
Games for kids 1 2. Developing a one year old child. Active pastime for one-year-old babies

If you don’t want your little one to draw on the wallpaper, pour water on the sofa, or unscrew the legs of a chair, you’ll have to constantly come up with exciting tasks for him!

Hurray, we're one year old! The nimble one-year-old is unusually active, he pokes his little curious nose everywhere, is interested in everything, but he still cannot get carried away with toys the way older children do. He perceives all the activities offered to him by adults with delight, tries to take part in everything, but still lacks concentration.


In a peaceful direction

For a baby who has just learned to walk, every nook and cranny, every cabinet, door or shelf will be interesting. However, despite the fact that the baby will be able to occupy himself on his own, you cannot leave him alone in the room!
Don’t forget that the baby knows nothing about the physical properties of objects, he has no fear of death, he is not afraid of heights, suffocation, poisoning...

The little one still has no idea about the consequences of his games! To prevent your baby from getting hurt and destroying your apartment, direct his energy in a peaceful direction by offering him games with varying degrees of independence. Please remember that supervision of your child is always necessary.

There are two options for activities: joint games between the baby and mother and independent activity of the child, when the mother needs to free up some time for herself.

Together with mom

Thus, by the age of one and a half years, the toddler will already be able to take the laundry to washing machine, put the dirty bottle in the sink, collect your toys.

I play by myself!

Every new item The baby wants not only to look, but also to touch and taste. For the mother, who acts as a guardian angel, this period of time is very difficult, since she needs to monitor the child’s safety and have time to complete a lot of household chores. There is only one way out - to captivate the baby with something for 15–20 minutes. The most important condition for such activities is safety.

Hide away anything that could harm his health: small and sharp objects, deodorants and air fresheners, nail polishes, lighters, matches, etc. Even if your baby plays calmly and quietly, check on him to be sure he is not doing anything dangerous.

  1. Let's work together. If you are reading, let the child sit next to him and look at the pictures in his children's books, talk on the phone - hand him an old handset, write a text - sit him next to him and give him a pencil and a piece of paper. Even when you are preparing dinner in the kitchen, give your little one a saucepan - let him drum on it or put harmless and non-sharp ladle spoons in it.
  2. New old toys. A child usually quickly gets bored with even the most beautiful and interesting toys, and every time he will wait for “something new.” However, the more toys a baby has, the less interested he is in them. Get a special chest from which you can get a few forgotten “new” things, hiding the old ones.
  3. Matryoshka. Now the baby is very interested in toys that can be inserted one into another (like a nesting doll). In addition to a classic toy, this can be a set of colored cups or kitchen saucepans.

  4. Gurney. It can be rolled by pushing it in front of you, or pulled by a string. Wheelchairs are sold in the form of cars, wheels, and animals. A similar toy can be easily made from a shoebox.
  5. A package of clothes, from which the baby has already grown, as well as scarves and shawls. Children love to try on different things and show off in front of the mirror.
  6. Kitchenware. Any kitchen utensils will do: pots, pot lids, ladles, containers, plastic utensils. The baby really likes to sort through these objects and put one into another. If you're willing to put up with the noise, show your baby how to bang a saucepan with a spoon, or give him two metal lids. The noise will be terrible, but the children like the effect so much that it will keep them busy for a long time.
  7. Air balloons. Do not inflate them too much so that the ball does not burst during the game. Show your child how to play football or toss with them.
  8. House. Place two chairs next to each other, cover them with a blanket, fold back the corner - climb in, baby! You can make a house by covering the table with a long tablecloth. Just remove all things from it so that nothing falls on the child if he pulls off the tablecloth while playing.
  9. Feed the toy. Place dolls or stuffed animals. Tell your baby that it’s time for the toys to have lunch, and give him paper “products” - for example, cut out along the contour in the form of candies of different sizes and colors. Place cardboard plates in front of each toy and let the baby place the “treat” on them.
  10. Old color magazines, or toilet paper. Paper shredding is fun! Let the baby tear it, spread it, crush it into lumps, poke holes.

  11. Magic bag. Place small items in a bag and offer them to your baby from time to time. Tie very small things - buttons and beads - into necklaces or sew them onto pieces of fabric. Don't forget to update the contents of the bag. If you have empty 5-liter bottles at home, you can stuff small items into them. And everything that the bottle “eats” can then be viewed through the transparent walls.
  12. Sorting box. Find a box with several divisions, place different types of items in them: chestnuts, large beans, shells. You can also provide plastic spoons and several bowls with this box. Under your supervision, your child will enthusiastically rearrange and sort small items, and at the same time learn to hold a spoon and transfer the contents with it without loss.
  13. Sprinkling of cereals. In the kitchen, you can give your baby several containers (cups, bowls) and any cereal. Invite your baby to spoon it from one bowl to another. The game can be easily varied with different tasks: pour equally into all cups, more into one bowl, a little less into another.

How to captivate a curious one-year-old toddler? Many mothers ask themselves this question, since combining activities with the baby and household chores is quite difficult. Moreover, after a year, the baby becomes more active, but he still lacks perseverance.

We offer you a list of exciting games that will help keep a 1-2 year old child busy for a while and at the same time develop his finger motor skills, attention, and sensory skills.

It is not difficult to captivate a baby under one year old; for this you will need a regular rattle, a rotating mobile or an educational mat.

But by the first round anniversary, children begin to actively explore the space: they either crawl quickly or take their first steps. It's no surprise that parents now need to come up with new ideas for activities with their little ones.

Let's look at two options: joint games with the mother and independent activity of the baby, when a woman needs to free up a little free time for herself and at the same time keep the child occupied with something.

We offer several interesting games for children from one to two years old.

What to do with a 1-2 year old child: joint games

The best partner for one-year-old children is his beloved mother.

At this age, the child is not yet attracted to the company of his peers, since neither he himself nor other children can yet come up with ideas for entertainment.

What games can parents offer their baby?

  1. Bubble. There is probably not a baby in the world who would not love to watch how water turns into multi-colored transparent balls. Children are interested in everything in this process: where do bubbles come from, how can they be blown out, why do they burst? The baby will definitely want to create bubble itself, which is why this activity sometimes drags on until the solution in the jar runs out.
  2. Drawing. A 12-month-old child already paints with finger paints with obvious pleasure; by the age of two he can already cope with gouache and watercolor painting. The most important thing is to choose safe paint and create a workspace, and then watch how the baby mixes paints and makes handprints and fingerprints. By the way, rolls of old wallpaper will come in handy in this matter. They are much more economical than expensive albums.
  3. Modeling. You can sculpt from special salted dough or ordinary soft plasticine. Just don’t buy fragrant plastic mass, because the child will definitely want to try it. Show him the simplest exercises: roll a ball, a sausage, demonstrate how to make a flat cake. Don’t expect beautiful figures; at this age children are interested in studying the properties of materials. The advantage of such an activity is undeniable - active development fine motor skills!
  4. Role-playing games. A one and a half year old child is already showing genuine interest in role-playing game. At this moment, he imitates the actions of his parents, which he sees every day. Usual scenes: feed the doll, do exercises with her, swaddle her, rock her in a stroller, put her to sleep. And yet we can’t do it without my mother’s help. Closer to three years, the plots of games will become more complex, because imagination will be added to direct experience.
  5. Reading books. One-year-old children cannot yet comprehend long works with a plot, so leave fairy tales for later. One or two years is the age for reading poems and jokes. Typically, classical children's literature goes off with a bang: poems by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, etc. By the way, take these works as a basis for children's mini-performances by purchasing a finger theater or making one from ordinary gloves.
  6. "Walking" games. Game options on fresh air limited only by my mother's imagination. You can play with other children on the playground by taking a ball with you outside. Feed the pigeons a piece of old loaf, thereby developing children's motor skills and observation skills. Swing on a swing, build a snow woman in winter, and collect bright leaves in autumn. In summer, the list of entertainment expands significantly.
  7. Outdoor games at home. Without these useful activities It's hard to imagine a normal day with a baby. You can’t sit a baby down at the table for several hours and expect him to draw, sculpt, or assemble something. If the baby walks confidently, play hide and seek, tag or tag with him. If he is just taking his first steps, just roll a ball on the floor or jump on a fitball.
  8. Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids. Let your activities with your baby be not only fun, but also useful. To do this, it is not enough to buy educational toys; adults must get involved in games and teach the child to interact with objects. For children aged 1-2 years, cubes, pyramids, insert frames, sorters, large construction sets, and musical instruments are suitable.
  9. Games with cereals. Take a large basin with semolina, place a lot of “secrets” and “treasures” in it. These can include small toys, jar lids, and shaped pasta. By the way, you can draw on pallets or large dark dishes unusual paintings children's fingers.
  10. Balloons. Amazing exciting activity with small children. You can draw funny faces on the ball with a felt-tip pen. The balloon can be inflated and released without tying the neck - joyful screams cannot be avoided. The little researcher will be interested for a long time in how such a small rag turns into a large and light ball.
  11. Housework. Sometimes you don’t need to come up with new activities for your child; it’s enough to just let him help you with the housework. For example, give your toddler a sponge and a damp cloth and show him how to wipe off the dust. Two year old children They can already use a floor brush and wash dishes. Place your child on a small pedestal near the sink, lather the sponge and let him wash the plastic dishes.

What can you do with a one or two year old baby: independent games

Let’s make a reservation right away that the concept of “independent games” is quite relative, since in this age period The child cannot yet occupy himself. And it’s not safe to leave such a little toddler alone.

However, no one is stopping you from keeping your baby busy for a while to do household chores or take a break. What ideas will your child like?

  1. "Miracle box" In a regular box you need to put various trinkets and small things. The contents need to be updated regularly, and the box itself should not be kept in plain sight. Let her appearance be a surprise. Inside the “wonderful” box there may be parts from construction sets, small toys, bottles, packaging for vitamins, that is, everything that your imagination tells you. Be careful - do not put small parts that the baby could swallow.
  2. Fun with paper. Both at 12 months and at two years old, children are interested in paper products - they love to rustle paper, tear it into pieces, crush it and make balls out of it. The cheapest and safest option is roll games toilet paper. But you shouldn’t give glossy magazines and newspapers. Newspaper pages get dirty with printing ink, and magazine gloss has sharp edges that can hurt small fingers.
  3. A package of clothes. In a textile bag, put things that the baby has already outgrown, or clothes that are out of season. Little fashionistas and fashionistas are usually captivated by such wardrobe games for about 20-30 minutes. They love to stand in front of the mirror and try things on themselves. By the way, this way you can teach your baby to dress independently.
  4. Water activities. Fill a basin with not too much water, hand the baby a variety of rubber toys (ducks, bear cubs, boats), and let him play. Many children enjoy the completely innocent fun of slapping their palms on the surface of the water and watching the splashes. However, you should not allow your baby to play in the bathroom without your supervision. It is better to lay an oilcloth in the room and place a basin of water on it.
  5. Cartoons and educational presentations. Of course, it’s better to watch cartoons with your child, but if you need a break for 10-15 minutes, you can turn on a good animated film or an interesting presentation. However, you should not get carried away with this method; nothing can replace a child’s communication with adults and interaction with real objects.

Good afternoon, dear readers! I recently wrote about what to do if... Now let’s take a closer look - how to prevent such a situation? How to teach a baby to play? And you need to start this at 1 year!

Of course, we instill independence in the child even before the age of one year. We give as much freedom as possible. We allow you to study a variety of subjects. We organize it for him... But conscious elements of the game appear only closer to the year.

And today we will talk about the game. Let's move away from the topic of separation from mom, being carried in arms and being attached to the chest... How to play with a child at 1 year old?

Simplicity of games

Scientists believe that at this age the baby is most susceptible to everything that happens. What can you tell him about the structure of the world, read “Onegin” - and all this will be deposited somewhere inside him.

I don’t know how true this is, but it’s better to play games that are appropriate for his age. Only what he can understand... And repeat.

The most striking example: at that age I played with my eldest daughter rather strangely. It seemed to me that the child was not yet able to play. In my understanding, a game was a whole performance of toys.

This game would be good for a 4-5 year old child. But not in a year! My one-year-old daughter could not repeat my actions. She sat and watched with pleasure as the toys “talked” to each other, solved some problems...

I constantly came up with new stories. It seemed to me that the child would be bored watching the same “play.” And this went on for 2-3 years, until the child began to join the game. However, by this time my daughter was already accustomed to being entertained all day long. And we faced a number of problems.

All this could have been avoided if I had approached the game wisely. At one year old, the toddler is able to perceive only the simplest actions. For example:

  • spoon feeding toys;
  • put the doll to sleep, rocking it to sleep;
  • comb the doll's hair;
  • roll cars;
  • collect something in a box;
  • “vacuum cleaning”, sweeping, washing something with a rag and imitating simple household chores;
  • "talking on the phone";
  • push a stroller with a doll;
  • “stomp” with a doll, etc.

Karapuz repeats the game

Once upon a time it seemed to me that a one-year-old boy should not be shown two identical toy “performances”. And then it turned out that on the contrary - at this age you need to play the same thing many times. Only then will the baby remember the game and understand what is required of him.

In one year you can “feed” dolls all day long. And perform some simple actions with toys. The main thing is to teach your child to do this with you.

First, perform the game action yourself several times. Then try to repeat it, but with your child. Feed your army of toys with your baby's hand. If he resists, don't be upset. Continue to enthusiastically put a spoon in the dolls' mouths.

All children grasp new games differently. Some people connect right away. And someone needs to see it from the outside 20-30 times. The main thing is not to complicate the task. Choose only the most simple games. We go through them in three stages:

  1. Only the mother plays, the child watches.
  2. The child plays, but with the help of his mother.
  3. Only the child plays.

And remember that our task is to teach the baby to play independently. At least for a few minutes. In my opinion, this is more useful for development than any activity involving searching for a spout or smearing plasticine.

How to make the game more interesting?

At one year old, it will be enough for your child if you simply twirl toys in your hands, put them somewhere, constantly “feed” them and roll them in a stroller. However, not all mothers can withstand this test.

With my second baby, I learned the main rule: the game should be interesting to the mother! If you don't like the game, then:

  • the child does not receive a portion of enthusiasm from you and also does not want to play, preferring to hang on his chest or in his arms;
  • motherhood begins to seem like hell to you;
  • you try to isolate yourself from the child and spend less time with him. He feels it - and tries to become more attached to you.

But the good news is that you can make the game fun! However, for this you will have to work a little.

And if you, like me, have no idea what to play... Download yourself a lot of books about games at this age. There are very, very many of these books. And in different books a different approach to the game is given. Download, read and try.

Sooner or later you will find something that inspires you. Some people like games with handicraft elements... Some people are more interested in something educational. I prefer games with poetry.

I’ll give you an example of our favorite game... I already wrote about it on my VKontakte page, but I’ll duplicate it.

We pick up any large toy and “walk” with it, repeating the words:

"Get out of the way, cat,
Our Little Bunny (Doll, Girl, etc.) is coming!
Our Zainka is coming,
There's no way he'll fall.

And then we say: "Bang! Fell!" and with these words we drop the doll. Then we continue to stomp again.

The topic of first steps for a one-year-old baby is very relevant. And our son enthusiastically joined the game. Moreover, this game develops a calm attitude towards falls in the child. Which are inevitable in this period.

The subtext of the game is this: if you fall, get up and move on. Falling is normal.

In addition, the son tries to repeat simple words- “top” and “thump”. In this case, they are included in the text for a reason. This is how it’s easier for a one-year-old to start talking.

You may not be inspired by our game. This is fine. But believe me, there are millions of different games in the world. Look for them. In books, on Internet sites, in educational programs... You will definitely find “your” games. You just need to be patient.

Here is a video of one of the game options:

If the article was useful, repost it in in social networks. And subscribe to blog updates. See you again!

All kids love to play! This is an axiom. Through play, children learn, experience new things, and expand their horizons. For curious kids, we have put together a whole category of flash projects, united by interesting plots, fun events, and simple and exciting tasks.

Games for kids will appeal to all preschoolers, without exception, because here popular cartoon characters, brave heroes, fantasy funny people, animals and even geometric figures. A cheerful company simply beckons you to join it and take part in games - educational, entertaining, creative and simply interesting.

Games for little ones include simple crosswords, fascinating puzzles, exploration of the world around them, simple mathematical tasks, puzzles, memories and much more. Training alternates with the game, allowing you to tirelessly go through level after level, developing the habit of winning. Still don't know what to do with your preschooler? On the IgroDutka portal you will certainly find something that a child will like and that his parents will be satisfied with the quality of workmanship. Toddler games are characterized by a complete absence of aggression, anger, boredom, and any negative aspects. All flash drives delight with brightness, cheerful music and tasks that any child can do.

Educational games for a 1 year old child

Many parents are at a loss when it comes to playing with their infants. Many young parents know how to feed, wash, and walk with the baby, but most do not know what educational games for a 1-year-old child are played with the baby in their free time from these chores.

Naturally, the main development of a child up to one year old takes place in the form of play, which is aimed at developing basic speech skills, coordination of movement and familiarization with the world around him.

This article will detail the basic exercises and exercises that contribute to these goals. First, we will discuss the characteristics of infants during the monthly period and suitable games at this time.

Games that develop speech for 1 year olds.

A six-month-old child babbles coherently, pronounces syllables, and by the age of 7 months you can hear an imitation of an adult’s voice, that is, individual syllables that were formed by chance or were copied from the speech of an adult. After another month or two, start playing with your baby in imitation of new syllables, pronounce the syllable several times and wait for the baby to answer you. This game trains articulatory apparatus, and naturally enriches the babble of the baby.

From six months to 10 months. The child is actively developing an understanding of the adult’s words. The child is able to enjoy the voice and listens to the speech, beginning to understand them. This movement of the baby encourages him to turn his head and look for certain objects with his eyes, either in a specific place or throughout the entire space of the room.

In accordance with the abilities, educational games are also selected for a child aged 1 year, in which it is necessary to imagine and name the main processes, such as “okay”, “how big!”, “goodbye”, etc. are suitable, they can be repeated many times while the baby is interested. I think there is no need to explain the essence of these games, the name speaks for itself.

Already from the age of eight months, educational games for a child of 1 year acquire a new focus - we teach children to look for a couple of known objects, then ask them to take out the desired object.

During communication and games, it is necessary to address the baby by name as often as possible: in the ninth month of life, the baby is able to remember his own name, look for an adult, turn his head, and approach the person who calls him by name. Therefore, it is worth playing rhymes with the baby’s name or various jokes - parents can come up with such simple games on their own.

Educational games for a 1 year old child: learning subjects

Now let's look at specialized educational games aimed at studying surrounding objects. The games are again the most basic: place a voluminous, colorful and sounding object in its usual place and call it several times until the baby turns his head in the direction of finding the object. For example, put your baby’s favorite toy dog ​​on a shelf that the baby can easily see, and say: “Where is Deniska’s dog, woof?” Then, taking the toddler in your arms, bring him to the toy and let him have fun with it. Try to conduct activities when the baby is calm and cheerful, and nothing bothers him. Having mastered this game, try to change the dog’s usual location and repeat your question, let the baby look for his toy in the room. Thus, a connection is formed between the word “dog” and the toy itself, and not with the shelf on which it stood. Play this game with other objects.

Training can be carried out not specifically, but using the interests of the child. For example, if a child is focused on a switched-on lamp, be sure to ask: “Where is the light, look?”, and do not forget to call the baby by name: “Deniska, where is the light? Here is our light! All educational games for children aged 1 year must be repeated several times; after one try, a child under one year old will not be able to establish a connection between the event and the explanation, so be patient and persistent. Over time, such games for recognizing objects need to be complicated by adding new objects, for example, a doll will be added to the dog. The parent needs to say, “Look Deniska, here’s the dog, but where’s the doll?” Such games form visual memory, introduce you to the world around you and help you focus your attention on a specific thing.

Educational games for a 1 year old child: developing movement coordination

The simplest game aimed at developing a child’s motor skills is hide and seek. For example, a mother throws a small scarf over her head, or simply covers her face with her hands and asks: “Where is mom?”, then, opening her face, says: “Here is mom!” Let the child repeat these movements himself, closing and opening his or his mother’s face.

At the age of six months, teach your baby the names of the basic movements, thus establishing the connection between the movement itself and its execution. For example, wave your hand, saying “goodbye,” and then wave your baby’s hand back, repeating the words. All educational games for children aged 1 year are repeated many times, the baby gets used to constant communication and actively progresses in learning, largely imitating adults.

Do not think that games with babies can only be verbal. From the age of six months, begin to actively explore objects around you. Give the child a certain toy in his hands, let him examine it, then show him how to knock on other things and what sound comes out, wave the objects, or let the baby throw it on the sofa, such simple games perfectly form the coordination of the baby’s movements. Show that the ball needs to be rolled, and that rubber toys can be compressed and unclenched.

Approaching the first year of life, children's ability to develop understandable speech is rapidly developing; with effective upbringing, the number of understandable words rapidly increases. It is worth teaching children to remember not only their own name, but also the names of adults and children who are next to them. Here are some more interesting educational games for 1-year-old children.

All means are good in the game

Educational game for a 1 year old child: “Searching in the sandbox”

For this game you only need the contents of your kitchen cabinet and a small toy. Take out a jar of semolina - this is our sand - and pour about a kilogram into a spacious saucepan or wide bowl and put this simulated sandbox out for the little one to tear to pieces. The baby’s surprise and enthusiasm will be immeasurable, because he loves learning everything new! After he enjoys sowing grain through his fingers and tastes unknown grains, engage him in an exciting search. Hide any insignificant toy in the cereal, and do not interfere with the little one’s efforts to find the hidden treasure. When the treasure is found, offer your child a wooden sieve and teach him to use it. So the most exciting educational game is ready, for an hour, and during this period mommy will have time to prepare dinner.

Educational game for a 1 year old child: “Young Explorer”

Your old bag is suitable for this game, get rid of all the small things and fill the empty sections with all kinds of interesting to the touch and appearance items. Anything you have on hand will do: a small toy, a cucumber, a pencil, safe cutlery, a rustling bag, a wallet with compartments, a keychain with keys and a ringing phone. All objects that are used in the adult world are unusually attractive to the child, and he will delve into the treasure bag with admiration.

Educational game for a 1 year old child: “Funny Faces”

We suggest making a developmental craft with your own hands; all you need is a plastic cup, a regular cocktail straw (or spaghetti tube), a cut out cardboard circle, tape and a pencil. Then do the following process: draw a mischievous face on a cardboard circle (five centimeters wide). We attach the muzzle to the straw with tape. And at the bottom of a plastic glass, cut a hole and thread a tube through it so that the face ends up inside the glass. By moving the tube up and down, you will get a smiling little man jumping out of the vessel. Rest assured, this will greatly amuse your baby.

In general, I think the principle is clear; in educational games with children under one year old, a variety of dishes are suitable: wooden, plastic, small toys for looking at, taking out, putting in, etc. Offer to get a seductive toy by pulling it towards you by the ribbon. Buy toys for your baby that roll when touched, for example, balls, cylinders, etc., this encourages the baby to crawl after them, push them away and catch up again and again. Offer your baby, who is in a crib or playpen, a cloth, a ball, a ball, or light skittles for throwing away.

Child development does not require a lot of money, but only your attention and effort.