group and develop an individual rehabilitation program (IPR).

Children under 18 years of age are prescribed from 2 to 4 pairs of orthopedic shoes (complex orthopedic or simple orthopedic shoes) per year (2 pairs - with insulated lining and 2 pairs - without insulated lining) according to the IPR card.

Adults are compensated for up to 2 pairs per year.

3. Find out the amount of possible compensation for an independent purchase using an IPR card from the Social Insurance Fund authorities at the place of registration.

Dear customers!

Anyone in need, simply based on a medical report, can receive monetary compensation from the state for orthopedic products, orthopedic shoes, orthopedic insoles by contacting the department of social support measures of the Department of Social Policy or the MFC at their place of residence (except for dental and eye prostheses)

No age limit!

Find out and take advantage of your benefits!

There is such a resolution in every region of Russia, every region and city!

Department of Social Protection of the Population

Social protection of the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg (Resolution of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region dated April 20, 2016 N 273-PP.

Compensation for expenses associated with the purchase of prosthetic and orthopedic products for non-disabled people (except for dental and eye prostheses) (type such a query with a title in a search engine)

Provided to citizens living in the Sverdlovsk region (any region, any region, city, town) who do not have a disability group, but for medical reasons need prosthetic and orthopedic products.

Documents required to apply for compensation (no age limit)

  1. Passports of adult family members (original and copy of full name pages, registration)
  2. Medical certificate confirming the presence of medical indications for the provision of a prosthetic and orthopedic product
  3. Documents confirming payment for the cost of a prosthetic and orthopedic product (cash receipt order, cash and sales receipts indicating the name of the prosthetic and orthopedic product, its type and model and date of purchase).
  4. Child's birth certificate (original and copy)
  5. Certificate from place of residence about family composition (valid for 10 days)
  6. Divorce certificate, Paternity certificate - for single-parent families (original and copy)
  7. Marriage certificate, in case of different surnames (original and copy)
  8. Documents (certificates) confirming the income of each member of the citizen’s family for the three calendar months preceding the month of filing the application for compensation
  9. Consent of adult family members to the processing of personal data
  10. Account details with a credit institution
  11. SNILS
  12. Certificate from the Pension Fund confirming the absence of disability

Shoes for clubfoot are one of the treatment options that have a strong corrective effect. Deformations of the musculoskeletal system disrupt a person’s quality of life. Clubfoot is a pathology that can lead to disability.

Why wear specialized shoes if you have clubfoot?

Clubfoot or varus deformity is an orthopedic disease. The main characteristic is the position of the foot directed inward. There are congenital and acquired forms of the disease. Due to the displacement of the axis, a patient with clubfoot cannot place the sole on a flat surface. The load falls on the side of the little finger, the heel remains in a free position, the fingers bend, the lower leg is rounded. The deformity disrupts the anatomical alignment of the musculoskeletal system, which leads to problems with movement. In adulthood, this disease causes difficulty in venous outflow, thrombosis, and arthrosis. A person faces breathing problems.

To prevent the disease from progressing, orthopedists recommend the use of orthopedic devices. They are developed taking into account possible foot disorders and influence the normalization of the anatomical position of the sole. The child's unformed foot adapts to the position in the shoe, and alignment occurs.

If corrective devices are not used, the disease will begin to progress. In early childhood, getting rid of the defect is quite simple, but when the bones are fully formed, it is impossible to change the disorder without surgical intervention.

The effect of orthopedic shoes on the foot

Thanks to the design, orthopedic shoes for young clubfoot have the ability to straighten the feet. It is used as therapy to stop the development of transverse and longitudinal flat feet.

The right orthotics contribute to:

  • I straighten the arches of my feet;
  • strong fixation of the limb in the required position;
  • strengthening the foot muscles;
  • uniform load distribution;
  • improving blood flow;
  • prevention of arthrosis development;
  • normalization of the position and load of the spine.

Regular wearing helps to get rid of the accompanying symptoms of the disease - soreness, keratinization of tissues, numbness.

Orthopedic shoes for the treatment of clubfoot have characteristic features. It should have a high top to support the ankle joint. The sole is dense, firm, but not heavy. It should be flexible in the transverse arch so as not to hinder the child’s movements. The presence of a rotational heel is a condition that helps distribute the load on the foot evenly. Fastening is carried out using straps.

If orthotics are chosen correctly, the first results will begin to appear soon after you start using them. You should not consider specialized boots as the only component of treatment for clubfoot. For a successful result, the complex must include massage, therapeutic exercises, and gymnastics.

Rules for choosing orthopedic shoes

Before choosing boots, a person needs to consult an orthopedic attending physician. The specialist will assess the condition of the clubfoot and recommend the current type of treatment for the deformity.

  1. When selecting shoes for a child, a fitting is required.
  2. Pay attention to the quality of the product. Boots (sandals, shoes) must be made of natural, breathable materials, securely stitched, to prevent feet from getting wet.
  3. When trying on, you should wear the product on both legs. The limbs are asymmetrical. In such a case, it is recommended to sew boots to order.
  4. Shoe size must match your foot size. Narrow shoes will restrict movement, cause pain and discomfort while walking. Large ones will not complete the task. Orthopedic devices are not purchased for growth.
  5. Pay attention to the sole. It should correspond to the season, be sustainable, and comfortable. For winter weather, choose anti-slip soles that will prevent falls and the risk of damage. There may be spikes on the sole.

When purchasing a product, parents of a small child should take into account that the product will have to be changed every season. Products purchased for growth will harm the condition of the sole and aggravate the curvature.

You need to understand that ortho shoes are used for medicinal purposes. The soles of shoes and insoles wear down over time under the weight of the owner. Secondary use will lead to the fact that the leg will begin to adapt to the existing reliefs.

Braces are a device that is similar in appearance to shoes, but is a complex orthopedic structure. Prescribed for children who are not yet walking. They are boots attached to a durable bar with adjusters. Choosing braces on your own is quite difficult. The attending physician should select the system. The doctor calculates the angle of the shoes. As correction progresses, the angle changes. The time of wearing the structure varies - from around the clock to several hours a day as you recover.

The effectiveness of wearing insoles for clubfoot

Insoles for clubfoot are an important component of orthopedic shoes and are sometimes used independently. The main feature is the frame system. Thanks to the design, the insoles reliably fix the position of the foot. Unlike valgus deformity, when an arch support is necessary, varus curvature requires the opposite effect. The insole must contain a pronator muscle that will support the foot from the outer edge. The foot should not be allowed to point outward. Clubfoot will aggravate the situation and provoke complications.

On both sides (outer and inner), the frame layout for the longitudinal arch of the feet is the same. This design is necessary to protect the front of the foot from overload. The load on the lower limbs is distributed evenly.

The insoles are easy to use. To use, you must place the insert in your boots. The device is an alternative to constantly wearing rigid therapeutic shoes. Insoles can be placed in house slippers when 24-hour influence on the position of the foot is needed. The main limitation is that shoes must be closed.

If the insoles are chosen correctly, clear improvements can be noticed after a few months. The position of the foot is normalized, the transverse arch will drop to the required level, and the gait will level out. Don't expect changes after a week of wearing. Clubfoot is a complex orthopedic disorder that requires long-term and labor-intensive treatment.

Treatment prognosis

The course of clubfoot directly depends on the age at which the deformity was discovered and when actual therapy began. It is easier to cure the disease in children than in teenagers.

With timely treatment of the disease, which should begin in the first year of a child’s life, the prognosis is very comforting. Leg alignment occurs by 2 years of age. If a positive result has been achieved, the main task is to prevent relapse of the disease.

Lack of treatment will lead to rapid progression of the pathology. The patient will face complications of the disease, constant pain, deterioration in health, and ultimately disability.

Parents of children with clubfoot need to understand that this disease is not a death sentence. Modern treatment methods make it possible to get rid of the disorder without the need for surgical intervention. How effective the therapy will be depends on the parents, their perseverance, perseverance and determination.

Orthotics used to correct clubfoot are an effective method of conservative correction. Regular use of the device has the desired effect on the placement of the sole. Before purchasing treatment accessories, you should consult with an experienced podiatrist. The doctor will assess the patient’s condition and give detailed instructions on treatment tactics. Independent actions can cause harm, aggravate the current condition and cause development and further aggravation of the disease.

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