
Home photos of women over 30. Women over forty who look absolutely divine! Shorts: loose fit, closed top, good shoes

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These women delight millions. Their talent is amazing, and their beauty seems to be timeless. They are already over 40, but they still look great and feel great.

website admires these beauties, who have only become more luxurious over the years.

Monica Bellucci

The Italian diva still remains the standard of femininity and beauty. Surprisingly, the actress does not diet and avoids fitness clubs. “I love myself too much. Therefore, I cannot torture myself with sports and hunger. Love yourself, and you won’t need any lifts or cosmetic surgery either.”

Halle Berry

More than 30 years have passed since she became Miss USA 1986. Despite diabetes and late motherhood, the actress manages to look great.

Meryl Streep

The actress has never been fanatical about her own appearance. Streep believes that you should approach your beauty and health wisely. The main secret of the legendary film star is a positive outlook on the world and moderation in everything.

Penelope Cruz

“I never tried to hide my age. When I look at actresses whom I respect, I understand that they have never been ashamed of their age. Women like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn aged gracefully.”

Salma Hayek

As Salma herself says, she learned to take care of herself at an early age from her grandmother, who worked in a hairdresser and instilled in her granddaughter a sense of beauty. “She was an alchemist and a wizard rolled into one - it was from her that I learned many beauty secrets.”

Renata Litvinova

“Sometimes I look at my pictures and think: “Wow! How gracefully I age!” At her age, she looks much more impressive than many twenty-year-old girls.

Angelina Jolie

The actress has been repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet. Her plump lips, sharpened nose and flawless eyebrows, as well as her image as a whole, continue to amaze as before.

Julia Roberts

While everyone is arguing what role genetics played in Julia’s impeccable beauty, and what role fillers and Botox injections played, the actress herself talks about a balanced diet and active physical activity and believes that the main thing in life is mental balance.

Jennifer Lopez

Lopez never tires of proving that she is still in perfect shape. The singer regularly demonstrates her naked body, choosing revealing outfits for public appearances.

Cindy Crawford

While many models end their careers at 25, the '90s supermodel is still incredibly in demand.

Cate Blanchett

Tall, slender, with porcelain skin. It is not surprising that in 1999 People magazine included the Oscar-winning actress in its list of the most beautiful women in the world. She called genes and the joy of motherhood the secret of her miraculous recovery.

Gwyneth Paltrow

“And you know, I love my wrinkles, and I like the way I look. Of course, sometimes I become critical and worry about this and that, but in reality I try not to notice my possible shortcomings. I value my life and the years I have lived, and I also value the experiences I have had.”

Carmen Dell'Orefais

This one is at the peak of popularity to this day. She, surprisingly, is more popular than some young models.

Eva Mendes

These women are adored by millions. Their talent is amazing, and their beauty seems eternal. Many of them are well over 40, but they still look and feel amazing. Today we will enjoy the beauty of these beautiful representatives of the fairer sex, who become more and more charming and luxurious over the years. Take a look, perhaps here you will find your favorite actress or woman whom you would like to be like in your forties.

(Total 20 photos)

1. Monica Bellucci, 50 years old.

The Italian diva has remained the standard of femininity and beauty for many years. Surprisingly, the actress does not diet and avoids fitness clubs. "I love me. Therefore, I cannot torment myself with exercise and hunger. Love yourself and you will never need braces or plastic surgery."

2. Halle Berry, 48 years old.

Almost 30 years have passed since she became Miss USA 1986. Despite diabetes and late birth of a child, at 48 the actress looks simply amazing.

3. Meryl Streep, 65 years old.

The actress has never been fanatical about her appearance. She believes that this issue should be approached from the point of view of beauty and health. The main secret of the legendary actress is a positive outlook on the world and moderation in everything.

4. Penelope Cruz, 40 years old.

“I have never hidden my age. When I look at actresses I respect, I understand that they have never been ashamed of their age. Women like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn aged very gracefully.”

5. Salma Hayek, 48 years old.

As Salma herself says, she learned self-care and self-care from her grandmother, who worked in a hairdresser. “She was an alchemist and a sorceress rolled into one - it was from her that I learned many beauty secrets.”

6. Renata Litvinova, 48 years old.

"Sometimes I look at pictures of myself and think, 'Wow!'"

7. Angelina Jolie, 39 years old.

The actress is constantly called the most beautiful woman in the world. She will turn 40 in June, but her full lips, sharp nose and perfect eyebrows, as well as her entire image, continue to surprise and amaze.

8. Julia Roberts, 47 years old.

While everyone around is arguing about what exactly played the main role in Julia’s beauty - genetics, Botox or surgery, the actress herself talks about a balanced diet and active physical activity and believes that the most important thing in life is peace.

9. Madonna, 56 years old.

Despite her age, Madonna continues to look great. Especially in terms of figure. The singer devotes a huge amount of time to sports and diet.

10. Jennifer Lopez, 45 years old.

Lopez never tires of proving that she is still in perfect shape. The singer regularly demonstrates her half-naked body, choosing rather revealing outfits for going out.

11. Cindy Crawford, 47 years old.

Although many models retire at 25, this '90s supermodel is still in demand.

12. Cate Blanchett, 45 years old.

Tall, slender, with porcelain skin. It's no surprise that in 1999, People magazine included this Oscar-winning actress on its list of the most beautiful women in the world. She calls genes and the joy of motherhood the secret of her wonderful appearance.

13. Gwyneth Paltrow, 42 years old.

“You know what, I love my wrinkles, I love the way I look. Of course, sometimes I get critical and start worrying about one thing or another, but usually I try not to notice the shortcomings. I value my life and the years I have lived, as well as the experiences I have gained.”

14. Carmen Dell'Orefice, 84 years old.

This amazing model is at the peak of its popularity to this day. And this popularity surprises some young models.

15. Eva Mendes, 41 years old.

The actress looks gorgeous in all the photos. Even in the photo without makeup. By the way, according to Eva herself, she doesn’t care how she looks on the big screen.

16. Ingeborga Dapkunaite, 52 years old.

“Being fit and happy at 50? Yes it is possible! My secret is close friends and my favorite job.”

17. Heidi Klum, 41 years old.

Heidi has maintained such delicious curves that it is no surprise that the former supermodel, TV presenter and mother of four is dating a 27-year-old man.

18. Demi Moore, 52 years old.

Always well-groomed and fit, Demi Moore does not look her age. Her secret of youth is her stormy personal life. She was always more interested in men than diets.

19. Charlize Theron, 39 years old.

Despite her age, Charlize continues to build an amazing career as an actress and sign multimillion-dollar contracts with leading cosmetic brands. Her secret lies in an active lifestyle: she runs in the morning and tries to walk as often as possible.

20. Sophia Loren, 80 years old.

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Every girl wants to have excellent shape at any age. After all, a beautiful woman’s figure is always an object of admiration for men. Therefore, having an amazing appearance gives many representatives of the fair sex self-confidence.

Closer to ideal

Unfortunately, not all women at 30 can have the world's beauty standards. Body characteristics, lack of time or unwillingness to take care of your body are the reasons for weight gain.

Many female representatives always have a few extra centimeters on their hips, waist or arms. This especially affects women aged 30, because this age is accompanied by some internal changes. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to get closer to the ideal figure.

Reasons for such changes

Women after 30-35 years of age may notice the appearance of certain features in their body.

  • Metabolic slowdown.
  • The appearance of hormonal imbalance.
  • Decreased activity.
  • The onset of depression.

These processes arise due to the girl’s transition to a new period of life. And this milestone may be the reason for such changes. Therefore, so that women over 30 do not have problems with excess weight, it is necessary to constantly take care of their body.

What do we have to do?

You need to carefully study your diet and try to reduce it, diversify the food you eat, and choose only healthy foods. In addition, for a 35-year-old woman, you need to seriously think about playing sports. After all, a beautiful and fit figure will not appear on its own. You need to work on your body and then you will see excellent results.

In addition, there are many methods for women after 30 years of age that help keep their body in good shape and not worry about extra pounds. And by adhering to these recommendations, the beauty of your forms will attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex for a long time.

There are several methods for reducing the diet of girls after 30 years:

  1. eat less sweets and more fruits;
  2. It is better to use brown rice than white;
  3. drink a glass of water before eating;
  4. instead of frying a dish, boil or bake, steam;
  5. eat less fatty foods;
  6. It is better to eat healthy fruits and vegetables than junk food.

By adhering to such methods, you can not only improve your health, but also get a beautiful figure for a 30-year-old woman.

It is necessary not only to adhere to recommendations regarding what food to eat, but also to monitor the size of the dishes taken. After all, a large amount of food is always the cause of extra pounds.

Most women after 30 years are forced to have an idea of ​​how many kilocalories are in each product. Knowing this makes it possible to calculate the amount of food consumed, which should not exceed the daily norm. If you increase your food intake, there is a high probability of quickly gaining several kilograms.

An important point is the number of meals. After all, many experts advise women after 35 years to eat at least 4-5 times a day. It is important that portions should be small and correspond to a certain number of kilocalories.

Fitness and training

Therefore, for a woman at 30 years old, it is necessary to monitor her diet and exercise regularly. Thanks to this combination, you can get the perfect figure and look like that all the time.

Features of the exercises

Every woman over 35 years old, having decided to take up fitness, immediately signs up for group classes. But their main drawback is intensity and dynamism, which is undesirable for this age.

The optimal choice would be strength exercises that will help make the figure beautiful and tighten the muscular corset of the back of a girl in her thirties. To do this, you need to create a program for your optimal rapid weight loss with a trainer. First you need to determine possible options for performing exercises that will help you cope well with problem areas of your body.

Having drawn up an approximate “action plan”, you need to decide on the intensity of the load. On average, the frequency of visiting the gym for women over 30 should be 2-3 times a week.

This female age has its own characteristics. Many girls may experience depression or a crisis during this period, so it will be difficult for them not only to play sports, but also to solve basic household problems. Therefore, women over 30 years old can, to keep their bodies in good shape, follow some simple recommendations:

  • do a short jog from time to time;
  • walk to the store or supermarket for groceries;
  • if possible, do some gardening;
  • when returning from work, get off two or three stops earlier and walk home;
  • exercise at home: jump rope or hula hoop for at least 10 minutes a day.

These simple exercises for a 35-year-old woman will help you cope with excess weight and get you out of depression.

Extremely positive emotions

30 years of age is a difficult period for a girl. After all, it is a turning point in their lives. Accidentally seeing a photo of herself from 5 or 10 years ago, a woman may be upset because of the significant difference between her past and present figure. And this is considered one of the first signs of a midlife crisis.

Every girl undoubtedly has such photos. But you must remember that you exist in real time and you need to achieve your success now, and not live in memories.

Ecology of life. People: About ten years ago, one of my friends started talking at some event and I had a chance to listen

About ten years ago, one of my acquaintances, at that time a successful and attractive forty-year-old man, got into conversation at some event and I had the opportunity to listen to rare male revelations.

He said something like this: “I can’t understand - we have so many beautiful girls, young women in our country, but where are the beautiful women over 30, over 40, not to mention over 50? It seems that when they reach the age of 30, they are taken out from the country in sealed carriages. Where do these aunts and these disgusting old women come from - sloppy, unkempt, angry, stupid. And they also complain that their husbands drink, too, if such an aunt was waiting for me at home!

The man said and moved on, and I thought deeply and remember his words to this day. We, women, complain that our husbands drink, have mistresses, leave families, ignore us, etc., but do we do everything to be desired, beautiful, to be taken care of, to be valued, loved and appreciated? us...?...

Below is a small selection of a wide variety of lectures on the topic “premature aging”.

I wish all women to always be beautiful and inspiring!

“You need to constantly be in the process of learning and studying, even small pieces of some, even small things, but this is necessary, it stimulates. There is an expression: “As long as our brain is young, we are young.” You know that as a person, only he becomes stagnant inside, he immediately becomes covered, outwardly he seems to be covered with a cobweb, have you noticed, right? As soon as a person is so conservative, that’s all, he can no longer accept any point of view. He looks very old, have you noticed. , right? And at the same time, on the contrary - even if a person has a hundred and fifty wrinkles, but he has this young mind that is always ready for something new, he is always like a child, he is surprised and looks, this person will always be young, the energy of youth will flow from him." Polonsky M. "Saraswati"

“A woman generally needs to open her heart to at least someone, because if she doesn’t open it, mental tension accumulates, and she begins to get very nervous, she loses her beauty, hormonal functions and everything else, her body ages.”
Torsunov "Responsibilities of a woman in the family"

“Medicine, although reluctantly, began to recognize that meat nutrition is the cause of vascular atherosclerosis, leading to heart attacks, strokes, and premature aging of the body. Cancer also easily develops in a body weakened by cadaveric poisons taken from meat.”
The unscientific nature of atheism

“Violations of the laws of the existence of the body reduce the life span of a person, that is, bad food, incorrect daily routine, etc. A lot has been written about this and I will not dwell on it. The main reason for the aging of the body is bad thoughts, negative emotions, which a person experiences in relation to himself, others, in relation to the situation in the world, etc.

Every woman wants to have a very clean face without wrinkles. Wrinkles on the face are formed due to the fact that tension in the head muscles is not relieved. The muscles tense, they are in an unnatural state for them, so the skin somehow flattens and wrinkles appear. If you relax your scalp muscles like this in the morning and evening, there will be practically no wrinkles. This anti-aging technique is very good for women because it is great for relieving tension in the scalp muscles.

“And many scientists now confirm the fact that if people quarrel with each other, then their DNA molecules and even the animals that are present at the same time are destroyed, which naturally leads to aging. Therefore, in the relationship between spouses, the quality of the accumulated vibrations, that is, these should only be positive emotions and positive words that form a life-affirming and life-creating field. If you are irritated, tired, offended, it is better to do nothing at all. But if you cannot do nothing, then you are obliged to do something. , then try to change your mood with the help of some physical exercise or singing."
Lalana "Levels of marital love. Ancient traditions of sorting out relationships."

"A woman dresses openly when she is desperate to attract anyone. On a subtle level, all the men who looked at her with lust are having sex. The woman loses a lot of energy and ages prematurely. For her husband, she becomes unattractive."
Secret knowledge for women

"Older age, old age - Saturn, young age, youth - Venus. Therefore, if a woman after 40 starts wearing jewelry, she will restrain the influence of Saturn."

“We can also say that miniskirts and mini-jackets, which, in combination with the refusal of warm underwear, began to threaten the body with hypothermia of the organs located in the abdomen and pelvis - the kidneys and adrenal glands will become cold, the skin condition will worsen.

If you walk in the cold with your kidneys and adrenal glands open, this leads to rapid aging, that is, the kidneys are basically the source of energy in the body, and if they start to work incorrectly due to the cold, then the woman has a greater opportunity to age much faster than usual .

In ancient times they knew this very well, and our ancestors always dressed skillfully, warmly and beautifully. They didn't wear miniskirts and mini-blouses." published

Thirty years is a wonderful age for a girl when she can afford almost all styles of clothing. But the main thing to remember is femininity and emphasizing the advantages of the figure. When choosing her wardrobe, a girl must still take into account some wardrobe features that are suitable specifically for a given age.

Basic wardrobe

Every fashionista always thinks about how to create her basic wardrobe so that it turns out to be practical and versatile, without sacrificing fashion and elegance.

A wardrobe for a 30-year-old woman should have some features that allow the lady to look impeccable and demonstrate her impeccable taste. After 30 years, clothes should take on a more formal look, but we are not talking about boring and gloomy styles. Of course, short shorts and tight miniskirts, ripped jeans and revealing tops should be gradually eliminated from your main wardrobe. They are replaced by elegant clothes that emphasize femininity.

A beautiful dress should be a priority when creating a basic wardrobe for 30 years. When choosing dress models, no matter what they are, pay attention to the quality of the fabrics. Remember that even an incredibly beautiful dress will not look good if cheap synthetic materials were used in its manufacture.

The classics, which a girl gradually switches to after thirty years, can be very bright. The list of suitable colors is: rich mustard, burgundy or cherry, turquoise or sea green. An indisputable condition is the ideal combination of the colors of the image with each other. Also, do not forget about the dress code designated for a specific occasion.

The basic wardrobe of a woman of this age category should consist of at least a minimum number of items belonging to different styles. For everyday looks, use urban style, for going to the theater or restaurant - evening style, for work - business style.

A capsule wardrobe, which is suitable for special occasions, is also a good option for two-year-olds over thirty.

Office option

At the age of thirty, many girls are just beginning to rapidly develop their careers. If you work in an office, then you need a high-quality work wardrobe. Everyday office wear can have several options for each season of the year. A winter wardrobe can differ significantly from a summer one. In winter, work has not been canceled, and to make it comfortable for you to get to it, choose the right fabrics for your suit.

A wool trouser suit is one of the most suitable winter style options for the office. Wool has good thermal conductivity and is able to retain heat well. Such a suit does not look massive or tight, but you have a chance to not freeze even in the most severe cold. In addition to the suit, pay attention to the sheath dress, which will perfectly highlight the seductive female form and hide imperfections. Opt for a silhouette that is not too figure-hugging.

In summer everything is much simpler, there is a much larger choice of fabrics, and clothing styles are much more varied. But the rule of choosing clothes only from high-quality expensive fabrics still remains. For summer, jacquard and silk are ideal, which are good to use in hot weather.

Casual style for the weekend

Casual style is distinguished from all others by its simplicity, which is combined with style and fashion trends. Casual style clothing combines incredible comfort that is intertwined with femininity. When creating an image in this style, you should pay attention to the following clothing elements:

  • Jeans. This type of trousers is loved by many women at any age. At thirty years old, a woman can continue to wear jeans, changing their style a little. Give preference to straight-cut models in classic blue. Light abrasions are also not prohibited. High-waisted jeans are also an ideal option - a fashion trend of the past and present seasons.

  • Jacket. This is the same jacket, but more free-form. The jacket goes well with jeans, breeches and skirts. Unlike jackets, jackets can have a stand-up collar and a lock instead of buttons.

  • T-shirts. Speaking about this element of clothing, it is worth noting that it still remains one of the main and favorite elements of a girl’s wardrobe at 30 years old. Of course, now you can no longer afford cartoon characters on a pink background. Pay attention to pastel shades, and choose a classic style without unnecessary elements.


When creating looks for fall or winter, pay attention to the outerwear you are going to purchase. Among the huge variety, it can be very difficult to choose the right option. For each season of the year, a 30-year-old girl can choose different elements of outerwear.

Every year, demi-season coats are becoming increasingly popular. The coat should be as feminine as possible, but now the real trend is models in retro style or with a slightly masculine character. Among materials, give preference to wool, which is a good conductor of heat and provides excellent warmth in inclement weather.

For winter, wearing mink coats remains a priority for women after 30 years of age. Leave long floor-length models for a later age. Now give preference to short coats made from sheared mink fur.

For active girls who prefer winter outdoor recreation, designers make special sets of clothing that are not afraid of moisture and wind. These suits resemble ski clothing, but are more feminine.

Evening out

An evening dress, preferably several versions of it, should be in the wardrobe of any girl. 30 years is the ideal age for social events, visiting theaters and restaurants. You can wear a dress of any length, from sexy short styles to an elegant long dress.

For a colleague’s anniversary, you can wear a spectacular dress with large ruffles. In addition, pay attention to the one-shoulder dress. As a rule, an anniversary is an event with an average level of formality, so any model should be relevant. As for the color scheme, give preference to noble deep shades: burgundy, red, purple, blue.

Summer wardrobe

The summer wardrobe of a thirty-year-old girl is no less varied than any other. In summer, bright colors and unusual combinations of shades have a great advantage.

If you cannot live without T-shirts, then give preference to plain models or models with abstract prints. Colors can be very diverse, but it is better to avoid colors that are poisonous and hurt the eyes. The ideal option would be T-shirts in pastel colors, which never lose their relevance.

Instead of the once-loved shorts, pay attention to breeches or cropped trousers. You will also not be hot in them, but you will look much more feminine and elegant.

Summer dresses and sundresses have also not been canceled. Floral prints, polka dots and stripes are win-win options in hot weather when you go for a walk or meet friends.

A summer women's look for mother and daughter may contain similar elements that form a harmonious family look.

Quality fabrics


Cotton fabric is one of the most affordable and high-quality. This material must be present in the wardrobe of a 30-year-old girl. For example, loungewear, T-shirts, and summer cotton trousers look very good. But this is the case if the cotton fabric is well processed and does not form pills. Pills on the clothes of girls of this age category are a strict taboo, as they indicate untidiness.

Cotton is a hypoallergenic and hygienic fabric that does not cause irritation to the skin. In addition, increased wear resistance allows you to wash a cotton item as many times as necessary.


A silk dress or suit is considered a luxurious wardrobe item. As you know, silk is a noble fabric that speaks of the wealth of its owner, making the image expensive and of high quality. But under no circumstances should silk be confused with satin or other similarities. All fabrics that can imitate silk are highly electrified due to the large amount of synthetics in their composition.

Silk sleepwear is also an indispensable wardrobe item for a 30-year-old girl. Luckily, you can already afford to buy it. Silk can lift your spirits and give you a feeling of joy. This way, your morning will always be truly good.


If you don’t know what material to buy clothes for the summer, give preference to linen items. Linen trousers allow you to wear them even in the hottest weather. Linen is able to give unusual coolness, it absorbs moisture well and dries quickly. Linen clothing is extremely pleasant to the touch due to its smoothness and softness.

Linen blouses and jumpers are great for cool summer evenings; you will feel comfortable while walking. Linen items look best in warm colors, which makes your look cozy and gentle. On store shelves you can find linen clothing from completely different brands, but all of them are the embodiment of good taste and style.


Bamboo fiber is the main competitor of cotton, but has many of its own characteristics. Since bamboo appeared on the market, many brands began to give preference to this material. Bamboo underwear is very hygienic, since the fiber does not allow bacteria to spread and is a destructive environment for the life of any harmful microorganisms.

You can give preference to bamboo when choosing underwear, home clothes, and summer wardrobe items. Bamboo socks are becoming more and more popular every day. It is believed that socks of this type are good at fighting fungus and unpleasant odors.

Color combinations

The right combination of colors is considered no less important an indicator of style than specific wardrobe elements. If you like to use several colors in one image, then you need to combine them correctly. For thin girls, various color options are possible. But if you want to elongate your silhouette even more by adding thinness to it, then avoid purely black looks. The classic combination of black bottom and white top is very relevant here.