New Year's crafts

Ice skating games. Winter ice skating games for children Play ice skating games

Games and fun for children on ice skating

Perhaps there is no more beautiful and graceful sport than figure skating. Skaters gliding on the ice always attracted many admiring glances. Despite the fact that not all parents are in a hurry to send their child to a sports section, each of them will definitely bring their child to the skating rink, because skating is a favorite winter pastime for children and adults.

Children can start skating as early as three years of age, and some parents do it even earlier. You need to start gradually: the baby should learn to stand and skate on compacted snow. You can go out to the skating rink on your own only when the child confidently slides along the ice hand in hand with his parent.

No special protection is needed during training. Firstly, in winter the child, as a rule, is wrapped in soft clothes, and secondly, he constantly holds on to his mother or father's hand, so there should not be frequent falls.

Children who have mastered basic ice skating skills well can be offered a wide variety of games. Alya began to need to assess their level of preparation, besides, this could be an excellent warm-up before the game.

Winter games for elementary school students outdoors


Offer children a series of tasks that need to be completed quickly and without mistakes, for example:

— put on and lace your skates correctly (can be done indoors or outdoors);

- maintain balance while standing on skates (first on compacted snow, then on ice);

— skate a certain distance (first on compacted snow, then on ice);

- do three half squats (holding onto a tree or handrail, then without support);

— leaning on a tree or handrail, do a “pistol” (sit down, first putting out your right, then your left leg);

- jump up, land while maintaining balance;

- drive a certain distance on the ice, alternately moving and spreading your legs, without falling, etc.

Remember that the child should be rewarded for every completed task. This way he will develop more and more motivation to learn. complex tasks and fulfilling them.


All participants line up in one column. Each participant grabs the person in front by the waist. The column begins to move. Purpose of the game: the first from the column must catch the “tail” in motion, i.e. closing Then the column opens again. Now the one who was caught becomes the second to last in the column, the one who caught it becomes the last one, and the next participant becomes the new catcher.

This game can be played until the children get bored with it.


Children are divided into two teams and line up one after another, each subsequent participant holding the previous one by the waist. At the leader’s signal, each team begins to move in the opposite direction of the site.

The players' task is to get to the finish line faster than their opponents, without losing the "cars" along the way. The game can be made more difficult by placing pins and flags along the way, which you will need to go around on the way to the finish line, trying not to hit any of them.

Around rivals

The game involves two teams with an equal number of players. Each team forms a column opposite each other at a distance of about 10 meters. All participants are armed with clubs. The first team players have pucks in front of them. At the signal from the leader, the players move the puck towards the opposite team, go around the column and return back to pass the puck to the next one.

The team that completes the task first wins.

Dancing on Ice

Players are divided into pairs. Each pair of participants stands on the starting line back to back and holds hands.

At the signal from the leader, the pairs begin to move sideways towards the finish line.

There the couple turns to face each other and moves sideways towards the start.

At the starting line, the pair changes again so that both are facing the same direction, i.e. face to back, and again go sideways to the finish line. There they stand facing each other and go to the start so that one participant moves forward with his back, and the other with his face. The pair that completes the task faster wins.

Salads on ice

Salads with a bell

The game can be played by 7 or more people. To play you need a bell. A pair of drivers is selected from the participants.

One of the players is given a bell. This player must run away from the drivers, whose task is to surround the runner.

The bell can be passed from hand to hand, but cannot be thrown to each other. Therefore, catchers need to try to press the runner against the side and make the process of passing the bell impossible. The caught player and the one who last gave him the bell become the new drivers.

If a player is caught before he has time to receive a bell from someone or give it to another player, he has the right to independently choose his partner as a catcher.

Salads with a hoop

To play you will need several gymnastic hoops. Participants are divided into two teams.

One team - the drivers - picks up a hoop and sits down at the side.

The players of the other team scatter around the court. At the leader’s signal, the team of catchers begins the chase. Their task is to catch a player from the opposing team and put a hoop on him.

The one caught is out of the game. After the game ends, the teams can switch places and continue the fun.

Salads in a circle

Skating participants line up in a circle, facing the center. One driver is selected and must slide clockwise from the outside of the circle. At some point, the driver touches any of the players and begins to run around the circle clockwise. The player who is chosen must start running in a circle in the opposite direction, i.e. counterclock-wise. The task of both players is to occupy the vacated space faster than the opponent. The one who did not have time becomes the driver. The game continues until the participants get tired of this fun.

Elimination race

For this game, several flags or pins are lined up in a circle on the ice rink. The size of the circle varies depending on the number of participants.

One of the flags is considered the start/finish point. Players stand at the start outside circle. At the judge's signal, the participants begin running in a circle. The task of each player is to run around the circle and cross the start/finish point faster than their opponents. The last one to do this is out of the game. The last lap is made by the two fastest skaters, from whom the winner is determined.

You can arrange the race in reverse, that is, the participants must strive to come last. At the same time, you cannot stand still or make too wide turns.

You need to move forward, but very smoothly and slowly. In this way the winner of the race will be determined.


There are two varieties of this game.

First option The “little carousel” is carried out like this: two people in the center take each other by the elbow, while looking in opposite directions. The remaining players join the central players, holding hands. You should get a large line, one part of which looks in one direction, and the other in the opposite direction. Remember that parts of the line must consist of the same number of people. When rotated, this line forms a full-fledged mechanism, moving counterclockwise. Task: hold out in the column for 5-7 laps. If the “chain” is broken, the game starts again.

Second option- "Big Carousel". It has a more complex construction scheme. This game requires four “centers”. They should form a “lock” by holding hands. To do this, you need to grab the left wrist of the person standing next to you with your left hand. The remaining participants are divided into four identical lines, each participant of which must take the neighbor on the right under his left hand. The “center”, in turn, takes the arm of the first in his line. Then the Big Carousel begins to move. The task is the same: you need to hold out in this way for 5-7 laps.

Round dances

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team lines up as a “train” (each next participant holds the waist of the previous one). The “locomotive” must close, i.e. the first in the bunch takes the last one by the waist. At the driver’s signal, the circles begin to move. Task: drive 2 laps without losing participants along the way.


For this game you will need a rope. Children are divided into two teams of 4-7 people. Then both teams line up in columns opposite each other. Each team must take one end of the rope and start running in a circle. In order for the rotation to be correct and beautiful, the players must move synchronously, this requires a certain skill.

Task: hold out in the column for 5-7 laps. The one who failed to complete the task releases the rope and moves to the side.


All participants line up in one line. The finish line is set at a distance of 5-7 meters. At the command of the driver, the line begins to move towards the finish line. Objective: finish last. Standing is prohibited, i.e. you need to move slowly, trying not to overtake your neighbor.


Each team has four players. The first three are surrounded by ropes - this will be the “harness”. The ends of the ropes are picked up by the fourth participant.

At the driver’s signal, the teams drive to the finish line and return to the start. The winner is the team that completes the task the fastest and keeps its “team” intact.

Over the stream

The conditions are approximately the same as in the previous game: two teams with an equal number of players line up in columns. The pins, placed in a line with an interval of 1-1.5 meters, form a “stream”. Teams stand 15-20 steps from the first pin.

Task: players take turns moving towards the pins, picking up speed, then spread their legs and pass a “stream” under them. Then they return to the team and take a place at the end of the column. The winner is the team whose members completed the task faster without damaging the “stream.”


Children are divided into two teams with an equal number of participants and line up in a column.

In front of each team, flags or pins are placed in a line at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. Task: team members take turns driving forward, going around the flags, one on the left, the other on the right. Then they return in the same way and take their place at the end of the column.

The winner is the team that completed the task the fastest, and did not miss a single turn, did not catch or drop the flags.


This competition is suitable for those who are excellent skaters and are ready to perform their first tricks. Before the game, participants must practice completing the task. Then you can arrange a competition for the title of the most dexterous and skillful skater. The task is to travel as far as possible on one leg in the following poses:

- swallow (one leg raised back, arms spread to the sides);

- heron (grasp the leg bent at the knee with your hands);

- pistol (putting one leg forward);

- bolero (first forward on one leg, then on the other);

- low pistol (crouching and putting one leg forward).

Salads on ice

The game conditions are the same as in regular tag. One of the players must catch up with the other and, touching him, transfer his authority.

The new driver loudly announces this to the participants. The difficulty is not to lose your balance on the ice and not fall, so the seemingly ordinary game becomes more interesting.

Knockout + tags

The rules are the same as in the game “Knockout”: the participants pass the puck to each other with their feet so that it does not get to the driver. When the driver finally catches the puck, a game of tag begins.

At the moment when the driver has the puck, the rest of the participants must scatter around the court. At this time, the driver counts to three and begins to chase the players. The one who is caught becomes the new driver. The game starts over.

Perfect hit

For the game, two pins are installed (you can use any other objects that are convenient to throw rings on). 1-1.5 meters before the pin you need to draw the finish line. Children are divided into two teams with an equal number of players. Every

the participant receives one ring. Task: the player runs to the finish line, from there tries to throw the ring onto the pin and returns back. The team that puts the most rings on its pin wins.

Full set

For this game you need a fairly large ice rink. At the start, the players line up in one line. In front of each player, 6 snowballs are placed at a distance of 5-7 m from each other: two at each point. Players, at the driver’s command, begin to move forward, collecting snowballs along the way. The task: to collect all the snowballs faster than everyone else and bring them back safe and sound.

Drawing lesson

On a fresh skating rink, you can “slide out” any patterns. To start, players come up with a simple pattern, such as a five-pointed star. At home, you can write a plan: the drawing that should be created on the ice, the starting points and the direction of movement of the “artists”. On the skating rink, flags must be placed at the start and finish points so that the participant knows in which direction and to what point he should move. You can draw any patterns this way, it all depends on your imagination.

Handball on ice

To play you need a spacious area, two goals and a ball. The competition involves two teams, each of which can have from 5 to 10 people. Players of one of the teams must pass the ball to each other, trying to throw it into the opponent’s goal. For each goal, the team is awarded a point.

A penalty point is awarded for a violation. Violations include rough and dishonest play, loss of the ball, the ball out of bounds, and skating with the ball in your hands for more than 30 seconds. They play two halves of 10 minutes each with a 5 minute break. The referee must monitor compliance with the rules and the score.

Ice relay race

This game is a little more difficult. The relay requires two teams. Each team can have from 4 to 10 players.

To play, you need two jump ropes or ropes about two meters long. Both teams must have an equal number of players. The participants of each team are divided into two parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into pairs.

Teams line up in columns on opposite sides of the court. The first pairs, located on one side of the site, hold the ends of the rope in their hands. On the opposite side of the site, a couple holds hands.

The game begins at the leader's signal. Couples move towards each other. In the middle of the site, a couple with a rope in their hands crouches down a little and lowers the rope as low as possible. The opposite pair must jump or step over the rope. The players then continue moving forward. Having reached the opposite side, the couple gives the rope to the next participants and goes to the end of the column.

The next pairs head towards each other. In this con, the roles are reversed: the players from the team that jumped over the rope are now holding it.

The game ends when all players make two runs - holding the rope and jumping over it - and return to their starting position. The team that completes the task first wins. To practice, you can first play this game on a snow court without skates.

Relay race with benefits

To play you will need ten pins and ten plastic rings with a diameter of about 10 cm. Two teams line up in columns one behind the other. The first player of the team has rings in his hands.

The pins are placed on the track opposite the team at a distance of 4-5 meters from each other.

The task of each player is to run forward along the path, throwing rings onto the pins, return to the team, collecting the rings they just threw, and pass the baton to the next team member. At the same time, you need to try not to touch or drop the pins.

If this does happen, the pins need to be corrected, and only then run further. The team whose members are the first to complete the task wins.

Puck relay

On the skating rink, pins or flags are installed in two rows at a distance of about two meters from each other.

Players are divided into two teams and take a starting position 2-2.5 meters from the first pin. Both teams must line up in columns one after the other. At the signal from the leader, the first players, armed with sticks, begin to dribble the puck, circling the pins and trying not to hit them. You need to reach the last pin and return to the beginning, performing the same actions. Power is then transferred to the next player. The team that fulfills the conditions of the game first wins. The relay race can be simplified.

For such a game you need to place one flag or pin at the finishing point opposite each team. In this case, the task of each player will be to bring the puck to the finish line and return to the team. Victory is awarded to the team that completes the task faster than its opponents.


The competition involves two teams with the same number of participants. To play you need two ropes (you can use two thick ropes). The players of each team must grab their rope with one hand, while the participants are placed at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. Task: you need to drive to the finishing point and back faster than your opponents, without taking your hands off the rope. In order to complete this task, the team's movements must be as synchronized as possible.

Four washers

To play, you need an ice rink divided in half. From 6 to 10 people can play.

The players are divided into two teams. All participants are holding a stick in their hands. Teams are located at ends of the court opposite the dividing line. The captain can line up his players in the position that he considers most convenient for the game. There are two pucks on each side of the field. At the signal from the leader, each team passes its pucks to its opponents. The participants’ task is to throw the pucks over the dividing line as quickly as possible so that there are four pucks on the opponents’ field at the same time. The team that completes the task is awarded a point. If the puck goes overboard, the team responsible for it is penalized with a penalty point. The game ends when either team scores 10 points.

Where's the stick?

The sticks are laid out in a row at the edge of the ice rink. There should be one less stick than there are players.

Participants move around the skating rink and skate calmly. At the command of the driver (one of the skaters also participates in the game), all players must rush to the sticks. Naturally, it’s not easy to look for your own club in such a commotion, so everyone grabs the first one they come across.

When all the clubs have already been taken apart, one player is left empty-handed. He is announced as the new driver.


All players line up in a circle. One driver is selected and stands in the center of the circle. Players must pass the puck to each other with their feet, while making sure that it does not get to the driver.

The driver, in turn, tries to intercept the puck. When he succeeds, the one who last hit the puck becomes the new driver. This game is quite challenging to play while skating, but that only makes it more fun.

Snowballs on ice

The players are divided into two teams. Each team prepares snow shells in advance. Teams line up opposite each other at a distance of about 5-10 meters.

According to the rules of the game, the one who is hit by the snowball moves to the side. The task of each team is to “eliminate” as much as possible large quantity opponents.

Do not snooze!

To play, you do not need to divide the court into four squares. A player with a stick is placed on each square. Players in opposite squares each have a puck on the field. In total, the game involves four players and two pucks.

The task of each player is to very quickly pass the puck to his neighbor in the square on the right. The one who has two pucks on the field at the same time gets one point. The one who did not have time or was unable to stop the opponent’s puck on his field receives a point. The player who sent the puck past his neighbor's square also gets one point.

The score is kept up to the first 10 points. The participant in the game who has earned the fewest points wins.

Hockey without a goal

The game involves two teams. In this game, it is important to skillfully handle the puck and accurately pass it to your teammates.

The goal of each player is to take the puck from the opponent without giving up his own. The players will need a referee with a whistle who will not only count the points, but also monitor the fairness of the game.

If a team passes the puck to its own players six times in a row, it is awarded a point. If the opponent takes possession of the puck, the score begins again, but in favor of the team that captured the puck.

In case of foul play violations, the puck is given to the opponents.

If an unfair and rough game is played against the team that currently has the puck, then two assists will be added to its account. The team that scores the most points in fifteen minutes wins.

Hockey with a ball

Ice is not required for this game. Instead of the usual washer, a small ball or rubber ring is used here.

The game is played on a site limited by the sides. Gates are installed at opposite ends of the site. If there is no real gate, you can simply mark it.

Each team consists of six players: a goalkeeper, two defenders and three forwards.

The task of each team is to throw the ball with a stick into the opponent’s goal.

The game lasts two periods of fifteen minutes.

Hello our beloved fashionistas and lovers of spending their time free time into the process online Barbie Skates games. As you know, on our resource we daily add to the range of entertainment, and today I want to offer you new game for girls, in which you will roller-skate after doing some work first. Don't be afraid of this activity before your walk. It’s very pleasant, and girls, probably absolutely all of them, absolutely love it. This mission is called shopping, and if you want to go shopping and buy a lot of things, you can start your mission right now. To start as a stylist, you can start this game on your computer device, and by clicking on the “start” button in the menu there, begin your role.

So, if you have done all this, then once you find yourself in the Barbie Skates game itself, you see that in front of you there is a large closet with things. You must choose things from the assortment provided, combining them in such a way that they create an image. The main thing is that the whole image is stylish, and if you show your imagination and make the outfit unusual, this will only be a big plus. So, we’ll start with, since styling is a special part of the image. You can do a lot with styling: highlight an outfit, facial features, make an image elegant. In the Barbie game, after choosing a hairstyle, you can start choosing an outfit, choosing either a whole dress or a combination outerwear(skirts, shorts, jeans and blouses, T-shirts, blouses). Here you can “hang” for a long time, that is, choose longer, criticize each thing, identify its pros and cons. If you picked up this part of the image in the Barbie Skates game, then proceed to choosing the roller skates themselves.

They can be of different colors and you can choose their shade regardless of the color spectrum of the outfit itself. It is also worth saying that after this you will go for a ride, but first take a memorable photo. You can save this photo on your computer, and then brag to your brothers or sisters about what a stylist you are and how you know how to make outfits. I really liked the game for girls about Barbie Skates, and I can give weighty arguments for all this. I'll start with the design of the game interface and all the details. Everything looks very bright and concise and not very vulgar. As for the interface itself, that is, the number of functions, everything is reduced to a minimum: you can stop the process (pause), turn off the music by clicking on the melody icon. Personally, I advise everyone to play this amazing game. Barbie Ice Skating game and feel like a real master in the field of fashion and beauty.


Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates, a bell or a rattle.

Description. 10-15 skaters can take part in the game, one of them runs across the ice field with a bell (or rattle), and two drivers chase after him, trying to show off. The owner of the bell can at any time give it to another player who comes to the rescue, and the drivers have to chase the new player.

If the player with the bell is upset, he becomes the driver. The second driver becomes the one who gave him the bell, and the game begins again.

If a player is insulted before he has time to hand the bell to someone, the one who insulted him becomes the player with the bell, and he becomes the driver.

Above the towns

Description. Ten towns or pins are placed in a row on the ice at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. The players stand one after another 15-20 steps from the outermost town.

At the leader’s signal, they take turns taking a run and gliding in a straight line on two skates placed parallel. When approaching towns, you need to drive around them; To do this, you need to spread your legs wider so as not to hurt them. Having passed all the towns, the player makes a turn and returns to the starting place. The game is repeated several times.

The winners are those who did not touch the towns even once.

Circle snakes

Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates, ten skittles or pins.

Description. Ten towns or pins are placed in a circle with a radius of approximately 15 m at an equal distance from one another. Skaters, moving in a circle one after another, must go around the towns in a snake, going around one on the right and the other on the left.

After some time, at the leader’s signal, everyone stops, turns around and moves in the opposite direction, observing the same rules.

The winners are those who during the game never touch the town and do not miss the next turn.

Musketeers on Ice

Collect quickly

Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates.

Description. Three or four skaters stand at the starting line. In front of each person, at a distance of 10-15 m, a snowball is placed and behind it, every 3-4 m, two or three more snowballs.

At the leader’s command, the players run towards the first snowball, bend down, pick it up, then run to the second, third, pick them up and run back.

The winner is the one who returns first, having picked up all the snowballs.

Throwing rings

Equipment. Each participant in the game has skates, ten skates, five plastic rings with diameters of 19-22 cm.

Description. Ten towns are installed along the path at a distance of 4-5 m from each other. Skaters must take turns, holding five rings in their hands, run along the track and throw the rings on any towns. Then go back, collect the rings and pass them to the next player.

For each ring thrown on the town, the player receives one point. The game can be repeated several times.

Those who score win greatest number points.

Ice path

Flags mark the acceleration line and the start line. They compete on both hockey and figure skates. Two or three players start at the same time. Having run from the first line (side) to the starting line (4–6 m), they perform exercises, trying to drive as far as possible in one of the poses:

clasping your arms around your leg bent at the knee (“heron”); also on one skate, raising the leg back up, arms spread to the sides (“swallow”); crouching on one leg and stretching the other forward (“pistol”); make a 360° turn in motion (on two legs) then sit down and clasp your knees with your hands; collect 5–6 ribbons laid out along the way. When performing all these exercises, the rules prohibit pushing off after passing the starting line.

Catch up with the bell

Everyone playing is on skates. One of them is given a bell (rattle). Two pairs of drivers are chosen. The player with the bell runs away from the drivers, and they try to surround him with clasped hands. This can be done by one or both pairs of drivers (four).

The player with the bell, in a moment of danger, can pass (but not throw) the bell to any of the participants in the game. The bell passes from hand to hand, and its cheerful ringing echoes throughout the skating rink. However, if the drivers get clever and push the runner to the edge of the skating rink (hockey box), where it is difficult to pass the bell to someone, they take possession of the bell and hand it to the most dexterous skater. As the game continues, you can change pairs of drivers.

Back and forth

The participants of the game stand in pairs facing each other and rest their hands on their partners’ shoulders. At a signal, the pairs begin skating (from the side or from the line): one slides backwards, the other slides forward. As soon as the competitors reach the opposite side or line marked with flags, they, without changing places, slide back to the start. The one who walked forward for the first half of the journey walks back in reverse, and his partner walks forward.

The first couple to return to the start-finish line in this way wins.

Puck racing

Not far from the starting line, in front of each skating team, 6–8 pins or flags on crosses are placed 2 meters from each other. This is an obstacle course. The game is played as a relay race. At the signal, the first players of the teams begin to dribble the puck, circling the pins, trying not to knock them down. You need to go back in the same way and pass the stick and puck to the next player.

The game is more interesting if two players from each team run out at the same time and pass the puck to each other at intermediate distances between the pins. The knocked down flag or pin is put back in place, and then the movement continues.

The team whose players return to the start and finish line first wins.

You can not put several flags in front of the teams, but limit yourself to one, installed 12–15 meters from the teams. In this case, the players dribble the puck to the flag and return, moving backwards.


The players stand in a circle. The driver goes to the middle. The players' task is to stand on skates and pass the puck to each other with a kick, trying to prevent it from hitting the driver. If he intercepts the puck, then all the players scatter around the court, and the driver tries to insult one of the players. If the puck touches the player's foot, he becomes the driver.

You can play the game with sticks. In this case, the distinguished player helps the driver. The game ends when there are no more than three players left on the court whose feet have never been touched by the puck.

Tags with hoop

One team is located randomly inside the entire rink (on half of the hockey rink). Two pairs of the other team each have a gymnastic hoop in their hands.

At the signal, each pair of skaters with hoops tries to catch up with one of the opponents and put a hoop on him. The one caught is out of the game. The game time is 4–5 minutes, after which the teams change places. The team whose drivers managed to catch more of the opponent's skaters within the set time wins.

Throw - jerk

A judge is selected, who may not be on skates. The rest of the guys with clubs in their hands (on skates) stand in ranks to the right and left of the leader. Each line is a team. Players in it are calculated by numbers.

The referee throws the puck forward with his hand and calls out the number loudly. Both players on teams with this number rush for the puck. Everyone’s task is to be the first to catch the puck and throw it into the empty net. In the fight for the puck, it is allowed to use forceful techniques and lift the opponent’s stick.

The first player to touch the puck receives 1 point. He brings the team another 1 point if he manages to shoot on goal. If the opponent managed to take the puck and made a shot at the goal himself, then the point is on his account.

The players return to the ranks, and the leader calls out other numbers. The game ends when all pairs take part in the martial arts.

Through middle zone

The game is played in a hockey box. 4–6 people from each side participate. The teams are located on the hockey rink on the right and left behind the blue lines. The middle zone is neutral. The gates are removed from the site. Players on each team have three pucks.

At the signal, players send their pucks through the middle zone to the opponent’s side, and pucks sent into their zone must be sent back as quickly as possible. The goal is to get all the pucks into the opponent's zone. The team that managed to move all the pucks gets 1 point and the game continues.

Teams switch places when one of them scores 10 points. The game consists of three periods (games).

The rules of the game prohibit entering the middle zone. If the puck hits the middle zone, it remains there until one of the teams earns a point (that is, all other pucks will be thrown into the opponent’s zone). If a player sends the puck over the boards, his team loses a point.

Musketeers on Ice

In hockey, the game begins with the puck being thrown in. Both teams are trying to be the first to master it. In the game "Musketeers", "hockey players" form pairs, place two plastic hoops on the ice next to each other or draw two circles with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.7 m, in the center of which they place a puck. Then, at a signal, the players, crossing their sticks, try to knock the puck out of the opponent’s circle. A knocked-out puck is one point. They play to five points. If both opponents score four points, the one who beats by two points wins.

Riding a stick

All participants form pairs. One holds the stick by the handle, and the other sits astride it, but not with all its weight, but only lightly, leaning his skates on the ice. The first one takes his friend to the finish line, which is located 20-30 meters from the start line, where they change roles. Whoever was sitting on the stick must now “tow” their partner back to the starting line. The pair that reaches the goal first wins.


Weasel is a small predatory animal. If you rearrange the letters in its name, you get “tag,” and all the kids know the game of tag. Players go on the ice without sticks. The driver has a light colored puck. He tries to hit one of the players with the puck. The guys jump, dodge, crouch, or let the puck pass under their feet so that it doesn’t hit them. The one touched by the puck becomes the driver.


For this game, build a snow wall at the icy edge of the playground: pour snow between two boards or plywood panels and compress it. The wall must be no closer than 5 meters from the battle line. (When the snow wall is ready, the shields and boards must be removed.)

The players take turns making short, jerky hits with the stick on the puck - clicks, and such as not only to hit the snow wall, but also to break through it. If the puck is stuck in the snow, you need to use a ruler to measure the depth of the hole.

The winner is the one whose puck goes deepest into the compacted snow.

Canadian roosters

For this game, a circle with a diameter of 2-3 m is drawn on the ice. Each player has a stick, which he holds from behind with both hands to prevent them from using it. When the whistle blows, two players, sliding on one foot, move into a circle and, pushing each other with either their right or left shoulder or leaning to the side, try to make the opponent lose his balance and step on the other foot, or at least end up with one foot behind outside the circle.

The one who pushes out the opponent is the winner. He stays in the circle and meets a new partner. Defeat five - get a prize.


Each of the two players holds his stick with both hands and tries to force his opponent out of the circle. In the game, you are allowed to squat, jump to the side, deviate, unexpectedly push your opponent with your shoulder so that he loses his balance or ends up with at least one skate outside the circle. You need to skillfully calculate both the force of the push and the method of retreat. You can allow your opponent to perform a strong push once or twice, and then step aside for the third time, then by inertia he will fly out of the circle.

For the prize

Teams of 10 participants line up behind the common starting line in a column. In front of each column, 12 m from the starting line, 9 clubs were placed every 2 m. Between the last two clubs there is a prize - an inflatable toy (matryoshka, hare).

At a signal, the guides run forward, grab the nearest mace and return to their place. The next player starts only when the previous one crosses the starting line. With each run the distance increases. The trailing player must grab the toy and stand in place.

The team that completes the task first wins.

Pair racing

Participants of each team stand in pairs facing each other behind the common starting line. Stands are installed in front of each team at a distance of 30 m. At the signal, the first couple in the team rushes to the counter. One of the pair slides backwards. At the counter they switch roles and return to their seats. The next pair starts when the previous one crosses the starting line.

To a new place

The players of each team are lined up towards each other behind the end lines of the ice rink. On command, skaters try to cross the line of the opposing team. The team that wins is the one whose entire players complete the task, hold hands and say loudly: “Here!” Skaters perform 12-15 dashes with rest intervals. The team whose members score the most points wins.

Before the start, players should be held at arm's length so that there are no collisions during oncoming traffic. Each participant must run around his opponent on the right side.

The game can be diversified by changing the starting position (from a deep squat position, with your back to the direction of movement, etc.), as well as by changing the method of movement (backward forward, pushing off with one leg, in a pair, etc.).

Be ready

The players of the two teams are located in lines facing each other on opposite sides of the ice rink and are counted in numerical order. A stand is installed on the left flank of each rank in the corner of the site. A stool with an inflatable toy (matryoshka doll, hare, etc.) is placed in the middle of the site. The presenter calls a number, the players of both teams under this number rush to the counter of the opposite line, go around it and, pushing off with one leg, try to grab the inflatable toy from the stool, for which the team is awarded a point. Then the toy is put back in place and the game continues. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Take it away

The players of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. There are 2 medicine balls on the ice next to the guiding players. At a distance of 30 m from the starting line, 2 clubs are placed against each column. At the signal, the leading players of the teams take the balls and run to the clubs, put the balls down, and with the clubs return to their column with their backs forward. Behind the starting line they pass the clubs to the next players. They rush forward, put the clubs in place, take the balls and return back forward.

The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Racing on three legs

Participants are divided into teams and lined up in pairs behind a common starting line. Each pair has their legs tied (right to left) with a scarf above the knee. There is a stand in front of the teams at a distance of 40 m from the start line. At the signal, the first couples run to the counters and return to their place. Then the next couples start. The team that finishes the relay earlier wins.

Without a flag, you're out

Without a flag, you're out

On the skating rink, groups of flags are placed every 25 m. There should be two fewer flags in the first row than there are players on both teams. In the second row there are two more flags less, etc. If each team starts with 8 participants, then there should be sequentially 14, 12, 10, 8 flags in the rows.

Skaters start running at the signal. Everyone tries to take possession of the flag in the first row. The two players left without flags are eliminated. Then the next race begins. The team that has the most participants left after four races wins.


The skaters of each team line up in a column, one at a time, behind the common starting line. Each participant holds the belt of the person in front. Opposite each column, 6 racks are evenly spaced over 30 m. At the signal, players begin to move forward in a zigzag pattern, going around the posts on the right and left in a chain, and then return to their place. The moving column resembles a caterpillar.

The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster and do not separate their hands.

Option. The guide runs to the last post in a straight line, and returns, running between the posts in a zigzag. Behind the starting line, another player joins him and takes him by the belt (the caterpillar grows). Then they move to the last post and back in such a way that the first one just slides and the second one pushes it. When they both cross the starting line, they are joined by a third, etc. Players returning behind the starting line are not allowed to push off with their feet. They just glide on skates, and the next player who joins them pushes them.

Hockey shooters

The hockey goal is turned into a target: its lower front part is covered with a board with slots at the bottom (the central slot is 40 cm in diameter, and the outer ones are 30 cm in diameter). Each team has 5 hockey players. From a distance of 10 m, you need to make a targeted throw at the goal with your stick so that the puck slips into one of the target slots. For hitting the central target, the participant receives one point, for hitting the outer target - two.

The team whose players score the most points wins.

gold fish

Flags on stands enclose an ice area measuring 20 x 30 m. By lot, one team is the “fish”, and the other is the “fishermen”. All players of one team (“fish”) are located randomly throughout the court. Four players of the other team (“fishermen”), holding hands, form a “net”. At the signal, the “fishermen” begin to chase the “fish”, trying to catch up with any of them and close their hands around it. The caught player is eliminated from the game. The game lasts 3 minutes, after which the participants change roles.

The team whose fishermen catch the most fish wins.

Ring throwing

Along the skating rink, on the side, place 4-5 racks 90-100 cm high, mounted on wooden stands. The distance between them is 5-8 m. A low snow bank is poured along the posts, 2-3 m from them.

The participant in the game receives five wooden rings with a diameter of 20-25 cm and runs along the shaft, along the way trying to throw one ring onto each stand.

The winner is the one who, without slowing down, throws more rings onto the racks.

Relay race

Team members line up behind the common starting line. A stand is installed in front of each column at a distance of 30 m. Skaters must run around the counter and back behind the start line. And only then does the next player have the right to start. The relay consists of the following stages and tasks:

1st stage. Running together, holding hands.

2nd stage. Running together in one gymnastic hoop.

3rd stage. Moving forward as a couple facing each other. One slides, the other pushes off. At the counter they switch roles.

4th stage. Running in pairs with tied legs (the right of one player with the left of the other).

5th stage. Running while dribbling a basketball with a stick. First one player performs, then the second.

6th stage. Running while carrying your friend on a sled. At the counter they switch roles.

7th stage. Running in pairs. Passing the puck with your stick.

8th stage. Running while riding a broom. First one player performs, then the second.

9th stage. Skating, pushing off with ski poles. First one player performs, then the second.

10th stage. All players, taking the person in front by the belt, run forward to the counter and return in a chain. You can't let go of your hands.

The winner is the team whose players complete all tasks faster, observing the rules of the relay race.

Equipment. 2 checkboxes Description. There are 2 flags placed on the starting line, and a participant in the game is located next to each. At the signal, they simultaneously begin to move forward. In this case, everyone must push off with their right (left) 3 times in a row, and then slide by inertia until they come to a complete stop. The one who manages to slide further wins.


This game will help you to run well on turns. The most experienced skater among the players stands in the center of the ice rink. He puts his hands behind his back and locks his hands. The rest of the guys are divided into two groups. Holding hands, they line up on one side and the other of the leader, facing in opposite directions. The guys standing next to the presenter take him by the arms. After this, both ranks gradually, like a carousel, begin to move forward and make a dash at the turn - rearranging their legs as we recommended above.


One of the players drives, that is, catches up with other participants in the game who are running away from him. The rules here are the same as in a similar game on land. The task of the one who is catching up is to touch or insult one of the fugitives. The greasy one begins to drive. All the kids gathered at the skating rink can participate in this game, which will teach you how to deftly control your skates and stay steady on the ice. There are a wide variety of options for playing tag.


The game will help you develop a uniform, clear step. Stand behind each other's heads. The first skater - the leader - first glides straight and then begins to make turns in different directions. At his command, the entire “snake” performs the same movements. At the same time, remember: you must strictly maintain a distance between each other and follow only the trail of the leader.


More serious tests await you here. Several people at a time stand one after another in a column, grab the person in front by the waist. Gradually begin to slide, and then, at the command of the leader, squat at the same time, stretching one leg forward and slightly to the side. Do not make sudden movements - you may fall.

Sparrows and crows.

The skating rink is divided into two fields by a center line. Along the edges, two “cities” are indicated by straight lines. You can use the markings of a hockey field. Both teams receive symbols- “sparrows” and “crows”. The players stand along the middle line in two ranks. They open their arms outstretched and turn their backs to each other. At the judge's command: “Whoa!” - they run to their “city”, and the “crows” try to catch up with them and make fun of them. Having reached their “city”, the greasy ones raise their hands up. The judges count their number. The team with the fewest casualties wins. It is best to play this game several times, changing commands at random: “Vo-ro-ny!”, “Vo-ro-by!”.

Relay with obstacles.

Two competing teams line up on one side of the skating rink. Each team has an equal number of participants. Two sets of completely identical obstacles are installed on the ice field, such as, for example, two or three gates, through which the competitors must jump through without touching the top bar; three to five clubs, arranged so that participants can drive between them without knocking over one; a low plywood fence (20 - 25 cm high and 50 - 60 cm wide), over which participants must jump. Before the start of the competition, the leader explains in detail the route along which they must skate, as well as how to overcome the obstacle course placed along the way. Then the start is given. The competition participants at the head of the column are the first to complete the route. Returning to the starting line, they give the next participant permission to start running with a tap on the shoulder. And so on until all team members have run along the track. Mandatory condition: if someone knocks down any obstacle while passing the distance, he must restore order on the route and only after that continue running. Stands for high jumps are installed in the goal posts on the ice. A plank is placed at a height of approximately 110 cm. The guys accelerate, crouch down and try to slip inside. Then the bar is lowered lower, even lower... The winner is the one who can get through the lowest goal. The game can be made more difficult if you try to drive on one leg.

Circular relay race.

The players are divided into two teams. Each is lined up one at a time on the starting line. At 20-30 m from the start, opposite each team, a snow roller marks a circle, the diameter of which is 15-30 m. On command, the runners standing in front begin to run. Having reached the circles, they must run around them twice from right to left and return to their starting position. Then the second participants begin running. The team whose all skaters finish the race faster is considered the winner.

"Running of Chains"

The players line up behind the starting line in a column of three. The distance between columns is 3 meters. In each column, the players firmly hold hands and, opening back, form a chain. The finish line is marked 50 meters from the starting line by four flags. On command: “Attention! March!" - all chains rush forward. Victory is awarded to the team that reaches the finish line without breaking the chain. The team that breaks the chain is considered the loser. The game is usually repeated 3 - 4 times until the winning team is identified. “Don’t pass by.” Place a coin on the ice. Start your run 25 meters before the target. Try to pick up speed and lift the coin at full speed.

"We'll play hockey."

The competitors are divided into two teams. At a distance of 25 m from the starting line, two turning flags 5 m apart are placed one behind the other. Teams line up behind the starting line, also 5 m from each other. The first and second numbers of both teams each hold a hockey stick in their hands, and the first number also holds a hockey ball (or puck). At the referee's signal, the first numbers dribble the ball from the spot, go around the turning flag and drive the ball back to the starting line. But it is necessary for the participant to dribble the ball, and not send it forward with a blow of the stick. When the ball touches the starting line, the second number takes over the baton. And at this time, the first number passes the stick to the third number. So, dribbling the ball and passing the sticks, the whole team runs the relay route. The winner is the one whose last number, returning from the flag, crosses the start line before the opponent.

These fun team games and entertainment on ice will help beginners get comfortable on the skating rink and feel as confident on skates as they do on land. All these games are designed so that without any preparation they can be organized by uniting the guys who come to the ice. These games can be played at any skating rink - in the yard, on the school playground, in a large stadium. It is only important to call out to someone.

Conducting competitions.

In conditions secondary school competitions can be held on simple or cross-country skates according to simplified rules, at 1-2 distances. Participants usually run in pairs. School competitions can be held in the following ways:

1. Running with pursuit. Two participants start from opposite sides of the track (circle) and try to catch up with each other. The winner is the one who catches up with his opponent or crosses his finish line first. The length of the distance (number of laps) is selected depending on the age and training of the participants.

2. Elimination race. Group start of 4-5 participants for a certain number of laps or distance with an intermediate finish after each lap. The participant who crosses the intermediate finish line last is eliminated from the competition in this race. The number of intermediate finishes is selected so that no more than 3 athletes compete at the main finish.

3. Running 50, 60, 100 m, 1, 2, 3, etc. circles to determine the winner. The winners of the races meet in the final race.

4. Relay race. The start is given simultaneously to two participants from different teams. In the starting area, a 20 m corridor is marked where the relay is transferred. The participant of the first stage, having entered the corridor, gives the opportunity to start for the participant of the second stage, who needs these 20 m to gain speed.

Barbie loves winter very much and always looks forward to it. After all, it is in winter that you can go ice skating. But don't forget that you need to look beautiful. Hurry up and help the princess do her makeup and choose an outfit. First, go to the room. There you will find a large number of different makeup products. Lipstick will highlight perfectly beautiful colour lips And the shadows will highlight the eyes. Create the most beautiful girl. After this you need to go to the wardrobe. It is very light and beautiful here. And from the window you can see the mining resort. Hanging on hangers are various dresses that are tailored specifically for Barbie. There is a choice for you various options all colors. Don't forget about your hairstyle, because it is very important. Choose only the most beautiful one, because there will be a lot of people at the skating rink. After this, it will be a great idea to pick up expensive accessories. There are various bows for the head. And also earrings that sparkle perfectly in the sun. Now is the time to go on the ice and show everyone your skating skills.