New Year's crafts

The effect of a paraffin mask. How to perform paraffin therapy for the face How to make a paraffin facial mask

Paraffin is a waxy mixture of hydrocarbons, inert to many chemicals. white which is obtained from petroleum products. The name of the substance is derived from two Latin words: parum, which means “few,” and affinis, which translates as “related.” This name was given to reagent-neutral paraffin by Karl von Reichenbach, a German chemist and naturalist who discovered it.

Paraffin for medical and cosmetic procedures is sold in pharmacies and is a white bar that is soft to the touch. The color may vary depending on what useful components were added to the original substance. Cost - on average about 2.5 dollars. for 500 ml. Cream paraffin for cold mask- more expensive, about 7.5 dollars. for 300 ml.

The melting point of paraffin is low (45-65°C), in contrast to its heat capacity. Such features make this substance very successful for medical and cosmetic procedures - it does not react with fortified and other beneficial components added to it, releasing them to the body, and retains a pleasant warmth for a long time, creating a kind of greenhouse effect over the skin.

The latter helps open pores and increase sweating. The moisture under paraffin cannot evaporate and is absorbed back, but the toxins that came out with it to the surface of the skin remain, i.e. detoxification and cleansing occurs. As it cools, paraffin decreases in volume and contracts, thereby massaging and smoothing the dermis it covers, which increases the elasticity and tone of the latter, and the disappearance of swelling and fine wrinkles.

For those who are unable to tolerate contact with a very warm substance, a variant of the procedure has been invented when a layer of cold paraffin is applied to the skin and the substance gradually melts while on it.

The course of paraffin therapy is usually 15-20 procedures - 1-2 times a week. Then once a month you can make a mask with paraffin to maintain the achieved result.

Beneficial properties of a mask with paraffin for the face

Most often, paraffin masks are made for facial skin. Cosmetologists recommend this procedure to their clients because it brings undoubted benefits. Namely:
  • Moisturizing the dermis. Paraffin masks regulate water balance skin and moisturize it.
  • Relieving swelling. After removing the mask from the face, the swelling of the skin goes away.
  • Cleansing. Treatments with paraffin temporarily expand pores, soften their contents and cleanse them, thereby preventing the formation of acne. Also, masks with it activate the outflow of lymph, which cleanses the dermis of decay products, salts and lactate.
  • Toning. Such masks, by stimulating blood circulation, improve cellular metabolism and renew the epidermis, the skin becomes fresh, soft and elastic, and acne spots disappear. Regular use of paraffin masks also prevents the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks and a double chin.
  • Removing defects. Paraffin masks, by affecting the deep layers of the skin with heat, promote the resorption of seals on it, for example, sebaceous-horn plugs or deep acne. They also eliminate flaking and redness due to cold allergies.

Contraindications to facial paraffin treatments

The procedure with paraffin for the face has contraindications. Before performing it, be sure to consult with a doctor who will objectively assess the condition of your skin and give his recommendations.

There are many health problems for which paraffin masks should not be used. For example, for problems with the skin (rosacea, rosacea, pustular rashes, weeping eczema, warts, papillomas, many moles on the skin, hypertrichosis); with the respiratory system (bronchial asthma); with the heart and blood vessels (coronary disease, hypertension, heart attack, poor blood clotting, nosebleeds, dilation of blood vessels and veins).

It is contraindicated to use paraffin in cosmetic procedures during pregnancy.

Also check yourself for allergies. Perhaps you have an individual intolerance. It's easy to do: spread the skin on your wrist and wait 15 minutes. If everything is in order, then paraffin masks are not contraindicated for you.

Also keep in mind that it is possible to be allergic to additional components that are part of the paraffin mask - bee products, aromatic oils, vitamins, etc. Some people cannot tolerate contact with a hot substance (heated paraffin).

Recipes for paraffin masks at home

If you have no contraindications and want to improve appearance your skin, use one of the following mask recipes for paraffin therapy at home.

Mask with paraffin and essential oils for face

The wide selection of aromatic oils and the ease of their use determine their popularity in various cosmetic procedures, including paraffin therapy.

Recipes for masks with paraffin and essential oils:

  1. With peach or rose. To improve your complexion and make your skin velvety, add 2 drops of any of these oils to paraffin.
  2. With cloves. This aromatic oil, added to a paraffin face mask (2 drops), will help fight acne.
  3. With anise or ylang-ylang. Useful components, which are part of the aroma oils ylang-ylang and anise, will rejuvenate loose skin. You need to add 2-3 drops of one of them to the mask.
  4. With tangerine, lemon, grapefruit or orange. Citrus essential oil added to a mask with paraffin (2 drops) will refresh tired dermis, remove excess oil, normalizing the functioning of the glands. This procedure is great for oily skin.
  5. With rosemary. If the skin requires restoration, rosemary aroma oil poured into paraffin in an amount of 2 drops will help.
All beneficial ingredients should be added to the first layer of paraffin that touches the skin. To do this, you need to melt about 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the substance separately from the rest of the quantity, into which it is not planned to add additives.

Paraffin and vegetable oils face mask

To nourish dry skin, you can add vegetable oils to a paraffin face mask.
  • With cocoa butter. Place 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter and 2 drops of rose aromatic oil in paraffin. This mask will restore aging skin and eliminate facial and age wrinkles.
  • WITH olive oil . A paraffin mask with the addition of olive oil (1 teaspoon) will perfectly improve the condition of dry skin.
  • With avocado oil. Pour 1 teaspoon of avocado oil and half a teaspoon of lanolin into the melted paraffin. This helps soften the skin of the face.
  • With rosehip oil. Mix 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil with half a teaspoon of spermaceti and pour into the melted paraffin. Perfectly eliminates dry skin.
  • With almond oil. Pour in 1 teaspoon of almond oil, half a teaspoon each of spermaceti and cocoa butter.
  • With hemp oil. 1 teaspoon of hemp oil added to a paraffin mask will cleanse the skin and restore its elasticity and firmness.
  • With flax oil. Paraffin compound 1 teaspoon linseed oil will improve the water balance of the facial skin and its turgor.
  • With shea or coconut butter. To make an anti-aging paraffin face mask that smoothes wrinkles and restores skin turgor, mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil or shea butter with heated paraffin, add 1 drop each of orange and rose oil.

Face mask with paraffin and bee products

If your face becomes chapped or begins to peel, use the following recipes that are suitable for any skin type:
  1. With honey. Add to the first layer of paraffin 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil(olive, sunflower, corn), mix and apply to the skin. This mask with paraffin has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. With wax. Mix with paraffin, which you will apply directly to the skin, 1 teaspoon of beeswax and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any vegetable oil. This option of paraffin therapy has an antiseptic effect.

Face mask with paraffin and aloe

For aging facial skin, paraffin therapy with the addition of aloe juice is suitable. This mask will also nourish the epidermis and normalize hydrobalance, getting rid of acne.

Recipes with paraffin and aloe:

  • With lanolin. Cut off the aloe leaf and refrigerate for 2 weeks. Then squeeze out the juice and add it (1 teaspoon) to the first layer of paraffin along with 1 teaspoon of lanolin.
  • With tea tree oil. As in the recipe above, prepare an aloe leaf in the same way, squeeze out the juice, mix 1 teaspoon with paraffin and 2 drops of tea tree oil.
  • With honey. 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of aloe juice, squeezed from a leaf kept in the refrigerator, with paraffin and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • With peach oil. Combine 1 tbsp with paraffin. a spoonful of aloe juice and 3 drops of peach oil.

Please note! If the goal of paraffin therapy is to cleanse the skin and get rid of acne, use medical paraffin rather than cosmetic.

Face mask with paraffin and vitamins

A paraffin mask with added vitamins, prepared according to the following recipes, will smooth the skin, rejuvenate and nourish it:
  1. With vitamin E. Take 1 tbsp. melt a spoonful of paraffin, which you will use for the first layer of the mask, and add 2-3 drops of vitamin E. This version of the mask will normalize the water balance of the skin, nourish it, and eliminate wrinkles.
  2. With vitamin A. Mix 2-3 drops of vitamin A with the first layer of paraffin. Use this recipe if your goal is to brighten and make your skin velvety.

Know! If you combine several active components at the same time in a mask with paraffin, the effect of its impact will increase.

Rules for applying a paraffin mask to the face

Here is the correct sequence of actions if you want to carry out paraffin therapy for facial skin yourself:
  • Preparatory stage. Melt the paraffin in a water bath. Place a colander over a container of boiling water, and a container with the substance on it. 100 g is enough to cover the skin with several layers (at least three). Be sure to ensure that no water gets into the container where the paraffin melts. It is important! The drops will not dissolve in the total mass and can severely burn the skin when you apply the mask. This point is important for a hot mask, if you are planning to make a cold one; in this case, the paraffin cream is not melted, but simply immediately applied to the skin.
  • Skin preparation. Remove decorative cosmetics and dirt, apply a scrub (you can use natural coffe), rub your face, neck and wash. Apply vitamin cream to your skin. Before applying paraffin, lie down and relax the muscles of your face and neck - this way the benefits of the procedure will be more noticeable. Since it is difficult to lie down and apply a mask at the same time, find an assistant to perform paraffin therapy.
  • Application sequence. Check the temperature of the applied substance on the skin of the wrist - it should be as warm as possible, but such that you can withstand the procedure without suffering (about 50-55 degrees). Apply paraffin to your face using a cotton pad or brush from bottom to top (don't forget about your neck!), following the massage lines and avoiding the area around the eyes and above the lips. After applying the first layer, place gauze on your face (first make holes in it for the nose, eyes and mouth), press it to the skin, wait a few seconds and apply the next layer. Wait a few seconds again and apply the next layer. Do not make any more gauze layers. Apply a layer of paraffin over and over again. The minimum number is three, preferably 5-7. Place a terry towel on top for insulation. Cold paraffin cream is applied in almost the same way. The difference is that it is applied directly on top of the gauze mask.
  • Time spending. The paraffin therapy procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.
  • Removing the mask. Lift the gauze underneath and remove the paraffin from your face. Then remove any remaining residue from the skin. Wipe with calendula tincture (if the dermis is oily) or cosmetic milk (if dry or normal). After this, apply cream, nourishing or moisturizing. When applying it, do a light pinch massage across the wrinkles.
Paraffin should not be reused! You can go outside no earlier than an hour later; this requirement is especially important if the weather is cold.

How to make a paraffin mask - watch the video:

Paraffin therapy for facial skin at home is an excellent and quite economical way to improve its appearance, soften it, add firmness and elasticity. This is a simple procedure that improves blood circulation in the dermis, eliminates wrinkles and prolongs youth.

ABOUT healing properties Humanity first learned about paraffin at the beginning of the twentieth century. Therefore, it was actively used during the Second World War to speed up the healing of wounds.

Today, the oil waste product is also used in cosmetology. Paraffin therapy for the face is in demand among many ladies who care about the condition of their skin and do not have time to visit salons.

General overview

The technique is included in the list of SPA procedures. Unique properties paraffin helps restore the water balance of the skin, eliminate fine wrinkles and give the dermis firmness and elasticity.

Manufacturers offer a choice of two compositions - yellow and white. The first is used in medical practice, often to warm up joints and muscles.

The second type is used in cosmetology, in fact, during paraffin therapy for the face.

It undergoes more thorough cleaning during production, so there are practically no impurities in the composition, which avoids the development of an allergic reaction.

Operating principle

Cosmetic paraffin has excellent thermodynamic properties
- high heat capacity and the ability to slowly release heat. Therefore, even when heated to 55 0 C, there is no chance of getting a burn.

During the SPA procedure, two processes occur:

  1. Heating of the skin– with slow heat transfer, the capillaries of the face expand, accordingly, the blood flow increases, all metabolic processes in the cells, the pores expand, which, under the influence of paraffin, are cleaned of the product of the sebaceous glands and other contaminants.
  2. Lifting effect– the film, which is formed by reducing the volume of paraffin during its cooling, acts as a compressor and puts pressure on the underlying tissue. As a result, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity.


It is important to carry out facial paraffin therapy in the following cases:

  • a negative reaction occurs on the skin in response to exposure to frosty or dry air, as well as windy weather;
  • peeling of the dermis appears periodically (seasonally);
  • there is a need to quickly eliminate some skin problems before an important event;
  • it is necessary to correct the oval of the face (eliminate the double chin);
  • the process of formation of the first wrinkles has been launched;
  • the skin has lost its former elasticity;
  • puffiness (swelling) of the face;
  • red spots as a result of acne treatment.


If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to undergo a facial skin rejuvenation procedure in a specialized salon, you can carry out the procedure at home.

Before deciding to undergo it, you should familiarize yourself with the list of existing contraindications.

The use of paraffin therapy is prohibited for the following pathologies:

  • hypertension;
  • complex blood pathologies;
  • varicose veins;
  • infectious diseases of the dermis;
  • rashes, cuts, wounds and other skin inflammations;
  • hypertrichosis (unwanted facial hair);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • presence of enlarged pores;
  • excessive number of moles;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

If relative contraindications to the procedure are eliminated, you can safely afford a paraffin therapy session.

Instructions for doing it yourself

The technology for doing it at home is not much different from doing it in a specialized salon.

Buy required material available in some pharmacies, specialty stores, and on the pages of relevant Internet resources.

In general, the entire process can be divided into several stages.

What you need

The arsenal of available tools should include:

  • alcohol-free facial lotion;
  • moisturizers or those that are suitable for solving the tasks assigned to you;
  • a gauze mask with slits for the nose and eyes (a fabric base for masks, sold in specialized stores, is perfect);
  • protective agents that will make it possible to prolong the effect of the procedure, for example, cover cream;
  • white paraffin;
  • a container in which the main ingredient or a special firebox will be heated;
  • brush for applying the resulting mass.

Preparatory stage

Before you begin the process itself, you need to:

  • cleanse your face using an appropriate lotion or wash your face using a scrub;
  • handle problem area antiseptic;
  • place the required amount of paraffin in an enamel container (it is necessary to heat the material in a water bath);
  • wait until the required temperature is reached. Paraffin should be warm, but not burn the skin.


To begin with, you should make sure that the temperature of the paraffin will not cause negative consequences. To do this, apply a small amount of warm paste to a less visible area of ​​the forehead.

Next, you will need the help of another person, since in order to avoid injury sensitive skin around the eyes, paraffin should be applied to the face with the eyelids closed with cotton pads. Accordingly, it is unrealistic to perform this action on your own.

After applying the first layer of the mask, you need to cover your face with a gauze pad or other fabric base with slits for the eyes and nose.

Then another 3-4 layers of melted mass are applied with a brush. At the same time, the edges around the perimeter of the fabric base should be free, so that later it will be easier for you to remove the cooled material.

It is not advisable to leave paraffin on your face for too long, and even after it cools down, the mask will no longer bring any benefit. For convenience, you can set a timer with a specified time.

Final stage

After the required time has passed, remove the mask by grasping the lower edges of the fabric base, gradually moving in the direction from the chin to the forehead.

Afterwards, wash your face with water room temperature and apply protective cover cream to the skin.

When preparing a mask, you can add some variety by adding ingredients such as essential or cosmetic oils, lanolin, beeswax, etc.

Mask recipes

To eliminate specific facial skin problems, you can use proven folk recipes.

Moisturizing mask

On preparatory stage In addition to the main ingredient, add 1 tsp to the paraffin bath. cocoa butter and cosmetic almond oil, as well as 0.5 tsp. lanolin. Moreover, this amount of additional substances is calculated for 1 tsp. melted paraffin.

In addition to the moisturizing effect, the mask nourishes and restores the regeneration process.

Nutritional composition

The first layer of the mask must be prepared in a separate container, in which, in addition to paraffin, 1 tsp will be heated. liquid honey.

The composition is useful for aging, discolored skin. Honey perfectly nourishes and stimulates metabolic processes.


Mix aloe juice with melted paraffin in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. to 1 tsp. main ingredient.

Ideal mask for relieving inflammation skin and cleansing from blackheads.

Soothing mask

After melting the paraffin, add lemon, orange and rose essential oils to the container at the rate of 5-7 drops of each component per 1 tsp. main material.

Used to rejuvenate sensitive and irritable skin.


Due to the creation of a greenhouse effect during the paraffin therapy procedure, the barrier (upper ball of the epidermis) between the nutrients of the mask and the deep layers of the dermis is softened, thereby creating a therapeutic effect.

In addition, as a result of the expansion of capillaries, the skin receives more oxygen, and metabolic products are easily removed.

All these toxic substances and the secretion of the sebaceous glands are attached to the paraffin and, at the end of the procedure, are easily removed along with it.

At the end of the paraffin therapy course, you will be pleasantly surprised by the following results:

  • clogged pores will expand, which will facilitate many metabolic processes in the dermis;
  • acne will go away with the mask;
  • the water balance will be restored, dry and flaky skin will become moisturized;
  • former firmness and elasticity will return;
  • unhealthy skin color turns into a pale pink shade with a natural blush;
  • shallow wrinkles will disappear from the face, and more pronounced ones will become less noticeable;
  • the contour will change, the relief of the skin will become smoother.

Cosmetologists recommend performing paraffin therapy for the face no more than once a week, this is how long you will observe the results of the procedure.

It is especially important to eliminate facial skin problems in the winter-spring period, when there is a sharp change in temperature and weather conditions do not benefit the dermis.


The cost of one paraffin therapy session in a specialized salon costs clients an average of 1000-1500 rubles. It all depends on the prestige of the establishment and the material used to prepare the mask.

If you decide to rejuvenate your skin in this way at home, then the main thing that will focus your attention is the price of paraffin.

Modern manufacturers produce it both in pure form, and with various additives. In the first case, the cost of a package weighing 250 g varies between 100-150 rubles.

In the second - 300-600 rubles.

On average, one procedure requires 0.5 kg of paraffin. However, this material can only be used once.

The video shows the stages of paraffin therapy for the face.

Gained widespread popularity in Lately Beauties use paraffin face masks, which contain cosmetic paraffin.

It can be bought at a pharmacy or specialized salon. If you have to choose when purchasing from different types, you should give preference to white paraffin, which has a more softening and gentle effect on the skin of the face. What is the reason for the rejuvenating effect of paraffin face masks, which are easy to make at home?

Paraffin is Chemical substance, consisting of hydrocarbons (alkynes), which make paraffin masks unique cosmetic product. The mechanism of their action on the skin is extremely simple: paraffin forms a layer under which the skin is exposed to a certain thermal effect. As a result, paraffin masks at home can transform your skin in the most miraculous way:

  • compactions and tumors resolve;
  • pores expand;
  • Having the effect of a thermal compress, paraffin face masks contribute to the complete disappearance of acne;
  • muscle tone increases;
  • as part of the mask, paraffin for the face has medicinal properties, as it improves blood circulation;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • sebaceous plugs soften and easily come out of their nests;
  • the facial contour becomes clearer.

Thanks to all these properties, the paraffin face mask has the most positive reviews. Everyone who has already used it prefers it to all other masks. The main thing is to follow the recipe exactly and have no contraindications.

Paraffin face masks: indications and contraindications

Before reading the instructions and recipes on how to make a paraffin mask yourself, at home, without resorting to a specialist, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications for the use of such masks in order to avoid undesirable consequences and side effects. White cosmetic paraffin for the face is indispensable:

  • for withered, flabby, wrinkled skin;
  • for dry, cracked skin;
  • for tired skin;
  • for inflamed and problematic skin;
  • for the face with effect double chin and big cheeks.

In order for the paraffin mask to have the maximum effect on the skin, study in detail the sequence of steps on how to apply paraffin to the face in layers. And be sure to consider the contraindications:

  • vasodilation;
  • pustular inflammation of the skin;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • hypertension;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • an abundance of warts or moles;
  • pregnancy.

If none of the diseases are familiar to you, start reading recipes on how to make paraffin masks at home.

The best paraffin mask recipes

Any paraffin face mask is applied to cleansed skin (for example, after a scrub).

  • 1. Classic paraffin mask

Melt 50 grams of white paraffin in a water bath. Dip a cotton swab in melted paraffin and apply the mask from the chin to the forehead. After the first layer has cooled, apply another one. The mask will have a greater effect when applying three or four such layers. If the skin is inflamed, it is better to buy paraffin for the face at a pharmacy.

  • 2. Paraffin dressing

You can dip a bandage in melted paraffin and apply it to your face. Next, the mask technology is repeated: apply three or four bandages soaked in paraffin. This bandage is especially good for improving the contour of the face.

  • 3. Complex paraffin mask

Pour olive or almond oil (teaspoon), spermaceti or lanolin (half a teaspoon) and cocoa butter (heaped teaspoon) into melted paraffin (a teaspoon). If you need to get rid of acne, it is better to use medical paraffin for the face in the mask, rather than cosmetic one.

The effect of a classic paraffin mask can be doubled and get an even more amazing result. You need to put a layer of cotton wool on top of the mask, leaving space for the nose and mouth, and cover it with more terry towel. These steam paraffin foot masks are good: they perfectly relieve fatigue and swelling.

  • 5. Honey-paraffin mask

You can add liquid honey (a teaspoon) to the first layer of paraffin, which lies directly on the skin.

  • 6. Paraffin mask with aloe

You can add a few drops of aloe juice to the first layer.

  • 7. Paraffin mask with essential oils

In the same first layer you can add a few drops of these essential oils like roses, lemon or orange.

You can use both hot and cold facial paraffin in such masks: both will create a greenhouse effect and promote skin rejuvenation.

From a medical point of view, a paraffin face mask has a thermal effect similar to a hot compress: it increases blood flow to the cells of the epidermis and thereby stimulates the metabolic processes occurring in them. Professional cosmetologists classify paraffin masks as dry thermal procedures that expand pores and help cleanse them, and also increase the absorption capacity of the skin.

Paraffin applied to the face does not have any chemical effect. But it has a mechanical effect: upon cooling for a sufficiently long time, paraffin again acquires a crystalline structure and due to this, the physical volume of its mass decreases. An impermeable layer of paraffin, gently squeezing the collagen fibers of the epidermis, tightens and smoothes it, that is, due to occlusion it gives a lifting effect.

Face masks using paraffin are in a good way to cleanse oily skin and moisturize dry skin (since the paraffin layer retains moisture), to reduce the expression of facial wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of ​​nasolabial folds. And by improving blood circulation, they help with scars that form at the site of acne.

It should be borne in mind that paraffin masks have contraindications: they cannot be done if there is any damage to the skin, with acne in the stage of acne suppuration, with rosacea (rosacea), with severe rosacea or active growth facial hair This is not recommended cosmetic procedure with high blood pressure, bronchial asthma, polyps in the maxillary cavity, nosebleeds and problems with the thyroid gland.

Recipes for paraffin masks at home

To do these useful masks, you need medical highly purified paraffin (the one from which candles are made is not suitable), and it can be found in pharmacies, labeled P-1.

Paraffin is a chemically low-active substance; in molten form it does not mix with water, alcohols, alkalis and acids; only oils can be added to it.

Paraffin pieces should only be converted into a viscous liquid in a water bath, and not a single drop of water should get into the melted composition! The skin should be just as dry before applying the mask; in this case, oily skin can be pre-treated with 2% salicylic spit or alcohol tincture of calendula (and allow the skin to dry completely), and for dry skin or sagging skin, it is recommended to lubricate the face with a small amount of olive oil.

A paraffin face mask can be applied in two ways: with a brush or using tampons - directly on the skin (along massage lines), and also with a brush over a single layer of gauze placed on the face (with holes for the mouth, nose and eyes). There should be at least three layers of paraffin, and it is recommended to apply each new layer from bottom to top, that is, starting from the chin.

Recipes for paraffin masks at home simply involve adding 5-10 drops of essential oils such as:

  • carrot seeds - improves the tone of aging skin;
  • frankincense - has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect in cases of acne proneness; shrinks skin pores, helps protect the skin from adverse external influences and stimulates the growth of new epithelial cells;
  • geranium - helps regulate sebum secretion, reduces acne; helps increase skin elasticity and reduces the intensity of wrinkles;
  • lavender - helps regenerate epidermal cells, ideal for mature skin with age spots;
  • lemon - an excellent antibacterial and astringent for oily skin with enlarged pores;
  • myrrh - has strong anti-inflammatory properties, helps improve the tone and elasticity of the skin, reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles;
  • Neroli - considered the most effective in caring for oily, sensitive and mature skin; helps smooth out wrinkles, narrow pores and increase epidermal turgor;
  • patchouli - for those over 40, as it promotes the growth of new cells and smoothes out wrinkles;
  • roses - most suitable for dry and aging skin, helps improve the texture of the skin and increase its tone;
  • tea tree due to its strong antibacterial properties is known as good remedy against acne;
  • ylang-ylang – this oil is beneficial for all skin types; it helps control discharge sebum, promotes the regeneration of skin cells, increasing its elasticity and smoothing out wrinkles.

The paraffin mask stays on the face for an average of 20 minutes (until it cools completely); During this time it is recommended to take horizontal position and do not talk so that the facial muscles are relaxed. Wellness course - two masks per week for a month.

Paraffin mask for hands and feet

The effectiveness of such a procedure as a paraffin hand mask is recognized by manicurists all over the world. You can see for yourself how much softer the skin on your hands and cuticles will become without leaving your home. It is enough to have purified paraffin and half an hour of free time.

Prepare a pair of disposable plastic gloves, as well as a pair of regular mittens; you can also use oven mitts. Paraffin should be melted (how to do this is indicated above), hands should be washed thoroughly (removing the rings), wiped dry, and then lubricate them with olive or refined sunflower oil.

For a few seconds, immerse the hand of one hand (up to the wrist) in slightly cooled paraffin (temperature about +40-42°C), remove it for 8-10 seconds, and then dip it again into paraffin. After the third layer, let it dry a little, put a plastic glove on your hand, and insulate it with a mitten or oven mitt on top. Similar actions are performed for the second hand.

After at least a quarter of an hour, you can remove everything and clean the frozen paraffin, after which it is useful to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream.

A paraffin mask for feet is made in the same way, only instead of gloves you will have to use thin plastic bags, and insulate your feet with woolen socks. Such masks are especially useful in the presence of calluses and dry, rough skin on the heels. To enhance the softening of keratinized skin, a few drops of an oil solution of vitamin A (retinol acetate) or peach kernel oil are usually added to the melted paraffin.

But a paraffin hair mask, in fact, is a paraffin application on a local area of ​​the scalp; it is done only in cases of focal hair loss - alopecia areata.

The thermal properties of paraffin began to be used in medicine more than 100 years ago. Over time, doctors came to the conclusion that this technique is not only good for health, but can also be used in cosmetology. Paraffin therapy for the face provides skin rejuvenation and tightening. However, to achieve this effect, you need to know which types of paraffin to choose and how to carry out the procedure correctly.

Cosmetic effects of paraffin

Cosmetic paraffin is useful for improving skin condition. Application at home is practically no different from procedures in the salon.

This product has a unique effect on the skin. It helps to avoid premature aging and helps maintain smoothness and firmness of the face and neck. Cosmetic paraffin can be used not only for mature and aging skin. It also works well at a young age, helping to get rid of various skin rashes, acne and blackheads. If you regularly carry out this procedure, you can notice the onset of changes:

Paraffin therapy can also be cold. This cosmetic procedure has no less beneficial effects on the skin:

The effect of such procedures can be noticed after the first use. If you do paraffin applications regularly, following all the rules, the result will not be long in coming - the skin will become fresh, young and elastic.

Indications for paraffin therapy

Treatments with cosmetic paraffin can be beneficial at any age. Indications for paraffin therapy may include:

You need to choose paraffin and the procedure mode very carefully. Incorrect temperature or active additives in paraffin can lead to the development of complications.

How to apply paraffin at home

The essence of the procedure in the salon and at home is absolutely the same. The only difference home procedures You will need to prepare all the ingredients and equipment yourself. If you go to a salon, you can simply enjoy the procedure, and the professionals will take care of the entire “technical” side of the issue.

You can purchase paraffin for home therapy in a pharmacy chain or in specialized online stores. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the composition and properties of different types of products in order to choose the most suitable one for yourself. It will be very useful to consult with those who have already used paraffin therapy; you can look at reviews on the forums.

It is advisable to find out which type of paraffin is best to use, as well as which facial wax at home will be more effective. This question can also be clarified by a specialist - a dermatocosmetologist.

Preparatory stage

Before starting the session, you should wash your face with warm water and thoroughly clean your face with a scrub or gel.

The paraffin is placed in an enamel bowl and begins to melt in a water bath. You can purchase a special bath for such procedures at a store or pharmacy.

When the product is melted, check the temperature by dipping your fingertip. When applied to the skin, the liquid should not burn.

The main part is applying the mask

To apply paraffin you will need a special silicone brush or spatula. It is dipped into the melted product and a small amount is applied to the forehead area. In this case, the mixture should be warm and not cause a feeling of discomfort.

Next, use a brush to carefully apply the composition to the entire face, avoiding the areas around the eyes. It is advisable to protect these areas from accidental contact with paraffin by covering your eyes with cotton pads. True, such a procedure will require outside help.

After applying the first layer of paraffin, cover the face with a gauze cloth. It has slits for the eyes, mouth and nose. You can cut a napkin like this yourself or buy ready-made in the store.

3 more layers of warm composition are successively applied on top. The ends of the napkin are left clean - this will make it easier to remove the mask at the end of the session.

With such a mask on your face, you need to lie quietly for about 20 minutes. At the same time, it is advisable to relax as much as possible. You can set yourself an alarm clock in case you suddenly fall asleep.

Final stage of the session

After the specified time, grab the ends of the napkin with your hands and gently pull it from bottom to top. Begin to remove the mask from the chin, moving to the nose and cheeks, then to the forehead.

Removing the mask you need to wash your face with warm water or infusion medicinal herbs. At the end, apply your usual nourishing or moisturizing day cream.

The procedure has a lot of advantages and gives a lot of pleasant subjective sensations. Most women, having tried it once, begin to do it regularly. To diversify the cosmetic effects, you can add honey, aromatic oils, lanolin, and cosmetic facial wax to the paraffin.

Contraindications to the procedure

Paraffin therapy for the face is a very effective and popular procedure. However, it should be remembered that there are some conditions when it is contraindicated:

Attempts to apply cosmetic paraffin to the face in such cases can lead to severe deterioration of the condition and the emergence of serious complications.

Paraffin therapy for some problems

In addition to the usual paraffin mask, you can add this product to other cosmetic formulations. Let's look at how you can use paraffin therapy to eliminate certain problems with your facial skin:

A paraffin face mask at home is very simple and useful. Its regular use will make your skin young, fresh and healthy, eliminate the first wrinkles and improve facial contours. You can learn more about the technique of the procedure by watching the video tutorial.