Useful tips

Antonyms game for children 8 years old. Didactic game “Opposites. A game. Finish the sentence and name the “enemy words”

How nice it is to see and listen to a person telling an interesting story. I always admire people who have mastery of words. I hope you share my opinion.

There are currently very few sources of quality language in the environment around our children. Just very little.

Which exit? This environment must be created. I already talked about this in an article about theatrical activities for children. Good result word games are provided for the mind and speech , for example, when we look for a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one, thinking speeds up .

An antonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to the given one.

For preschoolers, the expression “enemy words” is more understandable. But you can introduce the concept of “antonyms for a word.” I usually tell the kid: “Now we will look for “enemy words”. They are also called “antonyms”. You will learn this word at school. So remember, it will be useful to you.”

Believe in experience, a preschooler will definitely try to remember and show off in front of his friends and parents. Sometimes this can be explained to schoolchildren if the search for antonyms is new to them. Moreover, these are not only first grade students.

Enemy words for preschoolers

A game. Finish the sentence and name the “enemy words”

Instructions. “You and I will come up with proposals: I will come up with the beginning, and you will come up with the end.”

  1. the mosquito is small, but the elephant...;
  2. the fluff is light, and the stone...;
  3. mustard is bitter, and sugar...;
  4. the bush is low, and the tree...;
  5. the compote is cold, and the soup...;
  6. the sour cream is thick, and the milk...;
  7. narrow stream, river...;
  8. It's dark at night, and during the day...;
  9. sugar is sweet, and lemon...;
  10. they walk with their feet and throw...;
  11. kindergarten is close, and school...;
  12. the ribbon is narrow, and the belt...;
  13. the stream is shallow, and the lake...;
  14. the lark sings, and the crow...;
  15. the plane flies high, and the helicopter...;
  16. the tortoise crawls slowly, the hare gallops...;
  17. there is a lot of water in the pan, but in the glass...;
  18. the buyer buys, and the seller...;
  19. It's hot in summer, and in winter...;
  20. in the morning they have breakfast, and at noon...;
  21. salt is salted, and sugar is...;
  22. the children answer, and the teacher...;
  23. in the evening the children leave kindergarten, and in the morning...;
  24. There are fruits growing on the tree, and in the garden...;
  25. in spring flowers appear on the trees, and in autumn...;
  26. in the morning they get out of bed, and in the evening...;
  27. the skyscraper is tall, and the hut...;
  28. birds fly, and snakes...;
  29. at noon they have lunch, and in the evening...;
  30. The viewer watches the movie, and reads the book...;
  31. There is dirt on the street, and in the house...;
  32. The trunk of the tree is thick, and the branch...
  33. the pencil draws, and the eraser...

A game. Say the opposite

Instructions. “I’ll tell you the word, and you say the opposite” (give an example)

night -...;

breakfast -…;

evening -...;

enemy -...;

purity -...;

cold -...;

war -...;

grass - …;

Earth - …;

movement - …;

talker - ...;

health - ….;

mind - ...

to come in -...;

be silent -...;

gave -...;

get up -...;

undress -...;

lift up -...;

laugh - …;


close -...;

come - …;

appear -…;

There is - ….

big - ...;

black - ...;

short -...;

bad - …;

sick -...;

old -...;

young - …;

wide -...;

thick -...;

narrow - …;

difficult - …;


bitter - ...

Words with opposite meanings are not in the dictionaries of even high school students. Therefore, the search for antonyms is currently relevant until the senior year.

Teaching both preschoolers and schoolchildren how to find antonyms for words should begin with something simple. Students may resent the simplicity. Explain that you need to warm up. Make it more difficult: answer straight away. As a rule, guys with a limited vocabulary already have a loser complex. By immediately offering complex (for example, abstract) words, you can get a complete refusal to study.

Semantic opposites in poetry

It's your and my turn
Play the game “Verse versa”.
I'll say the word
And you will answer:

I'll say the word
And you will answer:
… (close).

I'll say the word
And you will answer:
… (floor).

I'll say the word
And you will say:
… (found).

I'll tell you a word
You will answer:
... (brave).

I will say, -
Well, answer:
... (end) (D. Ciardi)

I don't like the word "heat"
I'm in the river, in the thick shade
And in bottles of lemonade,
What's my name?

The enemy of the word "laughter".
Not from joy, pleasure,
I happen involuntarily
Both from happiness and from pain,
From resentment, failures.
Did you guess it? - This…<

I don't like the word "summer".
Dressed in a snow coat,
At least I love frost myself!
Because I am...?

I am against noise and knocking.
Without me you will suffer at night.
I'm for relaxation
For sleep,
Yes, and I’m needed at school,
What's my name? –

I am never without a beginning
A close relative of the pier,
The crown of every deed,
My name is…?
(End) (A. O. Belobrykina)

Search for antonyms for schoolchildren

  1. The sources of words with opposite meanings are, of course, dictionaries. Job We start by searching for the Dictionary of Antonyms in the Russian Language (author M. R. Lvov). There is also an excellent information and reference resource _ By loading this link into the search bar (without a dash at the beginning of the link), you will be taken directly to the desired page. Work on each page for more than one day. Each time, take 10-20 pairs of words (depending on age and speech development).
  2. Read yourself carefully all the vocabulary pairs “a word is its opposite.”
  3. Encourage your teen to read it too.
  4. Let him name a word, and you – the opposite in meaning.
  5. Change roles.
  6. Start the next lesson with repetition: you say the word, he says the opposite word.
  7. Then the next 10-20 pairs of words (according to points 2-5).
  8. Word will help you choose the opposite word. Place the cursor over the word and press the right mouse button. At the bottom of the drop-down menu there will be a "Synonyms" item. From there, follow the arrow to the right and in the new menu down to the “Antonyms” item.
  9. Some words in the Russian language do not have their own semantic opposite. If your search for an antonym for the word is unsuccessful, you can do this on the resource in real time.

Children love to teach their parents at any age, so occasionally make a “mistake” somewhere. Praise the teenager, but not directly, because this may be perceived as ingratiation, but rather casually. Praise him to someone else, for example, in a telephone conversation with your grandmother, your father coming home from work, etc., but so that the teenager hears it.

By training a preschooler or schoolchild to find antonyms, you significantly expand his vocabulary and only by doing this speed up his thinking. That's the minimum. Do not waste time on useful work. It may be difficult at first. But the one who walks will master the road! The site Non-standard Children wishes success to its readers.

How to teach a child not to confuse opposite concepts (antonyms): cold-hot, high-low, sweet-salty, fluffy-prickly, smooth-rough and others?

1. You need to show a lot of concepts in comparison. For example, the classic game: “Look, this ball is big, and this one is small.”

2. Allow the child to explore opposing concepts by touch: “Touch, this glass is cold, but there is hot tea in this cup.”

3. Tell fairy tales in which there are comparisons, for example: “Three Bears”, “Thumbelina”, “Mitten”, etc.

4. Complete comparison tasks in which you need to compare something with something. Similar tasks are often found in ours.

5. Introduce a developmental element during a walk: compare sounds, smells, speed of cars, sizes of objects, show the child opposites in the world around him.

6. Get creative with opposites.

7. Play with cards depicting opposite concepts.

We have selected 16 pairs of cards with objects and familiar animals that are understandable to children, to make it easier for them to understand the meaning of each opposite.

| pdf format

To play with cards you need:

  1. Print sheets with pictures on a color printer (it is better to print on thick paper).
  2. Glue the sheets onto cardboard or laminate.
  3. Cut out the cards and the game set is ready!

How to play with antonym cards?

1. First, show your child a couple of cards and tell them what is shown in each picture. If the child can already speak for himself, ask him what he sees on the card.

2. Mix the cards and ask your child to find the one you name.

3. Ask your child to match the named cards.

4. You can also use cards as finds. For example, ask your child to find something cold, or point out a boy on the street, or find a high and low house while walking.

Natalia Shenteryakova

Purpose of the game: Development of speech, attention, figurative and semantic memory, logical thinking. Teach children to find objects opposite in meaning. Development of grouping skills opposites in color.

For work I needed:ceiling tiles, colored cardboard, colored paper, pictures " opposites", glue, tape, scissors.

1. I printed out the pictures in advance" opposites"

2. cut out pictures

3. cut a card to size from the ceiling tiles and glue colored cardboard

4. We place pictures on the cards in two columns, so that the picture " opposites"was on opposite side.

5. Cut out circles of red, blue and yellow colors from colored paper, paste them onto the pictures on the left side, etc. We put three circles in an envelope; we will need them for the actual game (children will use the circles to select opposite, thereby marking the picture with a corresponding circle having the same color as in the picture on the left)

A fun and exciting game is indispensable during the development of speech in a child. It helps improve speech and communication skills, figurative and verbal memory, attentiveness, the formation of logical thinking and the enrichment of vocabulary. During the game, the baby will learn to compare objects according to a certain characteristic and quickly find objects with opposite qualities.

How to play

Print six sheets with ready-made pictures on a color printer, for more convenient use, glue them onto thick paper and cut them.

From two to six people can take part in the game. The presenter shuffles and keeps cards with a red border, and distributes cards with a green border to everyone in equal numbers. Then he takes out one card in a red frame, reads the word written on it and shows the card to everyone. The player who believes that there is a suitable pair among his cards calls a word with the opposite meaning to the leader’s word. If the participant has chosen the opposite correctly, he takes the card. If the player makes a mistake, the rest of the participants continue to look for a pair among their cards. The winner will be the one who is the first to find opposite pairs for his cards.

If you are serious about preparing your child for school, play various educational games with him. You can also look for opposites together with your baby, for example, during a walk, just tell him a word, and he selects the opposite meaning for it.