
Outdoor table setting ideas. Celebrating a birthday in nature: simple ideas for a family holiday

Ideas for celebrating a birthday in nature should be significantly different from all other celebration options, that's for sure.

I tried to collect all the most interesting things so that you can choose suitable ideas for your holiday.

We decide the most main question. Which? This is a question of who exactly will organize everything and make the birthday party in nature truly memorable.

we do everything ourselves

book a holiday with a trip to nature

Option 1: We do everything ourselves!

Until the end of the article there will be ideas for those who are ready to arrange a memorable holiday for their loved ones. Honestly, it’s not that simple, you need a clear preparation plan and lists of necessary things, otherwise in the pre-holiday bustle you can forget the most necessary things.

Let's treat you!

1. Take ready-made food so that guests can safely wait for hot food

This is advice from many years of picnic experience. People usually come to nature in the morning, few people have time to have breakfast, and the road is long...

There must be a supply of ready-to-eat products, tea and coffee in thermoses, otherwise preparing a shashlik will not turn into a festive anticipation, but a nervous process in which the coals take too long to light, the meat takes too long to fry, etc.

What you can take as a morning buffet:

Ready sandwiches
pies with salty and sweet fillings
spring rolls
pieces of fried meat in breadcrumbs or round flat cutlets (it’s convenient to make hamburgers with them)
fresh and salted vegetables
washed fruits
tea, coffee, juices

2. For the grill menu

Of course, on a birthday in nature, you want to see such treats that do not happen during home feasts.

There are so many marinade recipes that I won’t risk describing them here, I’ll just remind you what can be cooked on the grill.

Meat shish kebab
chicken kebab (by the way, you can eat it without vinegar, and the semi-finished product can be made at home and heated over a fire right in foil. Children always want everything quickly)
fish on the grill
baked vegetables (zucchini, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers)
in a pot you can cook fish soup or meat sauce with herbs

3. Don't forget:

Drinking water in small bottles
bread, buns, cookies
ketchup and mustard
salt, sugar, seasonings
disposable tableware and tablecloths
good knives, ladle, slotted spoon
wet wipes
garbage bags
silicone gloves to reduce hand washing
set of skewers and grill
folding grill, coal
quick ignition agent

Disposable foil trays for prepared kebabs and vegetables
folding furniture or inflatable chairs
spare clothes for children
mosquito repellent
rolls of foil and cling film to cover products from flies and wasps
first aid kit with plaster, peroxide, painkillers
a compact tent (if children don’t start playing in it, you can put all the bags, packages and backpacks in the tent, which always spoil the natural landscape with their appearance and ruin all the photographs)

We design a dacha (clearing, gazebo)!

There are ready-made paper decorations that can be turned into voluminous balls, stars and pompoms in a couple of seconds.

Ready-made paper decorations

That's the problem. All these decorations are quite LARGE and you don’t need so many of them to decorate a room. The price is very reasonable, they are sold folded and fold up very easily, literally in a couple of seconds. Rate my work, I dedicated a separate article to each type of decoration:

Here is a selection of articles with examples:


Paper multi-colored

And here's another

Do you know what forfeits are?

Let's entertain our guests!

Now we are talking about a family holiday, but there may be options here:

  1. gathered adults of different generations from 18 to 90 years old
  2. At the festival there are many young families with small children from 1 to 9 years old
  3. Families with children from 1 to 17 years old came to visit you
  4. there are no small children, but there are teenagers aged 12-17 who are bored in adult company

Agree, in each of these cases the program should be different.

Free scripts for children and teenagers

  • (especially suitable)
  • Board games: high-quality cards for the games “Crocodile”, “Mafia”, “Alias”, “Svintus”, etc.

All together: 2 to 92

The most difficult case, the tasks for such a company are the most difficult to come up with.

If you feel that adults would like to have some fun with their children, let me remind you of a few time-tested fun games. Yes, you will need to buy some things, but then you will use the most successful props for many, many years.

  • If there is a place for outdoor games, there are always those interested for volleyball, badminton and frisbee, don’t forget to throw balls, rackets and frisbees into your backpack. Often there are no clearings for such fun, you need something less active, read on!

  • Fanta. Just like that, people also start dancing and start reading funny poems, but in forfeits there are very unexpected ones. Naturally, you also buy all sorts of funny little things and say the phrase “I’ll give this prize to phantom number...5!” In the second half of the party, for some reason, everyone is amused even by the wording of the task, and even more so by the execution. Books with tear-off forfeits are sold in bookstores.

  • Limbo. A fun dance activity with a stick, which is held horizontally by two assistants at a height of 1.5 meters. The dancers go through the first circle under the stick and line up for a new circle. Just lower the stick 10 cm lower...
  • Dance battle. The most difficult thing here is the selection of music. If you have the Internet, there are no such difficulties, but in nature, for such a competition you need to pre-record fragments of famous dance tunes on disk: lambada, dance of little swans, lezginka, duck dance, tango, hip-hop, macarena, rock and roll, etc. d.

  • You can take an interesting one funny scenario with family games. For example, on our website we have
  • Darts. If it is very difficult to involve men in all the previous entertainments, then when they see darts, they immediately leave their place at the festive table and line up with darts. There are quite budget options. Hang it on a tree and compete! By the way, darts can be replaced with ring throw, it's fun too! Take a closer look at the game "Towns". All sets are for sale, just don't forget!

  • Face painting, Popuas and Indians. If an outdoor birthday takes place during the hot season, divide the guests into two teams and organize a body art show. Children are generally delighted with the idea that they can paint not only part of their face, like at all other holidays, but their WHOLE BODY! Adults also find colorful excitement. It would be nice to prepare small accessories - feathers, Hawaiian flower beads, paper ribbon skirts, bracelets, thin plastic masks and funny glasses. Get your camera ready, these are memorable shots!
  • Team games. Honestly, if no one has experience in conducting such games, everything is not very interesting. A good presenter knows how to make a “candy” out of the most banal task. Just in case, let me remind you about tug of war and running in bags.
  • Relay races. In nature, you can drag water in ladles and pour it into a jar, carry bagels on your head during an obstacle course, “string” all team members on a string, inflate or pop balloons at speed, etc.
  • Strongman competition. It's very easy to do, and the excitement around the prize 5-liter keg of beer is always very big. It needs to be held at arm's length for as long as possible. You can replace the “barrel” with arm wrestling.
  • Launching lanterns, cold fountain, firecrackers. Celebrating a birthday outdoors should also have a beautiful ending. Launching Chinese lanterns is a very beautiful tradition. The main thing is to do everything correctly, it will fly beautifully and there will be no accidental fires. There are no “contraindications” to cold fotans. These are just silver splashes in honor of the birthday boy!

A dacha is that corner of happiness that many people dream of. At the dacha you can not only plant crops and flowers, but also organize all sorts of holidays, celebrations, New Year's Eve celebrations and just barbecue at fresh air. What should the festive table setting be like at the dacha? Not all housewives know this, which is why we offer you some tips and recommendations on how to decorate beautifully. festive table Outdoors.

It is best to install the table directly outside, on the grass or in a gazebo, if you have one. Two baskets are placed on the table, in one of which there are cutlery (napkins, plates, glasses), and in the other - vegetables and fruits, because this is the kind of food that guests are usually treated to at their summer cottage. As a rule, each guest serves food to himself and sits down with it in a convenient place.

There is another way to receive guests at the dacha and serve the festive table, when everyone sits at the table and eats dishes that are richer in fat and calories than vegetables and fruits. But such an environment will not be businesslike, so it is best to use a variety of colors and paints here. For such a holiday, it is best to have a bright tablecloth and napkins in cheerful colors. However, it is important that all colors are harmoniously combined with each other. Here, of course, porcelain is a good substitute for colorful, beautiful ceramic cups, and glass is replaced by plastic disposable tableware or aluminum.

You can decorate the entire feast in a simple classic national style. All country treats should be as simple as possible, so that guests can take them not only with cutlery, but also with their hands - after all, this is what nature and similar conditions exist for.

If you decide to organize a presentable evening or holiday at the dacha, then it is best to add flowers, several candlesticks with candles, crystal glasses and fragile porcelain to the table setting. You should start setting such a table with plates, which should be at a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the table opposite each chair. All equipment must be thoroughly washed and dried.

To the right of the plate is placed a tablespoon, bottom down, and a knife. The fork is placed to the left of the plate with the teeth facing up. The wine glass is placed to the left of the plate, and to the right of it is placed a glass for champagne (if necessary) and even to the right a glass for spirits. If any of the drinks is missing, then, accordingly, it is not set for it.

After setting up the cutlery, you can safely move on to further serving and decorating the table. To do this, you can put flowers in a vase that is not too large and candlesticks with candles so that they do not interfere or embarrass the guests. Napkins are placed under a fork, knife or on a plate. After this, spices, a salt shaker, a plate of bread and a carafe of juice are placed in the middle of the table. It is best to place fruits on small flat vases and distribute them throughout the table.

Remember that to set a country holiday table, you can use either a tablecloth or simply napkins placed under each table set.

The success of a party with friends or a family gathering for a birthday largely depends on the table setting. For those who organize a holiday themselves or arrange a surprise for loved one, we have prepared a selection of 85 inspiring photos of holiday table settings, compiled 4 table design options and 8 tips on how to beautifully and inexpensively set and decorate a birthday table.

A little about preparation and organizational issues

  • Having set the date and time of the holiday, having decided on the list of guests, menu and budget, you should begin to audit the service and your existing decor. Make sure that dishes, utensils, treats and napkins are of the right quality and quantity.
  • Pay special attention to the presence of dishes for desserts: stands for cakes, shelves and dishes for fruits and sweets, dessert plates and spoons, as well as candles and straws for drinks.
  • If you are not familiar with the rules of serving, it doesn’t matter, modern table decoration at home does not require strict adherence to the rules, but still some principles are worth learning. An approximate arrangement of cutlery and utensils can be seen in the following diagram.

  • It’s also worth thinking through the table design down to the smallest detail in advance. And our selection of photos and tips will help you with this.

4 design ideas

Idea 1. Table decoration in an unusual style and color scheme

Any table setting, consistent with the same concept and color scheme, will be beautiful. But to make the holiday table look especially original, you should choose some unusual style, color scheme or motif.

Here are a few fresh ideas birthday table decorations:

  • Serving in the style of a la russe - this look has not yet become fashionable and has not yet become boring. A table with nesting dolls, a samovar, and bagels will definitely be remembered by guests and will create a sincere atmosphere.

  • Rustic style has long become popular in wedding decor, but have not yet had time to get tired of decorating home holidays. Rustic deserves attention not only because of its “trendiness”, but also because it makes it possible to decorate a table with your own hands literally from improvised means and natural materials.

  • Another trend in decor is black, white, pink and gold with prints: stripes, zigzags and polka dots.

  • Floral motifs on dishes – timeless classic experiencing a rebirth. Flowers are trending not only in vases and porcelain designs, but also in table textiles.

Idea 2. Thematic table decoration

A birthday tied to any theme is doomed to success and beautiful photos.

There are a lot of themes for both children's and adult parties, and for each you need to select your own accessories.

What table setting elements can be stylized?

  1. Serving a sweet menu, including cake;
  2. Decor of bottled drinks;
  3. Table decorations: vases, and other accessories;
  4. Tablecloth;
  5. Nameplates and menus.


  • Usually, themed parties do not require expensive decor; you can decorate a basic set of accessories and do a lot of things with your own hands. So, on a classic white tablecloth you can lay fabric runners in the desired color.
  • Try to adhere not only to a given theme, but also to a certain color scheme in everything - from decorating dishes to decorating bottles.

Here are some examples of table settings for a themed birthday party (adult):

Idea 3. Orientation to the time of year and seasonal decor

If themed days birthdays are more suitable for parties with friends or children's matinee, then it is better to spend a holiday with your family or a gala reception of guests more traditionally and elegantly. Consider decorating the table to match the time of year in which you or the birthday person were born. This design option has a big advantage - you can decorate the table not only beautifully, but also relatively inexpensively, using seasonal natural materials: flowers, fruits, leaves, pine cones and branches.

Summer table setting can be decorated with garden or wildflowers in small narrow vases, as well as fruits as shown in the photo below (scroll).

The autumn festive table can be decorated with yellowed leaves, acorns, pine cones, rowan branches, wooden stands, seasonal vegetables, for example, pumpkin. The color scheme, of course, consists of autumn colors: orange, gold, yellow, burgundy, brown, etc.

For winter day Cones and dry branches of trees, for example, rowan, are suitable for birth, but in no case should they eat pine trees. The color scheme here should consist of cool colors and contrasting combinations: blue + white, blue + white, silver + white, etc. But New Year's flowers (red and green), as well as Christmas tree decorations best avoided. Snowflakes, stars and owls are suitable decorations.

  • To completely eliminate the association of winter decor with New Year’s, you need to put vases with flowers on the table, for example, white roses as in the photo below.

Spring birthday is held in gentle tones, the table is decorated fresh flowers, for example, tulips and hyacinths, as well as willows and sakura branches. Decorative butterflies can enhance the spring mood.

8 solutions for budget serving

It is not necessary to buy new serving accessories for your birthday celebration, because most of the details can be easily and inexpensively made from scrap and natural materials.

  1. , decorated with lace, burlap, paint, ribbons, jute, etc. Photo examples of such decor are presented below.

  1. Balloons filled with helium are suitable for table decoration. Here are some ideas that are suitable for setting a table for a child’s or even an adult’s birthday. It is better to select balls in accordance with the general color scheme table decoration.

  1. Napkins can be decorated:
  • Rings made of beads and seed beads, which you can make with your own hands in advance;

  • Ribbons or twine (for a rustic serving style).

  1. What can you use instead of expensive flowers for table settings and napkins? If the birthday is celebrated in the summer, then there are no problems with flowers - you just need to collect them in advance (in a clean place) and make compositions from field daisies, clover, fireweed, or even porridge. This design will turn out to be very gentle and elegant.

In autumn and winter, branches and cones are suitable, which you can paint with your own hands, for example, with gold paint as in the next photo on the right.

In spring, and at any time of the year, instead of flowers in the decoration of napkins, you can use sprigs of greenery, for example, rosemary or thyme (photo below), and you can put willow branches in a vase.

  1. To decorate, for example, snack plates and cards with names, you can use almost anything: fruits, vegetables, sweets, baked goods, the same pine cones, leaves, acorns, twigs, wine corks and much more.

  1. For table decoration, you can use paper: silk, foil, colored cardboard, corrugated.

  1. We have already said above that an ordinary white tablecloth, which is found in every home, can be easily modified or even replaced with runners, which are easy and quick to sew. In the photo below, one runner is sewn from burlap and lace, and the second runner is sewn from white cotton fabric, decorated with special fabric paint.

And also a festive one made from paper, such as kraft paper or from stapled book pages.

  1. And finally, you can save time on washing dishes and money by using beautiful disposable tableware, which you need to choose by color.

OK it's all over Now. We hope that you have already gleaned some ideas and are ready to start organizing the holiday. We wish you that your chores will be pleasant, and that your birthday will be fun and soulful!

We found the dishes and we can start

And here again, as at home, in the city, the question of setting the country table will arise as a sharp edge. In fact, it’s not an easy task to arrange an elegantly served table in your corner, covered with the greenery of flowering herbs. Sparkling dishes, crystal glasses, exclusive cutlery, fresh starched napkins - all this food rests peacefully at home in cabinets and sideboards. In return, you are offered different-sized cups, plates that have strayed from all kinds of sets during different eras of use, dilapidated tablecloths and other household items that have moved to the dacha over the course of, perhaps, more than a dozen years of your life. But this is not a problem to be upset about! Indeed, in this case there is a great opportunity to realize all your wildest, previously dormant fantasies. Isn’t it interesting to have the same crazy tea party as the heroes of the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” did?

Eternal struggle with the wind. Problem solved!

The main thing you can worry about when setting a table surrounded by wildlife is the “disobedient” wind that breaks here and there. He sweeps away everything in his path: blows out candles, carries napkins into distant distances... But for every trouble (especially such an insignificant one) there is a reasonable solution. Arrange the plates and glasses available, lay out all the cutlery found in the bins and, then, look for the most tricky way laying out napkins.

Carefully take the fabric napkins with you, roll them into a tube, or fold them into a rectangle. With paper ones, you don’t have to be so sophisticated. Just lay them out on the table and put something heavy on top, for example, a radish tied in a bunch, some fruit or berry. At the end: we get an interesting, spring-like design and a napkin lying on the table, despite all the winds.

Let's light candles against all winds!

Setting the table in classic style, housewives put on it, as an ordinary phenomenon and a familiar attribute, wax or paraffin candles. Using them at home, hearth keepers use carved and other candlesticks. But with nature, and even in the open air, such things may be incompatible. All for the same simple reason - the wind. A barely noticeable whiff of it will turn a soulful party into a gloomy and boring dinner, shrouded in the smell of candles going out every now and then. But in the country table setting method there are always many acceptable ways to construct non-traditional homemade candlesticks. Plus, they will have fireproof properties. For example, you can try pouring 1/5 of the volume of salt into an ownerless jar found at the dacha, and placing a candle on top. That's all! rejoice in the warm light and enjoy.

Jars are suitable not only for preservation

Of course, jars standing on the table look bulky and unaesthetic, even as a modest element of country serving. Of course! Such familiar, elegant candlesticks could well compete with them. But there is always the opportunity to find a way out... Either give free rein to your deeply sleeping imagination, or replace large jars with smaller containers. Decorate them, paint them, wrap them in flowers or other available materials.

Bringing all this to life does not require many years of experience in design art and additional courses in obtaining artistic skills. All the material is around you. Flowers, herbs, leaves - anything will do. And with the help of a skillful hand, these elements of living nature will become a unique decor for your table. As an option, wrap the leaves and tie a Soviet faceted glass with rope, pour salt inside, immerse a candle and, with a clear conscience, decorate the lunch (or dinner) table.

One plate, two plates - there will be serving

The lack of the required amount of dishes of the same format is a frequent problem that arises during the holiday period. But, hurray! Manufacturers of disposable aids, in this case, products, come to the rescue. And now, summer residents “all over the world” have a wonderful opportunity to reduce the cost of their weekend by purchasing disposable tableware. At the same time, this inexpensive option offers plates and cups in a full range of colors. So, if you wish, you can arrange a rainbow on the table, or choose everything strictly to match the existing tablecloth. All that remains is to arrange bouquets of spring flowers on the table to create a beautiful, bright and, most importantly, inexpensively decorated table.

Operation DIY

When setting the spring-summer table in a homely, everyday setting, the hostess does not bother looking for ways to decorate the table. A couple of bowls with candies, a couple with cookies and another couple with berries - that’s all the arithmetic. But the dacha does not provide such methods and privileges. In harsh, “Spartan” conditions, you will have to create everything with your own hands. As fast way boxes for berries made from wrapping paper are offered.

Take thick paper or, as a last resort, an ordinary white sheet (soft, rustling, foil materials are excluded). Place a glass or jar in the center of the sheet. Wrap its edges around the installed vessel and tie it with ribbon, thin rope or braid. All. Once you remove the jar, you have an excellent mold for filling with candy or berries.

As mentioned above, a starched tablecloth may not come to the rescue in right moment, that is, it simply may not exist. But don't worry! The country table setting is ready for such a blow! When decorating a table outdoors, you can always use fabric napkins. And by making them yourself, and decorating a table option such as a wooden door instead of a tabletop, you will become the designer of the most non-standard table of all existing ones. White napkins, if used for such an occasion, are tied with multi-colored ribbons. Colorful vases or jars with flowers will only emphasize the created effect.

But if you still want something at home...

If disposable tableware is not suitable for you, and paper boxes are somehow not included in the list of items suitable for creating a wonderful atmosphere, and without a tablecloth you simply cannot imagine a festive (or any other) table, then the following method was invented specifically for such , how are you.

Cover the table with the tablecloth that you will probably be able to find with great difficulty. Provide him with dishes that will correspond to one theme. Even if its sizes and volumes are slightly different from each other, it is important that the “flowers” ​​do not stand next to the “squares” and “stripes”. In addition, hide tea tanks, half-liter in volume, from the times of the Soviet Union, if you have already placed thin transparent cups with graceful handles on the table.

If cookies and sweets need vases, use sugar bowls, gravy boats and teapots from all the sets you can find. And don’t forget, a bouquet of fragrant spring flowers will give the set table and everyone sitting at it a joyful mood appropriate to the time of year.

Spring. Country house. Flowers!

The very process of decorating a country table speaks of simplicity in everything that can be used. No matter how much they write and talk about the tablecloth on the table, it sounds quite boring. But spring is a time of change and new beginnings. And the next method of setting a country table will tell you how you can use natural materials that bloom in your country house. It is interesting in itself, and also combines the simplicity of decoration and the beauty of living nature. You will never be able to spoil the decor of a set spring table if there are fragrant bouquets of blooming flowers on it: lilacs, almonds, daffodils, crocuses or tulips. Place flowers in vases and enjoy spring freshness and beauty right at your table.

Lunches and dinners at the dacha are no different from meals at home. And yet warm spring days, fresh country air, melodious birdsong and all the other beauties of nature waking up from sleep, clearly hint at the need to fully enjoy them. Set a table right outside, place bouquets of flowers and all the different types of dishes you found on it. And after all, lift your spirits by drinking warm tea, with the soft vibrations of candle lights, and discussing the fluttering of evening moths.

Sandwiches daily and holidays
37th page

What's the best way to set the table? The best and most enjoyable thing for training is to set the table for coffee and tea. Why?

Firstly, beautiful sets - it’s interesting to choose tablecloths and napkins for them.

Secondly, it is interesting to group vases with sweets, cookies, cakes, halva, pieces of cake or waffles on the table.

Try choosing two or three “settings” for the same coffee (or tea) set and show your family or friends which one they like best.

It's good to train and cover the cold so-called Buffet- cold small appetizers, small salads, sandwiches, drinks. The difference between this table is that there is no need to provide each guest with a personal utensil: the plates are stacked on the buffet table, the knives, forks and spoons are “in a pile”, and the guests serve themselves, taking turns and approaching as needed. table.

All you have to do is choose a tablecloth and beautifully prepare and arrange the food.

It is better to train not alone, but with friends: one head is good, but two or three are better. And now watch movies and magazines more carefully: no, no, yes, they will show you a beautifully set table or an interestingly decorated dish; use every idea, and you will have no equal in matters of table setting, and this is the most important art after culinary art. Welcoming guests at home is one thing. What if in the summer, at the dacha? It's even more fun and interesting!

Buffet table setting.

See page section:
The table is decorated not only with beautifully selected tablecloths, napkins, and sets. The table is decorated with the served dishes and snacks.

For example, we serve cheese for breakfast. Cheese serving options:
a) cut into thin, translucent slices with a cheese slicer and place on a plate like a fan;
b) put a leaf of parsley, cilantro or a sprig of dill on the “fan”;
c) next to the greens or instead of them on the “fan” we place a slice of tomato, red or green bell pepper;
d) cut the cheese into bars or cubes and stick a special colored plastic fork into each;
e) take an apple and make a “hedgehog” out of it: stick decorative colored forks with cheese cubes on the sides;
e) put the cheese cut into cubes “sun”, and put black olives or green olives in the center, etc. - there can be as many options as you like.

Another example of how best to serve bread. It is better to cut the bread thinly, into equal slices. If the loaf is small, place it on a wooden board and cut into thin slices. You can serve it this way if there are no guests or if the guests are very close people. If the loaf is large, it is cut on a board into equal thin slices, they are cut further in half crosswise, transferred to a special plate and placed on the edge of the table. Or cut a piece 10-15 cm thick from a large loaf, and then cut slices from it in the same way as from a small loaf.

You should not put a lot of bread on one plate: it is better to spread it on two plates.

If several types of bread (and different colors) are served at the table, then it is more beautiful to put several slices of all types on the same plate (for example, slices of white, black and gray bread or white, black, white).

Bread looks best in a special wicker bread basket.

Options for serving a buffet table.

Place butter in a butter dish or on small plates. The butter can be served as a block, a whole square, it can be whipped and served as a cream, you can cut out various figures (balls, stars, roses) from a piece of butter, you can cut the butter into shavings with a special knife.

Sausage, especially dry sausage, is cut very thinly and slightly diagonally so that the slices are long: they are placed on a dish or plate in a roller or in rows (flat). On the same dish you can put different types of sausage, thinly sliced ​​ham, arranging them in rows, rollers, triangles, squares. Boiled sausage is cut into thicker slices (and boiled meat is the same) so that they do not crumble, the jelly is served laid out from the mold, making sure to remove any congealed fat from it.

For breakfast or dinner, boiled eggs are served covered with a napkin to keep them warm, or in a special warm “warmer”. Scrambled eggs are served in the same container in which they were fried, if possible.

Herring and dishes made from it are served in special herring bowls. If the dish is prepared with a rich marinade, it is served in a deep herring bowl or a small salad bowl.

The fish is served on a flat oval dish. Caviar - in special dishes or on very small plates. Caviar is usually not decorated: it is elegant on its own.

Smoked or salted fish is served sliced ​​diagonally, garnished with lemon slices or herbs (preferably lemon).

Small smoked fish is served whole or cut into pieces, but for special occasion it is not recommended.

Canned fish are carefully transferred from the jar to a plate or dish; they can be decorated with herbs.

Vegetables, if they are small, are served whole; large ones are cut into slices.

On each dish you need to put a spoon or a fork for serving, and sometimes both, since you should not take food with your spoon or fork (or knife) from a common dish.

Dishes are placed evenly on the table. It is believed that it is better to group them by color.

Serving sandwiches for a buffet table.

1. Salad with cucumber slices
Red onion - 1 pc., celery stalk - 1 pc., shrimp - 250-300 g, mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l., unsweetened yogurt - 1 tbsp. l., fresh cucumber - 400 g, a few arugula leaves, green onions for decoration, salt and pepper to taste.
Chop the onion and celery very finely. Chop onion and celery into one bowl. Add boiled peeled shrimp there. Season with mayonnaise and yogurt, salt and pepper to taste. Cut the cucumbers into slices about 8 mm thick or, if the cucumber is thin, into long slices and place on a dish and add salt. Place a leaf of arugula on each cucumber slice and top with a pile of shrimp salad. Sprinkle finely chopped green onions on top.

2. Buffet salad
Grate the raw carrots into thin slices. Place two slices of carrots side by side, add a salad of grated cheese, boiled egg, garlic, mayonnaise and herbs. Secure with skewers and sprinkle with Korean carrot seasoning.

3. Cheese snack
Mix grated processed cheese with grated cheese on a fine grater boiled egg, add garlic and mayonnaise. Form into balls and roll in finely chopped dill.

4. Canapes with curd paste
Mix curd cream, grated sausage cheese, crushed garlic, herbs, mayonnaise. Into pieces rye bread spread the prepared paste.

5. Refreshing snack.
Cut a lemon slice in half, place a slice of avocado and a spoonful of black caviar on top. Decorate with greens.

6. Lavash rolls with caviar
Mix a package of soft Viola cheese with sour cream and finely chopped herbs. Spread on thin pita bread. Spread red caviar on top. Roll it up, wrap it in film, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, cut diagonally.

7. Fish canapés
Spread a mixture of chopped herring, red onion, dill and soft cream cheese onto pieces of black bread. Garnish with caviar or herbs.

8. Hot sandwiches
Grate hard cheese on a fine grater, add herbs, raw egg, mix everything. Spread the finished mixture onto pieces of bread and place in a hot frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil spread mixture down. When the cheese is browned, turn over and fry the other side of the sandwich.

9. Light toast with cheese
Fry the toast, spread with butter, add a square piece of cheese, green peas and a sprig of parsley.

10. Original fruit toasts
Place a round slice of canned pineapple on a piece of toast and a slice of cheese on top. Place in the oven for 5 minutes at 200 degrees. Place a cherry in the cavity and garnish with pine nuts.

11. Holiday sandwiches
At the slice white bread cut off the peels, grease the sides and top with oil. Dip the edges in chopped dill, add pieces of red fish and garnish with lemon. Fish can be replaced with red caviar.

Figured mini-sandwiches for buffets
Using shaped molds or a knife, using a stencil cut out of whatman paper, we cut out various figures (for example, hearts) from slices of bread.
If desired, the cut out slices of bread can be lightly fried in oil and allowed to cool.
Brush the top and sides of the bread slices with butter. Roll the sides generously in finely chopped herbs.
We put a little caviar on top of the butter, place a thin slice of lemon, plant a rose out of the butter and decorate with a leaf of greenery.
For curly sandwiches, you can use all sorts of other products depending on your taste and availability. For example, see page .

Setting a buffet table outdoors.

At picnics and any country receptions, sandwiches or bread with products suitable for sandwiches are very appropriate.

Fresh air, sun, even a light breeze, as well as swimming in a lake or river stimulate the appetite, so you need to stock up on food in advance and properly.

For such a case, it is best to make large high-calorie sandwiches and put them on top of each other to make “towers”, make puff sandwiches or prepare “match” snacks.

It is better to use vegetables raw, whole, as if they had just been picked from the garden, and in some cases, if you are organizing a holiday at your dacha during the season, this will happen.

Products can be beautifully laid out on a table set on an open or closed veranda, on the grass and even on the sand, on the shore.

For fun, you can distribute sandwiches and other products in different places: for example, put them in boxes made of colored paper, similar to lanterns or bird feeders, and hang them on bushes and trees.

You can come up with different games and jokes, for example, who will collect the most boxes of the same color or who will be the fastest to make a rainbow of boxes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet; You can place one or two among the boxes with prizes - sweets, or leave them empty - for a draw, or put in a piece of paper with a task or a riddle - in a word, everyone can come up with something.

It is very beautiful, practical and convenient if the products for such a holiday are placed in low and wide wicker flower baskets with long handles. Such baskets look like trays, and you can beautifully arrange sandwiches in them (in the center), and on the side - piles of radishes, young carrots, herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions with white heads, bunches of berries, apples, pears, plums, etc. P.

Other products - meat and fish, hard cheese - do not have to be placed on bread, they can be served separately, but butter and pates must be spread on the bread in advance.

And, of course, don’t forget the special drinks that go with the sandwiches.

If one of the local residents visits you during a picnic,
don't forget to treat him.

For children from broccoli and matches or suitable sticks
you can build a fun toy.

In the dense forest in New Year's Eve, if you're lucky,
You can join the 12 month picnic.

a) the cheese is not cut in advance, as the pieces dry out and lose their taste and aroma;
b) before putting the cheese in the refrigerator, it must be wrapped in a special film - foil, or in polyethylene, or in foil - the cheese dries quickly in paper;
c) in the refrigerator, cheese is stored in the place furthest from the freezer. If there is no refrigerator or it is full, the cheese can be stored in a clean cloth (linen or calico) moistened with salt water;
d) hard cheese can be stored at home for no more than 10 days, soft cheese - 2-3 days. On boxes of Camembert, cream cheese, and on some cheese wrappers, dates of production and exact dates storage that must be observed. Such cheeses cannot be stored unsealed for more than two days.
Processed cheeses have different shelf life depending on the type, but they must be carefully covered with foil, since the sections of such cheeses very quickly harden, become oily and turn yellow.

Canned food:
a) after opening the jar, compotes should be poured into a dry glass container, in which they should be stored, but not for long: they should be used as quickly as possible - within one day. Enameled or porcelain dishes are also suitable;
b) it is better not to put the products taken out of the brine back, because this can spoil all the pickles;
c) the rule for jam, marmalade and jellies: first we finish one jar, then we start on the second. We take the jam from the jar each time with an absolutely clean and dry spoon so that it does not spoil.

It is better to fry all types of sausages, with the exception of completely fresh ones, as well as leftover sausages before use, especially in summer, over low heat in vegetable or butter for 15 minutes. You can easily get poisoned by fresh sausage, because the spices added to it take away the smell of the meat, and it is not always possible to determine by the smell whether the sausage is of high quality. So it's better to be safe. And it’s even better not to buy sausage in kilograms, but to buy hermetically sealed, cut several pieces: it’s more reliable.

Milk is preserved better if it is boiled. Moreover, in winter, before boiling, you need to add a little sugar to it (half a tablespoon per 1 liter of milk), and in summer - soda on the tip of a knife.

It is better not to store the salad, but to prepare it before serving. Well, if that doesn’t work out, remember: it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two hours.

Greens that have been sorted but not washed should be placed in plastic bag along with two unpeeled but quartered onions. The greens will be fresh for two months, you just need to take them out of the bag every 4-5 days, wipe the bag dry and replace the onions with fresh ones - also unpeeled and cut into four parts. If there is not a lot of greenery, you can put only one onion.

Summer tomatoes can be stored until January. To do this, in the fall you need to select green, healthy, strong fruits. Wrap each tomato in paper (not newspaper!!!), place in a box or basket lined with straw, and store at a temperature of plus 11-13°C in a dark place.

Radishes will not shrink and will keep for several days if you wrap them in a wet towel or put them in a plastic bag and keep them in the refrigerator.

Sew a bag out of linen and put it there. onion skins, then garlic and keep the bag in a cool place (you can at the very bottom of the refrigerator).

Pies, cupcakes, rolls that are left over from the holiday can be preserved if desired, wrapped in plastic and placed in the freezer. After defrosting, they remain fresh, tasty and soft (for greater effect, you can also reheat them in the oven in a covered pan).

a) they stay fresh for a long time if you keep them in a large jar of water and change the water every day;
b) if you wrap a lemon in tissue or parchment paper and place it in dry, clean sand, it will keep for several months.

Sandwich miracle of nature:
Wild fox builds a multi-layer sandwich (sandwich)
from the bread and sausage that people gave her

Making a variety of shaped sandwiches together with children is an excellent family activity for developing children's motor skills, nurturing a penchant for creativity and strengthening family ties.

Sandwiches can be prepared on crackers - round, square, rectangular.
You can put anything on them according to your taste and the availability of products.
The sandwiches shown above use three types. topping(i.e. what you put on the sandwich):
1. With salmon
The salmon fillet is marinated for about an hour in a mixture of lemon and orange juice, then cut into pieces, herbs and the remaining orange pieces are added.
2. With tomatoes and olives
We cut cherry tomatoes into quarters and season them with olive oil, herbs and a little vinegar. We also cut the olives and mix with garlic. Then we combine everything and put it on crackers.
3. With cheese
Various dried herbs to taste - basil, oregano, rosemary, etc. - combine with a small amount olive oil, then pour this over the cheese cubes. Add some fresh herbs on top and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half to soak.

Lightly toast the bread slices on both sides. Rub hot pieces of bread with garlic, put a layer of cheese (preferably mozzarella), tomatoes and basil on top and serve immediately.

For cooking large quantity For such sandwiches, it is convenient to use the oven, preheated to 160-180 degrees. With, or microwave.
OVEN ROASTING OPTION. Make a hole in a piece of bread, lightly grease it with butter, then crack an egg into the hole, add some salt (you can add a little pepper), place the sandwiches in the oven and cook until done.
ROASTING OPTION. You also make a deep recess in a slice of bread, lightly grease the slice on both sides with oil, beat an egg into the recess, add salt and place in the roaster for 5 minutes until ready.
Fry the remaining bread crumbs in oil and sprinkle them over the finished sandwich.
OPTION OF ROASTING IN A FRYING PAN. Cut a through rectangular “window” in a slice of bread. Fry the bread in oil on one side. Then turn the slice over, crack an egg into the “window”, add salt and pepper, tightly close the pan with a lid and bring to readiness over very low heat.
Then cut a slice of bread from the middle into cubes, fry a little in a frying pan with butter and set aside - you will have delicious croutons for your future lunch. These croutons can be stored for up to 2-3 days.

Wash the radishes, peel and chop very thinly.
Wash the green onions and chop finely.
Wash and chop the garlic greens.
Peel the horseradish root and finely grate it.
Mix all the vegetables in a bowl, add cottage cheese and yogurt and stir.
Season to taste with salt and white pepper and stir again.
Lightly fry fresh buns in a roaster or over coals, then cut off the “lids” and lay out the vegetable mixture.
You can decorate with radish pieces and onion feathers.
Use the “lids” cut off from the buns for other sandwiches.

Bruschetta is an Italian sandwich snack. The bread for it must be dried on the grill or in a dry frying pan (without oil) and then rubbed with garlic.
For bruschetta topping, only fresh seasonal products are used.
We offer a classic recipe for a summer snack set of bruschetta (3 sandwiches):
1) with tomatoes and basil,
2) with mushrooms,
3) with ham and zucchini.

Sandwiches on crackers with butter and red salted fish.
“Ladybugs” from cherry tomatoes and pieces of black olives, “antennae” from green onions.

Sandwiches on slices of bread with butter and red salted fish.

Sandwiches on slices of bread lightly toasted in a frying pan with cheese and salted fish.

Sandwiches with butter mixed with grated cheese and garlic.

Sandwiches with sausage.

Sandwiches with butter and carbonated slices.

Sandwiches on crackers, spread with soft cheese and decorated with finely chopped herbs.

Sandwich on a slice of fresh black bread, buttered with finely grated cheese,
topped with lettuce leaves and garnished with egg slices.

Sandwich with cheese and ham rolls.

Keep soft cheese, ham and butter at room temperature.
Cover a cloth napkin with film.
Place thin slices of cheese on the film, brush with softened butter (you can add garlic and herbs), lay out thin slices of ham, brush with butter again and use a napkin and film to roll into a tight roll.
Wrap the roll in film and place it in the refrigerator close to the freezer for 1.5-2 hours or overnight to cool.
Before serving, remove the roll from the refrigerator, cut into slices and place on sandwiches.

Sandwich with salted herring, egg and cucumber.

Hot sandwiches with cheese and egg mixture.

Lightly beat the egg, add a generous portion of grated cheese (the mixture should be thick), crushed garlic and finely chopped herbs, add salt to taste and mix well.
Place the egg mixture on slices of fresh bread and bake in the oven at 180 degrees. Until the mixture is ready.
Serve hot.

Toast for soup.

Grease slices of fresh black bread with a thin layer of a mixture of herbs and crushed garlic with the addition of a small amount of softened butter, as well as salt and pepper to taste.
Top with a mixture of grated cheese and a very small amount of heavy cream.
Bake in the oven until the cheese mixture melts.

Attention! The techniques used in this example will be useful for making many of the buffet or children's sandwiches shown below.

1. Make a hole in the bread.

2. Fold the sausage as shown in the photo.

3. Attach the folded sausage to the bread using a straw.

4. Make a semicircular cut in the center of another slice of sausage.

5. Fold the sausage as shown in the photo.

6. Insert the sausage into the hole on the bread.

7. Make small circles of cheese - “eyes”.

8. Cut the pea in half and use butter or mayonnaise to attach the halves to the cheese slices.

9) “Pupils” can be made from eggs or tiny pieces of olive. Cut “ears” from a slice of sausage and cheese.
Insert the “teeth” - two kernels of corn, attach with butter or maynes, “nose” - raisins.
10) Insert the paws from the garlic arrows, place Brussels sprouts. Garnish with parsley.