New Year's crafts

What to call competitions in a karaoke bar. Karaoke competitions: interesting scenarios. Choosing a suitable repertoire

Karaoke in itself is a great entertainment that allows you to diversify your leisure time. However, by inventing and organizing several karaoke competitions, you can make any party or celebration even brighter and more memorable. We offer several non-trivial competition scenarios that are sure to be “appropriate” at any holiday.

Competition 1. “Finish the song”

All guests participating in the competition are divided into 2 teams. The presenter or DJ plays a popular or retro composition, which is interrupted after 5 seconds of playing. The teams take turns singing the proposed songs. Participants who do this faster, more clearly and more cheerfully receive one point for each composition.

Duration: 5-7 minutes.

Number of participants: unlimited.

Competition 2. “Surprise”

The participant performs a song without preliminary preparation from a repertoire predetermined by the organizer. Popular and well-known compositions are selected for the competition. The task is assessed based on the creativity and artistry of the performer. The audience chooses the winner with applause.

Duration: 6-7 minutes.

Number of participants: 2 people.

Competition 3. “Karaoke with headphones”

The participating guests go up to the stage. The organizer puts headphones on them one by one. The presenter turns on the “minus” of the song, which is played exclusively through headphones. At this time, the participant tries to sing this composition into a microphone without third-party musical accompaniment. For spectators, this task looks quite funny, and artistry, expressiveness and quality of performance are assessed.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Number of participants: up to 4 people.

Competition 4. “Dance karaoke duet”

This competition will require 2 pairs of participants (preferably a guy + a girl). Each couple chooses which of the duets will sing and who will dance. After which the presenter includes a “backing track” of a song unknown to the participant in advance, which he must perform as clearly as possible. At this time, the other partner is trying to dance

depict what is sung in this composition. The audience selects the winning couple with applause.

Duration: 7-8 minutes.

Number of participants: 4 people.

Competition 5. “Guess the melody”

A competition based on the popular game of the same name from the 90s. Participants can be either individual players or teams of 2-3 people. Participants must guess the composition based on a three- to four-second minus passage. The competition can be made even more interesting by adding categories, for example, “hits of the 80s”, “songs about summer”, “oh, this wedding” and others. For correct answers, participants receive 1 point; at the end of the competition, the points are summed up and the winner is determined.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Number of participants: from 3 to 9 people.

Using these simple karaoke competition scenarios, you can organize a fun and creative family or friendly party, wedding, or corporate event. Or you can use it in our company. Go for it!

Progress of the event


Attention! Attention!
Let's start creative competitions!
Today for the first time in our garden we are holding a competition-game “Merry Notes”
We invite teams here now,
Look, the teams are super class!

Children - 2 teams - enter the hall to the music. Stand near the chairs (along the side walls).
(Command View)

Leading: The performance of our competitors will be assessed by a jury consisting of:

Head of MDOU
Methodist MDOU
Educational psychologist

Host: So, the teams take their places, and we begin Round 1 - the “Musical Polymath” warm-up!


Listen carefully, guess carefully,
The one who guesses first only raises his hand.

For each correct answer you receive one note (senior group - yellow notes, preparatory group - red). I remind you of the rules of the game - you cannot shout out answers (the answer does not count), in case of a hint, the turn passes to the next player. Players who score more than 2 notes advance to the second round.


1. Sleep and rest are forgotten:
Writes a song... (Composer)

2. Composer and poet –
This is a creative... (Duet)

3. Thirty little guys
They are standing on the steps.
And with a smile on a spring day
Everyone is singing about their birthday.
The voices are perfect.
Children's performance... (Chorus)

4. I stand in front of the choir,
Everyone is silent, and I sing.
Who am I? What kind of artist?
Surely, … (Soloist)

5. Check sound and tone
The instrument... (Fork.)

7. The musicians are having fun,
The conductor smiled
The mode in which we play
It's called... (Major)

8. If there are clouds in our play,
The rain is pouring down at full speed,
This mood is terribly sad
It's called... (Minor)

9. On a piece of paper, on a page -
Either dots or birds.
Everyone is sitting on the ladder
And songs chirp. (Notes)

10. These black icons are
Not random hooks.
They stand on a ruler
And they keep the melody.
Musical alphabet
It doesn't look familiar to us. (Notes)

11. Chaliapin sang to everyone’s envy,
He had enormous talent
All because I studied
Art, what is the name... (Vocals)

12. Book word “vocals”
What would you call it simpler? (Singing)

13. He performs on stage,
Starts a song in the choir.
Performs the entire verse
The chorus sings back. (Soloist)

15. A parade is held to this music,
So that the general and the soldier walk in step. (March)

16. The New Year's ball is in full swing,
I'm spinning around the hall in pairs.
This dance captivated us
Strauss composed it. (Waltz)

17. Curly, beautiful sign
Let's draw it like this.
He is great and omnipotent,
This is our... (Treble clef)

The results are summed up and the winners of the 1st round are announced.

And for our winners
From fans and spectators
The prize is a fun game
Get into a circle, kids.

Game "We wanted to dance"

The game is over
Everybody sit down, kids.
And follow the game, we're starting TOUR 2! (fanfare)

(Participants of the 2nd round leave.)

Host: Before announcing the name of round 2, I will ask you to guess a riddle.

He waves his hands smoothly,
Every instrument can be heard.
He is the most important in the orchestra,
He is the president of the orchestra!

Children: Conductor!

Presenter: That's right, and we begin the 2nd round - “Your own conductor.” Players who score more than 5 notes advance to the third round.

Host: While the jury is summing up the results of the 2nd round, I propose to play.

(Any outdoor game.)
The chairman of the jury announces the winners of the 2nd round.

Presenter: Attention! We start round 3 - “Guess the melody”.

Who can instantly guess your favorite songs?
He wins in the third round.

Host: Dear friends! This tour features melodies from cartoons that you all know well, but we decided to complicate the task. Therefore, only the intro to the song will sound. The first person to remember the name of the song must raise their hand.

If you guess the song correctly, you will receive an additional note; if the answer is incorrect, then you will have to part with one note. Players who score more than 7 notes win this round.

  1. “Song of the crocodile Gena” (2)
  2. "Antoshka" (3)
  3. "Smile" (4)
  4. Blue carriage"(5)
  5. "Chunga-Changa" (6)
  6. "Cheburashka" (7)
  7. "True Friend" (8)
  8. “This trouble” (9)
  9. “There is nothing better in the world” (10)
  10. They say we are byaki-buki" (12)
  11. “Song of the Baby Mammoth” (13)
  12. "Clouds" (16)
  13. “A grasshopper sat in the grass” (23)
  14. “Oh, it’s early, the security is up” (29)
  15. “If only there were no winter” (34)
  16. "Bear's Lullaby" (37)

The results are summed up and the winners of the 3rd round are announced.
Musical pause

We congratulate the winners
We invite you to the stage.
Now the hour has struck for the winners -
Sing your favorite songs for us.

The winners of three rounds emerge.


Host: I offer our winners a super game.

Vocal competition (karaoke).

  • “Song of the Baby Mammoth” from the film “Mother for the Baby Mammoth” (011)
  • “Clouds” from the film “Shake!” Hello!" (013)
  • “We will survive this trouble” from the film “The Summer of Leopold the Cat” (035)
  • “Chunga-Changa” from the film “Katerok” (52)
  • “Duet of the King and the Princess” from the film “Musicians of Bremen” (57)
  • “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass” from the film “Dunno” (67)
  • “Song of the crocodile Gena” from the film “Cheburashka” (68)

Summing up the super game. Based on the results of the super game, 1st, 2nd, 3rd places are awarded.

Host: Look, look, here is our winner!

And now for everyone a surprise -
We are presenting a super prize.

You played like this today
The questions were answered,
You have solved the riddles.
And your friends were rooting for you
And they didn’t spare their hands.
That's why as a reward
To all game participants
We hand out treats - colorful balls.
The ball is sweet, aromatic, surprisingly pleasant.

(They hand out lollipop to the children.)

Birthday celebrations are a sea of ​​smiles, surprises, gifts and, of course, music. A musical karaoke party in a cheerful company of friends will be an unforgettable event and will bring a storm of emotions. As a rule, relatives or friends of the birthday person take care of all the organization of the event. And for everything to go brilliantly, you need to develop a karaoke birthday scenario, paying attention to every detail.

Organizational aspects

  1. Choosing a suitable institution is a primary organizational task. Karaoke birthday party can take place both at home and in an open area, as well as in a cafe, club, restaurant
  2. To create a festive atmosphere, you need to take care of printing and sending out invitations to guests indicating the time, place and date of the celebration.
  3. Inspect your existing karaoke equipment. Whether it's a built-in DVD player, home or professional installation, check the functionality of the equipment or buy the missing one. To save money, equipment can be rented. It is advisable to have at least 2 microphones.
  4. By ordering the services of a presenter, you will get rid of the need to independently configure the equipment, switch songs, and adjust the sound.
  5. Prepare entertainment, competitions, quizzes and don't forget about prizes.

Choosing a suitable repertoire

The choice of composition for a birthday celebration should correspond to the theme of the celebration. In addition to congratulatory songs, the repertoire should also include popular music, including in a foreign language. Many modern karaoke installations come with a large song catalog, after viewing which guests and the birthday boy can choose songs to suit their taste. The final song of the evening, performed by the hero of the occasion, must be agreed upon in advance.


Competitions, quizzes, games and dances - the organized program should be interesting and rich. In addition to the standard “karaoke battle”, when participants, individually or divided into teams, try to sing the songs they have chosen as best as possible in order to score the maximum number of points, there are many other ways to diversify the karaoke birthday scenario. We offer some options:

  • Participants are divided into pairs. The task of one of the partners is to perform the composition as clearly and artistically as possible without prior preparation.
  • The second partner at this time tries, with the help of facial expressions, movements, gestures, to depict what is sung in the song
  • The host plays a popular song, which ends after 5-6 seconds, and the guests must continue singing in chorus.
  • The next competition is called “sweet song”. Players are given 4-5 caramels, which they must put in their mouths and perform the proposed piece of music to the backing track.
  • At the end of the evening, guests who want to congratulate the birthday boy go on stage and perform a congratulatory composition. The presenter passes the microphone to the guests one by one and each of them sings a few lines of the song.

Everyone's birthday is one of the main events of the year. I want to make this holiday unforgettable, both for myself and for loved ones. Karaoke is a great helper in organizing entertainment for any party. Vocal skills don't matter, because the main thing is fun.

The Grand Karaoke company is ready to take on all the hassle of organizing the celebration, please call +7 962 999 43 97 or use the call back form.

Campaign “Look to the future, live in the present,”

Nomination: "Karaoke is your voice."

Form: competition program: “Karaoke battle”

Location : assembly hall of the pedagogical college.

Participants: 1st-2nd year students.

Target: Propaganda of songs of those times. Determine how much students know the songs, as well as their artist.


    Promote interest in vocal activities.

    Foster a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, and mutual assistance.

    Create a favorable environment thereby de-escalating students.


Ved 2: Good afternoon, participants and guests of our game.

Ved 1: We are pleased to welcome you to one of the Promotion sites.

Namely, on the “Your Voice” Karaoke playground.

Ved 2:(Lena starts singing) a soldier walks through the city

Ved 1: -Lena, what are you doing?

Vedas 2: - I’m humming a song, but what?

Ved 1: -Why are you doing this?

Ved 2: -Why? You yourself said that the platform is Karaoke “Your Voice”. So I sing.(continues humming).

Ved1: - Just stop!

Ved 2: What is it? Don't you like the way I sing?

Ved 1: That’s not the point, you misunderstood me, this is a karaoke playground where teams will compete with each other.

Ved 2: So, so stop. Don't avoid answering, don't you like the way I sing? Yes?

Ved 1:(embarrassed, turning his eyes to the other side)

Ved 2: Julia, do you like to sing?

Ved1: Of course I do. It seems to me that there is not one person on earth who does not like to sing.

Ved1: - Guys, do you like to sing?(Yes)

Ved 2: Since Julia you love to sing, I love to sing, the guys also love to sing. Then it's time to do what you love! Our…

(Lena begins to speak; Yulia interrupts and thereby slows her down)

Ved 1: Wait, there are still honored guests in our hall, our esteemed jury.

Ved 2: Julia, what a great fellow you are, you remember everything. Dear jury, do you like to sing?(Responses from the jury)
Ved 2: Where do you like to sing most?
(Responses from the jury)

Ved 1: Now Lena it’s time.(seriously, without emotion)

Ved 2: What time is it? Breakfast?
Ved 1:(rolls her eyes, thinking “she got it all mixed up again”) Start off.

Ved 2: Ahh.. start. And we are starting!!

The rules of our game are not simple.

The game will take place in 2 stages.

Stage 1: Introduction:the team had to come up with a name and musical motto.

Stage 2: Karaoke “Your Voice”:

Ved 1: Under your loud applause, an incorruptible, fair and very creative jury.Zaika Nina Vasilievna; Gileva Natalya Vladimirovna; Timofeeva Tatyana Ivanovna.

How will points be awarded and how much?
Stage 1: Team presentation, maximum 3 points.

Ved 2: We met the jury, it’s time to get to know the teams of participants.

Is the jury ready?(Yes)

Are the participants ready? (Yes)

Ved 1: -Group 11 will be the first to voice their homework.

(performance of group 11)

Vedas 2: And group 12 is next.(performance of group 12)

Vedas 1: After them, group 13 rushes to introduce themselves to us.(performance of group 13)

Vedas 2: Let's see how group 110 prepared(performance of group 110)

Ved1: All attention to group 120(performance of group 120)

Ved 2: How will group 200 surprise us?(performance of group 200)

Ved 1: Did 21 groups cope with our task, the floor is yours.(performance 21 gr.)

Ved 2: They are eagerly rushing to show everything that group 22 is capable of(performance of group 22).

Vedas 2: With loud applause we complete Stage 1 “Getting Acquainted”.

Vedas 1: Let's see what the results were for stage 1

Ved 2: Let’s move on to stage 2 of Karaoke “Your Voice”.

Rules for this stage:

1) nominations are presented on the screen, after a collective consultation you choose a nomination.
2) A video clip will be presented for the selected nomination.
3) On which a person will hum the tune of a song. Your task,listen to the end, determine the title and artist. A minute is given to guess.
4) If you guess right, then your group is given the opportunity to sing this song to the whole team in karaoke.

5) You cannot choose the same nomination twice.6) All your actions are evaluated by the jury.

How will points be awarded and how much?

1. Correctly guessed name of the song 1 point.

2. Correctly guessed singer of the song 1 point.

3. Execution of the command, maximum 3 points.(correct execution, artistry, cohesion)

Vedas 1: The right to choose is granted to ______

Ved 2: As you noticed, the already selected nomination is lit in purple, which means it has already been chosen.(answer table)

Childhood, where are you in a hurry?

Yuriy Shatunov

He is the best

The best day

Gigory Leps



IOWA (ayova)



gr. Beetles



Irina Allegrova



Elena Vaenga


Sign of Aquarius



Music has tied us

gr. Mirage


Because we are pilots

Leonid Kostritsa


To the watchmen

gr. Boombox


Little country

Natasha Koraleva

(especially for you)

Everything for you

Stas Mikhailov

Search engine

My darling

Yuri Vizbor


solar circle

Tamara Miansarova






gr. Lube 1994

Ved 1: The circle has passed, let's turn to our jury.
(the jury raises the score boards, the counting commission counts)

Ved 2: Thank you, dear jury, our ratings will become an incentive for some, and will not allow others to relax.

Ved 1: Continue, knocks out...(The game continues in a circle. Participants choose a song and sing it.)

Ved 2: We complete the 2nd stage of karaoke “Your Voice” with thunderous applause.

Ved 1: The jury is your assessment.(the jury raises the score boards, the counting commission counts)

Ved 2: Our program has come to an end, the results of the game program will be entered in the table on the 1st floor. We remind you that the final results will be summed up after all the promotion sites have been held. And on the 17th, the winners and participants will be awarded in the assembly hall.

Ved 1: Now Lena it’s time.

Vedas 2: what time is it? Well, is it time?

Vedas 1: Finish the program.

Dear participants, you were great, and finally, as the final point of the program, I invite everyone to sing a good old song together.(everyone sings the song how healthy)

Ved 2: Thank you all for your participation, see you soon.

To be honest, it’s a controversial name, but it’s the name that has become popular among the people. For those who understand the terminology, the phrase “live karaoke” means something like this:

  1. In addition to the karaoke machine, which prompts the lyrics and the moment of the artist's introduction, there will be musicians. For example, we have a guitarist and keyboard player. Of course, all the equipment is competently managed by the sound engineer, without him nothing will work!
  2. A singer (or even two singers) sings with you, but what would it be like without backing vocals :-). Just imagine how much richer your performance becomes
  3. The program is led by a charming presenter, who before each number makes original connections, talks about the song, and pompously introduces the performer.
  4. If you prepare well, you can organize a small stage to make you feel like a real artist
  5. And if you're even better prepared (I'm talking about money now), you can add stage lighting
  6. Finally, all this can be filmed on camera (or several cameras) so that there is a memorable clip for memory

The minimum price will be if you undertake to implement point 1. Adding each point incurs additional costs, I think this is obvious!

For what holidays is live karaoke suitable?

New Years corporate party

This is a great way to spend a bright and memorable holiday during a crisis, because you can choose a program to which you can also dance. If the staff are given a chance to prepare, it will be a great show!

Company birthday

In this case, employees can perform songs that appeared in the year the company was registered, at moments of prosperity or the emergence of new departments. This will be a kind of “Song of the Year” - of the year that makes sense to sing on such an important holiday.


Oh, this is absolutely great! We select the favorite songs of the birthday boy, those compositions that appeared in the year of his birth in our country and the world. And then - in the same spirit: when I went to school, when I graduated, when I got married, when I gave birth to a son, I planted a tree.

Let me remind you that even the most non-singing relatives and colleagues need not worry, since in “live” karaoke the performer has a large support group. I have repeatedly witnessed that the singers took on the main load, and the person could only sing along and dance to the beat. Such a congratulation will please and amuse the hero of the day in any case.

Wedding anniversary

Another reason to hold a song party! Again we choose the main dates for the family, again we put together a program from the main hits of those years that are dear to the couple. Of course, the musical material will be richer if a silver or golden wedding is celebrated. Just imagine, children, grandchildren, childhood friends, classmates and neighbors singing... Great!

How to organize such a party?

Method one

Find a cafe or restaurant in your city that has a ready-made offer from the organizers of “live” karaoke. Such establishments already have a stage, cool light and sound, their own backing vocalists, professional karaoke machines, microphones, etc.

In addition to the entertainment program, there will also be a full-fledged banquet, and there is usually also room for dancing in restaurants.

Method two

Invite a karaoke team to your office or home. In this case, you need to decide on the parameters that I listed in six points at the very beginning of the article. Which of these would you like to see at your music party?

In this case, take advantage of the offer of those organizers who can provide a complete set: a karaoke machine and other equipment, additional lighting, song catalogs, services of a sound engineer, musicians, backing vocalists, and presenter.

Our offer

For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, we offer outdoor karaoke parties. The cost of live karaoke, as I have written many times, consists of a “constructor” of additional services.