Useful tips

What is speech therapy massage for speech delays? Delayed psychospeech development (DSRD). real experience of overcoming! Preparation of parents and baby is also important

As responsible parents, you must understand that intellectual health should be given as much attention as physical health. The ability to speak correctly and beautifully, to express thoughts correctly depends directly on how much you are willing to invest in your child.

In order to prevent speech therapy problems, as well as to eliminate them, you can master hand massage for children to develop speech, which will become your baby’s favorite pastime.

There are many ways to develop speech. Few people trust massage, as they consider it more fun than therapeutic. And in vain. Scientists have long proven that stimulating certain points on a child’s palms can work wonders. The sooner you start working on developing hand motor skills, the sooner your baby will speak and learn to think.

There is an opinion that a seven-month-old toddler should be able to show at least one finger from his fist (most often it is the index or thumb). In this case, he should not have problems with speech. Light stroking of the hands should be carried out from birth.

What is it for:

  • the mood of a newborn noticeably improves after tactile contact with relatives;
  • he calms down and relaxes;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • the skin becomes softer.

The baby begins to “feel” his fingers and learns to control them.

How effective is it?

Even primitive people used their hands to communicate. With the advent of speech, gestures help add clarity to what is being said. Psychoneurologists claim that a strong connection between pronunciation and gestures has been preserved in the cerebral cortex. Improvements in pronunciation after exposure to hands were noticed back in the 19th century.

Children with developed hand motor skills have a large vocabulary, strong memory and pronounce sounds more clearly even in their formative years.

It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to see the result.

Execution technique

Talk to your pediatrician. He will recommend suitable exercises. Regular massage can be carried out starting from three months. If there are no problems with neuralgia, the procedure will be reduced to light stroking, kneading the fingers, rubbing and pinching them.

Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap or disinfect with alcohol. Take a few drops of baby oil and rub them on your palms. Firstly, it will soften them before contact with the baby’s skin, and secondly, it will warm them up a little. Hands must be warm.

Closer to six months, you can add small items: balls, rubber rings, pencils, terry towel.

Techniques that are optimal for manipulating hands:

  • stroking fingers from top to bottom;
  • rubbing in a spiral;
  • rotating the brush clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • pressing on the pads;
  • alternate bending of fingers.

Be sure to finish the procedure with a pleasant stroking of your palms.

Passive massage techniques

Massaging movements should be performed by an adult.

How to do passive exercises and what techniques are suitable?

  1. Snail - kneading the palm in a spiral from the edges to the center.
  2. Blizzards - zigzag movements on the palms and fingers.
  3. Spider - “sawing” the palm from top to bottom and diagonally.
  4. Magpie-crow - tapping on the palm and bending the fingers.

Techniques of active influence

Having mastered passive games, involve the child himself in the actions.

The following exercises are suitable:

  1. Vegetable garden - one hand extends the fingers of the opposite hand, as if it wants to harvest.
  2. Balls - roll a round object using your palms. You can take pimply rubber and plastic balls.
  3. Ironing - one hand strokes the palm of the other.
  4. Helicopter - using a pencil, imitate the movement of the propeller on your hand.
  5. Catch up - ask your fingers to run over your palm.

It’s great if, when doing the exercises, you use rhyming lines or short poems. As a last resort, emotionally describe each action. The little one will definitely love this. Such techniques are suitable for violations of diction and pronunciation of any complexity.

Interesting variations of finger gymnastics

It is difficult for an older child to sit still during even short-term manipulations. Perform actions in the form of a fun game.

What can you use?

  1. A fairy tale using hands. Imagine that each finger is a hero from your favorite fairy tale. Let the character speak his words. Fingers can also stomp perfectly on a flat surface. You can play shadow theater with your palms. Experiment, these games do not require special skills.
  2. We take paper. Crafts made from paper balls will interest any little genius. You can use them as parts of a snowman or even toss them from hand to hand. Ask your fidget to hit a paper ball into a plastic cup or bucket. This game is useful for developing coordination and helps stimulate speech.
  3. Healthy cereal. Place any cereal on a large tray. Most often they take buckwheat or semolina, but you can choose any of your choice. Draw on the rump with your fingers to make your baby feel like a real artist.

Any manipulations should take place in a good mood among all family members. Do not perceive it as a complex medical procedure and you will definitely succeed. And your baby will soon delight you with clever sayings.

Hand massage for child speech development video

A specialist can diagnose (diagnose) delayed speech development in a child as early as 3-4 years of age. There are many reasons why a child lags behind the norm. All correctional work aimed at overcoming speech development delays should be carried out by different specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors. Only with coordinated interaction of all professionals can we talk about a positive final result.

A significant role when working with children with speech pathology is assigned to logocorrection. An experienced speech therapist, using special methods and techniques, examines a child with developmental disabilities and plans his further work. This work, as a rule, also includes a special logomassage, since speech therapy massage for mental retardation is an effective means in the fight against the disease.

Basic concepts and requirements for speech therapy massage

High-quality speech therapy massage for delayed speech development gives excellent results in eliminating speech disorders. The number of sessions is calculated individually for each child with mental retardation. Sessions should generally be held daily. In order for a specialist to perform this procedure on a child, he needs to undergo special training - medical courses, and at the same time study in detail the anatomy and physiology of the child’s body, in order to avoid causing injury to him.

Important! It is strictly forbidden for a specialist to perform a massage with jewelry on his hands or affected skin. Nails must be cut, hands clean and warm.

In practice, two types of massage are used:

Type of massage Features of application
Speech therapy massage Promotes normal functioning of muscle tone and improves the functioning of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Neck massage With the help of a certain effect on the collar zone, it allows you to saturate with oxygen and increase blood circulation in the area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is directly responsible for speech.

Contraindications for use

The procedure is prohibited if one of the following diagnoses is observed:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • fever, chills;
  • infectious diseases of the skin (herpes, ulcers, dermatitis);
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
  • infectious eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • oral infections (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • high/low blood pressure.

Tools in the work of a speech therapist

During the procedure, the specialist can use the following tools for speech therapy massage:

  • professional vibrating massagers;
  • massage probes;
  • hands.

Whatever technology and working tool the speech therapist chooses, one of the first and most important aspects in the specialist’s work is the ability to find contact with the child and relax him.

Massage location

A number of requirements are imposed on the office to carry out the procedure. It should be equipped with everything necessary: ​​children's toys, a couch, a stool and a chair for work. If the procedures are carried out in a hospital, then it is worth removing from the office those things that may frighten the baby (medical instruments, visual aids and materials). The temperature in the treatment room should always be comfortable.

Technology of speech therapy facial massage

In speech correction work with children, speech therapists, along with traditional forms and techniques, also use speech therapy facial massage. Classic massage for children with speech delay is performed with hands. Four main techniques are used in behavior:

  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • kneading,
  • vibration.

Its implementation consists of performing manipulations on different areas of the face:

  • cheeks,
  • chin.

Each movement is repeated 8-10 times.

Forehead massage

Produced as follows:

Action What it does Notes
Stroking movements Palm From the middle of the forehead to the temporal part.
Kneading movements Hand
Vibration Hand or vibration massager From the eyebrows to the top of the forehead.

Cheek massage

The next step will be massaging the cheeks. During execution, kneading and stretching movements are used. They are performed from the corners of the mouth up to the temples in the direction of the cheek muscles. Then they move on to light stroking from the cheekbones to the bottom of the jaw.

Nose massage

Mouth massage

At the next stage, the specialist massages the mouth. To do this, stroke and stretch the skin from the middle of the upper lip, smoothly moving to the corners of the mouth. Similar actions are carried out for the lower lip. Type of movement – ​​stroking, rubbing and vibration.

Chin massage

The procedure ends with massaging the chin. To do this, they use stroking and kneading technologies with movements from the chin to the corner of the mouth. Type of movement – ​​stroking and kneading.

A high-quality procedure is overcoming a painful step on the path to overcoming speech pathology.

Massage of the collar area for a child with RRR

Scientists have long proven the relationship between the collar region and the communication function (speech function). The cervical-collar region is not only the neck, it consists of many other components, namely:

  • cervical vertebrae area,
  • back of the neck,
  • upper muscles of the shoulder girdle,
  • lateral surface of the neck,
  • supraclavicular fossa.

Knowing the structure of the collar zone and the mechanisms of action, with the correct technology of manipulation, you can get a good result. It is this type of procedure that helps bring speech skills closer to normal and ensures the full functioning of the nervous system. Massage for a child with mental retardation should be done in order to directly stimulate the speech areas of the brain.

Speech delay - massage of the collar zone, technology for its implementation

As soon as the child is completely relaxed and the master is convinced that his condition is satisfactory, then massage of the collar area can begin for ZRR. He is placed on the couch with his back up, his arms are extended along his body. Children with RDD who have scoliosis have their heads turned in the opposite direction to the curvature. Next, the manipulations described in the table below are performed.

Action What it does Note
Light stroking from top to bottom Palm Without affecting the spine area.
Stroking from top to bottom Palm Without affecting the spine area. The pressure increases.
Trituration 3 phalanges of fingers
Squeezing 3 phalanges of fingers The trapezius muscle is actively massaged.
Kneading Hand The upper back and shoulder joints are worked.

The first sessions begin with 15 minutes, and subsequently increase the time to 25 minutes. When performed correctly, the baby should not feel pain. Therefore, massage for RRR of the collar zone should be protected from strong rubbing and kneading in order to avoid pain in the cervical segment.

Important! Massage for a child with speech delay is accompanied by a conversation between the speech therapist and the child, and it is important to use every minute and encourage the child to talk and develop communication skills.

Massage course

To get a good result, the specialist prescribes a whole course of massage of the collar area for cervical cancer. This is a minimum of 20 sessions and it is possible to increase their number. After 1.5 - 2 months this course can be repeated.

Positive dynamics are noticeable after just a few procedures. Thus, children with mental retardation, who have signs of hyperactivity, become calmer after the procedure, and their general well-being improves. This type of procedure will help a child with mental retardation not only quickly cope with speech impairments, but also improve it.


A specialist can diagnose (diagnose) delayed speech development in a child as early as 3-4 years of age. There are many reasons why a child lags behind the norm. All correctional work aimed at overcoming speech development delays should be carried out by different specialists: psychologists, teachers, doctors. Only with coordinated interaction of all professionals can we talk about a positive final result.

A significant role when working with children with speech pathology is assigned to logocorrection. An experienced speech therapist, using special methods and techniques, examines a child with developmental disabilities and plans his further work. This work, as a rule, also includes a special logomassage, since speech therapy massage for mental retardation is an effective means in the fight against the disease.

Basic concepts and requirements for speech therapy massage

High-quality speech therapy massage for delayed speech development gives excellent results in eliminating speech disorders. The number of sessions is calculated individually for each child with mental retardation. Sessions should generally be held daily. In order for a specialist to perform this procedure on a child, he needs to undergo special training - medical courses, and at the same time study in detail the anatomy and physiology of the child’s body, in order to avoid causing injury to him.

Important! It is strictly forbidden for a specialist to perform a massage with jewelry on his hands or affected skin. Nails must be cut, hands clean and warm.

In practice, two types of massage are used:

Type of massage Features of application
Speech therapy massage Promotes normal functioning of muscle tone and improves the functioning of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Neck massage With the help of a certain effect on the collar zone, it allows you to saturate with oxygen and increase blood circulation in the area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is directly responsible for speech.

Contraindications for use

The procedure is prohibited if one of the following diagnoses is observed:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • fever, chills;
  • infectious diseases of the skin (herpes, ulcers, dermatitis);
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
  • infectious eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • oral infections (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • high/low blood pressure.

Tools in the work of a speech therapist

During the procedure, the specialist can use the following tools for speech therapy massage:

  • professional vibrating massagers;
  • massage probes;
  • hands.

Whatever technology and working tool the speech therapist chooses, one of the first and most important aspects in the specialist’s work is the ability to find contact with the child and relax him.

Massage location

A number of requirements are imposed on the office to carry out the procedure. It should be equipped with everything necessary: ​​children's toys, a couch, a stool and a chair for work. If the procedures are carried out in a hospital, then it is worth removing from the office those things that may frighten the baby (medical instruments, visual aids and materials). The temperature in the treatment room should always be comfortable.

Technology of speech therapy facial massage

In speech correction work with children, speech therapists, along with traditional forms and techniques, also use speech therapy facial massage. Classic massage for children with speech delay is performed with hands. Four main techniques are used in behavior:

  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • kneading,
  • vibration.

Its implementation consists of performing manipulations on different areas of the face:

  • cheeks,
  • chin.

Each movement is repeated 8-10 times.

Forehead massage

Produced as follows:

Action What it does Notes
Stroking movements Palm From the middle of the forehead to the temporal part.
Kneading movements Hand
Vibration Hand or vibration massager From the eyebrows to the top of the forehead.

Cheek massage

The next step will be massaging the cheeks. During execution, kneading and stretching movements are used. They are performed from the corners of the mouth up to the temples in the direction of the cheek muscles. Then they move on to light stroking from the cheekbones to the bottom of the jaw.

Nose massage

Mouth massage

At the next stage, the specialist massages the mouth. To do this, stroke and stretch the skin from the middle of the upper lip, smoothly moving to the corners of the mouth. Similar actions are carried out for the lower lip. Type of movement – ​​stroking, rubbing and vibration.

Chin massage

The procedure ends with massaging the chin. To do this, they use stroking and kneading technologies with movements from the chin to the corner of the mouth. Type of movement – ​​stroking and kneading.

A high-quality procedure is overcoming a painful step on the path to overcoming speech pathology.

Massage of the collar area for a child with RRR

Scientists have long proven the relationship between the collar region and the communication function (speech function). The cervical-collar region is not only the neck, it consists of many other components, namely:

  • cervical vertebrae area,
  • back of the neck,
  • upper muscles of the shoulder girdle,
  • lateral surface of the neck,
  • supraclavicular fossa.

Knowing the structure of the collar zone and the mechanisms of action, with the correct technology of manipulation, you can get a good result. It is this type of procedure that helps bring speech skills closer to normal and ensures the full functioning of the nervous system. Massage for a child with mental retardation should be done in order to directly stimulate the speech areas of the brain.

Speech delay - massage of the collar zone, technology for its implementation

As soon as the child is completely relaxed and the master is convinced that his condition is satisfactory, then massage of the collar area can begin for ZRR. He is placed on the couch with his back up, his arms are extended along his body. Children with RDD who have scoliosis have their heads turned in the opposite direction to the curvature. Next, the manipulations described in the table below are performed.

Action What it does Note
Light stroking from top to bottom Palm Without affecting the spine area.
Stroking from top to bottom Palm Without affecting the spine area. The pressure increases.
Trituration 3 phalanges of fingers
Squeezing 3 phalanges of fingers The trapezius muscle is actively massaged.
Kneading Hand The upper back and shoulder joints are worked.

The first sessions begin with 15 minutes, and subsequently increase the time to 25 minutes. When performed correctly, the baby should not feel pain. Therefore, massage for RRR of the collar zone should be protected from strong rubbing and kneading in order to avoid pain in the cervical segment.

Important! Massage for a child with speech delay is accompanied by a conversation between the speech therapist and the child, and it is important to use every minute and encourage the child to talk and develop communication skills.

Massage course

To get a good result, the specialist prescribes a whole course of massage of the collar area for cervical cancer. This is a minimum of 20 sessions and it is possible to increase their number. After 1.5 - 2 months this course can be repeated.

Positive dynamics are noticeable after just a few procedures. Thus, children with mental retardation, who have signs of hyperactivity, become calmer after the procedure, and their general well-being improves. This type of procedure will help a child with mental retardation not only quickly cope with speech impairments, but also improve it.


When I was 1.5 years old, we went to see a neurologist and we were given the following diagnosis. because we speak little and poorly. For example:

chicken (I say ko-ko) - and we pronounce: uuuu

goat (I say -meee)-, but we say: mmm, we also say cow

kitty (I-meow), and we pronounce: maaa

give - we pronounce: yes

scapula -pa

and stuff like that

prescribed: pantogam 1.5 months

and speech therapy massage of the collar area and speech muscles

and here is the article:

Few mothers with babies under one year of age think about whether the child’s articulatory apparatus is developing correctly. And completely in vain!

Speech development- one of the most important physiological achievements of a child in the first year of life. Over the course of several months, the baby constantly improves his speech skills: he gurgles, coos, and babbles. should already be walking. When a toddler’s speech apparatus is normal, he constantly tastes new sounds and combinations. If the child turns 9 months old, and the mother still cannot hear even simple babble, then it’s time to be wary and consult a doctor.

An experienced pediatrician, of course, will explain to the mother that there is no need to worry, because all children are different, and the pace of their development is also different. Some develop gradually as expected, while others remain silent for a long time, only to then suddenly speak well and clearly. Such cases do happen, but you shouldn’t sit back and hope that this is your option. It is imperative to work with a child who has a slight delay in speech development.

An integral part of classes for the development of a child’s speech skills can be speech therapy massage. Most often, this massage is used for the correct production of speech sounds and the development of the articulatory apparatus in children 5-6 years old, when it is time to go to school, and the baby’s speech leaves much to be desired.

The benefits of speech therapy massage, what it is and why (explanations from a speech therapist) in the first year of life consists, firstly, in providing a positive effect on the entire body, and secondly, in activating the activity of the nervous system, which gives a powerful impetus to the intensive development of speech skills. It is advisable to carry out a massage no earlier than 9-10 months; he is not yet ready for external influence on his articulatory organs.

Before you start giving your baby speech therapy massage, you should consult a specialist. Most often, speech therapists themselves conduct massage sessions for children for whom it is indicated. This massage is mainly done on the face, head, neck, but also includes the baby's tongue, lips, cheeks and palate. Therefore, it is very important that speech therapy massage for a little person is carried out professionally, carefully and painlessly. After massage sessions in children, the tone of facial and muscle muscles is normalized, and the work of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus improves.

After completing a course of speech therapy massage from a specialist, a mother can try to do some simple exercises that a speech therapist performed before her eyes, on one's own. For example, a mother can easily massage a child’s cheeks herself. It can be done using a woolen or terry mitten or a toy, the main thing is to massage the baby’s skin in a circular motion without damaging it.

Has an excellent massage effect tingling the baby’s cheeks and the “kiss” exercise, when the mother brings the baby’s lips together with her fingers into a “kiss”. At the same time, she also makes the sound of a kiss “mmmm” in the hope that her child will soon repeat it.

One of the main massage techniques is pat. And they should not be neglected. If the baby doesn’t mind, the mother can easily pat his lips, cheeks and chin with her fingers. This exercise perfectly activates the baby's facial muscles.

Mouth massage which speech therapists carry out with special devices or toothbrushes, not every mother dares to do to her child. This requires courage, some skill and patience, calm. At home, such a massage can be replaced by eating solid food or using a teether. They also solve the problem of developing the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

A timely course of speech therapy massage will help parents save their baby from such an unpleasant diagnosis as “delayed speech development.” Activating the articulatory apparatus at the age of 9-10 months will help the child approach the speaking process more easily and organically.

Anastasia Ilchenko website