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Day of good deeds in the senior group. Kindness Day in Kindergarten. Senior group. Ball game “Kind and polite words”

On November 13, 2019, many countries around the world, including Russia, celebrate International Kindness Day. For this holiday, kindergartens hold matinees and organize exhibitions of drawings and crafts.

We offer a possible option children's party dedicated to Kindness Day.

Scenario for the “Kindness Day” holiday in kindergarten

The presenter congratulates the children on the holiday and asks the question: “Guys, what is kindness?” Children answer the question.

Then the guys read poetry:
– What is kindness?
This is the sun in the morning,
When the bird chorus is in spring
He sings to us about warming.

– What is kindness?
It's a rainbow arc
What hung over the river,
The rain is warm and mischievous.

– What is kindness?
These are my mother's eyes
The touch of her hands
And a smile of approval.

Then, according to the scenario of the children's holiday “Kindness Day,” the presenter will read a letter from the Fairy of Goodness to the children. She was captured by the Evil Witch. To save the fairy, the guys will have to complete various tasks.

Next, the “Kindness Day” holiday for children will continue with the game “Kind Words.” The teacher says a kind word and throws the ball to one of the children. The guys should also say kind words while passing the ball around.

Then the guys must list the good things people do. And finally, say as many good words as possible about your friends.

The song “If You Are Kind” is performed (words by A. Khait, music by B. Savelyev):

The rain fell barefoot on the ground,
Maples clapped his shoulders.
If it's a clear day it's good
And when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
You can hear them ringing high in the sky
Strings of sunlight.
If you're kind, it's always easy
But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.
Share your joy with everyone,
Scattering laughter loudly.
If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.

“Well done guys, you completed all the tasks! This means that you and I have rescued the Fairy of Good from trouble,” says the presenter.

Then, according to the scenario of the “Kindness Day” holiday, kindergarten The Fairy of Good appears in front of the children and reads poetry:

All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
It’s not in vain that they say when we meet:
“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wish "B" good hour!».
Kindness is from time immemorial
Decorates a person.

The fairy invites the boys to dance with her. And the holiday dedicated to “Kindness Day” in kindergarten will end with the performance of the song “From a Smile” (words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky):

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,
A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...
Share your smile
And she will return to you more than once again...

“Week of Kindness” in kindergarten “Ivushka”

In kindergarten “Ivushka” from 06.02. Through February 12, 2017, Kindness Week took place.
The motto of which was the phrase: “Let our lives be interesting and our deeds good!”
The main goal of the “Kindness Week” was to create a positive psychological atmosphere in kindergarten, harmonize child-parent relationships, withdrawal psycho-emotional stress in children and teachers.
. Give people understanding, warmth and joy
. Activate the creative potential of participants educational process, create a feeling of success.
. Promote the development of the personality of preschoolers;
. Increase the level of trust between all participants in the educational process.
Principles of Kindness Week:
. Integrity and completeness;
. The uniqueness and focus of each day;
. Coverage of “the entire kindergarten”, all participants in the educational process;
. Integration of weekly events into the educational process.

Each day had its own name and educational task.
Monday is a day of good mood. Announcement of "Week of Kindness for Everyone." Parents, children and teachers made suggestions for how to spend a good week. The groups played the game “Rainbow of Mood”.

Tuesday was declared the Day of Understanding. The main task of which was to hear all the wishes from the participants in the educational process and distribute them over time, answering the questions: What? How? When? The groups organized a book exhibition “Pages of Goodness”, teachers selected materials for the “Gallery of sayings and sayings of philosophers and writers “Thoughts out loud”. Parents filled the wall with greetings and wishes.

Wednesday is declared Good Deeds Day. Good deeds are always different for everyone. Someone helps mom, someone visits grandma, someone learns a poem for grandpa, and a song for dad. The elders gave toys to the kids, and the kids fed the birds - doing good deeds for nature. Children and adults organized a “Labor Landing” in groups, and someone planted a “Tree of Good Deeds.” And you can’t count all the cases.

Friday is Hug Day. The children from the older groups prepared small surprises - emoticons and gave them to the kids, and the teachers greeted the parents with a “Starfall of wishes for a good day.”
The week does not end on Friday, and therefore, the interim results of the Kindness Week were summed up, reviews and suggestions from parents, teachers and of course children were accepted.

Saturday is declared Snow Day. Everyone, of course, if they wish, should definitely slide down any slide in our city at least once, especially since the weather allows us to do so now.
Sunday is Vitamin C Day. To avoid getting sick after skiing down the hills on Saturday and taking part in the city ski races on Sunday, or actively cheering for the race participants, you definitely need to drink tea with honey, lemon or rose hips. And the best tested health recipe will definitely be distributed among kindergarten families.

And it's Monday again. Day of passing the baton. From 13.02. children of senior and preparatory groups went to neighboring kindergartens - No. 4 “Fairy Tale” and Preschool groups at school No. 4 with the goal of continuing the week of kindness, passing it on as a relay into kind, responsive hands.

We really enjoyed this experience and want to make it a tradition in our garden!

And we are starting a new campaign: “This is not a small thing, this is someone’s life”



GBDOU NJSC "TsRR - DS "Raduga"

Project: “Kindness Day”

(senior group)

Churkina L.M.

February 2017

Project type: informational and creative.
Project duration:short; 1 day.
Project participants:educational psychologist, educators, older children, parents of children.

Objective of the project: Parenting positive qualities character, promote team unity, motivate children to do good deeds, good deeds for the benefit of other people.
- Develop in children a positive attitude towards all people.
- Deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person.
- Strengthen knowledge of the rules of polite communication.

Teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other.
- Develop communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express your opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other children).
- Encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds.
- Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them.

Preliminary work:looking at illustrations, reading poems, proverbs about goodness, memorizing them, reading fairy tales about goodness.
At home with my parents they asked me to complete a drawing, appliqué, or craft assignment on the topic: “What is kindness?”

Availability of interdisciplinary connections:integration of educational areas - cognitive development, speech development, socially communication development, artistically aesthetic development, physical development.
Material and technical resources required to complete the project:
- selection of methodological and fiction literature;
- selection visual material(illustrations, photographs, books, fairy tales);
- didactic games;
- an exhibition of books, drawings, an exhibition of creative works of parents and children.

Relevance: Kindness is inner feeling person. People who do good deeds are magic to us all. There are people who are ready to do good deeds both day and night.
Children are our flowers, but these flowers often do not notice how they offended each other, created some conflict situation and they can't solve it. Our project is aimed at forming friendly relationships between children, respect for one's neighbor, and providing assistance. Teach children to evaluate their actions and the actions of others.
Project motto: Do good and it will come back to you.

Project Implementation Plan:


Forms and methods of work

Educational areas

Preliminary work

1st half day

Situational conversation with children “Who came up with polite words and why”

Goal: to reinforce with children the understanding of the rules of behavior when visiting; V in public places; develop dialogical speech, the ability to form judgments; cultivate goodwill; communication culture.

Ball game "Who knows more polite words"

Purpose: to train children in pronouncing polite words, accuracy, dexterity when receiving the ball from the teacher; cultivate a culture of communication.

Quests “How can…”

  • Say hello
  • Say goodbye
  • Give thanks
  • Ask politely
  • Reach out politely

Examination of plot pictures on the topic: “Good - bad”

Goal: develop attention, perseverance; teach children to clearly and clearly express their thoughts, evaluate an action, and design their behavior in a given situation.

Sketch “Say a kind word, a compliment to a friend”

Target: Exercise children in using polite words using expression, facial expressions, and posture.

Outdoor games “I shouldn’t - I should”, “Bridge of Friendship”, “Radio”, etc.

C/role-playing game “Bureau of Good Deeds”

Target: develop game dialogue; game interaction; cultivate a culture of behavior and communication with each other.

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Physical development e

Learning: proverbs about goodness; games “I shouldn’t - I should””, “Bridge of Friendship”, “Radio”, “Secret”, “Kind and polite words”, etc.;

Reading poems, stories: S. Ya. Marshak “Friends and Comrades”, G. V. Oseeva “Red Cat”, “Kind Words”, V. Mayakovsky “What is good, what is bad”.

2nd half day

Promotion “Give a butterfly with a recipe for happiness”

The children, together with the teacher, decorated butterflies with a “Recipe for Good” (an inscription on one side, a design on the other). Then they were given to kindergarten employees and parents.

Photo report “Good deeds”

The children, together with a psychologist, took photographs of good deeds. For the photo, scenes were created in which good deeds were performed.

Entertainment “Tree of Kindness” (psychologist)

Design of the “Tree of Kindness” with children’s statements about kindness.

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Making the “Butterfly” applique

An exhibition of drawings and applications on the theme “Do Good,” made by children and parents.

Design of booklets “How to raise a polite and kind child”

During the implementation of the Kindness Day projectexpected results:
- enriching children’s experience in the field moral education by using different methods and techniques;
- replenishment vocabulary children;
- the formation of a desire for good deeds and actions, the ability to draw simple conclusions, to see not only in others, but also in oneself the good and the bad.

Entertainment "Tree of Kindness"

Tasks :

Generalize and consolidate children’s ideas about kindness and emotional states that correspond to this concept; arouse the desire to do good deeds;

Develop the ability to convey emotional condition a person with the help of facial expressions, speech;

Foster a culture of communication, responsive feelings to the care of others; strengthen cultural behavior skills.


Pictures of sad and cheerful gnomes

Tree painting – “Tree of Kindness”

Picture of a tree (black and white image), cut into 4 parts

Plot pictures with situations (good and bad actions and deeds)

Template leaves with double-sided tape attached

Progress of the lesson:

1. Hello guys! Today we have an unusual activity - we really need your help.

But first, let’s greet each other: Exercise “Transmit warmth in your palms” (Children sit in a circle, hands on their knees, palms up. The leader turns to the neighbor, puts his palms on his and greets with the words “(name), I’m very pleased to see you "And so in a circle everyone greets his neighbor)

2. Main part

(On the easel there is a drawing of a tree (colorless) and a sad gnome)

Look at the gnome. What's his mood? Why do you think?

The thing is that the Tree of Kindness grows in their country, thanks to which everyone remembers the rules of kindness and does good deeds. But the tree has been enchanted, which is why it is so colorless and frozen. But you can help break the spell.

Tell me, what does it mean to be kind? Do good deeds? Do good deeds?

Well done! So, in order for the tree to regain its strength, it must pass several tests.

In the first The test must help you figure out in which situations good and good deeds are appropriate, and in which they are bad, and you can’t do that.

(Children take turns choosing a picture and analyzing the situation, drawing a conclusion, then the adult summarizes).

Great, we completed the first task! And the tree gradually begins to regain its strength and becomes colorful (one part of the colorless pattern is removed, in its place a color image becomes visible).

Second test: game “Good - bad”

Children are asked to evaluate actions and actions from two positions: is it good or bad?

An adult names an action or action, and children must clap their hands (or get up from their chair) if the action is good; stomp your feet - if bad.

Torn my shirt Pushed a puppy with my foot

Offended a friend Warmed and fed a kitten

Protected the weak Helped younger sister get dressed

Quarreled with mom Destroyed the building

Visited a sick friend Cheered up a sad girl

(for the second test the next part of the tree is revealed)

Well done! The Tree of Kindness blossomed even more.

Third test: dramatization (acting out) of the story “Compassion and Kindness.”

The story is read to the children. After discussion, the situation plays out.

(for the third test the next part of the tree is revealed)

Fourth test: exercise “Help a friend”

Guys, in the next test you need to help your friend walk along the enchanted path. And only the most friendly couple can do this.

We will blindfold one of the pair. The second child needs to guide the partner to the sign (Christmas tree) without hitting the stumps (chairs). (Children walk one after another, the blindfolded partner holds on to the shoulders of the person in front). At the sign, the other partner is blindfolded.

Well done! You succeeded, and thanks to this, the magic tree blossomed and found its magic symbol (the tree opens completely).

Guys, you completed all the tasks and helped the Tree of Kindness regain its strength, and returned joy to the gnomes(instead of a sad gnome, a cheerful one appears).

Can your actions and deeds be called good? Of course, and therefore new leaves will appear on the tree of Kindness(children take a leaf and glue them to the tree).

In gratitude to each of you, the gnomes have prepared gifts (stickers). But!!! Once you receive the sticker, you need to give it to your neighbor with good wishes(each child in a circle gives a sticker to his neighbor).

Proverbs about goodness

  • They don't change good for bad.
  • If you are doing a good deed, the bad will impose itself.
  • Gain good things and get rid of bad things.
  • Rye and wheat will be born every year, but a kind person will always come in handy.
  • To create good things is to amuse yourself.
  • The good die, but their deeds live.
  • Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.
  • From good to bad, one step.
  • It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
  • The evil one does not believe that there are good people.
  • They look for the good that is hidden, but the bad is at hand.
  • Whoever does good will be rewarded by God.
  • No bad thing can lead to good.
  • Good will not die, but evil will disappear.
  • Whoever follows the bad will not find the good.
  • Kindness without reason is empty.
  • A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.
  • Sow goodness, sprinkle goodness, reap goodness, bestow goodness.
  • To a good man, every day is a holiday.
  • It is good to live in goodness.
  • Darkness does not like light - evil does not tolerate good.
  • Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
  • Good for the good, and half the bucket for the bad.
  • Everyone is busy and wants what is good for themselves.


Game "I shouldn't - I should."

Target :

  1. Develop the ability to evaluate your own actions and the actions of other people.
  2. Cultivate a respectful attitude, empathy, and responsiveness to peers and people around you.
  3. Strengthen the ability to consciously make choices and explain them.

Progress of the game.

The adult prepares in advance plot pictures related to acceptable and unacceptable relationships (In systems: adult-child, child-child) and templates “I shouldn’t”, “I should”, image of the signs “+, -”

Option I : The child lays out pictures next to the templates that depict situations that are either unacceptable or acceptable in relationships between people, and explains his choice.

II Option : children sit on chairs, each with 2 templates. Adult shows story picture, invites children to make a choice and shows a pattern that matches their choice. The explanations of 2-3 children are listened to.

Game "Beasts in the Swamp".

  1. Teach children to be responsive to peers, in right moment provide them with assistance.
  2. Cultivate trust in each other, a sense of responsibility for a friend.
  3. Continue to enrich children’s vocabulary with expressions: verbal politeness (please, thank you, etc.)

Progress of the game.

All the children in the group play. They are the “beasts” that ended up in the swamp. Each person has three boards (three sheets of paper). You can get out of the swamp only in pairs and only along planks. One of the players broke two boards and sank to the bottom. To prevent him from drowning, he needs to be helped - this can be done by his partner (his partner). Every child should play the role of a victim and a rescuer. Both the willingness to help and the proposed rescue options are assessed.

Word game "It's the other way around."

Target: to intensify the use of words with opposite meanings in children’s speech, to cause positive emotions And friendly attitude to the environment.

Adult: I will name the animal, and you will choose kind words for it. For example, an evil wolf is not an evil wolf, but... (which one?) (The wolf is fast, dexterous, strong, brave, fluffy, courageous, etc.) - Sly Fox, clumsy bear, prickly hedgehog, etc.

Didactic game: “Evaluate the action.”

Target : develop children’s coherent speech, practice establishing cause-and-effect relationships based on a plot picture, cultivate honesty, modesty, and politeness.

An adult takes cards from an envelope from didactic game“Evaluate the action” and asks to find a continuation of it.

Game "Bridge of Friendship".

Target: develop an orientation toward the behavior and emotional state of another, the ability to see the positive in another, overcome indecision, constraint, and optimize relationships.

An adult shows a ruler (an unsharpened pencil or something) and says: “This is a bridge of friendship. Let’s try to hold this bridge with our foreheads, while saying something good to each other.”

Game "Magic Chair".

The one who sits on the “magic chair” becomes a prince (princess), and the rest of the children take turns saying only kind and good words to the child sitting on the chair.

Game "Photos of Friends".

Target : develop the ability to understand others, form a positive attitude towards peers, the ability to express one’s feelings, relationships in speech.

Photos of children in a group are laid out on the table. The child is asked to take 2-3 of them and explain why he chose them, describe at what moment the peer is captured, what his mood is, what it is connected with, tell what kind of child he is, why he is friends with him.

Game: "Magic Hands".

Target : optimize relationships in the group by stimulating physical contact between children; overcoming egocentrism and emotional alienation in preschoolers. One of the players represents a stone. He takes a comfortable position and freezes. The remaining participants in the game, placing their hands on the shoulders, back, chest, belly of the “stone”, try to convey their warmth to it. The presenter tells the players: “Put your hands on the stone, say with me: “I give you, stone, the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart, my love and devotion!” What's happening to your hands? What happens to the stone?

Musical game "Dance in pairs".

Target : develop empathy (orientation to the emotional state and behavior of another) in children by stimulating visual and tactile contact; optimization of relationships in the group.

The teacher invites the children to stand in pairs facing each other. It is important that the distance between the couples is sufficient for dancing, so that the couples are distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the carpet. Then the teacher gives each pair a thick sheet of paper. A sheet of paper is placed on the partners' heads so that each couple can comfortably hold it while dancing. Then the music turns on and the children begin to dance, trying to hold the piece of paper as long as possible. The pair that holds the piece of paper longer than the others wins.

Experimental situation “Broken pencil”.

Target : develop empathy, a humane attitude towards a peer in a conflict situation.

Two children are invited, using one box of pencils, to draw a snowman (spruce, sunflower, etc.). One pencil is the most attractive in color, a new one is a mechanical slate, i.e. will be mechanically hidden in the body. Children try to take this pencil, but difficulties arise. In such a situation, the attitude towards the difficulties of a peer is manifested.

It is discussed how the child felt in a situation of difficulty and this or that peer’s attitude towards him.

Game "Radio".

Target : develop a stable interest in a peer.

Children sit in a semicircle so that they can see each other clearly. The teacher first plays the speaker himself. He turns his back to the children and says into the microphone: “Attention! Attention! A girl (boy) got lost... (gives a description of one of the children). Let her (he) approach the announcer.” All children determine by description who they are talking about. The role of announcer is then transferred to the children.

Word game “Who will say more kind and warm words.”

Target : stimulate the development of verbal communication; evoke sympathy and a desire to help one’s neighbor.

When will you hear so much kind words, and even with a smile on your face, then the pain and sadness immediately goes away. I felt much better. Do you know the song “Smile”? Teach me to sing it and dance!

The song by V. Shainsky “Smile” is played.

Summary of the lesson “What is kindness” for children preparatory group

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: the material may be of interest to older educators preschool age, teachers of additional education.

TARGET: To generalize children’s idea of ​​kindness as a valuable quality of a person, to develop social feelings and mutual assistance.
- Form friendly relationships;
- reveal the essence of the concepts of “goodness” and “kindness”, “good deeds”;
- activate children’s vocabulary (kindness, joy, happiness, care, attention);
- develop in children logical thinking, imagination and attention, instill interest in new form play activity;
- to form children’s idea of ​​kindness, to cultivate good feelings towards the people around them, to help children understand that everyone needs love and a friendly attitude.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, reading poems, proverbs about goodness, memorizing them, watching cartoons, reading fairy tales about goodness.
The home was given the task to complete a drawing, appliqué, or craft on the topic: “What is kindness?”

Educator: What is kindness?
Wash the cat's bowl
Give water to a flower
(He's terribly lonely)
Fix my sister's toy
Let the old lady pass first
Sadness can be treated with words of love,
Helping a tired mother
And to a girl I don't know,
Carry the briefcase home.
From warmth and kindness,
Flowers are blooming,
She warms everyone
Like a ray from a window.
(I. Polyushko)
Educator: Guys, did you like the poem? What do you think we will talk about today?
Educator: What is kindness?

Educator: many writers, scientists have written a lot of wonderful lines about kindness. Listen to some of them.

Educator: I want to read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and complete the assignment for the poem.
Physical pause:
If we frown in the morning,
Kindness will help us.
Well, kids, get ready,
And smile at each other.

Educator: How nice, you were all smiling. I would like to invite you to devote your entire day to good deeds. First, let's conduct such a lesson in our group.
Child: In a group on a winter day in the morning,
There was a lesson in kindness.
Everyone studied diligently
And today among ourselves,
They didn't share candy,
And they shared kindness.
All grievances have been forgotten,
The whole group made peace.
And we decided - from now on,
There will be no quarrels.
So as not to isolate yourself,
Let's all stick together
Let's keep up as a group,
Everyone help each other.
A lesson in kindness
There was so much warmth
What from this warmth,
All the flowers have bloomed!
(N. Anishina)
Educator: What are good deeds?
Educator: Guys, let's play the game “Good Deeds”. List what good deeds you, preschoolers, can do? Who will remember and name more of the things you did? Children take turns naming things to do and each child bends his finger (counts his completed things)

Educator: What is needed for people to become kinder, for kindness to be everywhere? How should you start your day?
Answers: with kind words and good deeds.
Educator: What kind and polite words do you know?

Educator: Well done, you remembered the words, but you already say them a hundred times a day. I invite you to go out onto the mat, let’s all stand in a circle and play the game “Proverbs about Kindness.” I pass the bunny toy, and everyone takes turns saying the proverbs and passing the toy to each other.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of kindness?

Educator: Our next task is the most difficult one, let's distract ourselves a little and do some gymnastics.
I'm walking and you're walking - one, two, three (step in place)
I sing, and you sing - one, two, three (we conduct with our hands)
We walk and sing - one, two, three (we walk in a circle in one direction)
We live very friendly - one, two, three (we go in a circle in the other direction)
We live without strain, and are friends with everyone (we walk in a circle, holding hands and hugging each other)
Educator: Guys, the kids asked you to make them matryoshka dolls from salt dough so that they could decorate them and then play with them. Now I suggest you make matryoshka dolls from salt dough (which I prepared in advance), and after sleep we will take the nesting dolls to our little friends.
While you are making nesting dolls, I will ask you to write poems about goodness and good deeds. And you can also tell these poems to the kids in the evening.
Child: All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
It’s not in vain that they say when we meet
“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”
And it’s not for nothing that we have
Wishes "Good morning."
Kindness is from time immemorial
Human decoration...
Child: It's not easy to be kind
Kindness does not depend on height.
Kindness does not depend on color,
Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.
If kindness shines like the sun,
Adults and children rejoice.
Child: I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true,
So that children have joyful dreams.
May it be a good morning,
So that mom doesn't be sad,
So that there is no more war in the world.
Child:- Good afternoon! - they told you
- Good afternoon! - you answered.
How two strings are connected
Warmth and kindness.

Educator: What wonderful dolls the nesting dolls turned out to be, you did a great job, you deserved the treat. Let's leave our nesting dolls, let them dry, and we'll go to the site and work there good deeds, and let's breathe some air.

Educator: Please note that in the locker rooms we have an exhibition of your works on the topic - goodness. Well done to everyone, they did a wonderful job, and everyone contributed a piece of their kindness to our group.

Educator: And in the afternoon I suggest you decorate our “Tree of Goodness”.

It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

(N. Tulupova.)

Project passport

Project type: social-personal, socially useful, practical

oriented, medium term.

Project implementation period: November 2014 – May 2015

Project participants: children middle group(4-5 years old), parents, educators, educational psychologist and musical director kindergarten.

Project hypothesis: By involving a child in performing “good deeds,” we contribute to learning to correctly understand the emotions of peers and express our own.

Objective of the project: Form initial ideas about moral feelings and emotions. Developing a desire to be friendly and responsive.

Project focus: formation of moral feelings; grafting moral standards child's behavior in relation to the world around him.

  1. Form good friendly relationships between children;
  2. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of others; cultivate the ability to notice negative actions in life and literary works;
  3. Encourage children to take positive actions and deeds, cultivate a desire to leave a “good mark” about themselves in the souls of people;
  4. Encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds;
  5. To develop children’s ideas about the concepts of “good” and “evil” and their importance in people’s lives;
  6. Preservation and promotion of children's health;
  7. To cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general;
  8. Teach children to be attentive to others, peers, and loved ones. Do good deeds for them;
  9. Relieving psychomuscular tension, developing emotional stability.
  10. Reduced anxiety, aggression;
  11. Developing the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one’s mood;
  12. Developing the ability to correctly express one’s emotions and feelings using artistic means.


  1. The principle of conformity with nature, which provides for two sides: firstly, mandatory consideration of the nature of the child, his gender and age characteristics, secondly, the maximum convergence of the development and life of the child with the life of living nature;
  1. Humanistic, recognizing the self-worth of the individual;
  2. Cooperation: work is built on an attitude of partnership, respect, trust;
  3. The principle of the activity approach, in activities the relationships between students change and are strengthened, the attitude towards oneself changes, self-esteem grows;
  1. The principle of a person-oriented approach, respect for the child’s personality, his individuality, careful attitude towards his thoughts, feelings, expectations, his spiritual life, the motives of his behavior;
  1. The principle of communicative orientation, the main function of which is to create the conditions for communication: motives, goals and objectives of communication;
  1. Cultural conformity, providing an understanding of the educational space as a social environment for personal development.
  1. Collaboration method;
  2. Methods of emotional stimulation;
  3. Methods of forming responsibility and commitment;
  4. Problem situation method;
  5. Methods for stimulating correction of children’s actions and attitudes in

educational process.

Forms of work: pair, group, collective.

To implement this project, it is necessary to take into account the organizational and pedagogical conditions:

  1. Creation trust relationships between subjects of the educational process;
  1. Take into account the needs and interests of the child and society;
  2. Organization of cooperation, commonwealth between subjects of the educational process:
  • Classes;
  • Games;
  • Conversations, psychotrainings;
  • Theatrical performances with the participation of children;
  • Recommendations for parents;
  • Equipment of the subject-spatial environment.

Form for conducting the final event of the project– collective work – publishing a newspaper.

Name of the final product:"Tree of Good Deeds"

Expected results: development of gaming activities based on cooperation; formation of respectful, attentive, warm attitude for kindergarten children, to form in children respect for the people around them and the world as a whole, through the development of emotions and motives that contribute to the formation of communication skills. Teach ways to express aggressiveness in an acceptable form, learn self-regulation techniques, the ability to control oneself, develop sympathy and trust in people.

Relevance of the project:

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the crisis of morality without spirituality. This crisis manifests itself, first of all, in the dominance of material values ​​over spiritual ones, which leads to a distortion of children’s ideas about such virtues as kindness, responsiveness, mercy, generosity, and justice. There is a general increase in social tension and aggression in society, and this is reflected in children and manifests itself in children's aggressiveness and hostility. Distortions of moral consciousness, emotional, volitional, mental and spiritual immaturity can be traced today in preschool children. Therefore, the work of preschool teachers, the main goal of which is the formation of initial ideas about moral feelings and emotions, seems very relevant today.

Modern society is interested in raising a highly developed, unique personality. The ability to cope with manifestations of one’s own selfishness, respect the opinions of other people, come to the rescue, sympathize and empathize with other people, kindness - these are the necessary qualities that must be laid down at an early age.

We live in a complex world. Our society is overcoming a political, social, economic and environmental crisis. But the most terrible crisis remains in society - a moral one. Currently, the cult of lack of spirituality and immorality is spreading more and more in Russia. This cult spreads most different ways: television programs, actions of political and public figures, behavior of adults, etc. Despite the variety of methods, their essence is the imposition on a person of stereotypes of aggressive and ruthless behavior towards others, disregard for moral standards for the sake of material gain. Today's children determine tomorrow's well-being of the country, which depends entirely on good upbringing. The problem of a child acquiring emotional and moral experience is especially relevant today. If our children are conscientious and kind, that is enough. Everything else will follow. They will choose from life themselves, and absorb everything that is good and honest.

Meanwhile, kindergarten is the first social place where adults can help children form and internalize such values ​​as kindness, responsiveness, and mercy. We should not forget that children are the future of Russia, but what this future will be depends on adults.

Task modern teacher not only master the norms of international social and pedagogical competencies, but also strive to use innovative processes in the children's environment. To educate every child as a citizen and patriot of their country, to develop a sense of duty in helping those in need, and to encourage them to do good and useful deeds is one of the main tasks of a teacher. This process starts with early years development of the child and passes through the entire conscious life of a person.

The younger age of children provides great opportunities for the formation of moral qualities and positive personality traits. The malleability and certain suggestibility of children, their gullibility, tendency to imitate, and the authority of adults, create favorable preconditions for the formation of a highly moral personality. Basics moral behavior are laid precisely in younger age and the role of the teacher in the process of socialization of the individual is enormous.

One of the areas of the project is helping children learn the art of doing good, all those who find themselves in difficult life situations and need special support and care.

The project is designed to teach children not to pass by those who find it difficult, to share their warmth with those who lack it.

Goodness, humanism, mercy, the meaning of life - these are values ​​that we can talk about endlessly. There are people who talk, and there are people who do! The results will speak for themselves.

Improving the process of moral education of children is an important task of preschool pedagogy in modern stage development of our society. An important place in it is occupied by the issue of forming in children ideas about moral norms that regulate a person’s relationship with people around him, nature, etc. When a child begins an active life in human society, he faces many problems and difficulties. We live in very difficult times, when deviations are becoming the norm. It is considered normal to throw garbage out of the car window onto the road and not have children in order to preserve material wealth. We are beginning to feel calm about the widespread opening of orphanages for children with living parents and for parents with living children. The future of a nation is in the hands of the nation itself. That is why one of the tasks of our work is to cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general.

All this contributed to the idea of ​​​​creating a socially oriented project for preschool children “Our Kind Hearts” on the basis of a kindergarten.

The project is aimed at developing interest in public life; careful attitude to nature; knowledge of oneself and one’s own kind, education of humane feelings.

All in our hands!

Project implementation products:

  • Photo exhibition “If kindness shines like the sun, adults and children rejoice.”
  • Creating good crafts for parents and peers, creating a piggy bank for good deeds.
  • Exhibition of children's drawings "Friendship is our strength."
  • Holiday “On the Road of Goodness”.
  • Project presentation.

The full version of the work is available.