
What does bias mean? Bias that ruins life. These are the most important points

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I; Wed 1. A judgment expressing an assessment of someone, something, an attitude towards someone, something, a look at someone, something. Public m. Prejudiced m. Struggle of opinions. Express what l. m. Respect other people's things. m. Stick to your opinion. Not having your own... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

opinion- I; Wed see also according to 1) A judgment expressing an assessment of someone, something, an attitude towards someone, something, a view of someone, something. Public opinion. Preconceived notion. A battle of opinions. Express what l. me/nie... Dictionary of many expressions

Bias, partiality, tendentiousness, partiality, prejudice, prejudice; subjectivity, subjectivity, partiality, bias, impartiality, partiality, preconceived opinion. Ant. objectivity,... ... Synonym dictionary

Partiality, bias, lack of objectivity; one-sidedness, prejudice, partiality, prejudice, subjectivity, preconceived opinion, partiality, partiality, subjectivity, injustice. Ant. impartiality...... Synonym dictionary

See biased... Synonym dictionary

See biased... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. passion, love, biased; inclination, bias, weakness; inclination, disposition, injustice, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Anticipation, foresight, preconceived opinion Dictionary of Russian synonyms. anticipation see anticipation Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z.E.A... Synonym dictionary

Prejudice, prejudice, tendency, preconceived opinion, partiality, bias, predilection, tendentiousness, partiality Dictionary of Russian synonyms. partiality see bias Dictionary with ... Synonym dictionary

Bias, partiality, lack of objectivity; partiality, prejudice, tendency, tendency, preconceived opinion, partiality, premeditation, subjectivity, partiality, bias. Ant. impartiality, impartiality,... Synonym dictionary


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It is easier to remain silent than to prove to a biased person the injustice of his prejudices. Bias is a complex concept. It would seem that it would be easier to get consent to obvious facts, but that was not the case. In combination with Obstinacy, this can be almost impossible. Against iron prejudices, for Prejudice, all arguments and reasons are powerless. The brain of such a person has erected an impenetrable barrier against any of your statements. Belief in omens, proverbs, sayings, folk signs is a kind of brain disease, blinders on the eyes and a limitation of activity.

Whatever you try to prove, your thought will be met by the person’s own attitudes and prejudices. Breaking connections or making new ones is almost impossible! The growth of brain cells - neurons - occurs constantly and spontaneously, but connections between old neurons remain for a very long time. Therefore, the irrationality of prejudice can exist independently of personal experience.

Prejudice- false, biased, pre-existing negative opinion about someone or something. As a type of belief, prejudice differs from the latter in two circumstances - it can be about someone or something, but definitely not against oneself.

In practice, it can be quite difficult to test for bias. It can easily be mistaken for belief. An experienced eye will recognize prejudice by the lack of logic in justifying its position and by its indifference to the facts.

If a man unable to go beyond conventional ideas Even in a situation where life directly contradicts previous ideas about it, there is a high probability that we are dealing with prejudice.

Legends can be made about the persistence of prejudices. It is hundreds of times easier to refute a belief than a prejudice. This is an amazing fact, but it reproduces itself. Having once mentally outlined the rationale for his prejudice, a person does not want to part with it. Rational thinking and the usual rules of logic are also needed here, like money on a desert island.

It’s like a person has blinders on his eyes: he doesn’t notice that prejudice contradicts his entire system of beliefs and beliefs. The facts on which the prejudice was based have already been refuted by everyone, but this does not mean anything - the prejudice will continue to live happily ever after.

What is the nature of prejudice? Where do they come from? The answer is the following - a person’s everyday personal experience and sources of prejudice - Stereotypes.

Do you think this is No - this is only one of the components of stubbornness. The structure of the brain and memory consists of neurons and synapses of communication between neurons. The thickness of the threads of these neural connections determines our memory. The more times a neuron and its logical connection are used, the greater the thickness of the synapse and the ability to transmit impulses.

Stereotypes are the real sources of prejudice. When contacting others, a person compares and evaluates them through the prism of his existing attitudes. The brain is designed to look for danger in everything. For this reason, he sees and hears what he wants to see and hear.

The prejudices of a group or even an entire country are very often of a mass, national or racial nature. This may be fueled by the country's leaders and the media. Prejudice is a mechanism for intensifying hatred of separatism, racism, and fascism if they are used in politics.

Now let's remember Fascism and Racism. Society drilled into the heads of an entire people the stereotypes of Nazi ideology, which gave rise to corresponding prejudices and the fascist ideology of the destruction of peoples. Consequently, prejudices are social phenomena brought to life by stereotypes of mass consciousness and crowd control.

Each person identifies himself as an individual, relating himself to some group of people (kindergarten, school, sports club, party, nation, state).

Each of these structures requires us to follow certain rules. Being within its boundaries, we feel involved in them. Voluntarily or unwittingly, we think in the same direction as the other members of such a structure, feeding the corresponding attitudes with our thought energy. By exploiting our sense of self-worth, such mechanisms of Opinion Bias cause us to consider our structures better than others.

Groups of people or the State, forming our need for a qualitative comparison of structures, first impose the stereotypes they need, which, in turn, give rise to prejudices.

Prejudice – bad or good?

Several examples can be given in defense of prejudices, and here is one of them: If an indecisive, shy person is convinced that he is respected and valued at his new job, and he believes it, this prejudice will play a positive role. He successfully adapts to the new team.

When do changes in Prejudice occur?

A change in attitudes occurs in a person only during a period of deep personal crisis and a period of disappointment. During this period, there is a powerful revaluation of established connections, internal growth, and the purification of all kinds of negative prejudices.

Modern life requires us to make constant decisions, sometimes under stress. We rarely analyze our behavior and do not try to understand why we made this or that choice?

People tend to ignore and forget information that contradicts their opinions or expectations. We believe something because everyone around us believes it, and we follow the general opinion without reasoning. We make many important decisions, striving to be part of the majority.

Another negative side of this mistake is “groupthink,” when a decision is made with the tacit support of the majority, and a good idea that someone who remained silent might have proposed is drowned.

Error in defending choice A person is inclined to defend to the last a decision that has already been made only on the grounds that once it has been made, it is correct. It's called - ohOstrich bias and confirmation bias. Ostrich is a bird! The ostrich fallacy is a conscious or subconscious decision to ignore negative information about something.

These are the most important points:

Confirmation bias is one of the most dangerous types of errors that distort scientific research. When conducting experiments, you should try to avoid it in every possible way. People tend to pay attention only to the positive aspects of a phenomenon.

A person faced with a problem is sometimes inclined to ignore it, hoping that it will solve itself. Closing your eyes and not seeing is a familiar situation. You want to ignore the decision, or make the decision in execution - simply closing your eyes, hoping that the problem will solve itself. As an example, remember the letters from the tax office in your mailbox!

To avoid negative information, we simply stop being interested in it. This error also seriously distorts the results of scientific experiments and can lead to disastrous consequences.

After a decision is made, a person rarely analyzes the conditions in which it was made and implemented, but pays attention only to its positive or negative effect.

And then, having solved the most difficult problem once, a person becomes overly self-confident and begins to make decisions based not on facts, but only on his opinion - only because so far the decisions have been correct. This is the error of Prejudice.

Life and conditions change every day and every second, old data and the use of Prejudices are very harmful to a person. Analyze your ideas and attitudes every day! Check the vitality of your conclusions and actions - every day! Business does not stand still! Only then will success await you!

Man is an interesting creature. In the Renaissance, it was believed that a man or woman can realize themselves on the spectrum from an angel to a demon, that is, initially we have everything, but no one knows how we will dispose of this good. Today we’ll talk about a phenomenon from which everyone suffers and which exists in everyone. In other words, the question on the agenda is what bias is.


When a person feels unfairly treated, for example, at work, he says: “The boss is biased towards me!” Anyone can take the place of the boss in this sentence: teacher, wife, husband, mother-in-law, mother-in-law. A person is formed spontaneously, and he always has a couple of prejudices that are not formally based on anything, that is, a person does not have the experience to say: “I don’t like so-and-so because...”. He just doesn’t like someone, can’t stand them, and doesn’t want to see them at all. We’ll talk about the reasons later, but now it’s time to reveal the meaning of the word “bias”: “A thought, judgment, formed in advance and usually based on prejudice.”

As we can see, we need to look into the dictionary again, but on the page with the noun “prejudice”, let’s do this and see the following: “A preconceived negative opinion, attitude towards someone or something.” The difficulty is that our faithful assistant defines one thing through the other and does not give any reasons at all. Although, probably, the question of the causes of the phenomenon is already beyond the jurisdiction of the dictionary.

Quasi-rational and irrational bias

It's not so hard to know what bias is as to then understand where it comes from in the first place. Why is a person biased towards someone, but neutral towards someone? For convenience, let's divide bias into two types - quasi-rational and irrational.

Quasi-rational is based, as a rule, on transfer, extrapolation of specific qualities of a person to his entire personality as a whole. For example, a poor student will never be able, according to the teacher, to write a good picture or even a story. He’s a loser, what can we take from him?

Or such bias often occurs when the moral qualities of a person and professional ability are mixed, and a person is not hired for a job just because he does not like people, dogs or cats.

If someone does not understand why such a bias is called quasi-rational, then it is because it only gives the impression of being rational, in fact there is no real rationality in it, because you cannot judge a person by one quality or for the fact that he, for example, does not know mathematics or Russian. Everyone has shortcomings, but this cannot in any way characterize a person if his weaknesses do not affect the solution of the task at hand.

What is irrational bias? Such prejudice arises when a person has never met an opponent before, but already has a negative attitude towards him because of his gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or appearance. Information, of course, is received in advance in such cases. In principle, any detail of a person’s appearance or inner world can be an object of discrimination. And this is still a big problem, whether it will ever be solved or not is unknown.

Disinterest rather than objectivity

There is a famous phrase: “We consider the opinion that coincides with ours to be objective.” Therefore, it is always difficult to talk about impartiality. But disinterest is possible. For example, a young man evaluates the beauty of two women. To be fair, he needs to not know them, then he is guided only by his taste and those canons of beauty that he has learned. If the judge is connected to the girls by family or love ties, then he will automatically be biased.

By the way, in this sense the film “The Judge” (2014) comes to mind. It stars Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall. We will not reveal the plot and tell all the details, but we will only say one thing: sometimes the bias of a judge or his impartiality is influenced even by the fact that he has a family and children. Naturally, a person holding such a position and performing such an important function for society must be able to cope with his emotions and not transfer feelings to the accused.

Sports arbitration and eternal fan disputes

There are other “men in black” who always come under fire from criticism: football referees. Of course, fans of this sport can recall thousands of examples when the referee was wrong. But when they make mistakes in favor of the team for which a person supports, then he finds an excuse for this, but if decisions are made against his favorite club, then the referee is ready to be torn to pieces. Actually, someone always wants to send the judges to hell, because there are always two sides to a competition. Needless to say, a judge has a hard job.

What is bias in this case? Complex issue. When it comes to sports, it is impossible to look at the situation soberly, without emotions. But there are exceptions to every rule - the Chelsea - Barcelona match in 2009. Iniesta scored a wonderful goal, but the match was remembered not for this, but for the ugly refereeing of the Norwegian football referee Evrebe. Moreover, even Barcelona fans admit this, in whose favor the referee regularly made mistakes. But this was not malicious intent or the result of bribery. The next season, he officiated the match between Bayern and Fiorentina, in which he also made a serious mistake, and this was the last match of the Evrebe brigade in the Champions League.

Is it possible to avoid the influence of prejudices?

The answer is yes. And here I remember one case from the practice of Irvin Yalom, writer and psychotherapist. In his book “Cure for Love and Other Psychotherapeutic Stories,” he describes the case of a patient who has chronic depression. When she starts beating herself up at an appointment, the psychotherapist tells her: “It’s not you, it’s your depression.” A similar technique can be applied to yourself when you once again grumble at a person because of his appearance, book or television preferences, and other preferences. In this case, we must not forget the word “bias”; on the contrary, you need to constantly keep your prejudices under control, especially if they interfere with work or life.

Awareness of the problem is already half the battle. If a person admits that he is intolerant, his flaw will become obvious, and perhaps he will do something about it.


Finally, we’ll leave a little gift for the reader’s everyday vocabulary and discuss synonyms for “bias.” So, the list is as follows:

  • prejudice;
  • partiality;
  • bias;
  • injustice;
  • subjectivity;
  • bias.

None of the replacements for the subject of study exudes positive vibes and sets one in an optimistic mood, and rightly so. All phenomena presented in the list must be eradicated. But there is only one problem - this is impossible, it will be necessary to completely reshape not only ideas about human nature, but also it itself. But still, if someone thinks about the problem, then perhaps something will move forward.

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: When interacting with the world and people, we often do not even realize that we are controlled by stereotypes, which make up the body of human beliefs.

What is bias and prejudice

Bias– lack of impartiality, prejudice, initial inclination towards a certain position.

Bias is a method of psychological reaction that manifests itself in a deliberately negative attitude towards something or someone. This is prejudice and confidence in a negative result or in the negative qualities of a person (group of people), regardless of the circumstances. Such an opinion, as a rule, is formed in advance, based on false principles, attitudes and insufficiently verified information.

Bias is cold to logical arguments and indifferent to facts.. It is generated by stereotypes, and its origins lie in fear of change, laziness and inertia of thinking. She draws strength from pride and self-confidence.

The only one who acted wisely was my tailor. He took my measurements again every time he saw me, while everyone else came up to me with their old measurements, expecting me to fit them.

George Bernard Shaw

When interacting with the world and people, we often do not even realize that we are controlled by stereotypes, which make up the body of human beliefs. Each person has his own set of stereotypes, patterns, patterns, which determine his character. style of interaction with the world.

Being a hostage of his own mind, a person loses many opportunities. For example: it is unrealistic to be in the here and now, it is unrealistic to be even a little objective, it is unrealistic to get a high-quality result in anything, to be a master of your craft, it is impossible to love yourself and the world around you.There is no chance to become a creator in anything, including your life. There is no chance of building happy family relationships or forming a trusting relationship with your child if you are prone to bias.

Unfortunately, for most people, consciousness does not develop beyond the level of beliefs. In fact, all internal and external conflicts in a person’s life are the result of a conflict between his patterns, stereotypes and beliefs among themselves or when colliding with the patterns of other people.

People who are biased towards many things can be identified by a number of characteristics:

    Any facts and information that contradict established stereotypes cause a number of doubts, prejudice and a nervous, sometimes aggressive reaction in a person;

    A person avoids in every possible way what could deny the standards accepted for him, considering them to be unshakable established laws of life;

    A biased individual does not allow the thought that his opinion may be erroneous or inaccurate - for him it is the only true one;

    A prejudiced attitude is based on a negative attitude towards the object of discussion pre-established in a person’s subconscious;

    A person tends to accept the only point of view that is correct for himself, completely ignoring other options;

    A person who lives only according to established stereotypes, not recognizing any innovations and progressive approaches, over time begins to think rather narrowly, his development is limited, since progress moves forward, but he is still at the initial stage;

    A person who is biased towards the opinions of other people cannot be called a free person. He lives strictly within established limits, relying on his limitations and limitations;

    The individual loses his own opinion, which is based on an analysis of the current situation, he acts in one way or another because it is necessary, nothing more;

    It is very difficult to convince a biased person, so many people simply step aside, not wanting to waste energy and nerves on pointless arguments.

Do you recognize yourself at any point? Now remember your relationship with your family, loved ones, significant people, just people. that appear in your life.

What beliefs and patterns are your interaction with them based on? How often do you react the same way to events in your life? What labels do you attach to the people you interact with?

Try to answer these questions honestly. If it is difficult to answer right away, observe yourself for a while and consider your bias towards life in the actions of each day.There is no point in being scared or upset when you discover your own bias, there is a point in accepting it and observing how it manifests itself.

And one more question: does your bias make you a happy person or, on the contrary, ultimately brings suffering, anxiety, pain, resentment or fear?

Now decide, do you want to be happy and free from bias, or will you continue to be a victim of your own mind, or rather its games?

If you make a choice in favor of awareness and a happy life, then start by observing your thoughts, your emotional reactions, actions and actions.

Try to recognize every new day of your life as NEW, unfamiliar to you. Get to know him, his every moment. Look at it, savor it, get to know it. Enjoy life, and don’t spend it on realizing the stereotypes of your mind, and what’s even worse, the stereotypes imposed on you by someone.

Let each meeting you have with a person you already know carry the effect of novelty. Set yourself the task of finding something new every time, even in a person you have known for a long time. Let your attention and perception of a person be pure, devoid of patterns.

Have a beautiful interaction with your own life! published