Fashion 2013

What are detox masks? Detox face masks: purpose, application, recipes. Which detox face masks are most effective for mature skin Detox face mask


To keep your health in order, you need to eat right, exercise and avoid bad habits. However healthy image will not protect life from negative influence environment. After all, the environmental situation in the world leaves much to be desired. One of the main barriers to harmful substances in our body is the skin. It does not allow them to penetrate the body, as a result of which the skin becomes dirty and accumulates in it. a large number of toxins. That is why in recent years such cosmetic procedures, as a detox mask for facial skin.

Detoxification of facial skin is carried out by herbal peeling in the form of masks. This mask not only cleanses the pores, but also moisturizes the skin, making it elastic. This procedure is very universal in order to maintain the beauty and health of facial skin. The detox mask contains herbal extracts, essential oils, antioxidants, vitamins, fruit acids. This procedure is carried out in almost any beauty salon. However, the mask can be prepared at home and detoxify the skin without spending extra money and time.

Recipes for detox masks at home

Detox mask for normal skin

Such a mask should be light, moisturizing and toning. It is recommended to use weakly brewed green tea and lemon essential oil. Add a few drops of essential oil to the tea leaves and soak a gauze cloth with the mixture. The eye area must be left open. You can remove the napkin from your face after 15 minutes, after which do not wash off the remaining mixture from your face.

Detox mask for dry skin

For dry facial skin, cosmetologists recommend using a cottage cheese mask. To prepare such a detox mask at home, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. This mixture must be applied to the skin of the face and washed off after 10 minutes with warm water.

Detox mask for oily skin

To prepare a mask for oily skin, it is recommended to use egg white, orange juice and ripe apple pulp. First, beat the egg whites and grate a couple of fresh apples on a fine grater, then mix the ingredients and add 1 teaspoon of orange juice to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 10-12 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Detox mask for problem skin

Preparing a mask for problem skin will be slightly difficult, since for this you need to get blue or green clay powder. Take one tablespoon of this powder and dilute it with a small amount of slightly cool water. Add 3-5 drops of rosemary or tea tree essential oil to the thick mixture. You can also use fresh aloe juice. The resulting mixture is applied in a thick layer and not washed off until the clay is completely dry. After cleansing the skin of clay, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer to your face.

Detox mask for any skin type (nourishing)

A nourishing mask for all skin types can be prepared based on egg yolk with the addition of berry pulp. As berries you can use: cranberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries or rowan.

Features of using detox masks

When applying masks to the skin of the face, it is necessary to take into account a possible allergic reaction to one of the components. Therefore, if after applying the mask you feel severe itching or burning or redness of the skin, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the mixture and switch to other components. In addition, do not get carried away with applying detox masks. One procedure every 7-10 days will be enough. To get the desired effect, cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure at night - before bed. This will allow the skin to recover and rest.

Detoxification of facial skin is necessary at every age, regardless of skin condition and type. To ensure that in old age the skin has fewer wrinkles, is smooth and elastic, the application of detox masks should be practiced from a young age.

Why do you think a detox skin mask is needed? For those who are familiar with various diets first-hand, the word detoxification will probably be familiar.

You may be surprised, but detox masks are just as necessary for our skin as detox diets. It is these masks, which have pronounced cleansing and toning properties, that help the skin remain young, beautiful and attractive for longer. And in today’s article, the Beauty Pantry tells how this is possible.

Let us immediately note that the professional beauty industry has already elevated detox masks to a special rank. These cosmetical tools They promise high efficiency and, it must be said, are not cheap.

The thing is that various natural extracts are added to these products, which help provide a cleansing and at the same time rejuvenating effect on the skin.

It is no secret that after using an express mask, the skin is transformed before our eyes: it takes on a delicate, radiant appearance, becomes velvety, elastic, firm, and the natural blush “lost” in everyday work returns.

In addition, masks also provide skin hydration, which is necessary at any age, because impaired water balance in skin cells is one of the reasons for its premature aging.

As you can see, detox masks are necessary, and one might say, universal, so the Beauty Pantry paid special attention to the composition of such products. What happened? The active ingredients of the product include essential oils, extracts medicinal herbs, vitamins, antioxidants.

So why not use these components at home? We bring to your attention folk recipes detox masks that you can prepare at home without much effort and expense.

Detox masks: folk recipes

  • Detox for normal to combination skin

A simple recipe for an antioxidant mask that will help preserve her youth. To prepare the mask, you will need a weak brew of high-quality green tea, lemon essential oil and a gauze napkin.

Add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil to the tea leaves, and thoroughly soak the napkin, applying it to the skin for 10-15 minutes. It should be noted that the area around the eyes should be left open. If you are not allergic to the components of the mask, you don’t have to wash it off at the end.

  • Recipe for dry, sensitive skin

For sensitive skin face at home Beauty Pantry offers to prepare a curd detox mask. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey. The mask is applied in an even layer to the skin for 10 minutes and washed off with lukewarm water. This mask can only be used if you are not allergic to honey.

  • Mask for problem skin

An excellent detox mask for acne-prone skin is prepared on the basis of blue or. To prepare the mask, 1 tablespoon of clay powder is diluted with a small amount of cool water.

Add a few drops of tea tree or rosemary essential oil to the mass, thick as sour cream. For sensitive skin, essential oils can be replaced with ½ teaspoon of fresh aloe juice. The mask is applied in a thick layer to the skin and left until the clay dries completely. Wash off with a damp disc and finally apply a light cream to the skin.

  • Recipe for oily, combination skin

Mask based egg white Excellent for oily skin with enlarged pores. Well, the active component of this detox mask will be, better than sour varieties, orange juice. Peel 1-2 medium apples, grate them on a fine grater and mix with pre-whipped egg white, add 1 teaspoon of fresh juice. The mask is applied to the face for 8-12 minutes, rinsed off with cool water.

  • Nourishing mask for any skin type

Another simple recipe for a detox mask based on egg yolk. To prepare this recipe, the egg yolk can be mixed with 1 teaspoon of berry pulp - cranberry, rowan, raspberry or sea buckthorn. Cranberry and rowan are ideal for combination skin, sea buckthorn – for dry skin.

Features of using detox masks

Considering the biologically active composition of the masks, we consider it necessary to mention that such masks cannot be used daily. Optimally – once every 7-10 days. In addition, we must not forget about individual intolerance to any of the listed components.

It is best to perform such masks in the evening, before bed, to give the skin the opportunity to rest and recover as much as possible.

In recent years, health and improvement programs appearance, the main component of which is the detoxification of skin cells, or “detox” for short, are becoming increasingly popular, especially among women.

What is skin detoxification

Living in modern conditions, that is, an unfavorable ecological environment, with poor diet and daily routine, frequent stressful situations, and psychological overwork contribute to the appearance of premature signs of aging. The latter are manifested, first of all, by early aging of the face, loss of shine, silkiness and increased hair loss.

In addition, as age increases, the body’s metabolism slows down, the processes of cell destruction predominate over their restoration, and the processes of blood microcirculation and lymph flow in tissues slow down. As a result, toxins, toxic products of metabolism and the external environment accumulate throughout the body, the internal resources of the body are reduced, the immune system is weakened, resistance to bacterial and viral infections decreases, body weight increases, cellulite and tissue sagging develop, dark circles under the eyes and swelling of the face.

The function of organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys) that perform detoxification, that is, removing harmful substances from the body, gradually decreases. All this leads to a slowdown in the renewal of all cells and, in particular, skin cells. A significant number of cells of the stratum corneum accumulate on its surface, which form a “film” that is invisible to the eye, but disrupts the normal processes of tissue functioning.

In these cases, to improve the condition of the entire body, including the function of the skin and, accordingly, its appearance, care programs that include not only general detoxification of the body (removing toxins and reducing their entry into the body), but also detox skin cleansing.

Thus, skin detox is a program for its renewal and healing by removing toxins and harmful products cellular activity naturally (through the sweat and sebaceous glands), as well as by removing horn cells from the surface layers, which is one of the significant elements of the detoxification program. In other words, it is a program for allowing tissues to develop and function in healthy, natural ways.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of cleansing programs are:

  1. Dull complexion and pigmentation disorders.
  2. Allergic reactions and inflammatory skin rashes, acne.
  3. Uneven skin tone.
  4. Increased porosity and roughness of the skin surface.
  5. Reduced turgor, sagging and the presence of premature superficial fine wrinkles.
  6. - presence of dark and pale spots, “marbling”.
  7. The skin of a “smoker” is dry, dehydrated, and clearly yellowish.
  8. Excessive oiliness of hair on the head.
  9. Hair stiffness and difficulty in styling.
  10. Loss of hair shine, dryness and fragility, feeling of artificiality at the ends of the hair.


  1. Respiratory viral diseases.
  2. Inflammatory processes on skin and exacerbation of dermatoses.
  3. Intolerance and allergic reactions in the past to the components of the products used.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Oncological pathology.

Detoxifying the face and scalp

Detoxification of facial skin tissues

These programs are very diverse. They can be performed in beauty salons and at home. It is recommended to use them during periods of the year with low solar activity. The message behind the different detoxification programs is the same. These procedures are recommended to be carried out at least 2 times a year. For facial skin, their principle is:

  • refusal to use makeup at least 2 times a week;
  • removing makeup and cleansing the face through gommage;
  • applying masks based on brown algae (fucus vesiculosa, kelp), which have a deep effect and contain salts of alginic acid, as well as vitamins “A” and “C” and other active components. For more severe skin conditions, enzyme-based peels such as papaya enzymes are used instead;
  • It is mandatory to apply ampoule serums or other peptide concentrates, but those that do not contain preservatives;
  • application cosmetic preparations in the form of creams or gels containing encapsulated oxygen, which penetrates deep enough into the tissues, is released into them and stimulates the processes of cellular regeneration;
  • used (usually) as a final procedure.

Depending on the condition of the skin and your own feelings, the procedures can be carried out independently at home or you can seek advice or procedures from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

You can independently use traditional detox recipes that help maintain tissues in good condition at a minimum cost. For example, one of the quite popular methods is to remove toxins using steam baths with essential oils. To do this, you need to pour hot water into a basin, add a few drops (3-5) of sage, lavender, tea tree or cypress oil to it and, placing your face over the basin, cover with a towel. The exposure duration is up to 5-7 minutes.

Another example is a compress with magnesia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter hot water) and a few drops orange oil. A large napkin or towel must be moistened in this solution and applied to the face for a few seconds for 5 minutes.

Deep detox can be done using. Black clay is considered the best. To do this, mineral clay powder is mixed with warm water and a few drops of rosemary oil. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes. You can also use a mixture apple cider vinegar(1 part) with blue clay (3 parts).

In addition, they have a good effect honey massage persons, visiting a sauna or Russian bath.

Six Week Detox Regimen

An example of one such cleansing and healing program is facial skin detoxification in 6 weeks with “ARTISTRY” cosmetics. The program is intended to be carried out 1-2 times a year. Its advantages are:

  1. Carrying out regular 6-week special care that promotes more intense cellular renewal of the skin, the process of which lasts on average 30-42 days.
  2. The possibility of using only two additional care products makes it easy to integrate the program into your daily routine facial care. These two products include Aristry Intensive Skincare Revitalizing Peel, which is a resurfacing facial peel, and Artistry time defiance Vitamin C + Wild Yam Serum, which is a special care product with Vitamin C and wild yam plant extract.
  3. Fast and long-term effect - the duration of daily use to obtain visually noticeable results is no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Low cost of drugs, which makes the procedure accessible to almost every woman.

Aristry intensive skincare

Renewing peeling for facial skin is a product with a quick and intense, but delicate effect. Removal of dead cells is carried out thanks to enzymes of biological origin, acting almost immediately after application, but not aggressively. Therefore, the drug helps remove dead epithelial cells without damaging the protective epidermal layer. In addition, the liposomes it contains help restore the protective barrier and hydration, and oat extract stimulates metabolism in cells.

Thus, as a result of the influence of this product, the processes of cellular regeneration and renewal are accelerated, and skin permeability to cosmetic nutritional components increases. It can be used for any type of skin on people of any age. At the same time, the drug acts on young skin as a cleanser, and on aging skin it also acts as a means of stimulating cell regeneration, restoring tone, color and relief. It does not cause irritation or spots of redness, and combines very well with the main ARISTRY care products, except for those with a peeling effect. When used 2 times a week, it lasts for a month and a half.

Artistry time defiant

The main components are:

  • Wild yam rhizome extract containing plant components that stimulate cellular regeneration and help improve the external condition of the skin. As a result of the effect of the extract, its normal color is restored, turgor increases, microcirculation improves, the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases and the porosity of the skin decreases.
  • Vitamin “C”, which has a powerful antioxidant effect, helps strengthen vascular walls, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, reduces pigmentation, promotes rapid healing of microtraumas and the effect of “radiance” of the skin.

As a result of the synergistic effect of these two components, metabolic processes in the skin are normalized and cellular renewal occurs more quickly, it becomes firm and elastic, and restores its natural healthy color.

The six-week detox regimen provides step-by-step day and night care guidelines for the first two weeks and the next four weeks. Step by Step Actions consist of:

  1. Facial skin preparation.
  2. Activations.
  3. Saturation.

In the first two weeks

As a preparation (the first step) for day care, foam cleanser and toner are used, for night care - foam cleanser, then renewing peeling for the facial skin, and after that - tonic. For both day and night care, serum is used for activation (second step), and for saturation (third step) nutritious cream for facial skin and eyelids.

In the third to sixth weeks

The first step of day and night care is the same as in the first two weeks, activation is carried out with a special care product with vitamin “C” and wild yam root extract in day and night care, the third step is the same as in the first two weeks.

To consolidate the results of the detoxification, you must adhere to several fairly basic rules that help cleanse the entire body:

  • Play sports or physical activity at least 2 – 3 times a week.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of unboiled clean water daily.
  • Maintain a balanced diet.
  • When preparing dishes, choose these methods: food processing, which maximize the preservation of healthy ingredients in products.
  • Take vitamins and natural biologically active substances (phytonutrients) regularly.

Compliance with these rules, along with correct and timely removal of horn cells and removal of toxins 1 – 2 times (at least) throughout the year, allows you to give your facial skin a natural healthy color, elasticity, firmness, and make your daily care much more effective.

Facial skin detox helps get rid of slagging, remove unnecessary toxins and excess fluid. Advanced cases require attention from beauty salon specialists to properly prescribe a detox program. Women who want to prolong the youth of their skin must use detox face masks at home.

It is useful to arrange makeup-free days and do simple facial skin care procedures. Cleansing and toning the skin will help make it look healthier and more well-groomed.

What are detox face masks for?

1. Such cosmetic procedures deeply cleanse the skin. Cleansed skin must be toned by special means, selected for a specific skin type.

2. Restoration of skin metabolism.

3. Toxins and impurities are removed.

4. They prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

To prolong the youth of your skin, you need to take care of it with early age. And the environmental situation at the moment encourages people to look for means of protection from the negative influence of our way of life. The skin absorbs the entire spectrum of contaminants and prevents them from penetrating deeper. Toxins accumulate over the years and if cleansing measures are not carried out, serious illnesses can be caused.

Alginate face masks

It is recommended to make such masks for mature skin. The components of the mask draw out toxins from skin cells and deep subcutaneous layers, thereby increasing the regeneration process. Before applying the alginate mask, the face is well cleaned using salt or any other peeling. Then apply the mask for 20 minutes. Remove the dried mask carefully, starting from the chin and pulling upward. If desired, you can apply a light moisturizing emulsion. Use this mask no more than twice a week. After applying a set of procedures, the skin is noticeably transformed.

Detox face masks with clay

Cosmetic clay is a powerful cleanser for the skin of the face and body. It helps exfoliate dead skin cells and promote disinfection.

Detox with green clay.

If your skin problem is oily in the T-zone and forehead, then green clay is able to solve it. Enlarged pores become less noticeable, greasy shine leaves. Clay is famous for its lifting properties, tightens tired skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Recipe: Mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with green clay to form a thick paste. Apply to the skin of the face, except the area near the lips and eyes. Leave to dry and wash off with warm water and foam. After the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling and tightness of the skin, so it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer.

Detox with white clay.

Suitable for those with dry and very sensitive skin. This mask perfectly relieves irritation and treats inflammatory processes.

Recipe: white clay dilute with boiled warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add vitamin E and aloe juice. Thanks to vitamin E, the mask will moisturize the skin and penetrate deeply into the cells to nourish it. Wash off the mask with warm water after half an hour.

Detox with blue clay.

Blue clay works well on tired and irritated skin. The tendency to pimples and acne will gradually disappear if you use this mask regularly.

Recipe: mix clay with warm water, stir in a few drops of rosemary oil and aloe juice. Apply the mask to your face until completely dry. After applying the mask, it is recommended to take a lying position so as not to cause the clay to crack with facial expressions. It is better to wash your face with warm water and moisturizer.

Detox face mask with apples

Ripe apples are used not only to cleanse the body from the inside, but also as facial skin care products. The detox mask is prepared from ripe apples. Grind one apple and add the white of one egg to this puree. This procedure perfectly tightens the skin and tightens enlarged pores. Malic acid evens out skin color and helps eliminate age spots.

Activated charcoal for facial cleansing

Try a cleansing detox face mask from activated carbon recommended in the fall. It cleanses skin cells very thoroughly. To do this, grind the coal tablets into powder. This can be done in a blender or coffee grinder. Add 1 teaspoon natural yoghurt and the same amount of lemon juice. Mix the consistency well and apply to facial skin for only 10-15 minutes. For a deep effect, before the procedure you should steam your face over potato steam. Enlarged pores will allow activated carbon particles to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and remove dirt from them. To soothe your skin after the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube with mint or aloe.

The second way to cleanse your face with charcoal is a film mask. Grind the coal tablet into powder and mix with gelatin. To stabilize, it is recommended to add a few drops of cream or milk. In a warm place, let the gelatin dissolve and swell. The mixture will harden into a film as it cools. At this moment it needs to be applied to the face, specifically to problem areas - forehead, near the nose and chin. Remove the mask after it has completely dried, starting from the chin. If it doesn’t come off well, just wash well with cleansing facial foam.

Banana facial cleansing

Using a banana detox for your face is a very pleasant procedure. Dry skin will be filled with moisture, and oily skin will be energized. Suitable for people with different skin types. Mash half a large banana and add a little liquid honey. After 5 minutes, add 33% cream or sour cream and apply to cleansed skin. Ascorbic acid, which is contained in this exotic fruit, eliminates wrinkles and helps to prolong the youth of the skin.

Oatmeal detox face mask

Fine oatmeal or oatmeal has a very good effect on facial skin, which is why they like to use it in facial and hair care programs. young girls and older women. You need to mix oatmeal, liquid warm honey and half a banana. For oily skin, it is recommended to add one yolk and a few drops of aloe juice. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Help for dry skin

A detox face mask made from kefir will help in gently cleansing dry skin. Any fermented milk products are suitable for this purpose. Mix kefir, honey and cottage cheese of any fat content. You will get a very thick porridge, which you apply to your face for just 15 minutes. The skin will have time to receive complete cleansing care.

Detox face mask for normal skin types

Normal facial skin also requires additional care and maintenance. Simple recommended gauze mask from green tea. Brew large-leaf green tea, add lemon oil or lemon juice to it. Soak gauze in the solution and apply to face. Lemon and green tea tone and energize skin cells.

Features and indications for use

Cosmetologists do not recommend deep cleansing skin detox masks more than once a week. Best time for the procedure - before bedtime. Cleansed skin will have the opportunity to recover. When performing the procedure for the first time, it is recommended to do a test on the skin of the hand in order to identify an allergic reaction to the components.


Detoxification using home remedies has virtually no contraindications, but you should use these types of cleansing with caution if you experience the following:

· Dermatitis, open inflammatory processes;

· Lactation;

· Oncological diseases;

· Allergy to mask components.

Premature aging skin is due to the fact that the water balance in the skin cells is disturbed. Detox face masks are able to maintain this balance at the correct level and provide the necessary hydration to the skin. Various detoxification programs are offered by beauty salons, but at home you will get excellent results without extra costs by using masks regularly. All ingredients for masks can be found at home. The use of herbal medicinal infusions, fruits, essential oils, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin outside and inside. This skin healing helps eliminate dark circles under the eyes and reduce fine wrinkles, reduce inflammation and get rid of dull complexion.