
If you cut your hair. When to cut your hair. Lunar days and the influence of haircuts on fate and health. Favorable lunar days for hair cutting

Hair is not just for beauty. They are a kind of natural antennas of our body that conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body. There is a legend that before the Fall there was a halo around a person’s head (a spherical accumulation of bioenergy, which we can now admire only on icons) and there was no hair.

There is a belief that the head of the first man was covered with something similar to the fluff that we see on the head of a newborn baby. And when a person fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head became heavy and turned into hair.

They became a link between man and heaven until he again rose to his heavenly level of development.

Hair is treated with care. Cutting your hair means changing your life, this was well known in the old days. No wonder it was preserved great amount rituals associated with this procedure.

Magic treats hair and all problems associated with it very simply. Since hair is the source of our cosmic Power, it means that everything that happens to it changes the course of the invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also throughout our lives.

And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting your hair, know when and why you are doing it.


says: You can’t trust your hair to just anyone. It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, then your life after a haircut will change for the better.

The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life. If you are an independent person, are used to solving your problems yourself and don’t like it when something prevents you from accomplishing them, choose a master who is either the same age as you or younger than you. When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous hairdresser, even if the hairstyle he does will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you time your visit correctly, it will not only change, but improve.

RULE TWO: to ourselves better hair

don't cut. Even if you know hairdressing well, this sign should not be neglected. The roots of this “superstition” lie in a very important problem: it is very difficult for a person to cure himself. Anyone, the most powerful psychic, knows this. No matter how strong and strong-willed a person is, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he remakes them with such deformed energy.


It is believed that it is better if you get your hair cut by a person of the same sex. The fact is that there are a lot of love spell recipes associated with hair, but the problem is not only pure witchcraft.

During a haircut, your etheric, astral and mental biofields change, and as a result of this, we easily succumb to the influence of others. Therefore, if a master of a different gender likes you, this can lead to troubles in your personal life. It is not for nothing that in the biblical tales Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair. A similar sign is true for women, only we are talking about male hairdressers.


After cutting, hair should not be thrown into water. Pay close attention to this at the hairdresser, then keep your hair lush and healthy until old age.

If you want your hair to grow faster after cutting, you should do your hair during the full moon. If you want your hair to change its properties a little - for example, you are not happy that it is tangled or unruly - you should go to the hairdresser on the waning moon. But remember that after such a haircut, the hair will grow back for a very long time. On the waning moon, it is also good to get a haircut if you want to strengthen your hair roots and delay their rapid loss.


hair cannot be cut into the so-called satanic lunar days(9, 15, 23 and 29 days according to the lunar calendar), as well as on the days of solar and lunar eclipses. After such procedures, you can get sick or, as they said in the old days, “memory and mind are cut off.”


How your life will change after a haircut will be shown by the day of the week when you visited the hairdresser.

Monday- a day favorable for haircuts. At this time you can take off your a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems accumulated in life. The day is favorable for hair coloring.

On Tuesday It’s better to go to the hairdresser if you lack physical strength or the will to solve some important problem, if you lack activity or are tormented by the monotony of life.

On Wednesday get a good haircut to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, movements and communication in life.

Thursday promotes changes in relationships with others, promotes a person’s popularity, increases his luck and well-being.

Friday- day of beauty. When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you are not just changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with how you look on this day of the week, it is better not to cut your hair. If you want to look prettier, visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the Sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Saturday- a good day for a haircut. On this day your hair becomes healthier, and at the same time some of the karmic debts and sins of your family are removed from you.

On Sunday It’s better not to cut your hair - you can kill your own destiny or luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure things will change for the better. But no one can give guarantees.


suggests that it is not enough to choose a good day for a haircut, you also need it to be in harmony with your own birthday, otherwise all the favorable trends of the day will turn into negative ones.

Monday The energy of Thursday, Friday, Saturday is harmonious. The antagonist day for Monday is Sunday.

If you were born on Tuesday, you are related to the energies of Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. And the power of Monday and Friday is unfavorable for you. Friday is the antagonist for Tuesday.

Wednesday the power of Sunday is harmonious. Its antagonist is Thursday.

Thursday akin to the energies of Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Its antagonist is the environment.

Friday the strength of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday is close. Its antagonist is Tuesday.

Saturday Friday's energy is related. Its antagonist is Sunday.

Sunday The forces of Tuesday and Thursday are harmonious. Its antagonist is Monday.

On antagonist days, hair is cut when you are haunted by karmic bad luck in all areas of life. Usually, after such a haircut, life seems to freeze for a while, and then make a sharp turn that will lead you to victory.


suggests that, like plants, the speed and quality of our hair growth is subject to the position of the Moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough to choose a good lunar day and day of the week for your hairstyle; you also need to choose a favorable time for hair growth, the position of the Moon in the Zodiac sign. The position of the Moon is always indicated in lunar calendars for the year.

The moon is considered unfavorable for hair cutting in general, although it does not affect the condition of the hair and hairstyle. The fact is that after such a procedure the body’s immunity weakens and the risk of getting sick increases.

The position of the Moon in is considered the most favorable for visiting a hairdresser. Hair grows well, gains strength, and splits less after cutting.

The moon is in and helps to do airy hairstyles, promotes rapid growth hair, but does not affect its quality and condition.

The moon is in and slows down the rate of hair growth, but saturates it vitality.

The moon is considered an unfavorable time for a haircut if your business is going well, and favorable when you need to change the way or rhythm of human life.

The Moon is very treacherous and can either improve or worsen your personal life and relationships with partners of the opposite sex.

The Moon in favor of changes in your career, at work, in relationships with colleagues and business partners, helps to achieve recognition and social success.

The moon is considered an extremely unfavorable position for haircuts.

Hair cutting on MOON DAYS:

1st lunar day cutting your hair shortens your life.

2nd lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day– cutting your hair will cause harm to the body and may attract you to waste.

4th lunar day– a haircut will bring discomfort, attract melancholy and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause throat diseases and oral diseases.

5th lunar day– cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day- cutting your hair is not advisable - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look like a sick person and in fact you will start to get sick.

7th lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you; you may have a conflict with your boss. There is a threat of conflict with a loved one. Burning day according to the Tibetan calendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsen your health.

8th lunar day– a haircut will bring you longevity, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day– cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day- a burning day according to Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair, as this will attract illness to you.

11th lunar day– a haircut will bring sharpness of feelings, increase your ability to foresight and mental insight.

12th lunar day– you can’t cut your hair – it attracts misfortunes, injuries and increases the likelihood of a threat to life.

13th lunar day– It is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bring happiness and benefits, and a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day– a haircut will attract improvement in activity, financial situation, increase in property and goodwill from superiors. Res. For your own well-being, at least run it through your hair.

15th lunar day– it is safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as mental disorders as a result of cutting, increased blood pressure, headaches and feelings of fear are possible. Res. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from hairdressers.

16th lunar day- It’s better to refrain from cutting your hair - misfortunes and mistakes will arise. Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, the craving for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, which will significantly worsen your health.

17th lunar day– as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, illnesses will arise. There is a high risk of future injury. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, cutting your hair on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day– cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, and your pets may get sick (they sense the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day– you should contact a hairdresser – cutting your hair prolongs your life.

20th lunar day– it is undesirable to cut your hair, as there will be a “disgust” for life.

21st lunar day– it is advisable to cut your hair – you will attract beauty and prosperity.

22nd lunar day- a haircut will attract the opportunity to acquire property, but you can gain weight, gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day- a haircut will bring beautiful colour face will improve your well-being.

24th lunar day– a very bad day for cutting hair – illnesses may appear. If you want to be healthy, refrain from cutting your hair.

25th lunar day– cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to vision impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation and the appearance of styes are likely.

26th lunar day

27th lunar day– as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day– as a result of cutting your hair, the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

30th lunar day– cutting hair can bring to a person the threat of encountering misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also the possibility of involving a car accident.

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There really is a dangerous time to cut your hair! Mark on your calendar the days when you definitely shouldn’t cut your hair!

In this article you will learn everything about hair care! These valuable advice And practical recommendations will help you grow your hair quickly, make it thick, strong and shiny!

Is it all about the master?

Visit to the hairdresser - important point in the life of any woman. Where to find good master, which will not disfigure, will not cut your hair shorter than necessary, will not ruin your hair with chemicals? Someone who will understand which hairstyle suits you best?

This is an important question for many. But have you noticed that even the regular master whom you go to is already quite long time, may not always satisfy your wishes. Either the hair is cut shorter than necessary, or the hairstyle does not stay in place after styling it yourself... Sometimes, on the contrary, the haircut¹ turns out to be extremely successful - hair to hair, and the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time even without much effort.

Why does hair grow evenly in some cases, but in clumps in others, so that you have to constantly struggle with styling?

What's the secret?

As a rule, we attribute failures to Bad mood master or on your own poor health. It seems to us that when visiting a hairdresser we are completely dependent on chance.

Actually this is not true.

There are time-tested patterns that determine whether a hairstyle will succeed or fail - namely, the result of a haircut depends on the position of the Moon in the sky.

The best time to cut your hair!

The full moon is a stressful moment in our lives; on this day people may experience inappropriate behavior, their mood and well-being may deteriorate, etc.

But here’s what’s interesting: unfavorable for a person in general, this day is very good for haircuts. It's the full moon best time for cutting hair! Why is this so? The fact is that on a full moon, energy literally spills out of us over the edge. This is the day of activation and the release of everything negative that the body has managed to accumulate to the surface. At this moment, all the heavy negative energy is on the surface of the body - in particular, it accumulates in the ends of the hair.

When we cut off these ends on a full moon, we remove excess burden from the soul, remove unnecessary information from ourselves and give our hair “new life.”

Hair becomes brighter and shinier, after cutting it is filled with vitality, its quality improves, it begins to grow better, becomes thicker and falls out less. The hairstyle holds its shape perfectly.

The full moon is the best moment not only for haircuts, but also for visiting a hairdresser and beauty salon in general: styling, coloring, perm, manicure and pedicure will be especially successful on this day. You can also visit a hairdresser when the moon is waxing - the result is also good.

But these days you should refrain from going to the hairdresser!

The waning moon is not the best time to cut your hair and it is better to postpone a trip to the hairdresser. This is the time of active energy consumption by the body. At this time, we are especially strong, and strength should be spent on achieving our goals, and not released into space along with the cut ends. It is believed that when the moon is waning, cutting your hair will reduce your activity, and your hair will begin to hurt and grow poorly.

Fabulous confirmations

There is some magic in our hair. It is no coincidence that in many myths and fairy tales the power of magicians lies in their hair. Remember the old man Hottabych, who pulled out hairs from his beard, or Chernomor from Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

In the Old Testament, Samson, who had superhuman strength, lost it after Delilah cut off his hair! Hair really carries a lot of energy and information. This energy and information must be handled very carefully so as not to harm yourself.

The moon in the zodiac signs and its influence on haircuts

The ideal time to cut your hair is when there is a full moon on Leo's day or Virgo's day.

At first glance, this rule sounds somewhat mystical, because there is no logical explanation for it. Nevertheless, it has been known to people for centuries and is constantly being confirmed in practice. Since we saw that even in fairy tales hair is magical matter, we will consider this rule a little magic.

However, one explanation can still be found: remember what a thick, lush mane Leo has. And Virgo has luxurious long hair. Do you want to have these too? Get your hair cut these days! This is the best time to cut your hair!

If it is difficult to wait until the day of Leo or Virgo coincides with the full moon, then go to the hairdresser on the day of Leo or Virgo with the waxing Moon.

On the days of Cancer and Pisces, visiting the hairdresser is strictly contraindicated. This has also been tested in practice: hair cut on this day is unruly, difficult to handle even by the most wonderful hairdresser; the right type, the hairstyle turns out shapeless.

Moreover, these days you can’t even wash your hair or use hair care products. Of course, you can and should comb them every day. But all kinds of products for nourishing and strengthening hair are best used only during the waxing moon or on the full moon, and ideally on the days of Leo and Virgo.

Haircut and fate

According to existing beliefs, part of our soul is concentrated in our hair. No wonder in ancient world there were so many prohibitions on cutting hair. They tried to burn or destroy hair and nails so that some evil sorcerer or even the devil himself could not influence them.

Echoes of beliefs have been preserved in today's recommendations of astrologers. True, now these recommendations are not related to the devil’s tricks, but to the fact that manipulating your hair on undesirable days can reprogram your destiny.

1st lunar day - cutting hair leads to a shorter life.

2nd lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day- cutting your hair will be harmful to the body and can attract waste to you.

4th lunar day- a haircut will bring discomfort, attract melancholy and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause throat diseases and oral diseases.

5th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day- cutting your hair is not advisable - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look like a sick person and you will actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day- cutting your hair will bring quarrels and litigation to you, a conflict with your superiors or (even worse!) with your loved one is possible. Burning day according to the Tibetan calendar is the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsen your health.

8th lunar day- a haircut will bring you longevity, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day- cutting hair attracts diseases.

10th lunar day- burning day according to Tibetan traditions, it is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair, as this will attract illness to you.

11th lunar day- a haircut will bring sharpness of feelings, improve your ability to foresight and insight.

12th lunar day- you can’t cut your hair - it attracts misfortunes, injuries, and increases the likelihood of a threat to life.

13th lunar day- It is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bring happiness and benefits, and a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day- a haircut will attract improvement in work, financial well-being, increased property and the favor of superiors.

15th lunar day- it is safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as mental disorders, increased blood pressure, headaches and feelings of fear are possible. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from hairdressers.

16th lunar day- it’s better to refrain from cutting your hair - misfortunes and mistakes will arise. Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, the craving for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, which can cause your health to deteriorate significantly.

17th lunar day- as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, illnesses will arise. There is a high risk of future injury. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, cutting your hair on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day- cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they feel the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). According to Tibetan traditions, this is also a burning day, and cutting your hair will bring serious deterioration in your health.

19th lunar day- you should contact a hairdresser - cutting your hair prolongs your life.

20th lunar day- It is not advisable to cut your hair; depression may occur.

21st lunar day- it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and prosperity.

22nd lunar day- a haircut will attract the opportunity to purchase property, but you may gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day- a haircut will bring a beautiful complexion and improve your well-being.

24th lunar day- a very bad day for cutting hair - illnesses may appear. If you want to be healthy, refrain from cutting your hair.

25th lunar day- cutting hair will increase eye pressure and lead to vision impairment. As a result of haircuts, eye diseases will worsen, inflammation and the appearance of styes are likely.

26th lunar day- cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle will bring joy and happiness to you.

27th lunar day- cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle will attract joy, happiness, and prosperity to you.

28th lunar day- a good day for a haircut: the charm of your appearance will increase, people will like you.

30th lunar day- cutting hair can bring the threat of misfortune to a person. There is also the possibility of involving a car accident and even death.

To believe or not to believe these instructions?

If you are a very suggestible person, then it is better not to do what is undesirable. Of course, there is no special connection between hair and fate, but a suspicious person who has discovered such a connection will reprogram his fate and bring misfortune upon himself without any harmful dark forces. After all, it's all in our thoughts!

But the advice of experts based on the waxing and waning of the Moon is worth believing. After all, you want your hair to look beautiful and your hairstyle to be spectacular?

Hair curling and coloring

If you want to make a beautiful curl, you want it to last a long time and your hair to lie perfectly, you should also pay attention to the lunar day.

How many times have you done these procedures without taking into account lunar days and how much grief has the “new appearance” sometimes brought you?

Remember: the best time to curl your hair is the Moon in Virgo, both in its waning and waxing phases.

It’s better, of course, when it’s growing, because you’re creating a new image and imparting a new quality to your hair. It is known that on the days of the Moon in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces and Aquarius, the curl looks bad and does not hold up well. But if the Moon is in the sign of Leo, then you have the opportunity to get hard, protruding curls. For thin and soft hair, this is simply destructive.

When should you dye your hair?

If you want to dye your hair, then do it only on the young moon. The dye will be more durable, will lie evenly and will color your hair in beautiful tone. When the Moon is waning, the paint does not adhere well, it applies unevenly, and the color turns out dull.

Hair care

Most of us don't know how to truly take care of our hair. We remember the need to care for them only when our hair begins to cause problems: it becomes brittle, split ends, oily, or begins to fall out.

Healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and a positive attitude towards life is the basis beautiful hair and great looks. And if we cut our hair and take care of our hair in the right days- literally before your eyes your hair will become thicker, more elastic, begin to shine and become healthy. However, you need to continue to take care of them and maintain their normal tone.

A few rules that will help you make your hair beautiful and well-groomed.

  • In summer, be sure to protect your hair from the sun, especially if you have just swam in the sea. Yes, sea water in combination with the sun gives an extraordinary effect - the hair fades, which looks very impressive against the background of tanned skin. But after a while, such hair becomes brittle, dull, and tow-like. So if you want to achieve the effect of burnt hair, it is better to go to the hairdresser and get proper highlighting².
  • Don't use a hairdryer that's too hot or over-wash your hair. hot water- this destroys the hair structure. The final rinse after washing should be done with cool water.
  • Comb your hair thoroughly in the morning and evening for at least five minutes. Perform a head massage periodically: thumbs both hands are placed on the neck behind the ears, the remaining fingers are pressed tightly to the scalp and do 10-15 circular movements. In this case, it is not necessary for your fingers to slide over the skin - the scalp should move along with your fingers. The hands are then moved higher until the forehead area is reached.
  • Try to use on hair medicinal products of plant origin, it will bring much more benefits to your hair than advertised products.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² Highlighting is a method of hair coloring, or rather, lightening with individual strands (

A new hairstyle, a fresh haircut, hair care are women's favorite concerns. It’s not so easy to decide to change your hairstyle, so both men and women plan a trip to a beauty salon in advance: they look through stylish magazines, inquire about modern trends. And, of course, the most competent ones do not forget to look into moon calendar haircuts for 2020, because the position of the celestial body predicts how successful the haircut will be and how it will affect the condition of your hair. If you are planning a trip to a stylist, it will be useful for you to know when it is better to get your hair cut, put on makeup, or change your look, based on the table of lunar phases. Depending on the location of the Moon in the calendar, hair cutting in 2020 can have both favorable and unfavorable effects on fate.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for 2020 by month

Favorable days for haircuts for the week:

Haircut on Monday according to the calendar - this is a day quite suitable for cutting hair. At this time, you can relieve yourself of a huge amount of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. Monday is also favorable for hair coloring.

Haircut on Tuesday according to the calendar - the lunar calendar advises going to the hairdresser if you lack physical strength or the will to solve some important dilemma, or if you are tormented by the monotony of life.

Haircut on Wednesday according to the calendar - This is a good day for cutting hair. Now is the time to get a haircut to learn something new or exciting, meet new or old friends, increase the number of trips and events in life.

Haircut on Thursday according to the calendar - cutting and coloring your hair will contribute to changes in relationships with others, will help increase your popularity, increase your luck and well-being.

Haircut on Friday according to the calendar - this is the day of Venus and the day of beauty. When you visit the hairdresser on Friday, you're not only changing your hairstyle, you're changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the way you look, it is better not to get a haircut on this day of the week. Well, if you want to look prettier, visit a beauty salon on Friday, especially during the period when the Sun moves through the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Haircut on Saturday according to the calendar - this is a good day to work with hair and care for it. On such a day, your hair becomes healthier, and at the same time, some of your ancestral karmic debts and sins are removed from you.

Haircut on Sunday according to the calendar - today it’s better not to cut your hair - you can clip the wings of your fortune. This day is not bad only for the unfortunate unlucky ones - maybe fate will have mercy and after putting your hair in order, luck will smile. But, alas, no one can guarantee this.

Among other things, there is an opinion that the phases of the moon affect hair growth. If you get a haircut during the waxing Moon, your hair will grow an order of magnitude faster than after a haircut during the waning Moon. During the new moon, astrologers do not advise visiting beauty salons and makeup artists. On such days, a haircut can even shorten a person’s life, taking away energy and health. To confirm their theory, they claim that main reason male pattern baldness is that the baby's first haircut was done on the waning moon. The same rule is associated with women who have thin and weak hair.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about cutting off your bangs yourself: one confident swipe of the scissors in front of the mirror, and then trim it if necessary. It’s not as convenient as cutting someone’s hair, maybe not as successful as it would be for professionals. But there are pitfalls not related to practical considerations - signs according to which cutting your own bangs, like your hair in general, is possible, but extremely undesirable.

Why not

Before you pick up the scissors to carefully straighten your hair, you should remember five possible consequences a rash step.

Money problems

Financial signs only affect dramatic haircuts. When it comes to just trimming the ends of your hair or bangs, there are no money problems folk wisdom does not bode well if you do this on any day except Friday. On Friday, which is considered a money day, you cannot even do this.

But it’s worth paying attention: if cut off bangs entail a serious change in image, then this is considered a radical haircut, which means you shouldn’t do it yourself. Otherwise, you can “cut” your income - so says the sign.

Deterioration of health

Regular self-haircuts can reduce immunity and attract various diseases. But if you cut your bangs once, nothing bad will happen. In this case, folk wisdom does not even promise a cold, but if you do this often, you can ruin your health, starting from the general condition of the body and ending with the involvement of a specific disease.

Shortening life

According to the superstition, regularly cutting off hair on your own, regardless of whether we are talking about just one bang or the entire head of hair, shortens life - supposedly, along with it, a person cuts off the time allotted to him.

Personal life

The belief that if a girl cuts her bangs herself, she will not get married in the coming years, comes from practical beliefs, because cutting your own hair is highly likely to turn out to be sloppy, which usually does not add attractiveness. Considering the fact that previously it was considered a shame not to get married, girls did not risk shortening their hair on their own, but asked their mother or sister for a favor, and later this turned into a sign without clear explanations.

Farewell to luck

It is believed that if you cut off your hair, your luck will go with it. The more hair cut off, the more luck was lost. Accordingly, trimming your bangs is not very dangerous, but in order to do it for the first time in for a long time, that is, to cut off a lot, it is better to turn to someone for help.

How to ward off trouble

IN modern world few people will spend time and money on a hairdresser just because bad omen, if we are just talking about bangs, which you can do for yourself in ten minutes at home. But if some superstitious thoughts still occur, and there is no one to ask for help, you can use the tricks offered by the sign itself.

Firstly, Wednesday is a favorable day: On this day, cutting your own hair is considered safer. Secondly, there is a protective color - green, which you can surround yourself with during the procedure. Third, the cut must be thrown over the left shoulder with the words: “If I throw away my hair, I maintain my health,” and this should ward off trouble. Fourthly, the simplest and most popular option: cross yourself before and after a haircut, driving away negativity.

Even in the age of high technology, the influence of signs remains quite strong, although it is losing ground compared to the past. But even people who are far from superstitions should not cut their bangs without the help of others: it is inconvenient, not entirely safe and does not guarantee a positive result if a person does not have the proper experience.

We always want to be beautiful. Daily procedures, cosmetic methods of self-care - all this helps to look attractive.

Not least on this list is the hairstyle. It is not always possible to resort to the help of a hairdresser. Lack of time or finances significantly affect this.

In such cases, you can upgrade yourself. Moreover, if this is a simple procedure - cutting bangs, shortening split ends.

Many representatives of the fair half of humanity do this without problems and with pleasure. Superstitious people categorically avoid this. After all, there are a number of beliefs that have dangerous consequences.

So is cutting your own hair really that dangerous? Let's talk about this in detail and with clarification.

Since ancient times, hair has been given great attention and endowed with magical meaning. It was believed that hair has enormous energy and acts as a connecting element between a person and the otherworldly unknown world.

They store all the energy, strength, health, destiny and success of a person. Therefore, any changes in hairstyle directly affect the future fate of their owner.

Religious and mythical stories speak of great power and vital energy, which is stored in the hair. Therefore, they should not be cut for small children. Until the child grows up and becomes stronger.

Children were allowed to perform the haircut ritual no earlier than three years, and in some nations no earlier than five.

In China, for example, small children even had extra hair specially added using false curls. Both girls and boys were subjected to this procedure.

Mythical stories about the biblical hero Samson say that ill-wishers cut off his beautiful locks and his mighty strength immediately disappeared. Only when his hair grew back did Samson regain his strength and health.

Owners long hair have always been considered some kind of witches, sorceresses and sorceresses. All sorts of mystical rituals were performed by women with loose curls.

If a change in hairstyle was inevitable (after all, no one canceled the hygiene component), then the cut locks were simply not thrown away. They were burned or buried.

Signs and beliefs about hair cutting

Ancient sayings and beliefs tell about the reasons why you should not cut your hair yourself. Here are some of them.

1)Changing the biofield. Hair is the closing component of the human biofield. Any change practically leads to a change in life path and future events.

You can only trust your hair to a kind person or a neutral person who doesn’t know you. People who are envious and wish harm to others should not be allowed near their locks.

Changing your hairstyle on your own is also prohibited, and even more so in the evening.

2) Financial problems. Cutting your hair yourself means causing money problems. Along with your cut locks, money, well-being and prosperity leave you.

3) Deterioration of condition. Cutting your hair yourself will attract illnesses, health problems, deterioration general well-being, prostration.

The man who cut his own hair was often sick, exhausted and complained about his poor condition. He lost his mood and became a whiner.

4) One of the signs suggests that cutting your own hair shortens life the owner of the curls.

5) Scaring away luck. Hair stores positive, attractive energy that attracts success and good luck. Cutting off your own hair means scaring away good luck and driving away success.

6) Loneliness. In ancient times, it was strictly forbidden to cut the hair of unmarried girls. It was believed that they cut off their beauty and doom themselves to the fate of a loner.

Guys won’t look at such a girl, no one will ask her to marry, everyone will shy away from her and avoid her.

7) The day of the week and time of day also affect the haircut. It is strictly forbidden to have your hair cut in the evening and on Sunday. This will attract ill health into the house.

A haircut on Monday and Friday threatens that your hair will stop growing and lose its natural strength and beauty.

8) For those who have already cut their own hair, they came up with their own fable. To correct the situation, you need to give yourself a haircut to a good person. You don't have to change everything radically. Enough for him to trim the ends.

Thus, this person will change your destiny again and direct it in the necessary direction.

The same mystical stories also allow you to carry out the haircut ritual yourself. Before this, it is worth carrying out a series magical procedures. The scissors must be blessed with holy water and crossed.

The hair itself is also sprinkled with holy water. They also believe that the color green will save you from failures and problems with cutting your own hair.

Such superstitions and fictions do not have any real and rational confirmation. Therefore, only the superstitious believe in them.

Psychologists can only give one logical explanation. If you cut your hair yourself, you can ruin your mood with a bad haircut. That's all the problems.

You can cut your own hair. This even has its advantages. You choose your own length, shape and direction of the haircut.

The hairdresser cannot fully take into account your wishes and tastes or interpret them incorrectly. Self-shortening does not require investment of money or time.

Remember, be patient before cutting your hair yourself. good mood, sharp scissors and mirrors. This guarantees success and the desired result.

However, it’s up to you to believe in omens or not.