
What is karma and how to correct it. How to improve karma? Method and recommendations. Liberation from the negative birth program

Every person can change his karma if he knows and puts into practice 3 simple principles! Read carefully…

What will we talk about?

1. Why are most people hostage to external circumstances?
2. Where is your destiny leading you? Let's forecast our own future!
3. How to change fate and reverse the course of cause-and-effect relationships?
4. 3 mandatory rules so that negative karma does not “come back”!

Why are most people hostage to external circumstances?

Have you noticed...

... that some people constantly complain that their life is not a success, and criticize everyone they can at the top of their lungs: parents, society, culture, government, millionaires, poor service in stores, bad weather conditions, etc. and so on.

For others, on the contrary, everything goes like clockwork - money comes out of thin air, circumstances turn out well, and fate showers gifts every now and then...

What is this – unlucky karma¹? Some are born lucky, while others are destined to live their whole lives poor and unhappy? Or is it completely wrong?

What is karma?

This is the law of cause and effect, according to which a person's life is the result of his actions.

In fact, every person can change their karma and become lucky if they are familiar with the principles of will and effort.

Moreover, anyone can achieve success in absolutely any field. Yes, for some this will happen faster (when the abilities are already laid down), and for others more slowly (if the necessary qualities have to be developed).

However, most people do not understand these principles and are hostage to current circumstances. They believe that everything that happens to them has nothing to do with them. But that's not true!

Every thought, every choice and every action is not isolated. They lead to new thoughts, new choices, and new actions. And any action gives a result in the form of external circumstances.

Let's look at an example...

Look at this tree with apples >>

What is an apple? This is the result of a tree's growth over time. You can compare your current life with this block. All your successes and all your difficulties were created only by you, and now you can appreciate the fruit of your efforts.

  • How successful, happy, prosperous is your apple (your current life)
  • How loved are you and how loved are you?
  • What is your current financial situation?

Where is your destiny leading you? Let's forecast our own future!

If, based on the results of answering the questions, you realized that your “apple” is “juicy, ripe, beautiful and sweet,” then everything is in order, continue to live the way you live.

But what if not? If your life doesn't satisfy you and you can't brag about your successes? Then it’s worth assessing what future your thoughts and actions are leading you to.

For example, let's look at the financial sector...

Do one simple exercise.

Take the 10 people you interact with the most and ask each person how much their monthly income is approximately. Then add up all the values ​​and divide by 10. Compare the resulting amount with your income.

If it is more than your monthly income, great. You will reach this level in the near future. And if this amount is less, then your actions and your environment will lead you to reduce your income level.

To understand how your thoughts and actions affect other areas of your life, take a self-discovery lesson and complete all the tasks. Amazing things will be revealed to you. This lesson is for you

Finally, take stock of your future!

Everything that you marked with a “-” sign (that which does not suit you now) will bring you a “-”, and everything positive, accordingly, will result in a “+”.

This is the law of cause and effect. And for it to start working for you, and not against you, it’s worth reconsidering the foundations of your life.

How to change fate and reverse the course of cause-and-effect relationships?

To demonstrate this clearly, let's return to the picture with our tree. What allowed the apple to grow? That's right - roots. They are the ones who feed the fruits. It's the same in life. If you accept the fact that any of your actions, any of your choices first occurs in your head, then you can derive the formula:

M => H => D => R

Where M are thoughts that give rise to H (feelings). Feelings in turn lead to D (actions), and actions give P (result).

Therefore, in order to change your life, you must first of all discover those thoughts that led you to the current “apple”, and then begin to change them to the opposite.

This requires will and effort.

3 simple principles that will help change karma for the better

1. Change your vision of the world.

Once you have identified your negative thoughts that led you to your current result, start saying the exact opposite thoughts whenever they arise in your head. And speak with confidence and conviction. Remember - thoughts cause feelings, and feelings give rise to actions. Therefore, you need to be as convincing as possible to yourself.

2. Focus on what you want.

What you focus your attention on is what gives you results. If you think about what you don’t have, then it will no longer be in your life. If you think about the bad, then the bad will only increase.

But if you focus on what you really want for a long time with an effort of will, you will be able to rebuild the course of cause-and-effect relationships with your consciousness.

For better implementation of your intentions, embody your plans in your inner world. The more vividly you imagine what you want, the brighter your emotions will be, the faster you will begin to act in the right direction.

3. Dedicate the results to the Higher Powers.

Every intention and action must be internally offered to God (Higher Powers) or to your Higher Self. This inner dedication will speed up the realization of your intention.

3 mandatory rules to prevent negative karma from “coming back”!

Rule 1: never blame anyone!

Blaming means shifting responsibility. Whoever blames always depends on the circumstances. If you always assume that you create your own destiny, you will really begin to create it, and in the way you need.

Rule 2 – never complain about anything!

Complaints put a person in the position of a victim, and the victim a priori depends on external circumstances. Moreover, negative energy is contagious. The more you complain (or listen to other people's complaints), the more troubles will fall on your head.

Rule 3 – never make excuses to anyone!

Only the victim of circumstances is justified, and a person who builds his own destiny accepts failures as an experience from which he can build on and do better.

Don't even make excuses to yourself! Accept that you may be imperfect in some ways, and give yourself the mindset that next time you will try your best to achieve a better result.

This is the only way you can change your karma and become lucky.

Which field of activity will bring you wealth in the shortest possible time?

What is your purpose and life mission? What gift do you have to achieve success? Find out for free from your personal book of life!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Karma, kamma - one of the central concepts in Indian religions and philosophy, the universal cause-and-effect law, according to which a person’s righteous or sinful actions determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences (

Karmic laws are quite strict and, according to them, a person receives in this life what he deserved in previous incarnations.

People often ask questions about how to change karma in love, how to correct what was done in a past life, and whether this is possible in principle. In fact, it is quite possible to radically change your life and achieve happiness, which seems impossible, the main thing is to know how to do it.

Visual representation of karma

Before you change anything in your destiny, you need to imagine what your life looks like from the outside. Visually imagine that your consciousness is a huge unplowed field. This is exactly what it looks like at the moment of your very first birth on earth.

Now imagine that throughout your entire past life, or even several incarnations in a row, you rode across this field on a tractor with huge wheels that left deep, disordered furrows. And now you suddenly “saw the light” and realized that you were doing everything completely wrong.

You got off the tractor and got on a bicycle. But can this easily fix what has already been done? Even if you ride a bicycle across this field, you will constantly trip over the furrows that were once made, and the bicycle trail will not be able to destroy them.

In this example, driving a tractor symbolizes the wrong behavior of a person, his established way of thinking, habits, desires that accumulate over a series of incarnations. If he had initially chosen the right path, then on the same tractor he would have taken the right trajectory, plowed his field, fertilized it, and then planted seedlings, from which a rich harvest would soon sprout.

A person who has plowed a field incorrectly will have to make a lot of effort to change what he has already done, and a bicycle will not help. The force he needs to apply must be much greater than what he has already applied. He will have to level the ground again, give it time to recover and only then make new furrows.

It turns out that it is possible to change karma, but to do this you will have to fully mobilize your strength, create a new action plan and strictly follow it. All this will take a certain amount of time, but if a person does not stop halfway, it will eventually lead him to the desired result.

Step 1 – awareness of your karmic debts

Any journey begins with the first step. Your first step towards changing karma will be a full awareness of your karmic debts. If you are thinking about how to change karma in love, you should first simply accept the fact that you once did something wrong.

Think about your life, analyze the events that worry you and ask yourself why you could get them.

So, for example, the karma of loneliness can form because you once did not value those who are close to you, the karma of betrayal - because you yourself deceived or betrayed your loved ones, the karma of infertility - for a bad attitude towards your own children in the past. incarnations.

Step 2 – leaving the role of a victim

When you understand why exactly fate sends you certain trials, you will be able to realize that everything can be changed by paying off karmic debts. But this can only be done by ceasing to play the role of the victim.

If before this moment you felt sorry for yourself in every possible way, complained about the injustice of fate and believed that the universe was offending you completely undeservedly, now you need to stop doing this and admit that all this is not a punishment from above, but your own fault.

The very acceptance of one’s own guilt can slightly “weaken” the effect of the karmic law. But in order to stop attracting negative events completely, you will have to carefully work on your behavior.

Step 3 – Behavior Change

Now that you know why you got into the current troubles and stopped blaming anyone but yourself for them, it’s time to think about how to change everything. First of all, you need to change your inner attitude towards the issues that worry you.

From now on, you will have to behave completely differently than you are used to. Remember your standard reaction to events: what did you feel and do when the next relationship you had hoped for ended in a break, when your partner deceived you, when they found out about cheating, and so on?

You need to imagine how you could act differently in similar situations, and from now on behave exactly this way when circumstances are not on your side.

If you previously fell into depression because of a breakup, dropped everything you were doing and allowed yourself to lie in bed for a whole month, shedding tears and feeling sorry for yourself, now you should accept this test with dignity, learn to let go and tell yourself that everything is happening for the better .

If your loved one left, it means that he was not your destiny. And since this happened, it’s good, not bad. Remember all the good things he gave you, what he taught you and mentally thank him for it. Think of your breakup not as a step back, but as a move forward. You broke up with him, which means you have brought the likelihood of meeting your true other half closer.

If you were acutely worried about loneliness and constantly sought to make new acquaintances, seeing in everyone you met a potential lover and husband, you should stop doing this. Start to perceive loneliness as a time for self-improvement: find an interesting hobby, sign up for training courses for a new profession, go on vacation, visit beauty salons, play sports, learn a foreign language, improve your culinary talents.

In a word, do not get hung up on the problem and live with the idea that your chosen one will meet you anyway, it just should not happen right now, but a little later. This is the best behavior strategy for people who want to know how to change their love karma.

Step 4 – fixing errors

Every failure in love is a karmic lesson worth learning. In order to do this, you need not only to change your reaction to all the events that happen to you, but also to understand why this lesson was given to you in this life.

So, for example, betrayal may not just be a karmic consequence of your infidelity in a previous incarnation, but also a logical response to your own actions here and now. Analyze your behavior before this happened and draw conclusions.

If a person cheated on you because you were constantly busy with your own affairs and did not pay enough attention to him, this is a lesson that will teach you to be more attentive to your partner’s feelings and needs in the next relationship.

If you insisted on getting married, and in the end, after receiving a stamp in your passport, you ran away with your spouse after a couple of months - this is a lesson that will teach you in the future to be more patient and not force a person to do something for which he is not yet ready.

Any unpleasant situation can be an excellent incentive for self-knowledge and gaining valuable experience.

It’s not without reason that they say that people learn from their mistakes, so you need to learn to see in every difficulty some positive side, a lesson that the universe gives you in order to become better.

Step 5 – working with energies

Karmic laws are not always associated with only one area of ​​life. So, for example, an unhappy marriage may not indicate mistakes you once made in your personal life, but the fact that you did not need to devote all your time to your career. By devoting yourself entirely to work, you simply did not leave yourself time to find a more suitable partner and ended up getting into the first relationship you came across.

Constant betrayal may not be the result of your own betrayal, but of an unfulfilled task of paying attention to the people around you. So, for example, you did not learn to be sensitive and empathetic to those who are close to you, and as a result, these people, who could have become faithful and devoted companions in your life, simply became disappointed in you and went their own way.

Loneliness may indicate that in your past life you were a too closed person who did not allow strangers into your soul, and now, in your current incarnation, you are repeating the same mistake.

Perhaps you simply don’t know how to be frank, you never share your experiences with others, and as a result of this, to the people around you, you seem like a callous cracker who doesn’t need anyone.

You need to learn to be aware of personal energy, which interacts with the energies of the universe and ultimately affects everything that happens to you in all areas of life: personal relationships, work, financial sphere, realization of your talents. When you understand that you can independently control your personal energy flows and thereby influence the laws of the universe, you will be able to get rid of all existing problems and work off karmic debts.

Therefore, the main advice that should be given to anyone who is interested in how to change karma in love is this: always speak and act sincerely, do everything with an open heart, think about the consequences of your actions and their impact on others, bring goodness and avoid evil .

Every person has a mother and father, grandparents, great-grandparents. In addition, we have great-great-great parents, about whom, most often, we do not have any detailed information.

Each of us, our life and Destiny, is influenced not only by our own deeds and actions, but also by what actions our relatives have performed and are performing. By making their own specific choice, our relatives influence not only our Fate, but also leave an imprint on our entire Family.

We and all our ancestors, who are now living and have completed their incarnation, with our own hands create the Karma of our Family, both positive and negative.

There is also a mention in the Bible of the Karma of the Family: “you will suffer for your sins, as well as your children up to the fourth generation.”

In ancient times, people from generation to generation passed on knowledge about the Family and its influence on all members of the family tree. All members of the clan preserved and observed the traditions of their people, treated their elders with reverence and respect, helped and supported each other.

And each person clearly understood that he was responsible for his actions not only to himself, but also to his family, he realized that he was leaving an imprint on his Fate and the Fate of his Family. That is why people did good deeds, so as not to harm their Family, not to burden its karma.

And if someone in the family decided to start a family, parents on both sides carefully studied the family tree and looked through the family line for at least 7 generations of the family.

And if they learned about the fact that many negative events occurred in the family: murders, suicides, difficult-to-treat or hereditary diseases, facts of infertility, financial troubles, as well as accidents, unhappy destinies, frequent quarrels and scandals in the family, then they came to the conclusion that in the Family there are negative signs of negative karma of the Family.

And since in the case of marriage, the merging of clans occurs, the negative karma of one clan can make the life and Fate of representatives of another clan more difficult.

So why should our children and grandchildren suffer for our actions?

It's actually simple. All members of the genus are interconnected and represent a single energy-informational structure. That is, their souls can be imagined as a collection, a collection of subtle fields that form the common field of the Family Tree.

Everyone is connected on the subtle plane into a single energy field and influence each other with their thoughts, intentions and committed actions. This common field stores information about the actions of all families of the clan, both currently living and those who have completed their incarnation.

And this information leaves an imprint on the Fate of not only the present, but also future generations.

Remember the wisdom: “if I don’t free myself, you won’t free yourself, and if you don’t free yourself, neither will I.”

If someone in the clan commits unseemly acts, he introduces negative karma into the general energy field of his clan, introducing difficulties and suffering into the destinies of the members of the clan. On the contrary, by performing good deeds, a person thereby accumulates positive karma for himself and his family, thereby improving the fate of the representatives of the family tree.

It can be imagined as a system where all its parts are interconnected and influence each other, like a living organism, where a diseased organ leads to the gradual destruction of the entire organism.

How negative karma accumulates in a family and how it affects children

If the parents’ relationship “leaves much to be desired,” there are frequent quarrels and scandals in the family, and there is an outburst of negative emotions (resentment, hatred, irritability), then there is a colossal loss of energy in the general energy field of the family, creating a constant energy deficit.

In addition, grievances themselves prevent the flow of energy from the surrounding space into the family field.

This leads to the fact that both children and adults are energetically depleted, and the loss of energy is one of the main prerequisites for the development of energy holes in the subtle bodies and the development of diseases.

First of all, the child suffers, since his energy structure is still imperfect and less protected. Therefore, the child bears the brunt of quarrels and scandals between parents. Also, during quarrels, parents themselves aggravate the karma of the family, which leads to suffering not only of their children, but also of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Purification of family karma

If a person comes to understand that this or that situation, a problem in his life is connected with his ancestral programs, with the karma of his family, then for the most part this indicates that he was chosen by the Higher Powers to correct the mistakes of his family and work out karmic programs.

It is God who thus gives him the right and opportunity to cleanse himself and his Family.

How to clear Rod's karma

This comes through Awareness and Acceptance.

Through Acceptance comes for everything that happens to us, for everything good that is in our lives. And the more we give thanks for what we have, the more we receive (law of abundance). This is the path of liberation from suffering, from one’s ancestral karma.

Awareness, Acceptance, Gratitude, Trust... is the understanding that everything that happens to us is deserved, for the World is fair. And we come to our Family, to our parents, not by chance, but to solve our own and family problems. It is in this family that we can realize our Destiny. It is we who, through our actions, create the karma of our family, such as it is.

Forgiveness - it is important to ask forgiveness from yourself for everything that you have done, and from members of your Kin, to ask for forgiveness and help from the Higher Powers.

Cleaning the karma of the family

Then try to understand how you need to act in order to work on mistakes, what to change in yourself, find your destructive thoughts, emotions, feelings, unseemly acts, etc. Here, self-analysis or an experienced psychologist can help you, not to mention esotericists and psychics.

How to correct Rod's karma

Firstly, it is necessary to analyze those ancestral programs, life scenarios that exist in your Family, look through the ancestral line at least up to the 7th generation, find out how and how our ancestors lived.

1. Program: Incorrect education in the parent-child system.
At a certain point in life, a person comes to the understanding that “life has stopped,” “the boiling point has arrived.” And you need to change something because you can no longer live as before. This is the awareness that there is a problem and tasks. And in order to change something, you need to find the reason for what is happening, realize it, work through it, then find, learn and understand those spiritual laws that you did not follow in life, and bring them to your world.

As a rule, such a generic program arises when a boy or girl is raised incorrectly in a family, when there is no clear understanding of the male and female roles in earthly incarnation, and there is no adherence to the laws of the universe.

For example, the “Strong Woman” program is passed down by gender, the so-called “boy-woman”, which takes on male functions. A man next to such a woman is either not observed at all, or he is indecisive, inactive, infantile, in a word - “female type”.

2. Situations that repeat over several generations. That is, my grandparents, my parents and I have a similar scenario, which brings discomfort to life. This is the karma of the race in its incarnation.

That is, there is a certain distortion in the energy-informational structure of the genus, which is passed on from generation to generation. This will happen until some member of the clan changes the situation radically.

For example, generic alcohol programs (“grandfather drank, father drinks and I drink”). Or the “Single Mother” program in a series of generations.

3. Violations in the system Man and Woman- this is the inability to build full-fledged harmonious relationships with the opposite sex, the absence of a family.

- 1 option. A person strives for a relationship, looks for it, but either the wrong partners “chronically” come across, or the relationship starts for a short period of time and the same scenario repeats.
-Option 2. A person runs away from long-term “serious” relationships and either does not start them at all, or enters into short-term relationships to pass the time.

4. Violations in the parent-child system such as lack of mutual understanding, “generation conflict”, reluctance to communicate and see each other. Difficult relationships between parents and children. And as a logical result - children run away from home, early arrival to independent life without parental participation.

5. Generic program of Lack of Money.
No matter how a person tries to earn more, no matter what he does, everything is useless or brings minimal “exhaust”.

6. Generic program of Infertility, closure of procreation.
Option 1 - unwillingness to have children.
Option 2 - inability to conceive a child against the background of good health and a strong desire to procreate.

7. Property Loss Program.

8. Program Lack of implementation in the profession.
A person searches for his way, tries to find himself, but all to no avail.

9. Generic hereditary diseases.

Option 1 - Diseases that have existed in the family and continue to be transmitted through the family, if the members of the family do not want to change anything in their lives.

Option 2 - There were no visible diseases in the family, but there was a distortion, a hole in the energy field, which is also passed on through the family and intensifies from generation to generation. For example, a person has a disease, but he does not perceive it as ancestral, since it was not in his family before him, but there were distortions at subtle levels.

10. Unfortunate tragic situations, events.
Suicide, widowhood, unhappy love, love triangles passed down from generation to generation. Or if the distortion took place on the subtle plane, but did not manifest itself in the family.

How to work off kind of karma

Firstly, realize the presence of one or another generic program in your Family.

Secondly, understand for yourself whether you want to change the situation and whether you intend to go all the way.

Thirdly, record in writing all those recurring situations in the life of your family.

Fourth, understand the cause-and-effect relationship of events. Next is Acceptance, Trust, Gratitude... Forgiveness (see above).

Fifthly, work on yourself, introspection, search for negative destructive thoughts, emotions, intentions, unseemly actions, quality communication with your partner (relatives), help from a psychologist, astrologer, etc. in order to understand your true purpose. This is how the karma of the family is cleaned and worked off.

Karma reflects the cause-and-effect relationship of the past, present and future. The concept of karma is best explained by the Russian proverb: “What goes around comes around.”

What is karma and how does it affect our lives? Here is what Mary Brown, a scientist and psychologist who has been studying the concept of karma in practice for 20 years, writes about this:

Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. You get what you deserve, you reap what you sow. If you give love, then you receive love in return, revenge will return to you. What you give comes back to you.

Karma is the law of justice

How then to explain cases when a person does nothing wrong, tries to live better, helps others, and yet his life is full of difficulties and problems? And a person who leads a dishonest lifestyle receives wealth and joy?

This state of affairs in our lives often causes a feeling of injustice and pain of disbelief.

The Law of Karma How to Correct Karma No matter how strange it may seem to you, everything that we call illnesses and misfortunes is actually good for us. The fact is that it is through them that the mechanisms of the Universe send us a signal that we are violating harmony with our actions, that is, we are not fulfilling our karmic task. Our Universe has quite strong mechanisms for stopping such actions. They won't let people destroy it. We can live on Earth only by observing the necessary laws of harmony. Let me clarify - to live, and not to exist in suffering and torment. Attempts to live without taking into account the interests of the organism of the Universe as a whole and focusing only on oneself and one’s own offspring intersect. Thus, the cause of unhappiness and illness is the attitude of receiving more than giving. The concept that receiving is good is quite firmly established in the human consciousness. To receive means to survive by any means. And if a person fails to realize this desire, then he develops internal aggression. His brain releases energy signals (hatred, dissatisfaction, anger) into the Universe, which pose a serious threat to both those around him and the Universe. What’s interesting is that the more values ​​we receive that interest us, the more our internal aggression increases. It is precisely this that is the consequence of focusing only on oneself and the cause of all misfortunes and illnesses. But what to do if the signals from the Universe are getting stronger every day, life is “sick”, everything is falling apart and not going as you planned? First, you should stop. Secondly, rethink and change your attitude towards this world (close the created program), remove aggression, then the world will begin to change its attitude towards you. We receive only what we deserve, what we have created in our own minds. And if in our dreams we created “hell” for our enemies, then we ourselves will receive it. Everything comes back! Repentance will cleanse the soul. Sometimes it happens that after complete repentance, some unpleasant events happen to a person. But don't consider them bad. They reveal what a person did in the past, albeit quickly and in a lighter form. If they do not manifest themselves, then, having accumulated, they can cause rebirth in the Bad Worlds. That's why it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible. The main meaning of repentance is that it gives a person the opportunity to quickly return Karma. There is no point in regretting any past atrocities. Nothing will be born from regrets; they only narrow the soul and gradually lead to self-destruction. One should repent, not regret. It is necessary to create a mindset in yourself not to allow yourself to make such mistakes in the future. So, having committed an unseemly deed and accumulated bad Karma, you need to repent of it as soon as possible. In this way you can cleanse your negative Karma. Due to the accumulation of various merits and other types of practice, good Karma can subsequently appear. Many people believe that Karma is fate or lot. But all this is too far from the truth. After all, lot or fate is an unchangeable predetermination of life circumstances (most often of a negative nature). In fact, Karma is changeable and changeable. It is "cause and effect." In other words, we create our own lives. This means that we are always responsible for what happens in our lives. You shouldn’t say “something happened to me,” because you yourself made it happen. From the point of view of Karma, there are no coincidences or accidents. Some events at first glance may seem random, but upon closer examination we discover that we ourselves have prepared the ground for them. To give in to a particular situation means to voluntarily preserve it forever (even if this decision is subconscious). You believe that you simply have no other choice. But the concept of Karma implies that you have a fairly wide choice. No one but you creates your personal Karma. If you believe in something different, then that is your Karma. By its definition, you choose your own point of view. If you blame someone else for what happens to you, then you deny personal responsibility for your Karma. To work with your Karma, it is important to know: you yourself not only created, but also continue to create your own life. You always have the opportunity to change your own Karma for the better. Translated from Sanskrit, Karma is what has been done. Karma means retribution for negative and positive thoughts, for sins and blessings. Not a single misfortune or trouble happens to us just like that. All this is a consequence of negative actions ever committed. The concept of “reincarnation” (rebirth) is quite closely related to the concept of “karma”. In this life, a person is punished not only for his negative actions committed in this life, but also pays for the sins of his past incarnations. Here we see a vivid example of cause-and-effect relationships: the cause is an unseemly act, the consequence is a misfortune, a problem, an illness. If during his lifetime a person does not have time to atone for his guilt, then it will accumulate, his Karma will worsen and will manifest itself more strongly in his next incarnations. The most interesting thing is that Karma can become our teacher if we look for our own personal guilt in the troubles that occur, and not shift all responsibility onto the shoulders of other people or mysterious circumstances. For example, when faced with betrayal, a person must first of all figure out what offense he was punished for by this betrayal. According to the law of Karma, evil is always equivalent to evil, that is, a person will receive the trouble that he once caused to another. We call this the boomerang law. Hindus follow the law of Karma. However, you shouldn’t expect a generous reward for righteous deeds. They first of all neutralize previously committed negative actions (both in the current life and in past incarnations). And only when this “loan of evil” is repaid, creative actions will work for a person and give him a well-deserved reward. Is it possible to calculate the number of your karmic debt? We usually remember our mistakes and negative actions committed in this life quite clearly. And in order to find out what actions committed in our past incarnations served as the cause of spoiled Karma, you need to turn to numerology. So, let's get started: The name number is the numerical expression of the letters of your first name, middle name and last name, collapsed to a number from one to nine. The relationship of letters with numbers is as follows: A - I - S - Ъ - means 1 B - Y - T - ы - means 2 B - K - U - b - means 3 G - L - F - E - means 4 D - M - X - Yu - means 5 E - N - C - Z - means 6 E - O - H - means 7 F - P - Sh - means 8 Z - R - Shch - means 9 First, translate the first name, patronymic and last name separately from the letters into numbers, then count the results, then add them together and roll them up to a prime number (one to nine). But you will need to pay attention not to the final results, but to intermediate calculations. Look carefully to see if they contain the numbers 13 or 14 or 16 or 19. They precisely indicate that you have a karmic debt. The presence of your birthday in intermediate calculations also indicates the presence of karmic debt. Your life path number is the sum of all the numbers on your date of birth (year, month, day). They are also added separately, and then all three results are summed up. If the total results in the numbers 13 or 14 or 16 or 19, then you don’t have to collapse further, i.e. j. The number of your Karmic Debt has already been found. Next, we calculate the Realization Number, which is the sum of the Name Number and the Number of your Life Path. Here again, intermediate results are important, i.e. the presence of the above “insidious” numbers in your calculations. Now let's see what we are paying for. - 13 – using other people to achieve one’s personal well-being; acting only for personal interests; looking for easy ways for the sake of one’s enrichment, and not for the benefit of others; idle life. What you need to do: give more than take away. Concentrate on your main goal, do not get wasted on trifles. Try to avoid chaos in various matters, as well as in relationships with people around you. - 14 – freedom from any obligations, failure to fulfill one’s promises, which led to illness, major troubles, or even the death of another person; refusal of further self-improvement for the sake of any pleasures; forcible restriction of someone's freedom. What you need to do: you need to determine a high life goal for yourself and serve it faithfully. Be sure to fulfill all your obligations or do not promise anything that you cannot deliver. Do not bind people around you with a sense of duty. Release songbirds into the wild. - 16 – incest, rape, adultery – illegal sexual relations, or actions due to which people suffered. And the more terrible these consequences, the stronger the punishment will be. What you need to do: never force anyone into physical intimacy, do not enter into illegal and unnatural love relationships. Avoid any manifestations of selfishness. Always put the interests of loved ones above personal ones. Be responsible for everyone “who has been tamed.” - 19 – abuse of power, greed, forced subjugation, for example, the slave trade. What to do: Show generosity without regret, value human relationships, help those in need. Pay others promptly and fairly. Give more than you take (both materially and morally). How to correct your Karma. These recommendations will help you correct the mistakes of the past and come to your next incarnation with good Karma. And, perhaps, already in this life you will receive positive reward. Never take revenge. The person who harmed you will certainly suffer a well-deserved punishment. Carefully consider the consequences of all your actions. If because of any of your actions other people may suffer, then refuse these actions. Bring only light and goodness to the world. Help others without reminders or requests. A good deed done under duress will not affect Karma in a positive way. Do not shift responsibility for your personal actions, as well as for everything that happens to you, to other people. All your troubles are the consequences of previously committed negative actions. Always draw conclusions from what happens to you, and this will help you not to commit actions that lead to the appearance of additional negative Karma. Help the people around you. Be sure to take into account past karmic debts and correct them. Make it a rule to do at least one good deed a day. Try it and you will understand that it is not difficult at all. No one requires you to perform heroic deeds, to be attentive to the needs and interests of others, to be a polite and friendly person. Don't wish harm on others. What is said mentally is equivalent to what is said out loud. Don’t be selfish, be righteous, take care of those who need it and don’t ignore other people’s troubles. This will help you in getting rid of the burdensome burden. But all these tips will only work if you turn on your awareness button. Your actions should be done only from a pure heart, and not out of calculation. If Karma is not cleared in this life, then you will have to work on it in your next incarnations. Karma (in its broad sense) is the total sum of all actions committed by a person and their consequences. It determines the nature of his new reincarnation. And in a narrow sense, this is the influence of any actions performed by a person on the nature of his life, as well as his subsequent existence. A child, due to karmic predetermination, is born to parents whose Karma coincides with his own. Through birth, the next launch of the “test run of the soul” (the race in the name of development) occurs. And children are born in order to become one of the most important tools for the karmic education of their parents, as well as their environment. Work on your Karma, remember that everything is only in your hands! All the best!