Fashion 2013

The gift of a medium does not open to every person. The gift of a medium is not revealed to any person. Distinctive features of a medium

Throughout history and in all cultures, humanity has tried to establish contact with spirits, souls of the dead and with deities through mediums, i.e. personalities to whom supernatural abilities receive information that cannot be obtained through the normal senses. Mediums treated and produced physical phenomena such as moving objects and controlling the weather.

Mediums were known by various names, among them: oracle, fortune teller, magician, sorceress, soothsayer, sorcerer, healer, wizard, shaman, fortune teller, sorcerer healer, mystic, priest, prophet and connected to the channel of information.

The term "mediumship" usually refers to the mesmeric and spiritualistic way of communicating with the spirits of the dead. The basis for the study of mediumship was the study of mesmerism, begun and carried out in the 19th century. Some subjects who were "magnetized" or hypnotically placed in a trance came under the influence of spirits and transmitted messages from the Other World. Like shamans who connect with the World Spirit by becoming possessed by gods, animal souls and idols, mesmeric individuals are temporarily "possessed" by disembodied spirits.

As spiritualism arose in America and then in Britain, mesmeric mediumship was associated with it. Mediums demonstrated their capabilities both at special sessions in private homes and during lectures in classrooms and halls.

Mediumship can be divided into two categories: mental (spiritual) and physical (material). Mental mediumship occurs when a medium communicates through inner vision, clairvoyance, and spiritual impression.

Physical mediumship was popular towards the end of the 19th century and was characterized by tricks attributed to spirits, such as tapping, rocking and overturning tables, levitation of objects and the medium, moving objects, materializations, appearance of ghosts, music evoked by spirits, "glows of spirits" (or " glowing perfume") and strange smells.

The medium's communications with the spirits were guided by one or more spirits called leaders. Some psychic researchers have argued that the guides are not external spirits, but secondary personalities of the medium. Mediums for physical phenomena are electrical persons. Mediums are divided into groups:

Sensing mediums;

Hearing mediums;

Speaking mediums;

Seeing mediums;

Somnambulistic mediums;

Healing mediums;

Pneumatograph mediums.

Anyone who feels to any degree the influence of spirits is already a medium. This ability is inherent in a person from birth. That is why there are few people who do not have the rudiments of this ability. We can say that almost all people are mediums.

Despite this, it is customary to give this name only to those in whom the mediumistic ability is revealed by obvious phenomena, which depends on the organization, more or less sensitive. It should be noted, by the way, that this ability does not manifest itself in everyone in the same way. Mediums usually have a special ability for one or another kind of phenomena, which accounts for as much variety among them as there are types of phenomena.

Mediums for physical phenomena are more capable of producing material phenomena, such as the movement of motionless bodies, noise, knocking. They can be divided into voluntary mediums and involuntary mediums.

Voluntary mediums are those who are aware of their peculiarity and who produce spiritualistic phenomena by the action of their will. Although this ability, as we said, is characteristic of the human race, not everyone possesses it to the same extent. If there are few persons in whom this ability does not exist at all, then persons capable of producing significant phenomena, such as, for example, bringing solid bodies into a hanging position in space, lifting into the air, and especially producing phenomena visible to our eyes, are still less.

The most simple essence the rotational movement of an object, impacts produced by lifting this object or heard within the substance itself. Without attaching particular importance to this kind of phenomena, we, however, advise not to neglect them. They can provide occasion for interesting observations and promote persuasion. It is remarkable that those who have more advanced means of communication, such as writing or verbal conversation, are rarely capable of material phenomena. In general, this ability decreases as the other develops.

Involuntary or natural mediums are those whose influence is revealed without their knowledge. They are not at all aware of their strength, and often everything that happens around them does not seem unusual to them. This constitutes their belonging in the same way as there are persons gifted with double vision who do not suspect this at all. These subjects deserve observation, and no opportunity should be omitted to collect and study facts when they present themselves; this ability manifests itself at any age, and even often in children.

This ability in itself is not a sign of a pathological state, because it is compatible with a completely healthy state of the body. If the one who uses it is sick, then this occurs for other reasons, and therefore therapeutic agents cannot destroy it. It may sometimes be accompanied by some organic relaxation, but it can never be the direct cause of this relaxation. Therefore, it is unwise to fear it. From a hygienic point of view, it can only be harmful if a person who has become an arbitrary medium uses this ability for evil, because then too much of the vital current will be separated and as a result weakening of the organs may occur.

The mind is indignant at the thought of the moral and physical torment to which science sometimes subjected weak and tender creatures in order to make sure that there was no forgery on their part. These experiments, made mostly with ill will, are always harmful to sensitive organizations. To do such tests is to play with life. A conscientious observer does not need to resort to such means. Anyone who has become accustomed to phenomena of this kind knows very well that they belong more to the category of mental phenomena than physical ones, and that it would be in vain to seek their resolution in our exact sciences.

Due to the fact that these phenomena belong to the category of mental phenomena, one must try by all means to avoid anything that may irritate the imagination. Everyone knows what misfortunes fear can cause, and it would be better if they knew all the cases of madness and falling sickness that arose from stories of witches and werewolves. What will happen if they insist that the devil is at work here? Those who instill such ideas do not know what responsibility they are taking upon themselves: they can become murderers.

In addition, the danger exists not only for the person being threatened. It can also spread to those around them: some may be frightened by the thought that their home is a den of demons. This destructive belief was the cause of many cruelties during the times of ignorance. Meanwhile, reasoning somewhat logically, they could understand that by burning a body recognized as possessed by a demon, they did not burn the demon himself. Since they wanted to get rid of the demon, they had to destroy him himself. The Spiritual Teaching, having revealed to us the true cause of all these phenomena, shows him mercy. So, instead of exciting such an idea, it is necessary - and even this is the duty of morality and love of humanity - to refute it, even if it existed.

If the mediumistic ability begins to develop spontaneously in someone, then this phenomenon must be left to its natural course: nature is more prudent than man. Moreover, Providence has its own forms, and the most insignificant person can become an instrument for the fulfillment of the greatest plans. But we must admit that this phenomenon sometimes reaches dimensions that are tiresome and unbearable for those around us; in these cases, here's what to do.

We have already given some advice on this subject, saying that we must try to enter into communication with the spirit in order to learn from it what it desires. The following remedy is based on observation.

Invisible beings who declare their presence through physical phenomena are generally spirits of a lower order, which can be subdued by psychic influence. It is this moral authority that we must try to acquire.

To achieve this influence, it is necessary to force the subject to move from the state of a natural medium to the state of an arbitrary medium. Then an action occurs similar to what happens in somnambulism. It is known that natural somnambulism ceases when it is replaced by magnetic somnambulism. The soul’s ability to free itself does not stop for a while, it is only given a different direction.

The same thing happens with mediumship. Therefore, instead of preventing phenomena, which is rarely successful and which cannot always be safe, the medium must be encouraged to produce them according to his own will, forcing the spirit to obey. By this means he can subjugate him, and from a ruler, often a tyrant, turn him into a subordinate being and sometimes very submissive. Here it should be noted, and this is justified by experience, that in such a case the child has as much, and in part even more, power than the old man: new evidence in confirmation of the main point of the Teaching that the spirit can be a child only in body and that he in himself had necessary development, which preceded his present incarnation and could give him power over the spirits that are lower than him.

Giving moral instructions to the spirit through the advice of a third person who can have influence and experience, if the medium himself is not able to do this, is often a very effective means.

Hearing mediums. They hear the voices of spirits. Sometimes, as we said when talking about pneumatophonia, it happens inner voice which the soul hears. Sometimes it is an external voice, clear and intelligible, like the voice of a living person. In this way, hearing mediums can enter into conversation with spirits. If they are accustomed to communicate with known spirits, they will immediately recognize them by the sound of their voice. If someone is not himself gifted with this ability, he can communicate with the spirit through the medium of a hearing medium, who in this case acts as a translator.

This ability is very pleasant when the medium hears only good spirits or only those whom he himself calls upon. But that’s not what happens when some evil spirit becomes attached to the medium and makes him hear the most unpleasant, and sometimes the most indecent things. In this case, you must try to get rid of it using the means that we will indicate in the chapter on obsession.

Speaking mediums. Hearing mediums, who only convey what they hear, are not actually speaking mediums. These latter very often do not hear anything. Their spirit acts on the organs of speech in the same way as it acts on the hand of writing mediums. The spirit, wanting to communicate, uses from all the organs of the medium that organ that is more easily influenced by it. From one he borrows a hand, from another a speech, from a third a hearing. The speaking medium expresses himself generally without realizing what he is saying, and often says things that are completely outside the range of his ordinary ideas, his knowledge, and even his mental abilities. Although at this time he is completely awake and in a normal state, he rarely remembers what he said. In a word, his tongue is an instrument used by the spirit, and with it an outsider can enter into communication in the same way as he could do this through the medium of a hearing medium. The passivity of the speaking medium is not always the same. There are those who are aware of what they are saying, even at the very moment when they utter the words. We will return to this modification when we talk about conscious mediums.

Seeing mediums. Seer mediums are gifted with the ability to see spirits. Some of them use this ability in a normal state, during perfect wakefulness and maintaining an accurate memory of what they saw; others are only in a somnambulistic state. This ability is rarely permanent. It almost always appears only occasionally. All persons gifted with double vision can be placed in the category of seeing mediums. The ability to see spirits in a dream comes, no doubt, from some kind of mediumship, but does not, strictly speaking, constitute seeing mediums.

Seeing mediums, just like those gifted with double vision, think that they see with their eyes. In reality, it is their soul that sees, and that is why they see just as well with their eyes closed as with their eyes open. From this it follows that even a blind person can see spirits. In this regard, it would be very interesting to investigate whether this ability is more common in the blind than in the visually gifted. Spirits who were blind during bodily life told us that they saw certain things with their souls and that they were not constantly immersed in complete darkness.

It is necessary to distinguish random and spontaneous visions from the so-called ability to see spirits. The first are repeated quite often, especially at the moment of death of persons whom we loved or knew and who come to inform us that they no longer belong to this world. There are many examples of such facts, not to mention visions that appear in dreams. Sometimes these are also relatives or friends who, although they died a long time ago, appear to either warn us of danger, or give us advice, or, finally, ask for a favor. The service that a spirit can ask for consists mostly of doing something that the spirit could not do during its lifetime, or in our prayers for it. These manifestations of spirits are isolated facts, always of an individual and personal character, and do not constitute mediumistic ability as such. This ability lies in the ability to see, if not constantly, then at least very often, various spirits, even completely strangers to us.

Among the seeing mediums, some see only summoned spirits, which they can describe with the greatest accuracy. They describe in great detail their gestures, expression and facial features, costume and even the feelings with which the spirits seem to be animated. For others, this ability is more general. They see the entire spiritual population bustling about, walking back and forth, as if busy with their own affairs.

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author Conan Doyle Arthur

From the book History of Spiritualism author Conan Doyle Arthur

From the book History of Spiritualism author Conan Doyle Arthur

How to become a medium - spiritualism for beginners

The range of literature on the topic “how to become a medium” is quite wide, however, boring treatises with terminology incomprehensible to the average person only scare away beginners and force them to engage in simple magic that is in no way similar to the actions of a professional medium. Start small - try to develop supernatural abilities with simple exercises - this is what the great psychic minds did!

Who are mediums

In the minds of the majority, a medium is a strange, awkward-looking person who communicates with ghosts, spirits and other inhabitants of the subtle world. Indeed, individuals with psychic abilities often look, to put it mildly, extravagantly, however, their non-standard appearance does not prevent them from communicating with different entities, and their abilities are not limited.

How does a living contactor-transmitter work? The process of communication with representatives of the other world, described by the mediums themselves, allows us to divide sorcerers-intermediaries into several categories:

  1. There is such a thing as “physical mediumship.” Psychics belonging to this category can reproduce various noises and movements, and they are also subject to levitation.
  2. The so-called “hearing mediums” are able to tune in to a special wave and capture the speech of entities. Developing his gift, the register easily interprets sounds that appear as if from nowhere in his head, he telepathically communicates with both the souls of the dead and living people.
  3. Along with psychic talents, some individuals have the ability to speak in other people's voices. Having established a connection with a ghost, the contactee uses his body as a conductor between worlds, allowing the disembodied spirit to inhabit its own physical shell for the period of communication. Upon completion of the ritual, the “ventriloquist” may not remember the words that the soul who came into contact transmitted through his speech apparatus.
  4. Among the mediums there are persons who are able to see ghostly creatures. Perhaps you have observed how small children communicate with someone invisible. So, some adults retain the ability to see ghosts living with us. In a dream or in reality, they make visual contact with the souls of the dead and other entities.
  5. There are psychics who are able to diagnose various diseases, and also heal them. As they themselves explain, the human body appears to them in various colors, each organ has its own color and pulsation, and in sick people these indicators change.

There is no such medium who has only one of the above abilities; often these people combine several of these qualities, and some are endowed with the rare gift of foreseeing the future.

As you know, not everyone can be a medium. Often they are people with innate abilities that need to be constantly developed and trained. Whether a particular person can become a good psychic is determined by the presence of the following signs.

  1. Continuity. Often the gift is passed on from one generation to another. If one of your ancestors had psychic skills, they could be inherited by you. It is also believed that the majority of hereditary psychics are women. It’s not for nothing that there is a generally accepted saying about witches: “In order to be one, you need to be born as one!”
  2. Eye color. A feature that sets some mediums apart from the crowd is dark (almost black) or different colored eyes, the presence of specks on the iris. People with this sign, having noticed unusual abilities in themselves, are called upon to become strong psychics.
  3. Strong intuition. If you have noticed that your sixth sense never lets you down, you have helped your loved ones avoid danger more than once, and you yourself have never gotten into trouble, try to find good teacher, which will develop your gift to the capabilities of clairvoyance.
  4. Prophetic dreams, repeating images. Do you know that feeling called “déjà vu”, when you realize that a given situation has already happened in the past, and you know how it will end? Or do you constantly have dreams that then strangely come true? This means that your energy shell is configured to receive information from higher powers, learn to interpret it correctly, and you will become a soothsayer.
  5. Head injury, shock, coma or clinical death in the past. The majority of newly-minted mediums, whose gift is not related to the continuity of generations, testify that the trigger for its appearance was some traumatic event that threatened their further earthly existence: an accident, a fall, an electric shock, a lightning strike.

Even a couple of positive statements from the list makes it clear that you should use the opportunity to try yourself in mediumship, and if all the criteria have been described about you, start working without delay - humanity needs strong specialists!

Any person who decides to become a medium is obliged to adhere to the basic rules and train their skills as often as possible so that they do not begin to weaken, but only strengthen.

Everyone, a psychic or clairvoyant, must adhere to the golden rule - no worries or stress, even in the most extreme situations. Emotional balance and stability should always prevail over fears and worries. Otherwise, the gift, already not yet strong, may disappear for an indefinite period or forever.

Train your intuitive sense

The most important thing for a medium is his intuition, which will never deceive a person who has a gift. For a psychic, it is vital to keep your instinct in good shape so that it does not disappear completely. At the right approach and competent use of one’s skills, the sixth sense will only strengthen, helping the psychic maintain contact with the subtle world at the right time.

You can start the training by trying to predict various small events, for example, when your home phone rings, before picking up the phone, try to intuitively name who is on the other end of the line.

Intuition training is based on the development of senses of perception. A heightened acceptance of the world helps the medium strengthen the invaluable gift of heaven, and also helps out in various life situations. Listen to quiet sounds, peer into the darkness, feel inner experiences, learn to hear different notes of aromas, and understand their combination in complex perfume compositions.

Learn to understand the signs: catch every word accidentally spoken nearby; record unusual events that happen to you every day; do not neglect your feelings - if you are overcome by a wave of fear or suddenly remembered about someone with a feeling of nagging anxiety, try to calm down the emotion and understand where it came from.

Choose the direction of mediumistic activity

Before you start directly practicing the development of all senses, you need to determine which of them are more developed in you, and start training with them.

  1. For a person with developed vision, it is necessary to focus on clairvoyance in practices. A simple exercise will help you learn to concentrate:

    Place a black dot on a white sheet of paper and every day, starting from one minute, peer at this dot, placing the sheet of paper opposite your eyes, at arm’s length. Try not to blink or strain your eyes.

  2. Excellent hearing indicates the ability to make contact with the dead. A person with such a gift is able not only to sense an invisible presence intuitively or see silhouettes, but can fully communicate with spirits.
  3. Strongly developed taste buds help the medium sense someone else's aura by taste; in this way, he can not only determine whether the person in front of him is good or bad, but also diagnose certain diseases. Experiment with flavors, use natural ingredients for cooking: flowers, herbs, leaves, roots.
  4. If your strong point- the sense of smell, by strengthening it, you will be able to anticipate an approaching threat, an unpleasant situation, damage present on someone and any changes in his biological field.

    The training is quite simple: with your eyes blindfolded, try to recognize different smells (first simple, then mixed). Don't forget about caring for your nasopharynx and proper nutrition- Avoid foods that can irritate your taste buds.

  5. The gift of touch helps determine the presence of negative magical influence on a person and determines the state of his health. Tactile sensations help to capture many properties of objects. Select both inanimate and animate objects for training (let your family and friends help you improve your skill).

While developing extraordinary skills, it is also important to pay attention physical development. An emotionally receptive medium subject to energy attacks will be tested by higher forces for strength, and dark spirits will try in every possible way to take possession of the physical shell.

Due to constant stress, a physically weak register will begin to suffer from frequent illnesses, so playing sports and using relaxation practices should become part of Everyday life any contactee. if you have bad habits, giving them up will serve as a starting point for the formation of lasting immunity.

In teaching a novice psychic, books that describe detailed techniques. Among them:

  • "The Medium's Book" (by Allan Kardec);
  • "So You Want to Become a Medium (by Rose Ainden);
  • V. Bronnikov’s methodology “Information development of man”.

Development psychic abilities- it’s not an easy and long task, however, if you have a strong enough desire and capabilities, you will master the skill without much difficulty. Remember that only your faith is the key to successfully improving extraordinary skills and becoming an experienced, successful medium!

If previously there was a theory that mediums are exclusively born, today everyone can develop these abilities in themselves, it is enough to recognize exactly how they manifest themselves and constantly work on themselves over a long period of time. Most of humanity perceives mediums as people who can talk to the dead. In fact, the medium has such abilities, but it may not always be talking, a person can hear, move objects or heal the sick. If you have repeatedly wondered how to become a medium and understand that you have a special gift, or you have been told that abilities are inherited, start working on yourself.

How to become a medium in real life?

Here we present useful information regarding how to recognize a person with similar abilities. According to statistics, there are 6 times more women mediums than representatives of the stronger half of humanity. A woman’s abilities become more acute during menstruation, but on other days also pay attention to the following signs:

  • well-developed intuition;
  • eyes of different colors, presence of dots on the iris;
  • a character characterized by irritability, naivety, and capriciousness.

Often, mediumistic abilities can be inherited or appear/disappear with changes in life situations. But is it possible to become a medium with such qualities? Without doing anything - of course not. You need to start by developing your abilities. First of all, it is important to learn to hear and trust your feeling, which we often call intuition. Such training involves guessing, for example, what song will be played next on the radio or who will call on the phone. It is worth remembering that in addition to intuition, there are other basic senses - sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. You need to work on all the senses, and not just focus on one. To improve your abilities, you can read various literature. The theory of how to become a medium is beautifully outlined in The Book of Mediums by Alan Kardec. It is a continuation of the "Book of Spirits". The literature contains some useful practical advice for beginners. It is very important to take care of your emotional balance and inner peace.

How to become a medium - exercises

After you have studied a lot of useful literature and understood the theoretical part, we recommend moving on to practice. The exercises involve working on breathing and improving overall sensitivity. It is recommended to do the exercises for 5-15 minutes a day. In India, similar methods have been practiced for a long time, but they are based on the accumulation of energy, which allows one to discover abilities in oneself.

Exercise 1. Take a comfortable position, relax and start working on breathing in accordance with your heartbeat. That is, for every 4 hits you need to inhale, then hold for 2 beats and exhale for 4 beats. At this time, imagine how powerful energy fills every cell of your body.

Exercise 2. Topical for healing. You can start with yourself. For headaches, imagine the source of pain in the form of a black spot and send the accumulated energy from the solar plexus in order to eliminate headache. Similar manipulations can be carried out with other people if you feel that your own energy makes you feel better. When working with another person, you should not experience negativity, since energy is transferred to him during such interaction.

By “medial talent” we actually mean a good connection with the subtle spiritual world, thanks to which we can receive many tips, opportunities and information.

Medial abilities include many abilities: from reading cards to clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience, as well as the ability to communicate with angels and/or the dead directly (and, above all, understand the answers). The possibilities are endless! And honestly, it's pretty cool. What is most beautiful about this is that every person could have exactly this access to the spiritual world.
We all have the necessary inclinations, and it doesn't really matter whether we believe it or not. Although there is a limitation, for some reason not everyone can do it. Obviously, this depends on what level of spiritual development a person is at, how often he has been reincarnated, and also on whether this is part of the learning objectives in this life. It's obvious that " spiritual development” not everyone relates to the soul plane in the same way, which, frankly, is a good thing. We are all individuals, and this makes us a little more individual.

Do I have media talent?

How do you know whether you are one of the talented people who can really develop your abilities, or those for whom it is a waste of time? It is really very simple: most of the skeptics and doubters who vehemently deny the possibility (and even often with their hands and feet) that it really exists are those who are less likely to access their own potential in the current incarnation. And there is a second group: these are all spiritually interested people, students of esotericism, ghost hunters, horror movie lovers, who communicate on appropriate forums and groups, who read, research, meditate and deep down just feel that there is much more than they “know” "
More interesting discussions in our group These are people who should dig a little deeper and see what potential is hidden in them in order to further learn and use their talents.
I'm not sure if this is due to culture and upbringing (which means I can't provide any evidence), but we humans want evidence for everything. We like to know if it really is as we suspect. We check and then double check again to be sure. We have simply forgotten how to listen to our intuition and trust the information within us. In the meantime, I met many people who were psychically gifted, and thus came to what I am doing now. I found fundamental similarities in everyone I met. Of these, 5 fairly specific signs can be identified that indicate medial talent.
Signs of psychic abilities

1. Since childhood, terrible things have happened around you.

This is actually the most obvious pointer. So, your medial talent was regularly shown in the eyes and shouted about it in the ears, only the problem is that you “learned” that it is all imagination, because it cannot be and it is just a fantasy. Let me tell you something: all the horrors were real! Knocking, shadows, touches, movements, whispers, the feeling that the cat had gone to bed, although she was not even in the room. Objects that fall, sources of cold, inexplicable smells, the feeling of being looked at. You can continue the list because you understand what I am writing about. Or maybe you already remembered something? Now you know why this happened to you. You are special. You have this potential within, and above all, you have the ability to access it.
The souls who are trying to get your attention through all these scary actions sense your gift. That's why they're here. They want to contact you and tell you something. The fact that you may not be ready to understand them does not matter. You attract them (“we” attract souls like the light of a butterfly) and they want to get rid of something. Disembodied souls are a bit like small children: feeling the needs of other people seems alien to them. The main thing is that your own needs are met. You can’t imagine how often people want to get in touch with me at the most inopportune moments. At a lecture, for example. And it would probably be wiser to listen carefully to the lecturer. Or at night when I want to sleep.
Souls come into contact with us at any time of the day or night, anywhere, even when we are sitting on the toilet. Because they really don't care if we're busy right now. I say: really, like little children. Fortunately, unlike our children, we do not always have to be ready to listen to the deceased and offer help. It may sound callous, but we have the right to privacy and we can postpone communication for another time. If it's very important, they'll come back. By the way, you can start doing this now: the next time you feel that someone is trying to contact you, but you don’t know what to do with him, you can say it. Tell him that you are not ready yet, and maybe that you are scared. They understand and leave.

2. Spiritual themes attract you in a magical way.

...And this has probably always been the case. When “something like that” is reported somewhere, you can’t ignore it. You belong to numerous groups and forums to find more information, more knowledge. More truth - more trust. This topic attracts you, but the scientifically and rationally educated part of you always doubts the veracity of such messages. But when they talk about supersensible perception, we are talking specifically about subjective perception. It's difficult to prove. It is not surprising that many card fortunetellers are attracted by the “high rate of coincidences”: there is simply no more evidence, a person always craves evidence. With great effort you walk past the esoteric section of a bookstore. You love countless card decks, books about channeling, the afterlife, meditation, and you imagine that one day you can do this yourself. You really want to be able to work with a pendulum, or understand runes, or read cards like a book. This idea has always fascinated you. Perhaps you have already bought this or that tool, decided to buy it, and now it is collecting dust somewhere in a drawer or on a shelf because you do not dare to use it.
A little advice: give in to this impulse! Trust and act! Your aspiration within is not accidental, and I call it an impetus for development. This is not fantasy. That's your decision. Everything in you is screaming for you to finally do what you should have been doing for a long time.
As soon as this desire becomes irresistible, it is clear: the plan of the soul is involved here. It's time to start. No, there is no need to be afraid. You can't go wrong. You just need to start.

3. Horror movies shake you to the core.

I will never forget that visit to the cinema to see my then love story, The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I sat in a chair and shook in horror. I was really afraid. And because deep down I knew that these things that were being shown were absolutely possible and were probably happening somewhere in the world every day. This film shocked me and fascinated me at the same time. I think: where there is light, there is also shadow. So why shouldn't there be "evil beings" that can inhabit us? (The film is based on the much-debated possession of Anneliese Michel, who died after undergoing countless series of exorcisms, probably due to physical exhaustion). By the way, the same thing happened to me in ghost films. I was always a little scared because I knew they existed. Is this happening to you too?
Then I can reassure you: the more you study these things, the more you will learn how your gift works for you personally (this is always very individual), the less scary movies will scare you over time.

4. Wherever you are, pictures suddenly appear before your mind's eye.

This is not normal, this has nothing to do with aroused fantasy. Since we've been told this all our lives, we first need to understand how ESP works. I'm guessing you know: you're somewhere walking, walking, standing, talking excitedly, maybe even accidentally in a historical place, and suddenly you see tiny pictures and faces of strange people on the internal screen, like photographs or tiny scenes of a movie that scroll for a short time and then they disappear. This is not what happens to normal people.
And these are not unrecorded movie memory fragments or other nonsense. These are the moments in which a connection arises between you and the spiritual world. This is how communication happens. And that this is a functioning form of communication with the spiritual world (and most of the time with the dead), will become increasingly clear to you one day when you have the opportunity to connect what you saw with people living today. Obviously, this is unlikely to be possible when it comes to short fight scenes if you walk past the city wall. But you will have quite a lot of opportunities when you can connect the image of the person you saw with the deceased - this will be confirmation for you.

5. By nature, you feel people well.

You can look into their heads. You usually know what they want to say before they formulate their thoughts. You can read feelings well. You are sensitive to other people's perceptions.
You can intuitively and usually unconsciously tune in to your interlocutor, and yes, you can easily fool most of them. The basis for this is your luminous essence. You have very thin antennas and perceptions that enter you unnoticed and give out information automatically. This is a wonderful gift that gives you the ability to help people through intuitive understanding.
The author's presentation style has been preserved. Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.


Determine what kind of mediumship abilities you want to have. For example, this could be communication with the spirits of the dead, the ability to see the future - one’s own and other people’s, the ability to read information from a person. The experience of many researchers of mediumship shows that it is better to refuse communication with the spirits of the dead. The most appropriate is to develop the ability to see the past, future and obtain any other necessary information.

Buy a crystal ball with a diameter of at least 10 cm, this is one of the most common mediumistic tools. It is believed that crystal is a good conductor of astral energy, so through it you can see what cannot be seen in other ways. The crystal ball has been known as a tool for clairvoyance for thousands of years.

Place the crystal ball on a table covered with black velvet. Light a candle and turn off all other light sources. Sit comfortably in front of the ball. Peer at it, intending to get the information you need. It is very important to just look, but not imagine anything. Consciousness must be absolutely empty, this is one of the most important points. At some point, you will begin to catch images - don’t attack them, don’t analyze them, but just look and remember. The duration of the session is no more than half an hour.

Develop your sensitivity when communicating with other people. When you meet someone new to you, try to feel him. Don't judge him by his appearance, he can be deceiving. Try to feel the soul of this person, his basic qualities. Consciousness must be empty. Over time, you will learn to judge people absolutely accurately without having any other information about them.

To extract information from a person who is not next to you, imagine him in the form of a plant - for example, some kind of flower. Don't invent an image, let its details appear on their own. Carefully examine this image with your inner gaze, evaluate what feelings it evokes. Is the flower calm or does it look menacing? Is it nice and healthy, or does it have wilted or diseased leaves? The information obtained allows us to accurately judge a person’s character and health. Instead of plants, you can use images of animals.

Learn to feel the energy of the premises. Pay attention to the feelings you have when you are in a particular place. Having developed sensitivity, you will be able to intuitively avoid bad places that take energy, and vice versa, find places that give energy.

When you go to bed, already in bed, mentally try to get the information you are interested in. Stretch your attention to the place, person, event, etc. that interests you. Don't visualize anything yourself, just lie in the dark with your eyes closed and look at the images that appear. When done correctly, this technique can help you learn astral travel.