New Year's crafts

Calculation of preferential pensions for convicted employees. Calculator and calculation of pensions for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Let's figure out what a mixed pension is or, more correctly, a pension based on mixed service for former military personnel

Employees working in the penal system are considered civil servants. They do not receive a pension (at the expense of insurance contributions from the employer), but a state pension, calculated by the relevant authorities (?).

The pension provision group (GPO) is responsible for the appointment and payment of pensions to employees of the penal system, otherwise they are called territorial divisions under the management of the Federal Penitentiary Service (UFSIN).

Military personnel, police officers, prosecutors, judges, and firefighters also receive state pensions. The retirement (limit) age for a FSIN employee is 45 years. Upon reaching it, the employee has the right to submit an application to the Federal Penitentiary Service to assign him a state pension.

About experience and length of service

The amount of the state pension for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service depends not on the amount of insurance contributions, but on the amount of state pension and length of service. Like military retirees, length of service in the penal system (penal system) is calculated according to a special scheme(Government Decree No. 941 of September 22, 1993):

  • In FSIN institutions, 1 year = 1 year and 6 months.
  • Work with infectious prisoners 1 year = 2 years.
  • Working with life prisoners 1 year = 2 years.

The calculation of the state pension for a FSIN employee is carried out according to the formula:

GP = DD x QC x PC, Where:

  • GP - state pension.
  • DD - monetary allowance.
  • PC - reduction factor.

If there is a regional coefficient (when working in difficult climatic conditions), it is multiplied by the resulting amount (RF Government Decree No. 1237 of December 30, 2011). In this case, the formula looks like this:

GP = DD x KK x PC x RK, where RK is the regional coefficient.

The reduction factor (RC) is a fixed value and is assigned by the state (RF Law No. 4468-1, Article 14). Today (since February 1, 2017) it is 72.23%.

The correction coefficient (CC) depends on , its size is proportional to the length of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service. If the length of service is the minimum (20 years), CC = 50%. If more than the minimum required, then 3% is added to the basic QC for every 12 months.

Formula for calculating the correction factor:

CC = 50% + 3% x N, Where:

  • CC - correction factor.
  • N is the number of full years after achieving the mandatory length of service.

For example, with 23 years of service in the Federal Penitentiary Service, CC = 50% + 3% x 3 = 62%,

with 30 years of experience, CC = 50% + 3% x 10 = 80%.

The value of the correction factor should not exceed 85%.

As mentioned earlier, State pension is possible after 12 years 6 months of service(with a total experience of 25 years). In this case, the adjustment factor is calculated differently and not 3% is added to its value for every 12 months in excess of the length of service, but only 1% (RF Law No. 93-FZ of April 20, 2015).

The state pension with full service is calculated using the formula:

GP = DD x (50% + 3% x N) x PC

For incomplete experience, the formula is as follows:

GP = DD x (50%+1% x N) x PC

That is, while receiving a state pension, you can work in “civilian institutions”, and the pension continues to be paid. Upon returning to service in the security forces, the pension is suspended. When receiving a state pension, a fixed payment in the insurance pension is not calculated (read about what a fixed payment is in the old-age insurance pension, and from there you will find out what the amount of such a payment is).

After reaching the generally established retirement age (55 years for women, 60 years for men), having an insurance record of 8 years and pension points of 11.4, a citizen has the right to retire on old age and receive two types of pension: insurance and state. When applying for old-age benefits you must:

  • Passport details, identity document.
  • SNILS.
  • Documents confirming work experience.
  • Documents confirming the length of service of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

So, on the official website of the Federal Penitentiary Service you can find out the address and phone number of the state police department of your region, where you should bring Required documents and apply for a state pension. And there you can use the payout calculator to find out its approximate value. We hope our article was useful and gave you a complete understanding of how pensions are calculated for FSIN employees.

Pension system employees acquire the right to pensions:

1. For length of service:

Having, on the day of dismissal from service, length of service in the military service, and (or) in the service in internal affairs bodies, and (or) in the service in the State Fire Service, and (or) in the service in the authorities for the control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances , and (or) in service in institutions and bodies of the penal system for 20 years or more (including preferential calculation);

Dismissed from service upon reaching the age limit for being in service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures and having reached 45 years of age on the day of dismissal, having a total work experience of 25 calendar years and more, of which at least 12 years and six months are military service, and (or) service in internal affairs bodies, and (or) service in the State Fire Service, and (or) service in the authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances substances, and (or) service in institutions and bodies of the penal system.

2. Due to disability, persons who have become disabled, if the disability occurred during the period of service or no later than three months after dismissal from service, or if the disability occurred later than this period, but as a result of a wound, contusion, injury or illness received during the period of service;

Assigned and paid only one from the above types of pension at the choice of the pensioner.

3. In the event of death or death of employees of the penal system, their families, subject to the conditions provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1 "Law on pension provision persons who passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the state fire service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families", acquire the right to survivor's pension.

Families of deceased pensioners have the right to a survivor's pension on the same basis as the families of persons who died during the period of service.

Pension amount:

1. For length of service:

For 20 years of service (including preferential calculations - 50% of the corresponding amounts of salary, for each year over 20 years - 3 percent, but not more than 85%.

Those who have a total work experience of 25 calendar years or more - for 25 calendar years 50% of the corresponding amounts of salary, for each year of service over 25 years - 1 percent of the specified amounts of salary. Study is not included in the total length of service.

2. For disability:

Disabled due to war trauma Groups I and II - 85%, Group III - 50%;

Disabled people due to illness acquired during military service, Groups I and II - 75%, Group III - 40% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance provided for in Article 43 of the Law.

3. In case of loss of a breadwinner:

families of persons who died as a result of a military injury or who were disabled as a result of a military injury - 50% for each disabled family member;

families of persons who died due to causes not related to the performance of official duties - 40% for each disabled family member.

Employees of the penal system (hereinafter referred to as the penal system) perform difficult and responsible work. Therefore, among other things, they are granted special rights to pension provision:

Those with a special rank receive a pension for long service;

Those working in civilian positions receive an old-age pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Under certain conditions, employees of the penal system are granted the right to early retirement.

Early labor pensions in old age are assigned to men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they were employed in work with convicted persons as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment, respectively, for at least 15 years and 10 years. They must have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. These are all workers, as well as managers, specialists and employees who are constantly and directly involved in working with convicts in institutions that carry out criminal punishments in the form of imprisonment. Lists of productions, works, professions, positions of employees of institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment, employed in work with convicted persons, enjoying the right to a pension due to special working conditions 1 are used.

Early payment size labor pension employees of the penal system are determined according to general rules. It depends on the length of total work experience and earnings before January 1, 2002, the total amount of insurance premiums received by the Pension Fund for the insured person after January 1, 2002, based on individual (personalized) accounting data.

Representatives of some professions in our country have certain benefits, including those that allow them to retire earlier than expected. Pensions for long service are also awarded to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The pension calculator, which can be found on our website, which covers pension issues, will help you find out in advance the approximate amount of payments.

Since new changes are regularly introduced at the legislative level, this calculator calculates the approximate amount of the pension and may contain inaccuracies.

Types of pensions

This includes those people who work with prisoners and citizens in custody. These are not only guards and persons carrying out punishments, but educators, social workers, as well as psychologists. This work requires high psychological and physical stress, in some cases it is associated with a risk to life. That is why service in the Federal Penitentiary Service is equal in benefits to military service. Just like the military, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service have benefits when entering a well-deserved retirement and two pension benefits.

As for military personnel, Law No. FZ 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service” applies to employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service. According to this law, they can receive benefits from the budget of state security forces. Such pensions can have several types:

  • for length of service;
  • for disability (if damage to health was caused in the performance of official duties);
  • for the loss of a breadwinner (this benefit is received by family members of a FSIN employee if he is killed or dies from wounds received in the service).

In addition to special pensions, if a citizen, after serving in the Federal Penitentiary Service and receiving a long-service pension, continues to work, then, upon reaching retirement age and subject to the appropriate conditions (the required amount of insurance points and work experience), he has the right to receive an insurance pension on the general grounds.

All types of benefits are indexed every year. However, if the pensioner continues to work, then his payments can only be increased through an annual recalculation of points.

How is the pension calculated?

The pension for FSIN employees will be calculated in accordance with its type and benefits that the employee is entitled to.

The pension calculator for FSIN employees in calculations, as well as when calculating in real mode, takes into account the following indicators:

  • work experience directly in the FSIN must be at least 20 years (it is planned to increase it to 25). If he was dismissed before this time, then, in any case, he can apply for a long-service pension if his total work experience is 25 years, and his time of work in the penitentiary authorities is at least 12 and a half years (it is planned to increase it to 15 years);
  • amount of payments will depend on the salary the employee receives, various additional payments for rank, awards, etc.

Long service pension

By general rule, one year of service is equivalent to one and a half years. If the service took place in correctional institutions where prisoners are serving life sentences, a year is equivalent to two. The size of the benefit is affected by the length of service of the FSIN employee and his salary. All payments for long service, disability or loss of a breadwinner are made not from the Pension Fund, but from the budget of the Ministry of Defense.

To find out the approximate size in advance, you can use the formula. The calculation of the FSIN pension is carried out on the basis of Article 14 of the Law “On Pension Provision of Military Personnel”. According to this document, if a citizen has worked in the penitentiary authorities for 20 years, then 50% of his monthly income is taken as the basis for the calculation. For each subsequent years of service, 3% is added, but in total the amount of payments cannot be more than 85% of his salary.

Formulas for calculating payments

Special online FSIN pension calculators will help you determine the amount of the future benefit; you can calculate the funds using them if you understand how the calculation is made.

To do this you can use the formula:

P fsin = CD x St x RK x PC

Where P fsin- this is the size of the future benefit;
SD- average monthly salary of an employee;
St- percentage calculated from the length of work experience;
RK- regional coefficient;
PC- reduction factor (changes in accordance with government regulations annually).

Average monthly allowance consists of the salary for the employee’s position, to which is added an additional payment for the rank, an increasing coefficient for those who are entitled to it by type of service, and an allowance for additional years of service beyond 20 years. Supplements can be 75% if an employee in the service has lost health or acquired a disability due to any incident; for injuries received in service, 85% of the salary is added.

Percent, depending on length of service, can range from 50 and increase annually for each year worked beyond the required length of service. For employees who have worked for 32 years, it will be 85%.

If a person retires after 25 years of total work experience, and 12 and a half years of them were spent serving in these bodies, then the basic part of his benefit in the future will be 50% of the salary, and for each year worked over 25 years it will be added 1 percent each.

Regional coefficient depends on the place where the service took place. For northern and equivalent regions it can be almost 100%.

Reduction factor this year is 72.23%. Every year it increases by 2%.

Online FSIN pension calculators also calculate using the same formula.

How to calculate future payments using the FSIN pension calculator in 2018

Today, many problems can be solved practically without leaving home. Various online services help you prepare the necessary documents, certificates, and obtain the necessary information without queuing or wasting time. In the same way, you can obtain information in advance about what funds, on average, will be paid after dismissal from service due to length of service.

To do this, you can use the FSIN online pension calculator; in 2018, they take into account all the latest changes in the coefficients. To use the program, you need to enter all the data in the required fields, the resource will calculate everything on its own and give the finished result.

Naturally, the result can only be approximate, since the service does not take into account all individual parameters. For example, the FSIN pension calculator does not always apply the local coefficient and other data.

The rules for using the service are very simple. Let's consider what needs to be done to make the calculation as close as possible to the real one.

  1. First, enter the size of your salary by position and rank in the required column.
  2. Select your increasing coefficient from the data provided, if your type of service requires one.
  3. In the next column, select the coefficient for length of service in excess of the required ones (from 0 to 40%)
  4. If the calculator takes into account the regional coefficient, then select the one you need from the list.
  5. After that, move on to describing your work experience. Here you need to choose the appropriate coefficient depending on your length of service.
  6. Then select the current reduction factor.
  7. At the very end, in the column reflecting the result, you will receive the estimated amount of future payments.

The calculator usually calculates the FSIN pension in 2018 without taking into account additional allowances that are due to pensioners over 80 years of age and the disabled, as well as those who have disabled dependent family members.


Salaries by position

Appendix No. 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011 No. 1022 “On monthly salaries of employees of the penal system.”

Name of typical position Salary for a typical position (rubles) Salary from January 1, 2018
1. Central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service
Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service 42 000 43680
First Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service 37 000 38480
Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service 36 000 37440
Head of Department 35 000 36400
First Deputy Head of Department 32 500 33800
Deputy Head of Department, Head of the Main Inspectorate 32 000 33280
Deputy Head of the Main Inspectorate, Chief Inspector of the Penitentiary System, Assistant Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service 31 000 32240
Department head 29 000 30160
28 000 29120
Department Director 27 500 28600
Chief specialist, senior: detective for particularly important cases, inspector for special assignments 27 000 28080
Investigative Officer for Particularly Important Cases, Inspector for Special Assignments, Leading Specialist 26 000 27040
Senior: detective, specialist, inspector, engineer, legal adviser 25 000 26000
Operative officer, specialist, inspector, engineer, legal adviser 24 000 24960
2. Territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service
(main departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service,
Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service,
departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service by region Russian Federation) (1)
2.1. Main Directorates of the Federal Penitentiary Service
Head of Main Department 33 000 34320
Deputy Head of Main Department 28 000 29120
Head of department (as part of the main department) 25 000 26000
Deputy head of department (as part of the main department) 24 000 24960
Assistant to the head of the main department 23 000 23920
Department head 21 500 22360
Deputy Head of Department 20 000 20800
19 500 20280
19 000 19760
18 500 19240
17 500 18200
16 500 17160
2.2. Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service
Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (first level) (2) 32 000 33280
Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (second level) (3) 31 000 32240
Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (first level) (2) 27 000 28080
Deputy Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (second level) (3) 26 000 27040
Head of department (as part of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service) 24 500 25480
Deputy head of the department (as part of the territorial body of the Federal Penitentiary Service) 23 500 24440
Assistant Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (first level) (2) 22 500 23400
Assistant Head of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (second level) (3) 21 500 22360
Department head 21 000 21840
Deputy Head of Department 19 500 20280
Head: departments, services, inspections 19 000 19760
Senior detective for particularly important cases 18 500 19240
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments 18 000 18720
Senior: detective, specialist, inspector, operational duty officer, psychologist, engineer, legal adviser 17 000 17680
Detective officer, specialist, inspector, operational duty officer, psychologist, engineer, legal consultant 16 000 16640
2.3. Departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service
Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service 30 000 31200
Deputy Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service 25 000 26000
Assistant Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service 21 000 21840
Department head 20 500 21320
Deputy Head of Department 19 000 19760
Head: departments, services, inspections 18 500 19240
Senior detective for particularly important cases 18 000 18720
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments 17 500 18200
Senior: detective, specialist, inspector, operational duty officer, psychologist, engineer, legal adviser 16 500 17160
Detective officer, specialist, inspector, operational duty officer, psychologist, engineer, legal consultant 15 500 16120
3. Institutions directly subordinate to the Federal Penitentiary Service (1)
Head of the institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service (with a staff of over 200 people) 30 000 31200
Head of the institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service (with a staff of 100 to 200 people) 29 000 30160
Head of an institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service (with a staff of less than 100 people) 28 000 29120
Deputy head of an institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service (with a staff of more than
200 people)
26 000 27040
Deputy head of the institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service (with a staff of 100 or more
up to 200 people)
25 000 26000
Deputy head of an institution of the Federal Penitentiary Service (with a staff of less than
100 people)
24 000 24960
Assistant to the head of the institution 21 500 22360
Department head 20 500 21320
Deputy Head of Department 19 000 19760
Department Director 18 000 18720
Senior detective for particularly important cases 17 500 18200
Chief specialist, senior detective, medical specialist 17 000 17680
Leading Specialist 16 500 17160
Senior: operational duty officer, inspector, specialist, engineer, psychologist, legal adviser; detective 16 000 16640
Operational duty officer, inspector, specialist, engineer, psychologist, legal adviser 15 000 15600
4. Institutions executing punishments, pre-trial detention centers and institutions specially created to support the activities of territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service<1>
Head of institution (first category) (4) 27 000 28080
Head of institution (second category) (5) 25 000 26000
Head of institution (third category) (6) 24 000 24960
Deputy head of the institution (first category) (4) 23 000 23920
Deputy head of the institution (second category) (5) 22 000 22880
Deputy head of the institution (third category) (6) 21 000 21840
Department head 19 000 19760
Deputy Head of Department 17 500 18200
Department Director 16 500 17160
Head of: detachment, guard; senior: operational duty officer, detective officer, social teacher, specialist in social work, psychologist, engineer, inspector, legal adviser, teacher; medical specialist 15 500 16120
Operational duty officer, detective officer, social teacher, social work specialist, psychologist, engineer, inspector, specialist, legal consultant, teacher 15 000 15600
II. Typical positions for private and junior commanding officers
1. The cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions
14 500 15080
13 500 14040
Sub-Inspector 13 000 13520
Cadet (7) 6 500 6760
2. Administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Assistant operational duty officer, junior inspector 1st category, junior detective 12 500 13000
Special accounting officer, assistant guard chief, squad commander, junior inspector 2nd category, canine instructor 11 500 11960
Sub-Inspector 11 000 11440
Cadet (7) 6 500 6760
3. Other areas
Assistant operational duty officer, junior inspector 1st category, junior detective 10 500 10920
Special accounting officer, assistant guard chief, squad commander, junior inspector 2nd category, canine instructor 9 500 9880
Sub-Inspector 9 000 9360
Cadet (7) 6 500 6760
  1. Monthly salaries for typical positions of employees of institutions and bodies stationed in the cities. Moscow and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, increase by 10 percent.
  2. Monthly salaries for typical employee positions are established at the first level, if the position of the head of the department of the Federal Penitentiary Service at the maximum special rank is classified as senior management.
  3. Monthly salaries for standard employee positions are established at the second level, if the position of the head of the department of the Federal Penitentiary Service at the maximum special rank is classified as senior management.
  4. The first category includes:
    - correctional colonies for general and strict regime, medical correctional institutions, colony settlements, pre-trial detention centers with a capacity limit of more than 1,200 places;
    — correctional colonies intended for serving sentences by convicted women with a capacity limit of more than 800 places;
    — special-regime correctional colonies and prisons with a capacity limit of more than 600 places;
    — educational colonies with a capacity limit of more than 250 places;
    — medical and preventive institutions (regional hospitals) with a filling limit of more than 700 places (beds);
    — penal inspections with an average annual number of convicts (including branches) of more than 1,200 people;
    — convoy management.
  5. The second category includes:
    — correctional colonies of general and strict regime, medical correctional institutions, colony settlements with a occupancy limit of 601 to 1200 places;
    — pre-trial detention centers with a capacity limit from 401 to 1200 places;
    — correctional colonies intended for serving sentences by convicted women with a capacity limit of 401 to 800 places;
    — special-regime correctional colonies and prisons with a capacity limit of 401 to 600 places;
    — educational colonies with a capacity limit of 150 to 250 places;
    — medical and preventive institutions (regional hospitals) with a filling limit of 301 to 700 places (beds);
    — penal inspections with an average annual number of convicts (including branches) from 601 to 1200 people;
    — departments: escort, security of specialized psychiatric hospitals (inpatient facilities) with intensive supervision.
  6. The third category includes:
    — correctional colonies of general and strict regime, medical correctional institutions with a capacity limit of up to 600 places inclusive;
    — correctional colonies intended for serving sentences by convicted women, special regime correctional colonies, prisons, pre-trial detention centers with a capacity limit of up to 400 places inclusive;
    — educational colonies with a occupancy limit of less than 150 places;
    — medical and preventive institutions (regional hospitals) with a filling limit of up to 300 places (beds) inclusive;
    — penal inspections with an average annual number of convicts (including branches) of up to 600 people inclusive;
    - institutions specially created to ensure the activities of territorial bodies (except for those named).
  7. Employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system who entered full-time training at educational institution Federal Penitentiary Service, salaries are paid for the positions they held before entering training.

Salaries by rank

Appendix No. 2 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011 N 1022. Monthly salaries in accordance with the assigned special rank of employees of the penal system.

Special rank Salary (rubles) Salary from January 1, 2018
Colonel General of Internal Service 25 000 26000
Lieutenant General of Internal Service 22 000 22880
Major General of Internal Service 20 000 20800
Colonel of the Internal Service 13 000 13520
Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service 12 000 12480
Major of internal service 11 500 11960
Captain of the Internal Service 11 000 11440
Senior lieutenant of internal service 10 500 10920
Lieutenant of internal service 10 000 10400
Junior lieutenant of internal service 9 500 9880
Senior Warrant Officer of Internal Service 8 500 8840
Ensign of internal service 8 000 8320
Foreman of internal service 7 500 7800
Senior Sergeant of Internal Service 7 000 7280
Internal Service Sergeant 6 500 6760
Junior Sergeant of Internal Service 6 000 6240
Private of internal service 5 000 5200