
How long does it take to process an application at Artek? How to get to Artek? Four paths for those who dream. How to get a free ticket to Artek: new technologies

I’ll tell you how any child can get into ARTEK completely free of charge.

It is almost impossible to buy tickets to this amazing camp; they are almost entirely distributed among regions and are awarded to children who have any special merits or achievements.

Almost all trips to Artek are given to children free of charge for their merits in studies, creativity, sports and social work.

Only 5% of vouchers are available for a fee. As a rule, they are bought by foreign citizens. Those Russian parents whose children, having merits, did not pass the selection or did not take part in it, can still buy, but 10 days before the start of the shift they are ready to try to buy a voucher through the Artek website - from an unclaimed fund (if such vouchers remain, of course ). The cost is 65 thousand rubles for 21 days, which corresponds to the budget cost.

It’s definitely great that the state is investing in budgetary provision of vouchers, but won’t it turn out that children from large cities will end up in ARTEK, while talented ones from distant villages will be closed?

And do you have to wait until your child is noticed and given a ticket? What if they don’t notice? What if the system fails?

...This is why I am writing this post, so that any boys and girls, both from Blue Lepyagov and from St. Petersburg, have equal chances, which their parents know about.

The emphasis is on two things. The first is to encourage children, because in order for a child to get into the camp, he must be worthy of it, that is, he must try to improve his achievements in any area - in sports, art - it doesn’t matter. The second is transparency and honesty in the distribution of these vouchers, so that they are truly DESERVED. Free trips are distributed according to regional quotas and through thematic partners.

In the second case, the thematic partner of Artek receives a quota for trips. This is an organization that conducts educational events in the camp in its field (for example, Roscosmos and the Russian Geographical Society conducted their shifts), and also annually holds all-Russian competitions, such as the Olympics or a sports tournament. Thematic partners distribute vouchers to the winners and prize-winners of these tournaments.

The topic sometimes arises in the media that in the regions this system is not entirely transparent. To improve the situation, Artek decided to transfer the process of distributing vouchers to a computer basis.

Very soon it will be EASY to get to ARTEK without leaving your home!

All thanks to the fact that this year a special automated system has been developed, thanks to which each parent or child will be able to independently upload their portfolio (scans of certificates, diplomas, cups) to the Artek website -.

This will by default give the child the right to take part in the competition for a voucher. The selection of registered children will be carried out not by people, but by computer programs, so that the subjective factor does not influence this process. As a result, a list of candidates to be awarded with vouchers will be formed. Everything is open, transparent, honest.

Experts say that the new system is a simplified model of an artificial neural network (it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie to me). She will analyze all the child’s achievements from the profile on the site, sum up the weight of achievements, coefficients of sections and territorial affiliation.

The main result is that now no Ivan Ivanovich in the region will be able to shove a child’s application under the carpet or say that merit is not enough - everyone will play by the same rules. As a mother, I want to thank Artek for this!

From 2017, all distribution of vouchers will take place exclusively on the basis of the new system. About a million children are expected to participate, and 40 thousand of them will become happy Artek residents.

In the spring, this system was tested as part of the Moscow International Education Fair. 270 guys were registered, and three of them received tickets as rating winners.

If your children are between 8 and 17 years old and have something to brag about, register and wish them to get to this fantastic place. I recently came from there, whole.

Years go by, eras change, but there are things and places that are not subject to the influence of time. This also applies to the international children's camp "Artek". Yes, this is the same “Artek” that schoolchildren of all times dreamed of. To this day, interest in this remarkable camp remains, despite the fact that its history dates back to the distant 1925.

Camp "Artek" in Crimea for children in 2019

"Artek" is not just a well-known international children's center located in the village. Gurzuf. This is an amazing camp where children, during the rest of their shift, will be able to learn what ornithology, animation, forensics, professional design of drones, and soil probing are. They will learn about all this thanks to the fact that there is a school in Artek and a large number of technical laboratories.

The day here begins with friendly morning exercises, followed by scheduled events. Here, like 50 years ago, a collective spirit is nurtured in children. Just like in the old Soviet era, they enjoy singing songs around the fire and getting to know the wild nature during group hikes.

In addition to having an interesting pastime, children here will also be able to improve their health. After all, besides the sea and clean air, there are also mountains here. The coastline of Artek is very long. It is as much as 7 kilometers long (it starts at Mount Ayu-Dag and ends in the village of Gurzuf). Young extreme sports fans here have the opportunity to get adrenaline while traveling through the rope park and climbing the climbing wall.

How can I get to the children's camp at Artek in Crimea?

It is possible to get to this well-known camp using a voucher. Starting in 2017, people began to receive vouchers to this camp through the “Putevka” information system. The online program evaluates the child’s achievements and their strength, and then assigns the child a certain place in the ranking. Thus, the child receives a so-called passing grade. If the system assigns him a large number of points, the reward will be a memorable trip to Artek. The program works honestly and completely transparently. Only talented and motivated people get into Artek.

How is it possible to get a free trip to Artek in the summer months?

If summer is already in full swing, but you have just now decided to send your child to camp, it is worth trying to get a pass through the “Putevka” system. If you fail to do this, you should not be upset, since Artek operates all year round. Children whose shift begins during the school season undergo full-fledged training at Artek in accordance with the federal program. Therefore, schoolchildren during their holidays in this institution will not lag behind their peers.

Where can I buy a ticket for my child?

It is possible to buy a vacation package in Artek in 2019 by registering in the official AIS “Putevka”. In the official personal account, after registration, the child or his parent fills out an individual profile, adds the applicant’s official achievements over the last 36 months and submits an application for an official voucher. If the special system evaluates a student’s achievements at 30 points, he will not be able to get a free trip, but such a child may be given a commercial trip.

To buy a ticket to the camp described above, you need to write an application in which you indicate:

  • name of the camp;
  • check-in time (indicate the date of change);
  • indicate the child’s details;
  • indicate the passport details of the person who pays for the purchase of the voucher.

After full payment of the amount specified in the order for the trip to Artek, the child’s parent (or legal representative) is given the original contracts. The voucher will be sent to the applicant by official registered mail.

How exactly are vouchers distributed?

Vouchers to this camp are distributed according to regional quotas. Each region of the country has its own number of quotas (it is calculated by competent persons depending on the actual number of population). There are only a few such vouchers. For example, only 900 trips were allocated to Moscow in 2017. Only the best students who have won various competitions can receive a free trip..

How to submit an application?

Submitting an application is not difficult. You must take part in the official competitive selection. To do this, the parent is required to register an account on the website http://artek.children. Next, you need to enter all the information about a specific participant, add a list of achievements and submit an application.

  • in which the dates of the event are not indicated and in which there is no signature or seal;
  • awards received by the child remotely;
  • awards received by the child in Olympiads and online competitions;
  • certificates awarded to the student more than 3 years ago.

An application can reflect no more than two dozen achievements.

Submitting an application always takes place in five steps:

  1. Select “Voucher from the region”.
  2. A shift that is suitable from the parents' point of view is selected.
  3. The child's actual achievements are reflected (it is important that the awards are not outdated).
  4. The preliminary rating of the application is studied (the system will issue it automatically, based on an analysis of the child’s achievements).
  5. The characteristics of the participant in the official competition are loaded and the application procedure ends.

For what achievements are tickets given to the Artek International Children's Center?

The program divides achievements for which you can go to Gurzuf and become an Artek member into “Awards” and “Other”.

An Artek student can become a student who received 1-3 place in a competition, competition, Olympiad, sports day or show. Those students who have received certificates, diplomas, official Thanksgiving letters, certificates.

How many days are the vouchers valid for?

Children who have received a trip to Artek rest there for one shift. Its duration is 21 days. Children can relax at Artek at any time of the year, since the camp operates all year round.

How much to wait?

The official regulations of the Artek Medical Center state that the period for considering official applications for a shift always ends 20 days before the start of the shift. But you should be prepared for the fact that the regional operator has the right to change the deadline.

Where to apply for a trip?

The application should be submitted through the AIS “Putevka” website, where the system evaluates his rating based on the child’s achievements. If you have questions when submitting an official application that the system cannot answer, it makes sense to contact your regional department. It is called upon when the system fails (for example, a child’s rating has dropped from high to low for reasons unknown to the parent). In this case, representatives of the regional department will personally look into the problem and explain the reason for the misunderstanding in the system (or correct the system error).

What documents should you collect? Will there be a need for a characterization from the school?

Parents for their child, who will soon go to Artek, should prepare:

  • Medical card (we are talking about an official document of a certain form).
  • A copy of the medical policy.
  • Consent to the processing of personal data of a minor.
  • A copy of the certificate or a copy of the passport (if the child already has one).
  • Portfolio (which includes a list of official certificates and awards).
  • Photocopy of the voucher.
  • A completed application form (it is important to fill out all its points).
  • Application form for a group of children going on vacation.

You do not need to provide a reference from the school. We must not forget about the need to provide the consent of legal representatives with the official rules of conduct for children in a children's camp. It is signed by the parent. The signature is made with a blue pen.
If at least one of these documents is missing, the child will not be accepted into the Artek MDC.

How many points does a child need to get into Artek?

Answer exactly this question difficult, since each region sets its own criteria. Representatives of regional authorities will give an exact answer to this question. In this case, you will have to look for your regional department.

How to win a trip to the camp in a competition?

Due to the fact that 95% of trips to Artek are completely free, those children who have won sports, social, and creative competitions have a great chance of getting into the described international camp. Children from 8 to 17 years old are allowed to participate in them. It is not difficult to win the competition. This opportunity will be available to those who become winners of the Aerospace Olympiad at Samara University, since this competition is held in partnership with this university.

The finalist of the “Living Classics” reading competition can also count on a ticket. For those wishing to visit Artek, a competition of written messages “I want to go to Artek” is also held (organized by Russian Post).

As you can see, there are many competitions. The main thing is that the child wants to participate in them, shows diligence and puts in a lot of effort to win.

Is travel included in the price of a child's voucher?

No, travel is not included in the price of the official tour. The official website of the camp says that parents themselves pay for travel from the locality where the student lives to the city of Simferopol and in the opposite direction with the service of official escort of children by airline employees at the choice of legal representatives.

How to send a child to Artek for free?

A child can earn a free holiday different ways. It is possible to obtain an official voucher from:

  • region;
  • thematic official partner.

A ticket is issued for a high rating, which can be obtained for a large number of achievements (this can be victories in sports competitions, victories in various social and creative competitions). Certificates for excellent academic performance are also taken into account.

What to do if you can’t get to Artek?

Today, many children have the opportunity to get into Artek, who demonstrate success and win sports, creative, literary, and social competitions.

If you cannot get into Artek due to lack of achievements, you should encourage your child to participate and win in competitions.

If you cannot get to Artek due to failures in the AIS “Putevka” system, which does not allow you to download awards and certificates, you should contact the regional office. Competent specialists will help eliminate system malfunctions.

Can large low-income families go to Artek free of charge from the region?

Low-income families with many children will not be able to send their children to Artek for free, since the camp does not provide for this. “Artek” invites only those children who have distinguished themselves with certain achievements or have a small number of them, but received 30 points and bought a commercial voucher for 80 thousand rubles.

You've received your ticket, what next?

If the AIS system informed the person who sent the application that “Voucher has been received,” you should wait for a call from regional representatives. If you wish, you can call regional representatives yourself, who will tell you how to proceed.

Usually, a voucher that has received this status is still checked by representatives of Arek MDC. They are studying the documentation that came from the educational institution of the municipality. If everything is in order with the documents, its status changes to “Voucher issued.”

After this, the parent will need to fill out the documents mentioned above, undergo a series of tests and buy a ticket.

You need to send your child with completed papers and a copy of the travel voucher.

Usually, information about the child’s arrival, date, flight, time is provided by camp representatives to the future Artek resident 15 days before the start of his shift.

Where is the camp in Crimea on the map?

It is not difficult to find the Artek Medical Center on the map of Crimea. The facility is located near the village of Gurzuf near the southwestern part of Bear Mountain. Leningradskaya Street leads to the Artek buildings. Looking at the map, you can see 8 Artek buildings and be convinced of the proximity of the camp buildings to the sea.

Important information

In 2019, the duration of one shift at the Artek MDC will be the same as in previous years. That is 21 days. A schoolchild who has achieved certain merits can visit Artek only once every 12 calendar months.

At Artek, 95% of vouchers are offered completely free of charge (children receive them for significant achievements). The remaining 5% of trips are paid. A commercial voucher costs exactly 80,000 Russian rubles in 2019. But not everyone can get it either. The opportunity to receive a paid trip appears to those children who have scored at least 30 points in the rating of the AIS “Putevka” system. If a child doesn’t have that many points, he won’t be able to become an Artek member in the near future.

You can learn more about the features of recreation in Artek, its procedures and rules of recreation by visiting the official website of the international camp

How to get there

To get to Artek from any city in Russia, you need to head for Simferopol. From there to Artek is 75 km. You need to drive along the Simferopol-Yalta highway (the road will go through the Angarsk Pass). You will need to get to Krasnokamenka village, where you will need to get off at the stop of the same name. Next, you will need to cross to the other side of the road and walk about 50 m back in the direction of travel. On the right you can see a large stele of the Artek International Children's Center, from which you follow down to the sea coast good road. You will have to walk along it for 900 m. After which the traveler will see the central entrance to the camp.

Artek is one of the most popular year-round health camps, located in Crimea on the Black Sea coast. We will tell you how much a trip to Artek costs in our article.

Artek is a complex of autonomous camps, which includes the following buildings:

  1. Amber and Crystal– located near Mount Bear. Externally, the hulls are designed in the shape of a ship. They are united into the Gorny camp complex.
  2. Ozerny and Rechnoy– are located in close proximity to the seashore. These buildings have 3 floors.
  3. Field and Forest– located in the center of Artek. The buildings are ordinary summer houses.

On a note: The River, Lake, Forest and Field buildings are collectively called the “Coastal” complex.

  1. Azure and Cypress– the most comfortable buildings of the camp, numbering about 70 buildings. They have their own fleet and port, exhibitions are regularly held here, there are 5 libraries, 4 museums and 20 children's clubs.
  2. Nautical– the newest building located on the Black Sea coast.

In addition, Artek has 2 tourist bases - “Dubrava” and “Krinichka”. Each base can accommodate 40 people.

On a note: in 2016, 95% of camp vouchers were distributed free of charge.

How much will a trip to Artek cost in 2017?

The price of an unforgettable children's holiday in a Crimean camp depends on the name of the building (of course, summer houses are cheaper than the fashionable camps Kiparisovy and Lazurny), the time of visiting the camp (shift) and the program of stay.

Let's give a few examples.

Having decided to send their child to the Artek budget camp for a full shift (3 weeks), parents will have to pay about 50 thousand rubles.

The average cost of a trip to Artek in 2017 is 62 thousand rubles.

The highest cost of a children's holiday in Artek was the amount of 92 thousand rubles.

On a note: in 2016, 30 thousand children visited Artek. In 2017, this figure was increased by 1.5 times. This year, approximately 45 thousand people can visit the camp.

How to get a budget trip?

First, you need to decide whether you are part of the group of citizens who are provided with preferential conditions for purchasing vouchers. This category of population includes:

  • prize-winners and winners of Russian, regional, municipal international Olympiads, shows, festivals and competitions;
  • participants and winners of competitive programs of thematic partners.

If your child is applying for a budget place in Artek, then contact the executive authorities of your constituent entity of the country and provide the specialists with the necessary package of documents. The distribution of children's vouchers is regulated by the legislative draft “Procedure for selecting children at the Federal State Budgetary Institution MDC Artek”.

On a note: visiting the Crimean camp on a budget basis is possible only once a year.

How to purchase a commercial trip to Artek?

If your child is not included in the preferential group, then you can purchase a ticket at a commercial price, i.e. for full price. To do this, parents need to write a statement indicating:

  1. Name of the health/pioneer camp;
  2. Check-in time (change date);
  3. Child details: full name, date and place of birth, document number (passport or birth certificate);
  4. Passport details of the person who pays for the trip.

After paying for the voucher amount specified in the order, you will be given the original contracts, and the voucher itself will “arrive” to you by registered mail.

On a note: The child himself can get a ticket to the camp. In 2016, Artek launched a new registration system called “Vouchers.” A child can go to this section, describe his achievements, and secure a free visit to the popular Crimean camp.

Artek is a modern camp that has everything for harmonious development And good rest child. There are 36 dormitory buildings, a health center, a medical complex (145 beds), 10 canteens, a vehicle fleet for 50 buses, a cinema, 2 Internet clubs, a large sports complex, including 4 outdoor swimming pools, a sports palace, 11 courts and sports grounds, central stadium (accommodates 7 thousand spectators), 5 museums, 5 libraries, a yacht club and much more. Every child dreams of spending their holidays on the Crimean shore of the gentle Black Sea, making new friends, going on exciting excursions and bringing home a lot of bright emotions and unforgettable impressions.

The camp for children Artek in 2018 is strikingly different from the small sanatorium that was built in the twenties of the last century near the village of Gurzuf. Initially, the camp was planned as a hospital for children suffering from tuberculosis. Moreover, the guys from the very first shift had to live in large canvas tents, in conditions that were very far from comfortable. Today, Artek is a facility with a rather complex structure, uniting 9 camps and including several hundred different structures and buildings.

The international children's center is spread over an area of ​​more than 200 hectares, of which half is reserved for various parks and green spaces. In addition to the general education school, there are more than 40 specialized studios of scientific, technical and creative fields, tennis courts, rope courses, climbing walls, gyms and an impressive stadium designed for seven thousand people.

Artek is distinguished by its combination of magnificent Crimean nature, which has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and immunity, with beautiful sandy beaches. The length of the coastline located at the camp is more than seven kilometers. In the capital of Japan in 2000, a competition was held for the best children's health center, in which several tens of thousands of camps from all over the world took part. It was Artek who won first place in it.

In 2009, Artek was on the verge of closure, but in 2014 the Russian government developed and implemented a project called Reboot, which involved a large-scale reconstruction of libraries, swimming pools, sports grounds, museums and all buildings. Several billion rubles were allocated to carry out the work. And if in 2014 the camp was able to accept just over 5,000 children, then in 2016 the number of children who visited Artek exceeded 31,000. The camp’s management claims that during the 2018 season it will be able to host at least 40,000 young guests.

Features of purchasing a voucher

How can you get to Artek in 2018? About 5% of all vouchers go on free sale, most often purchased by foreigners. Parents of Russian children who have certain merits but did not pass the main competitive selection also have the right to buy such vouchers. A week and a half before arrival, the number of unclaimed places is published on the official Artek website. They are sold at a budget cost of about 69,000 rubles.

Since 2017, the rules for distributing vouchers to the international children's center have been changed. For everyone, there is an automated system called Voucher, which calculates the various achievements of a particular child, assigning points to him. Those children whose rating is the highest receive priority right to rest in one of the largest camps in the world. Work with the “Putevka” system is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. First, profile data is filled in, which includes the child’s name, year of birth and other information.
  2. Next, you need to talk in as much detail as possible about your school achievements, grants won, victories in city and regional Olympiads and competitions. You also need to attach scanned copies of diplomas and certificates received over the last three years.
  3. Submit an application indicating your most preferred shift. Then all that remains is to send it and wait for a decision.

Girls and boys aged 8 to 17 years are allowed to participate in the competition. The quota for vouchers is distributed by region taking into account the number of children living in them. If your child fails to score the required score, you should not be upset. You can re-apply or wait for the information from the unclaimed fund to be released. There is a way to get to the Artek children's camp in 2018 by taking part in a competition under the patronage of Russian Post. In it, children must describe and reveal as much as possible the reason why they want to relax in one of the best camps in the world.

How to buy a ticket to Artek in 2018

In 2017, there were no vouchers for free sale. They could only be obtained by contacting the bodies exercising executive power at the local level or by taking part in one of the drawings conducted by the official partners of the camp. A trip to Artek in 2018 will not be available from any private travel agency. However, parents of children who were not included in the winners can buy a commercial option by contacting the official tour operator of the MDC, which is Mosgortur, or other partners. Information about them can be found on the website

How much does it cost to relax in Artek?

Currently, most of the vouchers are distributed through the above-mentioned automatic system. Children who are among the lucky ones will spend three weeks for free at the MDC, where the best teachers, coaches and counselors will work with them. Everyone else will have to pay the full cost of the camp ticket. The final price varies depending on the time of year within the following limits:

  1. From the beginning of winter until the end of spring 2018, a three-week stay for a child will cost from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles.
  2. In September or June, a similar stay will cost from 36,000 to 55,000 rubles.
  3. July and August are traditionally the most popular holiday months in the MDC. The trip will cost from 68,000 to 92,000 rubles, depending on food and additional wellness treatments.

The price is also affected by the comfort of the room in which the child will live. The difference between a “luxury” and a “junior suite” is about 2,000 rubles per week.

On the territory of the international children's center, great amount all kinds of seminars and training courses from the best world-famous specialists. Those who are lucky enough to get into Artek in 2018 will be able to join a football squad under the auspices of the famous Spartak club or a dance squad led by a team of famous choreographers. In three weeks, the child will have time to master the basics of shipping, take part in a regatta on a real yacht, or significantly improve his knowledge of a foreign language by communicating with native speakers (both teachers and children).

In 2018, Artek will be visited by one of the most famous Russian travelers, Fyodor Konyukhov, who will make an exciting rowing trip along the Crimean coast together with young sailors. It is important to know that if you receive a positive answer after a certain period of time after submitting your application, you will need to collect a number of documents, namely: a copy of your passport or birth certificate, a copy of your insurance policy and a medical card. All changes in the rules for submitting applications and documents are published on the official website, as well as on the MDC Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Watch a video about the Artek camp:

Children's camp "Artek" is a federal state budget educational institution, administered by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In 2019, this international children's education and recreation center plans to accept about 40,000 - 45,000 children not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries. So how much does a trip to the camp cost, and are there ways to send a child here for free?

More about the IDC: numbers and facts

At the moment, the international children's center "Artek" is at the peak of changes and transformations. The Artek 2.0 Reboot program is being implemented here, the goal of which is to create the most advanced and innovative platform for healing and educational development children. Within the framework of this concept, camp buildings are completely rebuilt, qualitatively new infrastructure facilities are being built, and pedagogical approaches are being revised. The Artek development program was officially approved and approved by the Russian government until 2020.

However, even today the camp can surprise both parents and children. “Artek”, located in Crimea and spread over an area of ​​218 hectares, has access to the Black Sea. The exact location of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution is the village. Gurzuf. In general, the center is not 1, but 11 camps at once, forming a single complex. 500 young counselors and over 250 teachers work here. At Artek there are laboratories of physics and chemistry, biology, and robotics. In addition, there are 45 studios for children additional education. Children also have the opportunity to enroll in specialized groups where they study tourism, maritime affairs, medicine, ecology, and media.

The camp has everything you need for active rest- this is a rope park, a climbing wall, sports grounds, tennis courts, and swimming pools. It even has its own Sports Palace and Central Stadium with 7,000 seats! The principle of energetic activity fits organically into the curriculum - children not only sit within four walls, but also go on excursions to museums, parks and other interesting places in Crimea.

In total, the camp has more than 58 educational programs, which are dedicated to:

  • technology;
  • sports;
  • artistic arts;
  • natural sciences;
  • tourism and local history;
  • social structure and pedagogy.


In 2019, there will be several ways to get to the Artek children's camp. However, it is important to consider that if summer season(from July to August) children from 8 to 17 years old are accepted here, then in the fall, winter and spring - only students of secondary schools from grades 5 to 11. A child can visit the MDC no more than once a year. The duration of the shift is 21 days.

Incentive voucher from the region

Firstly, going to Artek in 2019 will be possible thanks to individual merits and achievements. If a child has any awards for success in school, sports, creativity or social activities, he will need to submit an application through the automated information system (AIS) “Putevka”, which is located on the artek.deti/auth page.

First, you will need to register here, and the procedure will be slightly different from registration on other resources - you need to indicate your SNILS number in the form, and also attach a scanned copy of your birth certificate. After this, the child needs to fill out his profile, adding achievements over the last 3 years (diplomas, certificates, letters of gratitude, etc.). It is important to ensure that the uploaded scans indicate the year of the competition, as well as the signature and seal of the organization holding the event. Otherwise, the system simply will not count the document.

Incentive vouchers are issued on a competitive basis. Each achievement is assessed with a certain number of points. From the total number of children, those who score the highest amount of points are selected. There is also a division by region - for example, Muscovites do not compete for vouchers with residents of the Far East, and vice versa.

To find out whether a child has won or not, it is enough to check your personal account data from time to time. The status “ticket received” indicates that a place in Artek has been provided. The status "system failure" indicates that there were not enough points. However, even in the latter case, the child will have the right to try his luck in another shift. For example, you may not pass the points for the “Conversation in the Language of Art” direction, but pass the “Ecology of the Word” direction. Applications for different shifts are permitted.