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What is a fontanel in a newborn baby? What is a fontanel in newborns and when does it heal: norms. Do I need to take care of my fontanel?

Young mothers very often worry whether everything is fine with the baby’s fontanelle, is it too big or small? They are also concerned about the question: when does a child’s fontanel close? At this moment, you should not listen to anyone, and only a doctor will tell you whether everything is okay with the baby. Therefore, any mother I should know at least a little about what a baby fontanelle is and what deviations there may be from its development, so as not to worry again.

Main functions and dimensions

As the brain grows, the child’s skull bones also increase. After birth, the baby's bones continuously grow and transform. If you even notice that the fontanel has grown over ahead of schedule, do not be alarmed. This does not mean that the skull bones will stop growing.

Important location with existing seams up to 19 years old The skull is also occupied by the fontanel in newborns, which also affects the size of the head. Its most important function is that at the moment when childbirth occurs, the bones of the skull can acquire the shape they need to pass through the birth canal of the woman in labor. That is why in the first days of life the baby's head has an irregular and rather unnatural shape.


After the baby is born there are 6 fontanelles, but we pay attention to only 2, since 4 overgrow in the first week of the child’s life.


The fontanelle, which is located at the back of the baby’s head, is about 0.6 mm in size, but by the end of the child’s second month of life it is completely overgrown.

Basically, the large fontanelle, which is in front, looks like a diamond. Its dimensions range from approximately 5 to 30 mm. To determine the exact size, you need to measure the length between the farthest points and divide this figure by 2. Measure either along or across the lobar axis of the skull. The measurements are recorded using two numbers: 1.4 x 0.5 cm.

On average, the following sizes are distinguished by month:

  • 0−1 month - 26−28 mm;
  • 1−2 months - 22−25 mm;
  • 2−3 months - 23−24 mm;
  • 3−4 months - 20−21 mm;
  • 4−5 months - 16−18 mm;
  • 5−6 months - 16−18 mm;
  • 6−7 months - 16−18 mm;
  • 7−8 months - 14−16 mm;
  • 8−9 months - 14−15 mm;
  • 9−10 months - 12−14 mm;
  • 10−11 months - 9−12 mm;
  • 11−12 months - 5−8 mm.

The large fontanelle in front closes up around the second year of the baby’s life. This happens much faster in boys than in girls. If at birth a fontanel is the baby is larger than it should be according to the norm, this does not mean that it will close longer than usual. The above are only average values ​​and if there are any deviations from these norms, this does not mean that something is wrong with your baby.

Remember, no reduction in overgrowth time, nor an increase does not indicate any pathology. This process takes place individually for each child and depends on various factors:

Deviations from norms

With normal development, the fontanel in an infant it may be either slightly sunken or convex.

If a large fontanel is overgrown before the baby is 3 months old, then this should worry the parents. This may be due to the fact that the fontanel was small at birth or caused by hypervitaminosis. Such children are contraindicated in taking vitamin D3, and if the child is on breastfeeding, then mommy needs to stop taking vitamins. If the baby is already older, then everything is fine.

If there is a large fontanel heals rather slowly, this may indicate the development of rickets, metabolic disorders or hydrocephalus. In such a case, you should definitely consult your doctor about taking vitamin D3. It is recommended to walk in sunny weather as often as possible.

The fontanel has such a feature as pulsation. This can happen occasionally when the child is very excited. This may frighten and worry many parents, but there is no need to worry - this is the norm. If the pulsation occurs constantly and does not stop, then in this case you need to contact a neurologist at all costs, who will prescribe an ultrasound of the brain.

Abnormal Species


To avoid deformation head of a newborn, experts advise turning the baby from one barrel to another as often as possible during sleep, this way you will ensure an even load on the baby’s still fragile skull.

If you notice a parietal crust near the fontanel, then you should start smearing this place with baby or olive oil before bathing your child. After completing the procedure, you need to carefully comb out the scales from your head with a baby comb.


As already mentioned, treating the abnormal condition of the fontanel in children on your own is strictly prohibited! For treatment you can:

  • consult experienced specialists: endocrinologist, geneticist, neurologist;
  • take a urine test for the Sulkovich test to determine whether calcium is well absorbed by the baby’s body.

Summarize. The fontanelle plays quite important role in the development of the newborn. With its help, the skull box is enlarged and space is created for the growth of brain tissue.

When does a child's fontanelle become overgrown? Normally, closure occurs at the age of 1−1.5 years. Sometimes, however, there are exceptions and it is overgrown by half a year. Parents should not worry about this: if the baby feels well, he is playful, and is not capricious, then everything is fine and there is no reason to worry.

Fontanas in children - physiological feature structure of the skull. They form where the bones touch each other on the baby's head. In total, the child has 6 such structures, of which only 2 fontanelles are not normally closed at the time of birth: large (anterior) and small (posterior).

Parents often have questions for the pediatrician about fontanelles, the normal time they close, and the reasons for deviations. In this article we will answer the most popular questions about the fontanel in a child.

In many full-term newborns, the small fontanelle on the head is closed at the time of birth, but if this does not happen, then normally it closes by the 2nd month of the child’s life. If the fontanel is not overgrown, you should consult your doctor and undergo a preliminary examination to exclude certain pathological conditions (achondrodysplasia, hydrocephalic syndrome).
The anterior fontanel is of great diagnostic importance and allows us to judge the state of the brain and its structures. In most cases, its closure occurs from 7 to 12 months of life.

Functions of the fontanelles

These formations have several vital functions:

  1. Due to the presence of voids at the junctions of bones (sutures, fontanelles), the brain grows without increasing pressure inside the skull.
  2. The thermoregulatory function of the fontanelles is the ability to give off excess heat at elevated body temperature and, thereby, reduce its negative impact on the membranes of the brain.
  3. The fontanelles have a shock-absorbing function. Thus, in case of a fall or a blow to the head, they can reduce the likelihood of injury to brain tissue due to the pliability of the skull bones in the areas where the fontanelles are located.
  4. The diagnostic role, especially of the large fontanelle, in modern medicine occupies one of the leading places among the methods of non-invasive study of the state of the brain in children in the first year of life. Using neurosonography, you can assess the degree of development of various structures and substances of the brain, its ventricles, and identify various anomalies and deviations in the early stages of their development.

Deviations in the timing of fontanel closure

The size and timing of fontanel closure is directly influenced by the state of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the child’s body. An excess of calcium both in the mother’s body and in the newborn leads to a decrease in the size of the large fontanel at birth (the reduction of the small fontanel is not significant) or to its premature closure during the infancy period. If the child has significant diarrhea, then the period of closure of the fontanelles is significantly extended, which indirectly indicates the development of rickets in such children in the first year of life.
An increase in intracranial pressure due to an excess or disruption of the outflow of fluid from the ventricles of the brain can also reduce the rate of fontanelle closure. This disease is caused by:

  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the baby during pregnancy by the mother);
  • birth injury;
  • infectious processes at various stages of child development;
  • prematurity.

An increase in the size of the fontanel can be observed with disorders, endocrine diseases, developmental defects (congenital hypothyroidism, Down's disease, etc.).

The reasons for premature overgrowth of a large fontanel in children are:

  1. Pathology of brain development: a rather rare anomaly.
  2. Craniosynostosis: a disease of the skeletal system in which rapid ossification of the sutures of the skull and bone growth zones occurs. It may be a consequence of rickets, increased production of parathyroid or thyroid hormones, or a congenital pathology. The main symptoms also include hearing loss, microcephaly (reduction in skull size), and increased pressure inside the skull.
  3. Excessive intake of calcium from mother's milk or uncontrolled intake of vitamin D. Prevention of rickets should be carried out strictly according to certain rules, taking into account the condition of the large fontanelle and the level of calcium in the child's body. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium from the baby’s blood by the skeletal system, so its unreasonable administration can lead to quite serious consequences. Preparations containing this vitamin should only be prescribed by a specialist.

External characteristics of a large fontanel and its condition

The size of the large fontanel is individual for each newborn, however, mandatory monitoring of its condition in the first year of life is necessary, especially during the period of various diseases.

In addition to the size of the large fontanel, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the scalp over this area. Many parents are afraid to touch the head in this area so as not to harm the child. This opinion is very erroneous, since the area of ​​the large fontanelle is quite reliably protected by a special membrane from external influence and ordinary stroking or combing of hair does not affect the state of the internal structures of the brain.

U healthy baby the anterior fontanelle has a diamond shape with a slightly sunken or convex soft part skin above him, which pulsates in time with the heartbeat.
In relation to the bones of the skull, the large fontanelle can be protruding or sunken. During the day, its condition may change: it either bulges or sinks, which depends on the internal state of the child and his stress (feeding, crying). If, in a calm state, this formation can be seen (sticks out or is sunk), then this indicates rather “alarming” reasons:

  1. A sunken anterior fontanelle often occurs due to dehydration (insufficient fluid intake into the child’s body or its increased excretion). This position of the fontanelle relative to the bones of the skull is observed with an increase in skin temperature, intense vomiting, or.
  2. The fontanel becomes protruding when there is excess fluid inside the skull. This condition can be caused by infectious diseases(,), as well as excessive administration of fluid through intravenous infusion.

You should be wary in situations where intense bulging of the fontanel is combined with symptoms of intoxication or anxiety in the child:

  • hyperthermia (increased skin temperature in the axillary region to high levels);
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • head injury;
  • disturbance of consciousness, unmotivated agitation of the baby;
  • convergent or divergent strabismus, “floating” eyeballs, etc.

Diagnostic measures

If the large fontanel does not close after a year, then parents must seek advice from a pediatrician, neurologist, endocrinologist or geneticist, who will prescribe examinations at their discretion:

  • according to the Sulkovich method;
  • determination of the level of alkaline phosphatase in blood serum;
  • the proportion of calcium and phosphorus in the blood;
  • X-ray examination of the bones of the limbs, chest;
  • neurosonogram (ultrasound of the brain);
  • hormonal profile (taking into account accompanying symptoms);
  • karyotyping (to exclude genetic developmental abnormalities).

Parents should remember that the external characteristics of a large or small fontanel do not provide reliable information about the baby’s health status, but can only indirectly indicate possible problems with health. The degree of reliability of deviations is determined only by a specialist.

Which doctor should I contact?

If parents are concerned about the condition of the baby's fontanel, they should first contact their pediatrician. After examining the child, if necessary, the doctor will prescribe a consultation with an endocrinologist or neurologist, in some cases an orthopedist (for achondroplasia). In case of congenital disease of the child, consultation with a geneticist is recommended.

A young mother is constantly worried whether her baby’s fontanel is normal, whether it is too big or, conversely, small? In this case, there is no need to listen to the advice of grandmothers; only a pediatrician will be able to tell after an examination what condition the baby’s fontanel is in. I am sure that every mother should have a general idea of ​​what a fontanel is and what deviations from the norm there may be, so that there is no cause for concern once again.

Many mothers came to see me and trembled when I felt the fontanel of their children. This is, of course, an extreme. But the other extreme is to approach it completely irresponsibly this issue. Remember, ordinary manipulations (washing your hair, combing, examination by a pediatrician) cannot disrupt the integrity of this area.

Fontana in babies - what is its role and normal shape

As the brain grows, so do the bones of the child's skull. The most productive period for this is the first 2 years of a baby’s life, during which time the bones of the skull are constantly growing and changing. By the way, even if the fontanel has closed a little ahead of schedule, this does not mean that now the bones will stop growing.

Along with the sutures of the skull, which are open until the age of 19, the fontanelle occupies an important place in the growth of the size of the skull. The main function of this non-ossified area of ​​the baby's skull is to allow the bones of the skull to accept during the birth process. the required form to pass through a woman's birth canal. This is why newborns often have a rather strange head shape in the first days.

After childbirth, this area also performs very important functions:

  1. In the first two years of life, the bones of the skull can still transform. This protects the child's head from serious injuries that may occur after the baby falls. During this period, parents may make a mistake: while dressing the baby and accidentally hitting their head, the baby may fall off the sofa or bed, and many other cases. But these injuries will not affect the child’s health, because upon impact the brain will rest against the soft connective tissue of the fontanel. The time for complete tightening coincides with the age of the child when he is already firmly on his feet and the risk of falling is significantly reduced.
  2. The fontanelle is involved in the baby's thermoregulation. Due to the imperfection of the heat transfer process, young children often overheat or become hypothermic. We regularly meet mothers who really like to wrap their baby in a way that is not in accordance with the air temperature. For the child to return to his normal temperature again, it is enough to remove the cap.
  3. Thanks to this area of ​​skin, children undergo an ultrasound of the brain.

It is worth noting that after birth a child has 6 fontanelles. We, pediatricians, Special attention We devote only two, because the remaining 4 are overgrown during the first week of the baby’s life.

Sizes of fontanelles in a newborn and older child

The posterior fontanelle in a newborn is on average 0.6 mm. By about 8 weeks of age, it completely closes in a child.

Typically, the anterior fontanel has the shape of a diamond, the dimensions of which vary from 5 mm to 30 mm. In order to calculate the size of a given area, it is necessary to measure the distance between the most distant points and divide the resulting number by 2. The longitudinal (along the main axis of the skull) and transverse (across the longitudinal axis of the skull) dimensions are usually determined. Dimensions are recorded in two numbers: 1.1x0.5 cm.

Sizes of a large fontanel by month
Age, months Size, mm
0-1 26-28
1-2 22-25
2-3 23-24
3-4 20-21
4-5 16-18
5-6 16-18
6-7 16-18
7-8 14-16
8-9 14-15
9-10 12-14
10-11 9-12
11-12 5-8

The anterior fontanelle closes at about 24 months. I noticed that this process goes a little faster in boys than in girls. If a baby is born with the anterior fontanelle larger than usual, this does not mean that it will take longer to close. Despite the fact that the table shows average values, this does not mean that with a slight deviation from the norm, something goes wrong with the child. Do not worry ahead of time and about the age when this unossified area of ​​the skull will completely heal. Most recently, we opened a service on our website Question and Answer, and guess what one of the first questions was asked by our reader... If you still have questions about why the fontanel does not heal, then welcome to our Questions and Answers section .

Please note that neither a decrease in closure periods nor an increase in them are pathological. The process of tightening the fontanelle occurs individually for each child and depends on the following factors:

  • The baby is premature. Typically, premature babies are slightly behind their peers in physical development, this manifests itself in the later overgrowth of the non-ossified area on the baby’s head. But by the age of 3 everything evens out and children begin to develop equally.
  • Growth rate. With adequate nutrition and good weight gain, the fontanel usually closes earlier. Conversely, if the baby’s diet is overloaded with proteins or carbohydrates, the fontanel may grow together a little later.
  • Method of feeding. In a breastfed baby, this area closes earlier than in a formula-fed baby. This is due to the fact that breast milk contains nutrition that is more balanced and suitable for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.
  • Deficiency of vitamin D3 in the body.
  • Hereditary diseases. It has been established that Down syndrome, congenital hypothyroidism or achondrodysplasia (a genetically determined disorder of bone formation), hydrocephalus can slow down the fusion of the fontanel. Microcephaly (small head) or craniosynostosis, on the contrary, lead to very early closure.

What deviations from the norm may there be?

Normally, this area may be slightly sunken or slightly convex. Not normal age of closure - earlier than 3 months. If the child is older, everything is fine. The fontanel may occasionally pulsate, especially during periods of agitation of the child; many mothers notice this and get scared, but this is considered normal and confirms that the baby is healthy. Another option is when the pulsation occurs constantly and does not go away with age, you should definitely contact a neurologist who will prescribe an ultrasound of the brain (neurosonography).

What type of fontanelle is considered abnormal:

  • The fontanel has fallen greatly and at the same time the child has dehydration due to an illness that was accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.
  • when this area protrudes strongly, and the child has elevated temperature and even seizures are possible. This condition requires an immediate call to an ambulance. If there are no symptoms, but for a long time you notice that the fontanel is swollen too much, then contact your pediatrician. This may be a symptom of meningitis, encephalitis or a tumor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable!

What examinations are carried out if a deviation from the norm is suspected:

  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • a trip to a geneticist and neurologist;
  • a urine test to perform a Sulkowicz test to determine whether the baby’s body is absorbing calcium well.

Important! This article contains general information only and is not intended to substitute for advice from a qualified professional.

The content of the article:

The fontanelle in newborns, its shape, size, healing time, and condition are the most important indicators of child development for pediatric specialists. What is he? This is a small area on the baby’s head, soft and constantly pulsating, hiding underneath the brain tissue, which is located very nearby. The surface of this area is covered with a film with fluff.

Functions of the fontanel in a newborn

The fontanelle greatly simplifies the passage of the baby through the birth canal, since the bones of the skull can shrink thanks to it (this explains the elongation of the newborn’s head). Thus, the fontanel facilitates childbirth for both participants - mother and baby. Besides:

1. The presence of this area on the baby’s head allows the brain to grow as necessary for proper development pace.

2. The fontanelle is able to regulate heat exchange and, when the baby’s body temperature rises above 38 degrees, cool the brain tissue.

3. The fontanel is a kind of shock absorber. If the baby accidentally falls, it shrinks, thereby fulfilling its protective function.

Timely closure of the fontanelle indicates that the child is developing harmoniously and correctly. And also from this area on the head you can determine the existence of health problems. For example, if a child’s intracranial pressure increases, the fontanel swells. But first you need to determine its location.

Where is the fontanelle located in a newborn?

The large fontanel in newborns is located in the middle of the crown (on the crown), it has the shape of a diamond, its size is on average 2 by 2 cm.

A small fontanel in newborns is located in the back of the head, its size is approximately 5 mm.

When does the fontanel overgrow in newborns?

Overgrowth of the parietal fontanelle occurs approximately by the time the child turns 1 year old. But it happens that this event is postponed for about a year and a half. In this case, there is no need to worry if the baby’s development is normal in other respects.

The closure of the small fontanelle in full-term infants occurs during intrauterine life. If, nevertheless, it is not overgrown by the time of birth, then the norm will be if this happens during the first two to three months of the baby’s life.

The timeliness of fontanelle closure depends on:

Absence of pathologies;
sufficient supply of calcium to the child’s body;
proper nutrition nursing mother;
receiving from breast milk normal amount multivitamins.

In combination with all the above factors, the fontanelles close on time.
Knowing the timing of timely overgrowth will prevent developing pathology. Unfortunately, deviations from the norm may indicate serious illness.

Deviations in development determined by the fontanel

A discrepancy in the timing of closure and size of the fontanel, different from the norm, may indicate the development of dangerous diseases. Among them:

1. Hypothyroidism (congenital). Often a factor in slow overgrowing. The essence of the disease is a decrease in the production of hormones by the thyroid gland, that is, a reduced function of this gland. These hormones play an important role in the growth of a child's skeleton. It is worth knowing about other symptoms of the disease - lethargy, poor appetite, constipation, swelling, increased drowsiness.

If you suspect congenital hypothyroidism, you should contact your pediatrician and get tested for hormones. Once the diagnosis is confirmed by a specialist, hormonal treatment is prescribed.

2. Rickets. Most common reason late overgrowth of the fontanel. Children who were born prematurely and babies with a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D in the body, as well as those who are rarely exposed to the sun, are more susceptible to the disease. Treatment is with vitamin D.

3. Down syndrome. Together with many other symptoms, slow overgrowth and big size is a sign of this chromosomal disease.

4. If the fontanel is overgrown earlier than expected, then this indicates an excess of calcium, but this fact may also indicate craniostenosis and microcephaly.

A detailed examination of the child by specialists and early detection of deviations from the norm are important. Then the prevention of possible diseases and correct, timely treatment will bring positive results.

What to do if the fontanel protrudes in a newborn

This phenomenon is mainly associated with increased intracranial pressure. The causes may be the following diseases:

intracranial bleeding;
other reasons.

It is necessary to urgently call a doctor if a bulging fontanel is accompanied by:

High temperature;
severe irritability;
epileptic seizure;
loss of consciousness.

You should also definitely call ambulance, if the bulge in the fontanel area occurs as a result of injury, fall, or blow. And when bulging for a long time without any particular reason.

Recession of the fontanelle in a newborn

It is possible to detect depression in the area of ​​the large fontanel if the child’s body is dehydrated. This can happen in the background high temperature, long-term diarrhea, repeated vomiting.

In this case, the child needs to be provided with plenty of frequent drinks and be sure to contact a pediatrician to prescribe treatment for the disease that led to dehydration.

Is it possible to damage the fontanel?

Parents who are worried about the possibility of damaging the fontanelle need to know that this is almost impossible. It is, of course, soft, but at the same time quite durable, and ordinary manipulations (combing, bathing, washing, etc.) will not harm the child.

Ultrasound of the fontanel in a newborn

By the way, another useful function of the fontanel is the ability to obtain information about the condition and development of the newborn’s brain using ultrasound. After the fontanel is overgrown, it will not be possible to do neurosonography!

A baby that has just been born is a rather fragile creature, and the so-called fontanelles cause a lot of concern among new parents. It’s scary to even touch these soft areas on a newborn’s head - what if an awkward movement causes a brain injury to the child? In addition, there is an opinion that too large or, conversely, small fontanelles in a newborn can be a symptom of gross developmental anomalies. But is it really that serious? Let's figure it out right now.

Where does a newborn get fontanelles?

We know from our school anatomy course that the skull consists of many bones connected to each other by jagged, zigzag sutures. In progress intrauterine development The skeleton of the baby is formed gradually: first, plates of dense membranous tissue are laid, which are later replaced by cartilaginous tissue, and only then by bone tissue. However, ossification of the upper and lateral bones of the skull, unlike the tubular bones of the extremities, bypasses the cartilage stage. In other words, ossification begins from the central part of the membranous plates, after which it begins to spread laterally, covering an increasingly larger area until it reaches the edge of the bone.

This process is almost completely completed before the baby is born, so most of the newborn’s skull is usually represented by bone tissue. However, in order to continue to exist outside the mother’s womb, the baby needs to go through a difficult test - childbirth. Of course, nature did an excellent job here too, preparing the small organism for this. It turns out that the edges of some bones of a child’s skull do not ossify at the time of birth, but still consist of plates of membranous tissue. Such areas remain at the junction of several bones; These are what are called fontanelles in newborns.

What function do the fontanelles perform in a newborn?

The fontanelles, being pliable areas of the skull, allow the bones of the skull to overlap each other during childbirth, which greatly facilitates the process of passage of the child's head through the narrow birth canal of the mother. After birth, the open large fontanel in the newborn provides shock absorption if the baby accidentally hits his head.

Another of the most important functions of the fontanelle in a newborn, which should be discussed separately, is participation in the process of thermoregulation, namely in the heat exchange of the baby’s brain. If the child’s body temperature exceeds normal values, natural cooling of the meninges and the brain itself occurs through the large fontanel. Since the baby's body's thermoregulation mechanisms are imperfect, newborns are much more likely to overheat than adults. In addition, the infant's brain is more susceptible to various negative influences. It is for this reason that the additional role of the fontanelle in heat exchange processes cannot be underestimated.

How many fontanels does a newborn have?

By the time a child is born, as a rule, there are six fontanelles - two paired and two unpaired. The most famous is the anterior, frontal, or large fontanelle in a newborn, which is located on the top of the head, where the two frontal and two parietal bones connect. In its shape it resembles a rhombus, and its dimensions are about 3 cm.

The second unpaired fontanel, called the posterior, small, or occipital, is located on the back of the head, at the convergence of the occipital and two parietal bones, and has triangular shape. In terms of size, the fontanel in newborns on the back of the head is quite small and can only slightly exceed 5 mm. Moreover, in half of the children, by the time of birth it has already managed to be covered with bone tissue, and in the rest it is overgrown during the first month of extrauterine life.

Paired fontanels are located on the sides of the head. There is a sphenoid fontanel, which is located in the temporal region (at the junction of the frontal, sphenoid, parietal and temporal bones on both sides), as well as a mastoid fontanel, located behind the ear (at the junction of the temporal, occipital and parietal bones).

When does a newborn's fontanelle close up?

Since the small fontanelles of a newborn close almost immediately after birth, here we should talk in more detail about the anterior, or large fontanel. In the first days of a child’s life, the large fontanelle may increase slightly in size due to the “straightening” of the interosseous sutures and skull bones. Some parents mistake this process for the growth of the fontanelle, but in fact this is due to a slight change in its shape. The fontanelle then begins to gradually shrink in size until it closes completely, which usually occurs between 6 and 18 months of age. Cases have been recorded when the fontanel in a newborn overgrown at an earlier (3-6 months) or later (up to 2 years) period, which is in no way connected with pathological processes.

According to a study conducted by a special commission of the World Health Organization in 1982, the size of a large fontanelle and the rate of its overgrowth are genetically determined factors. However, the greatest number of experiences of young parents is associated precisely with the size and timing of the closure of this soft part of the skull. For example, if the size of a child’s fontanel exceeds the established limits, this is considered a sign of rickets, and when a newborn’s fontanel closes for too long, hydrocephalus is suspected. In reality, these diseases have nothing to do with the size of the fontanel in a newborn and have a lot of other, more obvious symptoms. However, only a pediatrician should examine and evaluate the fontanel, and if parents have questions or concerns about appearance head of the child, you should not neglect a visit to the clinic. 4.8 out of 5 (27 votes)