
The children are raised by the couple Angelina Jolie and Brad. Angelina Jolie spoke about raising children and her state of mind after her divorce from Brad Pitt. Children don't pray to us

42-year-old Angelina Jolie told reporters the details of raising her children. And the star has six of them: 16-year-old Maddox, 14-year-old Pax, 13-year-old Zahara, 11-year-old Shiloh and nine-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne. The actress said that she tries to devote every minute to them. However, the details of their everyday life shocked many. In particular, the actress’s story about how she takes a bath with her children. Almost all of them are already teenagers.

“I really never relax,” Jolie said. - I am exactly one of those people. And it drives me crazy when someone tells me to relax. I think most moms never really take a break. And, oddly enough, we even find pleasure in it. Even when I try to take a bath, it ends up with at least two of my children getting in with me. And it's so cute! I wouldn't trade moments like these for anything in the world.

Jolie believes that her parenting methods will help her children become more open to the world.

I want to teach them empathy, and through my example I show them how important it is to care for others. And don’t be selfish,” says Angelina.

For more than a year now, Jolie has been in divorce proceedings with Brad Pitt, with whom they cannot yet share either property or custody of their children. Now Angelina and her children live in a luxurious estate in the suburbs of Los Angeles. The actress bought the house and the surrounding land herself, and it cost the star $25 million. Brad Pitt lives in the old house of a star family and sees his children on weekends.

To prevent divorce from becoming a psychological trauma for her offspring, Jolie tries not to infringe on the children and allow them to do whatever they want. True, many stars close to the family, as well as her ex-husband They believe that the actress’s children lack education and discipline. Even Pitt said in one of his interviews that chaos was happening in their house.

When there is peace and quiet around, I start to miss the chaos,” Brad said in an interview. - At such moments I think to myself: “Well, finally!” But after half an hour something starts to miss me, and I understand what it is - chaos. I like children's fuss, constant running back and forth, screaming, fighting. I like it when one of the guys crashes straight into the wall, or when he yells: “Dad!” For me this means that life goes on.

The actors' daughter Shiloh, for example, at the age of 9 declared that she wanted to become a boy. And as soon as it reaches the right age, she plans to have sex reassignment surgery.

Angelina at first tried to turn it all into a joke, but when she realized that Shiloh was serious, she decided not to put pressure on her.

Brad tries not to interfere - of course, he is worried, but at the same time he is sure that Shiloh is just growing up as a tomboy surrounded by older brothers. In his opinion, when the girl grows up, she will become more feminine and accept herself for who she is, says the source.

In addition, all six of Angelina's children never went to school; they study at home. Once Pitt and Jolie decided to give them home education. Children study basic subjects - arithmetic and reading, as well as learn foreign languages ​​and play music. The children themselves chose which foreign languages ​​to learn. Each of them also has a personal mentor in playing a musical instrument.

Shiloh is learning Khmai, which is a Cambodian language, Pax is focusing on learning Vietnamese, Maddox has chosen Russian and German, Zahara speaks French, Vivienne is very interested in Arabic, and Knox is studying sign language, the actress previously said in an interview with BBC.

The large family of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt cannot but amaze. The couple does a wonderful job with their natural and adopted children, establishing the same rules for everyone. However, recently a woman who worked for Jolie-Pitt told the details of the life of this family, which many may seem a little strange and even unconventional.

According to the woman, who wished to remain anonymous, star parents give their children complete freedom of expression, which somehow reminded her of a hippie commune.

Brad and Angelina are, to put it mildly, very extraordinary parents. It feels like they live in a hippie commune because they don't respect any rules. Jolie believes that children should be given freedom of expression, but this leads to sad consequences.

Due to the fact that the Jolie-Pitt family constantly travels from country to country, their children do not go to regular school. That's why 14-year-old Maddox, 11-year-old Pax, 10-year-old Zahara, 9-year-old Shiloh and 7-year-old twins Nok and Vivienne are homeschooled.

Their teachers travel with the family, but the curriculum differs significantly from the usual school one - all Jolie-Pitt children choose their own subjects. Estimates, tests and there are no tests for them - Angelina herself encourages this approach.

Freedom of expression for children also concerns religious issues. The actors decided that their children would one day choose their own religion. Therefore, now they are only getting acquainted with various spiritual teachings.

However, according to the Jolly-Pitt employee, there is still one mandatory rule in this family. And it says that all children should regularly go to a psychologist.

The only thing that is not discussed in the family is a mandatory visit to a psychotherapist, to whom the children of the stars go every week.

The woman also said that Brad Pitt does not fully agree with the upbringing of children that his wife developed. However, a supporter of traditional values, Pitt does not fight her system, he only tries to find compromises. For example, early in the morning he prepares breakfast himself so that the whole family can enjoy a meal together.

Interest in the most notorious divorce of the decade shows no sign of abating. The media continue to publish the most important stories several times a day. last news from Los Angeles. In turn, fans are waiting with hope that the most beautiful Hollywood family will reunite.

Meanwhile, the paparazzi are tracking the couple’s every move, and journalists are never tired of looking for talkative insiders who are ready to spill all the secrets of the Jolie and Pitt family for a fee.

To hit or not to hit? Brad Pitt's allegations of child abuse have not been confirmed

As is known, main reason divorce, which Angelina Jolie's lawyer voiced, led to different views on raising children. The media is actively discussing the topic of cruelty to children by Brad Pitt.

It seems that this was a successful move by Angelina’s lawyer, with the goal of putting the actor in a bad light and raising a storm of general indignation against him. This version is supported by the fact that yesterday evening information appeared that law enforcement agencies found no evidence to support the accusations against Pitt. The video of Brad allegedly beating children on the plane does not exist. And his witnesses aggressive behavior in relation to numerous offspring was not found.

In general, all the accusations surrounding Brad Pitt’s cruelty are unsubstantiated, but the nerves and reputation of the Hollywood sex symbol have been significantly damaged.

Upbringing? No, we haven't heard. The nannies of Jolie and Pitt's children spoke about the chaos in the couple's home

Journalists do not sit still. They managed to find interesting information that casts doubt on the fact that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have any idea about parenting at all. Nannies who different time worked for the Jolipitts, they note that real chaos reigns in the family of the famous spouses.

One of the nannies, who worked in the couple’s house seven days a week, told reporters that the children had no routine. They could play around and watch cartoons all night. Thanks to constant flights and trips, the famous parents themselves did not contribute to ensuring that their children had at least some kind of daily routine.

According to the servants, the children are allowed everything; they don’t know the word “no.” There is no talk of any strict methods of education or punishment in the family; children are not even accustomed to making their beds or putting away their toys.

One of the governesses said that Brad Pitt is ready to change all the children’s plans if he has the opportunity and desire to devote his time to them:

« Brad might suddenly show up and decide to take the kids to the pizzeria. He takes them away for the whole day, completely canceling all their planned activities for the day. And once he even took the twins out to eat ice cream in the middle of the night!»

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Interestingly, none of the couple's six children ever attended school. The couple hire tutors at home, but lessons take place when the children are in the mood to study.

The children of Jolie and Pitt also have problems with friends: their entire social circle is family. According to the housekeepers, the children are absolutely not socialized and feel awkward when they are in the company of their peers. At the same time, the relationship between the couple's eldest sons, 15-year-old Maddox and 12-year-old Pax, according to informants, is hostile.

One of the housekeepers told reporters that older boys like to play with knives. Angelina Jolie does not see anything strange in this hobby. On the contrary, the actress encourages the interests of the guys and herself has a huge collection of bladed weapons.

It seems that the famous parents were completely satisfied with everything that happened in their home over the years. In an interview several years ago, Brad Pitt said that he likes the chaos that reigns in his family with Angelina Jolie:

« When there is peace and quiet around, I start to miss the clutter. When at some point I begin to breathe deeply and find peace, I think to myself: “Well, finally!” But after half an hour something starts to miss me, and I understand what it is – chaos. I like children's fuss, constant running back and forth, screaming, fighting. I like it when one of the guys crashes straight into the wall, or when he yells: “Daddy!” For me it means that life goes on."

Yes, raising six children is not an easy job, given the busy work schedule of the Jolie-Pitt star couple. However, the famous Angie, like every mother, has special secrets of raising and caring for children.

How does she teach, what does she feed, and what principles does the star mother adhere to during her upbringing? Read on.

Biological and adopted babies

All the children of the star couple bear the double surname Jolie-Pitt. Three of them are adopted children of Brad and Angie, and three are biological.

Thus, Angelina adopted her first child, son Maddox Shivan (2001), in 2002 in Cambodia, where the filming of the film “Beyond” took place.

The couple adopted the girl Zahara Marley (2005) in 2005 in Ethiopia, where the actress was a representative of the UN humanitarian mission. Zakhara’s biological mother died of AIDS, but, fortunately, the disease was not transmitted to the girl.

In 2006, the first biological child in the star family was born - a girl named Shiloh Nouvel. The daughter was born by caesarean section.

In 2007, Jolie and Pitt adopted a boy named Pax Thien (born 2003) in Vietnam.

In 2008, in Nice, the star mother gave birth to twins by caesarean section - a boy, Knox Leon, and a girl, Vivienne Marcheline.

Meals on demand

Angie does not want her kids to suffer from lack of attention and to suffer from boredom when they are forced to tour and film in other countries. That’s why the actress always tries to take her children with her to filming.

It is not surprising that due to frequent travel, children's daily schedule often shifts. In this regard, the spouses came to a unanimous decision - the babies will eat on demand. This diet does not affect health and mental development, the star is sure. Moreover, Jolie advises all parents not to force feed their children at strictly set hours, to give them freedom in eating, and not to suppress their taste preferences.

Right to make mistakes

Every person, including Small child, has the right to make a mistake, Angie is convinced. She always repeats to her children: there is no need to be afraid of mistakes, because they are as natural as achievements. Experienced mom never scolds children for dropping a cup or breaking some object while playing. “If you dropped it - pick it up, broke it - clean up after yourself, made a mistake - correct it,” - like this simple truths Jolie and Pitt are guided in the education process.

All six children of the star couple are homeschooled. The couple tries to develop curiosity and activity in their children. “You don’t need to withdraw into yourself and be afraid of the wrong answers, but ask, be interested and answer,” Angelina inspires the children.

Maximum democracy

The actress considers her parenting methods to be quite democratic. For example, she does not prohibit children from choosing their own wardrobe.

However, many noted that their first biological daughter dresses in boys' clothes and, oddly enough, the famous parents are not trying to remake her style.

But one day, Jolie’s mother-in-law, Jane Pitt, found it necessary to intervene in a kind of “indifferent” attitude towards appearance his granddaughter Shiloh. A caring grandmother gave the girl a whole collection designer dresses and sundresses. However, Angelina was not at all happy with the “noble” gesture on the part of her mother-in-law, and even considered this act disrespectful towards herself.

Jane knows that Shiloh likes to dress in a boy's style, because she grows up surrounded by three brothers, from whom she takes her example, Angie explained. In addition, Jolie is convinced that children should have complete freedom of choice when it comes to their wardrobe.

Taboo zone

Every mother wants to know how her child lives: what music he listens to, what sites he visits, what films he watches, etc. Jolie is no exception to this. She is extremely afraid that her children will not succumb negative influence from the external environment.

The actress regularly monitors which Internet resources her children visit and even blocks those that, in her opinion, have a negative impact on the child’s psyche. A caring mother also does not allow children to watch films that show violence and bloody scenes.

And recently information leaked to the press that Angelina Jolie forbids her children to listen to Rihanna's songs because they use profanity and have hidden sexual overtones.

Perhaps the somewhat categorical prohibitions are due to the fact that the actress herself experienced many of the temptations of adult life too early. Therefore how loving mother wants every child of hers not to stumble as they go through every step of growing up.