
Calculation of length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mixed experience for pension provision in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One-time payments to pensioners

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 N 1158
"On the procedure for calculating length of service (length of service) for the payment of a monthly bonus to the monthly salary for length of service (length of service) to employees of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation"

In accordance with Part 8 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Social Guarantees for Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation,” the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for calculating length of service (length of service) for the payment of a monthly bonus to the monthly salary for length of service (length of service) to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. To pay employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation a monthly bonus to the monthly salary for length of service (years of service) within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for the monetary allowance of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation as part of the federal budget expenses for the maintenance of the relevant federal executive bodies authorities.

3. This resolution comes into force on January 1, 2012, and in relation to persons specified in Part 2 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Social Guarantees for Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” - with January 1, 2013

calculation of length of service (length of service) for the payment of a monthly bonus to the monthly salary for length of service (length of service) to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 N 1158)

With changes and additions from:

1. These Rules determine the procedure for calculating length of service (length of service) for the payment of a monthly bonus to the monthly salary for length of service (length of service) to employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as length of service (length of service), employees) in the amount , established in accordance with Part 7 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On social guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

2. The length of service (length of service) of employees includes the following periods:

a) military service national guard of the Russian Federation, as well as in the internal affairs bodies, militia, police, correctional labor institutions, paramilitary fire brigade, other institutions and formations of internal affairs bodies (public order protection) of the Russian Federation and the USSR as employees;

b) services in internal affairs bodies (police), institutions and bodies of the penal system and the state fire service (fire protection, fire rescue units) of the CIS member states and states that are not members of the CIS, with which the Russian Federation has concluded relevant contracts (agreements);

c) a probationary period as an intern for the relevant position in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penal system and the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief;

d) suspension of service of employees exercising the powers of members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, elected deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, deputies of representative bodies of local self-government, heads of municipalities and exercising these powers on an ongoing basis;

e) a break in service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penal system and the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief in the event of illegal dismissal of employees from these bodies and institutions and subsequent reinstatement in the service in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (in calendar terms from the date of dismissal until the day of reinstatement);

f) military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation, during internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, in the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops, engineering, technical and road construction military formations under federal executive authorities, Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, federal government communications and information bodies, state security bodies, the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of government bodies of the Russian Federation, as well as in the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency situations and liquidation of consequences of natural disasters (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation);

g) military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, troops and bodies of the State Security Committee of the USSR, the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR, the Security Directorate under the Office of the President of the USSR, the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR, the federal security agencies of the RSFSR, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the RSFSR, the Inter-Republican Security Service, Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation, federal state security agencies, counterintelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, bodies and troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation, in the internal and railway troops, other military formations of the USSR, in the United Armed Forces of the CIS member states ;

h) military service of citizens of the Russian Federation in the armed forces, other troops, military formations and bodies of the CIS member states (when they are transferred in the prescribed manner to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies);

i) military service of citizens of the Russian Federation before January 1, 1995 in the armed forces, other troops, military formations and bodies of states - former republics of the USSR that are not members of the CIS;

j) military service of citizens of the Russian Federation in the armed forces, other troops, military formations and bodies of foreign states with which relevant international treaties or agreements on military cooperation have been concluded;

k) being in captivity or as hostages - until the circumstances of capture or as hostages are fully clarified and released;

l) unknown absence - until declared missing or declared dead in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

o) service in the federal tax police bodies as employees of the federal tax police bodies, work in the Main Directorate of Tax Investigations under the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation, tax investigation units under state tax inspectorates as employees who do not have military or special ranks, if they were paid salary according to military rank in accordance with Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 18, 1992 N 4130-I;

o) service in institutions and bodies of the penal system as employees;

p) service in the customs authorities of the USSR, customs authorities of the Russian Federation as employees with special (personal) ranks;

c) service in the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) as employees with special ranks;

r) work in the system of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (fire protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, fire protection and emergency rescue services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), immediately preceding appointment to positions private and commanding staff or military personnel of management bodies and units of the State Fire Service, as well as fire-technical, scientific and educational organizations Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation);

s) work in court as a judge and in the prosecutor's office in positions for which the assignment of class ranks is provided;

t) work before enlistment in the internal affairs bodies of the USSR, internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penal system as workers and employees in correctional labor, correctional and medical correctional institutions, pre-trial detention centers, transit points , medical-labor dispensaries and medical institutions of places of deprivation of liberty;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 14, 2012 N 588, paragraph 2 of these Rules was supplemented with subparagraph “w”, which applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2012.

x) filling government positions in the Russian Federation.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2016 N 614, the Rules were supplemented with clause 2.1

2.1. In the length of service (length of service) for employees who, on the day of the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol, positions in internal affairs bodies, bodies and units of the tax police of Ukraine in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, for which the assignment of special (military) ranks is provided for, includes the length of service (service experience) calculated (calculated) on the day of entry into service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the manner in force in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol until March 18, 2014

3. Periods of service (work) provided for in paragraph 2 of these Rules are included in the length of service (length of service) in calendar terms, with the exception of periods of service (work) subject to inclusion in length of service (length of service) on preferential terms in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

4. The procedure for organizing work on calculating length of service (length of service) is determined by the heads of the relevant federal executive authorities in which employees serve.

The pension legislation of the Russian Federation is constantly undergoing changes. Payment of pensions and provision of benefits to persons who have retired are carried out through various ministries and departments. As for law enforcement officers, they are entitled to pension benefits based on length of service or disability. After being transferred to the reserve, they can continue to work, and a number of preferences are retained for them.

Regulatory framework

Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs include citizens who served in the police, Investigative Committee, internal troops and a number of other institutions that are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They ensure law and order and public safety, protect private and public property, fight crime and regulate migration processes. For this, they are entitled to a long-service pension and bonuses specified by law.

Benefits for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue even during their further employment. Service in bodies, appointments, payments and preferences are regulated by numerous legislative acts. The list of them is long – from federal laws to local orders and instructions. Among the main ones, special mention should be made:

  • Law 247-FZ (07/19/2011). Regulates social guarantees for employees serving in internal affairs bodies.
  • Law 3-FZ (02/07/2011). Relates exclusively to the police, the duties and rights of its employees.
  • Law 342-FZ (November 30, 2011). Issues related to serving in internal affairs bodies are considered.
  • Law 4468-1 (02/12/1993). Regulates issues pension provision persons who served in bodies and institutions of the internal affairs system.

What monetary benefits are available for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018?

Part of the payments for former employees of the authorities is provided at the expense of the federal budget, the rest falls under the competence of the regions. Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 are established depending on the length of service a person has, how many ranks he was awarded and how long he has been in service in the authorities. They can receive a pension based on length of service or disability acquired during service. If you continue to work, there is an opportunity to earn extra money for yourself insurance pension. In addition to this, citizens who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are entitled to:

  1. one-time cash payment upon dismissal from the authorities;
  2. tax benefits;
  3. preferential medical care;
  4. social bonuses;
  5. sanatorium-resort holidays;
  6. free (preferential) travel on suburban, city and intercity transport;
  7. priority solution to the housing issue.

Preferential pension

The main benefit for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 is the opportunity to retire early. Citizens are assigned one of the state pensions:

  • by length of service;
  • on disability.

There are certain conditions for assigning allowances:

  1. Serve in the authorities for at least 20 years, and a person can retire at any time, regardless of age.
  2. If you have a mixed experience (civil + service) of at least 25 years, and at least half of this period must be devoted to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. An additional condition is that the dismissal must occur for health reasons or due to organizational and staffing measures.

To calculate the pension, the salary by rank and the official salary are taken, which are multiplied by a reduction factor. For 2018, its value is 71.23%, but this value is constantly revised. Additionally, the service life is taken into account for calculation. With a net 20 years of service, 50% plus 3% is added for each additional year beyond this period. With mixed experience, such an addition will be only 1%.

A disability pension is awarded if a person has suffered injuries, wounds, or serious illnesses that prevent him from continuing to serve. You can count on a subsidy if your health condition worsens after retirement, but no later than three months later. The amount of the benefit depends on the assigned category of disability, which is established by a special commission after passing a medical and sociological examination:

  • severe illness or disability – 75%;
  • loss of ability to work – 85%;
  • family in the event of the death of the breadwinner (not due to hostilities) - 30% of the salary.

One-time payment

All those leaving the reserve are entitled to a lump sum payment. Its value depends on the number of years spent serving in the internal affairs bodies:

  • up to 20 – two salaries;
  • more than 20 – seven salaries in cash.

ODS - the amount of official and salary based on the allowance that was established for the citizen at the time of his dismissal. According to the latest changes, an employee who takes a well-deserved retirement due to health reasons or an injury received during service is additionally rewarded with 2 million Russian rubles. Additionally, a person may qualify for compensation for annual leave if it was not chosen.

All employees who were awarded any state awards at the time, and not only the time of service for the benefit of Russia, but also the USSR is taken into account, are entitled to an additional payment in the amount of one salary. In case of dismissal due to disciplinary action or other similar reasons, no payments are provided.

By length of service

For former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, pensions are supplemented. They depend on the size of the accrual, age, status and marital status of the citizen:

  • disabled people of group 1 to provide care for them - 100% of the pension;
  • for pensioners over 80 years old - 100% for their care;
  • non-working pensioners who are dependent on non-working family members (provided that they do not receive an insurance or social pension):
    if there is one 32%;
    two – 64;
    three or more – 100%;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Russian Federation - 100%;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor and Labor Heroes of the Russian Federation - 50%;
  • champions of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games - 50%;
  • awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees - 15%;
  • awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” - 15%.

Tax benefits

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who went on vacation due to length of service or disability, but not at their own request, have tax preferences in different areas. They, like other elderly people, do not pay tax on pension payments and the supplements due to them. To do this, there is no need to collect papers, but to receive other tax breaks, you will need to prepare a certain package of documents and submit them to the tax authorities.

According to the resolution of the Federal Tax Service, tax benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 are provided in the field of property tax. Only the property that they possess as individuals, but not as legal entities, is taken into account. Like all pensioners in the country, retired former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are exempt from paying contributions on one property of the same type. This means that there is no need to pay if one house, apartment, cottage and/or garage is registered per person. If there are several of them, tax must be paid for each additional one.

If a pensioner does not apply for the privilege on time, you can write a statement. The difference will be paid for no more than the last three years. Additionally, compensation is due for paid land tax. This is stated in the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 402-1 (December 23, 1992). As for the transport tax, there are no benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018. As retired people, they have preferences in only a few areas:

  • Krasnoyarsk;
  • Leningradskaya;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Perm;
  • Samara;
  • Sverdlovsk;
  • Chelyabinsk.

Compensation for spa treatment

Former internal affairs employees have the right to improve their own health in sanatoriums and rest homes, which are run by the ministry. You can do this once per calendar year. In order to purchase a voucher, you must write an application, after which the citizen will be put on a waiting list. When the required voucher becomes available, the person will be informed at least two weeks before the start of arrival (deadline).

The cost of a voucher to a sanatorium for 21 days is 12,000 rubles, rehabilitation and restorative medicine centers - 7-9 thousand. Pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs pay only 25% of the voucher price, and their spouses and children can take advantage of sanatorium-resort treatment for half the cost. Travel to the place of rest and back (by bus or train) for an elderly person will be free, and the accompanying family member will not have to pay for travel to the place of treatment.

Medical care

Medical benefits are provided for when undergoing treatment in a hospital located in the Department of Internal Affairs. This preference also applies to dental treatment and prosthetics. You also do not have to pay for medicines and medical supplies if they are included in the list of preferential medications issued by prescription from the attending physician.

Housing benefits 2018

If during his service a citizen was unable to resolve his housing issue, he can exercise this right upon retirement. For this purpose, a one-time social payment is provided, which can be used for the purchase or construction of housing both in the city and in rural areas. About 2 billion rubles are provided for the implementation of benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, as well as for current employees of the bodies. Budget allocations will help solve the problem of providing about 300 families with their own housing.

Conditions for receiving ERU

A one-time social payment is provided only once during the entire period of service. If both spouses are active employees of the authorities or have already retired, they need to decide which of them will draw up the single social tax, since the right to purchase it applies to the whole family. The payment is due to citizens who are on the waiting list in need of improved housing conditions. ERU is provided if:

  • the premises do not comply with housing standards;
  • the tenant or members of his family are tenants under a social tenancy agreement, provided that each member has less than 15 square meters. m of living space;
  • the beneficiary lives in a communal apartment or dormitory;
  • a citizen lives in a one-room apartment or non-isolated rooms together with two or more families, regardless of family relationships;
  • if one of the family members suffers from severe chronic diseases, which represents a problem (impossibility) for living together.

Grounds and procedure for appointment

In order to qualify for preferential service, the length of service must not be less than 10 years in calendar terms. The ERU is provided within the limits of budgetary allocations. According to the new legislation, to calculate the payment, a formula is used that allows an individual approach to determining the amount, because the following are taken into account:

  • number of family members;
  • length of service (over 25 years an additional surcharge of 2%) is due;
  • existing merits;
  • the cost of real estate in the region.

To be placed on the queue, you need to prepare certain documents:

  • official confirmation that the citizen is in need of improved housing conditions;
  • passports of all family members (for minors - birth certificates);
  • a certificate of the presence/absence of real estate from the applicant and his immediate relatives;
  • a certificate confirming work experience in the authorities.

Getting a mortgage loan

A citizen can solve their housing problem by resorting to bank lending. Unlike military personnel, banks do not provide benefits to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018. You can build or buy your own home in any locality by resorting to standard offers from different banks. Many lenders have special terms for older people, and if a pensioner is able to provide security, the terms will be more attractive.

In order to take advantage of the offer, you must have a certain amount of money for the down payment, and for this you can use maternity capital or a one-time social payment. To reduce the interest rate, it is worth considering products developed by banking structures together with developers.

What should relatives do when they lose a breadwinner?

Upon the death (death) of a breadwinner, his relatives are entitled to a number of payments and benefits:

  1. burial at the expense of municipal services;
  2. payment of a one-time benefit in the amount of 3 million rubles;
  3. payment of insurance amounts under the life insurance program for employees of internal affairs bodies;
  4. survivor's pension;
  5. transfer of unpaid earnings;
  6. reimbursement of part of the expenses incurred to pay for housing and communal services;
  7. preferential installation of a landline home telephone;
  8. compensation for costs associated with the purchase and delivery of fuel if the home is not equipped with central heating;
  9. free medical care in departmental medical institutions;
  10. obtaining vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers.

Depending on the region of residence, the percentage of compensation to widows and dependents of a deceased (deceased) pensioner of internal affairs bodies varies. Everything will depend on the conditions stipulated by regional regulations; some services can be provided completely free of charge. Widows who remarry are not eligible for any benefits.

Preferential conditions for pension provision for retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with disabilities

According to Russian legislation, citizens with disabilities have the right to benefits if the incapacity for work occurred during service or during the first three months after retirement. Regardless of the period, disability is taken into account, the onset of which is associated with concussion, illness, or injury received during service. The group is established by ITU federal institutions.

In addition to the preferential pension, a disabled pensioner has the right to additional benefits:

  • free medical care in departmental health care institutions (in others - at the expense of compulsory health insurance);
  • free dental treatment and production of dentures, if they are not made from precious metals and expensive materials;
  • provision of medicines and medical products according to the attending physician’s prescription free of charge;
  • preferential purchase of vouchers (payment no more than 25%) for after-care and rehabilitation.

Regional benefits for veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Preferences are provided for veterans of internal affairs bodies at both the federal and regional levels. Each subject of the Russian Federation outlines its own list of benefits for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the amount of assistance directly depends on the capabilities of the local budget. For example, in Moscow in 2018, discounts are provided for paying for utilities, purchasing essential goods, etc. Beneficiaries from St. Petersburg have access to tickets for trams, trolleybuses, buses and metro at a reduced price.

Citizens who have the title “Veteran of Labor” are provided with additional compensation from the state. This also applies to people who began their working career during the Great Patriotic War. Additional regional preferences are provided to pensioners of bodies due to their social status (the large family, disabled people, combatants).

Preferences for family members of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Retirees and their family members can take advantage of certain types of assistance provided to them by the state. The list of benefits and compensation is standard, but each region may have its own characteristics and additional preferences. Benefits for relatives of a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 apply to medical care, free medicines, health improvement and after-care in sanatorium-resort institutions.

Family members of a pensioner entitled to privileges include:

  • spouse;
  • children under the age of majority;
  • a child undergoing full-time education under the age of 23;
  • children who have been disabled since childhood, regardless of age.

Registration procedure in 2018

Benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 are established based on length of service, ranks received and length of service. The procedure for their provision, including to people with disabilities, is regulated by the federal law on pension provision for citizens who served in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Additionally, other legislative acts issued by federal and regional authorities are taken into account. In most cases, the principle of receiving preferences is declarative, so the pensioner needs to take care of everything on his own:

  1. explore the possibility of receiving benefits or other support;
  2. identify the body responsible for providing assistance;
  3. prepare the necessary documents;
  4. write an application and attach the necessary package of papers;
  5. receive compensation.

Where to contact

The process for granting preferences may vary. To simplify the procedure, it is recommended to contact the specialists of the Multifunctional Center, who will help resolve most issues. Alternatively, you can write a direct application to the department of the ministry or department that is responsible for the benefits provided:

  • issues related to taxation – Federal Tax Service;
  • housing, subsidizing utilities - management or service companies;
  • medicine, housing, health improvement - personnel service of the internal affairs department;
  • of a social nature - the social protection service.

What documents need to be provided

To receive benefits for pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, it is necessary to prepare a number of documents. You can provide the assembled package in several ways:

  • on a personal visit;
  • by registered letter with a list of attachments;
  • through a legal representative, who must have a notarized power of attorney;
  • by registering on the department’s website (if such an opportunity is available).

From the documents you will need:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • confirmation of disability;
  • military ID;
  • documents indicating a difficult material (financial) situation;
  • documents on ownership of real estate, car, land, etc.


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The calculation of pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs differs from the calculation of pensions for ordinary employees. But thanks to the calculator below, you can calculate your retirement benefits without any hassle.

The calculator takes into account the following changes.

  • From February 1, 2017, the reduction factor is 72.23 percent of the employee’s salary. in 2019 the coefficient did not change.
  • From January 1, 2018, the size of official salaries and salaries by military rank was increased by 1.04 times (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 N 1598).

The legislative framework

This calculation is based on the following laws of the Russian Federation:

  • Federal Law “On Social Guarantees for Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies”;
  • Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 2011 N 878 “On establishing monthly salaries for employees of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 1237 “On the size of coefficients and percentage allowances and the procedure for their application for calculating the pay of military personnel undergoing military service under contract, and employees of some federal executive authorities undergoing military service (service) in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote areas, high mountain areas, desert and waterless areas”;
  • Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 288, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 627, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 386, the FSB of the Russian Federation No. 369, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation No. 855 dated July 12, 2007 (as amended on December 25, 2012) “On measures to improve the work of determining qualifications of state aviation flight personnel.”;
  • Federal Law of April 20, 2015 N 93-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Federal Budget for 2015 and for the Planning Period of 2016 and 2017”;
  • Bill No. 15473-7 was adopted in the third reading by the State Duma in December 2016 and approved by the Federation Council in the 2017 budget.
  • Federal Law No. 247 of July 19, 2011 on social guarantees.

Instructions for using the calculator

  1. Select the salary by position or enter the salary amount manually; to do this, select “Enter the salary yourself” from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the percentage of increase in EFA for class qualifications (relevant only for flight personnel).
  3. Select the salary for a special rank, or specify it manually by selecting “Specify salary yourself.”
  4. Select the long service bonus and regional coefficient.
  5. In the “Work experience” item, select the percentage of payments (depending on length of service).
  6. Select a reduction factor.
  7. In the item “Pension in rubles to be issued” the due amount of pension payments will be displayed.

All citizens of our country have the right to pension payments, however, if civilians can retire when they reach the appropriate age, then persons who have served in military service have the right to end their service and receive pension payments after 20 calendar years, but not earlier they reach 45 years of age. have different degrees of stress and risk to life, therefore, the law provides for preferential length of service for military personnel for pensions, the so-called preferential length of service, where the calculation of length of service is determined by multiplying the actual length of service by an increasing factor. The value of the indicator is determined based on the danger and complexity of the tasks performed, depending on the service in different kinds troops. If official activity was carried out under unequal conditions, and preferential length of service was not applied at all stages of service; length of service is calculated by adding calendar years with the preferential period.

The concept of preferential length of service

Speaking about preferential length of service, the legislator implies that some periods of service are counted towards length of service in terms that differ greatly from calendar periods. From the military you can often hear the phrase “I have only a year and a half of service,” but this statement is not true.

For example, a serviceman serves in a unit where length of service is calculated 1:1, but he was sent to a combat zone for 3 months, he became a participant in the military action, and the preferential calculation will include these 3 months, and not the entire year. Another example of calculation: a military servant with a preferential calculation of length of service of 1:1.5 months and 3 days directly participated in a counter-terrorism operation on the basis of an order, these days will be calculated 1:3. If an army soldier is wounded or otherwise injured while participating in such an operation, the time of continuous stay in a medical institution will also be counted towards the length of service as 1:3. Factors influencing the timing, coefficient value and rules for calculating preferential length of service are set out in Government Decree No. 941 of September 22, 1993.

Calculation of length of service using preferential calculation

When transferring from a position with a standard calculation of length of service to a title with preferential length of service, preferential length of service is calculated based on the actual time spent in this position according to the order. The calculation includes the time of vacations, business trips, treatment and other legal cases of absence in part that do not imply release from duty. The value of the increasing coefficient is established by law and depends on the complexity and danger of the tasks performed.

Note! The highest coefficient of 1:6 months applies to those who fought in penal battalions during the Great Patriotic War.

Length of service 1:3 months

The calculation of length of service of 1:3 months is applicable for WWII veterans and equivalent participants/veterans of combat operations, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, including conscripts. It is worth noting that this category of military personnel includes those who served in the former republics of the USSR during the period of aggravation of interethnic strife (Nagorno-Karabakh, Ingushetia, Tajikistan and other zones of emergency), those liable for military service who performed international duty in Afghanistan, and those who accepted participation in UN operations outside Russia. Military personnel who were unjustifiably prosecuted, convicted, or repressed, who were subsequently rehabilitated, in terms of calculating length of service, 1:3 months are counted as time spent unjustifiably in places of deprivation of liberty.

1:2 months

Credited to WWII participants who served in units that did not take part in battles, who were captured against their will, and concentration camp prisoners. In addition, military personnel have the right to length of service 1:2:

  • serving in remote garrisons of Russia;
  • military experts seconded to the armies of countries leading combat operations;
  • conducting work with nuclear waste and recharging reactors;
  • performing combat missions in high mountain areas;
  • divers who are exposed to high pressure conditions for a long time.

A complete list of military specialties and preferential conditions was published in the PP dated September 22, 1993 N941.

1:1.5 months

  • certain categories of flight personnel;
  • surface sailors serving on nuclear ships;
  • border guards;
  • crews of diesel submarines.

This list is far from complete. Military personnel entitled to preferential calculation of length of service are notified of this by a corresponding order. All job moves that imply a transition to positions with a different calculation of length of service are accompanied by an order and a calculation of the length of service on the day of the job move. The period of military service is counted towards the length of service of persons who have served in military service on a calendar basis, with the exception of the time of service under preferential conditions; during this period an increasing coefficient is applied.

Preferential pension for military personnel

In fact, a military serviceman can serve less than 20 years, but with the use of preferential calculation of service life, one can become a pensioner at a young age. If health and family circumstances allow, continuation of service is not prohibited; in this case, the size of the pension will increase with each additional year, but the day of its assignment will come after dismissal. Many military retirees prefer to resign and find a “civilian” job, receiving both a preferential pension and a salary. Military personnel working in civilian organizations receive a full pension, with the exception of allowances specially designed for working pensioners. Upon reaching the national retirement age, if civil service and accumulated pension points allow, a military pensioner has the right to receive insurance and funded pension, if he switched to this type of pension.

The procedure for applying for a pension on preferential length of service

The procedure for a serviceman to apply for a pension, the procedure for calculating and processing payments is determined by Art. 50. Federal Law No. 4468-1 “On Military Pensions”, which states that pension provision is carried out by the Ministry of Defense, therefore, you need to contact the pension department of the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. The application must be reviewed within 10 days. The beginning of pension calculation is the day of dismissal from service. If a military pensioner for some reason did not submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office in a timely manner, then the pension for the missed period will be paid to him from the date of dismissal. If the application deadline is missed by more than a year after dismissal, then pension payments are accrued for the 12 months preceding the day the application was submitted. In the case where the pension has already been accrued, but for some reason has not been claimed, it can be paid retroactively for no more than 3 years. If the untimely payments are determined to be the fault of the government agency responsible for the calculation or delivery of money, then the pension will be paid for the entire period. Pension provision for combat veterans involves the payment of monthly bonuses in the amount established by law.

Retirement for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs usually occurs earlier than for ordinary people.

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After all, work in law enforcement agencies is potentially dangerous and is associated with high risks for both health and human life.

Therefore, after 25 years of work experience, if at least 12.5 years of work took place in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person has the right to retire.

But it is necessary to understand how pensions are processed for employees at the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019.

As in any other profession, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own nuances and pitfalls, which relate to the very size of pension payments depending on awards, length of service and rank.

And that is why, if a person wants to have a decent and calm old age, he needs to worry about proper retirement in advance.

Important information

It should be understood that, unlike most other people, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of retirement age can receive an increasing pension, but only if he has served for more than 20 years.

Therefore, if a law enforcement officer works an additional ten years, he will receive a 3% increase for each year, but if the length of service is mixed, that is, the person did not constantly work in the police, then for each extra year he can count on a 1% increase.

Basic moments

In order to feel calm and not worry when applying for a pension, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts that are present in the field.

Thus, length of service implies retirement earlier than the generally accepted age. Usually they leave after reaching a certain length of service.

And this feature is typical for workers in hazardous industries or departments associated with heavy stress and risk.

In addition to police officers, firefighters, teachers and other representatives of similar professions are entitled to a long-service pension.

Pension payments are amounts of funds that are paid to an older citizen in an amount proportional to the number of years worked and the level of salary at that time.

But at the same time, the pension can be not only age-related, but also social. For example, orphans, single mothers, and people with disabilities receive such payments.

But at the same time, there are still many more old-age pensioners, and veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are only a small part of them.

Age restrictions

If an employee does not have 20 years of service, then he can reach the age of 45, or prove that he has health problems that do not allow him to perform official duties.

Also, if, after retirement, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continue to work in civil organizations or as civilian employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then they have the right to simultaneously receive both an insurance pension and payments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But for this, men must reach the age of 60 years, while for women this threshold is 55 years.

What regulations governs

All the conditions that give an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the right to a pension based on length of service are spelled out in, and specifically in.

It states the reasons for taking such a pension, as well as additional conditions that may apply.

In addition, the article also talks about service in other structures, which may also be included in the total length of service.

To correctly calculate the service pension, you should contact, it is there that the calculation procedure and the method of action of the accountant for the correct implementation of the procedure are stipulated.

Procedure for retirement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

All relationships in this area are regulated by law. Therefore, pension assignments and retirement algorithms are stipulated in the laws of the Russian Federation.

Retirement from the Ministry of Internal Affairs should begin by contacting the personnel service. It must be chosen based on the unit in which the soldier served.

There he will receive full advice on what documents are needed and how the registration procedure will go.

Since this industry is characterized by a clear procedure in terms of retirement. Next, you should collect all the documents and submit them to the pension department of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

This is where employee information will be processed and pension payments will be calculated.

At the same time, the general conditions for processing payments apply to them - the same as for other pensioners.

Life time

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enter service after 20 years of work in the authorities. This length of service is enough to qualify for retirement.

At the same time, situations occur when retirement age has arrived, but the employee does not have the specified number of years worked.

In this case, it must meet a number of criteria:

But it is worth noting that if a person is injured in service or falls ill, he can count on a disability pension.

And in this case, the employee’s length of service will not be taken into account - she will be appointed regardless of other factors.

Documents to be collected

To receive a long-service pension, you must collect the following package of papers:

If a pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs retires on an insurance pension in connection with reaching retirement age, then he should be included in the Pension Fund.

But several more documents are attached to it:

Based on the fact that the package of documents is quite large, you should make sure that all of them are prepared in advance.

Features of payment calculation

In order to calculate the size of the pension payment, it is worth considering a number of features. So, preferential pension Ministry of Internal Affairs may be placed:

  • for participants in combat operations - by 32 percent, and for those who have reached 80 years of age, this percentage is increased to 64 percent;
  • if you have the first disability group over the age of 80, a 100% bonus will be awarded;
  • when caring for a disabled person - 32%, for two - 64 and more than three - increases to one hundred.

But it is worth understanding that if a dependent receives his pension payment, then there will be no increase in the pension of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By length of service

If you need to receive a long-service pension, then you should understand that all calculations will be based on the following indicators:

  • salary amount in accordance with the position;
  • salary amount for a special rank;
  • work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or general indicator;
  • bonuses for length of service.

It is worth understanding that the pension amount may increase. For each year of service that exceeds 20 years, 3 percent is added.

But the total premium cannot exceed 85%. With mixed experience, the bonus will be equal to 1% and will be accrued for each year after 25 years of experience.

Survivor's loss

This type of pension can be obtained if the family is deprived of a breadwinner - an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died while performing his duties or went missing.

Disabled family members can receive such a pension. These include:

  • children under 18 years of age, and in the case of training, this age is extended to 23 years of age;
  • disabled people;
  • parents of an employee who are at retirement age;
  • a relative who took care of the children, brothers or grandchildren of the deceased employee.

But such a pension must be issued within three months from the date of dismissal of the deceased.


Non-Ministry of Internal Affairs employees who were injured while performing their service or whose health deteriorated within three months after leaving the force can count on this type of pension.

Disability may occur in the following cases:

  • injuries received during service;
  • injuries;
  • illnesses that appeared during service;
  • shell shock.

The amount of payments that will be assigned to the employee is determined depending on what disability group he was assigned during the Medical and Social Examination.

Additional payments are received by:

  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • employees who are over 80 years old;
  • persons who have other citizens as their dependents.

Calculation formula

For calculations, you should prepare the following indicators:

  • salary for the position - OPD;
  • salary according to rank - OPL;
  • bonuses for length of service;
  • number of years of service.

The next step is to multiply by 56%. And to this number you need to add 2 percent if there is indexation of monetary allowance.

Working conditions of the pension fund