Make up

Gel with phenol peeling recipe. An alternative to plastic surgery – phenol peeling – is it worth the risk? Care for a renewed face

There are various anti-aging cosmetic procedures. Most of them combine two directions of action: external exfoliation, which smoothes out the existing unevenness and folds on the skin, as well as internal activation of metabolic processes, the production of elastin and collagen, that is, an increase in turgor.

These functions are performed by various peelings. The effect of pronounced rejuvenation can be achieved by those that belong to the category of middle and deep ones, since they have a more intense effect on the dermis than superficial ones. Phenol peeling is considered one of the most effective in the fight against signs of aging, which has existed for a long time, but, despite high competition, is still in great demand to this day, although it involves serious interference with the body’s activities.

The essence of peeling

Phenol (carbolic acid) was previously used in medicine, for example, it was used by doctors to clean their hands before operations. But later the irreparable harm that this substance causes to the body was proven. It penetrates very quickly through the skin into the body and in case of overdose can even be fatal.

But it is carbolic acid that is still used in cosmetology as one of the alternatives to pronounced rejuvenation without surgical intervention. The dose of the substance, as well as its correct application, allows you to avoid harmful effects on internal organs, but to carry out a controlled burn of the epidermis, which will completely renew the top layer of skin.

Phenol is distinguished by its ability to be almost instantly absorbed, as well as by its aggressive effect: passing through the skin tissue, it dissolves everything that comes in its way, including collagen fibers, after which the cells begin to rapidly regenerate, creating a new, healthy and elastic layer.

In general, depending on the concentration of the drug, peeling can be deep, medium or superficial. Most often it is used in the first two options, but both of them are very serious procedures that require both special pre-peeling preparation and special skills on the part of a specialist.

Indications, contraindications

This procedure differs from other chemical peels in that it is essentially a last resort, that is, it is used in cases where the client’s age is no longer suitable for more gentle procedures (over 40 years old) or there are contraindications for other types of deep effects, for example, laser resurfacing.

Thus, serious age-related changes that cannot be eliminated in any other way can be considered indications for phenol peeling, namely:

  • pronounced wrinkles;
  • strong pigmentation;
  • sagging skin;
  • the presence of obvious scars, including post-operative scars;
  • other defects that spoil the appearance of the skin.

Once in the body, carbolic acid is excreted through the kidneys and liver, poisoning them. But in small doses, these organs are able to neutralize the negative effects, but this will only happen when they are fully operational. That is why before carrying out phenol peeling it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the body.

The reason why phenol peels, despite being such a risky and complex procedure, still remain popular today is because of the amazing results. Very rarely, women are dissatisfied with the peeling performed. In other cases, a pronounced lifting effect, getting rid of pigmentation and a network of wrinkles are especially noted.

This determines the presence of an extensive list of contraindications, including:

  • various chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • problems related to the nervous system;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • age up to 18 years (in practice, as already mentioned, such a procedure is carried out only in adulthood, the number of exceptions is very small);
  • a large number of moles on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to peeling components and much more.

In this case, a consultation with a doctor is mandatory, since only a complete picture of your health condition will help you draw a conclusion about the admissibility of peeling with carbolic acid.

At the same time, one should also take into account the fact that the time period during which such peeling can be done has not only a lower limit (35–40 years), but also an upper limit (60–65 years), since the ability of the liver to remove harmful substances from the body.

Description of the procedure

So why, despite all the riskiness of this procedure, does it still remain popular? There are actually several reasons.

Firstly, the results after it are truly amazing. The changes are noticeable to the naked eye, even deep wrinkles are smoothed out, the oval of the face is tightened, and age-related pigmentation disappears.

Secondly, the procedure has a prolonged effect. It can last up to 10 years, sometimes even longer, but this depends on the individual characteristics of the dermis.

Thirdly, unlike many other peelings, this type involves a one-time repetition, and not a course, that is, you do not have to do it multiple times to achieve a full result.

Deep phenol peeling should be carried out exclusively by a competent specialist and under the supervision of doctors, including an anesthesiologist.

At the same time, there are also points that can be called negative features of phenol peeling:

  • it is painful;
  • requires long-term rehabilitation;
  • has a very high cost (up to 100 thousand);
  • the full result will not be noticeable immediately, but only about a year after the session;
  • the procedure permanently eliminates the possibility of sunbathing;
  • may lead to unpredictable consequences.

It is important to note that deep and medium phenol peeling cannot be performed at home. And among the superficial ones there are safer and more effective options.

Let's talk about the peeling process itself, since it differs from all other acid procedures and has many nuances.

There is a preliminary stage, which begins on average 7-10 days before the peeling itself. Experts usually advise starting to take acyclovir at this time, as it helps to avoid herpes, which may appear during the rehabilitation phase.

The following rules must also be observed:

  • do not sunbathe for at least 3 months before the procedure;
  • do not do medium and deep peelings or skin resurfacing for six months;
  • do not take vitamin A orally for six months;
  • refuse any trauma to the epidermis (cleaning, waxing, etc. for 10 days).

Directly during the peeling session, the cosmetologist prepares the skin for further exposure, treating it with a hard sponge and a special soap solution to ensure a surface of uniform thickness and cleanliness for further controlled burns.

Anesthesia is then applied. Moreover, it can be different. The sensations from a mid-peel, when the percentage of acid is not too high, are tolerable, and lidocaine (in an ointment or spray) will help to tolerate them. But the deep version requires the presence of an anesthesiologist and devices that control the heartbeat and breathing, as it is performed under general anesthesia.

The peculiarity of carbolic acid is that in large quantities it seriously harms the body, and in small quantities it can be successfully excreted by the liver and kidneys. That is why the composition is not applied to the entire face at once. First, one area is treated, after about 5–7 minutes the next one, etc. Often, specialists do not apply the product to the entire face, but only to problem areas, in order to reduce the effect of phenol on the body.

After the phenol is distributed over the skin, it is covered on top with a special mask-film, and that, in turn, is covered with a neutralizing agent. At this point, the stage carried out in the salon ends.

Before deciding on such a serious procedure, you need to carefully study all the information and think about the rehabilitation period, which can last up to a year, and during all this time the skin will not look its best

The mask remains on the face for the next 24 hours. At this time, it is necessary to exclude any contact of the skin with water, even minimal, so you will have to drink not from cups, but exclusively through a straw. At the moment, pain most often persists, which can be reduced with the help of painkillers.

After a day, the mask is removed from the face, and along with it the keratinized particles. As a result, only a burn remains, that is, red, slightly swollen skin, which then begins to crust and peel off. The process will last up to two weeks, during which it is better to stay at home. All this time, it is necessary to follow the skin care regimen drawn up by the cosmetologist. It usually includes the application of healing agents.

Under no circumstances should peelings be torn off. When they stop completely, the redness will still be present. It lasts on average up to two months from the moment of phenol peeling. Complete restoration of normal appearance can take from 6 months to a year. At this time, the skin will be looser, thinner, more transparent, and the pores may be enlarged.

Among the positive changes:

  • powerful lifting effect;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • elimination of pigmentation.

That is, a complete anti-aging transformation of the skin occurs, accompanied by the removal of all associated imperfections.

After peeling with carbolic acid, the cosmetologist may also prescribe special lifelong facial care, including:

  • constant use of creams with SPF;
  • use of products with retinoids and vitamin C;
  • application or injection of hyaluronic acid.

Possible complications

The correct technology for applying phenol eliminates its harmful effects on the body, but, however, in essence, the procedure burns the surface layer of the skin. And further recovery will depend only on the individual characteristics of the body. This may include certain complications, such as:

  • the appearance of areas where there is no pigment;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • heart, liver or kidney failure;
  • increased sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • atrophy of the skin;
  • herpes, etc.

And it is impossible to predict the likelihood of a particular reaction occurring. And they may not appear immediately, so not everyone realizes that any phenomenon turned out to be a consequence of phenol peeling. That is why it is extremely important to undergo a preliminary examination of the body. But, unfortunately, even this is not a guarantee.

Thus, phenol peeling is a complex cosmetic procedure that is performed under anesthesia and requires special training of a cosmetologist. It is done once and exclusively in adulthood, it has a powerful lifting effect. But such rejuvenation, although indeed very effective, is very dangerous, so it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding on such a manipulation.

Phenol peeling is the most common facial cosmetic procedure among women. Phytic peeling is a procedure during which the skin is treated with a composition based on phytic acid.

After the procedure, the skin becomes elastic and its imperfections are significantly reduced. Peeling is especially relevant for adult women suffering from rosacea.

Phenol peeling belongs to therapeutic cosmetology. Phenol carbolic acid is used in conjunction with a skin exfoliation complex.

Typical composition of phenol peeling: phenol, glycerin, propylene glycol, oil for accelerated absorption of the epidermis and carboxylic acid and distilled water.

Before doing phenol peeling, you first need to find an experienced specialist, a guru in his field. This procedure is highly toxic and is not performed without a preliminary medical examination of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system. Before performing phenol peeling, the anesthesiologist administers anesthesia. The procedure is performed with the presence of a cardiac monitor.

After the procedure, long-term rehabilitation of approximately one year is required. During this period, you need to “listen” to your body, as complications may arise that you should react to immediately and seek medical help.

Indications for the use of phenol peeling.

  • significant age-related deformations;
  • increased hyperpigmentation;
  • scarring of tissue;
  • presence of deep scars;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • significant skin damage due to acne;
  • sagging skin.

Phenol peeling is effective in the world of cosmetology services. The skin is quickly smoothed out. However, this procedure cannot be classified as a surgical intervention, even in a rather decisive way. The medicine is injected into the skin only in small areas.
In modern cosmetology, phenol in the form of a low concentration solution is used as a resorption and cauterizing substance.

If a patient, as a rule, has a flaw on his face that brings deterioration to his life, then eliminating it in other ways is impossible, then an injection is an effective solution to the problem. In other cases, with the help of a cosmetologist, you should try to use alternative methods.

Psychological discomfort brings a person, first of all, reflection in the mirror. Sometimes, having done phenol peeling, just one procedure, you want to continue. Before starting any radical cosmetic procedures, an examination by a psychologist is required to ensure the client’s sanity.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications are minors, pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to one of the components of the procedure, heart disease, cancer, hypersensitivity, the presence of burns on the skin, diabetes mellitus, menstruation, psychological disorders, fever, weather sensitivity, hypertrichosis, fungal infections, the presence numerous viruses, disruption of the epidermis, any trauma at the site of intended treatment, kidney and liver disease, age after 60 years, as well as the use of isotretinoin in the previous six months before the procedure.

The procedure has positive and negative sides compared to other types of peeling.

Positive sides:

  • control of the amount of distribution of the composition;
  • quick rejuvenating and healing effect, in comparison with other types of peelings;
  • stable prolonging effect for seven to ten years;
  • the ability to use the procedure only once.

Results of the phenol peeling procedure:

The results will not take long to appear - they appear instantly. Many women immediately like their reflection in the mirror. You will become more attractive and confident and 5-15 years younger. The skin becomes smoother, more elastic, hydrated, brighter and softer. Excessive pigmentation is eliminated. Deep and fine wrinkles and scars disappear. The overall skin tone increases.

Negative sides:

  • the existence of a large number of contraindications;
  • rehabilitation can reach one year;
  • a long-term period of medical examination in preparation for the procedure;
  • pre-peeling preparation;
  • load on the kidneys, liver and cardiac system;
  • soreness;
  • anesthesia (for superficial exposure, local anesthetics are used, for deeper exfoliation, intravenous anesthesia is used);
  • there must be the presence of a heart monitor;
  • the possibility of severe complications.

Properties of phenol and its effects

Phenol is a carbolic acid in the simplest class of phenols. It has a powerful and long-lasting aroma.

Once on the skin, the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and proteins begins, which serves as the main quality of elasticity, strength and firmness of the epidermis.

Phenol (carbolic acid) is recognized as a toxic substance. Penetrating through the skin, it passes through all the cells of the body and dissolves in them. After 10 minutes, phenol substances are already absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and brain cells. The functioning of the central nervous system may be disrupted. There will be irritation in the respiratory tract, convulsions, and the skin may acquire a blue tint.

Carbolic acid is then absorbed into liver cells, where, under the influence of enzyme systemicity, it is broken down into harmless soluble metabolites, which are excreted from the body by the kidneys. Such mechanization of phenol elimination does not allow it to accumulate and demonstrate delayed toxicity.

It is generally accepted that no toxicity has been found when phenol is applied lightly to small areas of the face. The liver immediately neutralizes this substance.

When working with people, a cosmetologist must be friendly, and the number of his clients depends on how polite and courteous he is. A lot depends on the literacy of a cosmetologist. The main consultant when choosing medicinal cosmetics, who can give advice after examining the type of face, is he. When we come to an appointment, we immediately pay attention to the equipment, how advanced it is, and to the products that the cosmetologist will use.

The system of providing cosmetology care is carried out on the basis of the client’s voluntary acceptance of a course of treatment after receiving appropriate information. It is based on personal interest in objective possibilities and its implementation. As a result, the patient will receive competent cosmetological care, a reliable effect, and the staff of the cosmetology office will receive authority and profit.

We will not always be young like we were at 20, time flies and changes. Even by resorting to this procedure, we will be rejuvenated, but it can only be used once. Each age has its pros and cons and this should be cherished. Be healthy and beautiful!

Phytin facial peeling

It has been established that phytic acid, along with a deep and very gentle cleansing and exfoliating effect, has the ability to inactivate the enzyme tyrosinase, the excessive production of which leads to hyperpigmentation.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to prepare your facial skin. It consists of applying a special gel with glycolic acid. Treatment must be carried out once a day for a week. For hyperpigmentation, the course should be increased to three weeks. It is also recommended to treat with a 15% solution of mandelic acid.

Phytin peeling consists of several successive stages. Initially, the skin is thoroughly cleansed with a toned lotion containing AHA and BHA acid. Next, various compositions are applied to the skin:

  • glycolate for 10 minutes;
  • phytic acid for 10-12 minutes.

Each session lasts about 40-50 minutes. To obtain a positive effect, phytin peeling is recommended to be performed 5-8 times, once every 1-2 weeks. The optimal number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist, based on the characteristics of each woman’s skin.

Phytin peeling can be done at home. To do this, you need to purchase the appropriate cosmetics: lotion with alpha and beta hydroacids and peeling solution with phytic acid. The mask should be left on for no more than 15 minutes, optimally 5-10 minutes.

With the help of phytin peeling at home, the skin will acquire an even and healthy tone, become more elastic, firm, and scars and wrinkles will decrease.

Indications and contraindications

Phytin peeling is indicated in the following cases:

  • for problem skin;
  • in the presence of enlarged pores;
  • with pigmentation;
  • for aging skin;
  • in the presence of small wrinkles;
  • in the presence of scars and scars;
  • for dehydrated skin.

The procedure also helps reduce the number of blackheads and acne. Often used as a preparatory procedure before laser facial resurfacing or diamond peeling.

There are also contraindications to the use of peeling:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of papillomas and molluscum contagiosum;
  • infections;
  • wounds and abrasions on the skin;
  • oncology;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • herpes;
  • renal, liver, heart and pulmonary failure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any procedure, phytin peeling has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • acquiring a healthy and even complexion;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • pigment spots are eliminated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous sweat glands improves;
  • pores become smaller;
  • has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • promotes the production of elastin and collagen;
  • reduces wrinkles;
  • eliminates fish fish;
  • moisturizes the skin.

Result of phytin facial peeling

Phytin peeling is very effective, suitable for different skin types, including sensitive skin, has no age restrictions, and does not require a rehabilitation period.

Despite many positive properties, phytin peeling also has disadvantages. These include:

  • quite high cost;
  • low effectiveness in eliminating acne and blackheads;
  • During the procedure, a tingling sensation occurs, which is quite tolerable, but not very pleasant.

The disadvantages of phytin peeling include possible complications that may arise in individual women due to their individual characteristics of the body. Such problems include dehydration of the epidermis, the occurrence of uneven erythema, slight peeling of the skin for 1-2 days, swelling of the eyelids and neck, and allergic reactions.

However, such situations occur extremely rarely, since phytic acid is slightly biologically aggressive.

Phenol peeling is an “expert” in cleansing and transforming the skin without surgical intervention. The procedure is complex and painful, but the stunning, lasting effect will delight the most demanding connoisseurs of female beauty. Cosmetologists unanimously claim that a more effective and sustainable chemical peeling has not yet been invented.

What is this procedure

Phenol facial peeling is the most effective method of chemical skin cleansing. The procedure boasts not only high achievements in facial transformation, getting rid of deep wrinkles and scars, confident resistance to age-related changes, but also the sustainability of the effect for 5–10 years.

The essence of the phenol procedure is to cauterize problem areas of the epidermis with phenol. This causes the removal of dead cells, smoothing the relief of the skin and its active regeneration over the entire surface.

A little history: phenol or carbolic acid, as a chemical compound, became known to humanity back in 1863. It began to be used in medicine, as an excellent disinfectant and acne fighter. It was only in the 90s that carbolic acid began to be used for facial peeling. In recent years, phenol peeling has increased its popularity tenfold and has earned the honorary title of “gold standard” among cosmetologists.

Facial peeling with phenol is a dangerous and painful procedure, but at the same time highly effective and with lasting results. The opinions of cosmetologists about the possibility of the existence of phenol peeling as a cosmetic procedure categorically differ. Some cosmetologists demand that we stop using phenol on the skin, while others, on the contrary, insist on its importance in the fight against aging and age-related problems.

Surprisingly, both sides are right. It has been proven that phenol can lead to the death of a patient if its dose in the blood exceeds 0.23 mg/ml; in smaller amounts the substance can cause arrhythmia.

To justify phenol peeling, I would like to note that the procedure uses products with a minimal content of toxic components, so the procedure cannot lead to death. In addition, a cosmetic composition with phenol is applied slowly to prevent the accumulation of a potent substance in the blood. Positive reviews from patients and cosmetologists prove that up to 10 years after cleansing, the skin is elastic, toned and looks young, like after plastic surgery.

Composition and types of peeling

Phenolic peeling is performed with a special product. The main active ingredient (exfoliant) is phenol. The concentration of phenolic acid varies from 3 to 35%, depending on the extent of the epidermal problem that needs to be corrected. To accelerate the absorption of phenol by the skin, oil is added to the composition. Liquid glycerin, propylene glycol and distilled water are used as additional components of the peeling product.

There are 3 types of phenol peeling:

  • Mid-superficial phenol peeling – the procedure uses a minimum concentration of phenol (3%);
  • Medium phenol peeling - the concentration of carbolic acid is increased to 25%;
  • Deep phenol peeling - such cleansing is performed extremely rarely. The peeling product contains 35% phenol. The procedure is performed only after a thorough medical examination of the patient’s condition.

Facial peeling with phenol is very painful and is only performed under general anesthesia. Be sure to inform your cosmetologist if you are allergic to certain drugs used for anesthesia or peeling.

Indications for use

Phenol peels are the most radical type of skin cleansing and rejuvenation, which does not require surgical intervention, but is performed by exposing the epidermis to a chemical composition. To carry out the phenol procedure, it is important to have the following indications:

  • Disadvantages of facial relief (deep expression and age wrinkles, stretch marks, scars after surgery);
  • Rapid withering of the skin, loss of turgor and tone;
  • Symptoms of photoaging of the skin;
  • Hyperpigmentation on the face, residual marks after sunburn;
  • Consequences of acne, demodicosis;
  • A number of dermatological diseases (certain types of keratosis).

Phenol peeling is a confident step to restore the youth of your face. Rest assured, you will experience renewed skin that is soft and supple. The face becomes perfectly smooth and toned, just like 10 years ago. At the same time, the active synthesis of your own collagen and elastin is launched, so the result lasts for another ten years.

What effect to expect

Carbolic peeling guarantees high results very quickly. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of skin cells and stimulates internal processes, including collagen production. Reviews from patients confirm the wonderful transformation of the skin after phenol peeling.

After the peeling procedure, the following changes occur in the skin:

  • The rate of cell regeneration accelerates;
  • The elasticity and firmness of the fibers of the skin are restored;
  • The cells begin to actively function;
  • Pigment spots disappear;
  • The skin tone is evened out, they look fresher and younger;
  • The relief of the face is smoothed out, small and medium wrinkles, scars and post-acne completely disappear;
  • The contours become clear and toned;
  • A pronounced lifting effect is observed.

It is difficult, but realistic, to believe in such a wide range of effects of phenol. A high result and restored youth justifies the complexity of the procedure, its toxicity and danger.


A procedure using phenol requires a serious approach to the client’s health, so before performing it, the cosmetologist carefully examines your health status.

Phenol peeling is prohibited if you have:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
  • Oncology, neoplasms;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the peeling product;
  • There is damage in the area of ​​suspected acid exposure;
  • Pregnancy at all stages;
  • Lactation;
  • High risk of keloid scars;
  • Herpes, cold rashes;
  • When taking medications, in particular acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin. Violation of this point threatens to overload the liver and intoxicate the body;

There are also age restrictions for phenol peeling. The procedure is contraindicated for patients under 18 years of age and over 60. In some cases, if there are serious problems, this criterion can be revised by a cosmetologist.

Features of phenol removal from the body

Having given your consent to phenol peeling, you must clearly understand that it is toxic and, if used incorrectly, causes poisoning and serious complications. That is why, before performing phenol cleansing, a detailed examination of the patient’s condition is carried out.

The human body itself neutralizes and removes the toxin; no additional drugs need to be taken. During exfoliation, phenol enters the liver with the blood, where it is neutralized and then excreted naturally. The toxin does not accumulate and does not pose a threat to the patient’s health.

To protect the patient as much as possible from the harmful effects of phenolic acid, it can be used locally, on the actual problem (wrinkle, scar, acne).

How is exfoliation performed?

Phenol peeling is carried out in several stages, each of which is important and requires a professional approach and precise execution.

Preparation before cleansing

To ensure that phenol peeling occurs without complications and side effects, follow these rules of the preparatory stage:

  1. Six months before peeling, stop performing procedures involving exposure to a laser beam, and avoid taking retinoid medications.
  2. 3 months before dry cleaning, forget about tanning and sunbathing.
  3. 1–1.5 before the procedure, apply whitening cosmetics to the skin, which will be prescribed by the attending physician.
  4. Take antioxidants for 2-3 weeks before exfoliation.
  5. A week before the scheduled procedure, stop using scrubs, mechanical facial cleansing, shaving and hair removal.
  6. 7–10 days before the phenol procedure, the patient is prescribed anti-herpes medications.
  7. Immediately before the peeling procedure, undergo a medical examination.

Exfoliation protocol

On the appointed day, after the preparatory stage, the cosmetologist can begin the phenol peeling procedure:

  • The epidermis is cleaned of makeup residues, dirt, sweat and fat secretions, and treated with an alcohol solution;
  • Local anesthesia is administered to the treated area;
  • Start applying exfoliant to your face. Peeling begins with problem areas and gradually moves to more sensitive ones. As a rule, it looks in the following sequence: forehead, cheeks, area near the mouth and eyes, nose, chin. The product is distributed over the surface at a certain pace, with breaks, to avoid the accumulation of phenol in the blood;
  • Neutralization of phenolic acid is performed. To do this, a special film is applied to the affected surface, and after a while, low-melting jelly wax is applied;
  • Finally, the skin is treated with sunscreen.

When choosing a clinic for phenol peeling, remember the seriousness of the procedure. Take the time to read the reviews of patients who underwent treatment there, ask about the availability of certificates and permission for such procedures, and about the professionalism of cosmetologists. Your health depends on the skills and knowledge of a cosmetologist.

Recovery period

After phenol peeling, when the anesthesia wears off, the acid burn causes a painful sensation and burning sensation, so the cosmetologist prescribes painkillers. He will also tell you how to behave during the rehabilitation period:

  • Day 1 – skin contact with water is strictly prohibited; you even need to drink through a straw.
  • Day 2 – you can remove the wax film. Along with it, your skin will leave dead cells, keratinized layers and wrinkles, scars that bothered you before peeling. Under the film there will be a red, still unrestored, crimson surface. A feeling of tightness and roughness immediately appears, so an antiseptic is applied to the skin, if necessary an analgesic and a moisturizer. Many cosmetologists recommend using panthenol at this time.
  • Up to 10–14 days, the skin is treated with panthenol; do not tear off the crusts that form, they disappear on their own. Using decorative cosmetics and picking off crusts is strictly prohibited.
  • During the rehabilitation period, take antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and apply sunscreen SPF 50 and higher to your skin.
  • 3 weeks after peeling, the skin will begin to transform, but you still need to wait until it is completely restored. When all the crusts have fallen off, you can use natural moisturizers. Full recovery will be completed in 6–12 months.

Complications and side effects

Exfoliation with phenolic acid in case of non-compliance with the cosmetologist’s recommendations for preparing and caring for the skin after cleansing, or the cosmetologist’s violation of the procedure protocol, threatens the patient with unpleasant effects. Among them:

  • Hyperpigmentation – may go away over time, depending on the type and structure of the skin;
  • Deformation, sagging of the lower eyelid (ectopia);
  • Residual marks from a chemical burn, particularly around the lips and eyes;
  • Redness on the face that does not go away until 4 months;
  • Increased herpes, manifestation of various infections;
  • Problems with the heart and kidneys;
  • There is a noticeable difference between areas that were exposed to acid and untouched ones.

The phenol peeling procedure will restore youth and elasticity of the skin without surgery. However, before you agree to perform it, weigh the pros and cons, get examined and get ready for a long period of rehabilitation, followed by many years of beautiful and perfectly smooth skin.

Phenol peeling is a deep chemical peel for women over 40. There is a lot of controversy and disagreement about its effectiveness. Some consider it the best among modern peelings, while others doubt its safety. One thing is clear that its use gives the same effect as plastic surgery.

Indications for this procedure include:

  • The presence of deep wrinkles;
  • The presence of scars and stretch marks;
  • Severely loose skin;
  • The presence of pronounced areas of hyperpigmentation.
  • Solar and seborrheic keratoses.

Please note: this is a serious type of peeling, which must be carried out under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist, taking into account all your skin characteristics, as well as the condition of the body as a whole.

Phenol facial peeling is designed to rejuvenate already mature skin and improve facial contour. Based on the name, it is clear that the active ingredient for the procedure is phenol (carbolic acid), which quickly dissolves in water and has an alkaline reaction.

Several years ago, surgeons’ hands were treated with this acid before surgery, until they noticed the harmful effects of phenol on the human body.

Now in cosmetology this substance is used in small concentrations as a resorption and cauterizing drug.

Carbolic acid has strong effects on the skin, namely:

  1. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  2. Promotes the formation of new skin cells;
  3. Reduces inflammation;
  4. Renews the horny epidermal layer, due to the fact that it causes severe peeling.
  5. Disinfects the skin;
  6. Suppresses enzymes that break down hyaluronic acid, thereby rejuvenating the dermis.

Phenol peeling also has the following components:

  • Distilled water - acts as a solvent for phenol;
  • Glycerin – restores the water balance of the epidermis;
  • Propylene glycol – promotes the destruction of sulfide bonds;
  • Essential oils help speed up the healing of the dermis.

It should be noted the main “advantages” of this type of peeling:

  1. The effect is immediately visible and does not require cleaning several times.
  2. It is easy to control the step-by-step application of the solution to the skin;
  3. A worthy alternative to plastic surgery, also taking into account the fact that after surgery, cells are not renewed as well.

Significant “disadvantages” are:

  • Unpleasant painful sensations during the session;
  • Long preparation and a short period of skin recovery;
  • Mandatory anesthesia;
  • The risk of negative effects of the components of the cleaning mixture on the functioning of human internal organs.

Important: there is a danger of scars, hyperpigmentation and skin infection if the technology of applying the phenol mixture is incorrect or if the face is not properly cared for after the procedure.

Phenol peeling is only possible after 40 years of age, and only if you do not have:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • Open skin lesions in the intended area of ​​cleaning;
  • Liver or kidney failure;
  • Herpes rashes;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Allergic reaction to phenol;
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • Menstrual period.

This cleansing is also prohibited for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Also, before the cosmetic procedure under discussion, the doctor will definitely prescribe a full examination of your body. Since the presence of many chronic diseases is a contraindication for the use of phenol for the skin.

This kind of peeling can cause negative reactions if you take tablets that contain acetylsalicylic acid. The fact is that this acid and phenol are inactivated in the liver with the help of the same enzymes, so a cosmetic session can lead to a serious load on the liver and, as a result, cause intoxication of the entire body.

What complications may occur after phenol peeling?

After phenol cleaning, the following complications are possible:

  • Ectopia (when the lower eyelid of the eye is pulled down);
  • Severe redness (erythema) lasting two to four months;
  • Hypopigmentation (loss of pigmentation);

The result of facial cleansing depends very much on the preparatory activities. First of all, you need to examine the organs of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, stomach, in order to avoid complications.

Also, six months before the procedure, you must avoid tanning in a solarium or on the beach and laser treatments on the skin.

Cosmetologists also recommend preliminary peelings with fruit acids to achieve a smooth top layer of the epidermis.

A week before the session, you need to take antiherpetic medications as a preventative measure.

So, at the beginning of phenol peeling, the skin is cleaned with a hard sponge using a soap mixture. Then the face is dried and wiped with a 70% alcohol solution and 10% lidocaine (minor local anesthesia). In general, such deep cleaning begins with those areas where the skin is rougher, then gradually shifts to areas with more vulnerable skin and completes the procedure again in an area with denser skin. According to the technology, cosmetologists first apply the mixture with phenol in smooth strokes on the forehead, left and right cheeks, the area around the mouth, then on the delicate skin around the eyelids and finally on the nose and chin. Be sure to take short breaks between application stages. The client will feel a burning sensation and pain.

For greater effectiveness of the procedure (uniform distribution of phenol), low-melting wax Geleleo (Jeleleo), which also contains carbolic acid, is applied to the epidermis. Such a mask should be on the patient’s face for 48 hours, but it should not come into contact with water or ultraviolet radiation, and it is not recommended to use the facial muscles.

Important: in order to avoid unwanted complications during the session, it is necessary to comply with all safety measures and complete sterility of the process. Based on the above, it follows that carrying out phenol peeling at home is unacceptable. Thus, infection with staphylococcus, skin burns and even intoxication of the whole body are highly likely, because phenol is a powerful substance.

  1. After 2-3 days, the cosmetologist removes the mask along with the rejected surface layer of the epithelium, the swelling and redness gradually go away.
  2. Then an antiseptic is applied to the face, and, if necessary, an analgesic, and the procedure is completed by applying a deep moisturizing agent.
  3. In places where whitish deposits appear, crusts will be visible, which will fall off on their own after 2 weeks.
  4. After 3 weeks, you can carefully use decorative cosmetics.

Please note: the final result of peeling will appear after six months, and the skin on the face should always be protected from ultraviolet radiation.

The following factors must be considered in the process of proper rehabilitation after such a serious exposure:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, do not come into contact with water for 3-5 days; contact with the skin can cause a burn. It is not advisable to even brush your teeth, and only eat liquid food with a straw.
  2. Analgesics will help with unpleasant pain.
  3. During the period of intensive crust formation, it is recommended to use panthenol, which will speed up the healing process and remove swelling.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to peel off the scabs yourself - this can lead to scars on the face.
  5. The recovery period itself lasts 6-8 months, during which it is necessary to avoid tanning, and when going outside, use a cream with a high sun protection factor (30-50 SPF).

Interesting: taking vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants, accelerates the process of regeneration of the epidermis after peeling.

An important fact is that the amazing results from this cosmetic procedure last for quite a long time (up to 10 years).

Numerous photos of women’s faces after phenol peeling show wonderful, sometimes incredible results! The skin becomes noticeably younger, deep wrinkles are not so pronounced, facial wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out, nasolabial folds disappear.

Most of the photographs after this peeling once again prove the high effectiveness of the procedure, which helps to prolong youth and preserve the beauty of women without painful and life-threatening surgical interventions.

Incredible! Find out who is the most beautiful woman on the planet in 2020!

Peeling is controlled damage to the epidermis to activate self-healing processes and the formation of new skin. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the depth of exposure. The most pronounced effect is provided by deep and medium peels. Deep peels trigger the exfoliation process not only in the stratum corneum, but also act in the dermis, right down to the basement membrane. The most radical and prolonged result is provided by phenol peeling.

What is phenol

Phenol (hydroxybenzene or carbolic acid) exhibits chemical properties characteristic of acids, aromatic hydrocarbons and alcohols.

The action of phenol as an acid keratolytic is activated in combination with oils and glycerin. Phenol is a cheap and versatile reagent. It is used in cosmetology, surgery, veterinary medicine, as an antiseptic and preservative,

in oil refining, and as a component for the production of nylon and nylon.

In terms of production scale, phenol ranks 33rd in the world among the reagents produced by the global chemical industry.

Application in cosmetology They first thought of using this reagent during the war years, as a surgical antiseptic. Today, phenol serves as a standard for disinfectants. Other modern antiseptics are classified in “phenolic coefficients”.

The daughter of a military doctor, La Gasse, noticed that areas of skin in patients disinfected with carbolic acid looked much lighter and more uniform. Later, in California and Florida, she began using phenol in her own cosmetology practice. The product formula was resold several times. In 1959, the recipe was patented by dermatologist Adolph Braun, and 2 years later another specialist unveiled the “secret” formula.

Peeling composition

The first “secret” peeling formula contained 3 ml of phenol (88%), 2 drops of croton oil, 2 ml of water, 7-10 drops of liquid soap. In 2000, the formula was modified by Hetter. He observed that adding more croton oil increased the penetration of the product to the basal layer.

Modern recipes for phenol exfoliation solution have been developed to minimize the toxicity of the active substance. To do this, use oils, level the pH of the composition by adding salicylic, citric or lactic acids.

There are no ready-made preparations for peeling with phenol. Today, dermatologists, plastic surgeons and some cosmetologists prepare the drug themselves.

Operating principle

Carbolic acid acts as a keratolytic in the stratum corneum. It breaks intercellular connections and provokes denaturation of the protein components of the upper layer of the epidermis. Diluted phenol penetrates the base dermal layers more effectively than concentrated phenol.

Phenol peeling destroys the epidermis and causes large-scale large-plate peeling. A powerful regeneration mechanism is launched in the basal layer, and the collagen-elastin structure of the skin changes.

After restoration, the base dermal layer thickens by an average of 3 mm. The skin becomes homogeneous, light with an even texture, wrinkles, scars, and post-acne are smoothed out. But the face does not look thin; due to the thickening of the dermis, the skin looks elastic, healthy and young.

Important! It is advisable to use phenol only for deep peelings. A moderate effect can be achieved by using TCA or glycolic acid, which are potentially non-toxic.

What result can be achieved

Phenol peeling penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. There are no analogues to carbolic acid in terms of the severity of the anti-age effect. It is this procedure that allows you to “erase” 10-15 years from your face in a few weeks.

This chemical peeling is a record holder not only for the severity of the action, but also for its duration. The procedure starts the regeneration process in the deep layer of the dermis. Rejuvenation and renewal of the skin occurs due to exfoliation of “old” corneal cells.

But an additional large-scale regeneration process provokes compaction of the basement membranes (on average by 3 mm). Thereby The skin after the procedure not only looks better, but is also more resistant to subsequent age-related changes. This means that the formation of new wrinkles will occur more slowly.

Indications for use

Phenol peeling is a risky procedure. It is indicated only in cases where it is impossible to achieve the effect of radical and prolonged rejuvenation using other techniques.

Indications for phenol peeling:

  • lentigo maligna;
  • deep wrinkles, aging type 3–4 according to the Glogau scale;
  • age-related “buckwheat”, pronounced hyperpigmentation, dull skin color;
  • consequences of mechanical injuries, scars, cicatrices, post-acne;

If these defects can be corrected with tretinoin, AHAs or TCAs, these alternatives should undoubtedly be given priority.

Attention! The only direct indication for phenol peeling is lentigo maligna - a precancerous neoplasm (a harbinger of melanoma) in the form of a dark brown or brown spot.

How many procedures need to be performed

Reputable plastic surgeons advise performing phenol peeling only once in a lifetime. Several years after the procedure, the effect is maintained with the help of other procedures that do not destroy the basement membrane.

Dermatologists formed such recommendations after confirming the telomere theory of aging. Its essence is that human fibroblasts are capable of dividing no more than 50 times (Hayflick limit). In 1971, Heivlik’s theory was further refined by the domestic scientist Olovnikov, explaining that with each cell division, the end sections of chromosomes - telomeres - are shortened.

The cells of the upper epidermis are capable of dividing endlessly. Therefore, superficial peelings can be carried out regularly, and phenol peelings - only once in a lifetime.

A characteristic feature of deep exfoliation, which affects the basement membrane, is a frosty, persistent, white coating that appears during the procedure.

Are there any ready-made peeling preparations available for sale?

Ready-made preparations with carbolic acid are not produced. Doctors with the necessary qualifications prepare a peeling composition from crystalline phenol. Highly toxic carbolic acid may be approved for retail sale due to its high toxicity threshold and complex application protocol.

Pure phenol is colorless crystals of irregular needle shape. In this form, phenol is sold for 150 rubles. per kg in branded stores from chemical factories. In cosmetology stores, phenol is sold in 10% concentration as a disinfectant. Also, phenol in a concentration of up to 1% is included in the pharmaceutical combined antiseptics “Fukortsin” and “Orasept”.

Preparation before the procedure

Phenol is contraindicated to be applied to damaged areas, therefore, it is not suitable for skin with acne, cuts and other problems associated with violations of the integrity of the epidermal layer. Through wounds, phenol penetrates into the bloodstream more actively and its toxicity increases.

If there is a risk of recurrence of herpes (“colds on the lips” appear more than 2 times a year), then before starting the procedure you need to take a course of the drug “Acyclovir”. A deep burn provokes disturbances in local immunity, and the likelihood of inflammation spreading increases.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to stop taking aspirin-containing medications a week before due to the cardiotoxicity of phenol itself and the increased risk of bleeding.

When exfoliation needs to be carried out only on specific areas of the skin, it is necessary to protect adjacent delicate areas (the wings of the nose, the skin around the mouth, the upper eyelid). Cosmetologists use special silicone sheets or Vaseline masks for this.

The procedure is carried out after checking the function of the liver, kidneys and heart, under general anesthesia. On a small area of ​​skin, for example, with lentigo, peeling can be applied with local anesthesia. The procedure is not performed without anesthesia due to high pain. Essentially, a phenol peel is a 3rd degree burn.

How does the procedure work?

Before the procedure itself, the face must be disinfected and degreased as much as possible. As already noted, fat provokes the penetration of acid into the deeper layers. The preparation already contains a control amount of oil.

To monitor the depth of absorption, it is necessary to prevent the reaction of acid and sebum in the pores. To do this, you need to wipe your face with micellar water or hydrophilic oil, rinse with soap and water, and wipe with alcohol.

Phenol in the body is destroyed by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. To avoid large-scale toxic effects, the drug is applied gradually, in 4 stages, to individual areas of the skin, with an interval of 15 minutes.

To force the elimination of the toxin by the kidneys, before the procedure the patient is given a large amount of water or connected to a drip with a saline solution and a glucose solution.

Photos before and after

Rehabilitation after peeling

The rehabilitation period lasts 2–4 months after deep phenol peeling.

The patient spends the first days in the hospital. After removal of anesthesia, due to intense burn pain syndrome, it is advisable to prescribe systemic painkillers, for example, Ibuprofen. To maintain kidney and liver function, a specialist may prescribe a special diet, plenty of fluids, and hepatorotector drugs.

As for the main “affected” organ - the skin, it requires careful care. It is necessary to minimize skin contact with non-sterile surfaces, sleep on your back, and do not touch your face with your hands. Do not stretch the injured skin, drink through a straw, do not yawn, or open your mouth wide.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the dermis and the depth of penetration of the peeling, rejection of the burned crust occurs within 3–10 days.

After one and a half to two weeks, the granulation tissue is replaced by young skin, which continues to peel off and looks red, irritated, and thinned. At this time, it is recommended to smear the face with creams with panthenol, petroleum jelly, nourishing oils, such as argan.

Full recovery occurs after six months.

note For the entire period of recovery and all subsequent years, sunscreen (SPF 50) and a wide-brimmed hat should become reliable friends of a woman who has undergone phenol peeling. Sunbathing and simply going outside without UV filters is contraindicated due to the high risk of cancer and hyperpigmentation.

In general, you need to use sunscreen when you are young to prevent photoaging of the skin and the need for phenol peeling.

How much does the procedure cost?

Phenol is a cheap and widely available chemical. A kilogram of crystalline hydroxybenzene costs less than 200 rubles. But phenol peeling is the most expensive option among similar beauty procedures.

Its high cost is dictated by the requirements for specialist qualifications. Only certified dermatologists, plastic surgeons and rare cosmetologists are allowed to work with phenol.

The procedure can only be done in an operating room with a cardiac monitor and resuscitation kit under general anesthesia. The first days of rehabilitation also take place in a hospital, under the supervision of a specialist. The cost of the procedure varies from 5 to 40 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to peel at home?

In 2018, peelings became a tamed and domesticated procedure. Preparations for superficial peelings can be bought in pharmacies and cosmetic stores (up to 1000 rubles for 30 ml). But phenol is strictly contraindicated to be applied anywhere outside of a sterile operating room. This is a toxic, poisonous substance. Its use requires jewelry precision, knowledge of the craft, practice and experience.

Consequences of exfoliation

Phenol peeling is exactly the case when beauty “requires sacrifice.” The risks of the procedure and the severity of post-peeling care are worth this result. The face looks 10–15 years younger and the effect lasts for at least 10 years.

After restoration, the skin is striking with radiance, a beautiful uniform color, wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots, scars and other defects are erased.

But after deep exfoliation, the dermis irreversibly loses its ability to normally synthesize pigment. A smooth, rejuvenated face requires daily sun care.

Negative consequences

After 2000, the phenol peeling formula was improved, and specialists developed the safest protocol for applying and neutralizing the product. But the toxicity of phenol remains a significant problem.

Hydroxybenzene is a toxic and poisonous substance (hazard class II). In large doses, it can cause paralysis of the respiratory center, cerebral hypoxia and heart failure.

Important! Phenol is a dangerous reagent, but modern protocols for its use are designed to minimize the possibility of penetration into the systemic circulation. Despite the high risk of potential side effects, when performed correctly, the procedure is well tolerated, even by patients at an “elegant age”. Phenol peels have converted 40% of Western “stars” who are already over 50 years old.

The concentration of phenol in the blood depends on the following factors:

  1. Surface area to be treated: the smaller the area, the lower the risk of toxicosis. Therefore, phenol is not used to treat stretch marks and stretch marks, although in all respects it is effective against this defect.
  2. Concentration of the solution: the lower the percentage of phenol, the deeper the phenol penetrates, paradoxically.
  3. Application speed. With interval exposure with breaks, toxic effects are minimized.

Precautionary measures

A delicate nuance of phenol peeling is the fact that it is traditionally performed on older patients. After the age of 50, the regenerative potential of the skin is limited, and the internal organs cannot fully resist the toxic effects.

To do this, the beauty procedure must be carried out in an operating room with a drip, under pulse and breathing control.

The skin after peeling is also significantly different from untreated areas. According to the protocol, phenol peeling is contraindicated for use on the neck area due to the high risk of scarring. The skin of the neck is even more susceptible to age-related changes than the skin of the face. After restoration, there is a clear demarcation line between the face and neck, which looks completely unnatural. To smooth out the differences, the cervical area is corrected with glycolic peels or lifting care.

Contraindications for peeling:

  • liver failure, since phenol is utilized in the liver;
  • renal failure, since the breakdown products are finally excreted by the kidneys;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, since phenol entering the bloodstream can cause arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • chronic and acute respiratory diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding due to high toxicity;
  • any violation of the integrity of the skin in the treated area.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantage of the procedure is the effect of radical rejuvenation, evening out the color and texture of the face.

In cosmetology, all truly effective procedures are associated with potential risks. Due to side effects, phenol peeling is suggested to be prescribed only in extreme cases.

Non-toxic alternatives to phenol:

  • the median effect is provided by peeling with trichloroacetic acid (TCA);
  • The “gold standard” of medium anti-aging peeling is “yellow” or retinol peeling. It also provides prolonged action due to the thickening of the dermal layer;
  • A good effect of smoothing and moisturizing the skin can be achieved by a course of superficial peelings with glycolic, mandelic or lactic acid.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Dermatologists recommend phenol as the safest way to treat lentigo. A malignant pigment spot usually occupies a small area and is treated without general anesthesia.

But for rejuvenation, experts advise assessing the risk and the desired effect. Also, phenol peeling is no longer used as an option for medium and superficial exfoliation.

For pregnant women, all acid peels are contraindicated; only enzyme formulations (with papain, for example) are allowed.

The cosmetologist advises considering alternative peeling options, and resorting to phenol only in the most extreme cases.