
Depression after divorce from wife. How to survive depression after divorcing your wife. Causes of Emotional Problems

The destruction of a family always entails negative emotions. The dissolution of an official marriage is accompanied not only by disappointment in the other half, but also by everyday disputes about property and the fate of children. This exhausts the participants in the divorce process and cannot but affect the general morale.

Divorce cannot but affect the general morale

Therefore, depression after divorce becomes common. Both spouses are not immune from this. Men and women behave differently in this life situation, but everyone asks themselves how to recover after a divorce.

The concept of "depression"

First you need to understand what depression after divorce is and when it appears. In psychology, depression is considered a disease and is defined as follows:

an affective state characterized by a negative emotional background, changes in the motivational sphere, cognitive (related to consciousness) ideas and general passivity of behavior.

A large number of people suffer from this disease. According to psychologists, more than 14 million people in Russia are depressed. Although many people experience symptoms of depression, it is important to distinguish lingering low mood from a serious psychological illness. There are different types of it.

This type of disorder occurs as a reaction to external factors, to the loss of a loved one. And this does not only mean death loved one, but also his disappearance from the life of someone who has fallen into depression. This can happen through incarceration, relocation, relationship breakdown and divorce. It is this type of psychological disorder that men are most often exposed to.

Psychogenic depression is self-pity, a feeling of depression, revaluation of values, a feeling of the meaninglessness of life

In a state of psychogenic depression, a person is depressed, dissatisfied with himself and others, restless, and his reaction may be inhibited. The situation seems hopeless to him, and therefore his tendency to commit suicide increases. Such depression can become chronic.

Another type of mental disorder is internal depression. Its causes are insufficient production of certain substances by the body and disruption of its normal functioning. This disease is treated more seriously, using psychotherapeutic methods and medications.

The occurrence of such a disorder is directly related to external circumstances: life’s troubles serve as a reason for the development of this disease in an acute form. Divorce, which is accompanied by strong feelings, becomes such an impetus.

It is important to understand that when treating this type of depression, the emphasis is not on a specific negative experience - divorce, but on the general condition of the person. If you incorrectly determine the type and causes of depression and try to take a man with endogenous depression away from negative experiences associated with family breakdown, such treatment may not have results.

Endogenous depression often visits people who are always dissatisfied with themselves

Differences in men's and women's reactions to divorce

Representatives of the weaker and stronger sex react differently to events in life, including divorce. Women worry right away, even before the divorce process. The most difficult period for them after their spouse leaves is the first year. During this period, women become depressed, turn to psychologists, and the risk of suicide increases.

In men, the reaction is slightly different. In the case where the initiator of the breakup is the spouse, this often comes as a surprise to the husband. Even if there were conflicts in the family, the man might not realize how serious it was and that it would cause a divorce. Therefore, at first there is a feeling of loss; reality seems implausible. There are no manifestations of strong emotions yet, there is a feeling of detachment, apathy, reluctance to do or change anything.

A woman finds an outlet for negative emotions by telling her friends or parents about her troubles. Men often prefer to keep their emotions to themselves, so it is more difficult for them to experience problems. It is of great value for them to find an interlocutor who will listen and sympathize. During the period of divorce, when a person stops communicating with his husband or wife, this is especially important.

Discussing problems with friends can help prevent or alleviate depression. A person will not withdraw into himself, will look at the situation from the outside, and will come out of a state of apathy. Sometimes it is very important to hear from close friends that the situation is not so hopeless and that everything will get better soon.

A woman finds an outlet for negative emotions by telling her friends about her troubles

If the initiator of the divorce is a man, then for the first time after the separation he feels free. Scandals, reproaches, and problems with the division of property disappear from his life. It seems that it has begun new life with a lot of prospects and promising acquaintances. The problems that caused so much trouble have disappeared. Some men are even surprised at how easy and calm they feel immediately after a divorce.

Awareness of problems

Despite the initial apathy or ease, gradually comes awareness of the seriousness of the step taken. The usual way of life is changing, starting from the everyday side and ending emotional issues. A man has to take care of household chores that previously lay on his wife’s shoulders.

Divorce does not happen immediately - it is preceded by quarrels, showdowns, grievances and insults. Because of this, immediately after separation, both spouses experience negative emotions towards each other. A man, thinking about his ex-wife, feels irritated or even angry. It all depends on the reasons for the separation. But a loved one disappears from life. If there are children in the family, they usually stay with their mother.

It's hard to bear the feeling of loneliness

A man loses the opportunity to communicate with them as before due to divorce. If the children are still small, the connection becomes very weak. It is not always possible to live nearby and see each other often. All this increases the feeling of loneliness.

Disappointment in a new relationship

Having freed themselves, most men begin to look for new emotions, sensations, make acquaintances, and have mistresses. During the divorce period, it seemed to them that there were so many women who were better, more well-groomed, and more interesting than their wives. At first this is confirmed, but gradually the man realizes that other women also have shortcomings that are very difficult to accept. They turn out to be not so interesting, the constant change of partners becomes boring, and the novelty is lost. Because of this, the colors of life fade again.

You need to spend time, energy, money on women. Gradually, the result ceases to justify the means. The man understands that the new relationship pleases him less and less. Many people wonder how to cope with depression after a divorce, only a year and a half after leaving their wife.

Depression in men is a problem that requires immediate solution

At this stage, it is important to find the strength to think and understand what exactly you need. By this time, grievances often pass, and you can approach decision-making thoughtfully, and not impulsively, and understand why the marriage fell apart. Some people realize that they want to return to their ex-wife, and many succeed. If a man is firmly convinced of the desire to restore the family, then he needs to understand past mistakes and try to avoid them in the future.

If a return to a past life is impossible or unnecessary, but there is still a feeling of depression and loss, then it is necessary to get out of this state. Many men do not realize that depression is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Ways to cope with depression

Chatting with friends relieves depression

Every situation is unique, you can't make it up universal solution all problems. But there are several tips on how a man can cope with depression after a divorce:

  • rethink the path you have traveled, realize that the past is gone and you need to start a new life;
  • fill your everyday life with something new, take care of yourself, find an interesting hobby: the less free time, the less opportunity to think about problems;
  • concentrate on work;
  • find a person who is ready to listen and understand, tell him about your experiences;
  • be in groups more, meet with friends and colleagues after work, take every chance to leave the house;
  • do not ignore the women around you because of failure with your wife, look for new interesting acquaintances;
  • do not try to solve problems with the help of alcohol: the intoxication will pass, but the troubles will remain.

If the illness overcomes - indeed mental disorder, depression after divorce, it is not easy to get out of this state on your own. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist.

Some people experience divorce as liberating. For others it is devastating and depressing. Sometimes this is an opportunity to start life again, taking into account all the previous mistakes. For most men, divorce is a disaster. They resist with all their might and, failing to succeed, fall into serious disorder. Depression after divorce in men requires proper treatment and proper attention.

A man's condition after divorce

After a divorce, it is quite unpleasant and difficult for both spouses. And even if at first glance it may seem that men are not worried at all, this is not true. The time after divorce has a much more destructive effect on men than on women; depression begins. It is much easier for a woman to get out of such a state. To understand the reason for this fact, you need to understand the psyche and way of thinking of a man.

After a divorce, men experience depression and a crisis that is too often underestimated by them and society. Being sad and sad is understandable, but these are just temporary phases after a divorce. For men, the loss of family status, as well as the loss of a job or a favorite thing, is associated with a loss of personal value in the eyes of society. This causes severe grief that turns into depression. Their self-esteem is directly related to a man’s position in society and is often overly dependent on the opinions of others. This leads to enormous mental stress and ultimately to problems after divorce.

Confusion from the loss of one’s place, status and stability, wounded pride and self-esteem gradually develop into resentment, despair, depression and anger. There is a sharp change in the behavior and character of men - some plunge headlong into work, other men resort to alcohol for depression.

After a divorce, the strong half of humanity develops a craving for self-destruction; guys stop valuing their lives and often commit risky actions. Another unpleasant, but at the same time frequent scenario, is when after a divorce a man cannot completely let go of his now ex-wife. A man under stress begins to follow her, interfere in her life, and in the worst cases, threatens to commit suicide if she does not return.

The whole situation becomes more complicated if the couple has children. They already have a hard time after their parents’ divorce, and they often become the subject of disputes and blackmail. This can cause irreparable harm to the child's psyche. For men who initiate the termination of a relationship, an additional burden is a feeling of guilt towards children and depression.

Men after divorce: causes of depression

To briefly summarize the reasons that cause post-divorce depression, you get:

  1. Disruption of the usual way of life. Regardless of who initiated the divorce, after a certain time men begin to miss their usual family life and become depressed;
  2. Feeling worthless. Not feeling needed, a man loses the meaning of life after a divorce;
  3. Fear of losing children. If the divorce process is stormy and aggressive, the man is afraid that, having received full custody of the children, his wife will begin to turn them against the father;
  4. If the wife is the initiator, she provokes a catastrophic decrease in self-esteem in the man, depression;
  5. If the husband himself is the initiator, he begins to be haunted by a heavy feeling of guilt in front of his son or daughter.

How to get rid of depression

The main problem of the strong half of humanity is depending on other people’s opinions and unwillingness to seek support. That is, a woman can talk for hours with her friends about an unpleasant situation, expressing all the emotions and difficult details and thereby ease her soul. A man withdraws into himself, tries to hide his resentment, depression and disappointment even from close friends, so as not to seem incompetent to them. How long depression lasts depends on the man and on the help of loved ones.

A common mistake is starting a new relationship immediately after a divorce. Until the wounds of breakup and depression heal, new love men will be tinged with morbidity and will not bring happiness to either party.

Some resort to even more drastic measures - throwing themselves into entertainment headlong. Alcohol, gambling, psychotropic substances, women - all this does not bring the slightest relief; it only worsens depression after divorce in men. In addition, by going on a spree, a man risks receiving a court ban on meeting children.

What to do if you are severely depressed? Psychologists advise being more open with friends and not being afraid frank conversations. Relatives will provide support during the most difficult time of life and help bring a man out of depression. Don't be afraid of expressing weakness. Strength lies precisely in recognizing the problem and finding a way out of it.

Taking care of a man's health after divorce

After divorce, men often suffer from anxiety, nightmares and insomnia, which leads directly to depression. Physical training will help you get rid of excess energy and anger, and improve your sleep. Correct, healthy eating will improve metabolic processes in the body, which guarantees an increase in mood.

If you suddenly want to drink, don’t limit yourself. A glass of wine with lunch or a bottle of beer before bed will help you relax, the main thing is not to give in to temptation and not fall into a drinking binge.

Go swimming. Water calms and treats many disorders, harmonizes the psycho-emotional background, and relieves depression.

Psychotherapist and medications

After a divorce, it is better to immediately seek help from a qualified psychologist. This is not a sign of weakness, it is proof of a highly developed responsibility towards one's own children.

The psychologist will determine the extent and depth of the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment for depression. It is not necessary that the treatment be medicinal. Perhaps regular consultations with a psychotherapist, a light diet and increased physical activity will be enough to deal with the problem.

Experiences after divorce in men are divided into the following stages:

  • Negation;
  • Anger, rage;
  • Bargaining (attempts to negotiate);
  • Depression itself;
  • Acceptance, recognition of the situation, a step towards healing.

Knowing about these processes should make it easier to survive depression after divorce, although this does not always work. In particularly severe and advanced cases of depression, the doctor may prescribe sedatives and antidepressants. There are a lot of medicines side effects. If you cannot cope on your own, you will have to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Remember, attempting suicide (statistically, the suicide rate among men increases sharply after divorce) is not considered the right option. It will complicate life from all sides:

  1. This will be reflected in the personal file, the man will be registered.
  2. They may be prohibited from seeing children for some time after a divorce.
  3. It is important to think about how difficult and embarrassing it will be to look your child in the eyes after a while.

And in general, thoughts about children should dominate in a positive way. Remember that in order for them to grow up healthy and successful people, they need a father (as well as a mother).

Divorce statistics and depression rates

Get to know the numbers:

  • In 65% of cases, divorces are initiated by wives;
  • Most divorce proceedings in the world begin after the celebration of the 20th wedding anniversary; in Russia, the “divorce” age for marriage is 5-8 years;
  • The highest rate of separation is among married couples aged 40 to 45 years;
  • Almost half of marriages break up due to addiction to alcohol and drugs by one of the spouses;
  • It is believed that if there are several children in a family, the chance of saving the marriage is reduced. According to statistics, large families are in the same risk zone as others (after all, large families many other problems arise, for example, financial, housing, etc.).

How can a man live after a divorce? Worries won't help matters here. You need to take into account all your past mistakes, pull yourself together, overcome depression and start life again. You can consult a psychologist if you have strong emotional experiences.

Divorce is a dramatic event in the life of every married couple. When a marriage is dissolved, not only “capital” is divided in two. A more “subtle” substance is collapsing - something that took years or even decades to build. The “cell of society”, filled with shared, emotionally charged events, is overturned. The formal dissolution of a marriage does not at all indicate the completion of the “project”. The stage of signing the papers is followed by the most difficult stage - the period of adaptation of the spouses to the changed situation.

Depression after divorce in men is often a continuation of the documented divorce process. The dissolution of a marriage is not always The best decision for both. More often than not, divorce indicates a crisis in a relationship and is only transitional stage. However, existing traditions do not provide for long rituals of farewell to family life. Unless lengthy legal proceedings provide spouses with the opportunity to “disconnect” from each other and feel the completion of the relationship.

We often receive letters with the question “why is a man after a divorce interested in the life of his wife, although he is already living or dating another woman?” The explanation may lie in the plane of habit, in a sense of ownership, a feeling of guilt, boredom, interest, “how is she better or worse without him?” and other reasons. There is no universal answer to this question; any motive can be present. But this once again emphasizes that the formal side of divorce does not exhaust the entire “color” of the event.

Post-divorce depression in men – causes and symptoms

Marriage is not only a social experience, but also a deep emotional connection for two. Post-divorce desire between spouses is a consequence of physical and psychological intimacy that has been established over a long period of time. The psychotherapeutic side of marriage is one of the most important functions of this union. It has been established that people who are in a “positive marriage” are physically and emotionally more resistant to an unfavorable external environment and have better psychosomatic health.

Post-breakup depression in men is often due to the need for support to get through a difficult period and the limited ability to receive it. Close emotional contact has not yet been established with the new woman, and the “ex-wife” formally no longer belongs to the man, although mutual attraction is present in both partners. The situation is aggravated by other experiences, which may include:

  • rapid disappointment in the ideal of a “free life”: freedom does not live up to expectations, the new woman is by no means better than the old one;
  • “sexual hunting” is an energy-consuming process, which only at first can excite with the piquancy of the moment, and subsequently leads to psychophysical burnout;
  • assessing the new reality, the man is convinced of the absence of advantages and the presence of significant disadvantages (taking care of everyday life, caring for himself), regret about the lost comfort begins to visit the “ex-spouse” more and more often;
  • a feeling of guilt may haunt the husband who initiated the divorce, especially if there are children together.

The development of a depressive disorder is indicated by a number of symptoms and behavioral characteristics of a man. The main key point is the inability to have fun and, as a result, distance from life. In contrast to those who openly demonstrate emotions, the stronger sex “prefers” other technologies for getting out of dramatic situations.

Post-divorce depression in men can be expressed by the following symptoms:

  • thinking disorder and other mental processes: the ability to make decisions, concentrate, and remember suffers;
  • abuse of alcohol and other psychoactive substances, which in the future will only aggravate the severity of neurosis;
  • attacks of anger and aggression, which can be directed not only outward, but also inward;
  • loss of interest in work, hobbies, career growth, material well-being;
  • persistent feelings of guilt, “remorse,” or feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy;
  • chronic fatigue, loss of performance;
  • appetite disturbances and changes in body weight;
  • pain of various localizations - headaches, muscles, heart;
  • decreased potency;
  • suicidal thoughts.

A depressed person becomes emotionally vulnerable and dependent and needs more support. At the same time, the ability to accept support from others decreases. The skill of fragmentation is lost - the ability to see, in addition to “white” and “black”, various shades of the spectrum. “Global” thinking (“all or nothing”) is a hallmark of depression in men. Restoring the skill of positive fragmentation - the ability to see inspiring details, halftones, enjoy pleasant moments and ignore annoying ones - is the most important therapeutic task.

“It doesn’t hurt me” or “men don’t cry”

To preserve the image of a courageous warrior, the man does not share his experiences and deliberately does not accept help. Neurotic disorder hides from colleagues, relatives, friends by any means - and all in the name of a stereotype " a real man will never cry." By the way, it is easier for a woman to survive any psychological trauma precisely because of her ability to share pain with the world, seek help and accept support.

On average, it takes about a year for “male depression” to fully come into its own. The delay is due to the ample opportunities for the stronger sex to fall into oblivion. Intimate relationships, psychoactive substances and other “technologies for distracting consciousness,” although they perform a temporary therapeutic function, in the long term they turn out to be destructive.

Depression during divorce in men waits for the moment when the energy runs out, when the desired temptations cease to bring satisfaction. When the need for understanding and support reaches its peak, and the ability to adequately respond to the attempt of others to support approaches zero. This is the “emotional trap” of depressive syndrome. “Black” becomes “too black.”

How long does depression last after divorce? From several months to many years. Its depth and extent depend on a number of factors: on a person’s willingness to analyze his condition and look for ways to correct it, on the ability to build positive relationships and the ability to fragment life into its component elements. By the way, the developed skill of fragmentation also has a downside: instead of focusing on the positive aspects, the man focuses on the negative.

Why does post-divorce depression need to be treated?

A significant portion of men stoically hold on to the “I can handle it myself” attitude or even deny the presence of a depressive disorder, despite the obvious signs of its presence.

The consequence of ignoring the syndrome is a deterioration in the quality of life (to the point of complete financial and emotional collapse), loss of significant (or any) social connections, alcoholism and drug addiction, mental disorders and other health pathologies, shortened life expectancy or even death (due to a “successful” suicide attempt ).

Remember, that…

  • There are no medications for depression without side effects.
  • Drug treatment of psychoneurotic disorders has lost its relevance due to the emergence of modern and safe methods of psychological correction [,].
  • Untreated depression not only makes your life worse, but also “infects” those around you.
  • An effective remedy combating neurosis - training (or self-training) skills positive thinking and behavior.
  • Psychotherapy provides a person with the opportunity to think clearly and equips him with the ability to build positive contact with himself and the world.

Do not start the course of the disease, delegate your condition to a specialist for a comfortable recovery period. Modern psychotherapy offers a man a partnership - reliable cooperation, the result of which is a reassessment of views, comfortable coexistence with oneself and the world, a desire to live and build a new home.

Self-confidence, enjoyment of being in this reality, forgiveness of yourself and others, wise contemplation will become your life companions. Live without pain, overcome your fears, so that tomorrow you can start creating the future.

Divorce is a tragedy from which, unfortunately, no marriage is immune. And in our time, when the institution of family has become especially fragile, rare lucky people manage to avoid the seven circles of hell of the divorce process.

Among the readers of the site “Beautiful and Successful” there are probably also those who are very familiar with depression after divorce. It is to them that we turn today.

Divorce causes serious psychological trauma to any woman.

The tragedy of the death of a family is comparable in stress level to. Just like the loss of someone close, divorce makes ex-spouses go through several phases of depression.

The first time after the divorce process ex-wives usually experience an acute mental crisis, which then turns into a protracted blues.

Depression after divorce from husband

The state of depression that a woman experiences can be very severe. This phase usually lasts from two to two and a half months.

But in some, especially severe cases, the duration of the phase of conscious suffering may increase. In order for depression not to lead to irreparable consequences, it is important for a woman to be able to pull herself together in time.

The following advice from competent psychologists will help her with this:

  • A state of depression after difficult experiences is the norm.. A bad mood, a desire to protect yourself from any conversations and meetings, self-pity, tears, sobs - a divorced woman has every right to all these manifestations of her weakness. Negative emotions during acute depression after divorce should be cried out and expressed. If possible, in the first few days after a divorce, it is also advisable to take a vacation from work so that you can mope at home without damaging your career and reputation. But such detachment from the outside world should not last longer than two or three days.
  • Helps you get out of depression faster fulcrum. Such a point for a divorced woman could be, for example, her children or parents - close people who need her support. Many ex-wives, having no idea how to survive depression after a divorce, at first do all household chores automatically, out of inertia. But gradually they regain the understanding that life goes on, that there are still those nearby who love them very much. This helps them to be reborn for a new life.
  • Salt in a woman’s wounds is any contact with her ex-spouse. Don't look for meetings with him even in order to express to him everything that has accumulated in the soul, because usually during this period all conversations between ex-husband and wife end in quarrels or scandals. Psychologists also advise getting rid of things that remind you of your previous marriage and, if possible, changing the situation.
  • The first time after a divorce, almost all women engage in psychological self-flagellation, blaming themselves for the fact that their marriage broke up. The site emphasizes: a marriage is built by both spouses, and if it breaks up, both are always to blame. Just by stopping blaming yourself, a woman will be able to let go of the past and find the strength to move forward towards new goals.
  • To get rid of depression during severe depression after a divorce, paralyzing thought and movement, some kind of push, a bold or even extreme act often helps. You can, for example, go diving, parachuting, go to the mountains to ski, play paintball, or even enter the boxing ring - a specific choice of treatment method depends on the temperament and character of the woman. Such activities help to throw out aggression, clear away accumulated negative thoughts and emotions, charge you with adrenaline, shake you up and force you to act.
  • Depression after divorce in women can also be effectively treated shopping and beauty therapy. If your financial situation does not allow you to visit a hypermarket and spa salons, you can simply go to the boutiques that have sales, buy yourself a couple of inexpensive accessories that can refresh your look, and then set up a beauty parlor at home, taking a bath with sea ​​salt and making a face and hair mask. Any woman's mood instantly improves when she likes her reflection in the mirror.

Life from scratch, or How to completely overcome depression after divorce

After the phase of conscious suffering comes the so-called period of residual effects. Despite the fact that difficult experiences have already been left behind, each new meeting with ex-husband, a telephone conversation with him or some kind of vivid reminder of lost happiness can cause acute mental pain in a woman.

Psychologists recommend trying to avoid any reminders of divorce at this time, however, in some cases this is impossible to do. So, for example, you cannot ignore the child’s desire to see his father and communicate with him, his questions about his dad.

The wife may also have common affairs with her ex-husband, which cannot be resolved without him.

A serious hobby can help you get through this phase of female depression after a divorce easier. The winners of their failures in life are always strong ladies who are able to perceive the breakdown of marriage as an opportunity to start their lives from scratch.

The void gaping in the soul after the loss of a husband needs to be filled with creativity. – excellent remedy dealing with mental trauma.

Moreover, according to successful creative people, it is difficult experiences They give the strongest inspiration and help to create truly worthwhile works.

Sewing, cutting, design, embroidery, knitting, origami, carving, confectionery, poetry, prose, hairdressing, floriculture, choreography or something else - it doesn’t matter what kind of business will help a woman survive depression after a divorce. It is important that it occupies all her thoughts and feelings, leaving no room for sadness in her heart and head.

A serious hobby will not only allow you to forget about recent adversities, but will also teach you to believe in yourself, discover new interesting traits in yourself, and look into the future with optimism.

Belief in future happiness is a good cure for depression

If you calculate how long depression lasts after a divorce in general, it turns out to be about two years. These two years of life can become completely wasted if you devote them to moaning about your misfortune and seclusion.

Or they can be a start to the search for real happiness in life. Thoughts about a happy future are the main answer to the question of how to overcome depression after a divorce.

Statistics say that Almost all women, some time after the divorce, successfully establish a new life. Many of them remarry and create happy families: after all, from their own experience, they already know very well what mistakes in marriage should be avoided.

An interesting fact is that 25% of divorced men and women get back together and live quite happily after their second marriage. This suggests that depression after divorce is a favorable moment for each of the former spouses to realize what is of primary value to them.

A good lesson can be learned from any life situation. The same applies to everything related to divorce. Life's difficulties make us spiritually stronger. Therefore, to everyone who is now suffering due to a breakup with their husband, our site wishes to quickly learn as much as possible from this lesson useful information and gain new strength to start building your happy future.
Author – Pelageja, website – Beautiful and Successful

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Depression after divorce often occurs due to the negative emotions that accompany this process. Divorce is characterized not only by the appearance of disappointment in the spouse, but also by everyday problems:
division of property, concern about the fate of children. This has a serious impact on psycho-emotional state participants in divorce proceedings. In any case, separation affects the moral state of both women and men. A man and a woman may behave differently in this situation, but everyone wonders how to get out of depression after a divorce.


Depression is considered a psychological disorder, defined as an affective state characterized by the appearance of negative emotions, a change in the motivational sphere, and passive human behavior. This disease affects many people, significantly impairing their quality of life. According to research, depression is found in 1% of the population of our country. Despite the fact that many people experience symptoms of this disease, it should be distinguished from a prolonged stay in bad mood. Exist different types depressive states.

Psychogenic depression occurs under the influence of external factors, such as the loss of loved ones. This implies not only the death of a person, but also a severance of relations with him. This can happen as a result of relocation, incarceration and divorce. It is this type of depression that often develops after divorce in men.

The disease is characterized by:

  • the emergence of feelings of self-pity;
  • depressed mood;
  • change of values;
  • a feeling of the meaninglessness of existence.

With psychogenic depression, a man has low self-esteem, inhibited reactions and restless behavior. Since a loved one becomes forever lost to him, the depressed person considers the situation hopeless, and he begins to have suicidal thoughts. Such depression often becomes chronic.

Endogenous (internal) depression develops when there is insufficient production of certain substances in the body, which affects the functioning of the brain. Treatment of this disease is carried out through the use of medications and psychotherapeutic techniques. The occurrence of endogenous depression is associated with the life situation in which a person finds himself. Breakup, death loved one, everyday problems - all this can lead to an acute form of the disease. Divorce is accompanied by strong emotional experiences, so it can give rise to the development of this disorder. When treating, you should pay attention not only to the life situation in which the person finds himself, but also to his general condition. Endogenous depression most often occurs in people with low self-esteem.

Men and women

Men and women experience certain life situations, such as divorce, differently. A woman begins to worry even before the divorce. The first year after separation is considered the most difficult for her. At this time, representatives of the fair half of humanity become depressed, begin to visit psychologists, and experience suicidal thoughts. A man's reaction is somewhat different. If a wife insists on divorce, this most often comes as a surprise to the husband. Despite the frequent quarrels that arose in the family, the man did not consider the situation so serious.
Therefore, at first the man experiences a feeling of confusion; everything seems implausible to him.

There are no strong emotional experiences at this stage; indifference and detachment appear. If depression after divorce in women is accompanied by strong emotional experiences, then the man most often withdraws into himself. A woman strives to tell her mother, friend, sister about her troubles. The man begins to engage in soul-searching. That is why during this period it is important to have someone who will listen and support you.

Discussing problems among friends often helps cope with depression after divorce in men. A person will find a way out for emotions, look at the situation with a new look, and come out of a state of detachment. If a person himself initiated the breakup, at first he feels a sense of freedom; there are no everyday problems or scandals in his life. A new life begins and very often new relationships. Immediately after a divorce, a person feels calm and carefree. The realization of the seriousness of the situation comes later.

The established way of life is changing in all areas: from everyday issues to emotional experiences. A man has to take on household chores, a woman begins to think about the financial side of life. The breakup of a relationship does not happen suddenly; it is preceded by scandals, insults and resentments. Because of this, both husband and wife experience emotional distress. When a man thinks about his ex-wife, he feels irritated and angry.

Children after divorce, as a rule, remain to live with their mother, so women cope with depression faster. The father loses the opportunity to communicate with his children, he experiences a feeling of loneliness.
After a divorce, most men begin to look for new relationships; they may have mistresses. Before the divorce, they thought about how many women were better than their wives. At first, such thoughts are confirmed, but over time the man realizes that his mistresses are not without shortcomings. Over time, new relationships cease to please. How to get rid of bad thoughts?


Children, of course, help a woman with this. In addition, you can try to change the environment, image, place of work. Play sports, sign up for courses, go to exhibitions, cinemas, and theaters more often. Sport helps men get out of depression new job, car, communication with friends.

It is very important that a person realizes that life does not end after a divorce.

You will have more time for yourself, your favorite activities, and your children.

An active lifestyle and new activities that do not remind you of the past will help you learn to live again. After some time, you will be able to calmly talk about what happened. And if you start talking about your past life with a bit of humor, it means you are coping with depression. In addition, you can find your happiness in a second marriage.