Fashion 2013

How to survive layoffs. Layoff at work, how to survive? help yourself

The fact that during a crisis, a reduction in the income of the working class occurs not only due to a decrease in wages, but also due to a reduction in the number of workers, was already stated in the theory of Marxism. How to cope with stress if you are laid off and what to do after, says clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist Svetlana Kachalova.

Dangerous stereotypes

Ksenia Matveeva, website: Svetlana Viktorovna, tell me, is it true that middle-aged people have the hardest time dealing with layoffs at work?

Svetlana Kachalova: It is difficult to say at what age people experience contraction worse or better. That is, if the dismissal occurred in the so-called middle of life - middle age, this does not mean that such a person will endure stress more easily or more severely than a younger or more experienced employee.

Reduction at any age is like some kind of milestone that a person could not overcome, a road that he could not follow to the victorious end.

Retrenchment or dismissal from work is stress, a crisis for a person. As a rule, when laying off employees, the employer does not think about psychological characteristics employee, because there are categories of employees who are not subject to layoffs. Accordingly, those who do not fall into these categories are fired due to reduction.

Everyone handles stress differently. Like a crisis, stress exhibits persistent demands for adaptation. Mechanisms of mobilization and anxiety are activated. This is a general tension that affects the mental and emotional sphere. Naturally, a person begins to rush about, he feels insecure. If this is a man, then the uncertainty can spill over onto a global scale: men experience such crises much more difficult than women.

Men experience layoffs more severely than women. Photo:

The fact is that in our culture a stereotype of a male breadwinner has been formed, and if he stops bringing money into the house, then problems can begin within the family. Most often in such cases, the wife directly states: “You must bring money!” It is not right. Often, after scandals, a man gets two low-skilled jobs, and he does not have the energy and time not only to find a decent job, but also to take care of his family, and, what is very important, for self-development.

help yourself

- What happens to a person, his inner world, after a reduction?

After layoffs, a person who has not been adapted to life at all is inevitably forced to face problems that are unusual for him. Let's imagine that he worked for 10-15 years in one field, in one place, and is a narrow specialist. Compliance with the charter, specific rules, specific norms. If a person spends a long time in certain conditions, certain frameworks that are set by a program from the outside, he does not develop creatively and does not become flexible. The thinking of such a person becomes rigid - stiff. When this happens, a person “ossifies” within the designated framework. And it will be very difficult for such a person, for example, to retire, or, even more so, to be laid off. If a person has an “addiction gene,” then just at this time it can be realized - a man can, for example, start drinking to drown out the pain (many do this, especially for former military men).

On the one hand, stress mobilizes, but the thinking of such a person is rigid, and often there is nothing to mobilize - after all, the person is ossified within the usual framework.

The main thing after being fired is not to panic or become hysterical. Photo:

- Why is this happening?

Thinking becomes rigid when we do not give the brain the opportunity to develop and do not fill thinking. A person who begins to master some new knowledge, new skills, after 40 years old, new social connections are formed in the structures of the brain, and he remains thinking and intelligent for a long time. This helps to “push back” senile dementia. Even from this point of view, it is very important to constantly learn and develop.

Previously, enterprises had hobby groups and shared trips. Now it all comes down to some kind of corporate events - essentially, drinking parties. Any such party, generously flavored with alcohol, means millions of nerve cells literally carried away down the drain. Today, managers are not interested in developing the personalities of their subordinates; in a commercialized society, profit, income come first, everything is done for show.

In these conditions, the person himself must work on personal development. When there is no such need or desire, problems arise. A person is laid off, and he, unadapted, unadapted, simply does not know what to do. Because of this stress, even serious depressive conditions can develop.

Stress after layoffs can develop into depression. Photo:

A matter of principle

- But there are other “scenarios”?

A creative person, working throughout his life and simultaneously developing, constantly expands his “area of ​​competence.” It is very important to develop, even if the position does not seem to allow for this - go to seminars, improve your qualifications, and undergo additional training.

Unfortunately, many people do not care about their personal development. After all, it is much easier to come to work, serve the allotted time and go home. And so every day, year after year, for 10, 15, 20 years.

Some people have a strong need for personal development. Such a person, even having a stable income in an acceptable position, strives to grow, get additional education, expand your horizons.

Additional education is generally very good. Even if it is never fully useful, it develops the brain.

Dismissal is a good time to remember your youthful hobbies - for example, pottery. Photo:

- What exactly can you advise a person who has been laid off?

First of all, in no case should you panic and assume that along with your work experience at your previous place of work, your life ends. Here you need to maintain a positive attitude, believe in the best: there is no money now, but it will appear soon; there is no work - I will look and find it. Second: you need to remember what activities you liked once upon a time, maybe in your youth or even in childhood. It is quite possible that you dreamed of becoming an artist, or selling flowers, or collecting bicycles. Start small - fix the plumbing at home, figure out how and what works. Perhaps a half-childish hobby will become the basis for a profitable business. You need to set yourself a goal - to do something “perfectly” - simply out of principle.

Kick the Universe

- Today there are labor exchanges...

Often a laid-off worker, coming to the labor exchange, expects to be given the same thing - the same status, the same income. Not everyone wants to learn something new.

Here it is important not to be afraid of a low position, the “low prestige” of work, not to be afraid to start small, from the basics. And this is a big problem for many people. When a person considers some very modest, low-status job unacceptable for himself, he continues to slow down his personal development. But the spiritual development of a person is precisely characterized by the ability to overcome difficulties and endure the blows of fate; a person develops in a state of crisis.

Family plays a big role in overcoming a crisis. Photo:

- How long can such a crisis last?

As a rule, psychologists give several years to completely overcome a crisis. If we talk about a pause, then it is not important: you can switch: get some sleep, jump with a parachute. But the pause may drag on. Therefore, I advise you not to try, but to do: not to try to find yourself, but to search. You can advise your loved ones to be patient, wise, not to put pressure, but to lend a helping hand and help you realize yourself. The strength of a family is always tested by crisis situations from outside: and the reduction of one of the family members - the best reason unite, show cooperation, mutual assistance. Unfortunately, many families do not pass this test.

It is important to understand that dismissal or layoff is a “kick from the Universe”, a signal from space that gives a person a chance to understand himself and reevaluate his life, his purpose.


Forget about frustration and try to see the good in this situation too. Even if the news of a layoff came out of the blue, and you consider such a decision to be the height of injustice, do not give in to the temptation to “put the blame” on your former bosses and colleagues. Firstly, minor dirty tricks in the form of erased files and lost documents will only make you angry. former colleagues, and will also assure them that it was the right decision to fire you. In addition, in your professional circle they will find out about this incident quite quickly, and hardly anyone will want to contact you after this. Secondly, if you leave a good impression of yourself, the boss may recommend your candidacy to one of the partners. Thirdly, you will finally be able to redo all the things you haven’t gotten around to, get some sleep and, perhaps, find your calling in something else.

Appeared free time use it to your advantage. First of all, you need to carefully analyze the whole situation and extract useful things from it. For example, you have long wanted to study a foreign language, but there was no time. As a result, you left during the layoff, and not your English-speaking colleague. Now you have the opportunity to fill gaps or even get a new profession. Evaluate yourself - perhaps you will find application for your talents in another professional field. Employees of business incubators or employment services can help you with this, where you need to register no later than the date of layoff. In addition, you can contact any educational institution your city, where there are advanced training or retraining courses.

Once you have a strategy in mind, begin your job search. Carefully compose your resume, cover letter, and make copies of your characteristics from your last job. Place these documents on specialized websites and send them to recruitment agencies. Be proactive - call back and find out about the fate of your appeal. During the interview, and sooner or later you will be invited to it, tell them honestly about the reduction. And if your potential employer wants to talk to your ex, it will be very helpful if you left a good memory of yourself when you left.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

If you haven't been able to find a permanent job for too long, you should think about temporary work. Try yourself as a freelancer, web designer, translator, freelance journalist. Similar vacancies can always be found on the Internet.

First of all, people who perform poorly at work are laid off. If you skimp job responsibilities, delay deadlines, refuse to obey management, or your work does not bring benefits to the company, know that you are at risk. A layoff can happen at any time, even if you don’t expect it at all, and there are no prerequisites for dismissal.


You must be notified of the layoff two months in advance. If this deadline is not met and you are asked to vacate your workplace as quickly as possible, you can go to court. But do this only as a last resort: litigation is unlikely to add value to your positive emotions. If the employer insists that you must leave the workplace immediately, then he is obliged to pay you a penalty equal to your average salary for two months. Payments can be made at the time of termination of the contract or monthly. You cannot influence management's decisions.

On the last day of work, you must receive a work book and sign the order of your dismissal. Check that the employment record contains the correct record of the layoff. Don't forget to calculate the payment for unused vacation and notify the employer that you insist on these payments. Some organizations may “forget” about this monetary compensation.

Create a competent resume (you can contact a specialist) and place it in newspapers and on job sites. Regularly review the vacancies offered there. Perhaps you can short time find a job that will be better than the previous one. Attend interviews regularly.

A year ago, in the office where I worked at the time, rumors began to circulate that the new management was planning to carry out a global restructuring of the entire department and that it would not do without some heads rolling.

At that time, my experience in the company exceeded 7 years. During my work, I managed to build a fairly successful career, achieve a decent salary level, have subordinates and all the ensuing benefits.

I also managed to lose all this due to health problems, so for the last few months I have been working as an ordinary clerk.

When there are rumors about possible layoffs, willy-nilly you consider yourself a candidate for relegation. I would even say that such rumors helped me mentally get used to this idea. And this, perhaps, is better than receiving the news that you have been laid off.

When I imagined that it was my position that would be redundant, I created for myself the first rule of behavior when laying off jobs.

First rule: don't get upset

I forced myself to understand that it was not me personally who was being laid off, but the position I held; that the people who made this decision do not have any complaints against me, as the girl Diana, moreover, they have never even seen me.

This awareness allows you to maintain self-confidence and adequate self-esteem, which is extremely important when there is a need to search new job. A person who is confident in himself is ten times more likely to get a job than someone who is fixated on the idea that he was rejected by his previous employer.

The second rule I formed after realizing that I had one foot in the labor exchange.

Rule two: stand up for your rights

Having learned that in 2 weeks I would have to leave my workplace, I immediately began to study information about the rules for dismissal from work.

And the first thing I came across was that the employer is obliged to warn about the upcoming layoff no later than 2 months in advance. If he does not comply with these deadlines, then he pays them according to average earnings.

After I presented this information to the personnel department, my last working day was pushed forward another 1.5 months, because it was more profitable for the company to keep me working than to simply pay compensation.

Secondly, together with the payment on the last working day, the employer is obliged to pay severance pay in the amount of 1 month’s salary.

And thirdly, the employee’s salary is retained for another 1 month if he does not find a job during this period.

During all negotiations with management and personnel department employees, I tried to maintain a calm but fairly clear position. I carefully re-read all the documents and did not sign until I was absolutely sure that my rights were not infringed.

Bottom line

During that period, about 10-15 people were laid off, and a fairly significant proportion of them left, signing a statement of their own free will, without receiving any compensation.

In fact, I provided myself with wages for 4 months in advance, 2 of which I could easily look for a new place.

Have you ever experienced layoffs at work?

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Unfortunately, in Lately Enterprises are increasingly downsizing staff. Therefore, most employees, willy-nilly, think about what to do if this trouble affects them.

What will they pay for?

If there is a staff reduction at the enterprise, the employer must warn the employee about the upcoming dismissal two months in advance. In this case, a verbal notification is not enough; you must sign the corresponding order.

If there are vacant positions at the enterprise, the employer is obliged to offer these positions to the employees being laid off. If there are no vacancies or the employee does not agree to any of them, he will have to say goodbye to his workplace.

In this case, the employee is entitled to severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings. This payment is retained by the dismissed employee for the duration of his employment, but for no more than two months. If within two weeks after dismissal the employee contacted the employment service and was unable to find a job within three months, former employer will be forced to pay the employee his average salary for the third month of forced “downtime”.

Who can't be fired

Some employees cannot be fired due to staff reduction. Must remain at work:

Pregnant women;

Women with children under three years of age;

Single mothers raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age;

Employees on vacation or sick leave.

In addition, there are employees who are in a privileged position when laid off.

At work you must leave:

An employee with higher qualifications and labor productivity;

Employees who support two or more dependents (for example, small children), as well as those who are the only breadwinner in the family;

Workers with disabilities and combatants.

If an employee believes that he was laid off unfairly, he can go to court. But you cannot delay filing a claim. This must be done within a month after receiving the dismissal order or work book.

Stay optimistic

Despite the fact that workers laid off due to staff reduction have some material advantages compared to those who were forced to write a letter of resignation of their own free will, coming to terms with the loss of a beloved job can be difficult.

Psychologists believe that after dismissal a person goes through several stages.

At first he experiences misunderstanding and resentment. It is difficult to accept the fact that your merits were not appreciated and when you were fired, the choice fell on you. Experts believe that in the first days after dismissal you should not delve into the reasons for what happened. However, you need to allow yourself to express emotions. Admit at least to yourself that the current situation worries you, or better yet, talk to your loved ones about your experiences. Many, after being cut, tend to downplay the significance of this event, trying to keep a good face on a bad game. You shouldn’t show off too much, pretending that being fired doesn’t scare you and that losing your job hasn’t become a reason for you to be upset.

Following the first stage comes acceptance of the situation and a period of optimism. It seems to a laid-off employee that finding a new job is not so difficult. It is at this time that you should be most active - sending out your resume, meeting with potential employers, learning something new. Please note that the period of optimism will not last forever. Psychologists believe that a person experiences such an emotional uplift for no more than three months.

If within these three months it is not possible to find a job, many fall into apathy. It seems that everything good places are already taken and the search will last forever. It is important not to give up here. Remember, every failure brings you closer to your goal. If you have already been rejected in ten places, then the likelihood of a positive response increases significantly.

After all, according to statistics, at least one of the interviews should be successful! In addition, each meeting with an employer gives you experience and self-confidence, because only the first time is scary!

However, if the search is dragging on too much, you should probably lower the bar of your requirements a little and agree to not the most Good work. It may seem uninteresting to you, but it will help you cope with apathy and get through difficult times. However, once you get such a job, you shouldn’t stop looking for a new place.

Don't forget your exes

Many people, when fired, feel the desire to express all their grievances to their boss and colleagues. You shouldn't do this. After all, many professional sectors are very narrow, and the same specialists migrate from company to company. Therefore, it is possible that some of your former colleagues will meet you in a new place.

In addition, former colleagues can also help in finding a job, so even after dismissal you should not ruin friendly relations with them. And if so, do not hesitate to remind yourself from time to time. There's nothing wrong with having a cup of coffee with a friend from your old job. Many people are embarrassed to call former colleagues without reason, for fear of distracting the person from an important matter. These fears are not always justified. Perhaps your friend himself would not mind meeting you, but just like you, he is embarrassed to call. But, even if your call comes at the wrong time, the maximum that awaits you is a polite refusal.

Personal opinion

Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya:

It is very sad when a person loses his job against his own will. I think the main thing in this situation is not to despair. You need to immediately start looking for another job, ask, send out your resume, call your friends - the world is not without good people, someone will help.