
What grows on the Christmas tree? (speech game for attention). Scenario of the trade union matinee “Let's celebrate the New Year together. Didactic game what grows on the Christmas tree goal

Tips for a novice organizer of New Year's parties at the Christmas tree for preschool and younger children school age from an experienced organizer

Isaeva Zoya Nikolaevna, methodologist, director of the State Budget Educational Institution of Children's Education and Training Center, Lipetsk, "Excellence in Public Education of the Russian Federation", experience pedagogical work 40 years

If I go and count the number of organized and held New Year’s holidays in my entire life, it will probably be a considerable number. I'm sure it's approaching a thousand. And this is understandable. Is there a holiday with even wider possibilities, where any creative thought of the director can run wild, where even the most crazy, at first glance, idea can find its embodiment in a holiday?

After all, undoubtedly, the most anticipated, most desired holiday for all children, which is organized in schools, kindergartens, institutions additional education- it's New Year's. Miracle, magic, fairy tale, reincarnation, triumph of goodness - this is what children want to see at the holiday. And it does New Year's celebration the most beloved.

About the structure
New Year's matinees (extras at the Christmas tree) have a common structural course and common techniques: common heroes - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, round dances, theatrical performances with the participation of fairy-tale characters, lighting of the Christmas tree, presentation of gifts, performance of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Everything is very simple.
For some reason, they think that anyone can organize and host a New Year’s party. But this simplicity is deceptive. After all, children often leave matinees disappointed. And it is true. The organizers need to understand that the matinee is a unique phenomenon. This action intertwined pagan round dances, theatrical performances, concert performances, masquerades and carnivals, competitions and games. New forms have also been added here: disco, startup, quest game, etc.

About errors
Many years ago I had to attend one New Year's party, where I brought my youngest son. I remember this “holiday” for a long time. My disappointment and bewilderment began with the fact that there was nowhere to dress the child in a fancy dress. There were three benches throughout the entire lobby. And that’s all... Somehow, practically on the floor, I freed my son from huge amount winter clothes and dressed him in a Bunny costume. We went up into the hall and looked around: in the center there was a huge fluffy Christmas tree, on the sides of the hall there were rows of chairs.
At a distance, in the corner of the hall, old posters were stacked. We sat down and waited for the start. Exactly at the appointed time, without announcement, cheerful festive music began to play, and fairy tale characters performed by members of the theater group. The heroes began the New Year's performance, shouting loudly into the microphones.
The trouble was that none of the “heroes” listened to the others’ remarks, the sounds overlapped each other and as a result, nothing was clear to us, the spectators sitting on chairs or pressed against the walls.
Then they appeared fairy-tale heroes more and more. It was difficult for us to follow the theatrical action, and even more difficult to react to it. And now the children got bored. My four-year-old son did not leave my side and began to ask to go home. Older boys began to climb onto the folded old posters, jump from there, throw something, and some simply ran around the hall.
Believe it or not, the “performance” lasted about fifteen minutes. New characters appeared, then they caught someone, screaming loudly, and looked for Santa Claus. But the most interesting thing is that the artists very rarely remembered the children and themselves enjoyed their performance and, apparently, received great pleasure from it.
When almost all the children's desire to have fun at the Christmas tree had completely disappeared, they were invited to hold hands tightly and begin celebrating the New Year, preferably with a joyful smile, expecting a miracle. But for some reason they no longer believed in magic and no one wanted to wait for a miracle.
But the organizers continued the celebration. The round dance turned out to be very crowded, the children stepped on each other’s feet. And when, in response to the words: “Like snowflakes, we spin,” we had to spin around ourselves, waving our arms at the same time, a real crowd began. The flight of snowflakes, like many other things, did not work out. And why? No one thought to calculate the amount of space for a small person at the Christmas tree. Although this is not difficult to do. We measure the length of the circle line, divide it by 50-60 cm and get the number of participants in the round dance. They invited, apparently, as many as would come. Or they solved their financial problems at the expense of their children.
Even greater confusion began when the relay games began. They apparently began to conduct them in order to somehow contrive and give the children gifts from the bag. After all, you won’t just give them away to whoever you like best. The presenter failed to invite the participants and clearly explain the conditions of the game; he spoke for a long time, catching himself and interrupting himself, as a result of which almost no one understood anything: where, when to run and what to do.
As a result of the whole event, I, and I think the others, had a question: could everything be done differently?
It is clear that those organizers who approach the preparation and holding of children's parties professionally, seriously, and for whom not a single child is left out of the action for a single minute - create a real holiday that remains in the memory for a long time.
Here are some tips from an experienced organizer of New Year's shows at the Christmas tree:
1. Just as “theater begins with a coat rack,” so does Christmas story for children it should start from the very threshold. Let me give you a well-known striking example. In E. Ryazanov’s film “Carnival Night,” all participants “entered” the holiday from a hill. Great? Great. Is it hard for you to come up with something? Here we are at the Palace in Novorossiysk, where I used to work, in the lower lobby we placed a rotating hut on chicken legs, from the window of which Baba Yaga looked out, made by the skillful hands of teacher T.D. Emtseva from foam rubber. Baba Yaga looked just like the real one. The hut was spinning, and Baba Yaga was asking riddles to the children.
They also came up with many competitions and attractions that had to be completed before the main event began. Introduction to the holiday, adaptation - that's what we, the organizers, called it.
2. The number of children at the party should be carefully thought out and calculated. Each child should be provided with his own personal territory, where he could dance, play, or at least simply not step on his neighbor’s foot.
3. Hold events in a beautiful, specially decorated hall, where there are no (as in my example “old posters”) unnecessary objects that distract the attention of children.
4. If the Christmas tree is in the middle of the hall, then during rehearsals, provide for the simultaneous action of the characters on both sides, as well as the transition of the characters from site to site.
The most convenient option, in my opinion, is for the tree to stand on the side of the room.
5. Don’t overdo it, turning the matinee into a performance where
children are passive spectators. A child only enjoys the holiday when he himself plays, competes, drives away negative heroes, fights evil, when he understands that the salvation of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, and sometimes the New Year itself depends on him. This is why involving children in permission various situations very important to consider when organizing presentations.
6. Do not include poetry reading in the program, especially when there is no
opportunity to read them to all children present, but only selectively (due to lack of time, large quantity children, etc.). It is possible to understand the grievances of children and parents. After all, how his child prepared to meet Santa Claus! How I waited! But for some reason they didn’t manage to tell it, as it seems to them, specifically to their son or their daughter. Try to do this after the performance, so that each child fulfills his dream - to read a poem to Santa Claus, and if necessary, be sure to distribute gifts from the bag.
7. About gifts. Gifts in Santa Claus's bag should not differ much in size, design, beauty, or price. After all, how can you compare, for example, a lollipop and a real car, the dream of every boy?
8. Do not introduce many characters into the script. Since the simultaneous participation of a large number of heroes in the presentation only creates confusion. The heroes, having said their lines, are bored by the Christmas tree, disturbing the children. Children do not have time to follow the plot and react.
9. About music. Many organizers today use all the texts of the characters in the recording. I'm not sure this is justified. I'm not convinced that this is great. After all, how many times have funny incidents happened: the hero’s voice sounds, but he stands with his mouth closed. Confusion? I like it when presenters work through a head or radio microphone in contact with the children (interactively), if necessary, improvising along the way.

I prefer to play music games with the accompaniment of a good musician playing an electric accordion or a synthesizer. I wish you good luck and hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve!

I offer several games that I often use on New Year's performances near the Christmas tree, and which children like.
Musical game "Winter fun".
Imagination development game imaginative thinking, movement coordination.
Host: Guys, tell me which ones winter fun You know? ( Children answer: skiing, skating, sledding, playing snowballs, taking a fortress, etc.). Great. Let's all go on a ski trip together. (Imitation game). Turn one after another around the Christmas tree (or in a circle), put on your skis, pick up your poles and go ahead to cheerful music.
. Music for skiing “At the edge of the forest”
Host: Only a light frost stings your nose and cheeks. And we don’t care. Fluffy snow glistens all around. Great! (music stopped). Now we'll play in the snow. Let's all sit down and make snowballs together. To the words “one-two” (make a snowball) they threw (we throw at whoever we want), “three-four” (make a snowball) they threw (throw). We warm our hands, we warm our hands (three hands), we warm our legs, we warm our legs (we stomp our feet). To the Christmas tree, to the Christmas tree, top-to-top (we go to the Christmas tree or to the center of the circle, stamping our feet) and back, and back, clap-clap-clap (we move away from the Christmas tree or from the center of the circle and clap our hands).”
“And now I suggest you skate around the Christmas tree, but only in the other direction. (Imitation game) Please put on your skates. Boys, put your hands behind your back, and girls grab your skirts. And by smooth ice our skates slipped. Let's go to fun music!
. Music for skating. "At the edge of the forest"
And again we play in the snow.
. Music for a snowball fight. “One, two, quit…”

Game "Teapot with Lid"
A musical game for attention, coordination of movements, development of imaginative thinking. It is carried out several times with a gradually accelerating pace.
First, we invite the children to brew together a fragrant, strong tea, which will greatly help to warm up in the winter cold. We learn the words and immediately the movements.
Presenter: Chainichek (with both hands they outline a volumetric ball, a “pot-bellied teapot”) with lid ( draw a horizontal line away from you with your right hand), cap (the movement with the right hand is repeated) with a bump (p The alchiks of the right hand are collected “in a pinch” and, as it were, placed on top of the lid).»
Cone ( fingers again with a pinch, same movement) with a hole ( with the index finger of the right hand, show the hole from top to bottom). Steam comes out of the hole (the movement of the “hole” is repeated) (with the index finger of the right hand, trace curls of steam rising from bottom to top).
Then everything is done in the opposite direction: steam comes out of the hole (steam is shown), the hole is in the cone, the cone is in the lid, the lid is in the teapot.”
After a clear explanation, the game is played to music, repeating
several times with increasing tempo.

Game "We're Following the Frost"
The game is an imitation for the development of movement coordination, creative imagination, and figurative memory.
This game can be used when you need to find someone if this “someone” does not come to the Christmas tree. In my example, we are going to search for Santa Claus. First, he learns the words that we will pronounce all together, walking at the same time:
“We follow Frost, we follow, we follow. We’ll bring you to our Christmas tree, we’ll bring you, we’ll bring you. Oh, what is this? ( asks the presenter):
a) And this is the Lipovka River, covered with a thick layer of ice. And we’re all along the river together, whack-whack-whack. Let’s all say together, in unison: “Whack, Whack, Whack,” while making a movement: we slide palm over palm, as if rubbing our hands.
b) And this is a Stone Log, covered with a layer of fluffy snow. And we squeak-scrape-scrape along the steep slopes. Let's all say together: skrab, skrab, skrab, while making movements with our hands, as when climbing a steep wall.
c) And this is Bykhanov’s garden with huge snowdrifts. And we go chap-chap-chap through the snowdrifts. Let's all say chap-chap-chap together and at the same time walk, raising our legs high.
Hear the cheerful march, it’s good that we went out to meet Santa Claus. Let's shout to him loudly: “Hey, we're here, grandpa!”
Musical dance game “We will now go right”.
I use this game not only in New Year's performances, but also in various other holiday extras for younger children age category:
- firstly, because the conditions of the game are simple and understandable;
- secondly, the words are easy to remember and can simply be repeated after the presenter;
- thirdly, any baby can count to three and this gives him great pleasure;
- fourthly, catchy music and simple movements, performed with a gradual acceleration of the tempo, bring joy to the child and create a feeling of festive fun.

I hope you will take my advice. I think you use at least one game if they are not already familiar to you. Good luck to you! Happy New Year 2015!

As a rule, there is not enough time to prepare a trade union matinee, so it is based either on well-known material or on material that does not require special preparation. Children read poems and sing songs learned in their group (class) for the New Year.

Host - We won’t be bored here.

Let's start the ball.

Let's meet friendly New Year,

He will bring us happiness!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Let's congratulate everyone, and now we'll dance in a circle

We'll have fun singing for you!

“New Year's round dance”

Presenter - It’s snowing, winter is all around.

I'll roll a snowball.

There will be music

I invite you to play.

Game: “What grows on the Christmas tree”

Before starting the game, he invites the children to practice so that they can all learn to say loudly the word “Yes!”

What grows on the Christmas tree?

Bunnies made from cotton wool?!

Chocolate bars?!

Candies, marmalades?!

Baby cots?!

What grows on the Christmas tree?



Old pillows?!

What grows on the Christmas tree?!

Bright pictures?!

White snowflakes?!

Torn shoes?!

A loud cracker?

Old clay pot?

White snowflakes?

Torn boots?

Red lanterns?

Bread crumbs?

Apples and cones?

Bunny pants?

Old newspapers?

Tasty candy?

Game “Who will take the handkerchief faster.”

Presenter - Let's play, relax,

Look at our fairy tale!

Fairy tale

(may show1. older children for toddlers,2. children in appropriate costumes. In this case, the tale is narrated by adults)

Kolobok appears.

Kolobok: I am a cheerful Kolobok,

Gingerbread man - ruddy side.

I'm high on sour cream,

I'm cold at the window.

And today in the garden for the Christmas tree

I'm invited to the guys.

(to the music the bun runs around the Christmas tree)

Ved: He was rolling along the path,

I was in a hurry to go to the garden for the Christmas tree.

Suddenly, right next to the Christmas tree

Met a wolf.

(a wolf comes out to meet the bun)

Wolf: Hello, nice bun!

Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

The boys will have a Christmas tree soon.

Wolf: I haven’t eaten at all since this morning.

Now I'll eat you!

Kolobok: What are you, gray, don’t rush,

The kids are waiting for us to visit!

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together!

Wolf: Well, thank you, I’m very glad!

I'll come to the Christmas tree in the garden!

(the wolf and the bun run behind the tree in different directions)

Ved: The bun rolled along the road again,

And towards the kolobok there is a bear from the den.

(the bun and the bear come out from behind the tree from different sides)

Bear: Hello, nice bun.

Where are you going, my friend?

Kolobok: I’m in a hurry to go to kindergarten,

The boys will have a Christmas tree soon.

Bear: I haven’t eaten at all since morning,

I'll eat you now!

Kolobok: No, my friends are waiting for me,

There's no way you can eat me!

Come see the children today

We will celebrate the New Year together!

Bear: I'll definitely come

And I’ll bring Mishutka!

(the bear waves his hand at the kolobok, they go in different directions behind the tree)

He sees them jumping in the forest

White bunnies.

(two bunnies come out to meet the bun)

1st hare: Hello, nice bun.

Where are you in a hurry, my friend?

Kolobok: I’m in a hurry to go to kindergarten,

The boys will have a Christmas tree soon.

Come visit the children

We will celebrate the New Year together.

2nd hare: Hurray! We bunnies have not been forgotten!

We were invited to the Christmas tree!

(a fox comes out from behind the tree)

Lisa: I'll catch you all now,

I'll break your bones!

Oh, what bunnies are here!

Maybe I should eat anyone?

(grabs one hare by the paw)

Here I am, sideways,

And I'll take it home.

(all the characters come out from behind the tree, the fox holds the hare by the paw)

Bear: Fox, let the hare go

We should go visit him.

Lisa: Forgive me, friends!

Here's your little bunny, take it!

(releases the hare)

Wolf: Well, you can forgive.

Lisa: I will be friends with you!

Kolobok: And now, friends, go ahead!

The Christmas tree is waiting for us all to visit!

Ved: Everyone get up in a round dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Leading: Well, let's continue the celebration in the hall.

Come on, the music is bolder!

Dance by our Christmas tree

No one will be lazy!

"New Year's Round Dance"

Ved: Now let's see what amazing events happen in the winter forest on the eve of the New Year holiday.

In the forest clearing there are centuries-old spruce trees,

White snowstorms covered the paths.

The Snow Maiden lives in a house made of ice floes.

The snow creaked barely audibly...Shh! It's coming here.

(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow: In a clearing at the edge of the forest

I live in a forest hut.

Call me Snegurochka,

All snowflakes are my relatives!

Hey Snowflakes, hurry up!

Spin around in a quick dance.

Paint the pine trees, spruce trees,

May they sparkle in the sun!

"Dance of the Snowflakes."

Snow: That's how nice they danced

And a little tired.

Now, friends, sit down,

Relax, smile...

Slowly and in order

Solve all the riddles:

“Everything sparkles and shines.

Decorates the Christmas tree with snow

It stings your ears, it stings your nose!

Who is he? (Santa Claus)"

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)

He arrives exactly at seven. Right? (No!)

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes!)

Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (No!)

He brings the children a Christmas tree. Right? (Yes!)

He comes with a gray wolf. Right? (No!)

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? (No!)

He is friends with the Snow Maiden. Right? (Yes!)

Presenter: Well, the answers have been given to the questions,

You know everything about Santa Claus.

And this means the time has come,

Which all the children are waiting for.

Let's call Santa Claus!

Father Frost:

Did I hear you calling me?

Happy New Year, friends!

I am very glad, guys, that I ended up in your kindergarten!

Don’t consider it a chore, shout out what’s your name?

(Children shout their names)

Snow Maiden:

Very fun today

The song is ringing, sound it!

Noisy New Year's holiday,

Light up your lights!

D.M: Happy New Year, friends!

Happy holiday to the rich!

Wishes you happiness and joy

Santa Claus for the guys!

Guys, I'm an old grandfather,

Guys, I am many years old!

In January and February

I walk on the earth.

As soon as I get out of bed -

Snowstorms are rising.

How I shake my sleeve -

Everything will be covered with snow.

But now I'm very kind

And I'm friends with the guys.

I won't freeze anyone

I won't catch anyone's cold.

I came from a good fairy tale.

Start games, dances,

Join the round dance!

Let's celebrate the Christmas tree together -

The long-awaited New Year!

Round dance "Santa Claus".

Snow: And at the Christmas tree as always

There is no trace of boredom.

Where does the loudest laughter come from?

Who's the most fun here?

D.M.: Well, of course, boys,

Naughty little girls!

Snow: And the girls are good.

Everyone laughs heartily!

D.M.: Boys are better anyway!

Snow: No, girls!

D.M.: Listen to this:

I'll read the poem now

And I’ll start showing.

Who will shout at the end more friendly,

That one will be more fun.

And the words are very simple,

And the movements are like this:

Hedgehogs came running, hedgehogs came running,

Sharpened, sharpened knives, knives.

Bunnies and bunnies galloped and galloped.

Come on together, come on together...



(Walk, performing the movements)

D.M.: For a start - good,

But let's try again!

Play again

Snow: We're almost deaf now,

But let’s admit it from the bottom of our hearts:

Both girls and boys -

You are all very good!

D.M.: And celebrate the New Year, friends,

We can't live without a song.

Now we'll sing about the Christmas tree

And we'll go around it.

And while we're walking like this,

Let's depict who we're singing about!

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

D.M.: And now I continue the holiday,

I invite all the guys to the dance.


Poems and game “Let’s run away from the frost.”

We started skiing

They ran away from Frost.

(Everyone performs the movements of skiers)

We got on our skates

They ran away from Frost.

(Skaters move in a circle)

We sat on the sleigh

They flew away from Frost.

(Children squat down and move in a circle)

We drove and rolled

And they landed in a snowdrift.

(Everyone falls, Santa Claus laughs)

Snow Maiden -

Would you guys like to

Solve my riddles?

Everyone is singing and having fun, doing a noisy round dance,

Because today is a holiday. What kind of holiday?

(New Year)

What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf?

Everything is cut-through, but if you take it, there’s water in your hand?!


Yes, guys, I have two silver horses.

I ride both at once! What kind of horses do I have?

We are nimble sisters,

Craftswomen run fast.

In the rain we lie down,

In the cold - we run:

This is our regime.

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm bringing out my friend horse.

For the rope-rein

I lead my horse through the yard.

Father Frost.

Well done you guys

We solved all the riddles.

And now dance again!

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Duckling dance


A chair is placed in front of the Christmas tree. To the music, two players run around the tree from different sides and sit on a chair. The one who sits on the chair the fastest wins.


The two tallest participants or two adults stand and join hands. They hold their hands up (like a mini round dance) and say:

“We were so tired of the mice, they chewed everything, ate everything. Let’s set up a mousetrap and catch all the mice.”

The remaining participants - mice - run between the hands of the catchers. At the last words, hands give up, the “mousetrap” slams shut, and whoever is caught joins the catchers. The mousetrap gets bigger and the game repeats. The last mouse wins.


Children are given a large inflatable ball. They squeeze it between their legs. At a signal, two children with a ball clamped between their legs jump around the tree in opposite directions. The one who returns to the starting place first wins.


4 children compete. Two children are holding a large inflatable ball between their heads. At a signal, two people run around the tree. The pair that runs faster and doesn't drop the ball wins.

Games in a circle with Santa Claus: “Mitten”, “I’ll freeze”.

Father Frost:

Oh, today I'm tired, I danced a comic dance,

I’ll sit here and look at the kids.

Let them recite poems and show their skills.

Children recite poems of their choice

Santa Claus: And for this, guys, I’ll give you delicious gifts.

I have a magic icicle, help me guys turn it into magic gifts.

I will speak magic words, and you throw ice cubes under the Christmas tree.

(Santa Claus scatters shiny confetti - “ice pieces” from an icicle into the children’s palms. Children throw ice pieces under the tree, Santa Claus says magic words)

Father Frost:

Don’t melt the ice-snowflakes,

Help Santa Claus.

You lie down under the Christmas tree

And turn into gifts.

(Magical music sounds, Santa Claus takes gifts from under the tree. All the heroes of the fairy tale hand out gifts.)

Snow Maiden:

The hour of farewell has come.

We had fun with you!

Father Frost:

As I say goodbye, I want to hug everyone.

And I'll be back again in a year!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving. Children leave the hall to the music.

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: “Christmas tree”


Introduce children to A. Barto’s poem “It Was in January.”
Develop an understanding of the poetic text, accumulate active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Introduce children to geometric figure“triangle”, consolidate knowledge about the circle, color, shape of objects.
Continue to teach children to compare objects by size, to understand the meaning of the prepositions “on”, “under”.
Teach children to follow basic instructions.
Practice sculpting, gluing and drawing with cotton swabs.
Develop auditory and visual attention, fine and gross motor skills, thinking, tactile analyzer.


An artificial Christmas tree covered with a large scarf.
Multi-colored clothespins, silhouette images of Christmas trees made of thick cardboard.
Diagram sheets of three triangles of different sizes, green triangles of the same sizes.
Background picture with the image of a Christmas tree, colored plasticine, large beads, cotton swabs, white gouache.
A background picture depicting three pits of different sizes, color silhouette pictures of three Christmas trees of suitable width.
A picture of a Christmas tree with large and small circles of different colors, large and small buttons of the same colors.
Counting sticks, pictures-schemes with the image of a Christmas tree.
A picture of a Christmas tree, silhouette images of hares and a wolf cut out of paper, and a glue stick.
Colored silhouette pictures of Christmas tree decorations and their shadows - black silhouette.
Green colored paper, pencils, scissors, glue, a large triangle cut from whatman paper (wallpaper), tinsel, double-sided tape, colored silhouette images of Christmas tree decorations.
Coloring book “Herringbone”, green finger paints.
Scissors, a strip of paper with drawn New Year's flags and black cutting lines.
Audio recordings: “Christmas trees”, “The Christmas tree is not cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Surprise moment “Guess what’s under the scarf?”

Can you touch what's under the scarf with your hands? What does it feel like? Prickly.

Green, prickly,
It grows in the forest.
She's on New Year's
He will come to visit us!

What do you think is under the scarf? Christmas tree.

Didactic exercise “Different Christmas trees”

Christmas trees are different. Let's show what types of Christmas trees there are.

Tall - raise your arms and stand on your toes.
Low - squat down.
Wide - spread your arms to the sides.
Narrow - press your lowered arms to your body.

Game "Find the Christmas tree"

Look, there are a lot of Christmas trees in front of you. They are all the same and only one of the Christmas trees is different from the others. Find this Christmas tree. How is it different from others?

Didactic game “Wide and Narrow”

Let's plant new Christmas trees together. Here in the picture two pits have already been prepared.

Christmas trees need to be planted in these holes. Show me the big hole, show me the little hole. Now select a Christmas tree of suitable size and plant it with its roots in the hole.
We planted the widest Christmas tree in the largest hole. We planted the narrowest Christmas tree in the smallest hole.

Construction of the “Herringbone”

This figure is called a “triangle”. Attach triangles of the appropriate size to the picture and you will get a Christmas tree. Place the largest triangle at the bottom, place a smaller triangle on top of the large triangle, and place the smallest triangle at the very top. What did you get? Christmas tree. How many triangles did we take to make the Christmas tree? Three triangles.

Game with clothespins “Christmas decorations”

Decorate the star and Christmas tree with colorful clothespins.

Modeling “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with toys”

Children stick colored pieces of plasticine onto a colored background with a picture of a Christmas tree - Christmas decorations. You can place large beads on top of the plasticine.

Dynamic pause “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Children walk along a path, bench, tunnel, etc. to the music.

Didactic game with buttons “Beauty Christmas Tree”

- The Christmas tree is already decorated with circles. Show circles large, small, red, yellow, blue, green, white. Choose your buttons suitable color and size and apply it to the circles on the Christmas tree. Then the Christmas tree will become even more beautiful.

Didactic game with counting sticks “Lay out the Christmas tree”

Children place counting sticks on top of the drawn diagram.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

Name what Christmas tree decorations lie in front of you. Ball, mushroom, icicle, snowflake, bell. Find suitable shape shadow and place a color picture on top of it.

Drawing “Snowball falling on the Christmas tree”

Children draw snowflakes with white gouache using cotton swabs.

Dynamic pause “The Christmas tree is not cold in winter”

Children dance around the Christmas tree. They throw “snow” on it - lumps of cotton wool or tinsel.

Reading the poem by A. Barto “It Was in January”

It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And angry wolves roamed near this tree.
Once upon a time at night, when the forest was so quiet,
A wolf and a hare meet a wolf under the mountain.
Who wants to fall into the clutches of a wolf on New Year's Day?
The little bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.
They folded their ears and hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies are hanging on the tree and are silent -
The wolf was deceived. It was in January -
He thought that there was a decorated Christmas tree on the mountain.

Application based on the poem “It Was in January”

Children first lay out and then stick hares on the tree, and a wolf under the tree. The teacher focuses the children’s attention on the concepts of “on” and “under”.

Collective construction “That’s the Christmas tree!”

(Construction is carried out together with parents).

Parents place children's palms on a sheet of green paper, trace them with a pencil, and cut them out along the outline. Children apply glue to part of their palm (at the wrist) and glue it to a large triangle (fingers down). Then toys and tinsel are glued to the Christmas tree (using double-sided tape).

Finger painting “Green Christmas tree”

Children paint over the silhouette of the Christmas tree with green paint.

Cutting with scissors “New Year’s flags”

Children use scissors to cut the flags along the line.

Game “Christmas trees and stumps”

Children, having heard the words about stumps, squat down and clasp their hands around their knees. And when they hear the words about the Christmas tree, they get to their feet and slightly spread their arms to the sides.

▫ Touching bouquet!)) Thank you Galina Ivanovna!
▫ It rained continuously for two days. Today the sky is clear, the sun is shining))
▫ `To be loved, to love is wonderful!` Thank you, Vladimir Nikolaevich, for this call)) I want to continue and say a few words specifically about love. The wives of the Decembrists went into exile with their husbands. Among them were women who passionately loved their husbands and simply saw no other choice for themselves. This is Trubetskaya, Muravyova, but Volkonskaya found herself in a different situation. She was married off as a young girl to a man old enough to be her father. And she, as can be seen from her notes, in general, did not love him, did not love him with real love, which everyone assumes is necessary for marriage. But, nevertheless, when the question arose before her: to go or not to go, she went, as she herself writes, because there was a sense of duty, because she was his wife, they got married in church. She tried to love and hoped that the birth of a child would bring this love. Moreover, she simply did not have time to create love. They had only been together for a short time, and she had not been able to get to know her husband well. An uprising occurred. We all watched on the screen and read in books how she arrived, fell to her knees, and kissed his shackles. His suffering brought them closer. The example is very vivid and eloquent. Of course, it probably has some kind of exclusivity, because not everyone is exiled. Perhaps, indeed, in exceptional circumstances, such a sense of duty awakens in people, which turns out to be the strongest, and it seems to entail the birth of love or an increase in love. And in those cases when nothing extraordinary happens, when people simply live and work and a mutually unpleasant situation arises, what to do then? I think that relationships still need to be built. Decide for yourself: no matter what, there are no other options and there will never be any more, it is already forbidden to dream, since you have connected your life with this person. Sometimes they forget about this unity, that it is a person’s calling. And family is precisely the first step towards such unity. Where husband and wife are truly one flesh. After all, the ideal of love is when two people already become one. And it is precisely the family that is the organism in which two individuals, who were initially strangers to each other, must become a single whole with a single heart, single thoughts, without losing their personal uniqueness, but enriching and complementing each other. This harmonious whole is the most beautiful thing that can be in the world. And when children are included in the family, the flower blooms with more and more petals, and each of them makes the whole flower even more beautiful. And this makes all of humanity more beautiful when everything consists of such bouquets of flowers. 6446116-a3974049 Perhaps it turned out pathetic ((, but I really wanted to confirm your thoughts in your wonderful poems, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Thank you for the wonderful lines!!!

Day four: Didactic games. “Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles), “The third wheel”,

“Find the tallest Christmas tree”, “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree”

Didactic games.

“Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles), “The third wheel”, “Find the tallest Christmas tree",

“Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree.”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (sensory culture), “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”.

Types of children's activities: communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, artistic.

Goals of the teacher: learn to compare objects by length, height; develop attention, perseverance, creative imagination, fine motor skills

Materials and equipment: educational games, colored strips (short and long), glue.

Content of organizational activities children.

1. Organizational moment.

Children look at pictures with New Year's themes located oneasel.


What holiday is coming soon?

What do you decorate before the New Year?

Who comes to the children on this holiday?

2. Didactic games.

Educator: “Guys, the New Year holiday is coming soon. The time when Santa Claus brings gifts, and the main beauty in the house isChristmas tree I suggest you today to sort through the pictures so that on themNew Year trees definitely appeared.”

Didactic game“Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles).

Two children assemble Christmas trees from individual geometric figures.They are compared by height.

Didactic game "The Third Wheel"

Educator: “I suggest you look carefully at the pictures located on the board (spruce, pine, autumn tree(Rowan))

What do you think, children, which picture is the odd one out here? Why? (Rowan. Because this tree does not have needles or cones, and in the fall its leaves fall off. Pine and spruce never shed their needles).

Didactic game “Find the tallest Christmas tree”

Educator: “Look at all the pictures and find which one of themthe tallest Christmas tree."

Didactic game “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree”

Educator: “I suggest, guys, to do beautiful beads for the Christmas tree, which will definitely come to us soon. (I am demonstrating a pre-prepared part of these beads from the same paper.) On the table you have short and long multi-colored stripes. From strips with gluewe glue the rings, first from short strips, small ones, then fromlong stripes, large rings. We connect the rings to each other,"alternating.

So we got beautiful New Year's beads with which we will decorate ourChristmas tree for the New Year.

3. Reflection.


That's how great we played.

What games did you play?

Which New Year's toy Shall we decorate our Christmas tree for the New Year?(Beads)